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How Viruses Infect Specific
HIV binds to the CD4 receptor, a glycoprotein on the
surfaces of T cells.
Glycoprotein and glycolipid patterns on the surfaces of cells give
many viruses an opportunity for infection. HIV and hepatitis
viruses infect only specific organs or cells in the human body.
HIV is able to penetrate the plasma membranes of a subtype of
lymphocytes called T-helper cells, as well as some monocytes
and central nervous system cells.
The Components and Functions of the Plasma
Component Location

Phospholipid Main fabric of the membrane

Attached between phospholipids and between the two

phospholipid layers

Integral proteins (for example, Embedded within the phospholipid layer(s). May or may not
integrins) penetrate through both layers

On the inner or outer surface of the phospholipid bilayer; not

Peripheral proteins
embedded within the phospholipids

Carbohydrates (components of
Generally attached to proteins on the outside membrane layer
glycoproteins and glycolipids)
Passive Transport
Passive transport involves the movement of material along a concentration
gradient (high concentration ⇒ low concentration)
● Because materials are moving down a concentration gradient, it does
not require the expenditure of energy (ATP hydrolysis)
○ Hydrolysis = a reaction with a water molecule that breaks large molecules into smaller
Three main types of passive transport:
1. Simple diffusion – the movement of small or lipophilic(fat-loving)
molecules (e.g. O2, CO2, etc.)
2. Osmosis – the movement of water molecules (dependent on solute
3. Facilitated diffusion – the movement of large or charged molecules
via membrane proteins (e.g. ions, sucrose, etc.)
Diffusion is the net movement of
molecules from a region of high
concentration to a region of low
● This directional movement along a
gradient is passive and will continue
until molecules become evenly
dispersed (equilibrium)
● Small and non-polar (lipophilic)
molecules will be able to freely
diffuse across cell membranes (e.g.
O2, CO2, glycerol)
Where can we apply this concept
in our daily activities?

Higher Concentration Lower Concentration

Factors That Affect Diffusion
● Extent of the concentration gradient
○ Difference in concentration, Distribution
○ Closer to equilibrium, rate of diffusion
● Mass of the molecules diffusing
○ Mass Movement = Diffusion v-v
● Temperature
○ Temperature Diffusion v-v
● Solvent density
○ Solvent density Rate of diffusion
Factors That Affect Diffusion

● nonpolar or lipid-soluble materials pass through plasma membranes

more easily than polar materials, allowing a faster rate of diffusion.

Surface area and thickness of the plasma membrane

● Surface area Rate of diffusion v-v

Distance traveled

● Distance Rate of diffusion

Facilitated Diffusion
Facilitated diffusion is the passive
movement of molecules across the
cell membrane via the aid of a
membrane protein
● It is utilized by molecules that
are unable to freely cross the
phospholipid bilayer (e.g. large,
polar molecules and ions)
● This process is mediated by two
distinct types of transport
proteins – channel proteins and
carrier proteins
Types of transport proteins
Channel Proteins
● Integral lipoproteins which contain a pore via
which ions may cross from one side of the
membrane to the other
● ion-selective and may be gated to regulate the
passage of ions in response to certain stimuli
● It only move molecules along a concentration
gradient (i.e. are not used in active transport)
● It have a much faster rate of transport than
carrier proteins
Types of transport proteins
Carrier Proteins
● Integral glycoproteins bind a solute and
undergo a conformational change to
translocate the solute across the membrane
● It will only bind a specific molecule via an
attachment similar to an enzyme-substrate
● It may move molecules against concentration
gradients in the presence of ATP (i.e. are used
in active transport)
● Carrier proteins have a much slower rate of
transport than channel proteins (by an order
of ~1,000 molecules per second)
Example : Carrier protein - kidney
Glucose, water, salts, ions, and amino acids needed by the body are
filtered in one part of the kidney. This filtrate, which includes glucose, is
then reabsorbed in another part of the kidney. Because there are only a
finite number of carrier proteins for glucose, if more glucose is present
than the proteins can handle, the excess is not transported and it is
excreted from the body in the urine. In a diabetic individual, this is
described as “spilling glucose into the urine.” A different group of carrier
proteins called glucose transport proteins, or GLUTs, are involved in
transporting glucose and other hexose sugars through plasma membranes
within the body.
Osmosis is the net movement of
water molecules across a
semipermeable membrane from a
region of low solute concentration to
a region of high solute
concentration (until equilibrium is
and Levels of
Free Water
Osmolarity is a measure of solute concentration, as defined by the
number of osmoles of a solute per liter of solution (osmol/L)

Solutions may be loosely categorized as :

● Solutions with a relatively higher osmolarity are categorized as

hypertonic (high solute concentration ⇒ gains water)
● Solutions with a relatively lower osmolarity are categorized as
hypotonic (low solute concentration ⇒ loses water)
● Solutions that have the same osmolarity are categorized as isotonic
(same solute concentration ⇒ no net water flow)
Estimating Osmolarity
The osmolarity of tissue may be interpolated by bathing the sample in
solutions with known osmolarities

● The tissue will lose water when placed in hypertonic solutions and
gain water when placed in hypotonic solutions
● Water loss or gain may be determined by weighing the sample before
and after bathing in a solution
● Tissue osmolarity may be inferred by identifying the concentration of
solution at which there is no weight change (i.e. isotonic)
Application in Medicine
Tissues or organs to be used in medical procedures must be kept in
solution to prevent cellular desiccation (dry out)
● This solution must share the same osmolarity as the tissue/organ (i.e.
isotonic) in order to prevent osmosis from occurring
Uncontrolled osmosis will have negative effects with regards to cell
● In hypertonic solutions, water will leave the cell causing it to shrivel
(the crenation)
● In hypotonic solutions, water will enter the cell causing it to swell and
potentially burst (lysis)
Application in Plant Cell
In-plant tissues, the effects of uncontrolled osmosis are moderated by the
presence of an inflexible cell wall

● In hypertonic solutions, the cytoplasm will shrink (plasmolysis) but

the cell wall will maintain a structured shape
● In hypotonic solutions, the cytoplasm will expand but be unable to
rupture within the constraints of the cell wall (turgor)
Summary of the Effects of Solute
Concentrations on Cells
Why should farmers consider the
salinity of the soil in which
they grow crops?
Active Transport
Active transport involves the movement of materials against a
concentration gradient (low concentration ⇒ high concentration)
● Because materials are moving against the gradient, it requires the
expenditure of energy (e.g. ATP hydrolysis)
There are two main types of active transport:
● Primary (direct) active transport – Involves the direct use of metabolic
energy (e.g. ATP hydrolysis) to mediate transport
● Secondary (indirect) active transport – Involves coupling the molecule
with another moving along an electrochemical gradient
Active transport involves the use of carrier

A specific solute will bind to the protein

pump on one side of the membrane
● The hydrolysis of ATP (to ADP + Pi)
causes a conformational change in
the protein pump
The solute molecule is consequently
translocated across the membrane
(against the gradient) and released
Example: Sodium-Potassium Pump
An integral protein that exchanges 3 sodium ions (moves out of cell) with
two potassium ions (moves into cell)
The process of ion exchange against the gradient is energy-dependent and
involves a number of key steps:
Observe and Describe
Vesicular Transport
Endoplasmic Reticulum
The endoplasmic reticulum is a membranous network that is responsible
for synthesizing secretory materials
● Rough ER is embedded with ribosomes and synthesizes proteins
destined for extracellular use
● Smooth ER is involved in lipid synthesis and also plays a role in
carbohydrate metabolism
Materials are transported from the ER when the membrane bulges and
then buds to create a vesicle surrounding the material
Vesicular Transport
Golgi Apparatus
The vesicle is then transported to the Golgi apparatus and fuses to the
internal (cis) face of the complex
● Materials move via vesicles from the internal cis face of the Golgi to
the externally oriented trans face
● While within the Golgi apparatus, materials may be structurally
modified (e.g. truncated, glycosylated, etc.)
Material sorted within the Golgi apparatus will either be secreted
externally or may be transported to the lysosome
Vesicular Transport
Plasma Membrane
Vesicles containing materials destined for extracellular use will be
transported to the plasma membrane
The vesicle will fuse with the cell membrane and its materials will be
expelled into the extracellular fluid
Materials sorted by the Golgi apparatus may be either:
● Released immediately into the extracellular fluid (constitutive
● Stored within an intracellular vesicle for a delayed release in response
to a cellular signal (regulatory secretion)
Bulk Transport
The membrane is principally held together by weak hydrophobic
associations between the fatty acid tails of phospholipids

This weak association allows for membrane fluidity and flexibility, as the
phospholipids can move around to some extent

This allows for the spontaneous breaking and reforming of the bilayer,
allowing larger materials to enter or leave the cell without having to cross
the membrane (this is an active process and requires ATP hydrolysis)
The process by which large substances (or bulk amounts of smaller
substances) enter the cell without crossing the membrane

● An invagination of the membrane forms a flask-like depression that

envelopes the extracellular material
● The invagination is then sealed off to form an intracellular vesicle
containing the material
There are two main types of endocytosis:
Phagocytosis – The process by
which solid substances are
ingested (usually to be transported
to the lysosome)

Pinocytosis – The process by which

liquids / dissolved substances are
ingested (allows faster entry than
via protein channels)
The process by which large substances
(or bulk amounts of small substances)
exit the cell without crossing the
● Vesicles (typically derived from the
Golgi) fuse with the plasma
membrane, expelling their contents
into the extracellular environment
● The process of exocytosis adds
vesicular phospholipids to the cell
membrane, replacing those lost
when vesicles are formed via
Answer moodle quiz 3.8

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