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SCIENCE 1 “You will

show me
the path of
A Modular Approach LIFE: in our
presence is
fullness of
joy; at your
right hand
there are

LIFE (LearningDesign) pleasures

for ever
Design) Psalm 16:11

L – Look Straight
This is the first part of the learners’ flight in learning.
The learners will connect to God, and learners develop a
positive mindset for learning. The different competences are
introduced. Faith and learning are blended that connects to
higher learning.

I – Investigate More
Here, prior knowledge and review are given that will allow
integration of previous and new
lesson. Content and skills of the lesson are presented, and
activities are carried . Faith and life principles are integrated.

F – Firm Up
In this stage of the learning process, learners master
the competences through the activities and skills provided
for them.

E – Exhibit Results
This is the highest part of learningwhere the learners will
demonstrate their learning in real-life. Rubrics is provided as
benchmarks for excellent 1 learning product. Prayer is offered.

Date Starts ______________________________________ Date Ends ____________

Module 3: Describing the Earth

Quarter 4: Week 3

Land forms and Water forms are the resources found
on earth, they are both important for all of the living things to
survive and to multiply their offspring. Knowing their names and
physical structures are found.
You will also learn some short verses from the holy
scriptures about respecting our surroundings and to protect
them from any harmful particles. This is one of our huge
responsibility as God’s stewards of His precious masterpiece.

Time with God: Say this prayer for God’s guidance:

Dear Father, I glorify your precious name because you
keep on directing our path each day. Please teach me to listen
your voice so that I am guarded in everything I will be doing.


God formed the whole universe with His mighty power, for us to
live abundantly. That is why, in return let us take good care of
those creatures.
Personal connection:
Draw a healthy environment as what Jesus approved.

Most Essential Learning Competency

By the end of the lesson, you will have:
create an album of land forms and water
Learning Targets
1. I can identify the different landforms and different bodies of
2. I can promote protection of our surroundings
Performance Task: Demonstrations of an activity about
landforms and bodies of water.

Faith to Live By:

In Jeremiah 29:11 says: For I know the plans I have for you,”
declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.

God’s word enlighten us because He assures us a bright future

for prosperity, we need to cling his promise and not weary.

Investigate More
Have you visited other country or going outside
from your own place? What have you observed?
About its environmental forms and area? Every place of this
world is absolutely different and that’s the beauty of
In this lesson, you will know the different
landforms and bodies of water.
Try to answer this:
1. How many rooms are there in your house?
2. In what barangay is your house located?
3. In what province is your house located?

LT 1: I can identify the different landforms and different bodies of


A globe is a model of earth. It shows how earth looks. A globe is
round. Earth’s surface is covered with different materials. Some
are covered with land or lithosphere. Others are covered with
water or hydrosphere. Air or atmosphere is also a part of earth.
What are the different landforms?

Plains- A wide stretch of flat land. Farmers

1. plant their crops on the plains.

2. 2 Mountain-is a high landform. The home of

trees and other animals.

3. Valley-a landform between two


4. Hill- is smaller than a mountain. Animals
gaze on hills.

5. Volcano- is a high landform with an

opening at the top.

How about the Bodies of water?

1. River-is a large body of running water.

2. Waterfall- comes a high place.

3. Pond-is a small lake. It is not deep.Some

fish may grow.

4. Lake- is a large body of water

surrounded by land.

5. Stream-is a small body of running water.
It is not as wide or as deep as a river.
What are the uses of water?
Plants need water in order to grow. People and animals need
water for drinking.

1. Water is used for washing and cleaning.

2. Water is used for washing clothes and cleaning our body.

3. Water is used for washing dishes and cooking food.

Check Your Knowledge:
Match column A with column B. write the letter of the correct
answer on the blank.
____1. Landform between mountains. a. mountain
____2. Smaller than a mountain. b. plain
____3. A wide stretch of level land. c. valley
____4. A very high landform. d. hill
Learning Activity: Give the correct answer.
Arrange the jumbled letters to form the correct word being
described. Write your answer on the blank.
1. It is a running water. (evrir)_________________
2. It is a small lake. (opnd)________________
3. It is the biggest body of water.(ceona)_________________
4. It is a large body of water surrounded by land. (kela)
5. This water comes from a high place.(llfateawr)
LT 2. I can promote protection of our surroundings
How to Protect Our Surroundings?
Let us make Earth clean. This is the place where we live. Let us
take good care of Earth. Let us make Earth a good place to live
in. How to do it? Science Links 1
Study the picture below.

We need to respect and protect the place we live in.

Earth is where we live. It is like a giant ball that made up of land,
water, and air.
Life lessons to apply:
*Let us help keep the land, water, and air clean by keeping our
surroundings clean.
*Let us sweep the yard.
*Let us throw our trash in the garbage can.
*Let us water the plans in our garden.
*Let us not write on the walls of our school.
Draw 3 things that you can do to make the landforms tidy.

Self assessment:
What have you learned? Put a check (/) under the proper
I can… Yes No
1. identify the different landforms and bodies of water.
2. infer that air is everywhere.
3. promote protection of our surrounding.


Mastery 1:

In the chart below, write examples of landforms and water


Land forms Water forms

Mastery 2:
Read each sentence. Write Yes if it a good habit, or No if not.
_______ 1.We should always drink clean water.
_______ 2. We use water for brushing our teeth.
_______ 3. Plants can live without water.
_______ 4. Animals can live without water.
_______ 5. We use water to cook food.

Faith to Live By: God provided us, all of our needs. We

are encourage to take good care all of His creatures including


Performance Task: Create an album of land forms and water

In a short bond paper. Cut pictures of different landforms and
water forms from old magazines. Make a collage out of them.
Then Write 3 sentences how you can protect our land and water.

Met the Follow the
Rubrics instructions Neatness right form of Total
15 points 15 points 10 points 50 points
God Bless You All Little Ones…

Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for making the

Different landforms and bodies of water for us all. Amen


Ramos, E. G.A., & Justo P.C.R. (2015). Science Links. Quezon City, Mla. Rex
Bookstore, Inc.
Holy Bible
4. 4.

Answer Key:
Check your Understanding: Learning Activity:
1. c 1. river
2. d 2. pond
3. b 3. ocean
4. a 4. lake
5. waterfall
Self – Assessment: Mastery 2:
1. yes 1. yes
2. yes 2. yes
3. yes 3. no
4. no
5. yes


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