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Nama : Muhammad Farkhi Abdilah

Prodi :Teknik Sipil

Angkatan : 2021
Ringkasan Gagasan kreatif
Development in Indonesia is increasing along with the increasing population. This
causes an increase in the need for building materials, one of which is ceiling. Taking into
account the climate in Indonesia which is starting to be erratic, we need building materials
that can improve the quality of the ceiling, such as banana fiber, paper waste, and plastic
waste. In addition, using this waste can reduce the amount of waste in Indonesia which
continues to increase.
Based on data obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics, it is known that the city
of Demak is the largest banana producer in Central Java. In 2020 banana production in
the city reached 887.6 thousand quintals. Banana trees are a big enough waste generator
because they can only bear fruit once and the stems will rot. However, the use of banana
stems has not been maximized. According to research, banana stems or fronds have a
fairly good tensile strength, making them suitable for use as a ceiling material. One of the
functions of the ceiling is to support loads, such as electrical installation cables. By
making banana frond fiber a composite material for ceilings, it is hoped that the ceiling
will be able to increase the load-bearing capacity due to the increased tensile strength of
the banana frond fiber.
Ceilings used in buildings in countries with high rainfall should have good water
resistance, so that PET plastic waste is used as a coating on ceilings. To avoid damage
due to weak ceiling supports because the ceiling is too heavy, waste paper is used as one
of the ceiling constituents to produce a fairly light ceiling. The addition of this paper
waste also increases water absorption which causes the durability of the ceiling to
decrease. This weakness can be covered because of the use of plastic waste as a ceiling
The physical properties of the composite ceiling were tested using SNI 01-4449-2006
rules. From the results of this test it is expected that composite ceilings with a mixture of
banana stems can be one of the solutions in solving the SDGs issues regarding innovation,
infrastructure and sustainable industry.

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