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Table of Contents


1. Short Title 4

2. Definition 4

3. Scope of Apllication 10

4. Objectives 10



5. Rights of an Industrial Park Developer 11

6. Obligations of an Industrial Park Developer 12

7. Rights of an Industrial Park Operator 13

8. Obligations of an Industrial Operator 14


9. Rights of Industrial Park Enterprise 15

10. Obligations of the Industrial Park Enterprise 16

11 . Administrative Measures of the Board against Speculation 16

12. Business Registration and Compliance 17


13. Industrial Park Expatriate Entry, Work Permits and Residency 18

14. Eligibility for a Certificate of Industrial Park Residency 18

15. Industrial Park Resident Rights 19

16. Industrial Park Resident Obligations 19

17. Speculation by Industrial Park Residents Administrative Measures of the


18. Revocation of Certificate of Industrial Park Residency 20


19. National Treatment 21

20. Guarantee and Protection 22

21. Applicable Foreign Exchange Rules 22


22. Acquisition of Industrial Park Land Moveable and Immovable Asset 23

23. Building Norms 24

24. Environmental Regulations 24

25. Industrial Park Designation and Modification 25

26. Requirements for Selection of Industrial Park Developer 25

27. One-Stop Shop 25

28. Labor Affairs 26


29. Regulatory Organs 27

30. Issuance of Reprimand, Suspension and Revocation of Permit 28

31. Complaint Handling 30


32. Powers to Issue Regulation and Directive 31

33. Transitory Provision 31

34. Inapplicable Laws 32

35. Effective Date 32

~1-t.IA 'I ;JtT ;JtLlll

'1.1' ~•'H'.'i~ 'tuu·/· •l:'I'C ~ljji llkh'·A'.I' &.J'.t.·I\'P. -'1.'/"ilt. ·(I.,I''P. t.T·Ilt'UI 21 " Y..:ur No . 39
~,-':. 1'1 M'l "'1•.1'11..1' {i •V} ~it~i, ·r·mltl'·'.f ?"trC (\,·/· ttVH:'ri· \'aJ"I
l'."h 'IHI ADDIS 1\BI\BA. l) ''' 1\pril. 20 15

Proclamation No . 886/20 I 5

Industrial Park Proclamation ... .. . .. . ...... ... ... .. . page 8205


n'P:~· <f!•rc ;~.:.~·u·:~Ni'i.:t ~.9"

fh.'>+l'l-l·~ 2'Ct•":f n1'~ A PROCLAMATION ON INDUSTRIAL PARKS

f '''I/.·/;'} {' ~lJl';' 0 '/, •) •(,. '}{)G"";.Cm/. 7j ' }'j WHEREAS, it is necessary to acce lerate the
t\ D~~·7··> n..f'~.-r.,. rD'Tf. :r·ta· \~ n:>~·ll·h.~,··r··t economic transformation and dcvelopm~.:nt or the country

O·h:roG.rn· n'Jiln.PJ:r 11°'1*~·9" cu·m.:J·lnf ,,~, ·1c through the establishment of Industri al Parks in strategic

a>·ll"l' he; t'm·"f.'· <f•'P·I·~: ,,,'H){)·)·uu'}·)·'} (luol'\·n locations to promote and attract productive domestic and

~t.'}~.(l •)•/.PJ:f-•} 01/t'}.~. uJC,' •/•IJO'I/,l>:• , ' ,~·· /,\

foreign direct investment thereby upgradin g industries and
C-'l'l. .J
I I W1 fl
generate employment opportunity;

v~"hll7'c·7 · t.\.,'t·?· U'tf'l:<."n: ''niJIJil.'i RECOGNIZING, the need to enhance export

rt'lm· .<'.. 'n't·?· unmfH··; 'f.'i IH:mfl (ID&,·}· promotion , protection of environm ent and human
wellbeing, economicJI land use and estab li shing and
orJm·l·9"'> h VUJ·9" Yh·J·•rn:f. tJ.I~...l·l· ntH .r.s
expandin g planned urban centers~
OflC'}·)· {'on9"6· ·)·'} MltUI 'I.'n· (luo·nH11 ;

\' ,,:>~fl·l·/. :reb :r·> /ll' '1!':!':Y": \' ~.l'lt.·C:

RECOGNIZING , the paramount imponance of
{'1.\U"/·}·: \'All · I··~.I.'.C 7t'i \'•l:'I''I'C M:~·)•'} '"lt..'J'/'1'
legislation in respt.:ct or establishment. development.
ru'I.J'fl:f-ll· rn.v~.{)·} ·/. :rch:r ~JmJ.un{lh·) · \'/h"J operati on, management. and regulation of 1nd us tria 1 Parks;
D~~o•f>l,: "'1m· Ill·"·
I ."/l(r>··~
' , ~ .....• ' • <...
11-, 1• (1) ;/>o ~;J ·

NOW , THEREFOR E, in accordance with Article 55

(I) ol' the Con stitution of the Federal Denwcratic Republic
of Ethi opia , it is hcrL:b y proc laimed as follow s:

., _'!(...,. : 111. 11 1 7' "1 .•1•. ·iii'((!

Negorit G. P.O. Box 80001 1
11\ ~1UU ~1./.·A 'l.'~·'t .'11.111 <tl'l'C: @I '"t.ftlJ' A +1 17ll ~ .9" Federal Negarit Gazette No. 39 .91h April, 20\5 ..... ...... .... .. .page 8206


mtl\1\ GENERAL

i. b"L"C C60 1. Short Tjtle

~u h'P~ "rh.J~ll-l·~ ;rctl1· h'P"!: <h'l'C This Proclamation may be cited as the "Industrial Parks
t!if1t/f7tX" ·1'111\- t\.m~ll ~'TI\6'\:: Proclamation No.886/2015".

1. tc,-, 2. Defipjtjop
r ~ft- h'l'l1l t\.1\ i·C'l·?" foYt.fc'\mm· t1A tf'l ln this Proclamation, unless the context otherwise

nh++c mt.o h'P~ o>-llif:- requires:

1/ "Industrial Park" means an area with distinct
6/ "h.J~ll-l·t ;rch" oYJ/\-l· rh.1~ll-l·t
boundary designated by the appropriate organ to
'h1:'1-l·1 t -nh/\-l· nhl'Jllfl. c; nc'\o>- "~
develop comprehensive, integrated, multiple or
rot.r.".C{\a>-1 i'tM'i oocf»~il1'1 fhi'CJOr
selected functions of industries, based on a planned
61:'1-l· ntJ<f>f:ll nl'IC'l-l· uo?" &.-l· 'lO~-l·
fulfillment of infrastructure and various services
'll\tTIJ P'r1 f ftt tf'i tJ<f>1:1 ooc'\t.-l· hf:C"'
such as road, electric power and water,one stop
'h1.( oo1'11: t fh.t\.h-l·th ')~(.\ i o>-'1 i shop and have special incentive schemes, with a
fh11: 0'16ht.'\ h'lt.'\'71\-i• 'hll ruof\(\ft- broad view to achieving planned and systematic,
hll L 1\ 'l. uo(\ l. + 6'\ ott .f."f- .,. ~6'\ .,. a>- I\ -l· 'h 'i development of industries, mitigation of impacts of
(.\~ \'OlJ{ll.;f'::f 6:,.1: 'i~-l·l ~1'\·1-~cf»~ i pollution on environment and human being and
r-r<~>c;~t t.c~--ott- m.esro n'J1: nf.'li· development of urban centers, and includes special
CD~9" +uoc'\c'\~ 'l.'f· fl\:fCD- h.')~fl-l·tP''f economic zones, technology parks, export

n+oo:J;JO.'1-l· 1'\0lJI.\oYJ.'f· \''"l.**r i 1:1nc processing zones, agro-processing zone, free trade

r+n:t.t\i· O(lCf: r-rc'\ruo r-rroc'\'1 (l:f' zones and the like designated by the Investment

l\. tf 1 A~ r h.fl 'i'"l. +mc; t r ·I; tJ c; tt- :q, Board;

;TCh1 i fh.hh7'C-l· oYJ+'Illfltf +m'i1:

fh'"IC'-TC'c'\f\1'7 +mCJ1i .,, f1'7.(·
+mCJ1 'h'i t\.fto'f +ooc'\c'\~ nh.1illl·l·oo')-)·
nc1: roYJ. l\ roo-:,· 'J ~(J;\, SJD &. A 1

II "U'fli•" "lf\i· "l1~a>-9" hn.1~fl-l·t ;rch 2/ "asset'' means any movable or immovable
property as well as intangible property rights and
;JC 01'fftt roo1'7P'-l·i foo'}'?P'-l·CJ
interests relating to Industrial Park owned by
f'?l.\ CD~SJD f'71.\ 1-fll..'f· oo-{1-)·c; "rtf>?"'
public, public -private or private entities;
tf'l ft71f ~ 1~1'\~{l i ftTIJ.1~c'\+ll CD~?"'

'7tt-~'l·l· f(\.1\CD- 1-fll.-l· 'Ia>-!

'CI "uot..,·l·" ott/\i· 1\h 1~ll·l·~ ;rcn Aott-l· 3/ "land" means any land designated for Industrial

~1\0'1 \'1'(\f on D'l1~a>-~ oo&,·)· ~OJ- i

Park; 2
:l'i.lfi l..f.&·A ~?&-l- ?11."1 •'l'C ~ii "t.ftL.f ll i'1 17'i.l 1.r Federal Negarit Gazette No. 39 ,9on April, 2015 ............ .. .... page 8207

ill "flll¥11 uo&.i·" 1¥11/li· h "}.f. oo"}?f: T a>-;)i 41 "developed land" means land furnished with
l¥111l~i·t (lt\tl T .f.l:,.c; Lf\1i cf7fl\ infrastructures such as road, water, power,

1¥11 c"UD'l :q P'C~."f·T f~fC fltlft-l· oo+~7i telephone, dray and liquid sewerage discharging

rac~-l· hCJ fooUfftll· ~(lLf\1. ODIP/.1' facilities, air pollution mitigation facilities and

Al¥11.Y. ~ f·t-"l.ll·lli· uot,i· '1(1)- l other important infrastructures;

f;l "t\.11" diJfl:,· llttL lli'?~n CD-A oorPt.-l· 51 "lease" means a system of land tenure by which
fh. 1~i'a-l·6 .TCh oo&.·l· · foomcf>sro oofli· the right of use of industrial park land is acquired
fDII. '1~0-l· roo&,-}· .ett ;:t' ht-l· ~CD- i under a contract of a definite period;

'il "1¥111:\CT?·)· oo:luoC" o'fll-l· h'H~h1flll·:- 61 "commencement of development" means:

U) fh. "}~i'a-l·6 .TCtl ~A~ (Llf"} h"}.( a) in the case of industrial park developer, the

oo')'l.(' i CD-;) i h.t\h-l·th ;).eA i construction of the foundation works of
iiAh: .(t.:,.c; Ltt7i f7fi"i 17'1ilan:tf he; infrastructures such as road, water, power,

r ooUf fl"" nhtA 1. oov' t. .,.. A Oft .Y·1· telephone, dray and liquid sewerage treatment

h1..ctU·SJO t'h1,SD:f1 "'/1ll;J- foorPt.-l· facilities and other important infrastructures as

P'~ ool!.uoc 'lCD-! well as foundation works of buildings;

ll) rn.·)~il-l·6 .TCh ~·c;t;·l· fl.lf') b) in the case of industrial park enterprise, the
n~:)~ili·6 J'Ch oo&.-l· I\ f. construction of at least the foundation or
flool'at··l· h·l· &. •I> ,(',OJ· Cl/'}fi;F OJf.9" erection of re-enforcement bars to cast columns
of the permitted construction or building on
the industrial park land ;

"10·1'1 1\.11" 0.,(\·~· r n:>~il·1·6 J'Ch 7I "sub-lease" means a transfer of parcel of

nAOTJ.m- OJf,?" rn.·)·l·6 ;ret~ developed industrial park land to industrial park
ni'H·~~6a>- 119" ~fl m~cr llll. 71 OJi'afl. enterprise by the industrial park developer or
t)fll¥11ai· r ~. 1~il·l·6 ;J'Ch 00{.,·)· ·~C(l industrial park operator which has been possessed
through allocation or lease; 3
L~~-t\ 'I;M·l- ;.m.n1 .,.-rc c!Jil ""t.f'll.•l' li of>') li'i.i 'l.r Federal Negarit Gazette No. 39 ,9u' April, 2015 ...... .... .. ... ... page 8208

t.l "n. 11ifl·l·oo·H·" UIJfli· r n. 1~fl·h~ .TCh 8/ "investment" means expenditure of capital in cash
nA'"l.: r n. '>~ll·l·t. ;rcn ~' ll· ,_ ·'V;; t. or in kind or in both ·by an industrial park

r n:}~fl·}·t ;J'Ch Y.:c~~·}· developer, industrial park operator or industrial

a> f.?"
park enterprise, as the case may be, to establish a
n·t-c'lma>· t.J>Y: 'he; 01'10>· fir~~·}·
new or to expand or upgrade industrial park,
ODU1 /.•}• Ofl.'}~fl·l·t ;J'Ch (f}o/l'"r
industrial park operation and industrial park
r. "H'.n '1'1 n· n-'t{l (I) ~?u '1'1C Yh'}~{li·t
enterprises within the industry park in accordance
.TCh 1\ct?ACT?·l·: rn."}~fl·)·t .TCh
with the permit issued or agreements concluded;
1\CT?{l·f'~.V..C: \'h"}~.{)·)·~ .TCh ~:c:~:··)·

1\Dli<J:<J:?": 1\Dllil~·~··l· a>f,CJD I\CT?1i1iA

o·ntHl CD~?" WH'.'I·)· Ol~?u OIJ·f\.Pr
\'OT/.9.1. '1 \'t'!T :J'A ~OJ. l

f!l "t-CT &. 7i1" CT?l\·l· not 'Lil-l·C''T 9")1C f1-l· 91 "corporation" means the Industrial Park
Development Corporation established under
Council of Ministers Regulation 326/2014;

;TCh 10/"industrial park developer" means any profit

on.·mr.·l·oo'}i· n<J>~· r.c; on:Hill·)·on·>·l· making public, public-private or private developer
9.'}-fl: nn.1~il-l·t ;rch nAatt t.:J>Y.· 'he; including the Corporation engaged in designing,
;rctJ constructing or developing industrial parks in
oor.J'l.·)· \'oo"}U]~·)·! rtTD'}"'}~·)·C) r'?t\ accordance with Investment Proclamation and

O(J>"f~·l·' \''?A nACT?;} 'hVUJ·9" Investment Regulations. industrial park developer

t'JCT t.7i~·1 a\.9"C' \'n.'}~.(l·)·t ,TCh'} permit and industrial park developer agreement;

~.tJf.1 fDrf.f~Ci= \'D11.1'1'1 t.'i fDll.Yl\lT1

Dll1~m-SJD 1\:,·C~ P+**oo f:C~··l· 'lCD· i

11/"industrial park operator" means any profit

nn:H'ill·l·oo1-l· n<J>:~· 'he; nn.1i'ill·l·oo1·l· making enterprise that operates, maintains or
~·>·O tTDrPl.·l· o·...-omCD· nn:>~·fli·t ;rctl promotes industrial park in accordance with the
nll+~~t /,.~~ 'he; nn:>~ll·l·t. ;rctl Investment Proclamation and Investment

nfl·f'.~~t l'l9"'9"~·l· oo(\l·l· n:>~fl·l·t Regulation, the industrial park operator pennit

;rch·') r~P~.Yfl·t-~~c: r~P~. '>hcthrfl'l

and industrial park operator agreement and,
includes the Corporation;
ratt.f'il·t-lJ>c&~ fl..,·Cfi~ r·h':*oo Y.·c;p:-:,.
c'l.lf1 nCTt.7i~·1 ,e(J;).SJ"t-AI 4
1..1./..A ~:>~+ ;>ILtrr •'I'C iiJD -t.f'H.J' 6 +'J 17tl ~.r Federal Negarit Gazette No. 39 .9th April, 2015 .................. page 8209

'ill "h. 'J-4-h-l·~ ;ret.

t..·c'l:-l·" t7flflr)• 12/"industrial park enterprise" means ·a public.
on. 'Jilh-l·ou·H· h'f';f 'he; Oh:Hih·l·ou·H· private or public-private enterprise owned by
~'-n 'h"J~tll-r on. '~o-l·~ ;ret. t:e~-l· Ethiopians, foreigners or jointly and possess

L:l-1:'1 Oh. 1~h-l·~ ;ret. 1:e:E-l· developed land under the industrial park through
hrr~-l· ouiPt.-l· W'1l\ t Oou'J'?h-l· sub-lease or by renting or building a factory
within the industrial park to engage in
m,r Ooo1"7P'i·'1 O"?A Oc'f-1~-l·
manufacturing activity or in service provision for
fDIJ.·,.~~e 0~.-l·f'A·fm-.f'") ro~.'r Om-"1"
profit making in accordance with Investment
U1C lJftUrO.Y.if CD,fJB Oc'f-')~-}·
Proclamation and Investment Regulation,
Oh. 1"'-h-l·t .TCh CD-h1' fft'"l ou&.-l·1
industrial park enterprise permit and industrial
01o-t. h-11 rohP. 11-n.,. CD~'r f'f'?'lll
park enterprise agreement;
r.s.-n~tJ :h"Jtt'J +h~.e.,. 111..,.
rei· fattfooCi· m,r h1t:\"?tr-i·
f""l.ll'l' ""l'Ja;:CD.'r fl-l·Cli! f·hl."*ou
1:C'1:-l· ~CD- I

J.r.l "h. 'Hih-l·oo·)-}· hfl''l:" "" "h. 1i'ih-l·oo1-l· 13/"Investment Proclamation~' and "Investment
~ 1<0" '"lft-l· fh. 1ilili·oo1i· h'P'I: 411'C Regulation" means the Investment Proclamation
~f~#t/l'lt§ ('h 1~+7i7il'lw-) 'h'l No.769/2012 (as amended) and Investment
Incentives and Investment Areas Reserved for
w-h'l' lltw-n.Y.'T f·,.hl'ltt- f Fir ouOtl'f Domestic Investors Council of Ministers
f'"l. 'l.ili·C"if fJDtJC O.i· 1. 1<0 clt'J'C Regulations No. 270/2012 (as amended);
lf(t/l'lt~ ('h 1~·H'i7il'lm-) 'lm- I
J.~/ "h'r9u~·}•" 177ft-}• "'J1.h'11Jfl.:- 14/"agreement" means, as the case may be, an
agreement concluded between:
U) OtJ'"l. ?l"t- ').c; Oh 'J~h-l·~ ;rctJ ht:\""l.w-
a) the Commission and industrial park
oot)ht:\ fh. 1"'-il-l·t ;rctn l{tjt, ') developer to design, construct, develop or
ft'"l 1.'1. "7 T ftoo?')IJ-}• t ftt''l A'"/·)· h'1 to provide other services within the
on.·>~hi·~ ;ret. w-il'f fl.fto'f industry park;
h1l\"71't-":f1 flouhmi· f~l./."7 t

ft) Oh. 1-4-il-l·~ :ret. hl\~ "c; Oh.')~h-l·~ b) the industrial park developer and
;TCh hh1-~~tCD- ootthA fh. 1~h-l·t industrial park operator to operate,
ft'"lh·I'~I.C t ftoo1hllh'O i fttntii·I''PW~ maintain, promote or provide other
aJY,'r 1'1.1'1-l· hh. ')~far)·~ ;retJ ?e specialized support services within the
1-ff'if~-l· fl\:fc&1CJ f+out.m- f~;J~ industrial park;

h1A., tr-.Y. 'f1 h1"l cvr f ll'l.1.1.., : m,r 5
,,. ~7tlf! /..f.. I,.~ 'r.7~+ .711."1 .,..,.C c!lll -t.fll.f' 6 +'t 171.1 'U"' Federal Negarit Gazette 'No. 39 ,9111 April, 20 IS .. .... .. .... ...... page 8210

lh)f'h. ")~ia-l·6 ;rch ht!\ '"I. a>- mf.,tr c) the industrial park developer or industrial park
fh.1~it-l·t ;rctt hit 1' -"-"t (Do operator and industrial park enterprise;
hh. ")~il-l·6 ;rch 1:C"1:-l· ..?C
f"tf1.C'l(l)o 1
ttrr~-l· ~(Do 1

I'tl "f' h. ")~ia-l·6 ;rch 'I 'PI," 17'//\-l· 15/ "industrial park resident" means a natural
person granted a certificate of industrial park

h1"l'iC residence by the Commission in order to reside

rh. '~ta-l·& ;rch f'I'P6'1-l· rrrattc within the residential area of the industrial park;

CJJ l..,. -l· f ..,. (l mCJJ. f 1' 4.1' C" (\(I)< 'I (J)o 1

Ill "oo1"'1 P-l·" art/\-l· r h. -l·r-A·.r J...~&--1\«f! 16/ "Government" means the Government of the
~tf"tlt.c\'1! tTflt\.tl oo1'?J»-l· CJJ~SJD Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia or
ftiAA oo1'?it-l· ~(Do I Regional government;

JJ,/ "hAt!\" 17'11\-l· Oh.-l·f'A'f ~1.~1\'f 17I "region" means any state referred to under
~tf"tlt.c\1! tTflt\.tl ih'l oo')'?J»~· Article 47 (1) of the Constitution of the Federal
h ").,.t) !1~(6) I\ f., f1'oo/\h'f'(J)o '"#")~(J)olJO Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and includes
hAA f'\.lf1 fh~tia hnfl -nc; f1:&.~'P Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa City

h1'01i hit1'-"1.~T1 ~a:.\.SJD&.A I administrations;

If&/ "fiC1:" 'h'l "110'1. 7i1" 17'11\-l· n.e.1-ll ch'l'C 18/ "Board" and "Commission" means the Board f-t**oom. 'h1.f.'f>.f.r -th-t/\- or the Commission established under the
fh.~·r-~·f h.1l1it~·oo1~· net: h'l Ethiopian Investment Board or the Ethiopian
f h. -l·r-A· f h. 11iia-l·oo")-}· 110'1. 7i1 'I (Do I Investment Commission Establishment Council
of Ministers Regulation No. 313/2014,

Iii! "h'?flfl fl\(1}> ll/\itAtTJ1" 17'11\-l· 19/ "competent authority" means any federal,
fh-1"'-il-l·t ;rct11 O"too/\h-l· O·,.rofl.,.. regional or city administration government
organ having regulatory powers and duties over
1·~f"'T CJJf.,tr oot!\hli-tr1:~«f! fl?'PJ'T
particular subject matters or geographic areas in
1\f., fch'l''l'C PAfTJ1'1 ~I\4L'I-l· fi\CJlo
respect of Industrial Parks;
r /,..1.&-A t rttAA ro~r rhi'D'I
hia1'~.f.C aP")"'' PI ;t'«f! ht"tt!\ 'Ia>- l 6
,,.. Federal Negarit Gazette No. 39 ,9"' April, 20 IS .................. page 8211

~I "t.?f..•" '"ltH· Otl'"l.7i'l~ h'"ltt.('.'l·l· 20/ "investment permit'' means a permit issued by
flh. ')~flrl·~ ;rctJ ht!\'"1.: lln.1~ll·l·t the Commission for Industrial Park Developer,
;rctJ nli·J-.~~t ro~r II h. ·)~fl·l·~ ;rctJ Industrial Park Operator or Industrial Park

.t.:C:t:·l· hh. ')~fl·l·t .TCtl':;. ;JC O·t- f ,f'H Enterprise to carry out industrial park
Oh.'J~ll·l·~ .TCh CD-ll'l' fa'"l.h'i"CD'I· development related activities as an investor;

·t-"?1'1&--l· f"?.c'l'l' f h. ')fi{li·oo·)i· L:J> f:

'lCD- I
~til "f?·~<-h ht!\t!\" "''lli· hh.'J~ll·}·t .TCh 21/ "customs territory" means the territory of
:JC h"?ll1l'l-l· fl'arCD- Oil&- I\~ ffr Ethiopia in which the conventional customs
r u?~·t: r?·?"C:..h th1l· ·t-"?()&-'f? laws relevant to the Industry Park of the
f"''I·O·l· fh.·l·f'~·,r "1•1-l· ht!\t!\ 'lro-l country are applicable;

22/ "industrial park customs controlled area" means

ht!\t!\" l'flll·l· r n. ')~fl-l·6 :rctJ nttt!\
an area that is part of the industrial park where
flf'l f?-9"<-h cfl'r'rC f"''.~l "?0-l· '11C
customs has the power to control but deemed to
'?') h1·SJUt;..tJ h t:\t:\ (J}orn_ h '.(II '1 fall outside the customs territory;
rot-fmc n:r 'lm- 1

~1:1 . "h"?ll1l'li· fii(J)o m"?" "?IIi· OH.U h'P~c;

23/ "applicable law" means any proclamation,
nattilLB"''.f ~111 -}·c~-L oof.Pkl· regulations or directives applicable within
nn. 1~lli·t :rcta"f m-f'l'r .,.L'Itrt '1-l· Industrial Park supplementing or being
fl'tf(J}o U·fa·SJD r U1t·t: h'P ~'f· i .( '(l'fc; interpreted in light of this Proclamation and the
Industrial Park Regulation;

trl?l ".(')1l" Dflll·}· ~u h'P~ ll"''ilt..o~

24/ "Regulation'' means the Regulations issued by
fDil, 'l.ili•C'l• SJUtJC f&.r}• fDil,J'dlfll(J}o .( ')o{l
the Council of Ministers to implement this
?t?H "rt'lll·l·r-7i nc'l&-C" "'IIi· fLP&-·,.;;:c; 25/ "tripartite modality" means the arrangement by
"700&-lf ?·~~ 177. '·f:C T h "}~ V·'l.:l'a>- which the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs,
rn,'}~{l-}·~ :rctJ ht!\"'1. i rh:)~f'l-l·t Employers of Industrial Park Developer,
;ret~ rhi'l·f' .(~t m~9" rh. '~il-l·t Industrial Park Operator or Industrial Park

;J'CtJ ~·c~·l· hu.•~P'l· h'i" rv•&-·t-~ Enterprise and employees' representatives

•l'a>t't~ fV't-·1'~ 1·~f':f-•) O;J&- lf'la>- address labor issues through constructive
Oa>- ~~,:l·c; 9"htJC oo~-}·m,
f'"l..f'llcf>~m--l· n"?()-fl 'len- I 7
/.,.1../.·A '1;.»6-l- ;.» .,..,.c •!Jji ...,.f'fl.P li +'l tii.l •u• Federal Negarit Gazette No. 39 .9111 April, 201S ... ..... .. ... ..... page 8212

26/ " basic utilities" means industrial park related

hh. 'J~fl·l·6 ;rch ACS~J-l· .?C O·f" .r..rtt utility such as water, electric power, telephone,

feD-;) T f fl.ft,)l-}•6)1 i ffl/:\)1 T f ;J1f ~Cj gas and other similar utilities specified in the
regulation ;
t\lr "f 0.( 'Hl f D'l.(J)fl't· h '1/:\ "I lr.Y. "f

r;~t "i\m-" atJ"-l· f·f".(.'l'C' i\m- · a>f.r n,n., 27/ "person" means any natural or juridical person;

f(lro-~1· oo1l1· f·f'(lmro- nt"!"' ~(Dol

t;~l '"i'J~m-r nan~· P:r f·1"1"6a>- 28/ any expression in the masculine gender
f(l.i·'}SJO P:J' ,f.(J;l.SJO~·A:: includes the feminine .

r.rtL1"7.)t mOl 3. Sc;ope of applintjop

,eu h'P~ Oh.-l·f'A·.f "I•H· rofl1 (1)-fi'J' (I)'I"1-l· The provisions of this Proclamation shall, uniformly in
111'\(l)o ool\h· o&..~&-1:\ fh. 1~r.i·6 ;rct-"f 1\,e the territory of Ethiopia, apply to the federal industrial
'A'I nco-illll:fco- AOif.h'I'P't- +'711~-l· 'A'I hltU park activities or activities undertaken in connection
:JC 1-.f.f~'l-l· fftf'(l)-1 1-"711&--l· 04..~&-A with them as well as to any person conducting any

rn.·J~il-l·t ;rch co-il'r ntPt.fhCJCD-'1· flfll"f activity in the federal industrial park.

It ,e 1- L 'I'"I. .f.lf' c; 1:\ : :

4. Objectjyes
11. fb'P)I; '""'~~'J
,l',U h'P~ f'"l..h+(l.i· qi\011SD"f ,l',C:~:J'A: - T his Proclamation shall have the following objectives:

1/ regulating the designation, development and

fll fh. 1~fl-l·6 ;rct~'T hi\.ffr t A'"i."f· "'~
operation of Industrial Park;
hfl&-C ilCCJi· ooHC .?i· 1
2/ contributing towards the development of the
II fU'16-f: f·l:h'."fto:(Cj fh. ")~fl-l·t OOIP/.•,.
country' s technological and industrial infrastructure;
l\011-l· lJ~'Ii· 1\,f. hh:J''Pt)h 011~:1."1!

Cl f"J(l.") h 17ifl-l·oo1-l· · HC~ OhSJO~'f·

3/ encouraging private sector participation m
manufacturing industries and related investments;
h. ")~fli·tSD"fCJ ·f'tt011,; h. ')fiil•}•oo")·}· 1\,l',
"1-'lc'\-f'~ "'10/.:J' :r-l· l
4/ enhancing the competitiveness of the country's
W fU1t~") h.t'l'w"diJ. 1:\diJ-l· .,.(1)~~6'1-l·
economic development; and
diJ?o/:\0-l· l
'f;l (l~. r ~»lr /J~tr'f oo~mcc; +Ill~ 51 creating ample job opportunities, and achieve
fh.J'l'. '"#, 1:\'"f."J• I7Yifi11."J•::
sustainable economic development. 8
~~t',.A );:16-l- ;Jt&."' '*"'C oJJ/J -tJ'II.J' li +') 17tl 't.,. Federal Negarit Gazette No. 39,9111 April, 2015 ........... .. ..... page 8213

b'fiA 11=1\t PARI TWO

fb.l+Ot& ;reb bA"''.'i fb.l+Ot& ;reb RIGHTS AND OBI~IGATIONS OF INDUSTRIAL
~ .fb.l+Ot4 ;reb bA"J. ou=O=fl S.Rjgbts of ap lpdustrjal Park Deyeloper

D111~£D-9"' fh. 1~/li·t .TCh ~Aatt. Any Industrial Park Developer shall have the right to:

lit rn.·>~il:h~ ;rcto "ll1.e'1 re¥?1:l"': 11 design, construct, develop, exploit industrial park and

fDIIAD~~i· i fou?")fli•J foum.,.rCJb?A"'tri· provide services;

ft111cl>l11 i
I/ fl\'"1 h. '1~il-l·6 ;rctJ ou~i·'J O'JOoil 1\.11 2/ sub-lease developed industrial park land;

f"''il.,.l\ft~ l

f/ 01.111 001J.CD(\~a>- oom'} OOlP/.-l· 3/ rent or sell to industrial park enterprises his
immovable assets, buildings and rooms built within
Oh. ')~il-l·t .TCh a>-il'l' ft"''r l'f' i ftO.C' i
the industrial parks in accordance with the proportion
(\oo'JotfCJ 1\00Uf(\(\--}• ~'1/A"/fr.Y."f ~""
specified in the regulation for manufacturing, office,
f?'lflrlD''J reT? .e ,.,.".,."· u-n..,.l·'J 1
residential and other services·,
fh'J'ISU'f1 CDf-,9"' h~tr'f1 1\h, 1~/li·t

.TCh 1:C1:i· fDIIh~fi· CD~9"' foo7i'l' l

§I fh. 1~ili·t ;J'Ch-1 oo~Pi•'J ft~P~A~P~i~: 4/ enter into sub-lease agreement for the development,

ft "'1 il,_ ~.P.C 'i ft liWI {),_ 'P CD'I> ')()-il- fl. lf operation and promotion of industrial park land;

il~~~i· fDII,_·l'?l
(;/ J'ft'"llD''J oo~-l· on. 'J~il-l·6 ;rctJ bAtnt 51 operate, maintain and promote industrial park in

ilrr~i· oot.t.i· Dllil,_Ji,_C: oo1hllh11 accordance with industrial park development

.I agreement;
6/ employ Ethiopian citizens and foreigners in
'i./ n,.·,o- oolPli· h.-l·r-A·rcef1'i f£D-6J.l' u1c
accordance with the regulation;
t1.1"f oocl>mc i
7I participate in financial markets in order to obtain
j,/ f_.U")") b'P~ ft"''ilL'Ar O"''.CDt11£D- 1. ")fl
loan, fund guarantees and other financial resources in
he; 1\.tt-'f b"'/'111~-l· '11\fCD- m1'f the manner provided for in the Regulations issued
.,.l\t1'£D- ODll..,.oo'r ~(\~C oulPt.i· pursuant to this Proclamation and other applicable
ffi~C t f1'Jtt1l 'Pil-l·c;c; t\ft-l· f'1'Jtt1l laws;
r1""''f1 tt~P~'11-l· n4.f..CJ'Jil 1nr 1\.e
foul\1'~ i 9
1:7tlfl!l .Y-t.·A '1?6-l- ;JH."l .,..,.C oj}ji -,,ru.,f' li +'t ffi.l•u• Federal Negarit Oautte No. 39 ,9th April, 2015 .... ... ......... .. page 8214

~I hoorJ.Jl;f''f ~?A'?fr·l· ~~&-O.~l· .?C 8/ provide service to industrial park enterprises engaged

nDYt.~lil rt-Dt1i1 il?"'?"''rl· oorPl·l· within the industrial parks, in accordance. with the
nh 1~r.-l·~ ;ret~ m-r.'f l\rl\17'1?- commission agreements reached with the utility

rn.1~il-l·t ;rctJ ~C~.Y.:f ODIPl;f''f suppliers, collect charges and fees; the details shall
be specified in the regulation:
~?A'?fr.f·~·J fiY'I~Lil i tl~f~'T'Jr

rooc'\ilc'\ill 11C11~ O~''Jil .(1,(J)c'\'JA i

f!l n"7'11l~.'f· 'lflf(J)o tJ1"1· oov't.·l· h'H'.,~h 91 enjoy tax and customs duty exemptions and other
.,. ~ 'f CJ ;J" tJ f'l ., 'J OD lJ' "}C)
incentives granted under applicable laws.
Olfnl;:t-:f ~'f-1 fD11'?10:,·::

I. fb.lJt.Ot4 ;reb bA"t 1t.:tP''f 6. Obligatjops of ap lpdustrjal Park Deyeloper

-,·J~m-r rn.·J~r.-l·~ ;ret~ ~At7'( rt7f(h1'tt-i· Any industrial park developer shall have the
"7~;t'~r .ec;~n;rA:- obligation to:

~~ n·t-l\m(J)o rn. 1~il-l·~ ;ret~ AD110:,· t...:P~

1/ construct immovable property with the industrial
h'l Oi''lfl(J)o fh.1~il~·t ;ret~ il?"'?"''rl· park, on-site infrastructure, office space and other
oowt.O:,· Oh'')~f'IO:,·~ ;rch~ m-h'l' <J:t7'( facilities for the Commission's one-stop shop use
'HllO:,• foo?11H· i ooiPl.r Al'fl-l· and for the Revenues and Customs Authority as
foot1C;>0:,· i 1\~11.: D116hA - ~'lA'?ft-·}·c; may be required by the permit and the Industrial
t\'l·SJ"~tJc; 'lfi.?''f 'lt\P'Afll1 oomcf>trtf Park Developer or Industrial Park Operator
fiY'I.m- A O.C' P'r'i' cl!c'\ cl!(l 'f fl'fl'?, 1\ -l· I Agreement;

f./ nn.1~il-l·t ;rch AOII-l· ~.a1.e 1 /-Utr fl.e 2/ facilitate conditions necessary for the
fn'lC OJ-il'r f P'Am'l i"cJ:OII-l· participation of domestic training institutions in
rDYt.f\·1'4-nO:,·"} u-'l.;:t- Olfoo:f:f-l· 1 the design works of industrial park development;

3/ commence development within the period

m-l'l'f n-t4>oom(J)o 1~-fl m-l'I'J' specified in the industrial park development
IPIAIPI-l· foo~ooC I agreement;

21 OilSJ"¥"~1: h'l &.:PIIt- 'l.e nutcf>oom(J)o 4/ adhere to the performance requirements for the
ool\t.-l· rh"'·'i:ft- 1\17'1.1\l"'m- n. "}~f'li·t phased development of the Industrial Park as well
;ret~ h1Jtu-r l'fl'Jij#(J)or f"'-.f81il as any fmancial obligations and time schedule for

'?9o:J'fll'f i ft)T:J'A'I f?1H1l ofl~C f'l.H. capital and debt fmancing, specified in the permit;

l\1ml~ r~l\trc ll-'i.:f'P''f-1 fDlltlnc 1

f;/ nili"IPIIPI, f'l1Hil 9"165lf(J)o futoot\h-l· 51 produce document envisaging their financial
ooL)C fiY'I:t»Lil! source trustworthiness; 10
,.. aft.IUC 41.4-A -.:¥+ .7&"1 • .,.c ...,i -u'll..t"i .,.l lltl 't.r Fedenl Negarit Gazene No. 39 ,9"' April, 201S .................. page 8215

IIIM"Y 6/ shall not transfer the un-developed industrial

R"7"J'1'dJo,. IIDAh-- ""'" V'h·l'~ (J)1")
park land in any manner to third party;
.,,..,.""fj: rlln-l·,.•
11 ntlu h1'~' .('Hl'i h"'fl-n~-l· 111\:fCJJo ih1-'f 7/ comply with any other obligations specified in
1.~ n+llmm- r>..1.-s.h-l·& this Proclamation, the Regulation, environmental .
protection legislation and other applicable laws.
CD-Il'l' f.,.HtH<--l· 1\.lr''f
and the pennit;
~I M"HH .......(J).....,(J)o IIDIP/.-l· llh.i·r-A·f(J)oJ'') 8/ replace expatriate personnel or professional by
UJ6-..,.'t"f hhL"1.CD-1 ~Am~ 1-1.t~.c'\1' Ethiopian nationals by transferring required
n..,t-t., n.,.mtt~ ttl. CJJoll1' fCJJo41l" tt.-t'f · knowledge and skills through specialized ·.
.,.~.,.'1'-:r- m~r ,11,,..,,-:r- nt..i·r-A·n.r1 trainings .

1.1-\.,.h- "'11:t.,::
I. l'b.'M:itt4 XOJ blt+W eOf'f 7. Rjphts ofap lpdustrial Park Operator

.,.,....,. fh.")4/a-l·t ;rch hll.,.JIJit Any Industrial Park Operator in the Industrial Park
shall have the right to:

i/ fh. 14h-l·& ;TCh1 ft\"'1 ~~~~~-l·'l 1/ transfer on sub-lease developed industrial park land
,.,,.,.,.....,...... 1-nt.,.'f1 h.14ll-l·t ;rch and let or sub-let immovable assets, provide utilities
t.AGtf.CDo1 coht\- O'J~ll 1\.11 1\h.'J4h-l·t and other services, on behalf of the industrial park
.;TCh 1:C~-l· "Yh.,.l\1\fj: I aoaPt:J'f! developer, provide basic service and other service

h'IA ,It-_,.'f"J'i 1\,fte'f h'I A"'"'""''f1 with charge;

nh~l ,.,.t-nt
11 nh.14/a-l·t ;rch , llrr~-l· 2/ operate, manage, maintain and promote the Industrial
tiDIP,-t• fh. 14hi•& ;rCh') f"''ii1'-1-1C t Park in accordance with the industrial park
f11D')hof1hof1 1-'1 f"''h..,..,mol- I operator)' s agreement;
r1 n.t'tn- ouUJt.-l· >..-l·r-A·f(J)o/'J'l rm-1-" 3/ employ both Ethiopian and foreign nationals in
h'IC tt.'t'f'J ft~~~.JttnC I accordance with the Regulation;
11 ntt.u ~,.~' n~ 'Jn- ~~ ~"7fi-R"I-l· fll\=f(l)o 4/ use such other rights provided for in this
ft.fte'f (h')'f f.,.+oom-~·") oo-flof.'f Proclamation, regulation and other applicable laws.

room.,.r:: 11
1 ~- ~i\!i.V: ~ ~Y./.-A ~;M·l- ; •ll'l'C <!Iii "t,,fll.•f li ,,.., ln.i 'l.ll" Federal Negarit Gazette No. 39 ,9'h April, 2015 ................. page 8216

~. fb.7+ll+& ;reb hll+-"-"& lFv:J:SJJ".f 8.0blieatiops of ap lpdustrjal Park Operator

D'/'}~(1)-9" r b.1~h·l·t ;rch hh·b~~t Any Industrial Park Operator in the Industrial Park shall

f01f.h·~ft··l · <YJ ~;1' ?11· f.t,o~n;J'Al-

have the obligation to:
1/ adhere to this Proclamation, the Regulations,and the
permit terms;
rn:}~ta·l·t ;rch hh·~~~c r.rr~·l·c;
f·~(\m(J)·'} ~:P 1.· ll·'l.;J' PJ1·'} fi7TlhOC!

rn:}~ta·l·t ;rch 2/ in accordance with industrial park permit, operate,

OOlP/.~· b,'}~('a·)·t maintain and promote the industrial park and keep

D'lil·t-~1.C i oo1h'lh1l t D'lfl·t-1'm:t> ~'1 its assets and utilities in operational condition ;

rn.·}~il·l·t ;rch· oolPt.:J'ce h1A<YJtt--.Y."fc;

1\h?l\.~1\<·:,· 11~~ tf'lm- fD'I..ff.O ·l·') ll·'L;t'

foomoiJ> 1
1:1 l\h11: D116hA h'IA"Jflo~·c; l\'1·9"~h 3/ maintain readily available office space and

P'1r PJ '":f· r 011. tr 'J r o.c> (l ;rc; ft./\<- ":f- facilities for one-stop shop and customs service;

bfi'Cn.Y.1·1 li<YJ1f. lf'l ~·}.rtf.e Dll~:l."'l

4/ refrain from transferring the un-developed

OD'I1~0Jo9" oo/;\h· (\(\,/\ Y"'fl·t'~ (J)"/'} industrial park land in any manner to third party,
with the exception of the Corporation's transfer of
D'lll·t-""~ rl'tn-l·r 1
industrial land to other industrial park developer;
(;/ f>t?C m-il'J' >tSJU&-l· ~C~.f.:Y· Oh 1~il·l·t 51 link domestic manufacturing enterprises with
;rCl'l 'i._ OJo h 1' h11T1.11· 1.· C ~·f. 'f ;JC industrial park enterprises in order to develop their
OD'Iil·I'I'\1\C r·tb'l fr' :t h'1'9" ~ 114. '1~0·'1 technological capacities and to benefit them from
international market;

f0'11: l <YJ I

'it/ mt.u h'P1:'1 .t'.')rO t h"J'lrO~·l· 'lit fa>- u')"f 6/ comply with the social and environmental as well
m~cr n·t-c'lmOJo ~:P1: oorPt.·l· D'luOc;.lf'l as any other obligations as provided for in this
b '1'1 O.flf <YJ ~ :J' ?' -:,·. '} h '1 t\,1\ 0'1'}~ OJo9" Proclamation, the Regulation, applicable laws, its
"1 ~:J' PJ':f· fO'lhOC l permit or agreement;
1/ 01.111 OD''\'IOJo oou.'t.·l· fth.·l·f'A'fOJof1 7I replace expatriate persoru1el or professional by
U.'&.-t'll'"f bh&.ft'l.(J)-') P'AmCJ h')Jt(\if Ethiopian nationals by transferring required
00'11.·1.~ O·t-mc'\'1 7.tL OJofl'J' rm-~ tt')":f- knowledge and skills through specialized trainings.
U'&.·t-'lf''.f·(J)f.r 'lftoo·f?J1· Ob.·l·f'A•flff'}
h ')~.·t-h· D'l1.'l"?:: 12
4 ,.__._A 'r.:>~-l- .:>rt.tiJ ..,.,.C 'Ail .,_.f'll•.f' ~ .,.., l?tl '4.r Federal Negarit Gazette No . 39 ,9th April ; 20 IS ... . ............ . .page 8217



·fl. fb.J+Qt& ;reb ,f;Cg.t oa1JfT 9. Riehts of lpdustrjal Park Epterprjse

Dtl')a;:(l)-9" fh. ')~fl.'f·& .TCh
Any Industrial Park Enterprise shall have the right to :
fDl.h+ft.rl· oofi.Y.'f ~Cf<.;/'1!\:- II may obtain Industrial Park Permit in order to carry out
?i/ 0?1;;:(J)ovo rn.1~tarl·~ ;ret.
investment activities within Industrial Park. The
flh. ')~fl.'f·& .TCh (l)ofl'f f h. ')fjfl.'f·oo'}.'f· manner of submission of application for Permit, the
!-VIr ftooJ-Utrrl· Ocl»~Otf.J' fh.1~iarl·~ requirements thereof and the making of decision
:ret. 1:e'1:-l· L?1: Ott"r'H· ~":f·'\IA i thereon shall be specified in the Regulation;
/..? 1: ftO?OJ1.'l· 0'/oot!\h~ iafl01f.ctC1lflrl·
"fllrC he; ooiat..C-f·~ i\1-'tu-9" OJofl'l.
(U\Dt{l IJ'O-) • 0..(111
.erofl c; A i

11 mtu h1~1\ 1h-ll n1~t) (li) O·f'1fttJOJo

2/ obtain tax, customs duty and other incentives as
oo{ll.:,· L?1: ... 11 01..~ nOJ'l1l'lrl· lJfi(J)o provided in applicable laws, upon obtaining the permit
m"1 r·f'·lfta..'f·1 r"1-oe i r1·9"<.t. he; indicated in sub-article 1 of this Article
fl.h--r ll'lot.:r?-?J'f1 11~:1A;
El 0~10. fl D1i. ?/U:J (J)o ODIP/..'f• fUlfrfl') 3/ freely exercise investment activities in accordance the
rP'\S"'i CfOiriA i f.U')~·}·c; IJ'O? terms and conditions of the permit, excluding those
h')-\(}-9" f(l(J)oCJ fh'Mfl·l· rn:J'I·l·1CJ endangering public order, moral, safety and security
f {Jt)'f'1··)·l· h~~ ~~ fll"/~'1'1!\ as well as human and animal health and plant life; the
ooAh· o_,. (l "'l:fa>- fh.')~fl.'f·& ;TCh details shall be defined in the Regulations;

~?¥: OOIJI/.-}• r n. 'H1ll·l·oo1·l·

~trs»r·, o.,,.,·l· .elPtrA :
~I fh. 1~(l.'f·t ;T'Ch oo(.,.'f·1 010.(} t..lf 4/ acquire land on a sub-lease basis and possess, sell own
OOIJI/..•}• ft11i"1"i-l·CJ fooJ'lf! f/rfl.') buildings, rent .other immovable assets, export out of
ih 1~ r oof"i'r! ft. tt-l· ftT? ~ ')~~~(JJ. the Country, import into any industrial parks, sell in

U:O.Y.i·1 Oh.~~ fooflf i OtlU h'P'f:CJ the industrial park customs controlled area goods and

h OJlJ-ll'l.'f· services pursuant to customs treatment specified in

this Proclamation and other applicable laws.
O·f'~oom-l· f1·9"<.h hu•trc:":t: oou•t.·l·
{)~?J":t: 'he; h11A"1lt-.Y·l·1 mf.
n.·J~fl.'f·& ;rch lD'ia'r fD?ia?'l1·:
on. 1~ta·l·~ ;ret. f?·VO<.h +.'1''1' hAt!\
OJohiJ' rooi'iiJ' oo1l·}· ~'1°/.'Pt!\:: 13
,,.. ~7tlf1~ #...'-I:•A. 'r.:J6+ ;Jtt."l .,..,.C <!Jil .,_J'II..f' li + 't 17tl ~. II" Federal Negarit Gazette No. 39 ,9111 April, 201 S ..... . ..... . ...... page 8218

!. fb,J+Ot4 ;reb ,g-egt 7&:t:P'T 10. OhUeatjogs of the Ipdustrjal Park Epterprjse
O'f1~CD-9"' fh.1.&\.l'l..,·t ;ret. Y:e1:·l· Any Industrial Park Enterprise shall have the obligation

fliiJ. h.,. ft·.). ., ~ :r 11' ':f· ,e 'it;. fl ;t' .:\:- to:

AI nh. 1~l'lrl·t ,rch ~:c'f:~l· t..:P 1.· nCJ 11 commence development within the period
il9"9" ~rl • ft ~ 1: c&il1' fli' +oo m c& r·ut. specified in the industrial park enterprise permit
11.11 c&il1' CT<I.:\CT<~rl· foo~ooC I and agreement;

I/ lli'ftmCD- f h. 1.&\.l'l-l·t ;ret. I...J'f: 2/ carry out the investment activities specified in the
OOIP/.-'#• h.~mll-'l·oo1-'l· il&- 11' ';f ') permit;

fO'ft'tl£1: I
C./ fl·th'l.h'l tTD·f rl·ruc·l·c; l'l h'\ mc; t 3/ allow entrepreneurship trainings of the technical
r-l·11-oc fl~m'i' >-1.ct U· 9" fh¢i'~ and vocational education and trainings,
.'f·ruc.'f· ~t-cJ:CT<~.'f· f h. 1·,..C17i.T il.:\m'l collaboration trainings and that of higher

flh.1~l'l~·t ;ret. 1:C1:~ CD-l'lif' education;

>-").ct t} 'l..t': f oo «;:: 4> ~· I

Q/ t.U11 htp~ T ~ 111 T >-'1 h""/1111~.)· 4/ comply with its obligations set forth in this

fi\TCD- ih,.."f1 ~')Jlrr?"' ll~H.u ih'l<'"f Proclamation and the Regulation in general and the
Orf'm+fl-.'f• ODlP(..r}• hlJflfl..fCf T tT7"'10t.Cf'l environmental, social and employeer obligations in

fhf\t '?SZ...;tP'l-1 ftT7hOC 1 particular contained therein and in other applicable

'(;/ 0~111 ntntmf\'la>- oorPt.-l·
51 replace expatriate personnel or professional by
/\h..'f·r-A·.fa>-f1 lPt-·t-~"f nil&. .l\?.ro-1
Ethiopian nationals by transferring required
J»h'\m'l ~1-'lilif' OO'f~l'? Orf'ro{\~ 1.H. knowledge and skills through specialized trainings.
(Do{) "J' f (Do "t" t1. ') T U I&- rf' 7f' ';f (J) ~. 9"

IIi. Ob.l+Ot& :reb bA-JS Ob.l+Ot& ;reb ll.Admjpjstratjye Measures of the Board aeajpst
bO±M& 0"7.LS~ IJ'(lf=J ,,. I1C.If: Speculatjog
00"7.0JMaJo bOtJI&&='f: Z,ct:;tl
61 fh.1~il~·t :ret. hAtnt ro~r fh.1~l'l~·t II In the event that an Industrial Park Developer or
an Industrial Park Operator transfers on lease or
sub-lease basis the land it acquired in violation of
the terms of the respective Industrial Park permits
flooi'"/\~ fh')~{l·}·& ,TCh oot,..'J·1
and the agreements or Proclamation and the
ft(ll'l·,..~ CD?C:"f fil·,..l\ftl... ~-)~lf~ (lC~
Regulation without the prior approval of the
fllT7..frofllc& ooootf ODI.J' l. :,. hil·,..~~&-'1!
Board administrative measure, shall be taken in
"C9"){ .eft~.:\:: accordance with directives issued by the Board. 14
'11>' ?>i'i.!L(Hi 4..Y.?·A ~.:J?T "'"'c i.!)ii '"'l..f'll.f' I) +'t litl 'l.r Federal Negarit Gazette. No. 39 ,9°' April, 2015 ........ . ......... page 8219

ff.l fi1.U n1<f>t) 10·{1 n1<f>t) (ii) ~·1:n. 2/ The provision of sub-article ( 1) of this Article
rn:>~fl·h~ ;rctJ nt\U?.m· m~rr shall have no implication with respect to sub-

rn:1~lt·l·t :rcn n lt ·f'.~.';tar f(\try lease agreement reached between industrial park

oo&.·l·1 O')O·fl (\. .,., ~n:>~ra·l·~ ;ret~ enterprise and the industrial park developer or

t.:c:~·l· ·~Ct'
industrial park operator on developed parcel of
land.within the industrial park development site.

1~1 ~H.u ~·1:n. nt.'1fJ9" nc~ rn:>~fl·l·~ 3/ For the purpose of implementing this provision,

;rch1 ruot.·l· ~.11 O,uo;t'if f10f 'P ;n the Board shall keep track of the annual fair

Of1.tlm· ,e.uoW'Jfll\:: market lease value of all Industrial Park land.

11. f17&- 9"'111l1Ci oullcf.Cf:r 12.Busjpess Reejstratjop apd Compliance

lit rn.1~lt..,·t :rcn ftl\"'1.: rn:>~lt·h~ 11 Any prospective Industrial Park Developer, Industrial
:rcn ntH·~~t m~cr rn:>~ra·l·~ .ret~ Park Operator or Industri<!.l Park Enterprise shall
~·c:e: l· .. tlooooflt.·l· m~r fl"'lfluolf'lfl submit the following documents to the Commission in
f""'l./..l\ "'} "'11~:m-9"' (\(D· fcPJ.h·f'(\··}·1 relation to its establishment and registration :

tt~fl.":f· flfl01J. 7i~· "1</>t. 11 nMl·l· 1

u) n~·c~:··~ ~"/.· aJ~lfO nmh.A n·l·hnA a) an application form duly signed by the owner or

f·l·'ro"'l f·t-/../.uo fl71uol\h1 </>IJ 1 agent of the prospective Industrial Park related
fl) n "?'lfl 'lflm· ·l·hhfl~., ;r:Fm· r·t-t...?1m
b) notarized memorandum and Articles of
fuouo{tl.~ IJU·~'l fuo·f'.';~tf ~')fll associations;

{h) ~·C'}6bllh hlf~ hoofllO·}· U'IC 'he;:,. c) if a branch, documents ascertaining the
~·cJi:·l· uouolf?O·'}'l m..?if ttm·~.'f· registration and legal personality of the parent
tPi"'/7·~1 f"'l.fl...?"'lm· (l~fl.:f· :: company in the country of origin.
fl. I 1111. u n')<f>IJ 1o·ra n ')<f>t) (?i) ootJ-J t. ·l·
2/ The industrial park J~;:v~;:loper, industrial park
9"111'l Yt-t'l..~ rn:>~-lt·l·t .rcn nAUif. i
operator or industrial park enterprise registered
pursuant to sub-articles (l) of this Article sha11
f h ')~fl-l·t ;TCtJ J.'..·Cl!-·l· lh?Cf (l(J}o'rl· acquire legal personality.
f'1'1 l\::

El nH.u ncp~· r··f·mtfJfl··l· rn.1~lt·l·t :rch 31 The details pertaining to Industrial Park business
r·><>J ~- 9"'H'I'l'l ·t- f f~r'rl· f"rm· registration and related operating approvals and
fnflt·C tPii.;J16lil.?J"flJ &..:PA'f·: tTCr)· licensing, reporting, inspections, bankruptcy and
f"'l~·t.<>J "'/ ~.. ;r fD:l~ i ?"Coot-fD:f: liquidation envisaged under this Proclamation shall
hllt-'1 '}111.·)· tryrrlt-·l·') f·t-uoflh·~ be specified in the Regulation.

r n·t-'1'lllC'l r nw t-c 11c11c U·'l.;t- fD:r.

n~ 111 ~mtt c; h-:: 15
17• Xi'i.ltt71 ~f.t'.·A ~.:Jt.+ .:111."1 •ll'l'C ~~~ii "'7..1'11..1' li <l>'t li'i.~ 'U" Federal Negarit Gazette No. 39 ,91h April, 2015 .... ............. page 8220

h~A h&-+ PART FOUR

oo rb.14-il+? ;reb r P&- /...?1: 'he; "ITt)-l-- INDUSTRIAL PARK WORK PERMITS AND
f(J)o~ H.1TJ m.r. b.1-5-llT& :rch OO'"I07qt i RESIDENCE

13 .lndustrjal Park Expatrjate Eptry. Work Permits apd

fl/ lTII'>~m·r ffl.')~{l-)·t ;TCh nAat:t: 1/ Any industrial park developer, industrial park
rn.'>~ll·l·~ ;rcn nll'f·~~~ (J)f.'l" operator or industrial park enterprise may hire
rn:>~{lr}·~ .Ten ~Cf:r}• Ohfi:·f·~ expatriate personnel for its top management,
lTII"I. f: oo 'H · : O'f'f«J«Jt ~-)·: On u' A«11'1') • supervisory, training or other technical functions .

'h'i flt\tr:'f· f·l;h'l.h P&-fD'i". "l~

r"'l. offll?. r (1)- ~ u1c tt-,.. :r· 1 oo CJ> mc


2/ The entry, work permit and certificate of residency of

expatriate personnel and their dependents shall be

r ffll•..,. ~.f.?. o?Jr OJ.t'. n1c (1)-{l£}'
expedited through a coordinated function of the
flTII.?O·O·)··) i'l•P rn.1~ll·l·t ;rctJ
Commission as part of one-stop shop or Department
f"lcpt"l·l· f'l"llhC (J) l. .,. :, . c; f Fir
for Immigration and Nationality Affairs and the
t ..cJ> ~f (1)- ') n-t·cf>ftrnt. U·'l.;t' flooilrn·l·
Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs ; the modalities of
n.f. 1n· fllTf1.1(\fJ(J)· nc'l&-c uou•t.·)·
which shall be specified in the Regulations.
f n.9'"7 ~ 7i')'l ftl. "'/"I-)· ']·~.e cpc; nor /,f'l
fLPir·l'~'l lTIIUOir'f ?·~f. "'l. 'z.ll·I;C
non·t-tlnC fl?6- f.(\6-t'\·::

Ill. fb.1+0-l'-? ;J"Ch f"ITt'lt frilhC OJltt 14. Elieibility for a Certificate of lpdustrjal Park

0"771t 11<1! f"'l.ft.C't V=\;J=PJ'f Residency

~~ ffll')~(J)-9" r n.·l·r-~· f m~vo f(J)-6f.b u1c 11 Any natural person, whether an Ethiopian or foreign

11..? f·hVPC' (\(})- .f. 10· I\~ fat:tcf>oom·-)·1 national, may become an industrial park resident
subject to meeting the requirements as specified in
ooll.tCf·l- O.ftTIJ."l fb. 1~ll·l·~ ;rctJ
the Regulation.
~tpt 0.1!1 .el-1\t!\::

f./ fb. '}~(l.'f·~ ;rch rooc;~y /..~~ 'he; 2/ The classification and issuance of industrial park
r ~» tr t.. :P ~: ,.. ta _e.,.(})- r '"'· ll m- n·l· u· '1. ;r residence permit and work permit shall be specified
nt. 111 ,emf\ c; A: : in the regulation. 16
tJ..f..t.·A 'r?t·l- ?ll."l -ll'J'C illi! "'t.I'IL.f' ?i 'i'"J IIi.~ <J.II" Federal Negarit Gazette No. 39 ,9'h April, 2015 .... . ... · .... ·.·. page 8221

I~. fb.l='f.Ot4 ;reb )'f4 ou1H'.'f 15. lpgustrjal Park Resjdept Riehts
rh. '1~i1·h~ ;T'Ch 'I'P~ r..-,.h·t't'\··l· uo1H'·r An industrial park resident shall have the right to:
~Ci'~:t""t:\: -

&1 Oh.1~0-l·4 ;TCtl r~PtH· ?"htiC al/•.,·l· 1/ live and reside in the area designated for the duration
1\~ fl·t-m+fla>- 7.tL flou'i 6Y ·t-11/r specified in the Certificate of Residency;
O·t'ht'\t'\ro- (l;t' fou'JDC!

II 11C11<. O~'HI f01J.rotl') lfc:' n>-.:)~.fl-}·6 2/ import personal effects free from customs duties, and
:rch m-il~ nOJt.~~n·l· 7.tL r"?t\ ou7t\7Y other charges while staying in industrial park; the
(J:Pf»"f1 h1-9"~h .,~.~c; tl~ff»1· ~, details of which shall be specified in the Regulation;
f01Jh1fl-l· i
1:1 nh 1~r.-l·t :rctt nt\011. m~sro
3/ establish community committees for better
nh·,~r.-l·t ;rctt nh·t.r;;.r;;t n01Jt·~~·l·
understanding of Industrial Park Developer and
f01J.+CO· n:,C(l.Y,'f· O·t-oot'\h·t- f·t-7it'\
Industrial Park Operator in respect of facilities and
ou"?CJCJ-l·'l "?')'10. (\oofhmC fDil.f0-1? services;
fl711"10llt1l lll711.·t;pl:f.') fl711**9" i
g/ 0~ 10. CD·/)~ 0-t- ~~11m· ou{).{.C·)·
4/ transfer his personal effects to the other industrial park
uou.•t.·l· Oh 1~h-l·t ;TCtl m·h~ t'\01J. c:'t;.
residents; the details of which shall be specified in the
1\.lr:Y. ~'Ptf»"f f'?A OD1t\1f (J:PJDf') Regulation;
rattr.·"""~ 1
'f;l n~ 10· m-il~ n-t- ~ ~11w- oou• t. i· f\.tr "f 51 enjoy such other rights to be specified m the
ODrflf.T') fODfficf»SJD:: Regulation .
Il.fb.l+0+6 2:Ch )'P6 7Jl.o;tt??f 16. lpdystrjal Park Resjdept ObUeatjops
rn 1,r;;.r.-l·t :rctt ~Pt rOtJ.h·tt'\--l· An industrial park resident has the obligation to:
'? ~:r 50~· ~c:'<.:t-1:\:-

lil Ott.u nlfJ!· 01\." n'J.1.1 tiA·t'.,uom lI unless otherwise provided under this Proclamation,
n,....,...,c f1 OtJ.f h1CJ f m- n11 c; f m·sro tJ :1> JD f pay all applicable customs duties, tariffs, taxes and
n"?CJ1l~i· Yl\:fm· f7-S"'~h +t.~: other appropriate charges for any imported goods;
:rt~: '?1lc 'he; t\.tr1· n'?CJ-o ft\fm··)
h~fJD1-1 rooti&.A l
11 n'?CJ1l~·l· CJ'\fm· m1r ouiJ.'t.·l· r1n. 2/ pijy personal income tax and other taxes in accordance
'?11C1 'hCJ 1\.lr'f '?11C''f1 fouh&.t.\ l with applicable laws;

rt ot\.tr'f n'?CJ1l flt\fm- m1r r-t.,uom- 3/ respect obligation provided in other laws .
., ~;t P'':F1 f'"ihOC l 17
'11;' ;i;QHt)!i J..f./.·A ~.:>~ ·l- .:111."1 4t'l'C: @! "t.f'll. .l' ii •/'") li'i.i ~ . 9" Federal Negarit Gazett e . No. 39 .9"' April, 2015 .. ........ ..... .. page 8222

!1. 00,1-'l-ilTt ;rch ~'Pt ilftlllf..tBoo- IJ'{lffh'l 17. Speculation by lndustrjal Park Resjdepts
Of1"'1..7i.,. lli\D'Il.m(\~ hll+lll-&-'1! ~CVO?ISD'f Admjnjstratjye Measures of the Commjssjop
.etn ncr~ mf.?" OY.'Hl· m·ll~ r·,..oufth·t:·l·'} In the event an industrial park resident transfers its
.(·1.?1PJ':f- noofll{l rn_').P,.fl·l·t .TCh ~'Pt industrial park immoveable property to a third party in
On:}~.{l·l·~ ,TCh· m·ll~ r .f'tFflD-1 violation of the terms of the Certificate of Industrial Park
f'Dti _e;}<f>fl<f>(l· '}-()lf· :-,·. ft(l{l·t·~~ OYJ'} f{l·l·l\ft&. Residency, this Proclamation or the Regulation, the

h '}.(lf~ n"''. 7i~· ralh·,..ft··l·'} nll·I·.';Y.t·<l! Commission may take the following administrative

'hC?";t;P'":t., tt.mtl.('.· f."f·l\1:\: - measures:

M rh.'}~ll ·l·6 :rch 1I revoke the certificate of Industrial Park Residency;

o>l.'fn)·') t'oo(ll11 i
fll fl'I'P~.,.~ a>:,.·)· hh.'}~.{l·)·~ :rcn hiN"I. 2/ cause return of assets which have been received

o> hn:>~r.·l·t ;rcn nfa·,...';~t from industrial park developer or industrial park

rmfl.';rm··> o>.e9n r·,..lhtl~~m·'> ·>-nlf·:r operator while he was resident;

'h'}P.. ou/;\{1 rtTCJ~:l'?l 'hCJ

El tVv\ r~"·}~fl·)·~ ;rch 'lcr~ ?,{lh~.hb-f.. 3/ impose on the industrial park resident the payment

~: Lll II rJj .P'I·l· fUt\ fl·f'llfl··l· IJ·O.f·1· of rents on such assets, for a period of up to 30

h.b-f. Mt.'}~{l·)·~ ,TCh nAOTf.a>· m,e9... days.

fln:>~r.·l·t ;rcn nil·l·~.';tm· A'>.'th~t\

I~.f0.11l-il+t ;rch f~'Pt~+ rrllhc ml+-l·1 18. Reyocatiop of Certificate of lpdustrja! Park
llOoolPlJI Resjdepcy

iii nOtJ.1i1· flfl.'}~ll·l·~ :rch ·,cp~m· 11 The Commission may, subject to providing 90 days
prior notice ·and due process safeguards, especially
o:,. Y.·tYCJ•.f' rj <f>CJ·l· r~ v-~ "''fam'><~'<t:.f'
after administrative hearing, revoke certificate of
Oooilm·l· A'l Ofh'? f·t·<f>oom· 1»~-
Industrial Park Residency for the following reasons:
P"'Cl:}.Y. ".)'·'} O·,..flf.?" f' ou(ttYCJ·)· oo·fl·~1

hmO<f>ft·l· 0),1\ flOTf.h·f·l\ ..)· ?"h'} .f'.Y. :-,·.

rn:)~{l.'f·t :rcn ~'Pt~·l· rrllnc
£vl+·l·'> n.l\cu ,r.:r·l\t\;
a) if the industrial park resident fails to meet the
v) rn:}~fa-l·t ;:rch ~crtm· mt.u nlf'~:· :
requirements of this Proclamation, the
O.('}O·: nn.·>~ra-l·t ;rch rnv't-C
Regulation, operating rules and procedures,
y_·>n:.r.c:; P"''I-P"'C n·r:·r·: on:>.v,.ra·l·~ ;rch
certificate of Industrial Park Residency or any
r~'Pt~·l· rrranc ml·l'·l· m.e.r n'?Cl-n
other applicable law;or
lll\~~m- fbtt-·:.t- rit'l'·":t·· r·t·oofth·l:·l·'}
., ~ .-f' P' ·r· n:} Y.· flo· 1\. ·1 ~ ; m.e yo 18
11.' ;t7i.!t.~~~~ l...f.&·A ~,;Jt•l- . ;m,nl <#l'l'C o!Ji! "7..1'11••1' li <t>') 17i.l 'l.ll" Federal Negarit Gazette No. 39 .91h April, 20 I 5 ..... .... ........ .page 8223

fl) rn. 'J~h-l·~ ;rch .,,~cv- rn.·)~h-l·~ b) if the certificate of industrial park residency is
;rch f'I'P~'I-l· rrt.hc rot.4'·f:'J obtained through misrepresentation or by
rt'im- Ot''i'V\·}· CD~?" f vt..)· oot.;q provided false information or declaration;

OJf-,9" tTP"?f\'"'1. 0"'1~1.11 h')~lf'l::

I/ fh. "J~il-l·~ ;rch 'I'P~'r}· ?"ilhC 2/ The revocation certificate of industrial park
CD/.4'·}· f·,.l\l.HO·}· 'I'P ~ Oh. ")~(l.)·~ residency entails cessation of entitlement to any
.TCh (J)oil'J' f1~:fm-1 art'i':fm-19" rights by the Resident; and the ceased immovable

oo11.Y.'f .ffflA I hh. ")~(l.)·~ ,TCh property shall revert to the Industrial Park

hAart. CD~tr hh. "J~il-l·t ;ret~ Developer or Industrial Park Operator as the case
h (l T -"-"~ 1t '}.f. V·-, :"CD- f CDl\-" T m- 1

fot ')4'1\4'(\· (J)~IJ" f"'l ~'}4'1\4'(\-

r/ fh. ")~(l.)·t ,TCh f''I'Pt'l·}· f''rilhC 3/ The resident whose industrial park resident

CD/.4>-l• fTf\l.HO.)· CD~9" fart.ft:,O (\CD- certificate has been revoked or who leaves the park

f'?A oo1A1fP'~1 h'?ll'O .fft(J)o"J may sell his personal effects upon payment of
customs duties and taxes.
f'1·9"?h 4'/.'l''l ;t-tlil h~l'r oo7i1'

9.1 n~ 'JO· n·,.oofth·,.m- ooiP t.·l· tJatt. 7i'l~ 4/ The Commission may also impose further
T t;t1."'1 t hilT"'1.&- tf! 1tC9" ;qsP l· ") administrative measures as specified in the
f\.OJil.(' ~ 'TI\l\:: Regulation.

h'i'A bpaOt PARI FIYE

Ob.l.\.O:}:t ;reb aJoOT 00"1.(t(J): tfOt'iiiJT t
111. Z,h=A Z.lh:fllJO. r.rt-,1t oo11t
19. Natjopal Treatment
Ot\.frol· h"7111l 111\:fm- f V1~'1: m'l""T m-h'r Without prejudice to the provisions of other applicable
hflm-"L'" h1C h. 'Jliil·,.C'l· f·,. .f.'111CD- laws of the country with respect to a foreign investor,
"11.rm0., lf~ f'(J)o~ h1C h'H'iil·N!''f any foreign investor individually or jointly with
0"71\:fcv- CD~?" hh.·l·f'"A•.f'f!f') .?C o~·)~·l· Ethiopian may participate as Industrial Park Developer,

Ooolf") Oh. "J~(l.)·t .TCh hA l7'1. ~:,.: Industrial Park Operator or Industrial Park Enterprise.

Oh. ")~il-l·t ,TCh hil·,."'"'t '1.)· CD~9"

on. 1~il-l·~ ;rctl t:c~-l· f PJtr tTPilh oof\,.~
~l-1\ft-:: 19
1~ ~1tlff)Q 41.M\ '1.76-l- -'"'"' 41'l'C 0U .,_,,~.f li of'') 17tl 't.v- Federal Negarit Gazette No. 39,9111 April, 2015.. ................ page 8224

.6.r-,A 111,t TO.t 20. Guarantee apd Protectjop

&I "fh1Hl 1'+r (VIA 1'10. t)fl . n+.('OIJ.f 11 No Industrial Park investments may be expropriated
i'h~ft- lJ~tf'l Oiti'cf>C fh.1~it-l·t ;J'Ch unless otherwise required for public purpose, and

h. 1i'iil-l·oo1-l·1 d'lit"+:, 'n~"fAr:: subject to prompt payment of adequate

compensation .
.I/ ~"~" V1l1: f{l}o6f.l' ~"~" V1l-l· htf~ ft)fl 2/ The compensation shall be paid in any convertible
h~fCJ>o?" OCJ>o"'f.l' 9"1'1&,»fC'l O'l(\9" currency in the international financial markets if the
'ncf»~ 10.f 0'1, t\.-t-1\t\~ 01711. :Y·A 11H1l investor is foreign investor.
ooLfJ?" 'n"n-l·::
[/ Oh 1~h1·t .TCh CJ>oh'l' hU'? h"Jflfl a>-~
3/ Any unlawful expropriation shall entitle the
Industrial Park Developer, Industrial Park Operator
11ll1:1 ~ 1-'t":, ri' f.t.1 17'11;;:{l}or (l())o
or Industrial Park Enterprise to the restitution of its
1flt.1:1 ~ 1-'t":, hi' f.t.?n-l· 1.11. 1.rc:
assets or investment together with reasonable interest
'Hili: ~l'lh·f'oo"f'\"-l· 1.11. 1:lit 9"h1f:l''l!
rate calculated as of the . time the unlawful
Olf'l ?"fll"l. hD'l.;.f'(\11 CD"1: ;JC fi'CDc'lf.O-l·
expropriation until restitution of such property.
U1l~· OJ~?" h 11ill-l·oo')~· ?-. '}JlooMl(\~·

~I ft(\ 11ll~· '??"~·: il" lJil h~,r: l'l" 11ll.·l· 4/ The provisions of appropriate law shall be applicable
with respect to manner of expropriation and what
17'1 it".,.:, ~ lJ it" 11ll. .'f · 'n oo"" it ll C11 C
constitutes unlawful expropriation, compensation and
'n"''fl1l flt\())o (h "'1 f+ f. '111CD- i't.. '11111.
restitution .
f.tfc;A: :

fi.OO fOJ-1!" rliJ& 21. Applicable Forei20 Excham~e Rules

D'l 1;;:a>- 9" fa>- "L" +~·I·;;: 'n.'ffi h·) ·oo ') ·) · ,e t1 Any Industrial Park Developer or Industrial Park
Operator or Industrial Park Enterprise subject to the laws
fOIJ.oofTI fh ')~{l~·t .TCh nt!\"t i
of the country, shall:
fh. '}~it.'f· t ;:rch 'niti'~~t m~r

f'n. 1Prh-l·& ;rch Y:C'1:·)· O'n1&·1; ih1:Y·

1/ be entitled to borrow funds from banks abroad and
~I h(l)o6J." U'lC lllfl f "h c; hooliiJ. f(l)o f U'lC
domestic financial institutions;
a>-h'l' f11t1<0 .,.*D'I·)· 11H<O ooO.f.C Y
2/ be allowed to list its stocks, bonds and other
I/ fn'J.(-'1 /\.It-' "f 'Pll~·'l P'"f') OOJ·~ V1C
securities on foreign security markets;
f'Pil.'f·'l 10! "~ D'l..,.lfl i

f:J hi'>.f.".'f· 'n:H'iit-l·uo·)·l· ;JC Oi' f fH 3/ have the right to make remittances, in accordance

Oh 11ill·l·oo·)·}· n'P:t: ~'l'C l~~t!/~7i.~ with paragraph (a) to (g) of sub-article (1) of Article

'n')4>1\ !S'~ h1CJ-h 'n14>1\ (l!) /....f.A -t-tr 26 of the Investment Proclamation No. 769/2012, in
a convertible foreign currency at the prevailing rate
. (V) ~ith (fl) f-t-uo"h·t: h~.f',PJ "·l~
of exchange on the date of remittance; details of
ncn..,.·f: fi(\(J)· rr1t1t •f'oo') oo(ll. ,.,. 20
,,.. -·i'l·"-'·flli
~ """"' • -' 1!.&·~ ~ "'·•6·l- .".JII."' 4o-rC <!Jll "'Y..PII••P ji .,..J li'l.?; 'l.ll"' Federal Negarit Gazette No . 39 ,9"' April, 20 IS . ................. page 8225

which shall be specified in the regulation

h~A 0.(-0t PART SIX

oat.t OOoafJI'i fb!J'lO. 'PO:J=
1'1.fb.l+Ot& :reb oat.t' t1tlt:t11
22. Acqujsjtjop of lpdustrjal Park Lapd Moyeahle and
7-'1 f'"l&1+0+(): U1l=fx ht\oof11
lmmoyeab!e Asset
til fh.1~h·l·6 .TCtl hAC¥?. Oft.ll ht·l· 11 The industrial park developer may possess industrial
ODV'l·}· fh. 1~h-l·6 ,TCtl no'-·)· oof11'1 park land through lease system and transfer
n")CJ.i'l il.11 OOVJ/...)• ft\"' h_')~i'l-}•6 developed industrial park land through sub-lease.
.TCh oo'--l· "'l'l·,..t'\t\~ f,":f•t'\(,\::

11 r>t.rJ~h-l·t :ret. ;;.-..,..~~6 hh:)~h-l·6 2/ The industrial park operator may possess and
,TCh 1iACIII.m· .:JC OCIII.ff..C'lm· h9""9"~·l· administer, upon approval by the Board, the
ODV'/.1• f·h~.h0(J}o fftt111 >t.')~(l·}·t ,TCh industrial park land which he has acquired through
oo&.-l· OllC~ ft.B~·c'f> fh·,..IU';&-1,\:: agreement from industrial park developer.

f/ fh. 1~h-l·t .TCh 1:C1:-l· hh.'}~h-l·t 3/ The industrial park enterprise may possess land
.TCh ht!\Dli.(J}o ro~cr hh.'J~h,l·t ,TCh within the industrial park land which he has obtained
1ih.,..~~6 010.l'l t\.11 f"'.f'l""im· oo&..'f· through agreement from industrial park developer or
OJle¥?. ?i~· ft.fJ~·:,.c; f 1i.'H'ih·l·oo·)·)· &.:P ~· industrial park operator upon approval and issuance

{tflm(J)o Oh.')~fl·l·t :TCh ook·l· a>·hiJ' of investment permit by the Commission.

oofll ~'T"f!\::

P.l O'lmC mt9" nh+t7'1 roo&-1· rtca,1·c; 4/ The restrictions in terms and tenure of land and use

1im:P~r ?. 1-'t u·r f Q;l.l.:J' r.c~-l·')

of urban or rural land and bidding system shall not
apply on industrial park land.
fDtouflh·~ 11.£1~., Oh. 1~fl·l·& ;rctl
oo&,.'f· ,., ·~&.,D'l; hf·lf~·9"==
51 The details regarding industrial park land site
f;/ hfth 1~h-l·t ,TCh oot.:'f· (l;l' 9"11'1'1 1 site
registration, plot leasing, sub-leasing,
flftft.1fi flft1(}{l ft.llt (lft(l;t'(J)o Atllf:'f·c; development, construction, safety and supply of
"?1ll:J' t ht\th1'1 ~U1~-l·'l ooV'l.;t'tf! utilities shall be specified in the Regulation.
hii'Cn.Y. 'f f·,..oofth·t: liCliC ~··> ;J1.P'r
01..111 fD'l.a>fl~~ ~lfCJA::
6/ Any Industrial Park Developer, Industrial Park
. 'AI liCllt;. 01..1-fl rowtmin lf'l f 1i.')A-h:,·t Operator or Industrial Park Enterprise has the right to
;:rch >tt\Dll.: h.1~fl·l·t ,TCtl hfl·l'~~t mortgage its developed land, other immovable or
"'" r>t:J~il·l·t ;:rch 1:c:~..l· h1'}tl1l movable asset, which commensurate to the 21
/.../!..&·~ 'I.:M+ ;JH."I <#a-rC <!Iii ""!..f'll..l" i 4''J 17i.l 't.ll" Federal Ncgarit Gazette No. 39 ,9"' April, 2015 ..... .. ..... .. .... page 8226

·l'cJ:att.'f· ou~~ 1\f, 'l'P/\l& U1l.'f· oom') development invested on the land, in order to obtain
1l~C /\IPI«6J1:,· f/\IPI oo&.:,· T 1\.lt-l· loan from financial institutions; the details of which
f,., f, 1.,. fl.,. cr 'h c; ,.1.,. fl,.,. 1i 11ll.,.-:;.., shall be specified in the Regulations.

1Plilf11 ~'fl\1:\::

~~ nc~ n)tm.~ tt.:\t-.,.1. 'h'l /\0. 1~ili·6 7I The industrial park developer or industrial park
.rctt .f.·c~-l· ttAlf~ n.,.c f/\att operator may not, except to an industrial park
0. 1~il:,·6 .TCh oo&.:,··) f n. '}~{1:,·6 enterprise, transfer a leased and developed industrial

:.ret~ n.:\att.(J)- CJJ~r rn. 1~11:,·6 .rctt park land to third parties without a written
permission of the Board.
h~~~~tl& /\~~~~ m11 ~~~~\/\~

rr .~om,, biP&=c 23. Buildjpe Norms

fh. ')~fl·l•t .TCh 011/.s·l· /:\"'1-l•') i ourPl.rf' Notwithstanding the provisions of other laws, norms or

/:\till:,•'} T m '},'} t ou'P~C'} i f nfl&-C .f. '}(l'f'}'i' standards in respect of development of Industrial Park
land, infrastructure and the construction of Industrial
1-t ;q sol- 1 01-ooll h..,. o/\.1\al- n"'7'111 ll" =f (Do
Park building and structures, shall be specified in the
th')f f·l'1.~11(J)o "''-mll4' lf'i" "'flrfl~~·
Regulations in order to ensure proper project design,
f/\(1)- fTC':e:hi· .cvt.e,'}t Tl\'}t ""'"Jll;J"t
planning, construction, management of Industrial Park,
fh.'J"'-~·l·t ;rctt GJ'J'l:'" hil·f'"'.(C T ou~-l· land development, management and related project
nil+141.C ~'i' +f f~~~· f/\(J)o fTC'~h-l· supervision and quality control.
h-l·-l·~ 'i' 1' &=-l· 1\"''l.??'J' f"''.fil 'fl\ 11C11C
I. ')11 f,(J)fll~::
24. Epylropmeptal Reeulatiops
II.Ot)btJ90. TD.t t1211Df
~I fL~&-~ 'h'i' fh~~ ou')"/J-U;t"-l· fhtt'lfl. 1I The federal and regional environmental legislations

'l'n.4' m1l· nh. 1-"-il.'f·t ;rch CJ>oil'l' ·t-~,Oll.

shall apply within industrial parks .

.elf'i' /\· : :
I If httlln.'i f I. 1 Oil. 'Lil•tC f httllfl. 'l'O:J> 21 The Ministry of Environment and Forest shall

PC~.P. 'f1 T .f.l.;c(PJ'f1 T f ht"t'lO. oo')h'lhO.f establish an office within industrial parks for the
application, supervision, protection and enforcement
oo'}?P..l-') 'h'i' On'lllO. "_e. fatt.I.C~ 1·~-l·
of environmental norms, standards, safeguards,
oo+~?i t):,.p..'f'} nn. 1~il-l·6 .TCh (1)-il'l'
management and mitigation plans within the
Industrial Parks;
/\oof"lmC t /\oomn~ 'h'i' rf'«6Jil&-'f /\"'11:l«6J
ftllf.fGJ1f n.c- · nn. 1~il-l·6 ;rctt (1)-fl'l'
3/ The details regarding environmental obligations of an
f:l hh.')~fli·6 .TCh .?C fi'fftt- fn'lllO. 1'0.4'
Industrial Park shall be specified in the Regulation.
GJ~;J'P''f 1fC1fC U·'L:J' 01.10. ~CD(\'i'/;\:: 22
1,.. ~7Uffi 41.t.A ~..7~+ ..71&."1 411'C i!)ii -t.fiU' li +"J 171.1 •u• Federal Negarit Gazette No. 39 ,9"' April, 20 I 5 .................. page 8227

l~.rb.J+Ot& :reb bOtrr5' t~~J?i?Jt 25. lpdustrjal Park Desi2natiop apd Modjficatjop
AI rh. 1~/a-l·& ;rctJ nne.(· ~flrii11A== 1I An industrial park shall be designated by the Board.
1/flC~ fh. '}~/a-l·& .TCh"J fl.l\~9" 2/ The Board in designating the Industrial Parka shall
ft11J.h·f'fl--l·'} "?9"·l· lD-h'l' fh1lll:\ ~ consider:

ll) f.,.lnro. TC"~h-l· h~.'rl· i a) the nature ofthe proposed project;

tl) tl.tlllfl f:l'fln01. rh. 1~ili·& :rch b) the intended size and perimeter of the proposed
114-i·c; oom'l 1 Industrial Parks;
th) h~1lla;:l:\ 'l' f<t 'I~ f1' .(l1 oolf't- i
c) clearance from encumbrance, proximity to
/l"'/flni• "h'Cj /lODlP{.•f' 1:\01/-}• f/l(J)-
industrial inputs and infrastructure
:,.cni•i fth11fl 01/bhA floolf") flllD- conduciveness to become population center and
hoo:f'l-l· i fTC"~h·t:·J llfh& · 'hCJ the nature of project including availability of
rmsc; roo11c;;;: llflbh'l-l· ftl~·l· medical and recreational center.
oolf~") I h'i
oo) h'"lil·~C T'\'} i hoo&.-l· hm:J>+r'i' d) compatibility with master plan, land use and the
hoolt(lfl-i· ?C fti1J.IT)IT)9" oolf'l' '}:: like.

f/ fh. ")~hi·& ;rctJ b{lff9" hCO,-l·CJ 3/ the details of designation procedures shall be
11C11C ooh~C.Y.:Y. n 111J.(I)ffl .(1·n specified in the Regulations;


-. Q/ '"I 'I:f(l)oSJ" f1'(\foo fh."J~h-l·& ;ret. 4/ any modification to and revocation of an Industrial

~7i7i.rc; llltt nne~ ~mt.'i"A== Park shall be determined by the Board.

n.rb.l+ltt6 ZCh bA., bou&='T ouO#.Ct 26 .Requjremepts for Selectjop of lpdustrjal Park
fh. 1~lti·t ,;rch hA"t hoot-l1' 0.(111 The selection of industrial park developer shall be

,CDfl'i /;\:: effected in accordance with the regulation .

. ll.fblt "74hA b1A,Irt 27 .Ope-Stop Shop

61 Oh. 1~hi·t ;rch lD'h1' h"'/'lfl'rl· ll'lflD' 1/ The services provided by competent authorities in any

bttl\i· fattflm-i· b1A"'IIt-.Y."f n:,.A't'~c;c; Industrial Park shall be offered through One-Stop
Shop in an efficient and streamlined manner.
n+lttlm ~"l.;r ""'"' att6hA ,e.fltTJh-=:

11. tltllf.7i.,. on. 1~hi·& ;rc~ lD'lt1' fb1t: 2/ The Commission shall provide one-stop shop service
within the industrial parks; bring into line other
"''bhl:\ b1A"?I\-.Y.:Y.'J ~(\11')1:\ I 1\./\-:Y. b"?ll'O
competent organs and co-ordinate their day-to-day
f'l=fCD-1 btJI\i· f+'114A l ffblli·
functions .
_,.""/flt-=fCD- 1 fh·f''lfi&-A:: 23
1Pi g?tr~n~ 1..1./.·A ~;Jt+ ;JH."' •'l'c rJJil ~.tiL.f I) +'J 17\.1 't.r Federal Negarit Gazette No. 39 ,9th April, 201S .............. ... .page 82211

ht"tl\-l· fcnt.ouflh;:t"Tc&1 3/The competent authorities shall maintain their

h1A"Ifl-·l· fl.l\m- nth? mandates in the course of discharging their specific

f·f'1.."111a>-1 f P-'A"l'}c; ·t-"?llC rofl'lra>-'} functions in the one-stop shop.
0"1/hOC hl\llra>-::
o/ fh'}f: a'Mht\ h1A?fl--l· • hl\f11'1'1 4/Details relating to one-stop shop services shall be
ftnt.oul\h·l: liCliC 1·-4f- l· 01.. ')ofl; (\·:: specified in the Regulation.

~~.IP&=t'i'l f"'L,..Oh1: .,..,t'f 28. Labor Affairs

61 f>-t(ltc; w&-·1'~ >-t'P~ ~'l'C i:~G-~IIJ!ni 11 Labor Proclamation No 377/2003 (as amended) shall
(~1~,.7i7ifl) ODll'}~c&~ f>-t.1~il1·t ;rch be applicable in any Industrial Park;
c&il'l' _,.A. ,Dll. f, lf c; A: :

I/ fl1. u h 1.,.1) '}£H• h '}.,.{) (ii) 1:1 .?'1 2 /Without prejudice to sub-article ( 1) of this Article
h11..,.m0.,. tfC: f>-..'}~il.'f·t ,7'Ch1 A~ labor contract may be negotiated between the
'lUt ?~-l· a>-il'l' flt11iil'1'1,.,. flh{\t'J employer and employee taking into account the

w&-·1'~ oulJhA f P-'&= a>- A 1..'C1..'C fl.~l.'? Industrial Park' s peculiar feature;

r.t ru.'t-·,.~c; l711thnt-tf 1·~.e Dll.·tc 3/The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs shall

hh.'J~il-l·t tnt '·tC OououiJhC establish the rules and procedures on labor issues in
consultation with the Ministry of Industry on the basis
f(lil-l·f'7i J»C'l·}·'}
of tripartite modality the details of which shall be
specified in the Regulation;
1..'}(f:i·1CJ P-'C~.Y.l-1 .f'ro"lA l liCll<-~

fl~ 'Hl f,(J){l'J A::

o/ hilLI\1. tfC: fl. 1~ f>-..'J~il1·t Dll.'·tC 4/The Ministry of Industry shall organize technical and

htnt.ouflh:J"ra>- ao1'7 ~» :rce h•11\-l·: vocational training program in collaboration with the
concerned government entities and Industrial Park
rh:J~il·l·t ;rch hAITfl. (J).e~ ,..,.. ..,.~~t
Developer (operator) whenever necessary;
.?C flao·f'CiflC f·l:h"l.h'l fuo-f hAmc;
fJ1;J)(A ::
5/The Ministry of Industry shall facilitate technology
'(;/ fh. 1~il-l·t t111. '·I:C fh"il"'C P'C~-l·1
transfer and skills development in general and
Ooom.,.~c; 1\.tr-l· ~C'l' ·f'cr'hC:Jnl-1
domestic manufacturing sector Gapacity building in
floo.,.ooC f·th'ttr.:'l. 7i'7'7C1'1 fhUtr-·}·
particular mainly through clustering and other best
AD111· flntn.4'1\t.: f U1C (J)o{l'l' >-.~t-1·
practice approaches.
11cct: n<f-r '71fl;t- P-"&=sn·:r··} O·f'l\r v·'l.:r
.f'ou1'1'A:: 24
1JI.· ;Wi.lf?lU l...f./.•1\ 'I;J6·l- ; '111'C i!}il "t..fll,,f /i +"t 11i.i ~.r Federal Negarit Gazette No. 39 ,9m April, 2015 ................. page 8229


tft!Jt!J& b!J"T b'i f.J-4,;!= bt&=lil P'CO,t REGULATORY ORGANS AND GRIEYANCE

29. Reeulatoty Oceans

1I The Board shall designate and oversee the
hm:PI\f. r h:J~fl·l·~ ;rctJ hiH·~.e.c>'l administration and supervision of Industrial Parks.
-f:IJ'IJ'C'J 11111\,P.'rl· J_J,uot,./:\::

f./ llC~ Jlt11!.7i~· flf\mro· (1)-1\'1. 1\f, :,.c 2/ The Board shall decide on complaints submitted by
f·Hf~ DWi'l:fm·?... rn:)~ll·l·& ;rctJ any Industrial Park Developer, Industrial Park
ht!\owt. t rh:J~ll·l·t ;rch hia-t·~~t he; Operator or Industrial ~ark Enterprise challenging
rh·J~ll·l·t ;rch 1:c-,:.··l· nowt.f+Cfl(l)o decision given by the Commission.
hO.·I: :J' 1\f, f,a>il'l t!\;:
Cl llC~ fooffllmC ;}1\~.~·1:') fowt.rofllfl·l· 3/ The manner in which the Board exercises its
11C11C fbu. 1&-C !»CO,·)· flt.'HI fDl!.mfl') regulatory mandate shall be specified in the
,(l,lf'l A:: Regulation.

P.l fh'J~()·}·t Dl!.'l.()·I;C fh'J~()·}·t ,TCtJ 4/ The Ministry of Industry shall ensure and supervise
.e.·c~..Y.l- rh.tJll·1:17i'J h"?/:\"?ttv·l· t that the industrial park enterprise are provided with
·l;tJ')ofr='(, i '?flh•)•CJ '?flf,•}• 'h ')~. 0·9"' assistance such as extension services, technology,
flboo&-l·}· l 1t.· t.· ;Jfi~ llll'?1 :rfro•'J inputs and marketing and method of manufacturing.
J' l,.:J"?Illt!\ I .e.ftrtmt-A::
l;l Jlllll. 7i~· flh ')fi()·)·oo'}•)· b'P:~ ch'J'C 51 The Commission, in addition to exercising its
?tt~·~ttfl'li.P. ('h'Jt.·t-?i?i~) h·t-flm(J)o J-Ut!\fll') mandates under Investment Proclamation No.
n·N;Q.owt~ tth.1~ll·l·~ ;rctJ hAatt. i 769/2012 (as amended), shall issue permits to
t\h'J~{)·}·t .TCtJ bil·I'~-'St he; Industrial Park Developer, Industrial Park Operator

~h'J~()·}·t ;T'Ch 1:C~··l· /..:1>1: f,(\fllt!\! or Industrial Park Enterprise; conclude agreements

hh.'J~ll-l·~ ;rctJ hAowt. ro.e,r with industrial park developer and industrial park
hh ')-'1-()·}·6 ;T'Ch b()·t-~~t :JC ()9"9"'~-l·
f,/..CDl! l\::

'it/ 11H.u 61 The detail functions of the Board and the

ftlD'/. 7i~· 11C11C Commission provided for in this Article shall be

specified in the Regulation. 25
4'-<'-·A 'l.:.t:-l- .:m,nJ 4t'J'C: tJ)il .,_,I'II,,C' li +'t li'i.l •u• Federal Negarit Gazette No. 39 .9111 April, 20 IS ...... ............ page 8230

91. .,Omlttt n",..nmt' 4.1'11 Of\"'11t mg,r 30.Issuapce of Reprimapd. Suspepsjop apd Reyocatjop of
lli\11Dfl'lf Permit

~~ nc~ fh 1~il·h~ .rch nl\1711.m· I/The Board shall:

fh.'J~il·l·t ;rch hil· -
IJ) L:I"~'J /\1711"?7·}· f·t-cf>oom··l·'J :,Of,.·oo- a) issue reprimand to industrial park developer or
U·'I.;t' PJ'i.. t ~u·J ncr~· t'\D'IIh~1tr industrial park operator, so as to take
from- .('J(l':f.•J i oouotfPJ':j.•J Ol~S"' rectification measure within the time limit
t\.ft-l· n"?flfl"rl· fl\rm··J ih·H.. ffllt'\ specified in the regulations, if he violates the

h'"l f1711/H·lth.f hCS'u:q conditions set out in the permit, the regulations
or directives issued for the implementation of
h ')o\mfaf.• 01. '}0· n·t·uot'\h·l,a>· f'
this Proclamation or any other applicable law;
'11..11 uou•t.·l· 1711i'lm'Jcf><L!.f f.t'\mcpl\ i

fl) mt.u h'Jcf't) t,.J'..I:\ ·t-&. (u) n·t-7fltJO:Jo b) suspend the industrial park developer or
oou•t.·l· fDlfi'l-f•lthJ' hCtr}t ltl\a>(\1. industrial park rperator pursuant to the time
f"lfa·t-t'thf hC9"1.m··} hhh.mhJ'..' limit specified in the regulations, until the
J'..• OJ'..'JO· ll·t-oollh·t-m· f'l,tl. 11.11 rectification measure is taken, if he fails to take
L :1" lit. f, :t' 1P,l\ : : rectification measure pursuant to paragraph (a)
ofthis Article.
;rctJ 2/ Where an industrial park developer or industrial park
fh.·t .TCh nil•t-P,P,t(J)o OH.U operator fails to take rectification measure pursuant
h'}.,.Y\ '}(}oil h').,.Y\ (1) /u.(l:\ ·t-6- (t'\) to paragraph (b) of sub-article (I) of this Article and
ouU'l.·)· O·t-oullh·l'm· f1.H. 11.11 m-il'P if one of the following causes materialized, the Board
fDlfil·t-••hf hcyu;q ttl\mt'\1. n.'i may revoke the permit:
hDlf.h·t-ll..l· nn ')P,. rto .r·l· nc 11,. tt.:#"P,. .,
fl.fll11 t,'1.. fti:\:-
a) declared bankrupt;
IJ) uoht'\<. h;rro~ I
b) ptovided that permit is given on the basis of
fl) ~:#"lit.') fltll/"?]:,. f Ufl·)· a>~S"' f·t-1\ll·t-
false information or misrepresentation;
oot.;q "lCftl.Oo h·l'l.;J1m l
m) O?flo>· i'I9"Y""I·l· uou•t.·l· f11o>•') c) fails to develop the land or to administer the
industrial park, as the case may be, in
out,·)· l-Jf\(\0'1/ OJf,l}" f h.'·}·t ;T'Ch
accordance with agreement;
Dlli'l·t-P,J'..C .J-Ut-a>·'} ltl\:~uol. l

ou) 01tf /..:J>IIt. P-'t·o>:} ili\Dll*l.m· n"?flfl d) notifies to an appropriate organ termination of its

f\flm· ,,,b\ n~ u·fi~ ••l"lolcf>l activities.

f:l /. •.,4>11,. h·t-U'/.tl 0'}/t Ofl/\/.•.,4>11,. t'·t- fHa>· 3/ Upon revocation of the permit, the land possessed by
oo&.·l·') llnht·r. f.ool\f\1:\:: such permit holder shall be reverted to the entity that
leased the same. 26
~~t.. A 'r;M-1- •-rc o!Jil -?..fll••f' li 'f"1 11ll 'J.r Federal Negarit Gazette No. 39 ,9tto April, 2015 ... ..... .......... page 8231

Rl f ~J-11,. aotP{.lf f·f'c(.)\oo(J)-·) fh..)P,.{Ii·t 4/ The revocation of the permit shall entail termination
.TCh "A art. "1-'1· CD,'r f"-·t~l'a·l·~ .TCh of the industrial park development or industrial .park
hl'a-t~~t'l-l· . h9"'9"''1-l· ~")Jl*l1' operation agreement.

'(;/ ~Oif.7i.,.. f~')~l'a.'f·t 51 The Commission may:

U) c(.J-11,.1 ft"'1"11-l· f-t.,.oom-i·1 :t-1.-oo- a) issue reprimand to industrial. park enterprise, so

U. '1.:1' SD"T t
.e, U1 "'tp"1: 1\~ l'a L 1t'r
as to take rectification measure within the time
limit specified in the regulations, if he violates
f(J)ffi' 1.1(l'f') (1),9"' ooootf fP"f1
the conditions set out in the permit, the
m,r t\fl"'f h"1'l1l~i· .f'lra>-1 m1'f
regulations or directives issued for the
ffflft h'J.f.lf"l ~l'a-ttthf hC'r:4
implementation of this Proclamation or any
h 1.ctmh1." 01.10· 0-toofth·t'a>- ftt1. . other applicable law;
?tfl oolPl.~· D'lhtn1+ctf .e,{lm'PA I
/\) ntlU h 1.,.)\" ~1..1:\ -t6- ( U) 01"11\60>- b) suspend the industrial park enterprise in

00lP/.~· f01Jhi't"thf hC9":4 tel\mflt accordance the time limit specified in the
regulations, until the rectification measure is
f'"lh-ttthf hC9"':4a>-1 hhh.mh1." 1." lh
taken, if he fails to take rectification measure
Ot ')fl- fli'oofth-f'(J)- f?.ti. ?til
pursuant to paragraph (a) of this Article.
,.,1.'P"': :

61 Where an industrial park enterprise fails to take

i/ fh 1~h-l·t ;rch 1.-C"f:.'f· OtlU 1C>-l'a
rectification measure pursuant to paragraph (b) of
h1.,.c) (~) ~.({;\ -t6- (/\) OOIPl.'f•
sub-article (5) of this Article and if one of the
O-toofth•f'(J)o f'l.t1. ?t1l (J)-il'J' f01Jil·t-tehf
following causes materialized, the Commission may
hcr:q tt/:\m.-..r. h'l hatth-t~.'f· n,..,~
revoke the permit:
r'h1J'-l· fl1111.7i'r c(.J-11,.1 t\f\C11 ,'fi\A:-

a) declared bankrupt;

b) proved that permit is given on the basis of

") c(.J-Pt-1 tt"'''71-l· r uf\-l· m,r r·t-llll-t-
false information or misrepresentation;
ool:4 '"l:t>lO. h-tl.;J?m 1
c) fails to develop the land in accordance with the
th) O?fiCD- ') t\11 ODlP/.~· f'f'j(J)o')
oot,1· t"t'lftD'#l
d) voluntarily notifies to appropriat~ organ the
oo) O?tJ .(.~Pt. FlrOJ.1 n1-'S*l.m h"7111l termination of its activities.
1\fta>- ht-a A oK" u. ~ t-a 1\m.,. 1 27
,,.. ~7i.ll(l)« l-1./.·A 't:Jt+ .'JH.111 411'C t!Ju '"'lJ'IL.t' li +'t lftl ~.r Federal Negarit Gazette No. 39,9111 April, 2015 .. .. ........ ... ... page 8232

?,/ flH. U h 'Jcf»?\ f·f'oo/\h•f"lD· r L!P1: hltl 7I The revocation under this Article shall deprive the

llft.t?~ mtu ct'P:t:· oowt.·~ permit holder from the rights provided under this


~i.llOt4:t _,Ot51JJ 31. Complajpt HapdHoe

Iii UWJ1~ (1)-SJ" h')~{l·l·~ :ret~ hAUWJ. i 1/ Any industrial park developer, industrial park
h;)~{li·~ .TCtJ hfl-t-.CS.CS~ i h.'J"'f.ll·l·~ operator, industrial park enterprise or industrial park

:ret~ f.·c:t:·l· rof.r >.:t~fl·l·~ ;rctJ .,,~ resident shall have the right to lodge complaints to

1-Vl\ITJ') flftro- htll\ OCD(lf.O-l· hC?"1. 1\f, the Commission against measures taken by any
competent authority.
~~;t'CD-1 fttl'"1.7i~1 '"l~l-fl oo-(l-}·

r.t '"I'Jc;:ro-r 1'.ret ftt~CJ11. 7i~· ra11.+cnro- 2/ Any such complaint may be lodged with the

hC9";'fm- h·ND(l.(O·}· 1.11. ~9"C' O~IJ+'I·l· Commission within 30 days of the taking of the

CD-{11' f, lJ' c; l\: :

measure in question .

f. I t-D>~. 1i'r 0 _,. ~ 0(1)- :,0 &. ;r f\ f, Mk ~ ;r ro- 3/ The Commission shall deliver its decision on the
O+lO Ocf) +'I·}· CD·ll1' ON'\'1. f.{\IT)/;\:: complaint submitted to it within 30 days.

9.1 tlatt 7i~· nflmro- ro-ll 'I. 1\f, :,.c r·f'f\1 ht"!A 4/ The Board shall entertain complaint lodged against

aN"l'l. h·f'flmn·l· .,., ~rc: n~l} +'l·l· the decision of the Commission if it is lodged within
30 days and shall give its decision within 30 days.
ro-{11' Oa"rt•.f'.,.CO(J)o hfl.~ ;r 1\f, fiC ~ OW

+CJ·l· ro-fl1' CD-f\'1. f,(\lfll\::

f;l flC"'f. nflm£D· ro-f\'1. 1\~ ~c f·f'fl1 ro7'J 51 An aggrieved party by the decision of the Board
ro-f\'1.(1)- hf./.f\(1)- 1.11. :t.rc: n~J.,.c;·l· ro·{l1'
may appeal within 30 days of receipt of the decision
to a court having jurisdiction.
1·-".~'J P'AfTI'J 1\ftCJJ· ~~Cf.· n.·l· '"l~l-fl


'!tl {)f\Cf>~;t' n+&-l'O'I fro-f\'1. hflfTI1' lfCliC 61 Details regarding the manner of lodging of
complaints and rendering of decision shall be
v·., :" n1.•J-n f, mfl 'lA : :
specified in the Regulation. 28
~f.t·A ~.;Jt-1- ;Jil."t <IJ'I'C @!! "'l..fll•.f ji <f''J li'i.~ 'U" Federal Negarit Gazette No. 39 ,91h April, 2015 .............. .... page 8233

h«i!A ilr1t- PART EIGHT


01J~11J'i ODIID/.f f"'/aJot!Jt P'lVIJ1 32. Powers to Issue Regulatjop apd Djrectjye
M rD>t 'l.fl-l·c>:Y· rt~c n.·l· ttn.·>~fl-l·6 ;rctl:Y. 1/ The Council of Ministers may issue regulation with
f'OlJ.c)m· OIJOl;J-:f P'~···) f'OIJ.nofthi· "ltc; respect to incentive package applicable to industrial
.£.u'> n'P~ rOIJ.fflt.l\1· lb~to'f parks and other regulations necessary .
.'-'.'}(11·1 ft.flDITJ ,e.:f·'lA::
~~ nc~. ~.u·> n~~~· 'he.; nH.u n'J</>t} 'JO·n 2/ The Board may issue directives necessary for the

~' ')<f>() (li) oou.• l. ·l· ?OIJ.rom· f.1n'f1 implementation of this Proclamation and the

ftOIJfi&.'NJD onon6f f»":i·') ft.f{J)IT) f.'f'lA:: regulation issued pursuant to sub-article ( 1) of this
r!)[ .f ou?\21tt 1:121sP'f
33. Tragsjtory Proyjsjop
;.i/ OH.u n'P~· "eJ {-'·i · oull ~i · td·1 rnllfr?"
1I Any existing industrial zone or information
ooflt.e.Y. ~: 7-.()t-,try, 1\ ~·I.() Otf'Jfm-9" ~fie technology park, shall be presumed as industrial park
hn:>~f1·)·6 t\OIJ-l· 4-m~ ro.£.9" upon entry into force of this Proclamation provided
rn:>t:CD1l7i1 ·J:tJC:'ft-·Jt ;rcn n'PJr. n.~»&­ they meet the designation criteria and be governed by
'lf. h'Pttn·l· ·ttL ~rc· ~1.'-'. A.1~fl·l·6 this Proclamation.
;rch f.·~m&-fl· i ntLu n'P1: oowt.-l·r

fl../ .eu n'Pf: hooa>·fiJ·t: 06.·1·:- 2/ The prior:

U) uo'}'?.P·" l· hn.')~.f1·)·6 /!\£¥?·)· <I'm~ i
a) agreements entered into by the Government with
hn:>~-fl·l·6 ;rch nAOIJS hh'J~ni·t
the industrial zone, industrial park developer or
.rcn nn·t-~~t :JC .r.r.t.:Jfm- with the industry park operator;
fl?"r.,..., ":): i
ft) Oou'J"J.~»i· fth'J~{l.'f·t AOIJ-l· </>me;: b) incentives given by the Government to the
ttn.·>~fl-l·t .ren nAOlf.: tth'J~fl·l·t industry zone, industry park developer, industry
.rcn nn·t-~~6 rof.r lln:>~r.·l·t park operator or industry park enterprise;

.ren .r.·e'1:·l· r·t-flm- OIJnt.:r?-PJ~··:

shall continue to be applied .

·t-~.'lOIJ. ~·l· f.<f>~'lA::

f./ rn.1~fl·1·t AOIJ-l· </>mc;PJ:t. OIJAOIJ-l·1 3/ Any prior application in respect of the development
ro.e?" OIJ{lr~.'-'.C'} n·t·ootth·t- 01J'J~ro·9" and operation of industrial development zones or
O'U.·l· 'lfJ fit OIJooAh;r. f.u n'P~ hrotTJ industrial parks shall be deemed pending before the
n~'l n~u n'P~~ .£.u1 n'P~ ttOtJfiL~r Commission pursuant to this . Proclamation and
regulations issued hereunder.
Oa>fTJm- Y.11l OOl).J I. -~ · m.r. nOlf. 7i•r
~·>.'-'.<f>l.O f.~m&-1!\:: 29
l.f.t·A ~;Jt·l- ;Jtt."l 4l'l'C ijjii '"'t.Pil.f' j) 4' 't 17i.i 'HI" Federal Negarit Gazette No. 39 ,9lh April, 20 15 ... .. ... .. ........ page 8234

ot rh·>~ll·l·~ ;rctJ Adil-l· teeT &.7i') 4/ The Industrial Parks Development Corporation shall
.('.U'}'} ~'P~· 't-h-l·l\o ~ 11..-t';f:'J:oo be presumed as established pursuant to this\:: Proclamation .

~!l.tL,""l..)T llt\dii&S".t.T(J)o m1?f 34. Ipapp!icable laws

.eu·n ~'P'f: foYJ.:Pl. ') oYJ')~ro·?n ntJ>~· : No proclamation, regulation, directive or customary
~·Hp oonotf : lD~~ t!\OT!WI! nflt-C llli.U practice, inconsistent with this Proclamation shall have
~ cr:~ O·t-7it. '1· 'l·.&;f-1· f\K. ·t- t. '1oYJ. 'li· force and effect, in respect of matters provided for in this

n.f.'i' t.m·r:: Proclamation,

c!}~ Jl'PJf. f"t650+ 1,11. 35. Effectjye Date

?·u n<r:~:· o&.-9-..t-b'\ ·, ;Jt,·)· .'Jtt.r'l ~-) · qo This Proclamation shall enter into force on the date of
ha>fTJO,)· <#>') :e:~C' ffJCj f.(}'c;f!\:: Publication in the Federal Negarit Gazette.

Done at Addis Ababa, this 91h day of April, 20 15 .


f h.. +r-k, ~1..&-f\'l! -'l 'P'h&-l\.f'l! REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA
tTill\.h T &.11.~1~ 30

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