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MATHEMATICS- study of the relationships among numbers, ➤ MATHEMATICAL LANGUAGE

quantities, and shapes. It includes arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry, → the system used to communicate mathematical ideas
geometry, statistics, and calculus → precise, concise, powerful, clear, and objective
➤ VARIABLE- a quantity that may change within the context of a
A. PATTERNS AND NUMBERS IN NATURE AND THE WORLD mathematical problem or experiment.
➤ MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION- consists of terms separated by
➤ PATTERNS- regular, repeated, or recurring forms or designs either plus or minus signs.
→ NATURAL PATTERNS- spirals, symmetries, mosaics, stripes,
spots, etc. Literal Coefficient – variable
Numerical Coefficient – constant multiplied to the variable
Monomial – consists of a single term
➤ SEQUENCE- an ordered list of numbers, called terms, that may Binomial – consists of two terms
have repeated values. The arrangement of these terms is set by a Trinomial – consists of three terms
definite rule.
1. GEOMETRIC SEQUENCE- obtained by multiplying a value ➤ MATHEMATICAL SENTENCE
2. QUADRATIC SEQUENCE- with the same 2nd difference. → combines two mathematical expressions using a comparison
3. FIBONACCI SEQUENCE- previous 2 terms are added to obtain operator
the next term. → uses numbers, variables, or both
→ is named after the Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, who ➤ OPEN SENTENCE – mathematical sentence that is not known to
was better known by his nickname Fibonacci. be either true or false
➤ the ratios of successive Fibonacci numbers approach the ➤ CLOSE SENTENCE – a mathematical sentence that is known to
number Φ (Phi), also known as the Golden Ratio. This is be either true or false
approximately equal to 1.618
5. MIXED SEQUENCE- double, 2 operations
6. HARMONIC SEQUENCE- the reciprocal is arithmetic. ➤ UNIVERSAL STATEMENT- says that a certain property is true for
all elements in a set.
➤ Mathematics for Organization- helps organize patterns and ➤ CONDITIONAL STATEMENT– says that if one thing is true, then
regularities in the world. some other thing also has to be true
➤ Mathematics for Prediction- helps predict the behavior of nature ➤ EXISTENTIAL STATEMENT- says that given a property that may
and phenomena in the world. or may not be true, there is at least one thing for which the property is
➤ Mathematics for Control- helps humans exert control over true
occurrences in the world for the advancement of our civilization.
MATHEMATICS IN THE MODERN WORLD 5. SUBSET- a set every element of which can be found on a second
CHAPTER 2.2 set. The symbol ⊂ means “a subset of”
→ If the first set is equal to the second set, then it is an improper
LANGUAGE OF SETS subset. The symbol ⊆ is used to mean an improper subset.
→ A null set is always a subset of any given set and is considered
SET- well-defined collection of distinct objects an improper subset of the given set. Other than the set itself and the
null set, all are considered proper subsets.
ELEMENTS– objects that make up a set. They are usually denoted by
lower case letters. The symbol ∈ denotes membership while the RELATIONSHIP OF SETS- The set containing all the subsets of a
symbol ∉ denotes non-membership. given set with 𝑛 elements is called the power set with 2 𝑛 number of
1.ROSTER/TABULAR METHOD– elements in the given set are listed
or enumerated, separated by a comma, inside a pair of braces. 1. UNION OF SETS 𝑨 and 𝑩 (𝑨 ∪ 𝑩) – set whose elements are
→ B = { a, e, i, o, u } found in 𝐴 or 𝐵 or in both
2. RULE DESCRIPTIVE METHOD – the common characteristics of 2. INTERSECTION OF SETS 𝑨 and 𝑩 (𝑨 ∩ 𝑩) – set whose elements
the elements are defined. This method uses the set builder notation are common to both sets
where 𝑥 is used to represent any element of the given set 3. DIFFERENCE OF SETS 𝑨 and 𝑩 (𝑨 − 𝑩) – set whose elements are
→ B= { x/x is a vowel } found in set 𝐴 but not in set 𝐵
4. COMPLEMENT OF SETS 𝑨 (𝑨 ′or 𝑨 𝑪 ) – set whose elements are
KINDS OF SETS found in the universal set but not in A

1. EMPTY/NULL/VOID SET – has no element(s) and is denoted by ∅ VENN DIAGRAM (VENN-EULER DIAGRAM)
or by a pair of braces with no element(s) inside, i.e., {} → pictorial representation of relationship and operations of sets.
2. FINITE SET – has countable number of elements → The universal set is usually represented by a rectangle while
3. INFINITE SET – has uncountable number of elements circles within the rectangle usually represent its subsets. The shaded
4. UNIVERSAL SET – totality of all the elements of the sets under region in the given diagrams illustrates the sets’ relation or operation
consideration, denoted by (U)
RELATIONSHIP OF SETS → Cartesian Product Given sets 𝐴 and 𝐵, the Cartesian product of 𝐴
and 𝐵, denoted by 𝐴 × 𝐵 and read “𝐴 cross 𝐵” is the set of all ordered
1. EQUAL SETS– sets that have the same element(s) pairs (𝑎, 𝑏) where 𝑎 is in 𝐴 and 𝑏 is in 𝐵.
2. EQUIVALENT SETS- sets that have the same number of element/s → Symbolically, 𝐴 × 𝐵 = {(𝑎, 𝑏)|𝑎 ∈ 𝐴 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑏 ∈ 𝐵}
3. JOINT SETS– sets that have at least one common element
4. DISJOINT SET– sets that have no common element
MATHEMATICS IN THE MODERN WORLD 5. RATIONAL FUNCTIONS– a function that can be expressed as a
CHAPTER 2.3 quotient of two polynomial functions
6. ALGEBRAIC FUNCTION– function formed by a finite number of
FUNCTION (f)- from a set of elements 𝑋 to a set of elements 𝑌 is a algebraic operations on the identity function and the constant function.
rule that assigns to each element 𝑥 in 𝑋 exactly one element 𝑦 in 𝑌. These algebraic operations include addition, subtraction,
→ A function can be thought of as a correspondence from a set 𝑋 of multiplication, division, raising to powers, and extracting roots..
real numbers 𝑥 to a set of 𝑌 of real numbers 𝑦, where 𝑦 is unique for a Polynomial and rational functions are particular kinds of algebraic
specific value of 𝑥. functions.
→ One is to one (Function) → Many to One (Function) 7. TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS – examples include the
→ One is to many (Not function) → Many to many (Not function) exponential and the logarithmic functions
➤ FUNCTION NOTATION- If 𝑓 is the function having as its domain
variable 𝑥 and as its range variable 𝑦, the symbol 𝑓(𝑥) (read as “𝑓 of 𝑥 ” MATHEMATICS IN THE MODERN WORLD
or “𝑓 at 𝑥”) denotes the particular value of 𝑦 that corresponds to the CHAPTER 3
value of 𝑥
OPERATIONS ON FUNCTIONS → forms a conclusion based on the examination of specific examples
→ process of reaching a general conclusion by examining specific
1. Their sum, denoted by 𝑓 + 𝑔, is the function defined examples
→ by (𝑓 + 𝑔) (𝑥) = 𝑓 (𝑥) + 𝑔 (𝑥) ➤ CONJECTURE- conclusion formed by using inductive
2. Their difference, denoted by 𝑓 − 𝑔, is the function defined reasoning, since it may or may not be correct.
→ by 𝑓 − 𝑔 𝑥 = 𝑓 𝑥 − 𝑔(𝑥)
3. Their product, denoted by 𝑓 ∙ 𝑔, is the function defined DEDUCTIVE REASONING
→ by 𝑓 ∙ 𝑔 𝑥 = 𝑓 𝑥 ∙ 𝑔 𝑥 → is distinguished from inductive reasoning in that it is the process of
4. Their quotient, denoted by 𝑓/𝑔, is the function defined reaching a conclusion by applying general principles and procedures.
→ by 𝑓/𝑔 𝑥 = 𝑓 𝑥 /𝑔(𝑥) → process of reaching a conclusion by applying general assumptions,
procedures, or principles.
1. CONSTANT FUNCTION– a function whose range consists of only POLYA’S PROBLEM SOLVING STRATEGY
one number. Thus 𝑓 𝑥 = 𝑐. → One of the foremost recent mathematicians to make a study of
2. IDENTITY FUNCTION– the particular function defined by 𝑓 𝑥 = x problem solving was George Polya (1887-1985). He was born in
3. A function 𝑓 defined Hungary and moved to the United States in 1940. The basic
→ by 𝑓 𝑥 = 𝑎𝑛𝑥 𝑛 + 𝑎𝑛−1𝑥 𝑛−1 + 𝑎𝑛−2𝑥 𝑛−2 + ⋯ + 𝑎1𝑥 + 𝑎0 - - - problem-solving strategy that Polya advocated consisted of the
where 𝑎0, 𝑎1, … , 𝑎𝑛 are real numbers ( 𝑎𝑛 ≠ 0 ) and 𝑛 is a following four steps:
nonnegative integer is called a polynomial function of degree n 1. Understand the problem
4. LINEAR FUNCTION- is a polynomial function of degree 1. If the 2. Devise a plan
degree of a polynomial function is 2, it is called a quadratic function, 3. Carry out the plan
and if the degree is 3, it is called a cubic function 4. Review the solution
➤ UNDERSTAND THE PROBLEM • Any row contains more than one of the same number from 1 to 9
• Can you restate the problem in your own words? • Any column contains more than one of the same number from 1 to 9
• Can you determine what is known about these types of problems? • Any 3 × 3 grid contains more than one of the same number from 1 to
• Is there missing information that, if known, would allow you to solve 9
the problem?
• Is there extraneous information that is not needed to solve the ➤ KENKEN PUZZLE- an arithmetic-based logic puzzle that was
problem? invented by the Japanese mathematics teacher Tetsuya Miyamoto in
• What is the goal? 2004. It is similar to Sudoku, but it requires you to perform arithmetic
to solve the puzzle.
• Make a list of the known information. • Draw a diagram. RULES FOR SOLVING KENKEN PUZZLE
• Make a list of information that is needed. • Work backwards.
• Make an organized list that shows all the possibilities. → For a 3 × 3 puzzle, fill in each box (square) of the grid with one of
• Make a table or a chart. • Perform an experiment. the numbers 1, 2, or 3.
• Try to solve a similar but simpler problem. • Look for a pattern. → For a 4 × 4 puzzle, fill in each square of the grid with one of the
• Write an equation. If necessary, define what each variable numbers 1, 2, 3, or 4.
• Guess a solution and then check your result. For an 𝑛 × 𝑛 puzzle, fill in each square of the grid with one of the
numbers 1, 2, 3, … , 𝑛. Grids range in size from a 3 × 3 up to a 9 × 9.
• Work carefully. • Do not repeat the number in any row or column.
• Keep an accurate and neat record of all your attempts. • The numbers in each heavily outlined set of squares, called cages,
• Realize that some of your initial plans will not work and that you may must combine (in some order) to produce the target number in the top
have to devise another plan or modify your existing plan left corner of the cage using the mathematical operation indicated.
• Cages with just one square should be filled in with the target
• Ensure that the solution is consistent with the facts of the problem. • A number can be repeated within a cage as long as it is nit in the
• Interpret the solution in the context of the problem. same row or column
• Ask yourself whether there are generalizations of the solution that
could apply to other problems. ➤ LOGIC PUZZLE- can be solved by using deductive reasoning and
a chart that enables us to display the given information in a visual
➤ SUDOKU- goal of sudoku is to fill a 9 × 9 grid with numbers so that manner
each row, column, and 3 × 3 section contain all of the digits between 1
and 9.
→ At the beginning of t→ game, the 9 × 9 grid will have some of the
squares filled in. Your job is to fill in the missing digits and complete
the grid. Don’t forget, a move is incorrect if:

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