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Global English 5

Class Date


Exercise 1: Look at the pictures and make sentences according to the signs. Use the
following verbs:

fly, go, dance, work, come back,

get up, fall, ride, do, eat, drink, study
Exercise 2: Read the text and choose correct word for each space by circle the answer in
multiple choice questions

Emily's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, shared stories of their childhood, which took
place many decades ago. In those days, Maplewood was a much smaller town, with fewer houses
and more open spaces. The roads were made of gravel, and there was no traffic light in sight.

"In our time," said Mr. Thompson, "kids played in the streets without a worry. The town felt like
one big playground, and we knew all our neighbors."
In the past, there had been a busy market where farmers sold fresh produce, and kids played
games. Now, the market was a park with beautiful flowers and a playground. Now, the library
changed into a spacious, modern building with rows of computers, her grandparents said “It was
a cozy little place with just a few books”.

When Emily compared the past to the present, she found that some things stayed the same. The
pretty maple trees that named the town still grew along the streets, giving shade in the summer
and colorful leaves in the fall.

1. What is the name of the town where Emily’s grandparents lived?

2. How did the roads look like in the past?
3. What did Mr. Thompson say about playing in the streets?
4. What did Emily’s grandparents say about their neighbors?
5. What was the market used for in the past and what is it now?

Exercise 3: Fill in the space with correct verb in past simple tense.
1. When I ______________ (be) younger, I ________________ (want/always) to have siblings.
2. My parents ______________ (not/buy) a new house for us because he _____________
(not/have) any money.
3. _____________________ (you/be) at school last week? – No, I _____________________
(not/be) because I _____________________ (spend) my time abroad.
4. He _____________________ (choose) to stay in Thailand because he ____________ (enjoy)
it there a lot.
5. __________________ (she/sleep) in the hotel you _____________________ (tell) me about?
– Yes, she _________________ (sleep) there because it _______________ (be) quite cheap.
6. I _____________________ (break) my leg when I _____________________ (be) in Italy.
7. Her brother _____________________ (write) three novels and they ___________ (become)
very successful
8. Our teacher __________________ (teach) us English very well because he _______ (know)
a lot about it.
9. She ________________ (describe) the picture in detail and she _________________ (get)
the best possible mark.
10. We ________________ (not/see) the building when we _____________________ (go) out.
11. The car _____________________ (stop) in front of us and we ________________ (cry) out.
12. Why ______________ (they/bake) the cake? – Because they _______________ (be) hungry.
13. I _______________ (order) a new skirt because I __________________ (fall) in love with it.
14. First, I ______________ (take) a microphone, then I ___________________ (choose) a
song, and finally I ________________ (sing) in a loud voice. The following day, I
__________________ (feel) embarrassed.
15. My grandparents _____________________ (give) me some money when I
_____________________ (say) that I _____________________ (manage) to pass the exam.

Exercise 4: What did Simon and Sally do yesterday?

Complete the conversation. Use the verbs:

win - meet - go - cost - stay - watch - buy - do - play

Sally: What did you do yesterday? Did you go to the Sports Centre?
Simon: Yes, I went there with Andrew.
Sally: Did you____________________ (a) tennis?
Simon: Yes, we did.
Sally: Andrew is very good! Was he ____________________ (b) the game?
Simon: Yes, he won easily.
Sally: What ________________ (c) in the evening? Did you__________________ (d) at home.
Simon: Yes, I stayed in and watched TV.
Sally: What ____________________ (e) ?
Simon: A film of a rock concert. It was really good. What about you? Did you ___________ (f)
Peter yesterday?
Sally: Yes, I met him in town. We went shopping. Peter wanted to look for some new clothes.
Simon: Did he ____________________ (g) anything?
Sally: Yes, he bought a pair of jeans in Kings.
Simon: Kings? That’s a really expensive shop, isn’t it? How much _______________ (h) it ?
Sally: £ 42.
Exercise 5: Describe the changes in the city between 1945 and 2023. You should say:
 What has changed?
 How have they changed? (You should use the past and present tenses)

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