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9. Explain in your words the difference between the chemical and the nuclear reactions.

In chemical reactions, the reactants are transformed, but the atoms never change their identity, the
electrons in the orbitals participate in the breaking and formation of bonds, the reactions are always
accompanied by energy changes and the rate of the reaction depends on the concentration, temperature,
catalysis and the compound in which the element is found.

In nuclear reactions atoms of one element are converted into atoms of another element, protons,
neutrons and other particles participate, electrons in the orbitals rarely take part, the reactions are
accompanied by relatively large energy changes and measurable changes in mass and the reaction rates
are affected by the number of nuclei, but the temperature, catalyst or the compound in which the element
is found do not affect the reaction.

10. Explain in terms of the nuclear reactions and the stability of the nucleus, the abundance of the
elements in the universe.

The most abundant elements are Hand He, which is like the footprints of The Big Bang in the universe.
Due to they have smaller binding energy, these elements are the first ones to be synthesized anywhere in
the universe.
These elements are essential for the formation (nucleosynthesis) of heavier elements. Young stars from a
very long time ago have formed both of these elements. However, nucleosynthesis has a stopping point,
which is when it generates energy through nuclear fusion until it produces Fe. The upcoming reaction will
be nuclear fission. This reaction will take the star to the point where it has to explode and die without
leaving heavier elements.
For instance, Fe has the most extensive binding energy in the whole universe, and it is the reason for it to
be the most stable element that we know.

11. Talk about the penetrability of the different radiations: 𝜶, 𝜷, 𝜸

Alpha particles (𝜶): are helium nuclei that are composed of two protons and two neutrons, 42𝐻𝑒.
Alpha particles have the largest ionizing power and the ability to ionize molecules and atoms due to the
largeness of alpha particles. However, alpha particles have the lowest penetrating power. Alpha particles
can penetrate matter. However, the skin, even the air, can protect against radiation from alpha particles.

Beta particles (𝜷): Their neutrons are converted into protons and emit electrons. They have less ionizing
power than alpha particles, but their penetrating power is greater than alpha particles. These particles
are more dangerous than alpha particles. They can harm the body. Their electrons and mass are much
smaller than those of alpha particles. These characteristics allow these particles to have a greater capacity
to penetrate matter. For these particles to be retained, i.e., to prevent their penetration, a sheet of metal
or a thick piece of wood is required. In contrast to alpha particles, beta particles can penetrate a sheet of

Gamma particles (𝜸): They are electromagnetic radiations, they have no charge, no mass. Their photons
have high energy. Their ionizing power is very low compared to the particular alpha and beta, for this
reason, their penetrating power is higher. In order to retain their penetration, a layer of lead or a concrete
wall is required.

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