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A small introduction

It is not difficult for me to see and sometimes guess, what to many may seem unlikely or unexplained. It 'a gift, this, in the twilight of
receiving a basilica alive and talking, today wound.
Lived with this talent given to me by passing euphoria "discover" the sadness of a situation for which I am often only partially
understood, if not ridiculed, the maximum permissible, as you can tolerate a neighbor park, certainly harmless , but certainly a little '...
In any case, I chose this fate because of knowledge that has made me more and more like a bridge stretched between its many
interpretations, which I know is only apparently different. My ultimate goal and hope before, are those aspects of leading even
superficially understood as "esoteric" in a strictly scientific officer, because, with all my heart, I believe that the future man will have a
new impetus from a third way, dictated by the merger of these two aspects, which is still dangerously far.
I would therefore show that acupuncture, in essence, is one of many, he excelled, interpretations, universal knowledge of that which I
deal with for years, so that we can clarify some aspects, we probably unknown to medicine, which could increase even more if with the
utmost sincerity, agreed to consider other points of view. I apologize, so from now, if my writing, sometimes you will feel the unbearable
smell of a saccenza not borne out, in this case, bonds or certificates of specific doctors, but I hope you consider me as a pioneer who
seeks to re-open ancient doors with key knowledge that I have just re-forged.
Without further ado, step, therefore, the true heterogeneous motivations of my writing.

A medicine originated in Mesopotamia

With great honesty, I say that I do not mind I do not have direct experience of Acupuncture and its healing ability, but I think I
understand, in short, that this therapeutic technique (contrary to every standard Western-type healing officer), based on the
interpretation the flow of masculine and feminine energy (Yin and Yang) called IQ, is able, for millennia, to cure the man through the
identification of energy channels called meridians and nodes, in which needles are placed on specific, so energies of the two above,
are, in case of deficiency toned, and without drain or freed, in case of excess.
In this context, the disease itself, is the result of a series of behaviors that culminate in mental or food energy states characterized by a
substantial lack of balance between the two types of energy. I learned also that today's Western medicine has partially accepted the use
of Acupuncture, even officially, because, undeniably, we have realized that there are physical mechanisms that validate its usefulness in
a large number of disorders, in such as the "disease" would have no other way to be fought and won only through the use of chemical
and pharmacological. But still today, again by the medical establishment, a substantial distrust of treating this system, mainly due to a
fundamental reason, the following: the refined system of meridians used by acupuncturists than 5000 years by Chinese, physically,
does not have a direct anatomical correspondence in the human body "Western".
There is, therefore, faced with a paradox in terms for which a type of medicine actually valid for a civilization, is not considered a
civilization that is completely "other", like ours. Not only that acupuncture clearly works in the West, but, basically, our medicine does not
know why ... ....

And here begins my work, because I remain speechless in front of such superficiality West.
In fact, the same cognitive system with which the Chinese cure, divine and exercise "martial" their physical dexterity, we Westerners
have built, painted, sculpted, etc. numbered. and so on.
This is a son of a physiology of heaven, without fear imprinted in the human and regalataci times and unknown ways, in a moment in
history to be defined.
Leave, then just the acupuncture meridians, marking an extremely complex, whose synthesis, however, in my opinion, lies in one word:

Who has had the opportunity to approach my studies knows that, for me, there are numerical sequences crucial for the understanding of
what surrounds us, therefore, first of all, I want to summarize the "numbers" of the ancient Taoist medicine question.
There are 8 Meridians "curious" to whom is attributed the formation of the human body, which, in turn, give rise to 12 bodies.
These organs are the guarantors of 12 major meridians, each in charge of 4 secondary meridians defined:
 sinew,
Luo longitudinal and
Luo transverse
for a total of 48 meridians.
Consequently, the sum of organs, meridians, minor and major amounts to 72 units.

At this point, I have distilled the essence of the whole numerical constitutive and it's time to pass the examination of a report
plurimillennial Mesopotamia, known as: Sumerian List of Kings, so that we can begin to see how widespread and how this sequence
number, guarantor, essentially - as I learned through my studies - the encoding, never completely deciphered by man, a creative
system, I would call .... divine.
But first, I would anticipate the "patients" readers, that my interpretation, although the descriptive characteristics of a historical study,
"hope" will also provide medical answers, a supposed mystery for which, on Earth, human anatomy and physiology, seem to have more
different uses and interpretations, however, fraught with positive effects, such as Acupuncture shows.

Sumerian List of Kings

After the descent of the kingship of the heavens,

The kingship was in Eridu,
In Eridu Alulim became king,
He ruled for 28800 years.
Alalgar ruled for 36000 years.
"Two" King;
They ruled for 64800 years.
Then Eridu fell
And the kingship was moved to Bad-Tibira
He became King in Bad-Tibira Enmenluanna;
He ruled for 43200 years.
Enmengalanna ruled for 28800 years.
Dumuzi the shepherd, ruled for 36000 years.
"Three" King 108000 years they ruled.
Bad-you-Bira fell
And the kingship was moved to Laraki.
A Laraki, Ensipadzidanna reigned 28800 years.
"A" king ... .... He ruled for 28800 years.
Laraki fell
And the kingship was removed to Sippar.
At Sippar Enmeduranna became king
It ruled for 21000 years
Then Sippar fell
It was moved to the kingship Shuruppak.
Ubaratutu became king, he ruled for 18600 years
"A" king ... ... .. he ruled for 18600 years.

In "Five" city "Otto" King,

they ruled for "241200" years,

Then the Flood "overwhelmed everything."

What you just read is a translation of what, engraved in cuneiform characters, does show off for thousands of years, of a prism stone,
known to history as: Blundell prism, named after its discoverer.
I studied, I am committed and deeply still in it, the meaning of the text and I learned at my expense and time, how safe it is to hide in a
place visible to all, something very important, making it virtually invisible ....
Now, following the thread of symbolism and analogy, that leads from the beginning my studies and my research, I would like to proceed
with "my" proof of the grounds at the base of this "science" East, asking the patient and a willingness to embrace a path seemingly
convoluted and misleading. I will try, therefore, to take you through what were the countless questions I have asked and have influenced
my "wanderings" in the various fields of knowledge.

First, we try to replace the eight meridians Curious, with the Mesopotamian King Otto, thereby resulting in eight temporal frequencies.
Then we look at the final calculation of Eight times reigning, where we can find, numerically, something that has a lot to do with the 12
organs and their 12 main meridians and passing the examination, it is very important to note that this calculation has a strange
peculiarity: it is in fact divisible into 1 \ 3, and 2 \ 3 of a further sum equal to 36 units.
Let us now examine the place where the whole scene takes place: the text speaks of 5 cities, just as are the 5 main elements present in
I think, therefore, to say that the numerical analogies, though belonging to the meanings and contexts of time, completely different
geographical and civilian, seem to be many.
I think also important to note that the list ends his description of King speaking, city and time rulers, placed historically before the flood
and I know that science is willing to support such a catastrophic event, or several smaller events like this, pigeonholed historical rather
random in an area, located between 10000 and 12000 years ago. I make this clarification, but to give an idea of the historical context
through which we are moving.
Accordingly, it becomes natural to ask what are those huge arches of time, quite clearly understood by archeology prank, much to leave
the exhibit, without explanation, in a dusty glass case, in that of Oxford, but you need to get an answer take a further step.


At this point, we leave the list to speak of a science semi-official, called Cymatics. Today it is established, thanks to a long series of
experiments which culminated in the 70 publications and articles in accredited journals, that certain materials such as sand, dust, water,
etc.. etc., show a rather pronounced malleability, when stimulated by sound.

Figure 1

Figure 2 I would like to return, briefly, a "experiments" used by prof. Richard Buck-minster Fuller (philosopher, architect,
inventor, etc.. Etc..), To show his students the re-structuring of the pote sound. In short, he is dipping a balloon-white (one of those
once, always present near the carousel), in a very thick paint, then placed it next to
a speaker and an increasing set frequency, showed that first appeared on the surface of colored dots, which, in a very short time, were
connected by straight lines well defined (Fig. 1.2). The final result was represented by a geometric network in which, at times, it was
possible to note the coexistence of a set of solid, well-known for millennia in every civilization and commonly called in the West: the
Platonic solids (Fig. 3).

Prof. Fuller explained that the balloon in the spasmodic search for balance, rather than explode, manages to convey the sound energy
Figure 3 - The 5 Platonic Solids

strikes in intricate geometric substrate. Substrate, essentially, is a place where low-pressure, high sound pressure is channeled,
resulting in a real dynamic balance, guarantor of the future ball of the unfortunate child tinsel.
Now, imagine the Sumerian List of Kings from the point of view Cymatics.
Making the necessary substitutions, we can perceive, in the huge arches of time, the vibrational essence of the Curious Meridians and,
continuing in this game matches the Sino-Mesopotamian, we can hypothesize the list, as the synthesis of the description of an authoring
system type sonic -energy, which can manifest itself geometrically, with meridians and precise locations, through which flows a kind of
energy that we now identify with the IQ.
In this way, we are able to "interpret" the property manager, in Chinese tradition, the birth of the shape of the human body, so definitely
unusual and perhaps illuminating.
Continuing to "play" with numbers and to accomplish what they play is not, I am forced to use a millennial second example, in order to
provide more information about what lurks behind the numerical significance of the meridians, but, above all, better understand the
energy of Yin and Yang, also because I hope you're wondering what, in what appears to be the description of a creative moment, is
destined to become the balloon.

Acupuncture Heavenly

There is, in this case thousands of years, an example which, apparently, is an Egyptian cosmology. His name is famous all over the
world, "Zodiac of Dendera" and its execution is traced back to 57 AD, right in the Ptolemaic period.
This is a hard stone of a few meters in diameter, was stolen from the temple of Dendera during the period of Napoleonic rule, where
today, the chamber of the stars, it remains just a copy.

Fig 4 - Zodiac of Dendera observe the image (Fig. 4), dating back to late nineteenth-century reproduction of Jerome Segato.
Again, permit me to lead in this investigation.
In short we are seeing a huge sphere, which contains a series of beings, living and definitely composite, representing the planets, stars
and constellations. Outside of this view you can see another set of huge beings, divided into Neter, (traditional Egyptian gods with the
falcon-headed) and human women.
We are therefore observing a heavenly vision on the Milky Way, which has a strange peculiarity. In fact, while what is inside the sphere,
thanks to no-
STRI scientific means, is almost obsolete, what appears to the outside is not covered by the present day and also for the Egyptians, the
Beings who, like Atlas holding up the huge heavenly vision, are physically much larger, not only of the stars but even of whole
Therefore, I would like the number you used to understand why such symbolism, taking into account a maximum of Giordano Bruno:

"The numbers are clear physical principle, metaphysical and rational."

We return, therefore, the numbers, noting that the Atlases in question are 12 and, clearly supporting the cross-section through 24 stellar
arms. It 'so easy revise this representation, a way by which the sum of the Sumerian King List, at a later date, reappear with another
I can now tell you that the accumulation of celestial bodies contained in the ball cap, very reminiscent of that famous American professor
of the balloon, is equal to "72" units.
Returning again to the Beings, we can observe that fall into a fractional-in-1 \ 3 female and 2 units = 4 \ 3 male, equal to 8 units. We are
therefore faced with new precise numerical information, condensable in the Taoist concept of Yin and Yang.
We are seeing, perhaps for the first time, the IQ divided into fractional order, in its meaning male and female, from a civilization that can
definitely help us to understand certain energy concepts that we believe only the prerogative of the Eastern world.
Of course, the great sky watchers as the Egyptians could not be so stupid to be seen at the 30 degree latitude celestial bodies only 72,
clearly this is unlikely, they were and are infinitely more and the thing is clear, visually, then as now. So, I think that what the Egyptians
are trying to tell us through this representation, it is something that still eludes many.
In fact, they are not describing a simple sidereal vision, but authoring a mechanism that, in this case, puts the numbers in question, the
basis of the material heaven. So, they are simultaneously material and systemic causes of a creation, in this case macroscopic.
Consider then, "how", the mechanism fractional placed outside of the zodiac, is reflected in it: the 72 stellar examples are the sum of a
further subdivision (omit the explanation here), consisting of 24 female and celestial bodies 48 male, so the Egyptians applied the idea
of Yin and Yang even the creation of stars.
But I must add that not all. In fact, Dendera is the second part of a document authoring, for us non-existent, began in Mesopotamia, a
big bang of the past twelve-tone.
Summing up then, all numeric references in the Zodiac (36 +72), we will have 108 units, of which, 1 \ 3 (36) are invisible to us.
Again, the Egyptians suggest an essential fact, which should be essential for anyone involved in acupuncture, namely, that our reality
(and see also his physiology), is firmly tied, I would cast, with a dimensional system which we are perfectly ignorant, although in other
fields of human knowledge, for decades, things are not exactly so.
In summary: the balloon is "spatially", the Galaxy, while the eight frequency energy to become celestial bodies, whose membership
male or female and the related reports, outlining the subtle geometric texture through which energy flows authoring, or rather, the IQ.
And, as I was able to ascertain, the man at all the civilizations of the past is a mirror of this fractal dimensional structure.
True, false, probable? Moving on.

Examples dimensional

I realize how difficult it is to accept an issue like mine, always on the edge of the improbable, but I for one, I had to accept a reality that
reveals the human past, in this sense, cognitive surprises that should be evaluated with much more reliability and confidence, especially
in light of the fact that precisely our civilization, is trying in every way to determine, in nuclear physics laboratories around the world,
what is the secret of matter, as it truly be made, but above all what is responsible.
In this context, in recent decades, a Theory of Everything has been working out, resisting, for now, the arrival of others, rather than as a
geometric (Lie algebra E8), Antony Garrett Lisi's physical. I am referring to string theory.
A principle that, in a very simplistic to say it, the matter is none other than the daughter of a multi-dimensional. It has come to imagine
26 dimensions, in which, essentially, the strings, or strings, vibrate (sound) to sizes invisible to our existing tools, but why insist on the
dimensionality of matter, is twofold.

The first is numeric.

I think it is very important to know that the conditions of the equational theory cited above, were designed by a great Indian
mathematician: Srinivasa Ramanujan Aiyangar.
He, now famous Brahmin genius, suggested in the last century, a reality-dimensional Eightfold which determines the "our", and
motivated all through its world-famous Modular equations (Fig. 5). But what is the number system from which it draws inspiration
authoring to describe this vision at all?
As you can deduce from the attached, is as follows:
Today, these numbers, defined magic as accredited by the physicists (such as: Michio Kaku), are the foundation of the numerical string
theory, a
Figure 5 - Srinivasa Ramanujan modular equations
dimensional theory, which is why, even at the medical level, we should prepare ourselves to accept a reality in which the human
anatomy characteristics may not have fully assessed.
Why insist on this concept?
For a reason, placed right in the alleged mismatch between the meridians of Chinese knots and anatomy-Western official.

I feel to say, in fact, that acupuncture works, simply because it simulates, recounts and appeals to an anatomical structure,
dimensionally placed elsewhere, but perfectly consistent with and linked to all levels of legislation, including the anatomical. The
structure of meridians, therefore, apparently does not correspond to the anatomical Journal. Indeed, fundamentally, is inspired by its
matrix systemically.
So it would be extremely useful to understand certain medical outcomes attributable Acupuncture, understanding which features are the
size of which is inspired.
And this is the second reason why I want to dwell on this aspect.

We return to the image of the Zodiac of Dendera and look at the inside.
With a little care you can see that all the heavenly bodies obey a left-handed spiral, culminating in a strange middle thigh.
This means that there is movement inside.
A movement driven by a clear legal time.
Now look at the Beings placed outside: they are arranged spherically and property ....
As a result: within the Zodiac, there is room to move and time to do it, but outside, the concept of time and space must be understood
otherwise, given his immobility.
Again, if there is movement in space, time and matter, can not miss the sunset, then death. And outside? Outside, no! We are therefore
looking at a place where archetypal time, space, motion, matter and death find their cause, but do not exist.
These dimensionally, are the characteristics that inspired numerically Acupuncture. Basically, it works on human anatomy when it does
so with reference to the anatomy of the archetypal all creation, the same man and, as we stand in front of a type of creation Cymatics, it
is extremely important to defend it, causing the structure at low pressure, the human body, energy blockages or disease does not
manifest, so that the archetypal structure size, the eight curious meridians (high pressure), continue to radiate, in full respect of a
balance, protected by numbers representing intervals twelve-tone music.

Physiology numerical

If my analysis had only theoretical connotations, we should not find, in fact, any kind of grip, but if what I'm saying is true, then we
should find examples not only humans, but planetary or stellar, which appeal to a similar archetypal mechanism.
Before turning to this analysis, however, I have yet to investigate the Egyptian Zodiac symbols. Try to use my beings numerically.
Summing up their parts, we can get 36 units and, because of their arrangement, which is why, as always, we divide the sphere into 360
degrees and I might also add that here lies the fundamental reason why the time was widely divided in the current mode ( 12-24 hours).

Figure 6 - Precession of the Equinoxes To return, however, to the point, let us multiply the invisible (36) for the visible (the 72 celestial
bodies) and we will have a result that, in this dimension, is defined: Precession of the equinoxes (Fig. 6).
The Precession of the Equinoxes enjoys a reputation forgotten that today we can hardly justify. The man knows from time immemorial,
without knowing who he was able to land axial temporalize a path equal to 25,920 years.
But let us see briefly what is.
Basically, the hypothetical North-South axis of the earth draws an equally hypothetical ellipse celestial movements through equal to 1,
360 ° of the celestial, every 72 years. The most obvious consequence of this "race" is the Platonic appearance - approximately every
2160 years - the Spring Equinox, behind the Sun, a new constellation of the Zodiac.
The reasons for its official science "movement-land" through the Luni-solar gravitational attraction. As you can see, the numbers we are
dealing reappear this time, in context, I think, only apparently planetarium. In fact, imagine what would be the MUST bring into the field
of the heavenly bodies, so that this mechanism is flawless consumption.
For this to happen, in fact, the orbital velocities, and rotational directions followed by a huge mass of celestial bodies, will tune in, so the
Earth, the Sun, the solar system and its constellations, with their orbital systems, rotational and directional can align with a particular
spatial location, in a precise moment, after an equally precise period.
To give you an idea: the Earth has an equatorial rotational velocity equal to 1,668 km per hour, which adds an escape velocity of 11,186
meters per second. Now, imagine all those speeds in galactic and ask if a similar event precessional could exist if it were the only
reason motivating the Luni-solar attraction!
In order for this to happen, it is necessary, in my opinion, the law galactic able to coordinate, not the sidereal movements of more
bodies, but the physiology of a single living being, clearly composite, for example, the Milky Way. Consequently, the numerical scheme
described above is used dimensional so that everything done with great precision, in a thousand-year period. So we have a match
tangible to the galactic level, a number system size, able to handle not only the physiology sidereal, but also, and rightly so, the human,
such as acupuncture.
Now I ask you: do you think the more correct interpretation of the phenomenon in question by the official science, or that suggested to
us by the Egyptians?
Because, again, falsely effects "local" as those precessional are determined to substantially more systemic levels.
Similarly behaves Acupuncture. Consequently, and rightly so, the meridian system is a non-local practitioner, able to act locally, thanks
to the perfect interpretation of a law authoring dimensional, able to harmonize and reach every part or organ of the universal body,
through a sympathetic resonance, mold Cymatics.
In other words, treat a few points calling agency places, for example, the patient's ear, is the application of knowledge, conscious of the
archetypal relationships existing in a human body.

I mentioned at the beginning, man. The medicine should not ignore how and what processes circulatory, respiratory and cardiac
intervals that represent fractions or use multiple precessional number.
An example of the hundreds that human physiology can offer is the following:

You, in my view, evident and how much the human performers in fully, not solely physiology terrestrial, but schema authoring, as
mentioned, universal.
We should therefore ask why there are such numerical correspondences between the human physiology, the heavenly physician and
the system of meridians and, perhaps, we could realize our vision of what is essentially anatomical part, I would say back.
If I were to sum up, then how, where and how the number system in question has appeared in human history, should re-write a book
now historic, entitled: "The Mill Hamlet," written by Prof. Giorgio de Santillana, in 1969 .

Other interpretations

Figure 7 To confirm further my point of view, I will now resort to a second type of anatomy, the Vedic, to demonstrate
that the human anatomical structure, can have multiple interpretations and use, never wrong when referring to the "matrix" in question .
I think yoga is known that, if applied according to precise canons, such as to give man ability to interact "mentally" as well as physically,
with various aspects of human physiology. In this case, nutrition, meditation and a very specific "activities" physical, obtaining
concentrated deter-
mined "positions" can have, as a final result, a state called Nirvana psychophysical spiritually sublime.
In short, the end result could be understood as a healing, rather than "high", the weight of living in this reality. So, let's see what kind of
anatomical physiology is used by yogis for millennia, to get everything.

Let's start by saying that 8 are the major stages of Yoga: 4 physical and 4 mental.
Then add, that the anatomy in question is substantially constituted by 72000 Nadi, which are essentially the energy channels designed
to convey a type of energy from the composite characteristics, defined in this case: Prana.
Finally we can see that 3 main groups of Nadi, placed within and on the sides of the spine, are called to convey very specific types of
energy 4.
Chakra omit the context, since it requires the cognitive steps that I go too far dall'argomento in question.

We continue, therefore, with our examination: finalized as it is coagulated, and a similar anatomical structure?
Through yogic positions 108.
Again we see how you group around the Zodiac of Dendera Beings: 3 groups of 4.
And the accumulation of elements? 108 units.
Well, at this point, the "circle" can be closed, saying that the Vedic anatomy, such as Taoist, is based on the same authoring system
level, with some minor modifications.

I ask: can we deny that Yoga has beneficial effects on body and mind?
I believe not, yet, in this case, it uses an anatomy that does not coincide with that of the West.
This is demonstrated on Earth seems to be no different anatomical interpretations of which the West is just the latest addition to and as
limited and limiting, since non-dimensional result.

Before leaving, let me return to China, to show one of the most sublime interpretations of what I'd like you that you called the EIGHTH:
the iching. (Fig. 8)
It is easy at this point, capture the main features of a symbol that can represent the world of Chinese divination and see within an
octagon, 24 whole and 12 broken lines

Michele Proclamato


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