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Muhammad Bilal




The purpose of writing this self-analysis is to present the true account of my personal growth,
evaluating past experiences, divulge genuine personality and last but not least assessing my
strengths and weaknesses. This analysis is consist of my personal experiences and the
strategies that how I overcome my weaknesses successfully.

My name is Muhammad Bilal. I am 22 years old. I belong to district Bajaur Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa. I did my matriculation and intermediate from my district. Currently I am
pursuing my B.S English degree at University Of The Punjab, Jhelum Campus.

My personality:
Everyone has different personality with various strengths and weaknesses. Following is the
complete sketch of my strengths and weaknesses and strategies including some pragmatic
steps which helped me to groom my personality.

a) Overthinking:
It is one of the dominant weakness in my personality. Some times it become a hindrance in
my way of progress by posing some fear in the form of seeking for perfection in every task I
do in my daily life. It compels me to feel that I am not putting my hundred percent in doing
anything and realizing me the loss again and again.
I tried my level best to avoid overthinking by not comparing myself to others and tried to feel
satisfied with what I did. In my opinion I overcome it to some extent.
b) Dominating personality:
In life it is very much important to asses and listen to others in order to develop a better
understanding and respecting to others perspective as well. Dominant personality at times
creates so many problems for me as I am not able to digest the different opinion and try to
impose my ideas on others which is not a good thing.
I overcome this problem through soliloquy and trying to accept the others opinion after
realizing my faults. To be a good human and communicator I tried my level best to behave in
a common way of acceptance to diversity.
c) Self- criticizer:
Loosing and winning is a part of life however it was very difficult for me to accept the defeat
and I always declared myself responsible for my failures whatever the situation was. We have
to work hard in achieving anything the rest depend upon luck.

I overcome this problem through self- introspection and analyzing my progress from past till
now. I thought that if I am celebrating my success very proudly then why not I should accept
my failures. I tried to learn from my experiences in life and since then my personality become
stable with each and every passing day.
d) Credulous:
To be inspired from someone is noting different but I was so much quick in believing
everyone. This was a big problem I had ever faced because without spending much time and
examining someone we trust everyone which sometimes hurt us emotionally by not obtaining
our desired response.
I overcome this problem by curbing myself not to be quick in judging someone and started to
analyze both the sides of coin to trust in someone. This was a transforming step of my life I

1) Hardworking:
Hard work is key to success. Since my childhood I followed this principle as it is evident
from my academic record. In matriculation, intermediate and now at bachelor level my
performance is getting a better form with the passage of time.
2) Stead- fast:
Consistency in life always guarantee us success and satisfaction. Whatever the situation was I
always remained stead fast and did not lose my courage which sailed me through many tough
times. This is the only trait which always played a role of stimulus in my progress.
3) Martinet:
Life without discipline is nothing. Discipline is the only thing which bound us to remain stick
to our goals and perform every task on its due time. Since my childhood I am following the
disciplined life which always enable me to timely perform my tasks and excel in every
4) Confident:
To be confident in life is something special which allows us to express our ideas clearly in
front of others. confidence in my personality is always remained a major actor which paved
the way of exploring new things in life for me.

Nobody is perfect in this world. To accept my fault and trying to convert it into
strength is a good point in my personality which I identified very hardly. After
acquiring suitable knowledge about personality development and going through
the course of communication I came to the conclusion that everything could be
changed with sincere efforts.

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