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1. Consequences of one sound component reducing the ear’s sensitivity to another component is known as
1 Redundancy 2 Masking (
3 Speech Loss 4 Nosie distortion
2. The four primary characteristics of sound in speech are
1 Intensity, Frequency, harmonic composition 2 Intensity, Amplitude, Density, Noise
and time factor
3 Clarity, Fluency, Intensity, Redundancy
3. Fascination occurs
1 Under conditions of high workload 2 When workload is low and tedium prevails.
3 Both 1 & 2 are correct.
4. Spatial Orientation Involves
1 Visual Function 2 Vestibular Apparatus
3 Both 1 & 2 correct. 4 As in 1, 2 & Proprioception plays a less
important role.
5. Frequent Source of Error is
1 L-H 2 L-S
3 L-L 4 L-E
6. Human centred automation must be
1 Accountable, Predictable 2 Adaptable, Flexible
3 As in 1) & Error-Resistant 4 As in 2) & Error tolerant
7. Human centred automation-
1. The human must be in command.
2. Automated system must be unpredictable.
3. To be involved, human must be informed.
4. Human must not be involved.
5. Automation should be difficult to comprehend.
6. Automated systems must be able to monitor the human operator.

1 1, 4, 6 are correct. 2 3, 5, 6 are wrong.

3 1,3 & 6 are correct
8. CNS in human factor mans
1 Central Network System 2 Communications, Navigation & Surveillance
3 Central Neuron System
9. Following are steps in Risk Management
1 Hazard assessment, Hazard Reduction 2 Hazard Reduction ,Hazard Repetition
3 Hazard elimination, Hazard Creation
10. MTCS
1 There is always risk. All risks can be 2 Decision on risk are subordinate decisions.
3 Risk management decision follow a logical 4 All are correct.
11. MTCS
1 Human factors affect flight safety and human 2 Motivation reflects difference between what a
efficiency. person can and actually will do.
3 1) is incorrect & proper layout of displays and 4 Both 1) & 2) are correct.
controls in the flight deck promotes and enhance

12. Well-being of operational personnel affected by

1 Fatigue, Body rhythm, sleep deprivation 2 As in 1) and noise, temperature, noise, humidity,
light, vibration.

2 Both are incorrect.

13. MTCS

1 Acute fatigue is induced by long duty periods. 2 Chronic fatigue is induced by cumulative effects of
the fatigue over the longer term.

3 1) and 2) are correct 4 Insomnia is a condition where a person has good

sleep quality.

14. Term for Disturbance or desynchronization of body rhythms and refers to the lack of well-being experienced after
long-distance trans-meridian air travel

1 Insomnia 2 Jet Lag

3 Sleep deprivation 4 Disturbed sleep

15. The use of drugs when taken in therapeutic doses have adverse effect on performance after hours of

1 24 2 48

3 36 4 40

16. The control of human error requires different approaches

1 To minimize the occurrence of errors 2 As in 1) & to reduce the consequences of

remaining errors by cross monitoring and co-

3 Carry out all task with dedication and


17. Organized and co-ordinated pattern of psychomotor, social, linguistic and intellectual activity is

1 Skill 2 Art

3 Attitude 4 Knowledge

18. MTCS

1 Negative transfer is using of skills, knowledge 2 Learning is external process and training is the
gained in one situation into another situation. control of the process.
3 Attitudes is a predisposition to respond in a
certain way.

19. Fundamental operational objectives apply to the design of warning, alerting and advisory systems.

1 They should alert the crew and draw their 2 They should report the nature of the condition and
attention. when possible guide them for corrective action.

3 As per 2) and biomechanics is the study of human 4 As in 1), 2) & culture refers to beliefs and values
dimensions. which are shared by all or almost all member of a

20. Failures which are present in the system well before an accident

1 Active failures 2 Latent Failures

3 Dormant Failure 4 Recurring failure

21. The study of the efficiency of persons in their working environment is known as

1 Ergonomics 2 Human Factor

3 Human Aspects 4 Human Elements

22. SHEL Model

1 Modified by Edwards in 1972 2 It covers the interfaces which are outside

human factors.

3 Liveware is at the centre of model. 4 All are correct.

23. This encompasses humans and non-physical aspects of the systems such a procedures, manuals and
checklist layout, symbology and computer programmes

1 Liveware-Hardware 2 Liveware-software

3 Liveware-Environment 4 Liveware-Liveware

24. Error capturing strategies include

1 Post task inspection 2 Verification steps within a task

3 As in 1,2,and Post task 4 As in 1, 2 and 3 and it assumes that error is not

functional/operational test made.

25. Toxic materials in aircraft maintenance include

1 Composite materials used in structure 2 Tank sealants or structural bonding chemicals

3 As in 1, 2 and X-rays are potentially 3 As in 2 and X-rays are potentially hazardous.

26. The workplace and equipment items that are frequently identified by ergonomic audits are

1 Workbench and chairs, Fixtures 2 Task Lighting

3 As in 1,2 & Computer Interfaces 4 As in 1,2,3 and landing gear lights

27. MTCS

1 Actions are almost always constrained by 2 Errors have multiple causes: personal, task-
factors beyond a person’s immediate related, situational and organizational.

3 1 & 2 both are correct. 4 1 & 2 both are wrong.

28. Following will reduce detrimental effects of stress on human performance

1 Regular meals having high fat amount 2 Interrupted sleep

3 Regular Stretching 4 Intake of caffeine

29. Structured process used to investigate events caused by maintenance technician and/or inspector

1 Criminal Investigation 2 MEDA

3 Fault Discovery Process 4 Error Detection and Cause Identification (EDCI)

30. MEDA means

1 Maintenance Error Decision Aid 2 Maintenance Error Decision Authority

3 Maintenance Evaluation Development 4 Maintenance Engagement Development

Authority Attention

31.Optimum working condition

a) Visual system
b) Absence of light 33. SHEL Model means
c) Physiology of eyes a. System, Hardware, Environment, Liveware
d) Both A and B b)
32. Agronomics definition and related to human beings 34. In aviation Human Factor
a. Live – workplace a. ..............and structure of the individual
b. Working-workplace b. Capabilities and limitation
c. Both A and B c. Behaviour of the individual
d. All the above
44. The store supervisor has 16yrs experience and
35. A man takes complete nutrition and diet informs the shift manger about the current
but still absorb Alcohol and Tabocao his dimension.
problem is It falls
a. Social a) L-S
b. Psychological b) L-L
c. Mental c) L-H
d. None
45.In a hanger, after sweating what is the human temp
36. For a notice to minimize visual error d) 28 degree Celsius
the notice should be place e) 30 degree Celsius
a. Below Shoulder f) 37 degree Celsius
b. Above Shoulder
c. Shoulder level 46.Human body study is known
d. Above head g) Anthropometry

37. As a review person, you can improve AMP by 47.Which of the following are consider as toxic material
a. Consult with senior person of org h) Tank sealant
b. Consult with man to man i) X-ray
c. Improve manual j) Both B and

38.Communication is 48.
a) Verbal contact a) One time task
b) Supply manual b) Confusion task and..............
c) Both A and B c) Change task
39.Max accident takes place in
d) Day schedule
e) Night schedule
f) Work hand over
g) Both B and C

40.To hand over the job

h) The person should come before finishing the job for interpretation
i) The workplace should go after interpretation c)

41. Boeing 747 disaster happen a)


42. Natural culture is define as

a. Same language
b. Different language
c. Different language but different uses of same language

43. In aviation, which culture is mostly followed

a. Open culture
b. Secrete culture
c. One-sided culture
49. It is detrimental to give not more information to the person
a) Relaxed
b) Fatigued
c) Cheerful

50. What are the consequences of the being subconscious

a. Lack of awareness
b. Increase of awareness
c. Decrease of awareness

51. Communication
a. Communication with mfg
b. Communication with passenger
c. Lack of communication with AMO approved MRO and Airline

52. Reason model signifies

a. Medicate the error/risk
b. Preventive measure

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