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Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Summary :

The poet expresses the inner feelings of a woman – Aunt Jennifer. The aunt is embroidering a picture or pattern
on something comprising of energetic, fearless tigers moving freely around the bright greenery. She is living a
life of submissiveness to her husband’s command. Her acts are dominated by him and she fears him
constantly. This pattern of the free and fearless tigers reflects her inner desire to live a free and fearless life.
The tigers are graceful, elegant and bright.

Aunt Jennifer’s fingers tremble as she embroiders. She is old but still fears her husband. She does not enjoy
the freedom to do anything as per her wish. She is scared doing the embroidery too and fears his wrath. Since
the day she got married, she has been fulfilling the demands of her husband. The wedding ring on her hand is
a constant reminder that she belongs to her husband. The burden of the demanding marriage has exhausted
her. The torment will not end until her death.

Even after her death, the ring will remain on her hand and she will never be free. On the other hand, the tigers
that she is embroidering will continue to move around freely forever. Her desire of freedom and fearlessness
will live on through her tigers.
Aunt Jennifer’s tigers prance across a screen,
Bright topaz denizens of a world of green.
They do not fear the men beneath the tree;
They pace in sleek chivalric certainty.
Summary and Explanation
 The poet is talking about a lady whom she addresses as aunt, Jennifer.
 She is embroidering a piece of cloth. It could be a table cloth or a wall hanging.
 The pattern shows tigers who are moving and jumping around all over the fabric.
 They are bright yellow in colour like the colour of the topaz stone (use of metaphor).
 The dense green forest background is their home.
 They are the proud and fearless citizens of the forest.
 Here is a contrast between Aunt Jennifer and her tigers. The tigers are fearless but this lady, who is
embroidering them is not so.
 The tigers look elegant, shining and full of the gentleman’s grace.
 Literary Devices
 Rhyme scheme: aabb
 Anaphora: use of same word in two consecutive lines (they do not … and they pace in…)
 Metaphor: Use of topaz to describe the yellow color of tigers (Bright topaz)
Aunt Jennifer’s fingers fluttering through her wool
Find even the ivory needle hard to pull.
The massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band
Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand.
Summary and Explanation
 The lady’s fingers are trembling with the fear of her husband.
 She is pursuing her hobby in her free time but probably, she is still afraid of her husband who could scold her.
 Her fingers are so tired of working endlessly all her life
 The needle is also heavy for her to pull out of the cloth.
 The words ‘uncle’s wedding band’ as the band was bought by her husband, it is his till today.
 The lady is dependent on her husband.
 She is still burdened by the weight of the ring. ‘weight’ means the encirclement or trapping that has fallen
upon her by getting married to him, she has been burdened by the obligations of married life, has become the
man’s property.
 She has been living a demanding life due to which she has worn out in her old age.
 Literary device:
 Rhyme scheme: aabb
 Alliteration: ‘f’ sound is repeated in finger fluttering
When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie
Still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by.
The tigers in the panel that she made
Will go on prancing, proud and unafraid.
Summary and Explanation
 Her wish to live a free, fearless life is indicated by her choice of design – tigers.
 It shows her innermost desire of being strong, fearless which has been overpowered by her husband.
 Probably, her ordeal will end upon her death.
 Her frightened, shaking fingers will be put to rest.
 But still, even after death, the ring shall remain on her hand, i.e. her husband’s rule over her is not yet over!
 After her death, her desire of freedom and fearlessness shall remain alive in these tigers which she has
 Literary devices
 Rhyme scheme: aabb
 alliteration: ‘p’ is repeated in prancing proud
The poem deals with the pathetic condition of married women all over the world. Aunt Jennifer is a symbol of
all married women, who are suffering at the oppressive hands of a patriarchal society.


1. How do ‘denizens’ and ‘chivalric’ add to our understanding of the tiger’s attitudes?
The word ‘denizens’ means that they are proud of their home, they feel safe there and have a feeling of
belonging attached to it.
The word ‘chivalric’ shows that they have a majestic and worthy position like knights.
2. Why do you think Aunt Jennifer’s hands are ‘fluttering through her wool’ in the second stanza?
Why is she finding the needle so hard to pull?
Her hands are fluttering probably because she is scared of her husband who could come anytime and scold her
for sitting idle and wasting her time doing embroidery. She finds the needle so hard to pull because her fingers
are tired of working endlessly all through her life.
3. What is suggested by the image ‘massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band’?
‘Massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band’ suggest symbolically, that the bindings and obligations of her
marriage are so much that they have put a lot of burden and stress on her.
4. Of what or of whom is Aunt Jennifer terrified with in the third stanza?
She is terrified of her husband.
5. What are the ‘ordeals’ Aunt Jennifer is surrounded by, why is it significant that the poet uses the
word ‘ringed’? What are the meanings of the word ‘ringed’ in the poem?
A. The ‘ordeals’ are
 Obeying her husband’s orders.
 Fear of men.
 Giving in to his dominance and fulfilling his commands.
‘Ringed’ indicates entrapment. As the ring encircles the finger, similarly, her husband has encircled her in his
clutches. Her body and soul are both trapped, struggling for freedom and fearlessness.
6. Why do you think Aunt Jennifer created animals that are so different from her own character?
What might the poet be suggesting, through this difference?
 I think that aunt Jennifer’s intense desire for freedom and fearlessness came out through her creativity.
 This is the time when she is with herself, and then, her innermost feelings are expressed, here her medium of
expression is the embroidery.
 Through this difference, it is shown that the lady is not what she is. Her circumstances have made her so but
even she has a desire to live life with respect and pride.
7. Interpret the symbols found in this poem.
 ‘denizens of a world of green’ means inhabitants of the forest.
 ‘massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band’ means the burden of marital obligations.
 ‘Sits heavily upon Aunt’ means has laid a lot of stress on her.
 ‘ringed with ordeals’ means to get entrapped in hardships and sufferings.
8. Do you sympathize with Aunt Jennifer. What is the attitude of the speaker towards Aunt Jennifer?
Yes, I sympathize with Aunt Jennifer. The speaker is also sympathetic towards her and hates dominating men.
9.Describe the tigers created by Aunt Jennifer.
The poet describes Aunt Jennifer’s tigers as ‘brighdenizens’ of the forest. They are fearless and ferocious in
sharp contrast to their creator, Aunt Jennifer’s nervousness and timidity. Gallant and confident, they are sure
of their purpose and move ahead undeterred by any kind of hindrance or obstruction.
10.Why did Aunt Jennifer choose to embroider tigers on the panel?
Aunt Jennifer chose to embroider tigers on the panel because of the nature of the tigers. They symbolise
strength and splendour which was in sharp contrast to her own meek nature. The massive weight of the
wedding band that sits heavily on her finger symbolises the ordeals and hardships of her married life so she
creates tigers as they are a striking contrast to the frail, meek old lady who created them.
11.What will happen to Aunt Jennifer’s tigers when she is dead?
Aunt Jennifer’s tigers will survive even after she is dead. She has created the tigers in a panel out of wool.
These objects of art are immortal. They will continue prancing, proudly and fearlessly. To express her desire
for freedom she had created the chivalrous tigers who will survive long after her death but her own longing
for freedom will remain unfulfilled.
12.How has Aunt Jennifer created her tigers? What traits of tigers do they reveal?
Aunt Jennifer has created shining topaz yellow- coloured tigers who are denizens of a dense, green forest.
They are fierce, unafraid and fearless and pace in ‘sleek’ and ‘chivalric’ certainty.
13.Why are Aunt Jennifer’s hands fluttering through her wool?
Aunt Jennifer is a victim of gender oppression at the hands of her husband. She lives a life of total domination
and constant fear. So she feels nervous and terrified that the hands shake and flutter through her wool as she
sits down to knit.
14.Describe the contrast between Aunt Jennifer ‘ and her creation, the tigers.
Aunt Jennifer is totally victimised and suffers from oppression by her male counterpart. So she creates an
alternate world of freedom in her art. The tigers she creates go on prancing menacingly, exhibiting their pride
and fearlessness of any social group or gender conflicts.
15.Why do you think Aunt Jennifer created animals that are so different from her own character?
Aunt Jennifer’s tigers possessed all the qualities that Aunt Jennifer did not have. The tigers were free, fearless,
confident and proud whereas Aunt Jennifer was meek, submissive and without any identity. She was a rather
indecisive woman unlike the confident tigers she had created.
16.What do the symbols, ‘tigers’, ‘fingers’ and ‘ring’ stand for in the poem, ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’?
The ‘tigers’ are symbols of bravery and courage and also of Aunt Jennifer’s desire for freedom. The ‘fingers’
are symbolic of the nervousness and fear experienced by Aunt Jennifer and the ‘ring’ symbolises a binding
marriage that is full of oppression and curtails one’s freedom.
17.What kind of married life did Aunt Jennifer lead?
Aunt Jennifer’s wedding band lies heavily on her hand. It reminds her of her unhappy married life. It is
symbolic of male authority and power of her husband who had suppressed her and made her a nervous wreck.
He had dominated over her for so long that she had lost her identity.
18.What lies heavily on Aunt Jennifer’s hand? How is it associated with her husband?
Aunt Jennifer’s wedding band lies heavily on her hand. It reminds her of her unhappy married life. It is
symbolic of male authority and power of her husband who had suppressed her and made her a nervous wreck.
He had dominated over her for so long that she had lost her identity.
19.Why has Aunt Jennifer made ‘prancing, proud and unafraid’ tigers?
Aunt Jennifer chose to embroider tigers on the panel because of the nature of the tigers. They symbolise
strength and splendour which was sharp contrast to her own meek nature. The massive weight of the wedding
band that sits heavily on her finger symbolises the ordeals and hardships of her married life so she creates
tigers as they are a striking contrast to the frail, meek old lady who created them.
20.What are the difficulties that aunt Jennifer faced in her life?
Aunt Jennifer faced great hardships in her married life. She led a terrifying and oppressed life wherein she had
never been free but a helpless victim of male chauvinism. Dominated and terrorised by her husband, Aunt
Jennifer struggled for an existence within the deep conflicts of slavery.
21.How are Aunt Jennifer’s tigers different from her?
Aunt Jennifer’s tigers possessed all the qualities that Aunt Jennifer did not have. The tigers were free, fearless,
confident and proud whereas Aunt Jennifer was meek, submissive and without any identity. She was a rather
indecisive woman unlike the confident tigers she had created.
22.How does Aunt Jennifer express her bitter-ness and anger against male dominance?
To express her bitterness and anger against male dominance, Aunt Jennifer chooses to embroider tigers on the
panel. The nature of tigers symbolizes strength, fearlessness and splendour which is in sharp contrast to her
own meek nature because of which she has suffered endlessly.
23.Aunt Jennifer’s efforts to get rid of her fear proved to be futile. Comment.
Aunt Jennifer has been a victim of oppression by the overbearing dominance of her husband. Completely
terrorised by her husband she struggled for an existence and was so victimised that even after her death she
will not be able to liberate her mind and spirit from the fear of male-dominance.
24.What picture of male chauvinism (tyranny) do we find in the poem, ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’?
Aunt Jennifer faced great hardships in her married life. She led a terrifying and oppressed life wherein she had
never been free but a helpless victim of male chauvinism. Dominated and terrorised by her husband, Aunt
Jennifer struggled for an existence within the deep conflicts of slavery.
25.Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie
Still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by.
The tigers in the panel that she made
Will go on prancing, proud and unafraid.
1. Name the poem and the poet.
2. What was the aunt’s ordeal?
3. Why did she ‘make’ tigers?
4. How were the tigers different from her?
1. The poem is ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’ by Adrienne Rich.
2. The aunt’s ordeal was that she was dominated by her husband and was denied freedom.
3. Aunt Jennifer made tigers to give expression to her desire for freedom.
4. Aunt Jennifer was meek and submissive whereas the tigers she embroidered were strong and courageous.
26. Aunt Jennifer’s fingers fluttering through her wool
Find even the ivory needle hard to pull.
The massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band
Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand.
1. Name the poem and the poet.
2. What is Aunt Jennifer doing with the wool?
3. Why are her fingers fluttering?
4. What does ‘wedding band’ mean?
1. The poem is ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’ by Adrienne Rich.
2. Aunt Jennifer is embroidering tigers on a canvas with wool.
3. She has been tormented and dominated by her husband all her life, so her fingers are fluttering due to
4. ‘Wedding band’ means a wedding ring.
27. Aunt Jennifer’s tigers prance across a screen,
Bright topaz denizens of a world of green.
They do not fear the men beneath the tree;
They pace in sleek chivalric certainty.
1. Why are the tigers called Aunt Jennifer’s tigers?
2. How are they described here?
3. How are they different from Aunt Jennifer?
4. What does the word ‘chivalric’ mean?
1. The tigers are called Aunt Jennifer’s tigers because they have been created by her, she has embroidered a
panel of prancing tigers.
2. They are described here as yellowish brown (topaz) coloured inhabitants of the jungle. They are fearless,
ferocious and brave creatures.
3. Aunt Jennifer is a timid and terrified old woman whose nature is in stark contrast to the fearless and
chivalrous tigers she has created.
4. The word ‘chivalric’ means ‘brave’/ respectful towards women.
28. Aunt Jennifer’s fingers fluttering through her wool
Find even the ivory needle hard to pull.
The massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band
Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand.
1. What is Aunt Jennifer doing with her wool?
2. Why does she find it difficult to pull her ivory needle?
3. What does ‘wedding band’ stand for ?
4. Describe the irony in the third line.
1. Aunt Jennifer is embroidering the tigers on a panel with her wool.
2. Suppressed under male domination, Aunt Jennifer has become a nervous wreck. As a result, her fingers
flutter and she finds it difficult to pull her ivory needle.
3. ‘Wedding band’ is a symbol of male authority and power. The band symbolizes her unhappy marriage, her
husband and the patriarchal society that limits the freedom of women.
4. Even though Aunt Jennifer wears the wedding band, it is ironical that the poet describes it as belonging to Uncle.
29. Aunt Jennifer’s fingers fluttering through her wool.
Find even the ivory needle hard to pull.
The massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band
Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand.
1. What is Aunt Jennifer’s mood?
2. Why are her fingers fluttering?
3. What is Uncle’s wedding band?

4. Why is it heavy?
1. Aunt Jennifer is in a state of anxiety and nervousness.
2. Aunt Jennifer’s fingers are fluttering as she is nervous because of her husband.
3. Uncle’s wedding band is the wedding ring that Aunt Jennifer wears in one of her fingers.
4. It is metaphorically heavy because it is a symbol of her subjugation and oppression by her husband.
30.‘Bright topaz denizens of a world of green.
They do not fear the men beneath the tree;
They pace in sleek chivalric certainty.’
1. Who are ‘bright topaz denizens’?
2. Where do you find them?
3. Why are ‘they’ not afraid of the men?
4. What does the word ‘sleek’ mean?
1. The tigers embroidered on the panel by Aunt Jennifer are referred to as ‘bright topaz denizens’.
2. They are found in the jungle, the world of green on a screen.
3. They are fearless and bold creatures so they are not afraid of the men.
4. The word ‘sleek’ means ‘elegant’ or ‘glossy’.
31. Aunt Jennifer’s tigers prance across a screen,
Bright topaz denizens of a world of green.
They do not fear the men beneath the tree;
They pace in sleek chivalric certainty.
1. How are aunt Jennifer’s tigers described?
2. Why are they described as denizens of a world of green?
3. Why are they not afraid of the men?
1. Aunt Jennifer’s tigers are described as powerful, strong and fearless.
2. The tigers are inhabitants of the dense green forests so they are described as dwellers of a world of green.
3. Their courage and fearlessness gives them a confidence due to which they are not afraid of men.
32. Bright topaz denizens of a world of green.
They do not fear the men beneath the tree;
They pace in sleek chivalric certainty.
1. Who are ‘They’? Where are ‘They’?
2. Why are They’ not afraid of men?
1. ‘They’ refers to the tigers that Aunt Jennifer has knitted on the panel. They are prancing jerkily in the forest
(across a screen).
2. The tigers are not afraid of men because they are gallant and fearless creatures who are undeterred by any
obstacles or hindrances and thus are not afraid of the men.

33. Aunt Jennifer’s tigers prance across a screen,

Bright topaz denizens of a world of green.
They do not fear the men beneath the tree;
They pace in sleek chivalric certainty.
1. Why are the tigers called ‘Aunt Jennifer’s tigers’?
2. What does the phrase,’ a world of green’ mean?
3. How are the tigers different from their creator?
4. Why are the tigers not afraid of the men beneath the trees?
1. The tigers are called ‘Aunt Jennifer’s tigers’ because they are her creation. She has knitted (embroidered)
the tigers on a screen.
2. The phrase ‘a world of green’ means ‘the green forest to which the tigers belong.’
3. The tigers are brave, chivalric, confident and strong unlike their creator who is weak, timid, frightened and
4. The tigers are brave and fearless by nature. They are ferocious wild beasts so they are not afraid of the men
beneath the trees.

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