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Campus 3.

0 series by Aliza Shamsi

Case studies

1. Find the number of iPhones sold in a year
2. No of pizzas delivered in Bombay.
3. Market size of smart watches in Dhoona village.
4. Guess the number of washing machines sold in a year in Delhi
5. How many burgers are sold my Mc Donalds each day?
6. What is the market size of tea in India?
7. Estimate number of water bottles sold in Delhi.
8. Estimate the amount of fast food consumed in your hometown in a day.
9. Find the number of anime watchers across the globe
10.Estimate the number of shows airing in India every month
11.No. of plays of your favourite artist on Spotify.
12.Number of credit card users in India.
13.Amount of money transferred per day
14.Estimate annual income of Elon Musk.
15.Number of people arriving at Rajiv Gandhi metro station in a single day.
16.Number of aircrafts taking off from IGI Airport.
17.Estimate the number of vehicles passing through a junction.
18.Guess the number of petrol pumps in Delhi
19.Estimate the no. bullet bikes that you can park on the Himalayan ranges.
20.How many traffic lights are there on your way to college?
21.How many times is the word Beautiful searched on Google?
22.Estimate the number of children that are going to be born in India tomorrow.
23.No. of new year wishes shared on 1st jan
24.No of students sitting for campus placements in DU.
25.No. of 10cm balls that will fill this room.
Campus 3.0 series by Aliza Shamsi

Model building

1. If you are to open a bank branch for a client, what conditions will come to your mind
as a solution?
2. If you are given task to model customer attrition. what are the various parameters
you would use and how would you build the model?
3. These days, online use of credit card apps is trending. What would you do to help
your client ensure that maximum customers use these apps?
4. How does a bank decide whether to give loan to an institution or not?
5. Suppose you are working at a bank, what changes will you suggest to increase
customer centricity?
6. Suppose you work at a tech department at bank, outline a dashboard for the bank to
attract more clients.
7. If you are given data of transaction date, and merchant details, what insights can you
draw from this data?
8. What type of questions will an insurance company ask from you when you want to
take property insurance?
9. You've to develop a model for gauging Climate risk for a client, i.e; No. of natural
disasters occurring in a year. Build the solution and convince the client that it Is the
best for them.

10.Factors to consider to improve customer satisfaction at The Taj.
11.You are working for the producer of a travel-related show, helping her determine the
optimal streaming service to sell its rights to.
12.What are some KPI's to evaluate if one campaign is performing better than the other?
13.Assam Tourism Board has hired you to provide the recommendations on how to
attract more tourists. What information would you need and how will you collect that
14.Factors that a fast food chain considers while ordering potatoes,
15.You are working for Zomato and you've to predict the delivery time of an order from
ordering till delivery. Tell us your approach.
Campus 3.0 series by Aliza Shamsi

16.Ola has additional marketing budget, how to choose areas to allocate the additional
17.You are in an Airlines company and you want to calculate the delay time, how will you
model it and what are the features you would use for modelling?
18.How would you introduce flying cars to the market?
19.Your friend wants to buy a car, either EV or Diesel Car. Give your recommendations.
20.Assume that the Bengaluru traffic is caused by commercial vehicles rather than
private vehicles. How would you test it? What will be your approach?

21.Which factors would affect the declining profit of a grocery store?
22.Imagine you are about to start a retail business based out of Bengaluru. Choose a
domain of your choice.
23.Profits of a detergent manufacturer are declining. Suggest a dashboard to track his
income and area of flaw.

24.Build a model for classifying if your mentee's CV is good or bad.
25.Build a model to find whether someone is going to wish you happy birthday or not.
Campus 3.0 series by Aliza Shamsi


1. There are 4 tyres in a car, and each can cover 5000 kms individually. There is also a spare
tyre with the same capacity. At what distance, will the spare tyre be used to replace an
existing tyre. Also calculate the total distance covered by the car, given that the wear and
tear for each tyre occurs at the same time.
2. Measure 9 mins with the help of two hourglasses of 4 min and 7 min
3. You have 5 jars of pills. Each pill weighs 10 grams, except for the contaminated pills
contained in one jar, where each pill weighs 9 grams. Given a scale, how could you tell which
jar had the contaminated pills in just one measurement?
4. There are 3 ants sitting on three corners of a triangle. All ants randomly pick a direction and
start moving along edge of the triangle. What is the probability that any two ants collide?
5. If we have 9 balls, one of them is heavy and a weighing scale is available. How many
minimum times would you have to use the scale to find the heavier ball?
6. Water lily doubles itself each day. If the pond is fully covered on 20th day, when was the
pond half covered?
7. You have two water bottles of 3L and 5L. Measure 4L
8. A frog fell in well of depth 30 cm and it climbs 4 cm in day time and falls 3cm in the night.
How many days it will take to come out of well?
9. There are 3 switches outside the room and 3 bulbs inside the room, how will you decide
which switch is for which bulb? You can open the room only once. Now what if the bulbs are
LED and do not generate heat?
10. Cut cake into 8 pieces using 3 cuts only.
11. There are 25 horses. Race can be between 5 horses at a time. How many minimum races
you need to conduct in order to choose the fastest 5 horses?
12. There are two empty bowls in a room. You have 50 white balls and 50 black balls. After you
place the balls in the bowls, a random ball will be picked from a random bowl. Distribute the
balls into the bowls to maximize the chance of picking a white ball.
13. A person raises to a fence by 20 yards and steps down by 5 yards. In how many minutes, will
the person reach 80 yards?
14. There are two wires, both are of identical lengths. They both burn out in 1 hour but at
different rates. How will you measure 45 mins through burning of these wires?
15. Two trains are on same track and they are coming towards each other. The speed of both
the trains is 60km/hr. A bee starts flying between the trains when the distance between two
trains is 60 km. The bee first flies from first train to second train. Once it reaches the second
train, it immediately flies back to the first train and so on until the trains collide. Calculate
the total distance travelled by the bee. Speed of bee is 50 km/h.
16. Say you have 3 jars containing pills A, B and both A and B. The jars are mislabelled. You have
to label the jars correctly. How many jars would you need to open?
17. There are 4 persons (A, B, C and D) who want to cross a bridge in night. A takes 1 minute to
cross the bridge. B takes 2 minutes to cross the bridge. C takes 5 minutes to cross the bridge.
D takes 8 minutes to cross the bridge. Can they all cross the bridge in 15 minutes? (There is
Campus 3.0 series by Aliza Shamsi

only one torch with them and the bridge cannot be crossed without the torch. There cannot
be more than two persons on the bridge at any time, and when two people cross the bridge
together, they must move at the slower person’s pace.)
18. 2 or 1.005^200 which one's larger?
19. If one side of triangle is 8cm, other is 6 cm, then what are the possible values of third side?
20. Find the number of edges of an n-dimensional cube
21. Find P(A intersection B), P(A-B) when P(A) = 2/3 and P(B) = 4/5. Show it on the Venn
diagram. Find maximum and minimum values of union and intersection.
22. 100 prisoners in jail are standing in a queue facing in one direction. Each prisoner is wearing
a hat of color either black or red. A prisoner can see hats of all prisoners in front of him in
the queue, but cannot see his hat and hats of prisoners standing behind him. How many
prisoners can get saved if they are allowed to discuss a strategy before the jailer starts
asking colors of their hats.?
23. Two people standing at two ends of a straight line. They start walking towards each other. A
can use speeds 3,4,5,6km/hr. B can use speeds 4,5,6,7 km/hr. What's the probability that A
will travel more than B?
24. There are 1000 wine bottles. One of the bottles contains poisoned wine. A rat dies after one
hour of drinking the poisoned wine. How many minimum rats are needed to figure out
which bottle contains poison in hour.
25. 10 bags each contain infinite coins of weight 1 gm. If one of the bags contains all coins of 1.1
gm, then in how many attempts can you identify that bag?
26. There are 21 toffees in a shop. You get 1 toffee in exchange for 3 wrappers. What is the
maximum no of toffees you can get?
27. There are 50 students, what is the probability of all of them having different birthdates and
same birthdates?
28. Three Employees want to know the average of their salaries. They are not allowed to share
their individual salaries. How will they know it?
29. There are two boxes and one box contain 20 black socks and other contains 20 white socks.
There are 2 boys which enter the room one by one and pick one sock. What is probability
that both of them have picked the black sock?
30. What is the Monty Hall problem.
31. In a room with dimensions 10x10x10, filled with 1x1x1 boxes, what is the remaining count of
boxes after removing those touching any of the walls?
32. There is a bucket which fills up in 3 mins by a tap, but takes 4 mins time when there is a
hole. What is the time taken to empty the bucket by the hole?
33. Make 1000 from eight 8s using any operation.
34. How to fill this room in Rs 10/-
35. If a river has an average depth of 3m and you are of 4m then will you be able to cross the
river walking?

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