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Grade 10E2

Kapeja Kazenga

Pictures With Captions

TABLE OF CONTENT.....................................................I

Bibliography 1
Essay (Introduction & Conclusion) 2
Essay (Conclusion) 3
Self-Reflection 3
1. Biko, Steve. “I Write What I Like.” Picador, 1978.

• This collection of Steve Biko’s writings provides invaluable insights

into his philosophy, activism, and the Black Consciousness Movement.

2. Woods, Donald. “Biko.” Tafelberg, 2003.

• Donald Woods, a close friend of Biko, offers a biographical account

that delves into the personal and political dimensions of Biko’s life.

3. Mamdani, Mahmood. “Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa

and the Legacy of Late Colonialism.” Princeton University Press, 1996.

• Mahmood Mamdani’s work provides a broader historical context for

understanding apartheid and its implications on African societies, shedding light
on the backdrop against which Biko’s activism unfolded.

4. Gibson, Nigel. “Fanonian Practices in South Africa: From Steve

Biko to Abahlali baseMjondolo.” Wits University Press, 2011.

• Nigel Gibson explores the resonance of Frantz Fanon’s ideas in

South Africa, drawing connections to Biko’s Black Consciousness and its
influence on contemporary social movements.

5. Lodge, Tom. “Black Politics in South Africa Since 1945.” Longman,


• Tom Lodge’s comprehensive examination of black political

movements in South Africa provides context for understanding the historical
trajectory of activism, including Biko’s role.

Steve Biko, a pivotal figure in the anti-apartheid movement, played a profound

role in addressing injustice during a tumultuous era in South Africa. This essay

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aims to delve into the heritage focus of Biko’s activism, offering a comprehensive
understanding of his contributions to the fight against racial oppression. With a
clear point of view, this essay will explore the impact of Steve Biko’s ideology on
dismantling systemic injustice, substantiating perspectives with concrete

The crux of Steve Biko’s impact on addressing injustice lies in his unwavering
commitment to Black Consciousness, a philosophy that served as a catalyst for
change during South Africa’s apartheid era. Biko’s emphasis on fostering a
profound understanding of one’s heritage and identity as a means of
empowerment reverberates through the annals of history.

Central to Biko’s legacy is his staunch belief in the transformative power of

education. In the face of apartheid’s oppressive educational policies, which
sought to perpetuate inequality, Biko took proactive measures to establish
community programs and initiatives. These initiatives aimed not only to provide
education but also to instill a sense of intellectual independence among black
youth. The enduring impact of these efforts is evident in subsequent generations,
where individuals armed with knowledge emerged as leaders, breaking the
chains of systemic injustice.

The founding of the Black Consciousness Movement (BCM) stands as a

testament to Biko’s organizational prowess. Through grassroots activism, the
BCM united disparate communities, fostering a collective identity that
transcended racial divides. Biko’s leadership within the movement amplified
awareness, solidarity, and resistance, crucial elements in the eventual
dismantling of apartheid. The BCM’s influence was instrumental in reshaping the
narrative of the struggle against injustice, heralding a new era of resilience and

In conclusion, the heritage focus of this exploration into Steve Biko’s role in
addressing injustice has illuminated the profound and lasting impact of his
activism. Biko’s legacy extends beyond his lifetime, shaping the trajectory of

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South Africa’s liberation. His philosophy of Black Consciousness and its practical
applications, such as educational empowerment and grassroots mobilization,
have left an indelible mark on the nation’s history. Steve Biko’s contributions are
not merely historical footnotes; they are living testaments to the resilience of the
human spirit in the face of systemic oppression.

In crafting this essay, delving into the life and work of Steve Biko has been a
riveting journey. Understanding the intricacies of his philosophy and the tangible
outcomes of his activism has underscored the importance of individuals in
catalyzing societal change. Biko’s ability to amalgamate ideology with action
serves as a poignant reminder that the fight against injustice requires not just
rhetoric but a commitment to tangible, transformative measures. The concise
exploration of Biko’s legacy within the constraints of this page has been a
challenge, yet it has reinforced the significance of brevity in articulating complex
narratives. The story of Steve Biko serves as an enduring inspiration, urging us
to reflect on our own roles in addressing injustice and the transformative potential
within us all.

South Africa’s liberation. His philosophy of Black Consciousness and its practical
applications, such as educational empowerment and grassroots mobilization,
have left an indelible mark on the nation’s history. Steve Biko’s contributions are
not merely historical footnotes; they are living testaments to the resilience of the
human spirit in the face of systemic oppression.

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The cover page of Biko’s book (University of Chicago Press)

Taken from JSTOR Daily (

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