Đề Cương Học Kì 1 - K11

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School year: 2021-2022


Grammatical focuses:
All the grammatical items covered from unit 1 to unit 5.
- Modal verbs
- Linking verbs
- Cleft Sentences
- To-infinitives after certain adjectives and nouns
- The past simple and the present perfect
- Gerunds
- State verbs in continuous forms

Vocabulary: Words and phrases related to the topics of:

- The Generation Gap
- Friendships
- Becoming independent
- Caring for those in need
- Being part of ASEAN

Items of checking:
- Part A: Pronunciation & Stress Pattern
- Part B: Grammar & Vocabulary
Multiple-choice questions
- Part C: Reading
Reading comprehension
- Part D: Writing

Time allowed: 50 minutes - 45 Questions (35 MCQs)

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I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each
1. A. drop B. reconcile C. confide D. apology
2. A. achievement B. appearance C. enthusiastic D. initiative
3. A. wanted B. helped C. wicked D. naked
4. A. deafening B. frightening C. happening D. threatening
5. A. preferable B. preference C. preferably D. preferential
6. A. restaurant B. faulty C. caution D. auction
7. A. massage B. carriage C. voyage D. dosage
8. A. vision B. infectious C. disabled D. constitution
9. A. chair B. cheap C. chorus D. child
10. A. charter B. exchange C. achievement D. architecture

Pick out the words whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest.
11. A. facility B. characterize C. irrational D. variety
12. A. education B. industrial C. intelligent D. traditional
13. A. experience B. mobility C. independent D. prioritize
14. A. sympathetic B. relationship C. apology D. initiative
15. A. protective B. prioritize C. overcome D. enquire
16. A. industry B. refugee C. magazine D. Japanese
17. A. cognitive B. volunteer C. medical D. physical
18. A. counselor B. cognitive C. decisive D. delicate
19. A. coordination B. discrimination C. interpersonal D. environmental
20. A. disability B. interference C. fundamental D. description

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
21. He is a _________ boy in the family and his parents always give him everything he wants.
A. blue-eyed B. naked-eyed C. black sheep D. spoiled
22. _________is the fact of someone having been born into a family that belongs to the highest social class
A. Cold blood B. Blue blood C. Bad blood D. Fresh blood
23. To my mind everyone can have only one or two true friends, because a friend to all is a friend to _______.
A. no B. nothing C. none D. not
24. It was essential for him to be financially _______ of his parents, so he decided to find a part-time job.
A. dependent B. independent C. dependable D. undependable
25. He had been lied to and _______ in the back by people that he thought were his friends.
A. knew B. stabbed C. gripped D. tabbed
26. Parents are always willing to lend a sympathetic ____ to their children when they have problems.
A. hand B. ear C. eye D. paw
27. I was encouraged to ____ for the grandest prize in the dancing competition.
A. try B. strive C. reach D. achieve
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28. You should make a list of things to do and ____ them if you want to work effectively.
A. do B. arrange C. prioritize D. approach
29. We couldn't hear anything because of the ____ noise of the drums the next-door neighbors were playing.
A. deaf B. deafen C. deafening D. deafness
30. The Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities came into _______ 3rd May 2008.
A. action B. force C. truth D. reality
31. The Japanese Government ____ 20 scholarships for international students coming from ASEAN member
countries to study in Japan.
A. affords B. demands C. offers D. provides
32. He has not developed mentally as much as others at the same age. He's ____.
A. mentally alert B. mentally ill C. mentally retarded D. mentally restricted
33. He would never forget _________ a medal for helping an old man to cross the road.
A. being awarded B. to award C. awarding D. to be awarded
34. You ____ tell anyone what I've revealed to you. It's still a secret.
A. mustn't B. had better not C. ought not to D. don't have to
35. You _______ her in her office last Friday; she's been out of town for two weeks.
A. needn't have seen B. must have seen C. might have seen D. can't have seen
36. Terry has been carrying a torch for Liz for years, but she seems not .
A. been noticed B. notice C. noticing D. to notice
37. Nicole grew ____ from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite ____ that she needed a long
A. tired/obvious B. tired/obviously C. tiredly/obvious D. tiredly/obviously
38. It ____ my carelessness that caused me a lot of problems in my life and my work.
A. is B. was C. has been D. will be
39. It is in a luxury restaurant ____ the thirtieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Brown is held.
A. that B. what C. when D. who
40. My teacher always gives me advice ____ suitable career in the future.
A. choosing B. to choose C. choose D. not to choose
41. I found it truly ____ to hear that Mr. Kim had been appointed to the committee.
A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising D. surprisingly
42. By the time their baby arrives, Mr. Johnson hopes painting and decorating the new
A. having finished B. to have finished
C. having been finished D. to have been finished
43. The famous physicist Albert Einstein _________ for a $1 to $5 donation before scribbling his name on a
piece of parchment, and ________ every cent to various charities.
A. asked/donated B. had asked/donated C. has asked/donated D. asked/donating
44. My director is angry with me. I didn’t do all the work I ____ last week.
A. should have done B. may have done C. needn’t have done D. must have done
45. ____ the light rain, the baseball game will not be cancelled unless the other team concedes.
A. However B. Although C. In spite D. Despite

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46. Our father suggested ______ to Da Nang for this summer holiday.
A. to going B. going C. go D. to go
47. Marie Curie was the first and only woman ____ two Nobel Prizes.
A. who win B. that wins C. to have won D. to be won
48. The organization is looking for some volunteers _______ as Santa Claus to give gifts to children.
A. dressing in B. wearing on C. dressing up D. putting on

49. What you should (A) do now is to make (B) slides for the presentation tomorrow as we have a little (C)
time left (D).
50. It was (A) last Saturday which (B) my brother bought his new car (C) from our neighbor (D).
51. After being closed (A) for a long period of (B) time, the house became dirty (C) and smelled awfully.(D)
52. We haven't made (A) a plan not to travel (B) overseas yet (C) as I'm very busy with (D).my work.
53. Overpopulation (A) is one of the main factors (B) that leads to poor (C), illiteracy (D), and social evils.
54. ASEAN has actively (A) worked to improve (B) the socio-economic situation (C) and solve problems
between (D) its member countries.
55. While (A) summer holidays, university students are willing to take part in (B) providing education for (D)
children in remote and mountainous (D) areas.
Passage 1: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the
(56) __________ between them. They have always complained, more or less justly, that their parents are old-
fashioned, possessive and dominant; that they do not trust their children to deal with obstacles; (57)
___________ they talk too much about certain problems and that they have no sense of humor, at least in
parent-child relationships. I think it is true that parents often (58) _________ their teenage children and also
forget how they themselves felt when young.
Young people often irritate their parents with their choices in clothes and hairstyles, in entertainers and
music. This is not their motive. They feel cut off from the adult world into which they have not yet been
accepted. (59)_________they create a culture and society of their own. Then, if it turns out that their music or
entertainers or vocabulary or clothes or hairstyles irritate their parents, this gives them additional enjoyment.
They feel they are superior, at least in a small way, and that they are leaders in style and taste.
If you plan to control your life, co-operation can be part of that plan. You can charm others, especially
parents, into doing things the ways you want. You can impress others with your sense of responsibility and (56)
_________, so that they will give you the authority to do what you want to do.
(Source: https://www.woyaosouti.com/topic/107813763)
56. A. misunderstandings B. debates C. conflict D. understanding
57. A. that B. which C. who D. why
58. A. overestimate B. underestimate C. impose D. dominate
59. A. However B. Besides C. Despite D. Therefore
60. A. initiation B. initiate C. initiative D. initial

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Passage 2: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Learning to manage your time involves using a variety of life skills together. First of all, you need to know
yourself. Only you know (61) _______ you are a morning or an evening person, for example. Understanding
when you are (62) _______ your best can help you decide when to do certain things you have to do - like
studying. Then, you need to prioritise and decide which things are the most (and least) important. After that,
you need to get organised and start planning a schedule, (63) _______ could include when to study, as well as
when to relax. It is important to be (64) _______ when you are trying to manage your time. You need to factor
in time to sleep, for instance, and this should be based on your normal sleep patterns. There is no point in
planning to study at six in the morning if you have never managed to get out of bed before eight. Many people
forget to include socialising, but this is a mistake because it is unhealthy to avoid seeing people, just as it is a
mistake to (65) _______ all your time socialising while your list of things to do grows longer and longer.

61. A. that B. whether C. what D. how

62. A. in B. on C. at D. over
63. A. that B. which C. it D. there
64. A. real B. realism C. reality D. realistic
65. A. take B. put C. bring D. spend

Passage 1: Read the text below and then choose the best option to answer the question.
All of our Viet Nam volunteer projects are focused on working for and with children. Projects range from
working with sick kids in hospitals, looking after children in Buddhist temples, to providing much-needed non-
formal education to Ha Noi's disadvantaged youth. Volunteers will be provided with full orientation and
assistance throughout the project (66).
The Agent Orange project opened more than 15 years ago to care for war veterans and children (67) suffering
from the effects of Agent Orange. Since then, it has grown into a complex of 11 houses that care for a total of
120 children and 40 veterans. The village is supported by a highly committed and dedicated base of supporters
who volunteer their time, energy and resources to its projects.
From 1962 to 1971, during the war with VietNam, American forces sprayed well over 40 million liters of the
chemical defoliant, Agent Orange, over Southern Vietnam. However, Agent Orange had not been adequately
tested. The chemicals released during the 1960s inflicted a legacy of suffering on the Vietnamese. Precise
figures are difficult to agree, but there is no question that millions of people were exposed to the chemical. In
the wake of this exposure came liver damage, cancer, heart diseases, reproductive disorders and severe birth
defects (68).
The Agent Orange project is always in need of volunteers. Many of the people who back the organization spend
time raising funds in North America and Europe, and that leaves plenty more work to be done on the ground in
HaNoi (69). Regardless of how volunteers lend a hand to the community, their efforts directly help those who
have been affected by Agent Orange to live normal, happy and fulfilled lives. As with any undertaking of this
size, there's always a great deal to be done, and that leaves plenty of opportunity for volunteers to dig in.
66. The volunteer projects mentioned in the text offer……………………
A. focus on non-formal education to Ha Noi's disadvantaged youth
B. help to disadvantaged children in various centres and with different needs
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C. children to look after Buddhist temples or hospitals for sick kids
D. full orientation and assistance to children and volunteers throughout the project
67. The centre for the Agent Orange project……………………….
A. takes care of 40 veterans and children suffering from the effects of Agent Orange
B. has veterans take care of 120 children suffering from the effects of Agent Orange
C. operated for more than 15 years to care for war veterans and children
D. has received time, energy and resources from supporters and volunteers
68. All of the following are the effects of the Agent Orange EXCEPT…………………..
A. inadequate testing B. cancer or heart diseases.
C. severe birth defects D. reproductive disorders
69. Volunteers taking part in the project can……………………
A. spend time raising funds in VietNam
B. have plenty of more work done on familiar ground in Ha Noi
C. work in different places to support the project
D. have plenty of opportunity to dig
70. The phrase “in the wake of” is closest in meaning to
A. after waking B. happening C. becoming awake D. because of

Passage 2: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.
I spend my days fighting poverty in New York City (71), so this time of year I get asked a lot at holiday
parties what people can do to help the poor (71). I like the question. At the Robin Hood Foundation, we’ve
spent 27 years trying to answer it .
As with any complex social issue, there are myriad reasons that people are poor. So we break down the
problem to create short and long-term change. We aim to make life better for people who are poor (72) while at
the same time attacking the root causes of poverty. Once we’ve identified the various needs, we use empirical
data to identify and support programs that create real results .
It’s a process that works for our organization, and it can work for charity-minded individuals too. Getting
smart about the underlying causes of poverty will allow you to connect on a deeper level, which matters:
Donors are more likely to commit to a cause when it resonates emotionally. From there, you can then do a little
digging to determine which organization is worthy of your support.
So, in case we don’t see each other at a party this season, there are six key barriers poor people regularly
face: homelessness, hunger, health, unemployment, immigration, and education. And while they are often
interconnected, eliminating just one leads to an improved living standard. Whichever tugs at your heart, there’s
a group in your area ready to use your time or money effectively.
71. It can be understood about the writer that _______.
A. he earns his living by fighting poverty in New York City
B. he most likely works for the Robin Hood Foundation
C. he learns to identify various needs of poor people
D. he leads a group of charity-minded individuals
72. Which of the following is mentioned as an aim of the Robin Hood Foundation according to the passage?
A. Answering poor people's questions B. Making life better for poor people
C. Identifying people's various needs D. Improving people's living standard

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73. The word "underlying" in the passage is closest in meaning to _______.
A. primary B. important C. additional D. direct
74. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. People tend to donate more to organizations that create best results.
B. Always identify the need, analyze data to select the program to support.
C. Poor people cannot make decision on the number of children they have.
D. There is always an organization to help the poor in every neighborhood.
75. The word "one" in the passage refers to _______.
A. a person who donates money B. a key barrier the poor face
C. a cause of poverty D. an improved living standard


Select the word which has the CLOSEST meaning to the underlined word.
76.Young college and university students participate in helping the poor who have suffered badly in wars or
natural disasters .
A. interfere with B. joins hands C. come into D. get involved in
77. She can learn to observe herself, figuring out what she does easily and what takes more work.
A. watching out B. selling out C. working out D. standing out
78. An indecisive commander is unlikely to win the confidence of his men.
A. slow B. determined C. hesitant D. reliant
79.Coping with loneliness is the most important skill because lacking this skill may make you feel bored.
A. happy B. miserable C. exciting D. depressed
80. We told her it was a delicate situation but she went into the meeting like a bull in a china shop.
A. a tactful and thoughtful guy B. a Chinese customer in a shop
C. a careless and clumsy person D. a very strong and aggressive shop assistant
81. We find it unattractive when dress flashily.
A. luxuriantly B. ostentatiously C. cheaply D. fashionably
82. I feel extremely depressed as conflict occurs frequently amongst generations in my family.
A. comes on B. comes up C. comes in D. comes into
83. With her exams scheduled the next week, she was working against the clock to finish her preparations.
A. as fast as possible B. in a careful way
C. extremely effectively D. in bad working conditions
84. Don't worry about trying to catch the last train home, as we can easily put you up for the night.
A. wake you up B. keep you off C. take you in D. bring you up
85. Despite poverty and appalling conditions, these people still manage to keep their dignity and self-respect.
A. self-reliant B. self-confidence C. self-esteem D. self-assured

Select the word which has the OPPOSITE meaning to the underlined word.
86.Volunteering is the most rewarding way to change people’s lives.
A. annoying B. hopeful C. meaningful D. useless
87. Are people who work till 10 o'clock in the evening more energetic than those who stop at 5 o'clock?
A. alert B. delightful C. exhausted D. passive

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88. It will be particularly annoying for the local people who had to endure deafening music from the nearby
bars until the small hours.
A. loud B. polluted C. soft D. melodious
89. When we see someone in need, it's natural to want to help. Whether it is a friend next door or a stranger in
another country, we want to do something to ease the pain of others.
A. reduce B. increase C. relieve D. lighten
90. Luckily, my mom always lends me a sympathetic ear whenever I have a problem.
A. makes a monkey out of me B. listens to me with sympathy
C. counts on me D. turns a cold shoulder to me

Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the words in brackets.
91. Children visual impairment at regular schools still find it hard to take part in all school activities. (impair)
92. Using respectful language can make disabled people feel insecure. (respect)
93. There are more and more ________youngsters________who are interested in doing volunteer work. (
94. Everyone should act ___________responsibly____________ in order to protect our environment.
95. People who volunteer in their community have a personal __________attachment__________ to the area (
attach )
96. Being well-informed will keep you from being a follower and will lead to
more_________independent____________ thought. (depend)
97. People with disabilities should be given the same opportunities as __________abled________people.
98. The Careers Service has been used by a number of students who are wheelchair users or who have a
______mobile_______ disability. (mobile)
99. He's totally ____reliable____. If you confide a secret to him, he never breathes a word. (rely)
100. I couldn’t stand her ______decision______. She’s always reluctant to make her mind. (decide)

Write the sentences with the same meaning as those given, using words/ phrases or following the
instruction in bold.
101. You lent me such a big sum of money. You were so generous.
-> It was…so generous of you to lend a such a big sum of money.
102. I mustn’t stay out after the curfew which is set by my parents.
-> I am not …allowed to stay after the curfew which is set by my parents.
103. Mrs Michelle Obama made a great contribution to her husband's success. (using Cleft sentence)
-> It …was Mrs Michelle Obama that made a great contribution to her husband's success.
104. She cooks breakfast for all of us every morning. She is so considerate.
-> It is.…so considerate of her to cook breakfast for all of us every morning.
105. You don’t need to shake a leg because we still have plenty of time left.
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-> There is plenty of time left so you don’t need to shake a leg.
106. Parents can help build a child’s independence by encouraging good habits. It’s very important.
 It’s very important for parents to build a child’s independence by encouraging good habits.
107. I’m sure you are very tired after working so hard.
=> You must be very tired after working so hard.
108. I’m absolutely sure that they weren’t playing in this weather.
=>They couldn’t have been playing in this weather.
109. The boy was so lazy that he didn’t lift a finger to help with the dishes.
=> So lazy was the boy that he didn’t lift a finger to help with the dishes.
110. People report that more than one million students became orphans because of Covid-19.
=> More than one million students was reported to became orphans because of Covid-19.

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in the brackets:

111. All of us like her because she is always willing to give us a helping hand. (willingness)
-> All of us like her because of her willingness to help.
112. My roommate is able to break the ice with anyone she’s just met. (ability)
-> My roommate have the ability to break the ice with anyone she’s just met.
113.She tried very hard to overcome difficulties and that makes us impressed. (effort)
=> Her effort to overcome difficulties makes us impressed.
114. It was a mistake of you to leave the patio door open last night. (shouldn’t)
->You shouldn’t leave the patio door open.
115. I’m sure that you are exhausted because you've been driving all day. (must)
=> You must be exhausted after driving all day.
116. You mustn’t skip the lessons to join your friends’ party. (allowed)
-> You are not allowed to skip the lessons to join your friends’ party.
117. I was across the road very quickly, but when I got there, they had disappeared. (shakes)
-> I shake a leg across the road, but when I got there, they had disappeared.
118. I always count on my best friend because of her good-naturedness. (confidence)
-> I always have confidence that I can depend on my best friend because of her good-naturedness.
119. The search for a new vaccine must be dealt with before all other medical research. (priority)

-> The search for a new vaccine takes priority over medical research.
120. No matter what happens, Nam never shows his emotions. (lip)
-> No matter what happens, Nam keeps a stiff lip.

===THE END===

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