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FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities ~ ‘A Whole New World Table Of Contents TALK TO THE ENTITIES THE ACCESS CLEARING STATEMENT... WHAT ARE ENTITIES? i; MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT ENTITIES. EVERYONE HAS THE ABILITY ENTITIES ARE NEVER THE PROBLEM, ‘You ARE MAJOR CLEARINGS... FEAR OF ENTITIES ENTITIES AT NIGHT & SETTING BUSINESS HOURS AWARENESS TRUSTING, CLAIMING AND OWNING WHAT you KNOW. DIFFERENT KINDS OF ENTITIES . PEopLE ENTITIES... ENERGY/LIGHT ENTITIES .. NATURE SPIRITS . FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World 3 FROZEN ENTITIES _ GROUP AND CLusteR Entimes. = GLOP AND GLom.. oo COMMITMENTS, OATHS, VOWS, FEALTIES, COMEALTIES, BINDING & BONDING CONTRACTS AND OTHER LIFETIME: MAGNETIC IMPRINTING a a CLEAR, COMMUNICATE AND RECEIVE COMMUNICATION WITH ENTITIES....... WHO IS COMMUNICATING WITH YOU?....... MAKING ENTITIES THE SOURCE FOR THE CREATION OF YOUR LIFE ... ANCESTORS BLACK MAGIC PORTALS.. EXIT STAGE LEFT .. WHAT ELSE IS POSSIBLE? WHAT'S NEXT?... TALK To THE ENTITIES IMMERSION WITH SHANNON O'HARA TALK TO THE ENTITIES BEYOND TALK TO THE ENTITIES FACILIT/ PRE-REQUISITES FOR TTTE FACILITATOR CERTIFICATION CONTACT... OVERVIEW OF ACCESS CONSCIOUSNESS... Access Consciousness® Core CLASsEs. Beseuzsasssneeses SERES FEB 2016 Talk To sre Entice — A whole New Weld Talk To The Entities Takk To The Entities is a specialty Fer rarome of Access 12 to create 0 wordt 3 z & z 3 z i Wf you have no judgmen' evmeything for what itis, not for what you want tought to be, but just for what itis. 4 fs the billy to be present in your Me iy ee moment, without judgment of you or anyone else. It is the ability to create everything you receive everything, reject nothing, and desire in life - greater than what you curren! what you can imagine. What would it be like i there were no more fear and judgment ip ivards to entities but rather an easy, rewarding realty where people and entities were in total allowance of one another? Please join us in discovering a totally different possibility. Shannon O'Hara Founder, Talk To The Entities FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities ~ A Whole New World The Access Clearing Statement The clearing statement we use in Access Consciousness is... Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POC and POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds. Right and Wrong, Good and Bad is shorthand for: What's good, perfect and correct about this? What's wrong, mean, vicious, terrible, bad, and awful about this? What's right and wrong, good and bad? Poc Is the point of creation of the thoughts, feelings and emotions immediately preceding whatever you decided. POD Is the point of destruction immediately following whatever you decided. It's like pulling the bottom card out of a house of cards. The whole thing falls down. Alla ‘Stands for nine layers of crap that we're taking out. You know that ‘somewhere in those nine layers, there's got to be a pony because you couldn't put that much crap in one place without having a pony in there. It's crap that you're generating yourself, which is the bad part. The good part is, because you created it, you can change it. Shorts Js the short version of: What's meaningful about this? about this? What's the punishment for this? FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World this is it—except it's not an onion, It's an energetic structure that looks like one. These are pre-verbal Have you ever seen one of those kids’ bubble pipes? Blow here and you create a mass of bubbles on the other end of the pipe? As You pop one bubble it fills back in, Basically these have to do with those areas of our life where we've tried to change something continuously with no effect. This is what keeps something repeating ad infinitum, Beyonds Are feelings or sensations you get that stop your heart, stop your breath, or stop your willingness to look at possibilities. It's like when your business is in the red and you get another final notice ‘and you say argh! You weren't expecting that right now. Sometimes we just say, "POD and POC it.” What are Entities? The definition of entity in Webster's dictionary is: That which is perceived or known or inferred to have its own physical existence (living or non-living). This can be a person, tree, business, work of art, book, song and so on. Entities are energy that is defined. By this definition you are also an entity. You are defined by your name, gender, ethnicity, Points of view and so on. FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities ~ A Whole New World Ultimately you will have to trust you and find the way it works for you. Hopefully this process will be fun and open up doorways to greater consciousness. We're going to run into entities that are just like you and me, and those that are not, and those weird ones that are going to require you to stretch your reality and open up to greater possibilities — if you are willing. How does it get better than this? Let's have some fun! Misconceptions AI ntities For the most part the world of entities is judged to be a bad thing. It usually falls into this category. And there are others who judge entities to be good. Neither one of these judgments is correct. Entities are just like people (for the most part). Meaning some of them are kind, some of them are mean, some of them are smart and aware and some of them are not smart and very unaware. frect ideas have you bought and Another huge area of misconception about entities comes from movies and television. Most of what is depicted in movies and television about entities, spirits, ghosts and all this sort of stuff is for the most part incorrect and heavily dramatized. | know this may seem obvious but | have worked with hundreds of who are afraid of entities and when we get down to what is creating that fear it is often from something they saw in a movie. ee FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities ~ A Whole New World more. Just that simple question is often enough for them to recognize what is going on and make another choice. It may be obvious to you but they may have been unconscious when their body died due to drugs, alcohol or something else and titerally they do not realize they don’t have a body any more. Another huge misconception is that entities are more capable of something than people with bodies are. This is hugely false. They do not have the same time and spatial reality that we in bodies have but aside from that you are every bit as capable as any other entity, As a matter of fact you may be more capable than they are. You can talk and hold hands and move things. This is an endless source of frustration for them that they cannot talk directly to people or move things easily. Entities can move things but it is not easy for them. This is why they affect electrical systems mostly because it is easier than moving gross matter. Entities are not the omnipotent, all powerful super beings they have been made out to be. A Whole New World of Talk To The Entities is for you to start to really be aware of who and what the entities that you are dealing with are. Not who you project and expect them to be. Once you see what is, with entities a whole lot of the paranoia and fear disappears. What's it going to take? . FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities ~ A Whole New World What invention are you using to create your present feality with entities? Will you destroy and uncreate them all? Right, wrong, 990d, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyond What invention are you using to create the upset with entities you have been choosing? Will you destroy and unoreate them all? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyond Everyone Has the Ability How much energy are you using against you to resist _your awareness of entities? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds. Everyone has the ability to perceive, receive and communicate with entities. It is not a special skill that only a chosen few possess. Children and animals perceive entities dynamically. So at some Point you were a child whom was aware of entities. How is your awareness of entities now? FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World 10 Everywhere you gave up your awareness for someone else's reality will you destroy and_uneré it? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds, What are you capable of with entities that you refuse to perceive, know, be and receive and all that that brings up will you destroy and uncreate it? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds. Entities are Never the Problem, You Are Entities are never the problem, you are. It is how people handle entities that creates the problem, not entities themselves. People create the problems with entities because they are unwilling to claim and own what they are capable of in this area. If you know what kind of entity you are dealing with and how to handle it, (much more on this later) it cannot only be easy and effective but hugely rewarding for everyone involved. Since there is so much incorrect information taught and given about entities, people loose their ability to see and perceive what they are actually dealing with. They lose their knowing with entities in favor of their judgments and expectations. If one knows how to handle entities and their own awareness of entities there is never a problem, only possibility for greater awareness and ability. The problems of the world you are experiencing are opportunity to step up and be more aware. You are to push your self to wake up. You create the unconsciousness. Be conscious and everything possible, even scary spirits! ill Major Clearings If you have any difficulty, confusion, fear, paranoia ‘around entities, spkits and ghost run these a a FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World 1 What pattern of disharmony are you using to create difficulty, impotency and fear of entities, spirits and ghosts? All that that is will you destroy and uncreate it? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds. We become disharmonious with spirits and entities because we only see people who are disharmonious with entities. In addition we are told and shown all the time that having harmony with entities must be wrong or bad in some way. In this way we become disharmonious with spirits and start freaking out when ever they are around. What have you made so vital about possessing the patterns of disharmony with entities that you give up your choice. them? All that that is will you destroy and uncreate it? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds. All the patterns of disharmony you have with entities creating separation, anxiety, confusion and disruption will you destroy and FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World 12 will you destroy and uncreate it? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds. What stupidity are you using to create the difficulty, unease, disease, non-clarity, confusion, fear and problem with entities that you are choosing? Will you destroy and uncreate it? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds, How many connection points, stability points, auto responders, crushed auto _ responders, _incarcerations, _ projections, expectations, separations, judgments and _ rejections, mixed committal. obligations, and_ artificial intelligence systems do you ‘ae to always create difficulty around entities for you? Right, 1g, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds. Connection points are the things we try to do in order to feel Connected to people. Connection points are where you always look for the connection or similarity between you and others. Where you try and connect on topic rather than create. When you connect on something you have to align or agree with it rather than have choice. You want to create rather than connect. How. Stability points are where you try to maintain stability in your life and reality so nothing changes too much. An auto responder is something that you created or were given so y ene ea FEB 2016 — Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World 13 How many auto responders to entities do you have? Will you destroy and uncreate them? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds, How many crushed auto responders to entities do you have? Will you destroy and uncreate them? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds. How many auto responders do you have that activate when you perceive entities? Will you destroy and uncreate them? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds. \f you are on auto response with entities as soon as you perceive ‘one in any way you automatically respond. Your auto response may be rejection or barriers or fear or shaking or depression or sickness. Regardless of what your exact auto response is, it is not a choice it is a program. Are you a robot or an infinite being? entities but I'm terrified of it. It is total conflict that you c think your way through. FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities ~ A Whale New World “4 How many artificial intefigence ayatere and entities have you Created? Wil you destroy and uncreate afl of Inve now? Right, wrong, good, bad, ail #, POG. POD, shorts, boys and beyond Artificial inteligence systems and entities are things that you put into your body aa a way of trying to make yoursell emart Do they work? Are you a robot of an infinite being? Might you consider discovering what is real and true for you withy ‘entities? Not what others tell you is real and true with entibes. Your success with entities will be determined by your willingness to see what is, not your projections, expectations, separations, rejections and judgments. What is YOUR reality with entities? Fear of Entities Fear is the number one inhibiter that people use with entities. it is a choice people make not a requirement. If you do not go to fear with entities consider yourself a miracle. If you do go to fear with entities this section will address that. Fear is ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS a distractor implant. The distractor implant of fear always, always, always covers up and distracts you from POTENCY. Fear is not a reality, it is misidentified potency. ‘So when you go to fear, what is really going on is resisting and distracting yourself from ACCESSING A POTENCY that is becoming available to you. FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities ~ A Whole New World 16 Whose reality are you validating with the fear of entities you are choosing? Will you destroy and uncreate it? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds, Ask yourself “Is this fear mine or did | buy this from someone or something else?" Look at your points of view to determine if they are yours or not. We often buy other peoples’ points of view about things, like our parents or our church's points of view. What creation of your fear of entities are you using. to validate other peoples’ realities? All that that is, will you destroy and uncreate it? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds. If your mother or father was afraid of entities there is a chance you might have bought their points of view about this subject before you were even two years old, FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World 16 Everywhere that you bought that talking to people that didn’t have bodies like ours was. forbidden, and something. that allowed, will you rescind, revoke, _r denounce, destroy and uncreate it all times a wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds. What stupidity are you using to create the fear and | entities, ghosts, spooks, monster vampires that you find entertai choosing? Everything that is, will you times _a godzillion? Right, wrong, good, shorts, boys and beyonds. Everywhere that you have bought into entiti made to be weird, mysterious, scary, unaccet you destroy and uncreate it all times a godzillio igt good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds. What stupidity are you using to create the lack of clarity, feat disbelief of entities you are choosin: ing. that.s,.will you destroy and uncreate it all times a godzillion? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds. report having a lot of entity activity at night, and at night and in dreams. This is because while Pine oe aE igh ote ee are trying to get through to you in the daytime FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities ~ A Whole New World 17 Dreams are not make believe, they are actually occurring, whether it makes sense to you or not. Many times entities come in to your dreams because it does not fit into the daily waking life for them to ‘show up. The more you are willing to be aware of and handle the beings that are all around you throughout your daily life, the less they will be bothering you at night. If you would like them to stop coming at night ask for them to come in the daytime and set a time. This is called creating business hours. To set business hours you tell the entities they are only allowed to talk to you during your business hours and tell them what those hours are. Just be sure to remember what time you set and honor that. Avoiding awareness and entities really does not serve you or them. They will come back and push on you even harder to get your attention. It's just your attention they want and when you ignore and resist it that is when it starts hurting. Run the above meaning process repeatedly until you have no more answers and you feel spacy. FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World 18 The more you acknowledge your awareness the stronger it gets. Every time you invalidate it, It gets weaker. Every time you tell yourself you are wrong of you don't know or you must just be making it up, the weaker your awareness gets and the more difficult it becomes to claim it Every time you say yes to what you are aware of even if you are not cognitive of what it is, every time you claim, own and acknowledge what you are aware of the stronger and stronger your muscles of awareness becomes. Awareness is a muscle that must be exercised otherwise it atrophies. What stupidity are you using to be as dense, unconscious, solid and fixed as everyone else that you are choosing? Destroy and uncreate all that times a godzillion? Right, wrong, good, bad, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds. wning what you know. What if this is about you trusting you, you being more aware of what you are aware of. You all have so much capacity, so much awareness and so much ability to have a life beyond, what we eee a a FEB 2018 — Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World 19 What stupidity are you using to not trust you totally that you choosing? Destroy and uncreate all that times @ godzillion? wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds Who and what are you defending for or against that if you did not defend for or against it would create total ease with entities and all your abilities in this area? Everything that is will you destroy and uncreate all that times a godzillion? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds, g willing to have this peace? Trusting you is a peaceful place. Are you willing to be so different that you don't have that doubt in you? How many people do you know that totally trust themselves? How different are you willing to truly be? Are you willing to acknowledge how different you are? Doubt and fear are two of the distractor implants. “Lhad such fear about this." Fear is a distractor implant. It is not real! Whenever someone says, “| am afraid,” or “that's scary” they are from a distractor implant. Ask for what's undemeath the fear and clear it. Doubt is an absence of presence and being. When you have the absence of presence and being, you're in a distractor, Could an infinite being have a doubt? No. That's why it's a distractor implant. All the. seam tnlanis of doubt you. ae oa ee and owning what you Right... oe good, ‘bad al 9 POC. ew] Have you ever seen something move out of the comer of Breen yal wert eG Ninls Wie Cooaicg Wace baad Suna FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World 20 These are all entities you perceive. So, every time in the past you thought a deceased loved one was there with you or you knew a Spirit was in the room, can you acknowledge that now? This is saying yes to your awareness. When you say, “that can't be real", boom, the door is shut. Acknowledge what you are aware of, instead of telling yourself you are wrong. Instead of ignoring it, ‘start to acknowledge it. Just by doing that it will get stronger and easier and you no longer have to live in the gray matter of doubt, and you no longer have to reject the ease of consciousness. When you don't acknowledge your awareness it becomes weaker. Every decision you make, every judgment you make and every conclusion you come to eliminates what you can be aware of. Instead of making a statement like “I don't know’ or “this is impossible", ask a question like: “What am | aware of?” “Is this an entity?” “What is this and what do | do with it?” “What would it take for me to be more conscious with this?” “What awareness can | add to this?” “What communications with entities have | been having that | have not been acknowledging?” - And “What else is possible here?” If you are hearing voices, you are not imagining it. It could be entities trying to get your attention. If you hear your name, say “Hi” and ask “What's up?” Be aware of when things are showing up for you in your life even if you don't consciously know what to do with it yet. Claiming and owning will open the door more, resisting, ignoring and judging closes all doors and eliminates possibility. Whether you are aware of it or not you possess alll the tools, know- ‘how and awareness to handle and deal with any and all alone any and alll ee wee FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World 21 What invention are you using to create the suppression of the knowing you could be choosing? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys.and beyonds. What invention are you using to suppress the knowing you could be choosing? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds. Asking questions will help you access all that you require. It is not about finding the right answer. It is about asking a question, and staying in the question. Questions are the keys that open the doors. Question and choice are your most powerful tools. “if | had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, | would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once | know the proper question | could solve the problem in less than five minutes.” ~Albert Einstein~ Please do not underestimate the power of the question. It is your greatest power. Are you using it? When people hear the word entity they tend to think of a certain kind of entity in a certain kind of way. What does the word entity conjure up for you? In truth there is a massive variety of entities, a kingdom of entities so to speak. They are not all created equal just like not all people are created equal as mentioned before. FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World 22 A lot of this topic now gets tangled up in “What happens when we die?” which will be gone into in detail in the TTTE Intermediate Class, not now. In this section, | will talk about the different kind of entities we tend to encounter and how they show up in our lives. People Entities These are obviously entities that used to be people and still appear like people. Why do people entities hang around? Sometimes it is because they want to say goodbye to someone and make sure everything is ok before they go. Other times it can be because they are in fact not aware their body has died. And other times it is because they want to stay and take care of someone or maintain their relationship with someone they had in their life before their body died. It is quite normal for people to still have relationships with people in their lives who die without being aware of it. Just because they don't have a body doesn't mean that the being goes away. Energy/Light Entities These are beings that appear more like energy and light rather than with human qualities. These are the orbs or the lights/shadows we see in photographs and out of the corner of our eyes. These can also be the light beings that appear like pillars of light or in ways that are difficult to interpret with your mind. Nature Spirits These are the beings that we hear about in fairy tales. Elves, fairies, trolls, goblins, gnomes, dwarves, banshees, etc. Elves, dwarves and trolls are not spirits so much as a kind embodiment that many of us used to occupy. Mea FEB 2016 Takk-To The Entities - A Whole New World 23 Scandinavian lore. In the Norse religion, Dwarves, Elves and Trolls are considered to be nature spirits divided up Into families, These families sometimes inter-married with each other, and sometimes ‘with humans. Dwarves are thought to be “dark elves" or supernatural beings. They are dark because they reside in the underground world, in the earth. They are the light-avoiding counterparts to the more common elf. They are skilled craftsmen involving metal work and mining, Elves are often described as humans elevated after death, and descriptions of them often have them passing through physical ‘objects. They live in another eerie world amongst the forests and natural places. Troll is a word in old Swedish lore. We see it in the word “Trolidom” which was a particular kind of magic intended to do harm. Northen Germanic terms like “Trolldom” means witchcraft and “Trolla” or “Trylle” means to perform magic tricks. There are many places in Scandinavia that are named after Trolls. And of course we all know about the tolls we pay for crossing bridges or for taking certain roads. Is the word toll derived from a time when we would have had to pay a Troll something in order to pass? Trolls were thought to live in the forest and also underneath bridges. Fairies. The word fairy is taken directly from Old French, meaning “The Land” or ‘Realm’. The word fairy refers to the earth. Are fairies really little invisible ladies running around in nature with wet are they the humanization of the consciousness of : Banshees are pre-Christian Gaelic deities or nature spirits said to foretell someone's death by wailing or singing a lament that can FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities ~ A Whole New World 24 earth. The earth has a tremendous consciousness and as the earth dies, so do the beings and energies that are one with nature. If we honor and treat with regard the consciousness or spirit of Nature we can contribute to its heath. “Every time a child says, '! don't believe in fairies,’ there is a fairy somewhere that falls down dead.” ~Peter Pan~ So know what you know and the earth will live. Everything that doesn't allow you to access your humanoid Capacities no matter what shape, forms, size, color u in, can we destroy and all 9, POC, POD, shor Angels The word angel means messenger or messenger of god. Angels at this point in time obviously have a huge amount of religious connotation attached to them. Religion has used the concepts of angels a lot to describe what | would call beings of light. And perhaps these beings are messengers. People tend to use the word angel as an overall galumphing or blanket definition for all being who are light. Angel is a definition not awareness of infinite energy. So again to be clear, angel is the See ere cr rece see iet ecole pecs oere| FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities -A Whole New World 25 Demons In ancient Greece the word demon meant “spirit” or “divine power’, The word demon is a Greek word , which first appeared in the work of Plato. The original meaning of the word demon does not carry ‘any negative connotations, which were brought into existence later, as Christianity spread. In ancient Greece they also believed that all artists had spirits that worked along with them to create great works. They called these Spirits demons. There are demons that are created and demons that are entities whose job it is to maintain unconsciousness in any particular area. The demons that are created are created through self-judgment. People who have demons are holding those energies and entities in their lives through self-judgment. Without self-judgment demons would have no power. FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World 26 require to be guarded. You are the source of your awareness and should be the most powerful force in your own life. What you do have however, are beings who will play with you in the game of living. Beings who will contribute, assist and who have your back. Most peoples’ team is sitting on the bench waiting to be called onto the field to play. All you have to do is ask for them to participate and or be involved and they will. Ask and thou shalt receive. They won't do anything unless you ask them, so you should ask for their contribution and assistance. Ask them to make their presence more known to you in your life. Then be aware and acknowledge when that shows up. Also know that your teammates will not keep you from doing something you choose to do, no matter how destructive to you it is unless you ask them. You cannot ask them to live your life for you; you can only ask them to participate with you. They will do their best to give you the information you need and it is up to you to receive it. They cannot kick the ball into the goal for you but they can run with you and kick you lots of passes. It's up to you to catch them and run. The following is an exercise to become familiar with your teammates and develop greater communication with your team: Once a day, or once a week, ‘or whenever you would like to do it, = sit down, or lay down. Be relaxed and push down your barriers. Ask your teammates to touch you or hold your hands. And if you have stuff come up around entities touching you Destroy and epee * Then allow them to touch you in whatever way they This may feel like a gentle breeze, warmth, an electrical shock, an internal message or a whack upside the head. ‘It may also be very emotionally or physically intense or simply ahamacimaaimabs FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World 27 Once you have established what they “feel” like fo you, begin to expand out with it, Allow the sensation to become larger and more spacious. Keep expanding out even if you think you can't go out any more, go past that and become space, infinite space. You may feel lightheaded or dizzy and these are all good signs. This is the solidity of unconsciousness breaking up and going away. You are becoming lighter and this is why you feel lightheaded. You can fall asleep while doing this exercise and that is appropriate. Everything is appropriate with this as long as you are making a conscious choice to open up. This may last for 5 minutes or 5 hours, and each time will be different. Once you open up to your team and connect with them either through asking them to touch you or through your awareness a conduction of energy will start. It is this energy you want to expand and strengthen. This energy will always indicate your team’s presence. Practice connecting with them, it will change many areas of your life passively. ee ee ars FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities — A Whole New World 28 for you to be aware of when you are using barriers versus when you are not. 'f you can get this down it will affect every single part of your life. People tend to think that barriers will protect them or prevent them from stuff that they have decided is undesirable to be aware of. Would an infinite being need protection? If not, why do you? What stupidity are you using to not be the infinite being you. are *hoosing? All that that is will you destroy a1 godzillion? Right, wrong, good, bad, all and beyonds, and beyonds. Barriers are a form of resistance. If you are resisting, you have already made real that which you are putting barriers up against. As soon as you erect a barrier, it has won. Not resisting will allow you to remain present and aware. Awareness is the greatest protection, remedy and solution. It is only in unconsciousness that problems can occur. Barriers are like drugs, they only make you unaware of the issue. They do not solve the issue. | am aiming to give you the tools and “ processes that will make things work for you. Barriers just don't work; they actually create more of a problem. You must push your barriers down and sometimes force them down so you can be vulnerable with what you are aware of. Vulnerability will process and change what you are aware of and barriers only perpetuate it. ‘If you had own reality, what would it look like, what would it feo ike and what woul tbe tke? FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World 29 Of barriers from being arid keeps you from creating a totally different reality? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds, Interpreting What You Are Aware Of Now that you have information about the kind of entities you will mostly be encountering and dealing with you can better interpret what you perceive. Now, this is very important. Much of what we perceive with entities, and everything really, we perceive through our “filters”. Meaning, if you think all entities are scary and bad, that is how they will show up for you. For example, we had a friend of the family named Mary who died when | was 24. She was 95. | was in bed one moming a few weeks after she died and | heard the floor out in the living room creaking and moving. | knew this was the sound that the living foom floor made when an entity was trying to get my attention. (More on signs that they are communicating with you later). | instantly reacted by putting up my barriers and resisting what | was Perceiving. | caught myself doing this and took the advice my ~ father had given me so many times about pushing down my barriers and receiving. | forced myself to put down the barriers and relax. Lo and behold Mary popped her ghost head into my bedroom door. As soon as | realized it was Mary a tremendous lightening occurred and she came into the room and sat on the bed next to me. She put her ghost hand on my hand and told me she was leaving now and thanked me for being there for her as her body was dying. We flowed one another caring and love and then she FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities ~ A Whole New World 30 Push down my barriers with what was rather than what | thought it was, Mary would have had to work harder and harder to get through to me just to say goodbye. We can often perceive things, especially entities through our filters. Our filters are points of view we bought from other people; judgments, expectations, etc. This is why we run the projection, expectations, separations, rejections and judgment processes about entities. What stupidity are you using to create the filters and Perceive reality through rather than seeing what is choosing? Destroy and uncreate all that times a godzillion? Ri wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys a ight, ‘So when you are interpreting what you are aware of you must first ask yourself, “Am | perceiving what is really here or am | filtering this?” And on another note, you are usually not making it up. You may be filtering what you are perceiving or twisting or perverting it but the awareness is not coming from nowhere. You are perceiving ‘something. Now your job is to ask what you are aware of that you may not be clear you are aware of. Or ask what you are aware of that you don't want to be aware of? The more you ask, the more you practice the easier and easier it gets to know what you know instantly. Exercise to Develop Awareness Sit or lay down, it doesn’t matter if you are alone in the room or it is a busy public place. You can do it in any circumstance. Do it FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World 31 You don't have to have total awareness of whether or not your barriers are going down, just ask for them to go down. If you are aware of it right away great and if not just ask and it will occur. After your barriers are down simply become aware of where the entities are in the room with you. If you start to do fear or resistance this is a barrier going up, push it down and do your best to be present without reacting. Before you can start thinking, notice where your eyes or attention go. It is this, very first and instantaneous awareness that is correct. The more you try and think yourself through this process the harder and more confusing it will be. Your awareness with entities is that moment right before you start thinking. It is the lightening quick moments you are going to have to catch. It will seem like some entities if not all are communicating fast or in a way you cannot interpret. This is because entities do not experience time like we do. They have a completely different construct of reality they are relating to. So when they speak it is not one word after the other strung into a sentence through time. All the information comes in one flash like a download. Many of the people | have worked with think they are not able to understand or interpret what the entities are saying. This is often not the case. It is just that the entities are communicating reaily fast. So you have to ask them to slow down and you speed up. This is an exercise to develop and trust your knowing. Knowing is easy and lightning quick - thinking is laborious and slow. If you begin to acknowledge these subtle or not so subtle lightning quick awarenesses it will start you on the trail to greater and greater awareness. The reason awareness of entities can seem subtle or out of reach is because it has been covered up for a really long time for m FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World 32 Begin by just acknowledging what you are aware of without Needing to understand it, explain it or prove it. The less you need to prove what you are doing the easier it will all be. Also the less you need people to understand or get what you are seeing, the easier it will also be. Be willing to have your own reality with entities and awareness, not other peoples’ realities. Everywhere you made other peoples realities and what other people were willing to perceive, know, be and receive greater than what you can and could perceive, know, be anc destroy and uncreate it all? Right, wrong, good, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds. What stupidity are you using to block, resist_and_ awareness of entities for all eternity you are choosing? destroy and uncreate it all? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, : shorts, boys 2 and beyonds. Listen To Your Body Listen to your body. It is giving you information all the time about what is going on in your environment, seen and unseen. Your body will give you information about what is going on with other bodies around you and maybe even bodies that aren't around you. It will also give you information about, drum roll please... verses ONtities! When the being who is trying to get through to you cannot get your attention by simply saying hello they will do whatever it takes to get your attention. And since our bodies are more willing to be aware than we are they will receive the information. This can “feel” like all sorts of things. It can “feel” like a headache, uncontrollable coughing, dizziness, tingling in your hands, shivers up your neck etc. FEB 2016 — Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World 33 Mood, where | felt like everyone hates me and | couldn't get Comfortable no matter who | was around, | would inevitably have to leave and go be alone. \t was not till my late 20's that | was able to connect that mood to entities. | was at a party with a bunch of my good friends in Australia. Everyone was having a great time and as the night went on | progressively felt worse and worse about being there. | felt uncomfortable and like no one liked me. \ decided to leave and as | was walking out the door two women | didn't know very well passed by me and joking around in aboriginal accents saying they were going outside for a cigarette and would | like to join? | did not want to smoke but | knew | was to go with those women. They continued to joke with one another in aboriginal accents and all the sudden | saw it. Standing around me were hundreds of aboriginal entities waiting for me to acknowledge them. | said hello and that they were all free to go and instantly my mood shifted for the better. it was then that | remembered that same mood as a theme throughout my whole life and got that it had always been the indication that entities were trying to get my attention. What signs have you been given that you may not be acknowledging? FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World 34 When | was using these tools in A Whole New World | had no idea if they were working or not. | just did them on faith and | started to notice that | would ask these clearing questions and when | was done my body would take a deep breath and release. | began to realize that this was my body indicating to me that an entity or ‘entities were leaving. From there my awareness grew and grew. So in A Whole New World if you are not aware if these tools are working for you or what they are doing, just keep playing with them ‘and something will happen. Clearing entities every day, like you brush your teeth, is not a bad idea. | did that for a long time, | checked in before | went to sleep and cleared entities. | did this until | started to become the energy of the clearing. Now | do not do the clearings, | am the clearing. So as | be me | shift and change things around me just by being me. This is the proposal to you, to become the clearing so that you don't have to work, you don’t have to make effort, you don't have to focus, you don't have to remember, you simply become what clears all entities, you become what is the catalyst for changing all energies that you interact with and engage with. So that, just by someone being in your space, they shift. Just by the entities entering into your space, they shift and change. Just like produces oxygen, what would it be like to produce that which creates more life, more breath, more space, and ‘be’ it? Being you and changing the world is probably one of the most underestimated and misunderstood things. There are a lot of tools and processes that you can utilize to deal with entities, and Cacheee ne FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities ~ A Whole New World 36 For individual entities ask: Who are you? Who were you before that? Who were you before that? Who were you before that? (Until the energy shifts) And, who will you be in the future? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds, You are not asking to get an answer so don't worry if you don't hear one. It is irrelevant. Ask this repeatedly until you feel the energy lighten up. It should only take a moment. Asking this question to the entities allows them to address that they are. When you ask them “who they were before that?" this gets them to look at their past life, and another past life and another until they realize they are not stuck in the one identity and can make another choice. They can get another body, they can go to “the light”, so to speak, and they can go to another dimension or reality if they choose. Another thing you may run into is entities with jobs. For entities that have jobs ask: What is your job? What was your job before that? What was your job before that? What was your job before that? (Until the energy shifts) ‘And what will your job be in the future? ll Pi FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World 36 Some entities are not a who, they are a what. | know this might ‘Sound strange but it is very effective. These three questioning tools can be applied to clearing most anything; houses, rooms, ‘etc. In order to know which one of these Or you can always use all three just to be sure, You cannot do any harm with the clearing or do anything wrong. So start playing around with the tools and see how you go. You can also do these clearings remotely. You do not need to be in the proximity of the person, place or thing you are clearing. How does it get better than that? For example, if you desire to clear a house, most of the time you can do it from anywhere. Just go room ‘to room in your mind's eye, using the tools and it will work. There are some situations where it is better to be there and you will have to learn for yourself when that is. Clearing entities from people can be different. | am often asked if you need peoples’ permission to clear entities from them and my answer is always “yes and no”. When you are clearing entities from a person you are actually dealing with the entity, not the Person, so in essence you do not need the person's permission. Also people and entities can have very dynamic relationships and commitments to one another. These commitments and relationships need to be destroyed and uncreated before some * entities can be cleared. Pr pd FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World oi 3 ts Then say, * Return from whence you came, me_my body or this. reality. ever_again” | you perceive the energy shift ‘You may need to repeat over fifty or one hundred times. Some times only three times. Please follow the energy and your knowing. Entities on Drugs When someone dies while they are on drugs (pharmaceutical and/or recreational) and alcoho! they take those drugs and alcohol entities with them, They can be very confused and not aware they don't have a body any more. Being around this kind of entity can also be very confusing, not because you are confused but because you are aware of their unconsciousness and confusion. People ‘who die on drugs can hang around for years and decades and life ’ times unaware that they don't have a body. You must ask in order to have the awareness of what you are dealing with. If you are confused or unaware of what to do with a 4 particular entity ask, “Is this entity on drugs or alcohol?” Then say ‘dissipate and release all of the drugs and alcohol in thle... : universe and syste! Nr all 9, POC, POD, : shorts, boys and ; Each entity will take however long they take to detox. When they are done processing all the drugs and alcohol out of their universe : and system they will come back for you to clear or facilitate , whatever needs to be facilitated before they go. It can take some entities moments to detox and others months. Please follow the ; energy and trust your knowing here. Entities with Names ‘Some entities will answer to specific names. Below are examples of these types of entities: j Smoke Entities vf: FEB 2010 Tak To The Enuves A Whole New World se Who were you betore that? Were you before that? (Unt the energy shifts) Will You be in the future? WONG, 00d, bad, all 0, POG, POD, shorts, boys and Trickster / Prankster Entities ‘Tokster and Prankster Entities like to hide The way to clear them §s to say ‘Truth’ before everything Truth, who are you? ‘Truth, who were you before that? Truth, who were you before that? Truth, who were you before that? (Until the energy shifts) And, truth, who will you be in the future? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds. Truth is also asked when dealing with an aggressive entity) Je" rT ~ ag ‘ i rae e Inculcated es Inculcated entities occur when the another entity, are put into a blender and makes it hard to distinguish where the borders of one are with another. This can also be you and another entity that are blended together, like a smoothie. There are not definable uncreate. heneley Q differences, although you have all elements of each. » A» S Right, wrong,, FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World 39 Implanted / Explanted Entities Implants are in the body, explants are in the other subtle bodies, These entities are implanted/explanted into your bodies to facilitate Certain jobs, Ask: Is this / Are these implanted or explanted entities still relevant to you in this lifetime? All entities that you have implanted and explanted into you for all lifetimes, would you now destroy and uncreate them all please? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds. White Light Entities & Black Light Entities 2 White and Black light entities are and were used to hide things. Simply ask for all of the white and or black light entities and destroy and uncreate them. Ri good, all 9, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds. Opalescent White Light 7c) i> 7%" me! Opalescent white light is therapeutic and repels demons.:/q>° > To use: cocoon yourself or someone else in an opalescent bubble. ,, cece: Frozen Entities (= fo 25, © When a body part is always cold, numb or frozen, that can indicate frozen entities. Ask, is this a frozen entity or something else? 5 the frozen entities, dissipate, destroy and uncreate. Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds, Ask for all the groups and clusters, thank them all very FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities -A Whol Glop and Glom Glop: This is comprised of the grids, control matrixes, force fields, containment fields, vibrational. wave. length systems, vibrational encasements, brain wave. systems, and other wave length systems, mechanisms, entities, implanted and explanted entities, installed entities, _ programmed entities, _ attached tities, cybernetic entities, cyberspace. entities, cybernetic and cy programs and _all_ other programs, microchips, _ sig} symbols, emblems, significances, white light, dark ¢ black light and_all_ other. kinds of installations. as. words, it's basically everything that's outside of us, whi dominates and manipulates us. When the energy co! sticks instead of moving, it's the Glop. inating, mani dies, our money. L ; as well quantum particulates. tk at i ; well? Wrong, Good, Bad, s Glop and Glom: All of the energy and sludge that is created with people's judgments. : Ask for all of the glop and glom. Destroy and uncreate all that. good, 1c, PO! ou try and clear entities from a person or place and aa te pore Sari age ommitments or cc : le New World 40 epee FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World “1 For example the entities can have a commitment to keep a person Company or to protect or to help the person in a certain area of the Person's life. Also in marriage you say, “till death do us part” but in truth does an infinite being ever die? All. of the oaths, vows, swearings, fealties, commitments, comealties, binding and bonding contracts that you made with any and all beings that are currently. stuck to you based on all of those commitments etc, will you irescind, revoke, recant, fenounce, denounce, destroy and uncreate all of that godzillion’? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, and beyonds, Entities and people stick together for all kinds of reasons that are no longer necessarily relevant to their lives; it’s just that there isn't a lot of discussion about this kind of thing. We aren't taught how to be present with this sort of thing. In fact, it is something we are taught to ignore, to not be aware of. Be aware though that if the person has some sort of commitment or promise to the entity or vice versa, you will not be able to clear the entity until the person or entity gives up the commitment or promise. And also please be aware it is not your choice whether or not the person will let go of the entities. It is the person's choice and if they don't want to let go of it that is their choice. It is not your job or your responsibility to change everything just because you are aware of it. Awareness does not mean you have to do anything about it. Just be aware. Magnetic | After you clear an entity it is a good idea to also clear the magnetic _ imprinting. FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities ~ A Whole New World 42 Allthe Magnetic imprinting, destroy and uncreate all of that times a odzillion. Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds. What secret agenda with magnetic imprinting do you have that maintains always inviting entities rather than being you? Everything that is times a godzillion will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds. Every being has its own electromagnetic imprint like a fingerprint. We have been imprinted, body and soul, to stick together. Basically there is a positive and negative charge with the being as it comes into the body, a positive and negative charge within the body. This occurs because entities bring their positive and negative points of view with them when they come into a body. Every entity leaves a magnetic trail of who they were in your body. 4a All the_magneti ntity,_will_ you st Right, bad, all 9, POC, boys and beyonds. It is like two magnets. When we put two magnets together, they either repel each other or they clank together and hold tight. That is what magnetic imprinting does when a being takes on a body. There is magnetic imprinting in the body of all of the original occupants and entities, which means that there is some of their residue, their patterning, stuck in the body. The body does not readjust itself to being ‘just us’ until we clear the imprinting. Anytime a being or entity comes into our or body or has attached to our body, they leave a magnetic imprint of their which is part of what can create disruption in our physical form. When you clear entities, always clear the magnetic imprinting. FEB 2016 Talk Ta The Entities - A Whole New World 43 It will never deviate from these three things, $0 this should help you clear up any confusion or overwhelm. Alll you have to do when you know you are dealing with an entity, is ‘ask “Ok, so do | clear, communicate or receive from or with this being?". There will be some cases where you may do two of them like communicate and receive or any other variation. The basics of clearing and communicating with entities are covered in this manual. Receiving from entities is covered more extensively in the TE Intermediate class. Communication With Entities Communication with entities can be as valuable as clearing them and sometimes it is just more appropriate. If you are attempting to clear an entity or entities and it is not working even after you have run off all the commitments, etc. It may be because you need to handle something in a conversation with that being before they can go. Please, PLEASE be aware that your inability to communicate clearly with an entity or to understand what they are communicating may not be because of you. Sometimes they are not good communicators. If they were bad communicators in life while on drugs or having Alzheimer's this can make it very difficult to understand them clearly. Please get clear about the kind of entity you are dealing with and what they are through and use the appropriate processes and clearings getting clearer. f FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World a4 That being said in the next section | will present the best road map ' can to get you stated on your path to practicing talking to entities, A lot of people miss when the entities are communicating with them because it does not look like what they have decided it ‘should look like. They miss it or misconstrue it because it does not match what they think it should be. Projection, expectation, judgment and deciding what communicating with entities should look like and be like can be the greatest hindrance when it comes to actually communicating with entities because the way their communication comes through may not match what you have decided is real and true. The reason it is so easy for children and animals to be aware of and in communication with entities is because they have no pre- determined point of view about what it should look like. conclusions, that you have i yuld. Talking to entities can be different for everyone. You are unique and this is why you must trust yourself with what you are aware of because no one else can truly see what you see or be what you be. No one else can truly be you so you must be you because you are a crucial component of what makes everything whole, FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World 45 Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds, Often for me talking to entities feels more like having a thought or an idea rather than having a verbal communication like | do with people. Over time | have developed greater and greater awareness of what communicating with entities is like for ME. And every entity communicates differently just like every person communicates differently. Some people are better communicators than other and some entities are better communicators than others. Please be in the question: “Is this an entity?” or “What am | aware of here that I'm not acknowledging?” Also, something that needs to be recognized is that entities do not experience time and space the same way we do. So when they communicate they can tend to give you all the information at once like a quick download rather than one word after the other through time in sentences like people do. So in essence it can seem like they are talking really fast when in truth they just don't have the same reference points of time as we do. So it comes all in one picture. You can also ask them to slow down or to help you understand them better and they will do their best. Ask questions. Entities are a great gift because they force us to utilize awareness beyond our five senses. Entities have more to do with perceiving, knowing, being and receiving rather than feeling, thinking and doing. If we will perceive them and know our perceptions we will be able to be the consciousness that bridges our reality and theirs. In that perceiving, knowing and being we will receive access to not only greater awareness but also the magic we truly are. How does it get better than that? FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World 46 Communication with entities can be verbal or nonverbal. It can be clear and concise and it can also be an impression or feeling. It can make sense and it can also not make sense. 1 do not try and make everything the entities say to me fit into what | believe to be real and true about reality. Sometimes | totally get what they are delivering and sometimes it doesn't make sense to me what they are saying for years to come. All of the ability, potency, power,.and ease that y« \d refusing stepping into with talking. with. entities, e ing to destroy and uncreate everything you. , doing to make it more difficult than it really is? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POC, POD, shorts, boys and beyonds. What ESC can my body and | be. that. will allow me_ to llow it to ‘When stepping in to talk to entities, people have reported feeling overwhelmed. First, can an infinite being be overwhelmed? _ Second, here are some tools to ease you into it. This flow chart will assist you with the simple questions you require to identify who a particular entity may be who is “trying” to get through to you. Also please be aware that all the entities that you are aware of may not be there for you personally. They may be ‘coming to you because they know you can hear them and they may want to talk to someone you do not even know. Hopefully this chart will get you into the questions that will guide you to more awareness. FEB 2016 Talk To The Entities - A Whole New World 48 Making Entities The Source For The Creation Of You Life Where and when have you asked for entities. fo be the. source of guidance and awareness for you in. your life instead of you being the source of awareness. and. guidance in. your own life? Everywhere you have done. that will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right, wrong, good, bad, all. 9. POC, POD, shorts, boys id beyonds. It is a big mistake to make entities the source of your life and awareness. You are the best creator for you. Entities do not know more than you do and they cannot create what is best for you better than you can. Are Jesus Christ and God the ultimate sources of power in your life or are you?? generate in order to make. that is will you destroy bad, all 9, POC, POD, st rts, boys and beyonds. Ancestors In Asian countries, you're going to have to deal specifically with Ancestors. And these beings will answer to this name and people will know them as this name. Most people with Ancestors are very attached to their Ancestors and they may or may not be willing to let go of them. It is not your job to make people let go of them. It is never your job to force someone to clear entities. It is only your job to educate and facilitate them. People who are unwilling to let go of their Ancestors don’t want. be the boss of their own lives. They want their Ancestors to

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