Grade 11 First Term Paper

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First Term

Grade 11 International Language - English Time : 3 Hours

Index / Name Part 1

Part 11

Test 1 Part 1
Read the following dialogue and fill in the blanks. Use the words given in the box. There is one extra
word.The first one is done for you.
you, my, us, I, We, you, she
A: Hi guys
B: Hi, what’s up?
A: Oh, not much. I’m bored.
C: if you are bored you should play a game of basketball with us. (1)..... are just about to begin.
D: Yeah, that sounds like a great idea.
A: Well, okay. I’ll play, but (2)..............’m not very good.
B: That doesn’t matter. None of (3)........ are very good. Besides, we are just playing for some exercise.
A: Okay cool.
C: There are four of us so we should play 2 on 2.
D: Yeah, that seems fair.
A: Let me put (4)............... athletic shoes on and I will be ready to go.
B: Okay, we will wait for (5)..............
C: I am glad that we will finally have even teams! 1x5=5 Marks

Test 2
Fill in the blanks in the following passage using the given words. The first one is done for you.
of, for, until, near, to, in

My most favorite game is Football. It is a world famous game. Football is such a popular game that it is played
even (0) in the most remote corner of my country. People walk long distances (1) ............... watch a football
match. Even old people enjoy watching this game. To play this most interesting, I go to the field (2).....................
my house where my friends wait (3) .................. me every late afternoon. My friends also love this game very
much. We play (4) ..................... dark.But it is a very hard game. It requires a lot (5) ......................strength to
kick the ball. They must also be skillful in controlling the ball. All this makes the game a difficult game indeed.
Playing football however help us healthy and active. I shall always love this game. 1x5=5 Marks
Test 3
Match the adjectives and definitions. Write the correct letter in the space given. The first one is done for
you. Definitions
1. He wants to do well in life. …f... a. selfish d. shy
2. She finds it difficult to talk to new people. ……. b. sociable e. co-operative
3. She doesn’t like working. ……. c. lazy f. ambitious
4. He likes being with other people. …….
5. She is good at working with other people. …….
6. He only thinks about himself. ……. 1x5=5 Marks
Test 4
Study the picture and fill in the blanks in the text given below.

This is a picture of children’s park. There are two coconut (1)______________ in the picture. There is a one
storey (2)______________ in the corner. There are two (3)_______________ with painted faces. The
(4)__________ is shining brightly. There are some (5)_______________ in the sky. There are two children
playing with (6)___________. There is an (7)_____________ in front of the lady. She is reading a
(8)____________. There is a (9)____________ and a (10)_____________ near the two children.

1/2x10=5 Marks

Test 5
Match the expression in Column “A” with the appropriate language functions in Column “B”.

e.g: 0. Could you please carry this for me? ( d ) (a) asking for information

1. Your picture is lovely ( ) (b) giving advice

2. I am sorry to have hurt you ( ) (c) inviting

3. Why don’t you join us for dinner tonight? ( ) (d) asking for help

4. You must take a lot of rest ( ) (e) complementing

5. Which bus goes to the campus? ( ) (f) apologising 1x5=5 Marks

Test 6
Read the clues. Understand the story. Write it in not less than 60 words.
Crow - thirsty. fly - here - there. see - pot - garden. sit - pot. There - some
water - pot. crow - think - plan. pick up - pebbles - put - pot. Water - come
up. Crow - drink - water - fly - happily.
...................................................................................................................................................... C- 2
...................................................................................................................................................... L- 3
5 Marks
Test 7
Read the following text about Earth Day and answer the questions given.
Earth Day, Every Day
Earth Day is on April 22nd every year. Earth Day is a day to remember to take care of our planet, Earth. We can
take care of our planet by keeping it clean. We can keep Earth clean by following the rule of reduce, reuse,
recycle”. Reduce means use less. We can reduce our use of resources like water or gasoline. Reuse means use
again, rather than throw things away. We can reuse many things, such as jars, plastic bags, and boxes. Recycle
means to make something new from something old. We can keep Earth clean by recycling materials such as
aluminum, paper, and plastic. If we take these materials to a recycling center, they can be used again in a
different way. On Earth Day, we remind ourselves and everyone on Earth that we must do these things. We must
do these things every day, not just on Earth Day. We must all do our part, and we can make a difference. On
April 22nd, remind everyone you know that every day is Earth Day!
1. What is the purpose of this essay?
2. In which month is Earth Day celebrated?
3. On Earth Day we remind people to...
4. What are the things we can reuse?
5. Why does the writer think that Earth Day should be every day?
1x5=5 Marks

Test 8

Write a short paragraph on one of the following. Use about 50 – 60 words.

(1) Let’s prevent Dengue (2) Our school sports meet

............................................................................................................................................................ C- 2
............................................................................................................................................................ L- 3
......................................................................................................................................................... 5 Marks
Test 9 Part 11

Rewrite the following Active voice sentences into passive voice sentences.

01. The woman founded the club. ...................................................................................

02. This entry took the prize. ...................................................................................

03. The girl is playing the guitar. ...................................................................................

04. The mailman has delivered the letter. ...................................................................................

05. The chauffeur can drive the car. ...................................................................................

06. The child had chosen the hat. ...................................................................................

07. The cat chases the mouse. ...................................................................................

08. The workers will weave the carpet. ...................................................................................

09. The dealer will have sold the car. ...................................................................................

10. The elephant was splashing the water. ...................................................................................

1/2x10=5 Marks
Test 10
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words given within brackets.
Example: If I get an interview, I will buy (buy) a new suit.
01. If we ............................(get) a taxi, we’ll arrive on time.
02. If I won the lottery, I ............................(buy) you a car.
03. If we ................................ (not leave) now, we’ll be late.
04. She’ll pass the exam if she ............................ (work) harder.
05. ............................ you ............................ (learn) a language if you had more time?
06. If they ............................ (have) more money they could go on holiday.
07 If I were you you, I ............................ (stop) smoking.
08. I would fly all over the world if I ............................ (be) a bird.
09. If you ............................ (study) hard, you would have passed the exam
10. If he had come on time, he ............................. (catch) the bus. 1/2x10=5 Marks

Test 11
Select a word from the box which has a similar meaning to the phrases given within brackets and write it in the space
given. There are three extra words.

enemies / rotation / observation / pests / ways / methods / chemical / animals

The Department of Agriculture allows the cultivators to use a variety of (1) _________________ ( ways of doing
something ) of getting rid of plant (2) ________________________ ( destructive insects ). Some of them are biological
control or using the natural (3) ______________________ ( groups hostile to another ) of the pest, cultural practices
such as crop (4) __________________ ( move in a circle ) , physical control and (5) _____________________ ( an
artificially prepared substance ) control.
Test 12
Read the following paragraph and fill in the blanks using the words given below. The first one is done for

times home their foreigners the places of perahera

by famous along elephants festival Maligawa most sacred

Sri Lanka is (1) ___famous ____ for many sacred (2) _____ visited by both (3)__________
and locals. Sri Dalada (4) ____ in Kandy is the (5) _____ for the Tooth Relic (6)
___________ Lord Buddha and is the (7) Sri Lankan temple. During the Temple’s (8)
____ season, the casket of the Tooth Relic is taken in procession (9) ______ the streets
accompanied (10) ___________ dancers, drummers and (11) ____. While this is (12)
___largest perahera or religious (13) _ in the island , the other temples around the island
also hold (14) ____ own peraheras at different (15) ________ of the year.

1/2x14=7 Marks

Test 13

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb given within brackets. The first one is done for you.

On the last day of her holiday in India, Kamani (1) saw ( see ) a beautiful necklace in a shop in Agra. It
(2) ____________ (has) lovely silver and blue stones. She (3) ______________ ( go ) into the shop and (4)
___________ ( ask ) the price. “It (5) _____________ ( be ) very expensive,” the Indian woman in the shop (6)
____________ ( say ), “That necklace (7) ______________ ( be ) very old. It (8) ______________
( bring ) you luck and you will never (9) _________________ ( loose ) it.” So, Kamani (10) _____________

( buy ) it, because the next day she (11)_________________ ( fly ) back home. 1/2x10=5 Marks

Test 14

You are a tour guide. You visited Sigiriya with a group of tourists. Select five suitable instructions from the list and
write the letter in the given space. The first one is done for you.
a. Don’t touch the ruins. f. Use a parachute.
b. Don’t step in to the ponds. g. Don’t take the highway.
c. Don’t go on footboard. h. Use the lifesaving kits
d. Wear your uniform. i. Don’t go to the edges of the rock.
e. Be careful of wasps. j. Don’t throw rubbish.

1x5=5 Marks
Test 14

Write a letter to your pen friend describing a function held in your school. Use about 100 words. Include the

-What was the function - Who was the Chief Guest,

-When was it held -What were the programmes

-Who were invited,


The following bar graph shows the number of people who watch channel “Sirasa TV” from 7.00p.m to 9.00 p.m in
several districts in Sri Lanka. Look at the graph and write a report using 100 words. Include the following words:

highest, lowest, more than, less than, equal, most, least

........................................................................................................................................................ C- 3
........................................................................................................................................................ L- 3
........................................................................................................................................................ O-2
......................................................................................................................................................... M-2
10 Marks
Test 15

Read the following passage and answer the questions.

How many times a day do you turn a tap on? How often do you think about where your water comes from and
where it goes after you have used it? Do you know that most fresh water sources are so dirty that the water must be
purified before it is drunk? Do you know what makes the water dirty?

Oil is one source of water pollution. Oil floats on water and does not dissolve in it. If a big tanker loses oil in the
sea, an oil slick forms on the surface. Sea birds and fish are killed and beaches are polluted as a result.

Fuel oil contains sulphur. When oil is burnt in industry, sulphur dioxide is formed. This combines with water
particles in the atmosphere and falls as rain. This rain is diluted to sulphuric acid. In countries like Norway and Sweden,
the solid does not contain enough of the alkalis which are needed to neutralize this acid. So the fish in Scandinavian
lakes and rivers are poisoned by high acid concentration in the water.

Water is also polluted by chemicals which are pumped out as industrial waste. Mercury is one such chemical
which is poisonous. Japanese people have died after eating fish from mercury polluted water.

Sewage too causes water pollution. Sewage is broken down and pumped back to the lakes. Detergents and
insecticides too pollute the water which is one of our natural resources.

(1) Say whether the following statements are true or false by writing T or F against each of them.

(i) The water must be purified before it is drunk. ( )

(ii) Oil dissolves in water. ( )

(iii) The fish in Norwagian lakes are poisoned. ( )

(iv) Chemicals pumped out as industrial waste, purify water. ( )

(2) How does an oil slick form on the surface of the sea? ___________________________________________

(3) What does fuel oil contain? ______________________________________________________________

(4) Name two sources of water pollution given in the text. __________________________________________

(5) Underline the correct answer. Japanese people have died,

(i) after drinking pure water. (iii) after eating fish from polluted water.

(ii) after burning the fuel oil. (iv) after cleaning the waterways.

(6) Write a word from the passage which is similar in meaning to the following.

(a) new - _________________ (b) include - _______________________

(7) What do the following words in the passage refer to?

(a) it ( line 3 ) - ____________ (b) this ( line 7 ) - ___________________

8 Marks
Test 16

Write on one of the following. Use about 200 words.

(1)You are asked to deliver a speech on the topic “Respecting Elders”. Write the speech
you would give. Explain the way you should respect the elders and the importance of especting them.

(2)Write an article to the newspaper on the topic “The importance of protecting Public Property”.
Include following;
-what is public property

-why should you protect them

-how can you protect them

(3) Complete the following story.

It was the last day of the third term. The teacher came to the class with a smiling face.

Everybody was excited………….

(4) Complete the following dialogue.

Heshan : Where have you been? I’ve been searching for you for more than an hour.

Suresh : I’m sorry. I...............................................................................................................................................

C- 5
L- 5

Marking Scheme - English Language
First Term - Grade 11

Test 1
1. We 2. I 3. us 4. my 5. you. 1x5=5 Marks

Test 2
1. to 2. near 3. for 4. until 5. of 1x5=5 Marks

Test 3
1. (d) shy 2. (c) lazy 3. (b) sociable 4. (e) co-operative 5. (a) selfish 1x5=5 Marks

Test 4
1.trees 2. building 3. trains 4. sun 5. clouds
6. toys 7. umbrella 8. book 9. chair 10. ball 1/2x10=5 Marks

Test 5
1. e 2. f 3. c 4. b 5. a 1x5=5 Marks

Test 6
C-2 L -3 5 Marks

Test 7
1. to take care of our planet 2. April 3. remind everyone that every day is Earth Day
4. jars, plastic bags, and boxes 5. Because, People should take care of the planet every day.
1x5=5 Marks
Test 8
C - 2, L - 3 5 Marks

Test 9
1. The club was founded by the woman
2. The prize was taken by this entry.
3. The guitar is being played the girl.
4. The letter has been delivered by the mailman.
5. The car can be driven by the chauffeur.
6. The hat had been chosen by the child.
7. The mouse is chased by the cat.
8. The carpet will be woven by the workers.
9. The car will have been sold by the dealer.
10. The water was being splashed by the elephant. 1/2x10=5 Marks

Test 10
1. get 2. would buy 3. do not leave 4. works 5. Would ---- learn
6. had 7. would stop 8. were 9. had studied 10. would have caught
1/2x10=5 Marks

Test 11
1. methods 2. pests 3. enemies 4. rotation 5.chemical
1x5 = 5 Marks
Test 12
2. places 3. foreiners 4.Maligawa 5. most scred 6. of 7.home 8.perehara
9. along 10.perehara 11.elephants 12.the 13.festival 14. their 15. times
1/2x14= 7 Marks
Test 13
2.had 3. went 4. asked 5. was 6. said
7. is 8. will bring 9. loose 10. bought 11. will fly
1/2x10=5 Marks

Test 14 (Delete)
a, b, e, i, j

Test 14
C- 3 L- 3 O-2 M-2 10Marks

Test 15
1. (i) T (ii) F (iii)F (iv)F 2 Marks
2. If a big tanker loses oil in the sea, an oil slick forms on the surface. 1 Mark
3. sulphur 1 Mark
4.chemicals, Sewage 1 Mark
5. iii 1 Mark
6. (a) fresh (b) contain 1 Mark
7. (i) water (ii) sulphur dioxide 1 Mark
8 Marks

Test 16
C- 5 L- 5 O-2 M-3 15 Marks

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