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Momentarily, this person served as his

Rizal’s Life Abroad companion throughout their voyage to

San Francisco until their arrival in
(1888-1896) London on December 1, 1888.

 After a long journey, Jose Rizal arrived
 After the advised from Governor in San Francisco on April 28, 1888 but
General, his family and some of his close they were not allowed to disembark
friends, Jose Rizal decided to leave the because the health authorities placed the
country where he sailed from Hongkong entire ship under quarantine because of
to Yokohama on February 22, 1888 an alleged cholera outbreak in the Far
aboard the ship "Oceanic." East; until they were allowed to land on
 After a short stay at the Grand Hotel in May 4, 1888. His impression of United
Yokohama, Rizal visited Tokyo where he States was not good because of the
met the Spanish Attaché in Japan, Juan prevailing racial discrimination, the
Perez y Caballero. He extended his inequality and prejudice of the white
invitation to stay at the Office of the Americans towards the black African
Spanish Legation. Jose Rizal accepted Americans.
the offer because he knew that he will  He stayed at Palace Hotel in San
be closely watched by the Spanish Francisco until May 6, 1888, and then
authorities. His acceptance was decided to trip in New York by an
prompted by two reasons: overland train. The train passed
(1) to show that he is not afraid of being through the states of Nevada, Utah,
watched as he had nothing to hide Colorado, Nebraska, and Illinois. On
and May 12, 1888, they stopped over to see
(2) to save more expenses for the hotel the famous Niagara Falls and described
accommodations. it as the most splendid falls he had ever
 In his brief visit in Tokyo, he met Seiko seen.
Usui (O-Sei-San) who oftentimes  After a week's journey, he arrived in
passed by the gate of the Legation in New York City on May 13, 1888. He
Tokyo. He introduced himself and described New York as a great city where
eventually became good friends, in his everything is new. He was able to visit
diary, he mentioned how intense his the relics of George Washington and saw
love and affection towards her: the majestic Brooklyn Bridge as well as
the huge Statue of Liberty.
“Your image lives in my memory; and  After his visit in New York, he boarded
undoubtedly, I am always thinking of the "City of Rome" going to London.
you. Your name lives in the sight of my
lips, your image accompanies and
animates all my thoughts"

 After his journey in Japan, Jose Rizal

decided to visit United States of
America. He boarded the steamer
"Belgic" on April 13, 1888 where he met
Tetcho Suehiro, a Japanese writer.
 His visit in London was prompted that the accusations against him were
because of his intentions to learn the baseless and illogical.
English language and to annotate the  On March 1889, Jose Rizal decided to
book of Antonio de Morga, the go in Paris, France after his short stay
"Succecos de Las Islas Filipinas", in London. His arrival was in time for
History of the Philippine Island. the opening of the International
 In London, he came to know of a Exposition in Paris which was intended
Filipino resident, Dr. Antonio Ma. to commemorate the French
Regidor, a wealthy man and a Independence.
practicing lawyer who was exiled on  After eleven months of stay in Paris, he
1872 because of the Cavite mutiny, moved again in Brussels, Belgium on
where they became good friends. He, January 28, 1890 with his uncle Jose
likewise, met Dr. Alberto where they stayed in a rented
 Reinhold Rost, who was introduced to house in #38 Rue Phillipe Champagne
him through a letter by Dr. Ferdinand owned by the Jacoby sisters.
Blumentritt. Dr. Rost was the Director  His intentions to visit Brussels were to
of the Library of the India Office and write his second novel entitled El
the best authority of Malayan customs Filibusterismo, a sequel to his Noli Me
and languages. Tangere; to assist in a local clinic to
 Jose Rizal devoted his time by make a living; to attend to his
annotating the book of Dr. Morga. He correspondence with his family and
rectified some important points so that fellow propagandists and to write
the Filipino people will know and articles for La Solidaridad.
understand the history of their country.  While in Brussels, he also experienced
Rizal wrote in the prologue of his work the persecution of his family and town
that: mates back in Calamba because of
conflict in the Calamba estates. In a
"If the book succeeded in awakening the letter of his brother Paciano, he was
consciousness of our past, which have informed of the petition to evict the
been erased from our memories and if it tenants filed before the Justice of the
is able to rectify the falsehood and Peace. His brother told him that at first,
calumny that had been committed, then they were hoping for a favorable
I shall feel that I have not labored in judgment but the case can only be done
vain." in the Supreme Court in Spain. He was
a bit hesitant to attain justice.
 The annotation of Jose Rizal on Dr.  In a letter from his sister Lucia, he was
Morga's book was later published in given an account of how his family and
Paris on 1890. townmates suffered. The letter reads:
 Still in London, Jose Rizal heard the sad
"Concerning our town, perhaps your
news from Calamba that his brother-in-
heart would ache because of the
law, Manuel R. Hidalgo was deported.
blindness of our compatriot. You can
He was deported by order of the
then imagine what would happen. When
Superior Government in the town of
the lay brothers go out riding, the
Tagbilaran, Bohol in the Visayas because
Lieutenant of the Civil Guard sits on the
allegedly, he was filibuster, a
little bench of the carriage and the
representative of Jose Rizal and was
Acting Lieutenant goes over the curate.
spreading anti-religious and impious
When the lay brothers have some orders
ideas. Though, he (Manuel) believed
for the Hacienda, they sent out the  To realize the objectives of the La
Captain" Solidaridad, the members decided to
put up a publication of the same name.
 Unfortunate news came from his sister
As a result, many propagandists
Saturnina on June 2, 1890.
including Jose Baron Fernandez
Saturnina's husband Manuel was
described this fortnightly as the "most
deported again, and worse, was
important paper of the Filipino abroad
arrested while he was eating with his
and their most significant work in
family on the very day of Christmas.
connection with the propaganda
The last Letter received by Jose Rizal
before moving in Madrid came from his
 However, the La Solidaridad publication
brother in-law Silvestre Ubaldo. The
was not realized immediately. On
latter sent papers on the eviction issued
February 15, 1889, the first issue came
by the manager of the Calamba Estate
out. The publication was led by Graciano
against his family.
Lopez Jaena, the vice-president of the
asociacion, who was also the editor of
BACK TO SPAIN the paper.
 As the honorary president of the
 After Paris, Jose Rizal travelled to Spain
asociacion, Jose Rizal wrote several
and visited Madrid and Barcelona.
articles that came out in the different
 His trip in Spain was prompted by his editions of the propaganda paper.
desire to contact his comrades; they Among these were the "Letters to the
were Marcelo H. del Pilar and Mariano Women of Malolos", "The Truth for
Ponce. These two were forerunners of Everyone", "Barrantes and the Tagalog
the propaganda movement in Spain. It Theater" and "The Indolence of the
was also his intention in visiting Spain Filipinos".
to study the present political climate in
 Prior to his visit in Madrid, he wrote a
relation to the campaign for reforms in
letter to Marcelo H. del Pilar,
the Philippines. After his brief visit, he
requesting him to stand as a lawyer for
returned to London to celebrate
his family. He even sought helped from
the Asociacion Hispano-Filipino and
 Days after he returned from London, his even went to the Minister of Colonies to
Filipino comrades in Spain met him on present their grievances against the
the eve of New Year's Day in Barcelona. injustices committed by the friars and
The prurpose of the gathering was the Governor General Valeriano Weyler.
formation of an association which they All his effort remained futile because
named as Asociacion La Solidaridad they lost in the case in court.
(Solidaridad Association).
 In April of 1891, Jose Rizal returned to
 This association was established to unite Brussels, Belgium where he stayed at the
the Filipinos in Europe in their quest for Jacoby's house, same house he used to
reforms in the Philippines. Galicano stay. His returned was because of his
Apacible was elected as the president of desire to finish his second novel, El
the association while Graciano Lopez Filibusterismo since he started writing it
Jaena became the vice-president; four years ago.
Manuel Sta. Maria as secretary; Mariano
Ponce, as the treasurer; and Jose Maria BOUND FOR HONG KONG
Panganiban as an accountant. But
 A month after his second novel was
despite that he was not elected, he was
published; Jose Rizal decided to go in
chosen as the honorary president.
Hong Kong. However, prior to his  Finally, his mother together with sisters
departure, there was confusion in his Lucia, Josefa, and Trinidad arrived
mind as to whether he would go home also in Hong Kong. Their family was
to be with his family or to proceed to reunited just in time for Christmas and
the British colony. New Year.
 He wrote to Blumentritt:  Rizal wrote to Blumentritt on December
30, 1891, telling him of his profound
"I still don't know exactly whether I happiness that his family was with him
would go to the Philippines or establish in Hong Kong. The letter reads:
myself in Hong Kong. My country draws
me near, I want to embrace my parents "They are now here and thanks to God
and brothers, but my friends and that they find themselves in a free
countrymen are against it." country. Life in the Philippines has
become impossible: without courtesy,
 On October 18, 1891, Jose Rizal made up without virtue, without justice!"
his mind and left Europe via the S.S.
Melbourne. After a month long trip, he  While in Hong Kong, there were ideas
arrived in Hong Kong where Jose Maria of his plans to go home, in fact, before
Basa welcomed him. While in Hong his mother and some of his sisters
Kong, he practiced his profession as joined him in Hong Kong, he wrote a
ophthalmic surgeon through his letter to them on December 1, 1891 of
colleague Dr. Lorenzo Marques, a his desire to return back home but
Portuguese doctor. He rented a house at instead to his surprise went in Hong
No. 2 Rednaxela Terrace which served Kong to see him.
as his clinic and his home.  Another opposition came from his
 It was in Hong Kong also which gave brother-in-law, Antonio Lopez who
him the opportunity to reunite with his informed him that everyone doesn't
family. On December 6, 1891, his father, want him to go home because of they
Paciano, and brother-in-law Silvestre fear that he (Jose) will be persecuted. He
Ubaldo arrived in Hong Kong. wrote:
 In his letter to his sister Maria, Rizal
expressed his profound joy on seeing "I’m glad that you have abandoned your
some of his family and talked about his plan to come here, well, almost
father's improvement and at the same everybody is opposing to your coming
time revealed how he missed his mother and I am also of the same opinion, as I
Doña Teodora. The letter reads: have already told Tatay and Senior
Paciano in my letter last month not to let
"Father, Mr. Paciano, and Bestre you come home to avoid greater evils
(Silvestre Ubaldo] were already here, and displeasures, which you already
thanks God. Father has put on weight know. I believe that from there, without
and his cheeks have become pinkish; he coming here, you can do all you want for
is cheerful, he always walks around, and the welfare of the Philippines."
he is very much pleased in Hong Kong."  Aside from his family, his friends and
contemporaries likewise do not want
"Tell mother that I have very great him to go home because they feared
desire to see her and to operate her eyes, that with the novels he wrote, his
if this letter should find her there still!" attackers (friars and authorities) will
surely looked after him.
that he had nothing to hide with his
arrival. At the same time, just in case
the Governor General will summon him
ARRIVAL IN MANILA (SECOND for a meeting, then he can easily be
HOMECOMING) located.

 Despite the opposition of his family and

friends, Jose Rizal firmly decided to go
home in the Philippines from Hong
Kong. In his letter to Blumentritt dated
September 22, 1891:

"I have to return to the Philippines. Life

here is a burden to me, I have to give an
example to show that we do not fear
death, terrible though it may be.
Besides, there has been many
complaints about me. I have secret
enemies. I want to leave so as not to
hear anything anymore. With my
political enemies, I have my destiny. If I
die, you shall remain. It is better to die
than to live miserably."

 Before his scheduled departure, Jose

Rizal wrote two letters, one was for his
family and the other was to his fellow
Filipinos. Both letters were dated June
20, 1892. He entrusted the letters to his
good friend Dr. Lorenzo Marques and
told him to open the letter only after his
 Jose Rizal left Hong Kong with his
sister Lucia back home to the
Philippines and at the same informed
the Governor General of his return.
 On June 26, 1892, Rizal and Lucia
arrived in Manila at 12:00nn where
they were met by soldiers; one of them
was a major, a captain and a sergeant
of the constabulary who were in
 After going through customs inspection
at the port, he went straight to Hotel de
Oriente to check-in. In the letter of Rizal
to his Excellency, he mentioned Hotel de
Oriente. It was probably his intention
to inform where he would stay so that
the Governor General might realize
Blumentritt, explained the meaning of
the title of the novel:
"The word filibusterismo is little known
ADDITIONAL in the Philippines. The masses do not
know it yet. I heard it for the first time in
INFORMATIONS 1872 when the tragic execution took
place (execution of the GOMBURZA]. I
THE EL FILIBUSTERISMO still remember the panic that this word
 Before the printing of the second novel, has created. Our father forbade us to
lose Rizal faced the same problem utter it, as well as the words Cavite,
during his first novel. He ran out of Burgos etc. The Manila newspaper and
money, that is why, he wrote Jose Maria the Spaniards applied this word to the
Basa, informing him of his situation and one whom they wanted to make
eventually sent him money and another revolutionary suspect. The Filipinos
helped came from Rodriguez Arias as belonging to the educated class heard
royalty for the book sale of Dr. Morga. the meaning of the word. It does not
 However, the amount of money he have the meaning of free brothers butt
received wasn't enough to print because rather means a dangerous patriot who
of the high cost of printing. But with full will soon be hanged as well as
determination to print his novel, he presumptuous man."
moved in Ghent from Brussels for a
cheaper printing. In Ghent, he met Jose  It was his good friend Ferdinand
Alejandrino, a Filipino engineering Blumentritt who wrote the introduction
student at the University of Ghent. of the novel. From the message written
Alejandrino agreed to share a room with by Blumentritt, one can discern that El
Jose Rizal. Filibusterismo is more intense than the
 But when everything seemed to fall Noli Me Tangere in terms of the political
apart, good news came from Valentin ideas. The introduction reads:
Ventura where he agreed to loan him
money for the completion of the "The policy of the pro-friars and
printing. Thus, the printing of the retrogrades led to the growth of
second part pushed through and finally filibusterism and convinced the
the El Filibusterismo was published in Filipinos that there was no other
Ghent on September 18, 1891. salvation but separation from mother
 Jose Rizal immediately sent two copies Spain."
to Basa and Lopez in Hong Kong while
to Valentin Ventura, who was very  He even admitted that the El
instrumental to him, the copy of the Filibusterismo was inferior to that of the
original manuscript of the novel. Noli
 The El Filibusterismo was sequel of the  Me Tangere. In his letter to Marcelo del
Noli Me Tangere where Jose Rizal Pilar, he wrote:
dedicated it to the martyrs of the Cavite
Mutiny, they were Marciano Gomez, "For me, the El Filibusterismo as a novel
Jose Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora. The is inferior as compare to the Noli Me
execution of the three priests was Tangere, so that received com gravo salis
significant to the title of the novel. [with a grain of salt] the opinion of those
According to Jose Rizal, in his letter to who tell me that the El Filibusterismo is
superior to the Noli Me Tangere.
Blumentritt and all those in Paris and  This time, the Governor General granted
Barcelona, for their benevolence the pardon for his brother. Again, he
towards me, said it is superior. I was instructed to come back for another
attributed it only to their benevolence. meeting.
You are the first one to tell me the truth  On Sunday, he returned again to
and you coincide with the manner of my Malacañang Palace and extended his
thinking. This flatters me as it proves gratitude for the lifting of the
that I still know how to judge myself." deportation of his father and brother. In
MEETING WITH GOVERNOR this meeting, Governor General
DESPOJOL Despujol asked whether Rizal wanted to
go back in Hong Kong and he answered
 At 4 o'clock in the afternoon on the day affirmatively. After the meeting, he was
of his arrival, Rizal went immediately in asked to return on July 6.
Malacañang Palace to seek courtesy with
Governor General Eulogio Despujol but
he was advised to return at 7:00 in the  On the night of Sunday, Jose Rizal called
evening. The first meeting was short and a meeting at the house of Doroteo
lasted for only three minutes. Though Ongjunco in Tondo to create an
brief, his contact with the Governor organization where he called La Liga
General produced a positive result. The Filipina. Some of his companions
Governor General lifted the deportation attended, they were Pedro Serrano
of his father. However, he received no Laktaw and Timoteo Paez, Apolinario
pronouncement yet as to the fate of his Mabini, Teodoro Plata, Deodato
brother Paciano and the rest of his Arellano, and Andres Bonifacio, and
family. The Governor General set some of his mason friends.
another meeting with him on June 29.
 While waiting for the second meeting  The La Liga Filipina was part of his plan
with the Governor General, Rizal visited back in Hong Kong because he knew this
some of his sisters. The next day after would help unite the Filipino people and
his arrival, he went to Bulacan, eventually would pave way their
Pampanga, Tarlac, and later to Cavite to problems on agricultural, educational
visit some of his companion. and financial conditions. In fact, the by-
 Afterwards, he returned to the Palace for laws of this organization were written in
his scheduled meeting with Governor Hong Kong. But this meeting brought
General Despujol on Wednesday but he suspicion from the authorities, the
met him at half-past seven, almost the Governor General on July 5 or two days
same time during their first meeting. after the meeting, ordered Constabulary
Although his interview with his to search all houses that Jose Rizal
Excellency lasted for more than two visited. The suspicion was further
hours, he did not obtain a pardon for the aggravated because most of the houses
deportation of his brother. After the he (Jose) visited were owned by the
meeting, the Governor General masons.
requested Jose Rizal to come back the
next day.
 As instructed, he returned in see
Governor General Despujol on

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