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Journal of Cleaner Production 240 (2019) 118204

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Technological innovation and green growth in the Organization for

Economic Cooperation and Development economies
Claudia Nyarko Mensah a, *, Xingle Long a, Lamini Dauda a, Kofi Baah Boamah a, b,
Muhammad Salman a, Florence Appiah-Twum a, Andrews Kwamena Tachie a
School of Management, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, 212013, PR China
Data Link Institute, Tema, Ghana

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Green growth means improving production and demand-based emissions through innovation of green
Received 23 February 2019 technologies for cleaner production and supply chain. This study examines the effect of technological
Received in revised form innovation on green growth on twenty-eight (28) Organization for Economic Cooperation and Devel-
18 July 2019
opment (OECD) economies for the period 2000 to 2014 with data sourced from OECD library statistics
Accepted 27 August 2019
Available online 28 August 2019
and World Bank, World Development Indicators. The economies were sub-grouped into Oceania,
America, Asia and Europe. Preliminary tests conducted were Cross-section dependence test, Im Pesaran
Handling editor: Mattias Lindahl and Shin unit root tests. Westerlund cointegration confirmed that the variables are cointegrated. Using
STIRPAT and IPAT models, the study found transport related technologies has been beneficial to green
Keywords: growth in the Oceania sub-region. OECD Asia's technologies for production and processing of goods have
Technological innovation been beneficial to green growth. Climate change technologies in relation to generation and transmission
Green growth of energy are detrimental to green growth in the OECD economies but its impact is visible in Asia and
CO2 emissions Europe sub-panels. Environmental related budget and taxes have been found worthwhile in the pursuit
Demand-based CO2 emissions
of green growth from the dominant negative coefficient values. Findings led to the presentation of some
Production-based CO2 emissions
important implications which could be useful for policy-makers and industries in the pursuit of green
growth globally.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction technologies enhance firms sustainability (Bhupendra and Sangle,

Green growth has received swift attention recently as global Cleaner technologies are required in generating and supplying
pursuit for economic success often leads to environmental degra- energy for consumer needs (industries, domestic, transport, other
dation. Decoupling growth from environmental downgrade de- service sectors). A cleaner technology means but not limited to
mands investing in green technologies which lowers the potential adopting low-polluting transport facilities for commuting, pro-
risk climate change pose to human (Lin and Zhu, 2019). Green moting clean procurement and supply chain activities of firms. This
growth focuses on greening production and consumption (Gotschol infer that green technologies meshed with strategic policies are
et al., 2014; Luukkanen et al., 2019) through the invention of green crucial for sustainable growth Bekhet and Latif (2018), conse-
technologies as well clean energy use. Technological innovation quently, green growth.
thus address both production-based and demand-based emissions, Extensive research has been carried out on green growth
hence seen as the principal driving force of industrial evolution € m, 2018; Vazquez-Brust
(Bagheri et al., 2018; Stoknes and Rockstro
(Yao et al., 2018). Designing, developing and executing clean et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2019; Wang and Shao, 2019), focusing on
different factors impelling green growth on different economies.
These researchers considered different pollutants as a measure of
green growth of which includes CO2 emissions in totality. However,
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (C.N. Mensah), longxingle@ none disaggregated green growth into demand-based and (X. Long), (L. Dauda), production-based emissions. Bagheri et al. (2018), assessed the
(K.B. Boamah), (M. Salman), extent to which changes in final demand impact on CO2 emissions.
(F. Appiah-Twum), (A.K. Tachie).
0959-6526/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 C.N. Mensah et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 240 (2019) 118204

They considered total emissions, without focusing categorically on innovation on green growth in the OECD economies is worthwhile
demand-based emissions. This study again neglected transport for the fact that, climate change abatement technologies are
related emission associated to supply of goods demanded. continuously invented by these economies. Policies proposed out of
Guo et al. (2017), examined green growth considering the the findings of this study can therefore be applied to the non-OECD
interaction effects of environmental regulation and technological economies.
innovation on regional green growth performance. However, they This study seeks to make four major contribution to existing
neglected the role both environmentally related taxes and envi- literature. First, the twenty-eight OECD economies for this study
ronmentally related budget play on green growth. Stegemann and are sub-grouped into four sub-panels to identify which sub-
Ossewaarde (2018), examined green growth, unveiling the myth of regional bloc has been most effective in the pursuit of green
sustainable energy transformation but deserted the specific effect growth with their technological innovation. This would serve as
of climate change technologies for generation and transmission of benchmark for others to emulate. Secondly, the contribution of
energy. Mostly, energy used has been studied widely in green climate change mitigation technologies related to transportation,
growth with little focus on energy supply (Ma et al., 2018). is of the climate change mitigation technologies related to energy genera-
view that damaging effect caused the climate is a result of indus- tion, transmission or distribution and climate change mitigation
trial activities and energy supply. Yet, little attention has been given technologies in the production or processing of goods to green
to energy supply in literature. growth is examined. Third, CO2 emissions are disaggregated into
From diverse perspective, technological innovation has been three; demand-based emissions, production-based emission and
studied (Irandoust, 2016; Martínez-García et al., 2018). These au- total CO2 emissions to examine the impact of the climate change
thors confirmed the importance of technological innovation in the technologies understudy from the three source of emissions. Four,
climate change mitigation battle. Irandoust (2016), employed a the study utilized recent econometric panel test as cross-section
modified version of the Granger non-causality test to examine dependence (CD) (Pesaran, 2004) and Westerlund cointegration
technological innovation in renewable energy sources and tests (Westerlund, 2007) to check for cross-sectional dependence
concluded that technological innovation plays an effective role in and cointegration among the variables. Based on a modified STIR-
the renewable energy-growth nexus. This researcher used real R&D PAT (Dietz and Rosa, 1997.), IPAT (Ehrlich and Holdren, 1971) and
spending on the energy sector as a proxy for technological inno- multiple linear regression (MLR) methods to estimate the long
vation. This infers that no consideration was given to climate relationship among the variable at the panel level. Finally, this
change technologies in relation to generation and supply of energy. study examines the impact of environmentally related budget on
Martínez-García et al. (2018), then examined energy generation green growth which has not received much attention in literature.
technologies using the multi-criteria approach and the ELEC- Findings from the study would not only extend knowledge but also
TREeIIIeSEM techniques. Different categories of energy generation reveal factors to reinforce and ones to disengage in the pursuit of
technologies were studied. Although their study considered envi- green growth globally.
ronmental sustainability, the focus of the supply side of energy The remaining section is as follows. Section 2 provides infor-
generated is missing. mation on the data, and research methodology. Section 3 presents
(Wang (2017); Wang et al., 2018) used DEA model, pooled panel the results of the study. Section 4 discusses the findings of the study
regression and cross-sectional framework respectively, to examine and Section 5 presents the conclusion, possible policies based on
the effect of climate change technologies for a selected United the findings.
States manufacturing companies. These studies adopted R&D
expenditure and investment in mitigation technologies. Diverse 2. Materials and methods
industrial sectors were considered in these studies. However, the
researchers did not categorically examine the role climate change 2.1. Data
related technologies in relation to production and processing of
goods played in promoting green growth. In empirically examining technological innovation and green
Rodríguez et al. (2019) conducted a study on the impact of growth in the OECD, set of data was gathered on twenty-eight (28)
environmentally related taxes on green growth in Portugal using countries from the OECD statistics ( and
the static CGE (Computable general equilibrium) model. They the World Bank database, World Development Indicators (WDI)
found that environmentally related tax exerts positive feedback on ( For consistency and data availability, we
both economic and green growth. Nonetheless, their study omitted covered the period from 2000 to 2014. Data on CO2 emissions,
the role of environmentally related budget on green growth. There measured in kilotons, were obtained from the World Development
have been studies on supply chain and environmental quality Indicators. Statistics on production-based CO2 emissions, demand-
(Chen et al., 2019; Koberg and Longoni, 2019; Ouardighi et al., 2016; based CO2 emissions, renewable energy supply, energy consump-
Saberi, 2018) based on buyerevendor supply chain framework, tion in industry, energy consumption in transport, environmentally
Structured content analysis, two-stage game and multiperiod, related R&D budget, environmentally related tax, Climate change
multitier, sustainable supply chain with freight carriers network mitigation technologies related to transportation, Climate change
model to address such concerns. This is because various sectors of mitigation technologies related to energy generation, transmission
economies are interdependent and linked to environmental or distribution and Climate change mitigation technologies in the
pollution through supply chains (Shi et al., 2019). Notwithstanding, production or processing of goods also obtained from OECD sta-
none of the studies considered the role climate change technologies tistics ( Table 1 presents information on the
in relation to transport have reduced transport related emissions. variables.
CO2 accounts for 76% (38 ± 3.8 GtCO2eq/yr) of total anthropo-
genic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, therefore stands as the 2.2. Econometric approach
major Greenhouse gas (GHG) and the highest emitting sector is the
industrial sector. (IPCC, 2014). Green growth is unachievable in this Examining the impact of technological innovation on green
regard. It has been revealed that, baseline emissions from non- growth in the OECD economies, three econometric models were
OECD nations are anticipated to be higher than those from the developed and estimated based on multiply linear regression
OECD countries, (IPCC, 2014). Studying the impact of technological (MLR), STIRPAT and IPAT models. The IPAT model purports that
C.N. Mensah et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 240 (2019) 118204 3

Table 1
Variable definitions.

Variable Definition Source

CO2 Carbon dioxide emission(kilotons) World Development Indicators

PBCO2 Production based emissions (tonnes, million) OECD statistics
DBCO2 Demand based emissions (tonnes, million) OECD statistics
RES Renewable energy supply (kilograms) OECD statistics
INEC Energy consumption in industry (kilograms) OECD statistics
TTEC Energy consumption in transport (kilograms) OECD statistics
ENDB Environmentally related government R&D budget (USD) OECD statistics
ENTX Environmentally related tax (USD) OECD statistics
TECTT Climate change mitigation technologies related to transportation (number) OECD statistics
TECEG Climate change mitigation technologies related to energy generation, transmission or distribution (number) OECD statistics
TTPP Climate change mitigation technologies in the production or processing of goods (number) OECD statistics

environmental impacts are the multiplicative product of popula- on green growth, hence an examination of the effect of INEC (in-
tion, affluence and technology, hence adopted and innovatively dustrial energy consumption), lnRES (renewable energy supply),
modified to model the relationship between technological inno- ENTX (environmentally related taxes), TTPP (Climate change miti-
vation and green growth. The MLR method was employed because gation technologies in the production or processing of goods) and
it aids in avoiding non-optimal combination of regressors. The IPAT TECEG (Climate change mitigation technologies related to energy
and STIRPAT equations primarily presented as; generation, transmission or distribution) on PbCO2 production
based emissions. Here, it is presumed that industries rely on
Ii ¼ aPic Ani Tim ei (1) renewable energies in their pursuit for green growth hence
consideration of the supply of renewable energies.
where a represent the constant term that scales c, n and m. P A and The final equation examined demand-based CO2 emissions in
T represent population, affluence and technology respectively. The relation to green growth following (Bagheri et al., 2018; Kim et al.,
subscript i represents the number of (I, P, A, T and e) in each panel. 2014; Salahuddin et al., 2015). This was based on the a modified
This study, further modelled the impact of energy used by the IPAT equation written as;
two sectors and their impact on green growth.
Three models (expressed in equation 2e5), are developed based lnDbCO2it ¼ a0 þ b1 lnTTPPit þ b2 lnTECTTit þ b3 lnTTECit
on total CO2 emissions, demand-based CO2 emissions, production- þ b4 lnTECEGit þ Uit (4)
based CO2 emissions, industrial energy consumption, transport
energy consumption and a selected climate change related tech- The third model considers the impact of consumer demand on
nologies. The essence is to identify how these selected climate green growth, hence an examination of the effect of the contribu-
change related technologies have improved green growth in to- tions of TTEC (Energy consumption in transport), TTPP (Climate
tality, production based-emissions and demand-based emissions. change mitigation technologies in the production or processing of
The first model of this study examined the impact of a selected goods) TECTT (climate change technologies related to transport),
climate change related technologies and other determinants on and TECEG (Climate change mitigation technologies related to en-
green growth in totality based on the STIRPAT model, thus total CO2 ergy generation, transmission or distribution) to demand based
emissions following (Luo et al., 2016, 2017; van der Ploeg and emissions (dbco2) is considered in the final model.
Withagen, 2013).
3. Results
lnCO2it ¼ a0 þ b1 lnTTECit þ b2 lnINECit þ b3 lnERDBit
þ b4 lnTECTTit þ b5 lnTECEGit þ Uit (2) 3.1. Cross-section dependence test

the natural logs of all the variables were taken hence ln represents The probability that a panel dataset exhibit substantial cross-
the natural logarithm forms for the variables. CO2 is the dependent sectional dependence may be due to the presence of common
variable. Here, the study considered the total CO2 emissions. Beta b1 shocks and undetected components that eventually fall part of
to b5 represent the coefficients values for the predictors. TTEC the error term, (De Hoyos and Sarafidis, 2006). The methods
represent energy consumption in transport, INEC on the other hand used are (Pesaran, 2004) Cross-sectional Dependence test (CD
is industrial energy consumption, ERDB represents environmen- test), Bruesch-Pegan test (Breusch, 1978) and Lagrange Multi-
tally related budget by government, TECTT and TECEG examine the plier test (Breusch and Pagan, 1980) (LM test). Test results shown
contributions of climate change technologies related to transport in Table 2 rejects the null hypothesis of no cross-section
and to energy generation, transmission or distribution to environ- dependence in almost all the variables for the panel and sub-
mental quality. panels except energy consumption for the transport in the to-
The second model examined the impact of a selected climate tal panel.
change related technologies and other factors on green growth
contribution from production-based CO2 emissions based on 3.2. Panel unit root test
(Bekun et al., 2019; Ma et al., 2018; Mardones and Flores, 2018;
Mensah et al., 2018). For a given panel data, it is necessary to conduct panel unit root
test to avoid spurious regression results. Im, Pesaran and Shin W-
lnPbCO2it ¼ a0 þ b1 lnINECit þ b2 lnRESit þ b3 lnENTXit stat (Im et al., 2003), Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) (Dickey and
þ b4 lnTTPPit þ b5 lnTECEGit þ Uit (3) Fuller, 1979) and PhillipsePerron (PP) (Phillips and Perron, 1988)
unit root tests were conducted. From Table 3, it is observed that at
The second model considers the impact of production activities level some of the variables have no unit root, however at 1st
4 C.N. Mensah et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 240 (2019) 118204

Table 2
Cross-section dependence test.

REGION Variable Breusch-Pagan LM Pesaran scaled LM Pesaran CD LM

OECD PANEL CO2 217.63(0.08)* 0.39(0.70) 1.170(0.24)

PBCO2 864.53(0.00)*** 33.58(0.00)*** 9.31(0.00)***
DBCO2 2462.43(0.00)*** 115.55(0.00)*** 48.65(0.00)***
RES 1571.46(0.00)*** 69.84(0.00)*** 35.08(0.00)***
ENTX 230.66(0.02)** 1.06(0.29) 0.41(0.68)
ENBD 574.33(0.00)*** 18.69(0.00)*** 5.88(0.00)***
TTEC 211.49(0.14) 0.08(0.94) 1.194(0.23)
INEC 211.59(0.04)** 0.08(0.93) 1.08(0.02)**
TECTT 1153.42(0.00)*** 48.40(0.00)*** 28.04(0.00)***
TECPP 1115.75(0.00)*** 46.46(0.00)*** 30.78(0.00)***
TECEG 1799.63(0.00)*** 81.55(0.00)*** 41.25(0.00)***
OECD AMERICA CO2 0.11(0.74) 2.04(0.04)** 2.11(0.03)**
PBCO2 0.50(0.48) 1.77(0.07)* 1.84(0.06)*
DBCO2 14.99(0.00)*** 8.48(0.00)*** 3.87(0.00)***
RES 11.19(0.00)*** 5.79(0.00)*** 5.72(0.00)***
ENTX 0.09(0.77) 2.06(0.03)** 2.13(0.03)**
ENBD 5.62(0.02)** 1.85(0.06)* 1.78(0.07)**
TTEC 0.33(0.57) 1.89(0.05)** 1.96(0.05)**
INEC 0.25(0.61) 1.94(0.05)** 2.02(0.04)**
TECTT 2.62(0.10) 0.27(0.79) 1.62(0.01)***
TECPP 12.72(0.00)*** 6.87(0.00)*** 3.57(0.00)***
TECEG 8.77(0.00)*** 4.07(0.00)*** 4.01(0.00)***
OECD ASIA CO2 5.00(0.17) 0.40(0.68) 1.77(0.08)*
PBCO2 15.36(0.00)*** 3.82(0.00)*** 3.75(0.00)***
DBCO2 44.99(0.00)*** 15.92(0.00)*** 6.70(0.00)***
RES 14.46(0.00)*** 3.45(0.00)*** 0.43(0.66)
ENTX 6.51(0.08)* 0.20(0.83) 1.54(0.12)
ENBD 7.85(0.04)** 0.76(0.45) 1.39(0.16)
TTEC 6.03(0.01)*** 0.01(0.99) 0.09(0.02)**
INEC 6.32(0.09)* 0.13(0.89) 2.17(0.03)**
TECTT 34.27(0.00)*** 11.54(0.00)*** 11.43(0.00)***
TECPP 17.51(0.00)*** 4.70(0.00)*** 3.76(0.00)***
TECEG 16.73(0.00)*** 4.38(0.00)*** 3.41(0.00)***
OECD EUROPE CO2 93.61(0.10) 0.21(0.83) 1.28(0.02)**
PBCO2 479.46(0.00)*** 31.10(0.00)*** 15.42(0.00)***
DBCO2 1032.16(0.00)*** 75.35(0.00)*** 31.49(0.00)***
RES 762.91(0.00)*** 53.79(0.00)*** 26.44(0.00)***
ENTX 92.39(0.13) 0.11(0.91) 0.86(0.03)**
ENBD 281.73(0.00)*** 15.27(0.00)*** 2.17(0.03)**
TTEC 94.74(0.09)* 0.29(0.76) 0.56(0.58)
INEC 93.55(0.11) 0.20(0.84) 0.59(0.05)**
TECTT 522.26(0.00)*** 34.53(0.00)*** 21.46(0.00)***
TECPP 498.62(0.00)*** 32.64(0.00)*** 20.92(0.00)***
TECEG 795.33(0.00)*** 56.39(0.00)*** 27.85(0.00)***
OECD OCEANIA CO2 1.37(0.24) 1.16(0.05)* 1.17(0.24)
PBCO2 0.41(0.52) 1.83(0.07)** 1.90(0.06)*
DBCO2 14.99(0.00)*** 8.48(0.00)*** 3.87(0.00)***
RES 5.95(0.01)*** 2.09(0.04)** 2.44(0.01)***
ENTX 1.06(0.30) 1.37(0.07)* 1.03(0.03)**
ENBD 1.58(0.21) 1.01(0.31) 1.25(0.01)***
TTEC 1.09(0.30) 1.35(0.08)* 1.04(0.03)**
INEC 1.17(0.28) 1.29(0.02)** 1.08(0.08)*
TECTT 0.44(0.50) 1.81(0.07)* 1.88(0.06)*
TECPP 5.84(0.02)** 2.01(0.04)** 2.42(0.02)**
TECEG 11.75(0.00)*** 6.19(0.00)*** 3.43(0.00)***

***,**,* represents 1%, 5% and 10% significance level respectively. Test passed at 1%, 5% and 10%. The parenthesis ( ) denote p-value and left of the parenthesis, t-statistics values.

difference, all the variables turned stationary leading to rejection of 3.4. Results of the STIRPAT model
the null hypothesis of presence of unit root.
Our first model examined green growth based on the STIRPAT
model. The focus of the first model was to examine total CO2
emissions as a measure for green growth. Results are reported in
3.3. Westerlund panel cointegration
Table 7. From the fourth column of Table 7, it is observed that en-
ergy consumption in transport in OECD America, Oceania and Asia
Westerlund cointegration test was employed to examine the
are detrimental to green growth from the coefficient values. A
long-run relationship among the variables in the three models of
study. A lag of one is selected for this test following the lag selection percentage increase in energy consumption in transport exerts
negative impact on the environment by 1.91%, 1.38% and 1.29%
criteria and results, presented in Tables 4e6. It can be seen that
either a p-value or robust p-values proved an existence of long-run respectively by these sub-regions. This confirms the findings of
(Kharbach and Chfadi, 2017) that transport energy consumption
relationship among variables, thus variables are cointegrated.
C.N. Mensah et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 240 (2019) 118204 5

Table 3
Panel unit root test.

REGION Variable Level ADF PP 1st Difference ADF PP

Im, Pesaran and Shin Im, Pesaran and Shin W-stat


OECD PANEL CO2 6.29(0.00)*** 119.61(0.00)*** 151.07(0.00)*** 8.48(0.00)*** 145.86(0.00)*** 302.49(0.00)***

PBCO2 22.78(0.00) 36.12(0.65) 52.33(0.09)* 30.48(0.00)*** 108.54(0.00)*** 213.08(0.00)***
DBCO2 4.66(1.00) 7.64(1.00) 10.25(0.00)*** 3.87(0.00)*** 74.48(0.00)*** 155.84(0.00)***
RES 56.42(0.00) 33.18(0.77) 40.28(0.45) 75.83(0.00)*** 115.60(0.00)*** 229.01(0.00)***
ENTX 7.07(0.00) 126.17(0.00) 194.28(0.00)*** 8.68(0.00)*** 148.23(0.00)*** 336.03(0.00)***
ENBD 9.79(0.00) 67.11(0.00)*** 41.06(0.42) 9.72(0.00)*** 115.32(0.00)*** 189.05(0.00)***
TTEC 8.51(0.00) 146.02(0.00)*** 195.38(0.00)*** 9.49(0.00)*** 160.92(0.00)*** 325.48(0.00)***
INEC 7.93(0.00) 141.39(0.00)*** 188.83(0.00)** 9.18(0.00)*** 156.15(0.00)*** 326.98(0.00)***
TECTT 0.48(0.31) 38.92(0.52) 71.99(0.00)*** 5.89(0.00)*** 124.60(0.00)*** 289.68(0.00)***
TTPP 0.90(0.18) 41.44(0.40) 85.73(0.00)*** 4.25(0.00)*** 94.50(0.00)*** 207.86(0.00)***
TECEG 0.97(0.17) 41.14(0.42) 53.07(0.08)* 0.59(0.27) 53.51(0.07)* 141.09(0.00)***
OECD OCEANIA CO2 3.82(0.00) 20.32(0.00)*** 38.76(0.00)*** 4.49(0.00)*** 23.25(0.00)*** 44.99(0.00)***
PBCO2 0.28(0.38) 3.80(0.43) 8.10(0.08)* 0.68(0.75) 2.09(0.72) 12.08(0.01)***
DBCO2 1.61(0.95) 0.42(0.98) 0.49(0.97) 1.25(0.10) 7.58(0.10) 15.28(0.00)***
RES 1.77(0.96) 0.48(0.97) 2.12(0.71) 1.74(0.04)** 10.12(0.04)** 27.75(0.00)***
ENTX 4.35(0.00)*** 22.87(0.00)*** 49.54(0.00)*** 5.29(0.00)*** 26.78(0.00)*** 51.65(0.00)***
ENBD 0.14(0.44) 3.37(0.49) 3.43(0.49) 1.16(0.13) 7.16(0.12) 11.49(0.02)**
TTEC 3.93(0.00)*** 20.88(0.00)*** 43.69(0.00)*** 4.68(0.00)*** 24.17(0.00)*** 48.62(0.00)***
INEC 3.89(0.00)*** 20.71(0.00)*** 44.88(0.00)*** 4.66(0.00)*** 24.09(0.00)*** 49.18(0.00)***
TECTT 0.15(0.44) 3.18(0.52) 5.90(0.20) 1.52(0.06)* 8.79(0.06)* 22.62(0.00)***
TTPP 1.63(0.05)** 9.28(0.05)** 10.86(0.02)** 2.51(0.00)*** 13.67(0.01)*** 28.51(0.00)***
TECEG 0.03(0.48) 2.85(0.58) 7.92(0.09)* 0.04(0.51) 2.78(0.59) 14.14(0.00)***
OECD EUROPE CO2 4.01(0.00)*** 67.22(0.00)*** 77.56(0.00)*** 6.21(0.00)*** 87.49(0.00)*** 196.10(0.00)***
PBCO2 28.34(0.00)*** 25.01(0.51)*** 19.54(0.81) 36.55(0.00)*** 83.06(0.00)*** 150.76(0.00)***
DBCO2 3.59(0.99) 6.16(1.00) 5.02(1.00) 3.12(0.00)*** 48.45(0.00)*** 97.57(0.00)***
RES 73.17(0.00)*** 30.48(0.25) 29.10(0.31) 91.69(0.00)*** 78.83(0.00)*** 141.28(0.00)***
ENTX 4.59(0.00)*** 68.98(0.00)*** 101.93(0.00)*** 6.40(0.00)*** 89.28(0.00)*** 211.95(0.00)***
ENBD 7.22(0.00)*** 36.24(0.08)* 19.89(0.79) 8.40(0.00)*** 65.92(0.00)*** 120.65(0.00)***
TTEC 6.48(0.00)*** 89.92(0.00)*** 104.38(0.00)*** 7.19(0.00)*** 99.07(0.00)*** 218.15(0.00)***
INEC 5.88(0.00)*** 86.93(0.00)*** 101.74(0.00)*** 7.06(0.00)*** 97.38(0.00)*** 222.95(0.00)***
TECTT 0.10(0.54) 20.42(0.77) 43.43(0.01)*** 6.08(0.00)*** 97.22(0.00)*** 203.70(0.00)***
TTPP 0.64(0.26) 25.15(0.51) 41.64(0.02)** 3.54(0.00)*** 60.70(0.00)*** 126.26(0.00)***
TECEG 0.41(0.34) 22.94(0.63) 23.57(0.60) 0.26(0.60) 27.57(0.38) 88.25(0.00)***
OECD AMERICA CO2 1.43(0.07)* 8.32(0.08)* 10.02(0.04)** 2.89(0.02)** 15.56(0.00)*** 25.93(0.00)***
PBCO2 0.15(0.56) 3.11(0.54) 2.47(0.65) 2.57(0.01)*** 13.99(0.01)*** 29.03(0.00)***
DBCO2 1.62(0.94) 0.41(0.98) 0.49(0.97) 1.26(0.10) 7.61(0.11) 15.27(0.00)***
RES 1.80(0.96) 0.32(0.98) 0.54(0.96) 2.70(0.00)*** 14.68(0.00)*** 41.73(0.00)***
ENTX 1.93(0.02)** 10.73(0.03)** 12.40(0.01)*** 4.09(0.00)*** 21.022(0.00)*** 30.78(0.00)***
ENBD 0.95(0.17) 6.34(0.17) 23.07(0.00)*** 2.32(0.01)*** 13.71(0.008)* 28.60(0.00)***
TTEC 1.62(0.05)** 9.25(0.05)** 11.96(0.02)** 3.95(0.00)*** 20.43(0.00)*** 29.56(0.00)***
INEC 1.78(0.04)** 10.05(0.04)** 12.29(0.02)** 4.048(0.00)*** 20.76(0.00)*** 28.87(0.00)***
TECTT 1.12(0.13) 7.15(0.13) 10.54(0.03)** 1.96(0.02)** 11.02(0.03)** 11.65(0.02)**
TTPP 0.36(0.64) 1.89(0.75) 7.50(0.11) 1.24(0.09)* 1.12(0.09)* 2.16(0.07)*
TECEG 0.22(0.59) 2.51(0.64) 3.80(0.43) 1.12(0.13) 15.95(0.00)*** 8.15(0.08)*
OECD ASIA CO2 2.62(0.00)*** 17.74(0.01)*** 19.57(0.00)*** 2.23(0.01)*** 15.46(0.02)** 25.98(0.00)***
PBCO2 0.33(0.63) 4.14(0.66) 4.45(0.62) 0.86(0.19) 8.06(0.03)** 17.44(0.01)***
DBCO2 1.98(0.98) 0.63(0.99) 0.74(0.99) 1.55(0.06)* 11.46(0.08)* 22.98(0.00)***
RES 2.93(0.99) 2.04(0.92) 1.70(0.94) 1.19(0.12) 11.44(0.08)* 21.78(0.00)***
ENTX 3.09(0.00)*** 20.68(0.00)*** 21.95(0.00)*** 2.75(0.00)*** 18.57(0.01)*** 40.99(0.00)***
ENBD 0.45(0.32) 6.88(0.33) 8.94(0.17) 2.79(0.00)*** 18.79(0.00)*** 30.59(0.00)***
TTEC 2.59(0.00)*** 17.56(0.01)*** 19.39(0.00)*** 2.12(0.02)** 14.96(0.02)** 23.82(0.00)***
INEC 2.62(0.00)*** 17.72(0.01)*** 17.63(0.01)*** 2.09(0.02)** 14.80(0.02)** 21.56(0.00)***
TECTT 1.30(0.09)* 10.06(0.12) 6.46(0.37) 0.26(0.60) 7.84(0.25) 25.38(0.00)***
TTPP 0.44(0.33) 5.93(0.43) 12.91(0.04)** 0.98(0.16) 10.43(0.10) 34.10(0.00)***
TECEG 1.71(0.04)** 12.66(0.04)** 12.63(0.05)** 0.16(0.56) 6.65(0.35) 22.74(0.00)***

***,**,* represents 1%, 5% and 10% significance level respectively. Test passed at 1%, 5% and 10%. The parenthesis ( ) denote p-value and left of the parenthesis, t-statistics values.

pollutes the environment. Observed from the fourth column of panel, Oceania and Europe sub-panels. With coefficient values of
Table 7, energy used by industries in the entire OECD impedes 0.07%, 0.03% and 0.09%, correspondingly, environmentally related
green growth but the negative impact for the Europe sub-panel is budget promotes green growth. From model 1, technological
outstanding, visible from the coefficient values, of 0.52% and 0.66% innovation exerts positive impact on green growth, a reflection in
correspondingly. This confirms the assertion that industries in- the negative coefficient signs. However, a significant impact is seen
crease CO2 emissions level (Zhang et al., 2019). On the other hand, in OECD Oceania where a unit increase in climate change tech-
Oceania sub-region's industrial energy consumption improves nologies in relation to transport enhances green growth by 0.16%.
green growth. Technologies for generation and supply of energy prove detri-
Environmentally related budget has been found necessary in the mental to green growth in OECD Europe sub-region by 0.22%.
pursuit of green growth from the coefficient values of the total
6 C.N. Mensah et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 240 (2019) 118204

Table 4 Table 6
Panel Westerlund Cointegration test for model 1. Panel Westerlund Cointegration test for model 3.

REGION Statistics Value P-value Robust p-value REGION Statistics Value p-value Robust p-value

OECD PANEL Gt 4.26 0.00*** 0.01*** OECD PANEL Gt 1.75 0.06* 0.06*
Ga 5.25 0.99 0.01** Ga 5.12 0.72 0.06*
Pt 14.10 0.00*** 0.01*** Pt 7.50 0.01*** 0.02**
Pa 4.30 0.87 0.01*** Pa 2.82 0.38 0.15
OECD AMERICA Gt 4.01 0.00*** 0.03** OECD AMERICA Gt 3.13 0.00*** 0.01***
Ga 7.23 0.701 0.01*** Ga 9.22 0.19 0.05**
Pt 5.81 0.00 0.02** Pt 4.59 0.01*** 0.00***
Pa 7.31 0.41 0.00*** Pa 9.57 0.02 0.03**
OECD ASIA Gt 3.50 0.00 0.01 OECD ASIA Gt 1.80 0.09* 0.23
Ga 7.65 0.52 0.04** Ga 4.65 0.37 0.08*
Pt 5.29 0.01*** 0.01* Pt 2.57 0.07* 0.32
Pa 7.14 0.22 0.03** Pa 5.59 0.00*** 0.16
OECD EUROPE Gt 5.46 0.00*** 0.14 OECD EUROPE Gt 1.12 0.99 0.00***
Ga 3.36 1.00 0.01*** Ga 1.78 1.00 0.00***
Pt 11.22 0.00*** 0.06* Pt 3.68 0.95 0.00***
Pa 2.96 0.99 0.04** Pa 1.71 0.99 0.00***
OCEANIA Gt 3.57 0.02** 0.05** OECD OCEANIA Gt 0.35 0.97 0.00***
Ga 6.44 0.75 0.00*** Ga 0.68 0.95 0.00***
Pt 4.82 0.02** 0.03*** Pt 0.84 0.78 0.00***
Pa 6.52 0.47 0.00*** Pa 0.93 0.77 0.00***

***,**,* represents 1%, 5% and 10% significance level respectively. Test passed at 1%, ***,**,* represents 1%, 5% and 10% significance level respectively. Test passed at 1%,
5% and 10%. The parenthesis ( ) denote p-value and left of the parenthesis, t-statistics 5% and 10%. The parenthesis ( ) denote p-value and left of the parenthesis, t-statistics
values. values.

Table 5 environmental downgrade of 1.85% and 0.26% respectively per a

Panel Westerlund Cointegration test for model 2. unit increase in renewable energy supply for industrial activities.
REGION Statistics Value P-value Robust p- Asia sub-region's industrial positive contribution to green growth
value of 1.21% is due to a unit increase in renewable energy supply,
OECD PANEL Gt 4.26 0.00*** 0.01*** confirming the findings of (Lin and Raza, 2019). Environmentally
Ga 5.25 0.99 0.01*** related tax reduces production-based emission, hence beneficial to
Pt 14.10 0.00*** 0.01*** green growth in the OECD. The entire panel's green growth is
Pa 4.30 0.87 0.01*** improved by 0.31% when environmental related taxes are
OECD AMERICA Gt 0.65 0.04** 0.07*
increased. This is consistent with the findings of (Mackenzie et al.,
Ga 0.39 0.92 0.83
Pt 0.28 0.08* 0.81 2017; Niu et al., 2018). Technological innovation in relation to
Pa 0.04 0.76 0.84 production and processing of goods has a mixed effect as seen in
OECD ASIA Gt 3.50 0.00*** 0.01*** the coefficient values from Table 8. A positive feedback of 1.36% is
Ga 7.65 0.52 0.04**
observed in the Asia sub-panel when environmentally related taxes
Pt 5.29 0.01*** 0.01***
Pa 7.14 0.22 0.03** get increased. In the sub-panels of Oceania and Europe an increase
OECD EUROPE Gt 0.12 1.00 0.95 in climate change related technologies in relation to production
Ga 1.53 1.00 0.87 and processing of goods leads to increased production-based
Pt 23.94 0.00*** 0.01*** pollution by 0.61% and 0.39% respectively but the reverse is found
Pa 12.08 0.00*** 0.02**
in the Asia sub-region where an increase in such technologies im-
OECD OCEANIA Gt 0.39 0.99 0.03**
Ga 0.06 0.94 0.93 proves industrial emissions by 1.36%. Technological innovation for
Pt 0.42 0.05** 0.87 energy generation and transmission proves detrimental to green
Pa 0.04 0.77 0.83 growth of Asia sub-panel. The positive findings of technological
***,**,* represents 1%, 5% and 10% significance level respectively. Test passed at 1%, innovation on green growth confirm the findings of (Lin and Xu,
5% and 10%. The parenthesis ( ) denote p-value and left of the parenthesis, t-statistics 2018; Yu and Du, 2019).

3.5. Results of multiple linear regression

The second model focused on productionebased CO2 emissions 3.6. Results for the IPAT model
as a measure of green growth using the multiple linear regression
(MLR) estimation method. From Table 8, it is observed that a unit Table 9 presents the findings of the impact of technological
increase in industrial energy consumption escalates production- innovation on demand-based emissions. This model was examined
based emissions at the total panel level by 0.29%. Also, OECD based on the IPAT model. From Table 9, a significant relationship is
Europe's inability to reduce its production-based emissions can be only observed in the Asia sub-panel where an increase in climate
explained by 0.36% increase in industrial energy use. This confirms change technologies for transport improves demand-based emis-
the findings of (Ma et al., 2019; Rahman and Kashem, 2017). sions by 4.26%. This confirms the results of (Huang et al., 2018; Xu
Renewable energy supply has a mixed impact on green growth in et al., 2017). Transport energy consumption in the OECD America
the OECD economies, considering production activities. In the sub-panel is a positive contributor to green growth by 2.72%.
entire OECD economies, a percentage increase of 0.37% to industrial Technological innovation in relation to production and processing
pollution is attributable to increase supply of renewable energy. of goods are detrimental to green growth in the OECD entire panel
The sub-panels of America and Europe equally experience by 1.16%.
C.N. Mensah et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 240 (2019) 118204 7

Table 7
Results of STIRPAT model.


PANEL 0.75 1.72(0.76) 0.09(0.12) 0.52(0.12)*** 0.07(0.02)*** 0.03(0.07) 0.06(0.08)

OECD America 0.97 12.64(1.48) 1.91(0.82)** 0.90(0.82) 0.05(0.03)** 0.13(0.31) 0.22(0.30)
OECD Oceania 0.97 8.54(0.91) 1.38(0.16)*** 0.51(0.15)*** 0.03(0.02)* 0.16(0.09)* 0.01(0.11)
OECD Asia 0.97 14.67(4.45) 1.29(0.48)*** 0.28(0.48) 0.15(0.24) 0.11(0.14) 0.11(0.13)
OECD Europe 0.70 0.23(0.97) 0.14(0.19) 0.66(0.20)*** 0.09(0.02)*** 0.02(0.08) 0.22(0.11)**

*,**,*** denotes significance at 1%, 5% and 10% respectively. The parenthesis ( ) denotes standard error.

Table 8
Results of Multiple Linear Regression analysis.


PANEL 0.30 13.1(1.55) 0.29(0.08)*** 0.37(0.08)*** 0.31(0.08) *** 0.03(0.10) 0.10(0.10)

OECD America 0.94 12.42(10.37) 0.27(0.39) 1.85(0.64)*** 0.31(0.39) 0.02(0.19) 0.17(0.21)
OECD Oceania 0.85 19.15(12.86) 0.21(0.15) 0.17(0.85) 0.28(0.20) 0.61(0.17)*** 0.23(0.22)
OECD Asia 0.89 33.55(3.02) 0.08(0.11) 1.21(0.24)*** 0.05(0.13) 1.36(0.27)*** 1.52(0.17)***
OECD Europe 0.60 15.4(1.31) 0.36(0.07)*** 0.26(0.07)*** 0.44(0.07) 0.39(0.08)*** 0.03(0.08)

*,**,*** denotes significance at 1%, 5% and 10% respectively. The parenthesis ( ) denotes standard error.

Table 9
Report for IPAT model.


PANEL 0.12 14.51(5.52) 0.06(0.23) 1.16(0.63)* 0.61(0.58) 0.59(0.63)

OECD America 0.52 90.06(25.07) 2.72(0.96)*** 3.75(4.31) 1.04(5.50) 3.49(4.78)
OECD Oceania 0.24 25.56(15.58) 0.45(0.65) 2.58(2.43) 2.22(1.72) 0.45(0.65)
OECD Asia 0.30 9.56(17.54) 0.34(0.73) 1.25(1.87) 4.26(2.34)* 1.99(2.40)
OECD Europe 0.16 9.85(5.99) 0.36(0.26) 0.06(0.85) 0.00(0.64) 0.82(0.71)

*,**,*** denotes significance at 1%, 5% and 10% respectively. The parenthesis ( ) denotes standard error.

4. Discussions Environmental related budget is beneficial to green growth,

evident in our findings from the total OECD panel, OECD Oceania
This study examined the impact of technological innovation on and OECD Europe. Environmentally-damaging subsidies for energy
green growth in the OECD economies from three different production and consumption are taken care of with green budget.
perspective; general environmental pollution from all sectors, The institution of the Green Budget Reform by the European Union
which are total CO2 emissions, production-based emissions and could be responsible for this improvement in the OECD Europe sub-
demand-based emission on green growth. Based on the STIRPAT, region. Incentives are created which move both producers and
IPAT and multiple linear regression (MLR) methods, it was estab- consumers away from deteriorating the environment under this
lished that transport energy consumption is detrimental to green policy (Schlegelmilch, 1999). This confirms the assertion of Frondel
growth which is consistent with the findings of (Raza et al., 2019; et al. (2008), that budget for R&D matters because it promotes
Rehermann and Pablo-Romero, 2018; Wang and Lin, 2019). The technological innovation, consequently, promoting green growth.
possible implication is that, the transport sector of all the OECD With environmentally related budget, the chances of firms culti-
sub-regions except for OECD Europe rely on energy from non- vating proactive environmental practices increases, (Darnall et al.,
renewable source to fuel vehicles and other transport facilities 2010). Environmentally related taxes are also beneficial to green
which in turn generate high emissions (Raza et al., 2019). In in- growth because high tax brackets posed on industries control their
stances where electric vehicles are used, electricity for recharging rate of pollution. The polluter pays principle is seen to be working
vehicles is more likely generated from non-renewable energy or in the OECD economies.
fossil fuel which has a damaging effect on the environment (Hanif This study utilized three climate change related technologies.
et al., 2019; Mensah et al., 2019). These are transport technologies, energy generation and trans-
Industrial energy consumption is seen to be detrimental to mission technologies as well as technologies for the production and
green growth in the OECD total panel and the Europe sub-region. processing of goods. Evident from the findings, transport related
Possibly, industries mostly rely on fossil fuels which demote technologies have the potential of promoting green growth but has
green growth. This explains why industrial energy consumption not reached a point where its significant contribution is visible.
negatively correlates with green growth. Biotechnology utilization Although not significantly related to green growth in all the sub-
in the energy industry will reduce reliance on fossil fuel. As high- regions, except for OECD Oceania, the negative coefficient values
lighted by Marousek (2014), biotechnology complex energy utili- for the other sub-regions, is an indication that this technology is
zation can be streamlined with grass silage partition which is almost at the point of enhancing green growth. This is consistent
environmentally friendly. On the contrary, green growth in the with the findings of (Namdeo et al., 2019).
OECD Oceania sub-region can be explained by a likely switch to Technologies for generation and transmission of energy have
cleaner energy for industrial activities. The negative coefficient not yet revealed beneficial signs in promoting green growth in the
values for the America and Asia sub-regions is a pointer that they OECD economies. This is obvious from the positive but insignificant
are closer to achieving green growth through a gradual switch to coefficient values for the entire panel and all the sub-regions except
clean energy. for the Asia sub-region. Evident in the study of Martínez-García
8 C.N. Mensah et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 240 (2019) 118204

et al. (2018), some energy generation technologies do not promote among the variables. The STIRPAT, IPAT and multiple linear
green growth. On one hand, these technologies could be limited in regression (MLR) were therefore employed to examine the impact
use and on the other hand, the few invented are not capable of of a selected climate change related technologies.
addressing climate change issues well enough. This means that the Empirically, it was established that; technological innovation
expected results of innovation on climate change is not observed, promotes green growth, evident in the negative coefficient values
hence the rebound effect where innovation could not achieve its in the first and third models. However it was confirmed that
expected outcome. transport related technologies in OECD Oceania sub-region has
Climate change technologies for producing and processing of been beneficial in the pursuit of green growth from the coefficient
goods exhibit a mixed effect. These technologies in the Asia sub- value of 0.16%. Climate change technologies in relation to produc-
region are seen to be tremendously promoting green growth. This tion and processing of goods proved mixed effect on green growth.
is an indication such technologies invented by this sub-region are OECD Oceania and Europe sub-panels increase in technologies for
cleaner technologies and adequately addressing environmental production and processing of goods result in high pollution levels
concerns. These technologies are contributing to cleaner produc- of 0.61% and 0.39% respectively, demoting green growth but the
tion, consequently, green growth. However, in the Oceania and reverse is seen in the case of Asia where a positive return of 1.36% is
Europe sub-regions, these technologies impede green growth. Most observed. Also, climate change technologies in relation to genera-
likely, technological spill-over effect is lacking here. Patent owners tion and transmission of energy make no meaningful impact to
are reluctant to transfer their technologies. It should be noted that, green growth. Although not much of significant relationship is seen
in the climate change battle, focus should not lost on the fact that in the models, the coefficient values are positive in most cases. A
technological innovation loses its impact on climate mitigation if significant relationship is found only in OECD Asia and Europe sub-
not diffused as Adenle et al. (2015), considers such activity as an regions where an increase in climate change technologies for
essential aspect in embarking on the challenges of mitigation. generation and transmission of energy leads to 1.52% and 0.22%
Globally, expectations are that improvement in innovation and environmental deterioration. To promote green growth in the
technology would offer the best prospects in creating green econ- phase of insufficient patents granted, policies protecting inventions
omies, (Fortune, 2019). Environmental deterioration in the face of and technological transfer should be instituted to allow inventors
technological innovation is reluctance on the path of patent holders benefit fully from their innovations. In this case, diffusing tech-
to transfer technologies. One other likely reason is due to the fact nologies to promote green growth would not become a problem, in
that some green technologies invented are not diffused since in- the face of assured benefits.
ventors have not patented such technologies or protected them Other factors also stimulate green growth, evident in this study.
with intellectual properties (IPs) therefore diffusing them make It was observed that environmentally related R&D budget and taxes
them loose authority over such innovations. Diffusing such tech- promotes green growth although not significant in most of sub-
nologies means inventors loose profit of invention. However one of regions. Environmentally related budget at the total panel level,
the successful ways to green growth is by diffusing limited patented OECD Oceania and OECD Europe sub-panels has be found to be
technologies to high polluting sectors who do not possess them. beneficial in the pursuit of green growth observed from the coef-
On the whole, it can be inferred that Oceania sub-region has ficient values of 0.07% 0.03% and 0.09% correspondingly. Environ-
been effective in the pursuit of green growth from the first model. mentally related tax is seen to enhance green growth as well from
This sub-region has been able to control total CO2 emissions with the total panel level with a co-efficient value of 0.31%. A mixed
industrial energy consumption, environmentally related budget effect is experienced with the remaining factors. Renewable energy
and climate change technologies for transport. The Asia sub-panel supply has been detrimental to green growth at the panel level by
has also been the most effect in the pursuit of green growth with 0.37%, OECD America by 1.85% and Europe sub-regions by 0.26% but
regards to production-based emissions as two of the determinants has proved to be helpful in promoting green growth in OECD Asia
of production-based emissions which are renewable energy supply sub-region by 1.21% coefficient value. Energy consumption from the
and climate change related technologies for production and pro- transport and industrial sectors demote green growth in three sub-
cessing of goods are statistically significant unlike the other sub- panels; America, Oceania and Asia with 1.91%, 1.38% and 1.2% in that
groups which had one variable being significantly related to order.
production-based emissions. With reference to demand-based Environmentally related R&D budget and taxes should be an
emissions, America and Asia sub-regions have proven to be most object of focus for the positive impact they render on green growth.
effective in reducing demand-based emissions. America has been ‘Dirty industries’ should be levied huge taxes as disincentive for
able to control its demand-based emissions through transport en- environmental pollution and industries trying to adopt clean
ergy consumption and Asia has also been able to control its technologies and energy levied with minimal amount of taxes as an
demand-based emissions through their technologies for transport. incentive for dirty industries to emulate.
Renewable energy supply was observed to relegate green
5. Conclusion growth. The share of renewable energy in the primary energy mix is
largely minimal. Governments should therefore support public and
Pursuing green growth is the ultimate solution for climate private partnership in prompting renewable energy sources
change battle. This study examined the impact of climate change through tax exemption and environmentally related budget.
technologies in relation to energy generation and supply, produc- Although expensive to execute renewable energy policies, it
tion and processing of food and then technologies for transport on promises a better return on green growth.
green growth in twenty-eight (28) OECD economies using a panel Generally, our study found that the Oceania sub-region has been
data set over the period of 2000e2014. This period was chosen due effective in the pursuit of green growth comparatively. Therefore
to data availability. The economies were categorized into four sub- other sub-regions and the non-OECD economies could emulate the
regions; OECD America, OECD Asia, OECD Europe and OECD Oce- Oceania sub-region.
ania. A number of preliminary test were conducted which included This study focused on OECD economies, based on the findings,
panel unit root test, Westerlund cointegration and cross-section authors would like to increase the scope in the next study to cover
dependence test. This study found no existence of unit root in the the developing countries as well.
variables. Also, it was observed that, a long-run relation exist
C.N. Mensah et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 240 (2019) 118204 9

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