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Office of the Registrar

FflrdrEEHEqTw @)
tf" ils @
University of Hyderabad 'iart,

Phone : 23 1321 00 . Email : r egistr ar @uohyd. ac. in

Ref: No. UfVREGl2j24l Date: 18.04.2024


Sub: Constitution of Committee to examine and submit a report

on the acts of violence in the campus -reg.
Ref: Vice-Chancellor's orders dated 18.04.2024

A Committee with the following members has been constituted to

examine the acts of violence by the students that have taken place on the
intervening night of 17th-18th April2024, in the Campus:

1. Prof. Ashwini Nangia, School of Chemistry - Chairman

2. Prof. Prakash Babu, School of Life Sciences
3. Dr. G. Padmaja, Centre for Health Psychology, School of Medical Sciences
4. Dr. Irfan Ahmad Ghazi, School of Life Sciences

The Committee shall examine all aspects of the incident, interact with
students and submit a comprehensive report, outlining actions that the
University can take, along with recommendations aimed at preventing future
occurrences of such violence.

The Committee shall submit its report within a week.

A11 members of the Committee

Copy to:

1. Dean, Students' Welfare / Chief Proctor / Chief Warden

2. AR Security
3. OSD to VC

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