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2ND TERM 2023-2024


1. Use No. 2 Mongol pencil only
2. Supply all needed information in the answer sheet provided.
3. Read each question carefully
4. Shade the circle that corresponds to your answer
5. Do not use your mobile phone while the test is going on
6. Sign the attendance sheet before you leave the testing area.


important area of the business of the insurance
1-9. The audit of Insurance Companies is business. The Act requires that the margin shall
governed by the provisions of _____________as not be less than ______________ less
amended in l991, 1992, l997 , 2003 and 2006. ________________ during the year under review
This issued guidelines to perform audit by or the minimum paid-up capital whichever is
external auditors. Other regulations for higher
compliance are _____________ and relevant A. 10% of gross premium income less
circulars issued by the ______________. re-insurance premium paid out
A. Section 85 , Insurance Act 2006, Act 724; B. 12% of gross premium income less insurance
Statement of Accounting Standards 16 (SAS 16) losses
and National Insurance Commission C. 8% of gross premium less re-insurance
B. Federal Insurance Act of 1976, Statement of premium paid out
Accounting Standards 16 (SAS 16) , National D. 15% of gross premium less re-insurance
Insurance Commission premium paid out
C. Section 85 , Insurance Act 2006, Act 724;
Statement of Accounting Standards 12 (SAS 12) 34-36. Audit objectives in auditing schools or
and National Insurance Commission educational institutions includes the following ,
D. None of the stated choices has correct answer EXCEPT
I. To assess management stewardship,
10-21. The Insurance Act provides the minimum performance, economic resources and obligations
paid-up share capital for each class of Insurance II. To secure the continued maintenance of
Business. The National Insurance Commission soundly based system of controls within each
(NAICOM) has regulated the minimum capital area of responsibility which in this case is the
base for various categories of insurance business. schools
It proposes ____________ of Life Insurance, III. To ensure continuous examination of
_____________ of Non-Life Insurance, accounting books, store and personnel records
____________ of Composite business and with a view to detecting frauds, errors and
______________ for Re-Insurance Business mistakes for corrective actions
A. N3 Billion, N6 Billion, N9 Billion and N15 Billion IV. To assess adherence to budgetary
B. N5 Billion, N9 Billion, N12 Billion and N15 provisions/operational guidelines
Billion A. I, II and III are correct
C. N2 Billion, N3 Billion, N5 Billion and N10 Billion B. II and IV only are correct
D. N3 Billion, N5 Billion, N9 Billion and N12 Billion C. I, II and IV are correct
D. All of the above statements are correct
22-27. The Insurance Act also requires that
where an insurer is carrying out composite 37-39. These are factors which militates the
insurance business i.e. ________ and _______ effective and efficiency in auditing schools
business, a separate records of receipts and financial statements
payments must be kept for each of the business Most accountants take advantage of the trust and
in order to ensure that the revenue and confidence reposed on them by school owners
expenditure of each business be separately and principals to make fraudulent
identifiable mis-presentation which the school owner or
A. Life and Composite principal relies on and suffers serious financial
B. Life and Non-Life damage
C. Non-life and Composite A. Loopholes in the legal system
D. All of the above stated choices are correct B. Nature of School Administrators
C. Poor remuneration
28-33. The issue of solvency margin is an D. Confidence Scheme


40-42. This leads to poor performance and that 61-63. The risk that contracts are documented
breeds malpractice. Failure to undergo on-the-job incorrectly or are not legally enforceable in the
training, relevant outside source or even attend relevant jurisdiction in which the contracts are to
seminar of that nature, will lead to unsatisfactory be enforced or where the counterparties operate.
performance which eventually creates more room This can include the risk that assets will turn out
for malpractice by the outgoing accountants and to be worth lesser, liabilities will turn out to be
auditors greater than expected because of inadequate or
A. Loopholes in the legal system incorrect legal advice or documentation.
B. Inadequate training and re-training of A. Credit risk
accountants B. Legal and documentary risk
C. Poor remuneration C. Currency risk
D. Confidence Scheme D. Liquidity risk

43-45. When accountants are not well paid to 64-66. The risk of loss arising from adverse
measure up with the constraints of the economy changes in market prices, including interest
accountants will be compelled to steal, this is so rates, foreign exchange rates, equity and
because physical cash is involved commodity prices and from movements in the
A. Loopholes in the legal system market prices of investments.
B. Inadequate training and re-training of A. Price risk
accountants B. Legal and documentary risk
C. Poor remuneration C. Currency risk
D. Confidence Scheme D. Liquidity risk

46-48. There are a number of risks associated 67-69. The risk of losing business because of negative
with banking activities that, while not unique to public opinion and consequential damage to the bank’s
banking, are important in that they serve to reputation arising from failure to properly manage some
shape banking operations. The auditor obtains an
of the above risks, or from involvement in improper or
understanding of the nature of these risks and
how the bank manages them.
illegal activities by the bank or its senior management,
The risk of foreign customers and counterparties such as money laundering or attempts to cover up
failing to settle their obligations because of losses.
economic, political and social factors of the A. Currency risk
counterparty’s home country and external to the B. Legal and documentary risk
customer or counterparty. C. Reputational risk
A. Credit risk D. Liquidity risk
B. Country risk
C. Fiduciary risk 70-72. The risk of loss arising from failure to comply
D. Modeling risk with regulatory or legal requirements in the relevant
jurisdiction in which the bank operates. It also includes
49-51. The risk of loss arising from the changes any loss that could arise from changes in regulatory
in the bank’s ability to sell or dispose of an asset requirements
A. Credit risk A. Currency risk
B. Country risk B. Regulatory risk
C. Fiduciary risk C. Reputational risk
D. Liquidity risk D. Liquidity risk

52-57. The auditor is required to assess the levels of 73-75. The risk of loss arising from the possibility of
__________ and _________ risks associated with the bank not having sufficient funds to meet its
different aspects of a bank’s operations and to obligations, or from the bank’s inability to access capital
determine the nature, timing and extent of the audit markets to raise required funds.
procedures. A. Currency risk
A. Audit risk, Detection risk B. Regulatory risk
C. Control risk, Detection risk C. Solvency risk
C. Inherent risk, Control risk D. Liquidity risk
D. Inherent risk, Detection risk

58-60. The risk of loss arising from future II. TRUE OR FALSE : Indicate T if the
movements in the exchange rates applicable to Statement is TRUE and F if the statement is
foreign currency assets, liabilities, rights and FALSE
A. Credit risk False 76-78. The auditor considers Operational
B. Country risk risk and obtains an understanding of how the
C. Currency risk management and those charged with governance
D. Liquidity risk monitor that the system of internal control
(including internal audit) operates effectively.
PSA 402, “Audit Considerations Relating to False 106-108. . The risk of loss arising from
Entities Using Service Organizations” gives the possibility of the bank not having sufficient
further guidance on this subject. funds to meet its obligations, or from the bank’s
inability to access capital markets to raise
False 79-81. Corporate governance plays a required funds is financial risk
particularly important role in banks; the BSP sets True 109-111. The audit of any educational
out requirements for banks to have effective institution is complex in nature; the auditor
corporate governance structure should consider the enabling legislation, the
nature of its activities, the funding, the system of
False 82-84. Obtaining a knowledge of the internal control, the accounting format and the
bank’s business requires the auditor to reporting requirement
understand True 112-114. An effective risk management
I. The bank’s corporate governance structure system in a bank generally requires oversight
II. The credit standing and regulatory and involvement in the control process by those
environment in which the bank operates; charged with governance
III. The market conditions existing in each of the False 115-117. Customer risk is define as the
significant sectors in which the bank operates risk of foreign customers and counterparties
All the stated statements are true. failing to settle their obligations because of
economic, political and social factors of the
False 85-87. Banking risks increase with the counterparty’s home country and external to the
degree of concentration of a bank’s exposure to any customer or counterparty
one customer, failure in marketing product or True 118-120. Banks have custody of large
services, industry, geographic area or country amounts of monetary items, including cash and
True 88-90. Obtaining a knowledge of the bank’s negotiable instruments, whose physical security
business requires the auditor to understand the has to be safeguarded during transfer and while
economic and regulatory environment prevailing for being stored. The liquidity characteristics of these
the principal countries in which the bank operates items make banks vulnerable to misappropriation
and fraud
True 91-93. PSA 210, “Terms of Audit PREPARED BY :
Engagements” . The auditor considers his own
skills and competence and those of his assistants
to conduct the engagement and the need for Bernadette K. Dimzon, MBA-CPA
sufficient expertise in the aspects of banking Faculty, In-Charge
relevant to the audit of the bank’s business
False 94-96. The audit assertion of the bank
auditor should include obtaining a sufficient
knowledge of the entity’s business and
governance structure, and a sufficient
understanding of the accounting and internal
control systems, including risk management and
internal audit functions
True 97-99. In addition to the general factors
set out in PSA 210, the auditor considers
including comments on the following when
issuing an engagement letter. The use and source
of specialized accounting principles, with
particular reference to : Pronouncements of the
BSP and other regulatory authorities (e.g., the
Philippine Deposit Insurance Commission)
True 100-102. Corporate governance plays a
particularly important role in banks; PDIC sets
out requirements for banks to have effective
corporate governance structures. Accordingly, the
auditor obtains an understanding of the bank’s
corporate governance structure and how those
charged with governance discharge their
responsibilities for the supervision, control and
direction of the bank
True 103-105. Banks are regulated by the BSP,
whose regulatory requirements often influence
the BSP Charter that banks follow.
Non-compliance with regulatory requirements, for
example, capital adequacy requirements, could
have implications for the bank’s financial
statements or the disclosures therein


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