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TRIGO TRY Baguio Benguet Community Credit Cooperative #56 Assumption Road, Baguio, 2600 Benguet Cp #: 0917-308-1014 / 0933-815-1858 Email: powerlinereviewcenter@ FB Account: POWERLINEREVIE No part of this handout/manual may be used or reproduced without prior permission from POWERLINE Management. Using or reproduction of this handout/manual without permission is subject to sanction against them. “R.A. 6295 - Intellectual Property Rights” POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER 2nd Flr. University Center Building 1985 C.M. Recto Avenue, Sampaloc, Manila 1008 Tel. Nos. (02) 8735-7302 For Powerline Reviewees Only Logarithms and Antilogarithms If a= N where a #0 or 1, then x = loga N is called the logarithm of N to the base a. The number N = a* is called the antilogarithm of x to the base a, written antiloga x. Example: Since, 5? = 25 we have logs 25 = 2, then antilogs 2 = 25 The function y = loga xis called a logarithmic function. Common and Natural Logarithms and Antilogarithms Common logarithms and antilogarithms (also called Briggsian named after Henry Briggs) are those in which the base a = 10. The common logarithm of N is denoted by logso N or briefly log N. Natural logarithms and antilogarithms (also called Napierian named after John Napier) are those in which the base a = e = 2.71826183... . The natural logarithm of Nis denoted by log, N or In N. Properties of Logarithm 1. If log, b = c, then b = a° 2 log, xy = log, x + log, y 3. loga x/y = log, x—loga y 4. log, x” = blog, x 5. a = iS special case when b=e, a= el"# ‘The above properties are sufficient to prove the following: 1.x = alBa* 5. log,0 =—o 1 2.log,a 6. logsb = 3.log,1=0 7. log, b =“ (Formula to change base) 4. log,a® =n Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only Definition of Trigonometric Functions for a Right Triangle Triangle ABC has a right angle (90°) at C and sides of length a, b, and c. The trigonometric functions of angle @ are defined as follows: ino = oposite adjacent 1.sing= hypotenuse 4.cote= opposite 2 3 — hypotenuse _¢ $ 5. sec =" sajacent —b = 3. tan 9 = sppeste — 6. csc @ = Mpotenust — & adjacent oppesite a MNEMONICS: SOH-CAH-TOA adjacent RECIPROCAL FUNCTIONS 1 cose 1. sin ==5 4. cot8 = =o -o 2 cosd= 5 5. sec8 => =e a 3. tang = 8 8. ccd = UNIT CIRCLE DEFINITION % 3 £ 1.sin@=y a 5 2 2. cos =x . 7 fey oe 3.tano=> = e 4. cot® = y an on 5. seco => 6.csco =4 o 4 ; oo Mer, ea 2 Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only GRAPH OF TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS 2. y= cosx 1.y=sinx 4. y= cotx 3. y = tanx 6 y= cscx 5. = socx y of Intellectual Propert POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only COMPLEMENTARY FUNCTIONS 1. sin @ = cos (90° - 8) 2. cos @ = sin (90° - 8) 3. sec = se (90° - 8) S csc8 = sec (90°— 6) tan @ = cot (90° - 6) cot 8 = tan (90° 8) on EVEN/ ODD FUNCTIONS 1. sin (—8) = sin (6) 2. cos (—8) = cos (8) 3. sec (-8) = sec (8) - 2 2 PERIODIC FUNCTIONS 4. sin (0 + 2nn) = sin (0) 2. cos (@ + 2nn) = cos (0) 3. sec (8 + 2mn) = sec (8) > cse(6 + 2nn) = csc (8) tan(@ + mn) = tan (@) cot( + mn) = cot (8) po PHYTHAGOREAN IDENTITIES 4. sin?x + cos’x =1 2. 1+tan?x = secx 3. 1+ cot?x = esc?x ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION FORMULAS. 1. sin (xt y) =sinxcosy+sinycosx 3. tan (xy) 7S 2 cos (x+y) =cosxcosyF sinxsiny 4. cot (x+y) = Seer ts cotxe Coty DOUBLE ANGLE FORMULAS 4. sin 2x = 2sinx cos x 3. tan 2x =: 2. cos 2x = cos?x — sin? x 2cos*x— 1 1 — 2sin? x 2unx TRIPLE ANGLE FORMULAS 1. sin 3x = 3sin x - 4sin?x 2. cos 3x = 4cos? x- 3cos x HALF ANGLE FORMULAS Asin 3 tan = \ceors = sins = Troe 2 ost= = 4. cots= Intellectual Property 8f POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only PRODUCT FORMULAS 41. 2 sinx cosy = sin (x+y) + sin (x-y) 3. 2 cosx cosy = cos (x+y) + cos (x-y) 2. 2 cosx siny = sin (x+y) — sin (x-y) 4. 2 sinx siny = cos (x-y) — cos (x+y) ‘SUM AND DIFFERENCE FORMULAS 1. sin x + sin y = 2 sin = cos 4. cos x— cos y =2 sin 2. sin x -sin y = 2 cos sin 5.tan x + tan y = SRG 3. cos x + cos y = 2 cos cos 8. tan x—tan y= S7e Relationships Between Sides and Angles of a Plane Triangle The following relations hold for any plane triangle ABC with sides a, b, c and angles A, B, c. B Law of Sines c ab ec a sinA sinB sinC Law of Cosines a b c For sides: For angles: a? =b? +c? 2becos A cosA = b? =a? +c? — 2ac cosB a? +b? - 2ab cos C ¢ Law of Tangents by _ tanZ(a-B) Tan eB) HALF ANGLE FORMULAS for Triangles sea A 2cost= 6-9) ab © 6. cos$= Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only AREA OF TRIANGLE 8 1, Given the base, b and the height, h. =4 c A= tbh a 2. Given two sides and the included angle. A=tabsinC = tbcsinA = 4acsinB A b c 3. Given the three sides a, b and c. (Hero's Formula) A=\sG-aG-bs-9; s= SE 4, Given the three angles A, B, C and one side either a, b or ¢. wazsin Bein» 7SinA'dinG 2 sinAsin A= 2sind 2sin 2sin€ RADIUS OF CIRCLE INSCRIBED IN A RADIUS OF CIRCLE CIRCUMSCRIBING TRIANGLE A TRIANGLE c ON ZAG \ b Ag = Rs Ay= (38> abs) wee asbte act OD, where: s =" Gna snp ~ anc 2R THE PTOLEMY’S THEOREM ‘AREA OF A QUADRILATERAL a AC+BD = AB+CD+BC+AD A= /G—DG6— DG—OG— @ — aboicos6 Area of Cylic Quadrilateral serene A=/G-9G-DG-OS-O p= Where: 5 = ster 2 A= Fdidasint (ac + bd)sin® 2 “A+ 2C= B+ 2D =180°; did, =(ac+ bd) Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only ‘SECANT and TANGENT ANGLES A 95=3(a-8) THE SECANT LAW THE EXTENSION OF SECANT LAW (TANGENT-SECANT LAW) AP «AP =D CROSS-CHORD THEOREM aec=bed = Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only REVIEW PROBLEMS 1. Evaluate log (8x — 15) = 4. A6 c.14 Bs D.12 2. The simplest form of In (exp3x) is_ A3 ee Be D. 3x 3. Find x if log, x + logy(x — 2) = — A3 C7 B.5 D.4 4, Iflog2 = A, log3 = B, log 24= A. (2A—B)At B) C. (5A + B\(A+ B) B. (4A +B)/(A-B) D. GA + BY(A+B) 5. Solve for x: x= logya - log, d - logge A. logna C. log. B. loge D. log ya 6. If 10sin*2(x) + 11 sin(x) ~ 8 = 0, then what is (are) the value(s) of loga{sin(x)] A 2 C4 8.0 D.-3 7. Simplify (sec B + 1) (sec B - 1). A sec ?B C. t/eot 2B B.—1/esc 2B D. tItan 2B 8. The expression sin*x + cos*x + tan’x —cot®x — sec*x + esc*x is equal to Ad C. seckx B. cot’x D. csc%x 9. Ifcos@ = —4/5, find sin(@/2) ‘A. 0.60000 C.0.31622 B. 0.94868 D. 0.74586 40. What is the value of xin arctan3x + arctan2x = 45 deg? At C.-213 8.1/6 D.% 11. How many degrees is 4800 mils? ‘A. 270 deg C. 180,deg B. 90 deg D. 215 deg 12. Angle subtended in mils by a line 10 yards and a distance of 5000 yards. A20 C.4 B04 D.3.6 13. Determine the number of triangles that can be formed with the given data: A = 126°, a= 20, b = 25. At C.2 B. no solution D.4 Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER 14. 15. 16. 7. 18. 19. 20. 21. 23, For Powerline Reviewees Only Find the area of a triangle with sides 10 cm, 16cm and 30 cm long. Find its area. A. 13cm? C. 12cm? B. t4cm? D.NA What value of F satisfy the equation Tan (8F + 1) = cot 17 where all angles are in degrees? A 10 c.9 B7 0.8 If sec 2A= 5 , determine the angle of A in degrees. As c.3° 8.6" D.7° A circle is inscribed in an isosceles triangle whose lateral side is 9 cm and the base is 6 cm. Determine the distance between the two points of tangency. A4 C. 6.434 B.2 D.5 A triangle ABC has b = 30 in, A = 60° and c= 20 in. Find angle B. A. 48.83" C. 64.37" B.79.11° D. 80" If the ratio of the legs of a right triangle is 1:2, then the ratio of the corresponding segments of the hypotenuse made by a perpendicular upon it from the vertex is: At4 C.1:V5 B.1:2 D.4:5 Below is the intersection of 4 quarter-circles of radius 10 cm. The center of the 4 circles is at each corner of the square. Find the shaded area. A. 66.943 cm? B. 82.645 cm? tem C. 73.555 cm? D. 59.898 cm? In a triangle ABC, the sides BC and AC are equal to 3 cm and 4.4 cm respectively and the angle between them is 73° 28’. Find the smaller segment of the side BA of the triangle into which it is divided by the bisector of the angle C. A185 C.24 8.1.6 D.2.4 . Aman standing on a 48.5 m high building has an eyesight height of 1.5m from the top of the building, took a depression reading from the top of another nearby building and nearest wall, which are 50° and 80° respectively. Find the height of the nearby building in meters and both buildings lie on the same horizontal plane. A. 39.49 C. 30.74 B. 35.5 D. 42.55 Given a triangle whose sides are 24 cm, 30 cm, and 36 cm. find the radius of the circle which is tangent to the shortest and longest side of the triangle, and whose center lies on the third side. A. 14.598 cm C. 13.712 om B. 12.908 cm D. 11.906 cm Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 31 32. For Powerline Reviewees Only Find the radius of the largest circle that can be inscribed in a triangle with sides a= 8cm, b= 15cm, c = 17cm. A3com C. 1.8m B.8.5cm D. 5.0cm A 3-4-5 triangle is inscribed in a circle. Find the diameter of the smallest circle that can circumscribe it. A6 c.8 B.5 D. 10 Find the area of a decagon that can be inscribed in a circle of radius 10cm. A. 326.261 C. 293.893 B. 261.129 D. 331.165 Find the area of a regular 5-pointed star that can be inscribed in a circle of radius 10 cm. ‘A. 112.257 sq cm C. 114.535 sqcm B. 56.129 sq cm D. 124.431 sacm What is the perimeter of an 18-sided polygon inscribed in a 10 cm radius circle? A. 62.513 C. 85.011 B. 50.901 D. 111.246 ‘The sum of the interior angles of a polygon is 540°. find the number of sides. AS C.11 B.6 D. 16 . Find the sum of the interior angles of a 15-sided polygon, not necessarily a regular polygon. A. 2160 C. 2340 B. 2520 D. 2700 ‘A certain angle has a supplement 5 times its compliment. Find the angle. A. 67.5° C. 168.5° B. 157.5° D. 186° Given a square with 20 cm sides. Another square is to be inscribed in the given square such that the vertices of the latter lies on the midpoint sides of the former. Determine the area, in sq cm, of the smaller inscribed square? A. 200 C. 180 B. 220 D. 160 . The sides of a triangular lot are 130m, 180m, 190m. This lot is to be divided by a line bisecting the longest side and drawn from the opposite vertex. Find the length of the line. A. 124m C. 125m B. 130m D.127m . The number of diagonals that can be made in an octagon. A.20 C. 40 B. 28 D. 14 Let D be the set of vertices of a regular dodecagon (12-sided plane polygon). How many triangles may be constructed having D as its vertices? A.220 ©. 240 B. 120 D. 180 Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER 37. 39. 41. 42. 43. For Powerline Reviewees Only . A circle is inscribed in a 3-4-5 right triangle. How long is the line segment joining the points of tangency of the “3-side" and the “5-side"? A128 C. 1.46 B. 1.35, D. 1.79 ‘Two circles of radius 4 and 6.93 are placed in a plane so that the circumferences intersect at right angles. Find the area of the inter-lapping region. A. 14.813 C. 13.927 B. 14.175 D. 13.632 . Find the angle between the diagonal of a cube and its face. A. 35.26 degrees C. 26.67 degrees B. 54.2 degrees D. 34 degrees Determine the area of a regular 6-star polygon if the inner regular hexagon has 10 om sides. A. 441.66 cm? C. 467.64 cm? B. 519.60 cm? D. 493.62 cm? . The sides of the cyclic quadrilateral measures 2, 3, 4, and 5 units respectively (2 and 4 are opposite). Find the product of the diagonals. A.20 C.22 8.23 D.25 Points A and B, 1000m apart are plotted on a straight highway running east and west. From A, the bearing of the tower C is 32°W of N and from B, the bearing of C is 26°N of E. Approximate the shortest distance of the tower C to the highway. A.374m C. 241m B. 770m D. 1033m A man finds the angle of elevation of the top of a tower to be 30°. He walks 85 m nearer the tower and finds its angle of elevation to be 60°. What is the height of the tower? A.76.31m C.73.16m B. 73.31m D. 73.61 m ‘Two ship started sailing from the same point, One traveled N 30° W at 35 mph while the other travelled S 50° W at 30 mph. After four hours, how far apart are the ships? A. 200 miles C. 220 miles B. 240 miles D. 260 miles A ship started sailing S 42°35’ W at the rate of kph. After 2 hours, ship B started at the same port going N 46°20'W at the rate of 7 kph. After how many hours will the second ship be exactly north of ship A? A.3.68 .5.12 B. 4.03 D. 4.83 . An aerolift airplane can fly at an airspeed of 300 mph. If there is a wind blowing towards the cast at SOmph, what should be the plane’s compass heading in order for its course to be 30°? What will be the plane's ground speed ifit flies in this course? A. 19.7, 307.4 mph C. 21.7, 321.8mph B. 20.1, 309.4 mph D. 22.3, 319.2mph Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEM 4 10. "1 Evaluate log. 5 A. 1.632 c. 2.321 B. 1.835 D. 3.1852 Find x in In x + logx = 5 A. 26.327 C. 56.423 B. 32.656 D. 42.656 ifInx = 3 and Iny = 4, determine In(x3/y*) A-7 c.-3 B. 0.5625 D. 3.643, Find x: x'°8* = 100x. A145 c. 100 B. 12 D. 10, 000 51/18 Is equivalent to how many degrees? A. 30° C. 90° B. 50° D. 60° Given a triangle with an angle C = 28.7°, side a = 132mm and side b = 224mm. Solve for the side c. A. 95mm C. 140mm: B. 125.4mm D. 90mm, Point P which is 10m distance from the vertices of a triangle with sides 4, 5 and 6 Find the distance from point P to the plane of the triangle. A. 953 C.8.23 B. 10.43 D.7.5 Find the radius of the circle inscribed in a triangle with sides 5, 7, and 10 is A. 1.774 C. 1.744 B. 1.732 D. 1.477 An isosceles right triangle has its perimeter 10.2426 ft. What is the area of the triangle? A. 2 ft? C. 45 ft? B. 3 ft? D. 4 ft? Fund the area of the largest right triangle that can be inscribed in a circle with radius R = 10 in. A. 80 in? C. 65 in? B. 72 in® D. 100 in? . The perimeter of the triangle ABC is equal to 8m. Sin A: Sin B: Sin C = 3:4:5. Find the smallest side. A C.3 B.2 D.4 Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only 12. An equilateral triangle is circumscribed a circle of radius 10m, determine the length of the side of the triangle A. 34.64 C. 32.53 B. 28.75 D. 30.46 13. Find the area of a triangle with sides 10 cm, 16 cm and 30 cm long. Find its area. A. 13cm? C. 12cm? B. 14cm? D.NA 14. From the point inside the square the distance to three corners are 4, 5, and 6 cm respectively. Find the length of the side of a square? A753 C.8.91 8.6.45 D.9.31 16. Find the difference between the area of a regular nonagon and an octagon. If the perimeter of each is 16m A. 0.834 sq.m C. 0.224 sq. em B. 0.257 D. 0.329 sq. cm 46. A regular dodecagon (12-sided plane polygon) is inscribed in a circle of radius 24. Find the perimeter of the dodecagon. Express your answer to the nearest hundredth. A. 149.08 C. 148.09 B. 148.90 D. 148.08 17.An existing road is just passing along the circumference of a circular lake. A proposed bridge is to cross the lake shown which requires a bridge to be constructed over the lake. If AT = 2.5 km and AB = 2.15, determine the length of the bridge. t A. 076 B. 081 c. 0.52 B D. 0.96 18. Find the area of the largest triangle that can be inscribed in a circle of radius 10 om. A. 100 Cc. 129.9 B. 250 D. 126.4 19. Point O is 10 m distance from all sides of a rhombus whose diagonals are 15m and 20m. Find the distance from point O to the plane of the rhombus. AT c.85 B.9 D.8 20.In a triangle ABC: b — a = 22 cm, Sin B: Sin C: Sin A = 63:25:52. Find the smallest side of this triangle. A. 126 C. 104 B. 52 D. 50 Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER A For Powerline Reviewees Only 21. The bases of a trapezoid are 18 cm and 32 cm long. Determine the length of the line segment which is parallel to the bases and divides the given trapezoids into two similar trapezoids. A 24 C. 28 B. 20 D. 22 22.A 5m perpendicular line is erected on one of the vertices of a regular octagon with area 100 cm*. Find the distance from the top of the perpendicular to the vertex next to the succeeding vertex. A. 5.025 C. 4.56 B. 967 D. 3.78 23. Triangle ABC is inscribed in a circle. Angle A measures 50 degrees. If point O is the center of the circle, find the measure of the angle BOC (in degrees). A. 40 C.50 B. 80 D. 100 24. Find the angle between adjacent faces of a regular octahedron. A 455° C. 109.47° B. 35.34° D. 122.5° 25. Find the angle between the diagonal of a cube and its face. A. 35.26 degrees C. 26.67 degrees B. 54.2 degrees D. 34 degrees 26. The point B divides line AC in the ratio m:n. Find the length of the segment AB if AC =a. A ma C. main B. na D. ma/(m +n) 27. The lateral side of an isosceles triangle is 10 cm. if point O is 5 cm distance from each side of the triangle and OQ 's 4, find the length of the base. Note: Point Q is a point on the plane of triangle directly below O. A 13 C.14 B12 0.15 28. The diagonal of a cube is 15 cm. Find its volume. A. 250m? C. 650 m3 B. 225 m3 D. 625 m3 29. A tetrahedron is a regular solid with equilateral triangles for each of the 3 surfaces. If each side is 10 cm. What is the volume of the tetrahedron? A. 67.21 cu. cm C. 183.33 cu. cm B. 91.67 cu. cm D. 117.85 cu. cm 30. Three circles of radii 2, 4 and 6 cm are tangent externally to each other. What is the radius of the fourth circle containing the three centers on it? A4 C.3 B.5 D.6 Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only 31. The radius of the smallest circle that can circumscribe a right triangle of sides a, b, and cis abc sees Na oe 5 DS 32. 1n a triangle ABC, the sides BC and AC are equal to 3 cm and 4.4 cm respectively and the angle between them is 73° 28’. Find the smaller segment of the side BA of the triangle into which it is divided by the bisector of the angle C. A. 185 C.24 B. 16 D.24 33. Immediately after Mt. Pinatubo showed telltale signs of activity, the PHIVOLCS ‘setup stations to monitor the volcano. Two such stations were located at a points A and B 7 kilometers apart on the same horizontal plane as the base of the volcano, B being closer to the volcano. From A, the angle elevation of the top of Mt. Pinatubo is 8°. At the height of Mt. Pinatubo’s wrath, the vertical smoke emitted from the voicano's crater subtended an angle of 64° on each station A and B. Assuming the smoke and the two stations to be on the same vertical plane, find the height of Mount Pinatubo and the height of the smoke at that instant. A. 1.56 km, 43.81 km C. 1.18 km, 28.43 km B. 2.31 km, 26.35 km D. 1.72 km, 36.23 km 34.A PLDT tower and a monument stand on a level plane. The angles of the depression of the top and bottom of the monument viewed from the top of the PLDT tower are 13 and 35 degree respectively. The height of the tower is 50m. Find the height of the monument A.33.51m C. 47.3m B. 7.58m D. 30.57m. 35.An observer wishes to determine the height of a tower. He takes sight at the top of the tower from A and B, which are 50 ft apart at the same elevation on a direct line with the tower. The vertical angle at point A is 30° and at point B is 40°. What is the height of the tower? A. 85.60 ft C. 110.29 ft B. 143.97 ft D. 92.54 ft 36. Given a triangle of sides 10 cm and 15 cm an included angle of 60°. Find the area of the triangle. A.70 Cc. 80 B.72 D. 65 37.A rope 30 ft long is attached on the ground 8ft from the pole and slipped over the top of a 12ft pole and the other end is attached on the ground at the other side. How far the end from the pole? A. Bf C. 9.93ft B. 12ft D. 14ft Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only 38.Chords AB = 12 cm and BC = 8 cm of a circle forms 120°. Find the radius of the circle. A. 10.07 cm C. 12.64.em B. 14.59 cm D. 11.58 em 39.A 5-pointed star is also known as ... A. Pentagon C. Pentagram B. Quintagon D. Pentathion 40. Any angle greater than straight angle but less than two straight angles is called as A. compliment C. complex B. supplement D. reflex 41.A polygon with 12 sides is known as A. bidecagon C. dodecagon B. nonagon D. pentedecagon 42. The bisectors of the three angles of a triangle meet at common point called the A. orthocenter C. centroid B. incenter D. circumcenter 43.A triangle having three sides of unequal length is known as A. equilateral triangle C. isosceles triangle B. scalene triangle D. equiangular triangle 44. All circles having the same center but with unequal radii are called as A. eccentric circles C. concentric circles B. inner circles D. Pythagorean circles 45. Two angles whose sum is 360” are said to be A. supplementary C. elementary B. complementary D. explementary 46.A circle is said to be__to a polygon having the same perimeter with that of the circle. A. congruent C. isoperimetric B. proportional D. simitar 47.A polygon is___ when no side, when extended, will pass through the interior of the polygon. A. convex C. equilateral B. concave D. regular 48. Points that lie on the same plane are said to be A. collinear C. coplanar B. dihedral D. parallel 49.A statement the truth of which is admitted without proof is A. theorem C. corollary B. postulate D. axiom Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only ‘50. The part of the theorem which is assumed to be true is A. corollary C. hypothesis B. postulate D. conclusion 51. Find the area of the folded triangle shown below. A. 80m? B. 75m? C. 90 m? D. 85m? 52. The points A and C lie on a circle with center © and radius 5VZ. The point inside the circle is such that ABC = 90°, AB = 6, BC = 2. Find OB AV < a 2 cz I, D. vid 53.A right circular solid of alttude 6 in gas a cross-section as shown in the shaded portion of the figure below. BEDG is a circle whose radius is OG.AFCG is a circle which is tangent to the larger circle at G. if AB = CD = 5 in and if EF = 9in. Find the volume of the cylinder in cubic inches. 8 257 A TT sa ar E 6 oe ae p. #4n D. 54. What is the value of A between 270 degrees and 360 degrées if 2sin?A — sinA = 1 A. 300 degrees C. 330 degrees B. 285 degrees D. 245 degrees 55.A certain angle has a supplement five times that compliment. Find the angle A. 67.5 degrees C. 68.5 degrees B. 36 degrees D. 27. Degrees 56. Find the supplement of an angle whose compliment is 62 degrees. A. 30 degrees C. 28 degrees B. 152 degrees D. 118 degrees 57.A triangle inscribed in a circle such that one side of the triangle is a diameter of the circle. If one of the acute angles of the triangle has a measure of 60 degrees and the opposite side of that angle has a length of 12 cm. the nearest value of the radius of the circle is . A. 6.93 C.9.6 B. 193 D. Intellectual Propeny oF POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only §8. The internal angle of a polygon is 150° greater than its external angle. How many sides that polygon has? A8 c.12 B. 24 D. 16 59. The smallest interior angle of a particular convex P has a measure of 120 degrees angle and moving clockwise around the polygon, each successive angle is 5 degrees larger than its predecessor. How many sides do the polygon has? A. 16 Cc. 10 8.9 0.13 60.A regular polygon inscribed in a circle of radius 12 cm has 20 diagonals. The polygon is ‘A. Hexagon C. Heptagon B. Octagon D. Nonagon 61. The sum of the side of two polygons is 12 and their diagonal is 19. Determine the number of sides of one of the polygon. AQ C.6 8.7 D.8 62. One side of a regular octagon is 2. Find the area of the polygon. A. 13.92 m? C. 14.52 m? B. 15.18 m? D. 19.31 m? 63. Two equilateral triangles, each with 12 cm sides, overlap each other to form a 6- point “Star of David”. Determine the overlapping area in cm?. A. 34.64 C. 41.57 B. 28.87 D. 49.88 64.A circle of radius 6 has half its area removed by cutting off a border of uniform width. Find the width of the border. A 22 C.3.75 B. 1.35 D. 1.76 65.One side of a parallelogram is 10m and its diagonals are 16m and 24m respectively. Its area is A. 135.386 m? C. 123.485 m? B. 158.745 m? D. 136.728 m? 66.A circle is cut into two parts of a chord, 3 cm away from the center. Find the area of the smaller part, in cm square. If the circle has an area of 201 cm square. A. 87.44 cm? C. $8.36 cm? B. 55.29 cm? D. 53.68 cm? 67. The perimeter of a rectangle is 100 cm while its diagonal is 10VT3 cm. Its area is A. 524 C. 600 B. 718 D. 826 Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only 68. Given three circles of radius a, b and c units. The centers of the three circles are collinear. The two smaller circles are tangent externally but both are tangent internally to the biggest circle. The chord of the biggest circle is drawn passing through the given point of tangency to the smaller circles and tangent to the small circles and found to be four units long. Find the resulting area when we subtract the area of the two small circles to the area of the largest circle. A 20 C. 4r 8. 3m D. Sr 69. The diagonals of rhombus have length 4 and 6 inches. Find the area of the region inside the rhombus but outside the circle that is inscribed inside the rhombus. A 33 C.3.4 B. 29 D. 2.85 70.An isosceles trapezoid ABCD, AB = 5, BC = AD = 3, and CD = 8. Find the length of the diagonals. A 75 C.7 BB D6 71.A regular quadrilateral is inscribed in a circle and a regular triangle is circumscribed about it. The difference between this sides of the polygon is equal to 10 cm. Determine the area of the circle. A. 74.764 C. §7.418 B. 67.541 D. 84.878 72.A pole cast a shadow 15 m long when the angle of elevation of the sun is 61°. If the pole is leaned 15° from the vertical directly towards the sun, determine the length of the pole A. 54.23m C.42.44m B. 48.23m D. 46.21m 73.A tree growing in hillside casts 10.2 meters shadow straight downhill. Find the vertical height of the tree if relative to the horizontal, the hill slopes 150 and the angle of elevation of the sun is 620 A.5.62 m C.19.18m B. 15.89m D.5.42m 74.A tower 28.65 m high is situated on the bank of a river. The angle of depression of an object on the opposite bank of the river is 25°20’. Find the width of the river. A. 62.50m C. 60.52 m B. 63.25m D. 65.20 m 75.A circle is inscribed in an isosceles triangle whose lateral side is 29 cm and the base is 26 cm. Determine the distance between the two points of tangency. A. 437 C.9.37 B. 13.66 D. 7.37 IntellSStENOSBerty of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER

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