Gratitude Homework Middle School and Secondary

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City Pride School

Fun Time During Vacations!!!!!!!!!!!6th to 10th std

Dear Students!!!!!! Happy Vacations!!!! Lets make your vacation a memorable one by picking activities and posting it on teams as
and when possible during your summer vacations. You can pick any 10 out of the 13 activities given, click pictures/videos and post
it on the class teams assignment section. Thank you.

Middle School and Secondary[ You can do any 10 activities out of 13]

1 Cook one dish and write down the recipe

2 Write down your travel experience,if any.

3 Clear the Clutter: Clean your rooms and cupboard…click a photo of the cleaned room and cupboard.
4 Create a Gratitude Jar and put one thing daily which you are grateful for.

5 Share a word of encouragement to any helper or any person in your life

6 Thank people in your life who have taught you something very beneficial by giving a call or in your own way.

7 Create a Gratefulness Chart: I am grateful you are my Dad/Mom/brother……/

8 Take a meal to a homeless person

9 Help your grandparents/family member with one task daily which they find it difficult to do

10 Watch movies together and discuss. Review of the movie can be shared once back.

11 Gardening together
12 Family meals together without TV / Laptop

13 Exercise for atleast an hour everyday and keep a note of it.

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