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Name: Jayson B. Sambuena STUDENT NO.


Name: Jayson B. Sambuena

Section: CEAT-01-904P

My professional worksheet

Values & I value my work ethics and the quality of my work. As an architect I want to be valued not only
personal for my skills but also on my passion on making Floor plans and designing a building. On the
beliefs: other hand, my personal beliefs are that designing something is not only particular on the
aesthetics of the building but also on the useful functionality of it towards the user. Also, I
believe that it is important to share your knowledge to other aspiring architects so that the
knowledge will not stop on you but will pass through to other people.

3-5 Goals: GOALS:

1. My first goal is to pass the board exam and become a licensed architect.
2. To become part of a firm company and build up my knowledge on the work cycle of my
3. Become a better employee to my company and create a huge impact on the progress of
my company’s projects.
4. To be promoted on the higher position so that I can have a wider source of knowledge
which I can use to my future career on this field.
5. To be a role model employee to the newbies of the company and spread knowledge
towards them.
2-3 things 1. Finishing a lot of tasks in a single day of work.
that make 2. Knowing that someone is learning or gaining knowledge from my advice.
me 3. When someone appreciate my work ethics on the field.
Name: Jayson B. Sambuena STUDENT NO. 2018-105992

2-3 things 1. I am good at socializing with colleagues at work.

I am good 2. Good on being a leader to a group of people.
at: 3. Good on explaining things and giving assistance to the newcomers.
4. Good on handling multiple tasks at the same time.
5. Good on managing time efficiently.

Dream & My ultimate dream on my professional career is to have a patented design style that will also
Vision: serve as my legacy on this field. I also envision to become a successful owner of a firm
company someday.

2-3 things I 1. Passionate on helping other people to achieve their dream house.
am 2. Passionate on creating artworks and designs.
passionate 3. Passionate on becoming a better architect every day.
What kind of The reputation that I want to build on my professional career is being hands-on or
reputation I responsible on task that is given to me, respectful to whoever person, being prompt on
want to schedules and deadlines of work and to integrate a credibility to gain clients’ trust.
Name: Jayson B. Sambuena STUDENT NO. 2018-105992


“I am a well-disciplined and time strict individual who have a mission to become a role model to other

people and share knowledge to the aspiring architects of the country. I am persisted to become an

excellent architect who have the ability to manage different field of works and have the confident to

provide the best output of work to the clients and to the future architects of the society.”
Reflection Questions: Please write 3-5 sentences
Name: Jaysonfor each prompt. STUDENT NO. 2018-105992
B. Sambuena
1. Looking at your goals and Yes, because my goals and values are focused on building up a good professional status
values, did your decisions in this not only to my company but also to my career as a license architect. This values and goals
incident detract from that? Why that I look into is the main concept of my mission statement because I can’t achieve all of
or why not? it if I will not possess my mission statement. That’s why it really affects my decision factor
on making my mission statement.

2. Was your behavior in line with Yes, my behavior and attitude are well composed to achieve my mission. For me, it is
your mission statement? Why or very important to discipline yourself and manage your behavior and attitude towards
why not? every work because it will have a big impact on the result and progress of the whole
mission that you are maintaining to have.

3. What might you need to I think what I might change on my personality or character to ensure that I’m on the right
consider or change in the future path of achieving my mission and goals is that to stop being attached too much to things
to ensure your decisions and or people. I think this attitude is the one that I need to change on myself. Because being
behavior are in line with your attached emotionally to people or object can affect your decision making and may lead to
mission and goals? wrong decision and worst may affect your mission and goals in the future. I think it is
much better to set aside my emotion on making decision and let my brain do the work.
Hopefully changing it or at least minimizing it will have a great addition on achieving my
mission and goals in the future.

4. How can you use this incident I’ll use it to become a better person and be nicer to my work. I’ll use it as a learning
as an opportunity to learn and experience and serve as my foundation and it cannot hold me from my goals and mission
work towards achieving your in life. I will be more disciplined and respectful on my work so that my personal goals and
personal goals and mission? mission will not be compromised but will continue to grow until I finally achieve it
Name: Jayson B. Sambuena STUDENT NO. 2018-105992


“My vision is to accomplish a professional license to jumpstart my career in a well-known local firm. I envision

myself contributing to the evolution of design in the architectural field and possess a certain identity with my

own unique character, design, and style. With the success coming with this journey, I want to inspire future

architects using my own patented architectural design that I believe will be a highlight of my career in the

future. Embarking this career path is my obligation to make necessary sacrifices to maintain my focus and

passion to attain my visions.”

Name: Jayson B. Sambuena

Student No: 2018-105992

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