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Journal of Building Engineering 25 (2019) 100786

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Natural fiber-reinforced mortars T

a a,∗
Fotini Kesikidou , Maria Stefanidou
Laboratory of Building Materials, School of Civil Engineering Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece


Keywords: Using recycling materials in construction is a safe way for achieving sustainability. Although European policy,
Bio-fibers through directives given, supports their use and coherent research results derive from the scientific society, their
Cement use in practice is limited. It is generally accepted that the use of alternative construction materials with low
Lime environmental impact and of low cost is an important issue. As a part of the integration in sustainable devel-
opment approach, the eco-friendly materials present a great interest in building construction manufacturing.
Towards this direction, many studies have been focused on the exploitation of natural fibers as reinforcements in
building materials. This study is an attempt to add more experimental results by the use of bio-fibers to building
materials in order to ensure the performance of recycled materials such as bio-fibers in the construction sector.
Three types of natural fibers jute, coconut and kelp were used as additives in 1.5% by mortar volume. Their role
in cement and lime mortars was recorded by testing mechanical, physical and microstructure properties. The
results indicate that natural fibers act in favor of strength and durability. Nevertheless, bio-fibers work differ-
ently in strong cement mortars in relation to the “soft” lime-based materials. Advantages can be gained in both
cases but certain aspects should be taken into account such as the adhesion to the mortar matrix and the water
content of the mixture.

1. Introduction the mechanical properties of SFRC, both summarizing that compressive

strength is improved when fiber content is up to 1–1.5% of concrete
In traditional mortars, the use of natural fibers was a common volume. Tzileroglou et al. [8] investigated the addition of carbon na-
technique. In Ancient Greece, wood and straw fibers were particularly nofibers in cement pastes. The research has shown that the addition of
used to increase volume stability [1]. Jute and straw were also used in nanocomposites increased the compressive but not the flexural strength
Indo-Muslim architecture to enhance bonding and reduce cracks [2]. of the cement pastes, resulting that this increase in compression was
Fibers are usually used to control cracking due to plastic and drying related to the decrease of porosity. Sim et al. [9] focused on the role of
shrinkage, increase tensile strength, toughness and durability. Their basalt fibers in concrete structures compared to carbon and glass fibers.
functionality depends on their geometry (length, diameter and shape), The increase in strength was lower in basalt-reinforced concrete;
their percentage, the interaction with the binder and their orientation however, basalt fibers presented volume stability when exposed to
and dispersion inside the mixture [3]. Overtime, with the evolution of temperature over 600 °C, opposed to the carbon and glass fibers. Pa-
technology, natural fibers were replaced by modern materials like payianni et al. [10] studied the addition of synthetic fibers in lime-
polypropylene, steel, glass and carbon fibers. According to the Amer- based mortars in different percentages (0.5 and 2% by volume of the
ican Concrete Institute Committee 544, Fiber Reinforced Concrete binder), concluding that the fibers generally increased the fracture
(FRC) is separated in four categories based on the fiber material type. energy of the samples. However, the addition of 0.5% showed better
These are SFRC, for steel fiber FRC; GFRC, for glass fiber FRC; SNFRC, dispersion in the mortar matrix.
for synthetic fiber FRC including carbon fibers; and NFRC, for natural Nowadays, the need to turn to alternatives with low environmental
fiber FRC [4]. footprint brings again natural fibers to the foreground. Positive were
A lot of research has been devoted to the role of fibers in concrete. the results deriving from the use of bio-fibers in reinforcing clay-based
Among others, Khaloo and Kim [5] indicated that compressive, flexural mortars in the work of Gomez et al. [11] and Karozou and Stefanidou
and tensile strength were increased when steel fibers were added in a [12]. The role of bio-fibers in restricting cracking in cement mortars
percentage less than 5%. Song and Hwang [6] and Alsadey [7] studied was indicated in the work of Tong et al. [13]. The reduced workability

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Stefanidou).
Received 12 March 2019; Received in revised form 24 April 2019; Accepted 24 April 2019
Available online 28 April 2019
2352-7102/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Kesikidou and M. Stefanidou Journal of Building Engineering 25 (2019) 100786

introduced was commented by Comak et al. [14], while the increased Table 1b
mechanical properties were reported by Sellami et al. [15]. Barth et al. Properties of lime.
[16] conducted Life Cycle Assessment on the most used fibers, which Lime powder
are flax, hemp, jute and kenaf. The carbon footprint of these fibers was
calculated much lower than glass and mineral fibers. The production of Density 2.471 g/ml
Avg. particle size 10.8 μm
1 tone of glass fibers showed a carbon footprint of about 1.7–2.2 tones
Ca(OH)2 content 75%
CO2-eq, whereas natural fibers only had about 0.5–0.7 tones CO2-eq per
ton of natural fibers. In addition, research has shown that in lime
mortars hemp fibers could achieve the same strength in compression matter) was conducted according to ASTM D1110-84 [24]. The results
and flexure with polypropylene reinforced mortars [17]. All of the are presented in Table 2.
above conclude that combined with the available contemporary mate- From Table 2 it can be easily concluded that Jute fibers absorb the
rials, natural fibers ensure sustainability, mechanical resistance and highest amount of water while coconut fibers present the lower water
endurance [18,19]. absorption. Additionally, kelp fibres present high amount of soluble
Nonetheless, with the use of natural fibers some parameters must be content in contraindication to coconut, which have the lowest water
taken into account like their type, age, geometry, way of harvest, soluble content. In the present study, the water-soluble content does not
process and their ability to absorb water [20]. In addition, their che- affect the properties of the compositions as the fibres were treated in
mical composition plays an important part in their behavior, while their water for 24 h and then they were used saturated but surface dried.
consistency in cellulose and lignin has an impact on the hydration In cement mortars, 1% of a superplasticizer of carboxylic basis
process and eventually on strength development [21]. However, nat- (aqueous solution of modified polymers) was used to retain the water/
ural fibers are easy to find, have a low cost, low weight and are energy- binder ratio around 0.40, whereas in lime mortars 1.5% of the super-
efficient. Some of the types that are commonly known are made from plasticizer was added. The need for water was 0.70 up to 0.95 in the
hemp, jute, coconut, bamboo, sisal, rice husk, palm, flax, cotton and case of lime mortars for 15 ± 1 cm workability based on EN1015-3
sugarcane. [25]. Mortars with coconut fibers as shown in Table 1 require small
In this paper, three types of natural fibers (jute, coconut and kelp) quantity of extra water (W/B = 0.74) while kelp and jute fibers needed
were investigated. Their role in cement and lime mortars was tested and extra water for the same workability. In each composition, the fibers
compared in order to identify their use based on their origin and their were carefully added to ensure homogeneous dispersion in the mixture.
physical characteristics. Jute reinforced cement and lime mixtures (C-JUTE, L-JUTE) absorbed
the largest amount of water while reference mortars had the smallest
need of water.
2. Materials and methods Prismatic specimens (40 × 40 × 160) mm were produced and
tested at 28 days. Until testing, cement mortars were kept in a climate
The aim of this paper is to investigate the behavior of natural fibers chamber with 20 °C and RH95%, whereas air-lime mortars were ma-
in cement (Ce) and lime (L-) mortars. For this purpose, three cement tured in a chamber with 20 °C and RH60%.
(type CEM II32.5) (EN 196-2 [22]), and three air lime (type CL80) All specimens were tested under flexural and compressive strength
(EN459-1 [23]) mortars were produced, reinforced with different fibers at 28 days, according to EN 1015-11 [26], with a hydraulic universal
such as jute, coconut and kelp. Each group was compared with an un- testing machine (max testing load 300 kN and displacement resolution
reinforced reference mortar (C-R and L-R). The properties of cement 0.001 mm). Fracture energy Gf was calculated at the age of 90 days,
and lime are presented in Table 1a and Table1b. The chemical com- according to JCI-S-001 (2003) [27], by recording the values of Load-
position of cement was analyzed by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Crack Mouth Opening Displacement (CMOD) during the test and by the
(AAS). The Ca(OH)2 content of lime was calculated by Thermogravi- following equations:
metric Analysis (DTA-TG). Malvern Mastersizer 2000, dry phase, was
used for the determination of the average particle size. The composition GF = (0.75*W0 + W1 )/Alig. (1)
of the mortars and the characteristics of the fibers are shown in Table 2
W1 = 0.75*[(S/L)m1 + 2m2 ]*g*CMODc (2)
and Table 3 respectively. Natural sand river origin, (0–4) mm, was used
as aggregates in a ratio 2.5 of binder by weight. Where:GF = fracture energy (N/mm )W0 = area below CMOD
Fibers were cut by hand with a length approximately 1 cm and they curve up to rupture of specimen (N mm)W1 = work done by dead-
were added in a 1.5% w/v of the mortar (weight of fibers per volume of weight of specimen and loading jig (N mm)Alig = area of broken liga-
mortar in each batch produced in the mixer) (Fig. 1). In order to avoid ment (b h) (mm2)m1 = mass of specimen (kg)S = loading span (mm)
extra absorption of water during mixing, all fibers after shaping were L = total length of specimen (mm)m2 = mass of jig not attached to the
kept into water for 24 h. The absorbed water of each type of fibers was machine but placed on specimen until rupture (kg)g = gravitational
calculated by the difference of weights before and after immersion into acceleration (9807 m/s2)CMODc = crack mouth opening displacement
water. Water solubility of the fibers (tannins, gums, sugars and coloring at the time of rupture (mm)
After the test, stereoscopic images of the broken samples were taken
Table 1a in order to identify the interaction between the mortar and the fibers.
Properties of cement. Open porosity, according to RILEM CPC 11.3 [28], and capillary ab-
% CEM II32.5
sorption, according to EN1015-18 [29] were tested in all mixtures at
the age of 28 days. Volume stability of the mortars was also determined
SiO2 21.64 with a digital vernier by measuring the dimensions of a prismatic
Al2O3 6.54 sample for 28 days. During the test the specimens were kept in a climate
FeO3 1.01
CaO 59.19
chamber with stable conditions (20 °C and RH60%).
MgO 3.30
Na2O 2.10 3. Results and discussion
K2O 1.90
L.I. 4.32
3.1. Mechanical characteristics
Specific Gravity 2.810 g/cm3
Particle size volume 10–25 μm 5–6%
The addition of the fibers in mortars seems to improve their flexural

F. Kesikidou and M. Stefanidou Journal of Building Engineering 25 (2019) 100786

Table 2
Fiber characteristics.
Fiber Type Cellulose (%) Lignin (%) Water absorption (%) Water soluble content (%) Width (average) (mm)

Jute 72 13 84 6.0 0.08

Coconut 43 45 73 5.5 0.19
Kelp 61.8 29.8 80 18.0 3.26

Table 3
Composition of cement and lime mortars (by weight).
Mixture Binder Aggregates Fibers (%) w/v W/B

C-R 1 2.5 – 0.40

C-JUTE 1 2.5 1.5 0.44
CeCOCO 1 2.5 1.5 0.42
C-KELP 1 2.5 1.5 0.42
L-R 1 2.5 – 0.70
L-JUTE 1 2.5 1.5 0.95
L-COCO 1 2.5 1.5 0.74
L-KELP 1 2.5 1.5 0.85

strength compared to the references (Fig. 2). In cement mortars, kelp Fig. 2. Flexural strength of mortars at 28 days.
fibers (C-KELP) present an increase of 28%, followed by the mixture
with coconut fibers (CeCOCO) which was 24%. Jute fibers (C-JUTE)
enhance strength in cement mortars around 16%. On the other hand, in
lime mortars jute fibers (L-JUTE) seem to triple the strength, whereas
kelp (L-KELP) and coconut (L-COCO) give an increase of 77% and 90%
Testing of compression showed that in all reinforced cement mor-
tars there is a decrease of strength from 3% (for the mixture with co-
conut fibers) to 6.8% (for the kelp fibers) (Fig. 3). This is probably due
to the extra water addition, which leaves higher porosity after eva-
On the contrary, in lime mortars, an increase of almost four times up
was observed in jute and kelp reinforced mortars, while coconut fibers
had an upturn of 63% of strength indicating the positive role of the
fibers despite the water excess. Fig. 3. Compressive strength of mortars at 28 days.
Comparing the results, it is obvious that natural fibers cooperate
better with lime in favor of strength development and have a very
the cracking tendency that lime mortars have. In Fig. 4 the images
different behavior with cement. Based on literature, the chemical
during fracture are showing that the lime mortar with jute fibers after
consistency of the fibers in lignin, cellulose and hemicelluloses could
cracking does not collapse but retains the stability and shape.
have a negative effect in the hydration process of cement, caused by
The results of the fracture energy test are displayed in Fig. 5. In
their dissolution in water. Moreover, hydrogen bonds between fibers
cement based mortars, fracture energy was improved in all reinforced
and matrix are destroyed by water absorption from the wet curing of
mixtures, with the best results achieved by the coconut fibers (1.31 N/
cement, heading to the reduction of strength [30,31]. It seems that the
mm2). Jute and kelp present similar behavior, giving a result at least 6
chemical consistency of the natural fibers is of vital importance re-
times higher compared to the reference mortar (C-R). Coconut and jute
garding compression. As it is seen, jute and kelp, which are rich in
fibers in lime mortars gave an upturn in fracture energy around 60%.
cellulose, had the lowest compressive strength in cement mortars. In
However, L-KELP mixture had similar results with the reference, al-
adverse, coconut, rich in lignin, had a minor decrease of strength. These
though it must be noted that, in this mixture, extrusion of the fibers was
results are opposite from those of lime mortars, as cellulose-rich fibers
observed during the test.
(jute and kelp) had the biggest increase of strength. In this case, the
In both cases, coconut fibers seem to increase the fracture energy of
strength increase is mainly due to carbonation mechanisms [32] and
the mortars. This is also confirmed by other researchers [33,34] and
the role of fibers is beneficial in all cases. In this case, the wet fibers
maybe due to the higher ductility of the coconut fibers. It has, also,
seem to give back some of the reduced humidity over drying, blocking

Fig. 1. Fibres of coconut (left), jute (center) and kelp (right) after shaping.

F. Kesikidou and M. Stefanidou Journal of Building Engineering 25 (2019) 100786

Fig. 4. Fracture of the lime mortars under flexure (left) and under compression (right).

Fig. 5. Fracture energy of mortars. Fig. 7. Open porosity of cement and lime mortars.

been established that fracture energy could increase even in cases 3.3. Physical characteristics
where flexure has a low benefit from the reinforcement [35]. This could
be seen in lime mortar mixtures, where coconut fibers had the lowest Compared to the reference mortar, mixtures with jute fibers have a
flexural and compressive strength although having the best results in slight increase of porosity, while coconut and kelp reinforced mortars
fracture energy test. retain or even reduce their porosity values (Fig. 7). These results agree
with the extra amount of water needed to produce the mortars, while in
both lime and cement, mortars with jute fibers had the highest ab-
3.2. Stereoscopic observation sorption which is in agreement with the highest amount of water that
jute has absorbed in the first state of the research. Specimens with kelp
Stereoscopic analysis in Fig. 6 proves the above measured results. seem to reduce the porosity values in both systems. The reduction was
Coconut fibers seem to have a good adhesion with the paste in lime and more important in cement systems, which reached 13% in relation to
cement mortars, while in mixture L-KELP, the pull out of the fiber is the reference mortar.
obvious as only the trace of the fibers are seen.

Fig. 6. Stereoscopic observation mortars: (a) L-COCO, (b) L-JUTE, (c) L-KELP, (d) CeCOCO, (e) C-JUTE, (f) C-KELP (scale 1000 μm).

F. Kesikidou and M. Stefanidou Journal of Building Engineering 25 (2019) 100786

Fig. 8. Capillary absorption of mortars at the age of 28 days.

Fig. 9. Volume deformations of mortars.

Capillary absorption in cement mortars does not show significant appear to work better than the others. Flexure increase was significant
change when fibers were added, indicating that the adhesion of the in lime mortars, where, for example, strength of jute reinforced mortar
fibers was strong and no capillary voids were created around the fibers. was three times higher than the reference mortar.
In lime mortars, there was a differentiation, as mortars with kelp fibers The behavior of the mixtures under compression was very different.
seem to have higher water absorption capacity due to capillarity com- Cement mortars, had a decrease of strength up to 15%. On the contrary,
paring to mortars with coconut and jute fibers (Fig. 8). lime reinforced mortars presented an increase of 250% even though the
Regarding volume stability of the mortars, different results were tests performed at the age of 28days of age, which is quite short to
observed (Fig. 9). In cement mixtures, the reference mortar presented assure deep mortar samples carbonation. Comparing the results, it
the lowest volume deformations. Results from other studies have shown seems that cellulose-rich fibers, like jute and kelp, reduce the com-
that in cement mortars the addition of sisal and coconut fibers could pressive strength of cement mortars but increase it in lime mortars. On
increase shrinkage as they let moisture intrude into the matrix [36]. In the other hand, coconut fibers, which are rich in lignin, work better
this case also kelp coconut and jute presented some variation. with cement but they do not favor lime.
Lime mortars with the addition of kelp fibers appear to have a more Porosity values where quite similar, while capillary absorption test
stable behavior even in relation to the reference mortar. The highest presented differences only in lime reinforced mixtures. The addition of
variation was observed with jute fibers. These specimens had the natural fibers in cement mortars led to an increase of shrinkage, al-
highest water addition in the fresh mixture and it seems that the sta- though in lime mortars kelp fibers presented the lowest volume de-
bilization of the volume lasts long. On the contrary, kelp had a stable formations.
behavior after 10 days of testing. Water absorption plays an important To conclude, the benefits of natural fibers in favor of strength,
role in shrinkage and the way that the fibers attribute moisture back to durability, economic and environmental issues are obvious. For
the paste needs further investigation. From the results it seems that jute economy and ecology reasons natural fibers could be used in mortars in
and coconut fibers have the tendency to change their volume depending favor of basic properties, such as flexure. Their role is important in
on the absorbed water, leading eventually to volume changes of the “soft” nature mortars such as those based on lime. However, further
mortar. investigation is needed to improve their behavior considering their
shape, consistency, tensile strength and adhesion to the mortar matrix.
From the study, it seems that bio-fibers are technically advantageous
4. Conclusions recycled materials that could be promoted in the construction sector.

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