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Present Tense
a. Present Simple
Penggunaan Umum: Untuk menyatakan fakta umum, kebiasaan, atau kejadian yang terjadi secara
Time Signals: always, usually, often, sometimes, every day, on Sundays, etc.
Contoh: "She always drinks coffee in the morning."
Verbal: (+) S + V1 (s/es) + Object
(-) S + don’t/doesn’t + V1 + Object
Contoh: "They eat lunch."
Nominal: (+) S + “is/am/are” + ANA (Adjective, Noun, Adverb)
(-) S + “is/am/are” + not + ANA
Contoh: "She is a doctor. / She is not a doctor"
Passive: Object + "is/am/are" + V3 (by + Agent - opsional)
Contoh: “Lunch is eaten by them.”

b. Present Continuous
Penggunaan Umum: Untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung pada saat bicara.
(Bermakna Sedang/Tidak Sedang.)
Time Signals: now, at the moment, currently, right now, etc.
Contoh: "I am studying for my exams at the moment."
(+) S + "am/is/are" + V-ing + Object (bermakna sedang)
(-) S + “am/is/are” + not + V-ing + Object (bermakna tidak sedang)
Contoh: "He is playing football."
Passive: Object + "is/am/are being" + V3 (by + Agent - opsional)
Contoh: “Football is being played by them.”

c. Present Perfect
Penggunaan Umum: Untuk menyatakan aktivitas sudah/belum terjadi dengan waktu yang tidak
terlalu jelas.
Time Signals: ever, never, still, already, yet, just, since, for, recently, etc.
Contoh: "I have visited that museum before."
Verbal: (+) S + "has/have" + V3 + Object (bermakna sudah)
(-) S + “has/have” + not + V3 + Object (bermakna belum)
Contoh: " They have finished their homework."
Nominal: (+) S + "has/have" + been + ANA
(-) S + "has/have" + not + been + ANA
Contoh: "I have been in Tangerang ."
Passive: Object + "has/have been" + V3 (by + Agent - opsional)
Contoh: “Their homework has been finished by them”

d. Present Perfect Continous

Penggunaan Umum: Untuk menunjukkan tindakan yang dimulai di masa lalu, berlanjut hingga
sekarang, dan mungkin masih berlangsung.
Time Signals: for (selama), since (sejak), so far, up to now, since dst.
Verbal: (+) S + "has/have been" + V-ing + Object
(-) S + "has/have” + not + been + V-ing + Object
Contoh: "We have been studying for 1 hour."
Nominal: S + "has/have been" + ANA
Contoh: "She has been my bestfriend since 2009."
Passive: “Have/has been being” + V3
Contoh: “My novels have been being published for 1month”
Contoh: “His house has been being decorated by adam”

Past Tense
a. Past Simple
Penggunaan Umum: Untuk menyatakan kejadian atau aktivitas yang terjadi dengan jelas dimasa
Time Signals: yesterday, last week, two days ago, in 1990, etc.
Verbal: (+) S + V2 + O
(-) S + didn’t + V1 + O
(?) Did + S + V1 + O?
Contoh: "He finished his homework yesterday."
Nominal: (+) S + was/were + ANA
(-) S + was/were + not + ANA
(?) Was/were + S + ANA?
Contoh: The children were extremely happy at the birthday party yesterday.
Passive: “Was/were + V3”
Contoh: The birthday party yesterday was attended by the children who were
extremely happy.

b. Past Continuous
Penggunaan Umum: Untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu di
masa lalu.
Time Signals: while, when, as, at 5 o'clock, etc.
Contoh: "We were having dinner when the phone rang."

c. Past Perfect
Penggunaan Umum: Untuk menyatakan tindakan yang selesai sebelum tindakan lain di masa lalu.
Time Signals: before, after, by the time, already, etc.
Contoh: "She had already left when I arrived."

d. Past Perfect Continous

Penggunaan Umum: Digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian dimasa lampau yang telah selesai
(time signal jelas) serta menjelaskan durasinya.
Verbal: S + "had been" + V-ing + Object
Contoh: "We had been studying for 1 hour yesterday."
Nominal: S + "had been" + ANA
Contoh: "I had been there for 5 months last year."

Future Tense
a. Future Simple
Penggunaan Umum: Untuk menyatakan kejadian yang akan terjadi di masa depan.
Time Signals: tomorrow, next week, in the future, soon, etc.
Contoh: "They will visit us next month."
b. Future Continuous
Penggunaan Umum: Untuk menyatakan kejadian yang akan sedang berlangsung pada suatu titik
waktu di masa depan.
Time Signals: at 6 PM tomorrow, by this time next week, etc.
Contoh: "I will be traveling when you call me."

c. Future Perfect
Penggunaan Umum: Untuk menyatakan tindakan yang akan selesai sebelum tindakan lain di masa
Time Signals: by the time, before, when, etc.
Contoh: "She will have finished the project by Friday."

S: I, You, They, We, Plural (HAVE) | She, He, It, Singular (HAS)

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