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Examen _2º_ Trimestre Curso_4º ESO A_

Asignatura: _HISTORY _ Fecha: _30/03/22_

Nombre:___________________________________________ Nota:___________

1. What was the objective of the Berlin Conference? (0.5 p)

2. Are the following sentences TRUE or FALSE? Correct the false ones (0.5p)

a. During Imperialism, raw materials were cheaper in the mother countries

b. Westerners viewed native peoples in the colonies as inferior.
c. Scientific expeditions helped reduce imperialism.
d. Nicholas II was an absolute monarch.
e. The Mensheviks were more radical than the Bolsheviks.

3. Complete the text about the causes of World War II. (1p)

World War II (______ -______) was a vast conflict fought in ___________. It was a conflict
between the Axis powers and the __________ powers.
The war was caused by:
-The impact of ___________. This caused ___________.
-The rise of ____________ and nationalism.
-The weakness of _____________.
-The ________ Depression. There were economic crises in many countries in the ______.

4. Write true or false in the following statements and correct the false ones. (2p)

- Holocaust was the planned and systematic extermination of the Jewish communities in
Europe. __
- It began after Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933. __
- When Germany invaded the USSR the genocide finished. __
- At the Wannsee Conference the adopted the “Final Solution”, which was to stop
extermination. __

5. On the timeline, label the main periods of Spanish history: (1p)

Examen _2º_ Trimestre Curso_4º ESO A_
Asignatura: _HISTORY _ Fecha: _30/03/22_

Nombre:___________________________________________ Nota:___________

The 2nd Republic is proclaimed (a)

Alfonso XIII comes of age (b)
The Spanish civil war (c)
Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera (d)
End of the war (e).

1902 1939

6. Use the events to complete the table about The second Spanish Republic: (2p)

Republican reforms are blocked, autonomy of Catalonia, on 17 th July they initiated a military
rebellion, Manuel Azaña is named prime minister, lasted from 1933 to 1935, left-wing political
groups working together.


7. Explain the following concept: Spanish civil war: the two zones (2p)

8. Explain the following concept: The impact of the Civil War: human loss and displacement
and exile (1p)

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