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Meeting Stuff

Personal and Projects Intro:

● Hi , I am a Machine Learning Engineer/AI Expert and I have 4+ years
experience in NLP, computer vision, information retrieval and predictive
analysis of any kind of data.

LLMs and RAG:

● Recently, I am building AI driven solutions using LLMs i.e. retrieval
augmented generation (RAG) frameworks like LangChain, and vector
databases such as Chroma and Weavier.

● I also have extensive experience with OpenAI’s models. I’ve implemented a
number of solutions using OpenAI apis using different models for generation
(gpt-3.5-turbo-1106, gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct) and embeddings
● Also to detect inappropriate content in the incoming text stream I have
implemented a solution using OpenAI’s text-moderation-007 model.
● And, I also developed a small scale voice Chatbot application, using
OpenAI’s open source Whisper model. The project was intended to provide
language skills improvement application for children.

● Also, I have experience with fine-tuning LLMs on custom data to make them
relevant to the client’s use cases. I have experience in fine-tuning LLMs
such as Falcon-7b and Mistral-7b.

Big Data
● I also have experience with Apache Spark and Databricks for distributed
learning on Big Data using Spark MLlib and Spark SQL. In addition to these,
I also do web scrapping tasks using Selenium and BeautifulSoup.

● I also provide AI related consultancy and help the clients orchestrate the
right solution with right components.
Azure AI Services:
● I am certified Microsoft Azure AI Engineer Associate. I can provide solutions
using Azure AI services - formerly known as Cognitive Services.

● I also have experience in serving models as micro services using FastAPI
as REST web application development framework and PostgreSQL as

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