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Фрагмент уроку з навчання діалогічного мовлення

Мета: навчити учнів діалогічному мовленню

Обладнання: підручник Think 3
Клас: 10
Тема: What a story?

Етап. Прийом. Зміст роботи

Етап 1. T: Good afternoon students! Today we’ll start a new topic “What a story”.
Презентація та I'm sure that at some point, while watching a movie or reading a book, you
ознайомлення couldn't tear yourself away. An interesting plot or unexpected events could
учнів з темою not leave you aside.
уроку Think of an example of each of these things and tell.
Прийом: робота в • a story or a favourite fairy tale from your childhood
режимі «вчитель- • a favourite film
учень» • a thriller (either a book or a film) that really
Мета: підготовка grabbed you
учнів до • an anecdote or a joke you've heard recently
мовлення For example:
S: My favorite childhood fairy tale is Kolobok. I loved listening to it before
going to sleep when my mother read it to me. Later, when I learned to read,
I read over it many times.
Етап 2. Story:
Презентація ANNIE The strangest thing happened to me the other day.
вчителем діалогу- MAC What?
зразка. ANNIE I woke up with this song in my head and I couldn't stop singing it
Прийом: активне all day long. It was really annoying.
слухання MAC What was it?
(слухання ANNIE Well, let me finish ...It was a song I knew, but I couldn't remember
протягом 1:20) what it was. I even sang it to a few of my friends, but they didn't know
Мета: what it was either.
ознайомити учнів MAC So what was so strange about that?
з діалогом- ANNIE That was the annoying thing. I got home from school (with the
зразком типу song still in my head) and I went upstairs to do my homework. I decided to
«діалог-обмін put on the radio to try and forget the song, and you'll never believe what
враженнями» they were playing!
MAC Go on.
ANNIE They were playing the song that I'd been singing all day!
MAC So you’d just been singing a pop song that you'd forgotten the name
ANNIE Yes, but the strange thing is that it wasn't a pop song from now. It
was some obscure song from the 1980s that you never hear any more. It
was a song that my dad used to play when I was really small. I hadn’t heard
it for years. And they were playing it on the radio! What are the chances?
MAC Yes, that is pretty weird.
Етап 3. T: Annie uses these expressions to bring her story to life. Match them with
Орієнтація на the correct places in the conversation. Then listen again and check.
тексту (діалогу)
виконання вправи
для розвитку
пам’яті (умовно-
Мета: навчити
мікро-діалог за

Етап 4. T: Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions as in the example. Use the
Поєднання words from the box given below.
учнями реплік у
діалогічні єдності. Example:
Прийом: робота A: Hello, you can only imagine! My favourite singer is giving a concert in
«вчитель-учень» our town next month, which is fantastic.
Мета: навчити B: Really? Who's that?
учнів A: Lorde.
обмінюватися B: Wow! I like her songs too. bo you know when ...?
 I would like to share with you…
 You will not believe…
 I am very pleased that…
 You can only imagine

Прийом: робота в T: Students, you need to put the phrases in the correct order to form a
парі dialogue.
Мета: навчити
учнів створювати 1. A: Well, everything is fine with me, but here are my house keys... I
міні-діалог на lost them. And she noticed that they were no longer near her house.
основі 2. B: What happened? Are you all right?
запропонованих 3. A: I was waiting for my mother to come home from work. But just
фраз imagine how excited I was when I saw that the keys were at home.
4. B : Oh no, it can't be. But it's good that you didn't lose them after
5. A: An unpleasant situation happened to me yesterday.
6. B: And how did you get to the house?

Прийом: робота в
парах з опорою на T: In pairs, read the dialogue in roles and pay attention to the lines used in
вербальну схему the dialogue.
Мета: навчити
учнів складати A: What’s on at the cinema?
мікродіалоги за B: Er, there’s the latest film by Pedro Almodóvar. It only came out
допомогою yesterday.
вербальної схеми A: Oh, the guy who Julieta. He’s a very good directed , but I don’t
understand some of his films – they’re a bit complicated for me. Anything
else on ?
B: Well, a couple of romantic comedies , which may be fun. And they’re
showing The Kite Runner again.
A: Oh, what’s that?
B: It’s a film based on the novel by Khaled Hosseini. It’s a very good book.
Do you fancy seeing that?
A: Yeah, why not.
Етап 4. T: Joining in pairs, create a dialogue according to the images. Imagine what
Оволодіння a strange situation could happen. Use the following phrases:
мікро-діалогами  a strange situation happened to me
Прийом: робота в  I don't know the solution
парах з опорою на  What do you think about it?
зображення.  and what happened next?
Мета: навчити
учнів складати
мікро-діалоги за

Етап 5. Домашнє T: Remember a strange story that happened to you or

завдання someone else. Create dialogues in pairs. And remember that there should be at
Прийом: робота в least 14-16 replicas for two students.
Мета: навчити учнів
власний діалог без

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