The Bilan Keladigan Iboralar

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The bilan keladigan iboralar:

At the beginning of Boshida

At the end of Oxirida
To play the piono Pianino chalmoq
To tell the truth Rost (yolg’on) gapirmoq
In the singular Birlikda
On the left (right) Chapda (o’ngda)
In the morning (evening) Tongda (tunda)
At the top (bottom) of Cho’qqisida (pastida)
To run the risk Tavakkal qilmoq
To pass the exam Imtihondan o’tmoq
To pass the time Vaqtni o’tkazmoq
In the original Aslida
To keep the house Uyda o’tirmoq
To keep the bed Rejim bn yotmoq
On the whole Butunlay, umuman
The other day Boshqa kuni
Tidy up the room Xonani yig’ishtirmoq
What is the time? Soat necha?
In the country Qishloqda
On the one hand Bir tomondan
On the other hand Boshqa tomondan
To tell the time Vaqtni aytmoq
By the way Darvoqe
To have the flu Gripp bo’lmoq
To have the diphtheria Ich ketar bo’lmoq
All over the world Dunyo bo’ylab
On the radio Radioda
On the phone Telefonda
To go to the bank Bankka bormoq
The same O’xshash
The fact is that Gap shundaki
The rest of Qolganlari
To break the ice 1-qadamni qo’ymoq\suhbatni
To feel the pulse Qon bosimini o’lchamoq
To became the fashion Moda bo’lmoq

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