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The History of AI

The Gestation of AI (1943 – 1955)

Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts in 1943 proposed artificial
Neurons with ON and OFF that includes Basic Physiology,
Function of Neurons & Analysis of Propositional Logic.

Minsky & Edmonds built first Neural Network Computer with

3000 vacuum tubes in 1950 and named as SNARC (Stochastic
Neural Analog Reinforcement Calculator).

Alan Turing in 1950 wrote an article “Computing Machinery

and Intelligence” therein introduced Turing Test, ML & Genetic
The Birth of AI (1956)
John McCarthy (Father of AI) received his PhD in 1951. He
organized 2 month workshop with 10 Scientist in Dartmouth
college in 1956. A attempt to make Language processing, solve
problems and concepts. Attendees are from IBM, MIT, CMU &
The word “Artificial Intelligence” was coined in the workshop.
AI is study of creativity like human, self improvement and
usage of language, so it can’t be under Mathematics.
“Artificial Intelligence” brought under the branch of “Computer
Science” in the workshop, due to computation by programs.
The Birth of AI….
In 1957 Herbert Simon predicted that within next 10 years a
computer will play chess, But it took 40 years for implement.

Reason: Failure of system performance for wider selection of

The AI reality (1966)
In 1957, Russia launched sputnik. Americans decided to
translate Russian to English but the result was miserable due
to lack of subject

The translation of English – Russian – English as follows

The Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

Дух желает, но плоть слаба

The Vodka is good but meat is rotten

AI Implementation (1988)
Hundreds of companies from US and Japan built Expert
system, Vision system and Robots. Both in Hardware and
Software side.

Implementation of Learning from experience using Neural

Network came existence in late 80’s and early 90’s
Emergence of Intelligent agents
(2000 - present)

Founders of AI, John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Nilsson and

Winston expressed about progress of AI

AI should not be just Driving a car, Playing chess or speech



Machine that think, that learn and that create

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