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Body Fluids:

1. Question: What is the major cation in extracellular fluid?

a) Sodium

b) Potassium

c) Calcium

d) Chloride

2. Question: Which body fluid is responsible for maintaining cell shape and participating in
nutrient transport?

a) Blood plasma

b) Intracellular fluid

c) Synovial fluid

d) Lymph

3. Question: In which body compartment would you find cerebrospinal fluid?

a) Intravascular

b) Interstitial

c) Transcellular

d) Intracellular

4. Question: What is the normal pH range of human blood?

a) 6.0-6.5

b) 7.35-7.45

c) 8.0-8.5

d) 5.5-6.0

5. Question: Which electrolyte is crucial for neuromuscular transmission and maintenance of

heart rhythm?

a) Potassium

b) Calcium

c) Magnesium

d) Phosphate

6. Question: Which body fluid is responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients to cells and
removing waste products?

a) Cerebrospinal fluid

b) Synovial fluid
c) Blood

d) Lymph

7. Question: What is the average pH range of human blood?

a) 5.5 - 6.5

b) 6.5 - 7.5

c) 7.35 - 7.45

d) 8.0 - 9.0

8. Question: Which electrolyte is primarily responsible for maintaining osmotic pressure in the

a) Sodium

b) Potassium

c) Calcium

d) Chloride

9. Question: Which organ regulates water balance and electrolyte concentration in the body?

a) Liver

b) Kidneys

c) Pancreas

d) Spleen

10. Which of the following is the primary cation in extracellular fluid?

a) Potassium

b) Sodium

c) Calcium

d) Magnesium

11. Intracellular fluid is mainly composed of:

a) Sodium

b) Potassium

c) Calcium

d) Chloride

12. Which body fluid is responsible for transporting oxygen to tissues?

a) Plasma

b) Interstitial fluid
c) Cerebrospinal fluid

d) Lymph

13. What is the major cation in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)?

a) Sodium

b) Potassium

c) Calcium

d) Magnesium

14. Which of the following is an example of an electrolyte?

a) Glucose

b) Urea

c) Sodium

d) Albumin

Acids and Bases:

15. Question: What is the primary function of the bicarbonate ion in the body?

a) Acid excretion

b) Buffering blood pH

c) Oxygen transport

d) Cellular respiration

16. Question: Which of the following is a strong acid?

a) Acetic acid

b) Hydrochloric acid

c) Citric acid

d) Carbonic acid

17. Question: What is the relationship between pH and hydrogen ion concentration?

a) Directly proportional

b) Inversely proportional

c) No relationship

d) Both a and b

18. Question: Which condition is associated with respiratory acidosis?

a) Hyperventilation

b) Hypoventilation
c) Excessive vomiting

d) Diarrhea

19. Question: Which buffer system is present in the extracellular fluid?

a) Protein buffer system

b) Phosphate buffer system

c) Bicarbonate buffer system

d) Hemoglobin buffer system

20. Question: In the pH scale, a solution with a pH less than 7 is considered:

a) Neutral

b) Acidic

c) Basic

d) Alkaline

21. Question: What is the role of a buffer solution in biological systems?

a) To increase pH

b) To decrease pH

c) To resist changes in pH

d) To catalyze reactions

22. Question: Which of the following is a strong base?

a) Ammonia (NH3)

b) Sodium hydroxide (NaOH)

c) Acetic acid (CH3COOH)

d) Carbonic acid (H2CO3)

23. Question: The pH of a solution is a measure of its:

a) Concentration of protons (H+ ions)

b) Concentration of hydroxide (OH-) ions

c) Acidity

d) All of the above

24. The pH scale measures the concentration of:

a) Hydroxide ions

b) Hydrogen ions

c) Carbonate ions
d) Nitrate ions

25. A solution with a pH of 7 is considered:

a) Acidic

b) Neutral

c) Basic

d) Alkaline

26. Which of the following is a strong acid?

a) Acetic acid

b) Hydrochloric acid

c) Citric acid

d) Carbonic acid

27. Buffer systems in the body help maintain pH stability by:

a) Eliminating acids and bases

b) Absorbing excess hydrogen ions or donating hydrogen ions

c) Storing excess ions in the kidneys

d) Increasing the production of carbon dioxide

28. Respiratory acidosis can result from:

a) Hyperventilation

b) Hypoventilation

c) Increased bicarbonate levels

d) Excessive intake of alkaline substances


29. Question: Which biomolecule is the primary source of energy for cellular activities?

a) Proteins

b) Carbohydrates

c) Lipids

d) Nucleic acids

30. Question: Enzymes, antibodies, and hemoglobin are examples of which biomolecule?

a) Proteins

b) Carbohydrates

c) Lipids
d) Nucleic acids

31. Question: Which nucleotide is not present in RNA?

a) Adenine

b) Thymine

c) Guanine

d) Uracil

32. Question: What is the primary function of lipids in the body?

a) Energy storage

b) Structural support

c) Enzyme catalysis

d) Oxygen transport

33. Question: Which polysaccharide serves as a storage form of glucose in animals?

a) Cellulose

b) Starch

c) Glycogen

d) Chitin

34. Question: What is the primary function of carbohydrates in the human body?

a) Energy storage and structural support

b) Enzyme catalysis

c) Genetic information storage

d) Defense against infections

35. Question: Which biomolecule is composed of amino acids and is crucial for muscle structure
and function?

a) Carbohydrates

b) Lipids

c) Proteins

d) Nucleic acids

36. Which of the following is a monosaccharide?

a) Sucrose

b) Glucose

c) Lactose
d) Maltose

37. The primary function of lipids includes:

a) Providing quick energy

b) Storing genetic information

c) Forming cell membranes

d) Facilitating enzyme reactions

38. Amino acids are the building blocks of:

a) Carbohydrates

b) Proteins

c) Nucleic acids

d) Lipids

39. Enzymes are a type of:

a) Carbohydrate

b) Protein

c) Lipid

d) Nucleic acid

40. Which biomolecule stores genetic information?

a) Protein

b) Lipid

c) Carbohydrate

d) Nucleic acid

41. Fats belong to which class of biomolecules?

a) Carbohydrates

b) Proteins

c) Nucleic acids

d) Lipids

42. Which vitamin is fat-soluble?

a) Vitamin C

b) Vitamin B12

c) Vitamin A

d) Vitamin K
43. What is the function of RNA?

a) Store genetic information

b) Provide structural support to cells

c) Facilitate protein synthesis

d) Store and transmit hereditary information

44. What is the main function of carbohydrates in the body?

a) Provide long-term energy storage

b) Facilitate rapid energy release

c) Act as structural components in cell membranes

d) Store genetic information

45. Which of the following is an example of a disaccharide?

a) Glucose

b) Fructose

c) Sucrose

d) Galactose

46. The primary structure of a protein is determined by:

a) Hydrogen bonding

b) Peptide bonds

c) Disulfide bonds

d) Sequence of amino acids

47. Which of the following is a function of nucleic acids?

a) Catalyzing chemical reactions

b) Storing and transmitting genetic information

c) Providing structural support to cells

d) Facilitating rapid energy release

48. Which organelle is responsible for protein synthesis?

a) Golgi apparatus

b) Endoplasmic reticulum

c) Mitochondrion

d) Lysosome
49. The building blocks of proteins are:

a) Monosaccharides

b) Amino acids

c) Fatty acids

d) Nucleotides

50. Which of the following is a function of proteins?

a) Store genetic information

b) Facilitate rapid energy release

c) Act as enzymes

d) Provide long-term energy storage

51. Which nucleotide base is present in RNA but not in DNA?

a) Adenine

b) Thymine

c) Uracil

d) Cytosine

52. What is the function of ATP in the cell?

a) Store genetic information

b) Facilitate rapid energy release

c) Act as a structural component in cell membranes

d) Store and transmit hereditary information

53. Glycogen is a storage form of glucose mainly found in:

a) Liver

b) Muscle

c) Blood

d) Brain

54. Which of the following is a function of DNA?

a) Facilitate protein synthesis

b) Store and transmit genetic information

c) Provide structural support to cells

d) Catalyze chemical reactions

55. Which of the following is NOT a function of proteins in the body?

a) Enzymatic catalysis

b) Transport of substances

c) Energy storage

d) Structural support

56. Which of the following is an example of a polysaccharide?

a) Glucose

b) Sucrose

c) Starch

d) Fructose

57. The structural unit of a nucleic acid is:

a) Amino acid

b) Nucleotide

c) Fatty acid

d) Monosaccharide

58. What is the function of hemoglobin?

a) Facilitate blood clotting

b) Carry oxygen in red blood cells

c) Act as a hormone

d) Digest proteins in the stomach

59. Which of the following is a function of carbohydrates?

a) Facilitate rapid energy release

b) Store genetic information

c) Provide structural support to cells

d) Carry oxygen in red blood cells

60. What type of bond forms between amino acids in a protein?

a) Peptide bond

b) Glycosidic bond

c) Ester bond

d) Hydrogen bond
61. The breakdown of glycogen into glucose is known as:

a) Glycogenesis

b) Glycolysis

c) Glyconeogenesis

d) Glycogenolysis

62. Which of the following is an essential fatty acid?

a) Linoleic acid

b) Palmitic acid

c) Stearic acid

d) Oleic acid

63. Which enzyme is responsible for breaking down fats into fatty acids and glycerol?

a) Amylase

b) Lipase

c) Protease

d) Nuclease

64. Which of the following is a function of triglycerides?

a) Storing genetic information

b) Facilitating rapid energy release

c) Providing structural support to cells

d) Catalysing chemical reactions

65. What is the primary function of cholesterol in the body?

a) Facilitate blood clotting

b) Act as a structural component in cell membranes

c) Store genetic information

d) Carry oxygen in red blood cells

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