Math Module 2 Solution

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For Powerline Reviewees Only (L2- Ly) -AxB ‘Substituting beléw, 1. Dist. Bet L; & L, =———_—_ IAxBi J 2d + xay) Also, fee aoe] Ly: k+1yT= a,=7, b, x, Ly: 3) = (y- 5-2 = (2-71 KenKy VorVe ZarZy (o-L)-AxB =| a bg Another solution; Converting line to parametric eqn, aaa Letx =5t-5 ) x changes from —5 to 0 while 3-1 5-1 7=-4 | dx =5dt t changes from 0 to 1. =] 7 6 1 | =-164 | Lety = st—3 ]¥ changes from ~3 to 2 while 1-2 1 | ay = 5dt t changes from 0 to 1. 7 + i 2ax + xdy) = [(st—3)?(sat) + { (St ij 7 6) O2ae+ xay) = [it~ 3)°(oa1) + f’cot- 5.50 axB=|7 6 +Ki > 1-2 = 81 ~6j- 20k | . , a = $fe-97- 0-97] -$.-9" laxB| = 82+ (6)? + (=20)? = 105 \ i a 6 (Ls-L,):AXB _ = 164 a2 Dist. BetL, &L, = —~—_"= = TAxBI 105 1 x2 yay 13. J (ax +xyay) = f (xa + x#dx) E +2] __ 82 8215 ang D . 2 ° 55 26 " -3 Ans. B The equation of line segment: By Two-point Form 2 Jovrox + xdy)= ‘The equation of line segment: By Two-point Form 4. p(at least 3 do not recognize mothers voice) = 1 ~xC,(0.1)'(0.9)°,C, (0.1)'(0.9)” —,C, (0.1)" (0.9)" = 0.32307 Ans. C Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER vivints Dome Fo Powerline Reviewers Only ton n> r= acosd rps a 1? rdrd® Reno -p Letw du =~ 2rdr, rdr=~du/2 [ieee = fem —duz = -Ffutau = fu? =~ (a? ~ a®cos9)3 —(a?~ 0) 4 dv ~ cd =~ 4fa>(1 — cos?0)” ~ (a?)"7 = = §lta*(sin20)} *~ (a?) = —4fa%sin30 — a4] } = ¥1-sin*) mp v= $ Jd —sin*®)& mye a4 — 4) but this is just the volume in upper dome V=a%Zn— 5) | For entire dome Ans. A Pepe faa? 6. y"—2y!ty=xe™ a0) Complimentary Solution The Auxiliary Equation: y"m2y'ty=0 (0?-20 +1) (0-10-14 Yo= Cye%+ C, xe” wit yt = ar Ca/2, 0 1, D =1 Case2 Particular Solution: ys The solution is more convenient if polar coord. a(x) %& is used. Recall Aconstant A First degree Ax+B =reoso Va? Ftp = VaF ar? ee rcose Val— (ty : ‘Quadratic Ax?+ Bx+C yersinO x2+y2=axepr =acosO Cubic Axo+ Bx2+ C way ar? dA = dxdy = rdrd® e* ae* x@™ or (axtbe™* (ax +8) 1/2 r= acosd (ax2+px + cpe™ (ax? + Bx+C)e™ yf ogni scinx or acosx | Asinx + Boos taytr=0 Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only yp= (Ax + B)e?* Yp= Vay Yo,= (AK2+ Bx?) 0% +6 y'= (Ax+B)(2e2*) + @2* (A) = (2Ax +A + 2B)0 2% veevaty= eX ea y"'= (2Ax-+A+B)(267%) + 280% po es = (4Ax + 4A +28)e* Y = Yo +¥p = Cye%+ Coxe + Ter + 4 i 1) byt y= xe 2% \ Substituting in. y" —2y'+ y= xe _—— Boundery coritions: at x= 0 y [(4Ax + 4A + 2B) - 2(2Ax +A + 2B) + (Ax + Ble ?* = xe’ 0. 0. x, xx ace anu By0?% = x02 1 9 CyLO%+ EX 4 3 Equating coefficients of same degree, 3. yz x x x 2A, 82-2 y!=Cye™+C,(x+ 1e%+e%(X+ X) Ac =x A=, y, = (Ax + B)e?* Atx=0y! 1 ot 522 Then the general solution is: y= ¥,+¥, Rew = osc Ux 10% 40% 4) x x 2x = C,e%+ C,xe* + (x-2)e Ans. B y Coxe + 2) 4 =G,4C2 , since C, = -3, C= x 7 yitaaytay=xeXs yl—2yteyexe +4 Hence the solution is, Complimentary Solution The Auxiliary Equation: yl" —2y'+y=0 y=—se*+4xe"+(X)e*+4 Ans. B 8. (X+ yay = (x — yydx 2 (07-20 + 1)y =0, Byte ae yan (0-1-1) =0, D =1, D =4 Case2 Arranging, Vou Ce%+ cx xdx— ydy — ydx — xdy = 0 M F d(x?/2) = d(y7/2) - d Pere bs eer toe EN = x y (7/2) = (y?/2) = Yp=Yo,t Ye, (Ax + Be similar | L444 y= 6 NEGREE, xe — y*—2xy = © Ans. C 2 d > xeX—+y,, = (Ax + B)e% Using Exact Solution: (x - y)dx — (x + y)dy = 0 Test for Exactness: Yo, = (Ax?+ Bxje™ — am _ 2 Still wrong because of C,xe” and Bxe” so finally, ay ~ ay (x-y) = 0-1 5-1 we have, Yo, = (Ax*+ Bx?)e* aN a y= (xs Bxtye% ox 7 axl K tM] = - +0) =-4 Vp= Yo, Yo, (AxS+ Bx?)e% +C ex ax y'= (Ax°+ Bx?)e™ + e*(3ax?+ 2Bx) Since oM - on (Exact Differential Equation) x y' =[AxS+ (3A +B)x? + 2Bx)]Je” y (x= y)dx = 2/2 = xy + fy) ! f y""= [Ax (6A +B)x? + (6A + 4B)x + 2B]e* —Jo+ yay= =xy- y2/2+C Substituting in y""—2y'+ y= x0%+ 4 For x3e*: A-2A+A=0, A= 0 (not valid) (x22) — xy — (y22)+C=0 oF For x2e*: (6A + B)— 2(3A+B)+B=0,B=0 x? — y?-2xy = Forx e% : (6A+ 4B)— 2(2B) = 1, A= 1/6 The Diffl Eqn is also homogenous. For e* =0 Solution: Let y = vx; dy = vdx + xdv For x° Intellectual Properf¥ of ¥%)8% — (« + vx)(vdx + xdv) = 0 POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only (1 = vydx = (1+ v)(vdx + xdv) = 0 Note the followirig: dx ~ vdx — vdx — xdv — v?dx — vxdv = 0 1, Lis parallel to the plane x + y +z =10 (1 = 2v —v?)dx —(x + vx)dv = 0 (Separable) Lis perpendicular ton = <1, 1, 1 >, the normal (v 2+ 2v—1)dx +x(1 + v)}dv= 0 (Separable) to the plane. dx, (1 +v)dv = Since L and n are perpendicular , x * WPeav-1) 9 *< 1,1, 1> = 0 (scalar product) Inx + Lin(v?+2v-1) = tinc atb+c=0 => Eqn.1 2inx + In (v242v—1) = inc Inx? (v2 2v—1) = Inc, v = % 2. Land the line <3, 18,5 > #t<1,-1,5>are Veco y also perpendicular tnx2[(ZY +20) - 1] = nc *<1,-1,5> = 0 (scalar) y?+ 2xy-x? = © transposing all a—b+5c=0 => Eqn.2 to the right, x? — y?_2xy+C=0 We have two equations with three variables: 9. we atb=-c => Eqn.t Boanooo: ao Xp an ee => En? manoaa an Solving for a and b in terms of Bassasa. as see 2a = - 6c; 3c BOoosa oo |, 2b=4e; | b=2¢ manana Ao panna AD Banana: AB pnonooo: ao Take ¢ =~ 1. Then =<3,-2,-1> Thus the vector equation of the line is : L=<1,7,2> +1<3,—2,-1> and the parametric ‘equations are: R CR=45, ===> @ x= 143i y=7-2t, z= 2-t (notin the choices) (c+3)(R-5)=450 => © but when initial assumption of ¢ is changed to - 2 From@, © =450/R subst. in@ a= 6,b=~—4,c=—2, thus the vector equation of (450/R + 3)(R—5)=450, R=30 the line is: L= <1, 7,2>+t<6,— 4, —2>and the where: R no of men/persons in each row parametric equations are: C= no of rows AMSA e244 6ty=7-4t,2=2-2t Ans. C 10. The parallel line through the point (1,7,2)has 4) ot gg. (ben by) -AKB A the vector equation IAxBI [AxBI L vat 7,2>+t _ 6 _ 5 Ans.c In its parametric form: 7A2 x=ttat, y=7+bt z=2+ct Lys xt = 2y = = 122 or in its 3-coordinate system form: a= 1, b,= 12, = -112 x-1_ y-7 _ 2-2 x, abe but let's use the vector equation for convenience be: and we have to determine the values a, b, and c. Intellectual Property of **= © ¥: POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only Aarjs2 1 Az}t 12 -12| = 76 1 1 16 porwr Gas 12-112} Ja 112 ~ 1 1/6 1116 11 16 1 112! sity oy | = #076) — jc) + K¢172) IAX Bl = (176)? + (—1/4)2 + (1/2)? = 712 12. P(X<6) Normal Distribution, 1 = 8, = 1, n= 1 we convert this to standard normal using, z= Za 2 Bow 2 6-8 £133 oO On 15 P(z>— 1.33) = Area to the left of 0.0918 0.0918 < = 1.33 Since we don't have the z-table we use calculator, P(x 26) = PZB 1.33) =1- P(Z< -1.33) Ane B: 1 = 0.0918 = 0.9082 ‘Since we don't have the z-table we use calculator, Cale: MODE 3 AC SHIFT 1 51 ~1.33 = 0.0918, Direct Soin: Cale: MODE 3 AC 1~ SHIFT 1 51 ~1.33 = 6. 13. P(6.5>X>8.5) =P( P(—1 > 1-1 4 6 0+ This confirms that *°~ 2x *9/2 = $4.5 x°—2x*3/2 = —4.5 XAB—xK'2 + 4x +6 =0 the chon wert x?=2x-3=0 x?=2x +6 = 0 e given eqn. ‘ bs a ) x =3,-1 x= 1tjV5 Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees 01 17. R(3,0,5) B(1.-1,4) Cip,p.p) jperighiar Sy Fe Ey = dA What we are actually solving here, is the coord of the center of the sphere along the linex=y=z, 4 = passing thru P,(3, 0, 6) and P,(1,— 1, 4) 2 where F is the equation of the sphere A= al[ Converting to polar coordinates A A x (x= p)?# (y= py? (2p)? =r? ‘ @ (3,0, 5) (3- p+ 0 -p)?+ 6 -p)? = 1? A= ~ Va?—a*sind0 } 40 * aces a 9- 6p + p?+ p®+ 25—10p + p? =r? 3p? 16p + 34 =r? => D 2a? { "(cos —1)80 =~ 42°[,(cos0-1)40 f @1,-1,4) : 2. 2. 22,2 tape pteteape pio ep es =4st eof = -aetfoerd— 9-6 Sp'—8 +18 =F —>D | 92254) Since only the upper surface @-@ fhe eh ‘Ans. B, a72a above the xy plane is required, we divide our 18. answer by 2. A = a(n - 2) Ans. C Ss Viviani's Curve 19, Newton's Law of Cooling ) at ~ at oT at aT T-Th In(T = Ta) = kt +c A T—Ta= ete soho 0 (T= Ta) Sphere: x?+ y?+z Cylinder: (x-a/2)®+ y*= (a/2)* simplifying, xt+y?- ax = 0 The region of the cylinder is given by the limits: General Solution -$s0s 0s rsasin0 in polar coordinates T-Ta= Ae® Calculate upper and lower surface froma sphere, Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only igenttiest (T = Tp) =ekt= eke a Double Angle Double Angle T-T, = Ae) General Solution Formulas, Formulas sind — 1 when t =0,T= 120°C, T =25°C ein20 = 1-28in20 => sin24 = S| > 120 - 25 = Ae*, A =95 + ‘ £0820 = 20820 - 1 => cos? = 1* 9080 T -25=95e"" x when t = 20min, T= 80°C, 2V2c0s% +c Ans. B 80 - 25 = 950K = oe 5 21. (5.6) t 11) 28 Particular Solution T - 25 = 95( 19 when t = 30 min, T=? 4 EJ T ~25= 95(75)" T — 25 = 41.8487, T=66.85°C Ans.C_ ax+y+4e Or Using CalTek — ‘ 7 A y 2 2 2, 2 == 5)*+ (y-6)*= (x= 3)*+ (y-2) ° 420 25 of (x-— 5)? + (y-6)?= (x- 3)*+ (y-2) 20 80 25) a 10x + 25-12y +36=-6x+9-4y+4 ANS.A 30 TT 25 16x - 8y + 48 = O or 2x-y+6=0) x x+y +420 Required: T> = yo + 25 — 22, In(x®1) = In(x=1) = Ind xly | A } Ee (x + 1)(x, 0 | 95 se a vie OED 20 | 55 AC Ans. B Tz, =309 +25= 66.85°C . a esoys ‘Ans. 93. Find the vertex of x = 8y. y 20. [vi=cosbao = .11¥6080 yg Latus Rectum, 4p. Jor r=. FR et) LG Vertex, V (0, 0) L. x =f Vi=cos?0 20878 49 _sindd0_ lu Vi+cosd J vu Focus, F 0) 20 Letu= 1+ cosd directrix: du =—sin@d0 = —2V1+ cos0 + Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER ah soa) gid +200 For Powerline Veter & =2, & = 1.9403 unit/sec ox at x=; x*=y Equation of TL: xx when y = 0, x= a, the equation of a in terms of the points of tangency, P(x, , ys) ).485 unit/sec he ~ 2x; = 0.24254 units/sec Ans.B os. 1 = 762,500 762,500 a5 ~ <2 300” x 300 x?+ 300 x7*300 "Asc 26. By Formulai#51 of Module 1. The Volume of Spherical Wedge is, V = 28R’Stheta B= 2BR'3theta => D ‘The surface area of the corresponding spherical lune is S=2R*2theta =2RS 6=2R*2ziheta => @ Ans.B Dividing Eq. 1 by Eq. 2 answeris, R= 4m Reviewees Only (28. sinh(pi i/3) Recall: sinhu Ans. C sinh(pi j/3) jsing 8 29. Equation of line thru origin, y = mx or ydx = xdy also, dy ydx — xdy = 0 dx Ans. C 30. Equation of line using two intercept form: + = 4, muttiply 12 4*H6 , iply Ans. B — 29.592 kph 32. By Pythagorean Theorem 35 -(18-y)=17 +y “ett (+ 0)?4 15> D (a7 +y)? ox 27. 141 =1 > Adding these 3 equations, a*B 5S ) vonave, t,t it 1 etc "4 ata tte "4 Cue alxkera 14ApDe1 AtetC "x x= 40/17 = 2.35 days ‘Ans. c POWERLINE RE" au7+ yy =x Intellectual Property of +8) =—>® ‘VIEW CENTER For Powerline when y = att, 2 = zips from @)_ when y = 8f, (17 + 8)? =(x +8)? + 157 x=12 ‘substitute all values in @ Ans B dy ox, ox (17 + 8) at = (12+ 8) ati dt 1.25 fps 33. By cos law 180° = x7 + 957 2(95)xcos(180°- 0) 1807 = x? + 957+ 2(95)xcoso) => @ 130? = x? + 957_ 2(95)xcoso => (2) By adding the two eqs. above, ((180)2+ (130) 2(95) 2 = 125m Ans. These formulas. can be derived using the above solution. Note: cos(180 — 0) = cos 34. (one red and the other is blue) = a Bla alo Ans. A But if problem is... the first ball is red and second ball is blue no X 2 since the sequence is important. Unlike in the problem, one ball is red and the other one is blue, the order is of no importange: Reviewees Only 7 _ 16g 48 _ log 16(3) _ log 24(3) 95. log 48 = Oo = jog 203) ~ log 2) _ Slog 2+log3 _ axty 1096 48 = reese 7 ey Anse 36. In this problem, we can use: y=x? a. Calculus Area below x-axis dA = — ydx [ix°ax x=-2 A= ‘ oI Area above x-axis, dA = ydx A= fivox = Jixtox Total Area, AT Ay=A(beow) +A(above) =4+ 4 = 4.25 ‘Ans. D b. Module 1 Formula #52, A = Base X Height Area below x-axis = 20) _ Azaa74 Area above x-axis x=-2 = 1m. A Bet 14 Obviously, the answer is the same but the second solution is much shorter Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only 37. y?=4x—e~y =2Vx (4, 4) y 7 eas) tsarf r3sin36 reos0 rcosodo dy 4 7 x Fz By Walli’s Formula ay tay: bey . 8: Lays = 4nr5{ «in30 cos2odo = 2:1]. 85 a Lar 4r19| sin°9 costoan ansS|, Ans. B oT" peel ei = 22,36068 Ans. A Radius of Curvature, R 43, The average rate of change of sales between 1989 and 1999 is given by A: S(b)— S(a) _ 695 ~ 545 b-a 1999-1989 = 15cd's ‘ Ans. A = i(1— 6) — (44) +k(-12 27 44, V+ 3) Hy 2)? = Vx 3)" y? ANB. C25 x sot y2” ay + dat ox OF ye ~ayea= . 39. p(all recognize mothers voice) =.C,(0.9)"(0.1) Tax-4y+4=0 Aline Ans. A P =(1)(0.12158)(1) = 0.122 Ans.D ys x? 25 40, Ans. B ay - 48. - S4)=s(1 | At > to-th ta—ty Ans. C rete i x y@g Subst: in original onnation to find y. actually, when x, = —7Ge.¥: = ge and since 42. dl = y2dV = y?I 2n(y)(2x)ldy y, the diameter passes the origin, y = 2x = any)’ anly)*@x)ldy Yeey2er => Stk. or 64x + 5y=0 Ans. D tna f ye ey — . ° f\ | 46. x= 6y + 10 @(7, 5) a ‘21 Ye) Using trigo. subst y= rsino dy = rcos0 Also changing the limits when y =r, 0= 2/2 PLNP Nash 0,0=0 Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only we Equation of Tangent Line: x, x = @(7, 5): 7x,- 3y, = 25 —=>@ Since P(x,, y,) is also a point on the parabola, x?=6y,+10 —>@ (4) + 10 Solving for x, and y, using the two equations, xd= @( L225. Tas 28) > x2- 14x,+ 40= 0, X= 4, x When x,= 4, y,= 1 The Equation of the T.L. using Two Point Form, Ye y-15 at (x-4) =p 4x -3y=13 When x,= 10, yy= 15, Ans. 9 The Equation of the T.L. using Two Point Form, y—15 = 2=73 (x~ 10) =p 10x - 3y = 55 47 r=20-0R = 20-100 4 Obviously, the limits starts r= 20 day= 41240 then slowly it shortens until Ay= 4[[-2d0 however. the limits must be angles when r= Oft, 0 = 2 + =20-100{ when r= 20 ft, 0= 0 4/7, 249 = 490 Ay= $f; (20 -100)240 = 490 m waht : Ans. A Are 2Ry+Age 2499 148. (y — k)? = 4a(x - h) (0, 5) y2= 4a(x -—5) @0.5) 5? = 4a(0+5) (-5,0) 4a=5 y? = 5(x+ 5) or y? =5x +25 Ans. A 49. A =27RH By ratio and proportion, too Hat Re R) ( Nezerte—m (0,-5) Ay= 2x L(Rr-R?) Note: r and'h are constants while R and H are variables a little bit odd Eh? dA r =0, R= DAL op £(p—2R) =0, Rew - GAL =e f(r-2R) =0, R=2 Ans. D '50. A. Rosette or Rose Curves 8. The Limacon Dimpled__Cusped (Cardioid) Looped r=15+00s0 r=14c0s0 r= 0.5 + cos0 ©. The Cardioids te Gr D. The Lemniscate rs a(tscost) += att ~cos0) > afa 1? =2a*c0s20 Ans. D + $n(20)? = 89,996 m2 pag ano) r=a(1—sind) POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER 61, A=272Rh By ratio and proportion DR RHR ee Rta sind = By cross mutiptying| For Powerline Reviewees Only x |53. sinx = 2, cosx = Vi-sin’x =£11-(2)°*= 2/3 E art's visible Sin2x = 2sinxcosx = 2(2)(+i/3 )=#)4V3 eurene fron} cos2x= 2cos*x — 1 = 2(jv3)?- 1=—7 , also, H | cos2x=1- 2sin’x = 1-2(2)+-7, ‘sin3x = 3sinxcos*x-sin®x = 3(2)(W3)?— 2°= -26 i | e0s3x = cos x- Ssin2xcosx = (V3) 327 VS) s15v3 NN | U* sin4x = 4sinxcos*x ~ 4sin9xcosx R | sinax = 4(2)-43V3) — 4(2)3qV3) = - js6V3 on solving for ht cosax = cos*x — 6sin®xcos*x + sin’x same answer 9 Poste cosdx = (WV3)* — 6(2)*(Wv3)*+(2)* = 97 24 A=2nR’ RH | 54. We can use our calculator which gives oA. at = FR in? and since R and R + His so close, we can cancel, 2[ (Rs Hycliat — Hatwat an answer = 1,436,400 Another solution: 9423 43%,.+29%= (14243+...+29)* 89,225 34234934... +503= (14243+...+50)* iat 3 = an? [tt] GE = 2nR(GHicty = 27-(4,000mi)(400mpH) | = 1,625,625 = 10,053,096 sq. mi. per hour= 2792mi%/sec | Su== ed = 1,625,625 — 189,225 Ans. A | 2 . (55. 82. For Max. angle subtended by two cars, (1km)(1km) = 10t(30t), t = 1/1073 tanA = 1001 = 10(1/10¥3) = 1/V3, A = 30° tanB = 3001 = 30(1/1073) = 73, B = 60° 0 =A-B =60~ 30°= 30° = y2dA= y2(1 — dy 2 2 2 «fya- =[ya-4 Jy (1 = x)dy fe =

(r, 0, 2) Y= 40 tame | senate Ans. A o= arctan. com | Siew x e080 = arctan $ y reine . wri 1 = 53.13 arcny | 0 a) Ans. C Zz z 61.5C3=20 Ans. 4 63. Y 62. y x2 ——py - =-fex-x? _t By inspection, -12-q@-1)% yinspe yrq =~&~ a) Pixs 4) ox — 6 We can also use HREM, but first we need to translate curve to left by - 4 y=x-x2==py 4 ya Equation of Ellipse: Is, + ax =4or y,= b Equation of Tangent Line: hay % a? =0,x= A = 32% When y=0, x= A = 22 a ph, 4 AY= | ydA ida = 2xdy; A= & ° Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER ° 27a? Hb 2Ug) = = 265-1) - Ga OO) Xs b* 2 = 2 _ x? Gee DM =ala?—xt) bx} =a?- ax} (a+b)x? =a? eats ‘Substitute in L: U=ala +b) + bia +b) = (a+b)? L=atb Ans. C 64, COS2A—costA _ cos*A~ sin? A- cod A ‘cos? ~ ‘cos?A =—tan?A Ans. A 65. 0.9 +0.97+0,9"+... +0.9" +... AGP a, =0.9, 6 =0.9,n=@ For an infinite geometric series, Ans. B 66. R+C+ F = 100 —>® SOR + 30C +F = 1000 => @ This is a Diophantine Problem (no of unknowns # no. of equations) For Powerline Reviewees Only Equation of Parabola: y =9-x? or y,=9—x? Equation of Tangent Line: When x=0, y= B =18-y, v= (Sse & is (9 ~ x?) 2x, | fe-co-xa)? [Paar lee gt? _ 5[9 +x? }/ 2x4(2e,) ~ (9 + x?) BUS) = 2) a ae + 2(9 +x?)2x, s(2x) = +42), .) (2x) ’ ° auch) = a(o + x2) ax t+ x? — = (Bx? + 9)(x; 1) = 18-y, =10 Eq.@ -Eq.@ 49R + 29C = 900 ooR 900 — 29C = 200-296 1 R 48 3 When C= 4,R=16,F=80 Ans.B F=100-4-16 = 80 4 hed Check: Values of $50(16) +$30(4) + $1(80) 2 $1,000 ene $800 + $120 + 80 2 $1,000 |** $1,000 ¥ $1,000 | 31 [2.02 L = ¥5?+ 10? = SVB =11.18 Ans. B Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Onl} 68. The problem is not clear on wether the curve |74 4c, = 8! __ 45 Ans. B is an ellipse or hyperbola our only hint is foci. 2u6— 2)! " 72. The il solutic By actual divisic A. If the given curve was a Hyperbola ee CD 2y +3] 4y3+ 1824 By—4 Ay*+ Gy? 12y?+ By 2y?+ by ays a[ aye 10s Bye 4y?+ 6y? 42y?+ By tay?+18y | —10y-4 2y?+ 6y—5 2y+3[ 4y5+ 18y?+ By—4 ay’+ by? 12y?+ By 12y*+18y = 10-4 —10y- 15 B. Try the Ellipse ‘The Remainder — +11 Syste, MW eo By The Remainder Theorem: a? * BF a D= 2y+3= The Remainder, R Ans. B wy=- 15 R= (1.5) = 4(-1.5)#18(-1.5)* 8(-1.5)—4= 11 dy} ay 5, wy. aldx dx), b?x y bx 73.Ans.B 74. Ans. B 75. Ans. B b? va) iny = Bein; y= Cx% —— ANS.B 76, a = 52= 102+102= 200m? Ans. A 20cm 69. Arrange the numbers in ascending or descending order, the middle term is the median. That is why s the number of samples is odd) 20cm 20cm 10 13 15 19 21 25° Ans.A S!— =20 Ans.¢ 2 ENE = 20 Ans. 316 = 3)! Intellectual Property of 20cm POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only 77. Equation of parabola, — 4p(y —k) = x* BS ail ag, 5.09 ae An 15 6 ? Here it is obvious k = 12 After getting the reciprocal of each term, the series can now be considered a progression an Arithmetic Progression(AP) y 2 m * 1 1 6m 6m Piao 4° ° — 4ply -12)= x2 @ (6, 0) \ Ayy= ay +(11 -1)d = +105, = 4p(0 -12)= (6)?, -4p =-3 or Taking the reciprocal, answer is § Ans. B —3(y -12)=x2 @x = 4,y = 6.67 Ans.D. BI. V = OAT = 2n (xy(36/4[10 46) 1324.14 cu. units 30 78. By Remainder Theorem, x-5=0,x=5 R=f(5) = (5)°+ 4(5)% 3(5) +8 = 218 Ans. C 79. A = 1/2ab —> tobe max. | By ratio and proportion b_ 4 4a a =3ib 3 | 4 182. 15+ 254 39+ ... + n= (142+3+...+n)? 5 (ond) a > = FB a+30]]*= 216,225 Ans. A 4 a= tess, 89. Ans.B = 2a? v= tan a-3 = 4,4 49)2sineo*I1021 2 2 a[te=aiee art J-o = lQc1m’sineo"} 107-3 (8.66)] a = = 117.853 cu. in. Ans. D = 2a[2a-6-a] =0; a=6 84, Ans. B b =68 mn 10 ve 1.4.4 The equation of line B-5°B 6° Xyve ply = - X + X= 1 Mutiplying by 24, 4x + 3y = 24 B=15,A=10 Ans.A S/o 1ttefal Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only 85. v= 4ER* Whon'v'="113-1? From the figure, sin15' . “2a ~ 24? R=3m A ee WV ogg RedR P = 24?sin15 = 149.08 Ans. A dt dt A Lona 2 Diet e tims = 4n(3)°SR Fig.26 1 dR 1 = 82(3)(3g¢) * at * 36x 86. 4x*+ Bx—y?+ dy—15=0 Method |: Completing the square 4x? + Bx +4 —y?+ d4y— 4-15=0+4—4 ace t= y-2yre 15 9 RA Wa 154 15 y Method II: Getting the discriminant e A =4, B=0, C=~1, Ahyperbola Ans. C Discriminant = B?— 4AC = (4)?— 4(4)(- 1) > 0, same answer 87. Factor the numbers to its prime factors: D2 60 = 2: The product of the factors that T-1_ y-4 Equation of ine: = 108 ‘3. are common to both numbers squaton tine: gat x=4 Ans.D _is called (GCF) and is12. 3x=4y+1=0, y-interept, b= 1/4 Using Module 1 Formula#26 __a - _ D,= ¥—0)?+ (1-174)? 88. Lsinat = Pa Lsinhat = a ° 2 = 125 Lcosat = aa Lcoshat = a Dz= (9-074 89. 480 eggs x 202 _ x _S2__ = gg . . 12eggs doz ans, B = 11.28 2 Consider one A from Fig.26 (y~ VAY" =D, De y-14 = V725(17.25) Formula for perimeter 90. penne y-14 = 3.75 P =2Rnsin(t82) 24 pt Re n y = 4Ans.c (A) (10t + u) —(10u + t) = 27 t -u =3 =<@ Dividing@ by @, t #u =9 Obviously, using the last two equations, u=3 andt = 6 Therefore. the number is 63. Ans A 95. same as x x=1+ Dor : 0, by quadratic formula 0.618 (rejected) 06 [[ieryac=[an fay = 3 x2= x4 1or2—x x =1.618 Ans.D x 0 when limits are variables or functions Ans. eB. io 4 c integration is done one by one. 97. d=a-c 7 where: c=ae a= 3355 1.6825 a-c=a-ae = 1,682.5(1—0.967) = 55.5 ° or say, 56. Ans C 98. Total HS = HSw + HSy = 2pC2 + nC = 3(nCz)= =D Ane. o 99.R = elo 300mi(30" Fag) = 573M Ans. D 100. Factor the numbers to its prime factors: 104245 The (LCF) is the smallest prime 32. 4.2:2:2:22 number common to 2 or more numbers and is 2 here. Ans.D 1 sin’0 Ans. A 102, no. of ways = 2461) = 72 also = 3(41) = 72 Ans. D This is assuming that of the 5, the 3 drivers are. 1,2, and 3. Assume Ais the driver's seat. AXXXX AXXXX AXXXX 12345 21345 31245 12354 21354 31254 12435 21435 31425 12453 21453 31452 12534 21534 31524 12543 21543 31542 13245 23145 32145 13254 23154 32154 19452 23452 32451 13 23 32 1 3upto24 2 3upto24 3 2 upto24 1 3comb. 2 3comb. 3.2 comb. 14 24 34 16432 25431 35421 103. 104. y =lim(t+ 2)” Iny =fimningt +4 Use U’Hospital’s Rule 107. S = [120° (120° 5°) + (120%2(5)}] {120°+3(5°)} +... (120°(n = 1)(5°)} Intellectual Property of 180°(n — 2) POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only, 3 a,= 120, d =5, S=180(n—-2)also, a se =s2 $= 2a, +(n—-1)4 “2 ‘Solution set = 2a, +(n— @+@ y=*8=31 [x fez [= Equating S, -6 oes (een . 5 + =282; Zz 1=31+3 180(n-2) = -B[2(120') + (n— 1)5)] @+®@ 2=2$=73 Ss Solve forn, n=9 Ans. © 449, ib 3,6, 10,15, 21, 45 Ans. B 108. age gap is 1 constant. MARIA | ANA 142. 142+3+4+5+6+7+8+9, 24—x =x—12 [Nowlis)| 24 x 44243 4420304250647 48 - Was x 12 1424344, 1+2+34+4+5+647 x=18 p3rsea | 14243444546, Ans. B This differs to the one we have in the review. Note: This diff. to the one in review. 119, y2- 3x +2y-8=0, yaxis, x=0 109. e'*= 00 Ans. D y?# 2y +1 = 3x49, (y+t}*=3(x +3) V3, -1) when x =0.y+1= +3 110. Obviously with . the use of the ya2-4 y graph, Ans C, V-3,-1) 111, Ans.D cLcosnot = =* SAND * =P gay 112. By Q. F. orcalc. AnsC. 113. Ans. 114. C, } 2 115. Lety =sinx, 10y*+11y—8=0 Using formula: A= 2-BH = 2 (2-~4y0-~3) (Sy + 8(2y-1)=0, y= 1/2 y =~ B/5(reject) = 12 sq. unit Ans. B Since y = sinx = 1/2, logpsinx = log, 2=—1 ‘Ans, ¢ 120. For the octagon, 16. cm a R= —en Module 1 F#52 me im 26)sin(22) cy =-3 = 2.613 earn rim Using Point-Slope Form Area of a polygon with A= $(8(2613)sinas* given R- 3 y-1=— 5 (x-4) or 3x+ 2y—14=0Ans.c 2 = 19.914 A = $n? sin( 280) 17. xy+x2 =-8 —2@ Add eas.©@and@ —_ For the nonagon, — Wty = 1 2 dy 4242 +292 =-10 162m _ 5 509 om xzt yz =D wexwztyz=-5 @ 2(9)sin(18) @-@ vw =© 9 Multip'y®,.©, andD 4 @-@ z=-6 =O = J (9)(2.599)sin40° = 19.538 @-O w= 3-@ *Y? 6=@ A=A—A, = 19.538 19.314=0.224 Ans. C Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER yz For Powerline Reviewees Only ayy, - A,B, s+ 121, gt since Fe we =Oatmax.height 423. Is) = SReeo5* S 37+ 107 $.9,1090082.2 = 31.056 8 Multiplying by the denominator of left side and a av, —gt then simplify, we have aioe ge sone 100 = (A+G)s?+(B+D)s*+ 100s + 1008 I | ey Js 1. atat =vet-g $ Equating coefficients of same power of s: 22 2 s®: 100 =100B, B=1 H ~ 200 = 1000(31.056) — mero 056)’ s': 0 =100A, H = 15,727.95 1. Ans.B 8?) 0=B+D,D 88: 0=A+C,C 0 This problem can also be solved easily using 400 1 4 our formula in physics. \S) = Sagze705 7 37 HIOF At maximum point, Vy= 0, using Vj = Vo tat t-O.4sin10t Ans. c 0 = 1000fVs + (~ 32.2}, t= 1000/32.2 sec s 4 2 124. At noon: 12:00 AT = 188-60 = 128 F* S=Not + 29% 1245 AT=124—60 = 64F" S = 1000(1000/32.2) — (1/2)(32.2)(1000/32.2)" 1230 AT= 92-60 = 32F° 1245 AT= 76-60 = 16F S = 15,527.95 ft, we need to add the 200 ft initial 1:00 AT= 68-60 = 8F° 5 1:15 AT= 64-60 = 4F° height. Hence, $ =15,527,95+200 = 15,727.95 ft 430 AT= 62-60 = 2F° Ans. B Ans.D 1:45 AT -60= 1F° 422. ‘The solution is shorter if we use Geom. Prog. 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 ao = 128, a,=64,r= 1/2, an= 1 substitute 17791413) 15 117119 Informula n= ares 1 = 64(1/2)""" .n=7 tee | ty 4 t Fb op fel A total time = 7x15 = 105 min = 1 hr and 45mins rerteree sees ee ee % 6: 1:45pm and beyond. Its clear that they sound together on the 19th 34s intervals. Hence 19x34 = 646 sec. Below, _ 125. In(3+)4) = In5 [53.13°= Inde it is the 17th 38: ro.tanf5 tervals that they sound to- = Ins + j53.13x7§5 = 1.61 + j0.927 ther. So, 17x38 = 646 sec. Ans.B 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 P4037 7° 9711143 7°15 7 17126. Simply replace all variables with 1 (1+2-1)3=8 Ans.D tididerriidedeerss Cee ee ee ee 8 oe 8 127K HyH=8, S=xX98+y2%— to be max. getting the Least Common Multiple of the two = x84 (8-9)? given numbers. GS = 3,24 28-21) = 0, x=2, 34 = 2x17 oo ns x 38 = 2x19» KOM = 2x17x19 = 646 Ans. C when x=2,y=6 Ans. A Rieck Intellectual Property o! POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only mrp t 128. Using Slope-Intercept Form: y= 7 (a horizontal line) Ans. ¢° 129. For the minimum points, y = 2x‘. GY = 8x9-2x= 0, 2x(4x2 1) = 0, +> when x=0,y=0, 3 A hyperbola w/ transverse along the x-axis. Get the equation of the asymptotes x?-y?=0, y =x 131.x7— Using cyl shell for dV dl = x2dV = x227x(2)dx + x?2rex(2- y)dx 8 5 = 4n] x8dx + anf 2°(@-VFSyex lo hs = 101n 4» _ 202k Because we rotate only 1= "5 *%= "5 half of total area to solve Intellectual Property of for the V. 132.x + y= 2D x*+ Qnyty*=4 x2+ y2 = 3-©@ SubtractBfrom@* xt+ y4 = 2—@ 2xy=1, 4x2y2=1 Square (2) x4+2xy?+ y= 9 subs x x442(G) +y*=9 xt+ y*=8.5 Ans. c 199,14 z 4224 234 24+. +2727, 201 a, = first term = 1, common ratio, r = z<1 1 = number term in the progression = ° sats = 134. x +#10=30+x/12 x= 21.818 Time then is 6:21.818 Ans. A 135. We may not realize that the given polar eq. is just a parabola opening to the right. So, to determine the kind of curve we have to trans- form it to rectangular. Treom i 1+ 10080 = 2 V2 +y2+x =2 transpose x then square: x2 ay2=4— ax +2 y2=-4(x— 1) r POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER ‘Transfomation table FOF Powerline Reviewees Only... 187. x= log, a log ¢ log, X—ths is eaualio1 Rectangular | Polar 4 Coordinates | Coordinates =logya Ans.A Recall: logye = => x reos® y rsind 138. V = rh ; but r2= Rin? Vx +y? r Rn? arctan(y/x) eo 3 v= F(R*h—h?) 1. Using VREM dA = 2ydx = 22/1 — x)dx = FcR?h- n°) 1 a xal\immoe Gh = F(R®3h?) =0 for maxV A = 2.667 Ans. B 2.UsingHREM aA = xdy = (1 — dy . 2 A= [c - Hay Zoot =i RO = > R(RO) = RS R= 10cm., = 2nR - 2nr 2 Ans. A 2 = 2nR(1 Asaf Fuar= 2667 3 ° = ~2)] = nR2Q—2 3. Using Formula Ren oI mai B . 2(4—f2) = 2 a= Zon = 2eaynys 2 =2067 A = n(10em)*(1-"]) = 57.649 om’ 4, Using Polar Coordinates aegusnp vemiedt XS etre x Neen . 139, 4788. = 9 178517851785 A 4] r2do = J r249 do ° s999 we Divide the order required order of the digit by 4 2 2 ; , =| 2 Fao when the remainder, ris r=1 1 j, T+ cos0) 7 ta2 7 _ lence, r=3 8 = 2.667 aoe ree 8 4 [1978 16 Ans. C 37 36_ 18 16. 2 By ratio and proportion, since AC =a 440. y =(e!"*)2= (x)®, then y'= 2x Ans. B AB__m md Re = mn A8= Ans.D - PERN me Intellectual Property 8F POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only Using the numbers 1 to 8 to designate the 444 99°= an = 1600 mils = 100 grad or vortices of the octagon the following triangles grade or 4800 mils x 7E¢5enig = 270° ang. a gradian are obtained Long Soin Ans. B FEMSaHex| |345] |578 145, Y= 10xV=7 =i VO xiVT SOs TS 2 (124 (168 (346 678 146, dl=y2av = y22nyeo—oe 3/125 178 (347 sigan . dl = y?dV = y“2ny(2— x)dy . 4 (126 |234 (348, *78 saa = 2ny3(2-y\dy y=x grr? 5 |127 |235 (356 shonsoin 2 6 (128 236 357 _ |= 2x yyy =o } 7 (134 |237 358 Cs = 56 o Gg (2,2) 8/135 238 367 16" Ans. B LI 9 |136 |245 (368 10/137 246 378 Cyl. Shell Method 11/138 (247 356 dV = 2ny(2- x\dy 12 |145, 248 457 weal 13/146 256 458 Circular Disk Method y20 14/147, 257 467 dV = ny?dx 15 (148 258 468 16 |156 257 478 mR? iy 4VRe- 17 |157, 258 567 18 |158 (258 568 ally = $V’) diy =dy*dV= Ey*dx xtdx Ans. B JaTAD=4A, 10 By Hero's Formula = 8+10+12 _ 2 A= 4V15(15 —8)(15 — 10(15— 12) = 158.745 Ans.B 15; 143. Let x = no of students who love both Calculus and Chemistry 148. Step 1: Differentiate implicitly. 2y!. = = = (27-x)r x 4(25-x)=40 Calc. Chem x2y/+ y(2x) = 0 @(2, 2), y = slope =~ 2 x= 12 ‘Step 2: Differentiate explicitly. Ans. A 27-x y = Bix? = Bx * y/= 8 2)x?= -16(2)> ‘3-2 teflectual Property of y POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only 149. ay= 16.1 ft, ap= 48.3 ft, a3= 80.5 fl, anAP. with d = 32.2, ayg= a, + (10- 1}d = 305.9 ft Since the problem is also a Uniformly Accelerated Motion problem with a= 32.2 fls2, V, = 0 0, = (t+ tat) = $32.2(10*- 9°) = 305.98 S=S 10 ° 150. y = x2, y = 4x—x2 =o y— 4 =-(x- 22 Step##1, Find the Points of Intersection y =x? = 4x —x2—>2x(2- x) = 0, x= 0, when x =0, y= 0, when x =2, y= 4 ‘Step#2, Draw the curves. For Area: 1. Use VREM. yex? GA = (¥,— yg )ox GA = [(4x - x?) — x2] dx 2 A= [iex-2t 0 ° (0,0) = 8/3 or 2. Use HREM y=x2—>x=Vy %,— Xq OY ~4=-(K-2 aa=[x-(2-V4=ydy ¥~ 49 en 2F x=244-y coeds 4 A = [7-2 =I lo = 8/3 (This is a more difficult solution!) For x: 2 2 A [xa [ac — 2x2}dx = 8/3, %=1 lo lo Ans. D Intellectual Property of" For y: Ay= [eepean -{| ee x * “) dA 2x 2 = [ aafax— x9) —x3}dn = 1099, 7 =2 For x AX = [xan =f X(4x — 2x2)dx = 8/3, X= [espe -[ [axa xt) + 2?) | oA 2x = [ele x?) — x2ldx = 16/3, ¥ =2 Fory: Ans. A 151.A, = 2nRH By Ratio and Proportion NG nh R-H oe A =2n F(h-H)H . Fh) Lo et te: A = 2m (Hh-H") Ans. D dA GH = 2h q (h—2H)=0, H=hi2, R= 02 152, p(7 or 11) = p(7) +p (11) = 636 + 2/36 Ans. A 123456 = 2/9 153. oo Ket yt Kat Katt, x a 2+4+6 +8 +10+12 OaRON= 6 =7 s.p.= 1/=a@=3F n S.D.= CS)PHBP+ CD AH(1)PHBP+12-7) 6 S.D.= 3.41565 but using your calculator, the inswer is easily found POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only Using Caltech: MODE 3 AC SHIFT 1 2 youenter 157. * 25x 25 the data press = after each data after alll data is 50% Boric] , [0% Boric] _ [10% Borie] entered press AC. Soin Solin Soin SHIFT 1 43 =ans comes out which is 3.41565 Using a Boric Solution Method: 0.5x +0 =0.1(25); x=5L_ Ans.D 154. M+F=1200 =—>@ 0.5M + 0.7F = 0.6(1200) =» 158. | tan@xdx = f (sec?x — 1)dx = tanx —x + C M=F=600 Ans. D Ans. A 155. Capital, C = P200, Tag Price, TP tod a 32120)" Selling Price, SP= 0.80TP = C + 0.3C = 1.3C =16)708 om, TP = 1.3(200)0.8 = P325 160. The Sth term = 156. N = 126,720x°y* Ans. B By cos law, 8? = CZ +d 47y2+ 23 say? 2s S474 28+ayc0860° 2 "74)(3)cos60 222 #3y(7)cos60'@t = 0 = 3.3+ 1.2V3 = 5.37846 mph Ans. C Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only 161. A. Acycloid is the curve traced by a point on the rim of a circular wheel as the wheel rolls along a straight line without slippage. Itis an example of a roulette, a curve generated by a curve rolling on another B. Stropoid C. Hypocycloid y D. Hypocycloid 138. Jsin2edo =~ }cos20+c Ans. A 162. Jsin2od6 = — 3.00820 + C Ans. A 163. AL BEP, C, 30 +0.2x > 55 0.2x > 55-30 x>125kmAns. A Gins 30 + 0.2x in $ C,=50 ins 30 do" 60” 801001307140 > always together ® Ooo 0 oo 8 G© GeO No. of ways on 1 side, 5Pp°2! = 20-2=40 for 2 sides = 2(40)= 80 Ans. A 165. No. of ways = 3x3x3x3x3 = 243 Ans.D 166. 2x +y = 100 (0, 100) | From Module 1 F#4 50 )/ 101 A = (S199) = 1,280 Ans.B (50, 0) : > If we use Differential Calculus, the solution is long. That is why we have to always look at our Modules for shorter solutions and to gain confidence in solving problems. Only thru practice can we gain confidence. Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER 167. Her, W= 45m. =60m. ach Payening Reviewers Only maximum A of a rectangle inscribed in a triangle remains the same wherever it is drawn in the A. Wether along the legs or hypotenuse. . Note: The length of the side of the rectangle of maximum area is always half the side —_—_| where it is resting. & 8° Ans. A x 420 -x Equation of Parabola: 168. x =ky?-@, 1 =2ky’—-@® v x x v 1 =2(xly*\yy’, 2xy’=y DE of Family 90%] - [90%] + [100%] = [ 95% of Curves Ans. D Using Alcohol Balance Method: 0.90V -0.90x+x =0.95V, x = 0.50V = 50% Ans. A By ratio and proportion 4172. W = Joso- hidpv = p{(S0- h)xr2/3(— dh) 15 Therefore, 169. To find asymptotes, express the given equation in its standard form. (x=3)"_ y+2)"_, 9 16 Replace 1 with 0 then solve the equation (=3)_ y+2)"_ 9 1607 (y+2)? _ «=3) 16 9 4 (+2) =# 50-3) or 4x-3y= 18, 4x+3y=6 DANSA. 5 we of (60- h) 7 (t/5)2(~ dh) BS 170. 50 kg x y 50+xty, 10% Tn] , [100% Th] , [0% Th | _[20% Tn ° 20% Fe 0% Fe 100% Fe] ~|50% Fe: = = (pr/25) (50h2- he)dh = 1088107 15 Equating equal amounts of each metal: = 341836.70 flbs a.Tin 0.10(50) +x +0 = 0.2(50 +x +y) Short Cut: 0.8x-0.2y =5 density of fluid b Iron -evertical distance of centroid 0.20(60) +0 +y =0.5(50+x +) ‘of V to level of discharge ol. of fluid to be discharged —05x+0.5y = 15 Solve for x and y, x= 55/3 kos. ¥= 45/3 k9S We phy = 62.4Ibst¥50 - Srsh[Z(a)?15 Solve for total Weight, W _ W = X+¥+50= 116.67 ANS. Grllectual Panes Om 241836.70 fds POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Onl 0.06 after first folding = 0.12 after second folding 0.24 after third folding say"! @yp= (0.06)(2)'2- * = 122.88 in = 10.24 ft Ans. C 174. Ans. A 155. Ans. C P0.01 saving on first day a, = P0.02 saving on second day ay = PO.04 saving on third day ] = P15,000,000 22.129 or 23 days fx-991ES Plus shift-solve cannot be done. Ans. C 179. Ch =k VP or C=kVEt key 3 © =ks dc v2 “| SE aks =o i (v-4)? = 3(V-4)-V=0, V=6kph Ans. C 180. Cit =k V3 or C=kV3t =k V3 Tz) v3 ck (Vea) ac SS ks Vv + 4y;av2)—V3(1)] _ 9 (vey? = 3(V+4)-V=0, Vv 6 kph Ans. C Actually, we don’t need any fuel because, the water current will bring the boat to the place functioning the boat that is without any fuel 161. Vy = Ly Wy Hy = 9x6x4 = 216 in? V2= LaWeHz = 9.02x5.97x4.01 = 215.936094 in’ dV = Vp— Vj = 215.936094 - 216 = 0.063906 Ans. C 182. 176. 4x’ + Bxy + Cy’— 2x + 4y— 15 =0 For an ellipse, D = B*— 4AC <0 2 c> 8 orc>4ansa 177. Probability of Winning = Ce = aa Ans. A x dx _ 178. == loeX-1 6 be Q x2dx_ _ Ast Gq = VSS = ays — BXS—6) jo eX—1 ao 1) - FBEEREBKTS) j RGB. xt Ans. B oeX—4 18 Intellectual Property of | = 992372 POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only The isogonal view of the figure. By Pythagorean |186. Area of a ‘ur cusped hypocycloid Theorem, The Hypocycioids he 10 RN? k=3 kaa k=5 \fi0?—3.023727 9.5319 Ans. A 183. y + In(cosx)=0, y’—tanx =0 y= tanx, y= sec®x The radius of curvature, Ris, _ [1+ )?)%?_ [+ tan? ly" sec?x k=3 184. x2<9 or —3 {[a(t + cos0)]*-a*}a0 (0082044 oe 2 dA = 4 [a*(2cos 0+ cos?6)}d0 5 4)" haa 2 Ae apf [a*(2cos0 + cos*6)}a0 ‘Area of Rose = a? Area of Rose = Za? = a2{(2sino+ 1 (sir id = aX[(2sino+ 7 (gsin20 + Oly 5. r =asin4ag 6. = acos40 | - +t. a’taa 9900) a[2+4] 170. The Graph of a Rose ANS OC da = 41740 4 2 Area of Rose = Fa* Area of Rose = 5a* = }(acos20)*a9 % . _ A =a] (acos20)*d0 7. r= asin59 8. r =acosso %% = - A = 4a’) (cos20)'d0 te % & = aarf (2897440 A = 2a%( }sin40 + 0))™ = Za? ‘aaeubae = NA, Intellectual Property of * POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only 4px=y? xep 197 9" 109" my 0 —> (D2+10D + 41)y =0 b= Waa 4D 2g + 4 y = 6" [C, sinat+ Crood@t] Ane. a 101. Whenx =p, y=2ypp 198. f(x) =2*, f(glx)) = 2%" A. g(x) = ox, f(glx) = 2% "a pp )p L(aypp)p ox > f(ghx)) = 2% when x = 00, f(gix]) = Ans. A =p 33) = 20 8 cIK _ . g(x) = c/x, flg[x]) = 2' p= 3? Ans.B { (glx) = 2° when x = 00, f(alxl) = 4 C. g(x) = clx, figlx]) =2°°* 2°-* when x = 09, f(g[x]) = 0 via J, 42 =\(F + 2xk),2=\(F+ Fh) 192.e% = Ans.c { (ol) 193, x2 y2= 322?) D. g(x) a flglx)) = 2°-* d { (gix]) = 2*/°when x = 00, f(g[x]) = © ans. here Difforentiating D wet time & is also big but not as big as A te —=@ 199. age + age =o | 9 4 ay =x? (0,0) @ (400, 100), 4p = 1600 From (when x = 10m sf © 1600y=x? Ans.A y 24 y2 = 392 10+ y? = 32 > 400m 400 m y =2V231 100 m Subst. in (2) x x ~ xe 2 mtr/min 46" dt Ans. B 200. tan(90°- 40°15’) = x/20 , x = 23.625 km. 10(- 2) + 2v239 (SY) = 0, = 0,658 mimin i E 20k 194. w = Module 1 Formula #24 “Ai x 40"15' 602274 n h=2.245m Ans.B 0 s s 201. Let x = marked price Ans. A selling price =x —0.25x = 225, x =P300 d=2m 202. Ans. Cc 183.Ans.D 184. Ans. C x 205. Ans. A 178. y =Cix4C,e . 206.32 dy2+ 23.~ By +1 =0 Cpe syle Git yh —oCy=y'-y" yte ax + 1 4 ay By 44 = 4 y"= C,e* (x +1)? + 4(y - 1)?= 4 or Y =O\x4C,0% = (y'-y")x+y" GDP yaaa Ans. C Transposing to the left, then factor, (= Dy" xy'+ y =0 207. (4x ~ 3)9= (4x)$+ 9(4x)®(- 3) + 36(4x)7(— 3)? 196.126 - 0.34 - 1.6 -0.7 - 1.265 - aa “ 43. Recall that the sum of the exponents on each of the 10 terms is always 9, hence 9(10) = 90. intellectual Property of Ans. A POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER 1.969 = 4.566 For Powerline Reviewees Only 208. S = 17+27+37+47= 30 Using Formula, S = Mo te2n*) CO CxS 4(5)(2-4+1) 6 = 419 - 39 When n= 4,S = .* 208. Q= ayo)” when t = 10,000 years, Ss.000 a= Qos)" 210. dV = (1/2)(2y)(6)dx = 6+ 4V25-x?dx a v aed [ies eax Ls = 48x. + 25, XP Va B[FV25-2 + Barcsin§)] ve Blo +8 arcsin1) — (0)] = 8.2. 5° 2 = 607 2 Ans. D V = 188.496 cu. units 211.Work = Wt-h = pVA = 50(F n+5°)(3-5) = 15.625 = 15825 level of discharge = 24,544 ft-lbs h 8cm h B+) 212.0 ae Bae+ 10) h =8cm H =Va2 4? = 6.9282 Ans. B oT) W= Fes = (31+10))-61 =18 joules Ans. D 3i Intellectual 214. Ans. C Archimedes'Spiral reao Ans. C 215. p = er O41 = 700 ; 8 =0.1(100) = 10 216, Equation of curve: y ~ xy - 3x = 1 since point (1,5) is not a point of tangency, (i.e. it is not on the curve), we use the equation of tangent line as: YE — YAM) _ 9 (XA) S Zi PS) 3S) 1 ‘Since (1, 5) is on the tangont lino, wo can subs. it. then simplifying, Yt Wm Coy + xy) — B(x +x) = 2 Sty x(5)-y, —3(1+%,) =2 = 8x,+2=2,x,=0 ‘and since x,= 0, is the abscissa of tangent point, then itis also part of the given curve. Hence, ¥i— XY 3X, = 1, y, = 1, slope can now be found 4. Two-Point Form: m= P= =4 2. Implicit differentiation and substituting (0, 1) y!= y'+ y)=3=0, y'- (0+ 1) -3=0 y!= slope,m=4 Ans. C Equation of TLL. of ellipse, x?+3y2-x + 2y = 0 +3(yy) -Et% 4 2ditW 9% xx +3(y,y) —€ 2 +2057) =0 y, x -2y= 217. A= RS = 3k pb tsin6o’ = 234) L = 6/sin60" = 4/3 Ae R= 2(3) 413 = 12V3 = 20.785 Ans. C Property of t POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER w181nx—2)<0 4 For Powerline Reviewees Only (x=2) Sry WM _ I 4% 0.8) + f a = 318) | A=nab a=V5, b=2 Ans.A 20(24)(-0.2)] [A= n(adb + bda) = [(5(0.01) + 2(0.01)] = 0.1331 aan | -%s 235. Ans.D 236. Ane.€ 237. Ans. C = = 20.106 cu em/hr Ans. A, 1238. x?+3y?—x + 2y = Tangency Point (x, ,y,) % ' | ~OtMy+ 222% 224. | sinSodo = 42, = 8 =0533 Ans.) %* 9H CON) 2CD (0.0) 2x-y=0 Ans. C 225.T-4+D-4= 45, T+D = 53 (239. A= x(10ft)?= 100nsq. ft. Ans. B 20 +6) =28+(T +6), 2=—T= 22 dag Heat = .c,(0.5)%(0.5)"* = 1/8 = 0.125 Solving, D=25,T= 28 ANS.C jnsattoctual P of Ans. B POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER : For Powerline Reviewees Onl - 241. se tasttest—3 whenvll2t WH 248. 100, 1, Ca o.0001, r =41100= 107 OS - 3t2-40t +5 =2 bycalc, t =3or 1/3. 10? 10° 10? 10%... 10° at 2% @ 8 & 11. an Ans. B 242. x°+ y?+ 4x — Gy = 125> (x + 2)? +(y—3)*= 5* From the figure, the shortest distance of the point, an=aye-t => 10" = 107(107)"- 1 16" = 10(102"2) 4019 = yg?" Ans. B to the circle is its distance to center minus r. n=7 c a=75 palaces y 249. Ans. D d= (--2)"* 8-3)? -5 * 250. Cos Law =2071 Ans. 2.8) ba i00 a= b?+c?— 2becosA 75? = 1007+ c?- 200cc0s32°, ¢ = 137.879 or, cee, 3) By Sin Law: ©=31731 +x sin32° _ _sinC sin32° _ _sinC 75 31.771 ° 75 137.879 5 © =176.027° or 3973° C= 76.956" 243, y = 8—x’ This answer is wrong since a>c__ or C = 103.044” By integration, Ans. 1, HREM 251. 3 A= xdy The slope of 3x - 4y = 5, m= 2 a= fie=vay =12 The slope of a line L 3x —4y = m= —S or . 4x + 3y=C 2. HREM Ans. C dA= ydx az fie- x®)dx = 12 By Formula, A = (1 ~ 54) 2(8)= 12 244. = 448i eg sai Ans. C 245. Q = 0,2) @a=50. 5= 28°, + = 116.0964 Ans. B 246. The triangle that will give the largest area for a given perimeter is an equilateral. Then, & A = (20) sin60" V=18-cu. units z=xsince angle = 45° 253. Find the point of A = 173.21 cm? 20cm intersection of the two curves. 247. \z-1| =2—p P+ (y-1)?=4 — ANS.B r= 14c080= 1, 0 = 90°, 270° Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER For Powerline Reviewees Only We will only solve for the part 250 of cardioid in the first quadrant then subtract the area of the. > quarter circle then double the resulting area. 1% 2, A BI (10080) do = 21781 A= 2(2.1781 — .26n) = 2.7854 Ans. B av oh on 254.Vetevt Gem tt Ee =1* 2g = 169 s = ¥70+ 601)” Ans A 48 | _2160)460)_ @t=4 mins. 255. You may use any mathod but |. tt > By702* (600? { the shortest is using vectors. 7 gS 250 a 7 87.6m V =|7.510°+ 25/45° |= 30.764 45° Derivation of Formula 25 and 26 of Module 1 256. We cannot use negative values for x not even zero. So, \ ‘our trial and error will start with 1 Ans, A @x=1|@x=2/@x=3/@x=4 x2+ 3x + 3| 7 120° 13 |120°|24|120°| 31 |120°| | x2 2x 3 8 15 24 2x+3 5 7 9 nv t 0=B-A 267. S = 180(n- 2) FZ a a j tanA = — > A =arctan(— = 180'6 - 2) @=sn \. | maa st A Saran”) = 720° Ans.C tanB = 2; B= arctan(®) 258. r*=2a*cos20 0 = arctan da = $r7d0 scent dA = 4[2a?cos20]d0 = a?cos2000 do 2. A= 4a] ‘e0s2040 = 402(4) sin2o|>! ox A= 227 Ans.A ‘The Cartesian equation of Bernoulli's Lemniscate ° (x24+y2)? = 2a2(x?- y2) dA, ax ab?= bx?+ ab x?+b?" (a. =b)x? = ab(ab); |x = Intellectual Property of POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER vab For Powerline Reviewees Only Also applicable to the variation below. oe The Ptolemy's Theorem A ISL c Sy For a cyolic quadrilateral, the following conditions exist: 1. A+C=B+D= 180" 2. A =V/(s-a)(s-b)(s—c)(s-d) 3. ac + bd = dd, (Ptolemy's Th.) Greatest possible area of quadrilateral if the four sides are given. cc 8 ae *\5 (s—a)(s-b\(s—c)(s—d) — abedcos?6 dA __ —abcd(2cos0)(— sind) 0 2\/(s-a)(s—b)(s—c)(s—d)-abedcos?0 0=sin20, 0=90°or 0= AS = BP A+ C=B+D = 180° The above equation shows that for the area of a quadiilateral with given sides to be a max. A ='\(S-a)(s—b)(s-c)(s—d) +b+e 2 Intellectual Property of Deriving x 1 +e a xt ext xt sont — tt Aa KP x= xO 4 XE KOE IE deel a x10 x2 OT Ht Multiply both sides by dx then integrate from 0 to 1 XE4 KE x4 I Mx DERIVATION OF PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM. pA, /\_4 x+y=e By similar triangles, a cos0= ; cos0= b y=teo c © Substitute @ and @in D a? b? ote = & Multiply by c | a? + b? =? POWERLINE REVIEW CENTER

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