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John Lord Rivadulla January 7, 2023

Ba Communication-2B Princess Catherine L. Pabellano

The relationship between consumerism and advertising is both a cause and effect of the
modern consumer society. Advertising is one of the main reasons why people buy products,
which in turn creates demand for more products to be sold. When I buy something new or
something better than what I have right now, it gives me a feeling of satisfaction that I am a
successful person in my own eyes. However, there are also other effects that come with
consumerism and advertising such as wastefulness, social inequality and environmental
destruction among others.
Consumerism can be a big problem in today's society. The "culture of consumption" has
created a new kind of individual, one who sees himself as a consumer rather than as a producer.
As a consumer I am often encouraged to buy things they don't really need and be tempted as I am
part of the targeted audience. The concept of consumerism has been criticized as being detached
from social context and grounded in materialism or individualism, or as being hypocritical given
its use of advertising as a form of manipulation. Many economists believe that consumerism is
bad for society because it leads to over-consumption, which causes problems such as pollution.
However, some economists argue that consumerism helps improve the quality of life for most
people in developing countries.
Consumerism can also be good thing because it allows people to buy the things they want
in life, to give more choice and control over their lives. The aspect of our culture has been
influenced by consumerism by the sense of community. As consumers, we rely heavily on one
another for our needs and wants, whether it be food or clothing or entertainment. It has become
increasingly difficult for us to live without each other, therefore, we have created communities
where people are able to share their experiences and help others with problems they may be
experiencing in their lives.
We need to be careful not to spend too much money on consumerism and at the same
time, try not to be wasteful with our money. I make sure that I spend my money wisely so that I
can have a better standard of living in future years. I also consider investing money in things
such as education or helping out in my local community.

Cunanan, P. (2016). How Advertising Has Contributed to Wasteful Consumption - Eco Warrior

Princess. Eco Warrior Princess.


Hayes, A. (2021). Consumerism. Investopedia.

Portin, F. (2020). Consumerism as a moral attitude. Studia Theologica - Nordic Journal of

Theology, 74(1).

Roach, B., Goodwin, N., & Nelson, J. (2019). A GDAE Teaching Module on Social and

Environmental Issues in Economics Consumption and the Consumer Society.

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