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NUMBER 17 OF 2023



a. that the state shall guarantee the right of every citizen to realize a good, healthy and prosperous life both
physically and mentally in order to achieve the national goal of protecting the entire Indonesian nation and
all of Indonesia’s bloodshed to promote public welfare as mandated in the 1945 Constitution of the
Republic of Indonesia;
b. that the development of public Health requires Health Efforts, Health resources, and Health management
in order to improve the degree of public Health as high as possible based on the principles of welfare,
equity, non-discrimination, participation and sustainability for the development of quality and productive
human resources, reducing inequalities, strengthen quality Healthcare Services, improve Health
resilience, ensure a healthy life, as well as advancing the welfare of all citizens and the competitiveness of
the nation for the achievement of national development goals;
c. that Health problems and disturbances in the general public will reduce productivity and cause losses to
the state so that Health transformation is needed to achieve an increase in public Health status;
d. that the development of public Health is getting better and more open so as to create self-sufficiency and
encourage the development of the national Health industry at the regional and global levels as well as
encouraging the improvement of safe, quality and affordable Healthcare Services for the people to
improve the people’s quality of life;
e. that in order to increase Health capacity and resilience, it is necessary to adjust various policies to
strengthen the Health system in an integrated and holistic manner in 1 (one) comprehensive law;
f. that based on the considerations as referred to in letter a, letter b, letter c, letter d, and letter e, it has been
deemed necessary to enact Law on Health;

Article 20, Article 21, Article 28H paragraph (1), and Article 34 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the
Republic of Indonesia;

By the Mutual Consent of:


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To enact:


Article 1
Under this Law, the following definitions are employed:
1. Health is a person’s healthy state, both physically, mentally and socially and not just being free from a
disease to enable them to live a productive life.
2. Health Efforts are all forms of activities and/or a series of activities conducted in an integrated and
continuous manner to maintain and improve the degree of public Health in the form of promotive,
preventive, curative, rehabilitative and/or palliative by the Central Government, Regional Governments
and/or the general public.
3. Healthcare Services are all forms of activities and/or a series of service activities provided directly to
individuals or communities to maintain and improve the degree of public Health in the form of promotive,
preventive, curative, rehabilitative and/or palliative.
4. Health Resources are everything required to organize Health Efforts carried out by the Central
Government, Regional Governments, and/or the general public.
5. Health Human Resources is someone who works actively in the Health sector, whether or not they have
formal education in Health, which for certain types require authority in conducting Health Efforts.
6. Medical Workforce is any person who is dedicated to the Health sector and has a professional attitude,
knowledge and skills through medical or dentistry professional clinical training who require authority to
conduct Health Efforts.
7. Healthcare Worker is any person who has dedicated themselves in the Health sector and has a
professional attitude, knowledge and skills through higher education which for certain types require
authority to conduct Health Efforts.
8. Healthcare Service Facilities are places and/or tools used to provide Healthcare Services to individuals or
communities using promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative, and/or palliative conducted by the
Central Government, Regional Governments, and/or the general public.
9. Public Health Center (Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat), from this point onwards is referred to as Puskesmas,
is the first level Healthcare Service Facility that organizes and coordinates promotive, preventive, curative,
rehabilitative and/or palliative Healthcare Services by prioritizing promotive and preventive in their working
10. Hospital is a Healthcare Service Facility that organizes complete individual Healthcare Services through
promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and/or palliative Healthcare Services by providing inpatient,
outpatient and Emergency services.
11. Health Supplies are all materials and equipment needed to organize Health Efforts.

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12. Pharmaceutical Preparations are Medicine, Medicinal Ingredients, Natural Medicines, including
ingredients of Natural Medicines, cosmetics, Health supplements, and quasi-drugs ingredients.
13. Medical Devices are instruments, apparatus, machines, equipment, implants, reagents and in vitro
calibrators, software, and materials or the like that are used on humans for medical purposes and do not
achieve the main work through pharmacological, immunological or metabolic processes.
14. Household Health Supplies (Perbekalan Kesehatan Rumah Tangga), from this point onwards is referred to
as PKRT, are tools, materials, and/or a mixture of materials for the maintenance and treatment that impact
on human Health that are intended for use in households and public facilities.
15. Medicines are ingredients or combinations of ingredients, including biological products that are used to
influence or investigate physiological systems or pathological conditions in order to establish a diagnosis,
prevention, cure, recovery, improvement of Health and contraception, for humans.
16. Medicinal Ingredients are materials that are efficacious or not efficacious that are used in the processing
of Medicines with the standard and quality as pharmaceutical ingredients.
17. Natural Medicines are ingredients, concoction of ingredients, or products that are derived from natural
resources in the form of plants, animals, micro-organisms, minerals, or other materials from natural
resources, or mixtures of these materials that have been used for generations, or have been proven
efficacious, safe, and of good quality, used for Health maintenance, Health improvement, disease
prevention, Health treatment, and/or restoration based on empirical and/or scientific evidence.
18. Health Technology is all forms of tools, products and/or methods aimed at helping to diagnose, prevent
and treat human Health problems.
19. Health Information System is a system that integrates various stages of processing, reporting and
utilization of information required to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of Health organization as well
as directing useful actions or decisions in supporting Health development.
20. National Health Information System is a Health Information System managed by the ministry that
organizes government affairs in the Health sector which integrates and standardizes all Health Information
Systems in supporting Health development.
21. Telehealth is the provision and facilitation of Healthcare Services, including public Health, Health
information services, and self-service, through telecommunication and digital communication technology.
22. Telemedicine is the provision and facilitation of clinical services through telecommunication and digital
communication technology.
23. Patient is any person who obtains Healthcare Services from Medical Workforce and/or Healthcare Worker.
24. Emergency is a clinical condition of Patients that requires immediate medical and/or psychological action
to save live and prevent disability.
25. Council is an institution that implements duties independently in order to improve the quality of practice
and professional technical competence of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as well as providing
protection and legal certainty to the general public.
26. Collegium is a collection of experts from every discipline of Health who manages the branch of that
discipline which carries out its duties and functions independently and is a tool of the Council.
27. Registration is an official record of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who already have a
competency certificate and/or professional certificate.
28. Registration Certificate (Surat Tanda Registrasi), from this point onwards is referred to as STR, is written
evidence given to registered Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers.
29. Medical License (Surat Izin Praktik), from this point onwards is referred to as SIP, is written evidence given

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to Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as the granting of authority to practice.
30. Outbreak of Infectious Disease, from this point onwards is referred to as Outbreak, is an increase in an
Extraordinary Event of infectious disease that is characterized by an increase in the number of cases
and/or deaths and spread rapidly on a wide scale.
31. Outbreak Precautions are a series of activities as a response to the possibility of an Outbreak.
32. Extraordinary Event (Kejadian Luar Biasa), from this point onwards is referred to as KLB, is an increase in
incidence, morbidity, death, and/or disability due to diseases and Health problems that are
epidemiologically significant in an area at a certain period of time.
33. State Entry Point (Pintu Masuk Negara), from this point onwards is referred to as Entry Point, is the place
of entry and exit of means of transportation, people and/or goods to and from abroad, whether in the form
of a seaport, airport or cross-border post.
34. Health Quarantine Officers are Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers who have competence and
authority in Health quarantine matters to conduct supervision and measures to control disease and/or risk
factors that cause a disease for transportation means, people, goods, and/or the environment.
35. Infected Area is an area where epidemiologically there is spread of a disease and/or risk factors of a
disease that have the potential to cause an Outbreak.
36. Health Quarantine Document is a Health certificate that is owned by every means of transportation,
people and goods that meet the requirements, both nationally and internationally.
37. Every Person is an individual, including a corporation.
38. Central Government is the President of the Republic of Indonesia who holds the governmental authority of
the Republic of Indonesia as stipulated in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.
39. Minister is the minister who organizes government affairs in the Health sector.
40. Regional Government is the head of a region as an element of a regional administration who leads the
implementation of government affairs which fall under the authority of an autonomous region.
41. Village Government is the head of a village or what is referred to by other names assisted by village
officials as an element of a village administration.

Article 2
This Law shall be organized based on the principles of:
a. humanity;
b. balance;
c. benefit;
d. scientific;
e. even distribution;
f. ethics and professionalism;
g. protection and safety;
h. respect for rights and obligations;
i. justice;
j. non-discriminatory;

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k. moral considerations and religious values;
l. participatory;
m. public interest;
n. cohesiveness;
o. legal awareness;
p. state sovereignty;
q. environmental sustainability;
r. cultural wisdom; and
s. legal order and certainty.

Article 3
The organization of Health shall aim to;
a. improve healthy living behavior
b. improve access to and quality of Healthcare Services and Health Resources;
c. improve effective and efficient management of human resources;
d. meet the general public’s needs of Healthcare Services;
e. increase Health resilience in the face of KLB or Outbreaks;
f. ensure the availability of sustainable and equitable Health funding and managed in transparent, effective
and efficient manner;
g. realize the development and utilization of sustainable Health Technology; and
h. provide protection and legal certainty for Patients, Health Human Resources, and the general public.


Division One

Article 4
(1) Every Person has the right to:
a. a physically, mentally, and socially healthy life;
b. obtain balanced and responsible information and education about Health;
c. obtain safe, quality and affordable Healthcare Services in order to realize the highest degree of
d. obtain appropriate Health care in accordance with the Healthcare Service standards;

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e. obtain access to Health Resources;
f. independently and responsibly determine the Healthcare Services needed for themselves;
g. obtain healthy environment for the achievement of Health degree;
h. accept or reject part or all of the relief measures that will be given to them after receiving and fully
understand the information on said measures;
i. obtain confidentiality of data and information of their personal Health;
j. obtain information about their own Health data, including measures and treatment that they have or
will receive from Medical Workforce and/or Healthcare Workers; and
k. obtain protection from Health risks.
(2) The right to independence as referred to in paragraph (1) letter f shall be excluded for Healthcare Services
that are needed in an Emergency situation and/or prevention of KLB or Outbreaks.
(3) The right as referred to in paragraph (1) letter h does not apply to:
a. someone whose disease may quickly spread to the wider public;
b. prevention of KLB or Outbreaks;
c. someone who is unconscious or in an Emergency situation; and
d. someone who has a severe mental illness who is considered incapable of making a decision and
does not have a companion and is in an emergency situation.
(4) The confidentiality of personal Health data and information as referred to in paragraph (1) letter i does not
apply in the event that:
a. fulfillment of a request from law enforcement officials for law enforcement purposes;
b. countermeasures of KLB, Outbreaks, or disasters;
c. limited for educational and research purposes;
d. efforts to protect the safety of other individuals or the general public;
e. the interests of Health maintenance, treatment, healing, and care of the Patient;
f. Patient's own request;
g. administrative interests, insurance payments, or Health financing guarantee; and/or
h. other interests which are regulated under laws and regulations.
(5) The rights as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be implemented in accordance with provisions of laws and

Division Two

Article 5
(1) Every Person is obliged to:
a. realize, maintain, and increase the highest degree of public Health;

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b. maintain and improve the degree of Health for other people who are their responsibility;
c. respect the rights of others in an effort to obtain a healthy environment;
d. apply healthy living behavior and respect the Health rights of others;
e. comply with KLB or Outbreak management activities; and
f. participate in the Health insurance program in the national social security system.
(2) The implementation of the obligations as referred to in paragraph (1) letter a shall include:
a. individual Health Efforts;
b. public Health Efforts; and
c. Health-oriented development.
(3) The obligation to participate in the Health insurance program as referred to in paragraph (1) letter f shall
be implemented in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.


Article 6
(1) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for planning, regulating,
organizing, guiding and supervising the organization of quality, safe, efficient, equitable and affordable
Health Efforts for the general public.
(2) The responsibilities as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be implemented in accordance with provisions of
laws and regulations.

Article 7
(1) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for improving and developing
Health Efforts in order to improve access and quality of Healthcare Services.
(2) The improvement and development of Health Efforts as referred to in paragraph (1) shalll be conducted
based on research and assessment.
(3) The research and assessment as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be implemented in accordance with
provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 8
The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for organizing KLB or Outbreak
precaution activities, KLB or Outbreak control, and post-KLB or Outbreak.

Article 9
The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for providing a healthy environment
for the general public.

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Article 10
(1) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for the availability of fair and
equitable Health Resources for the entire public.
(2) In order to guarantee the availability of Health Resources as referred to in paragraph (1), the Central
Government and/or Regional Governments in accordance with their authority may provide fiscal incentives
and/or non-fiscal incentives based on provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 11
The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for the availability and access to
Healthcare Service Facilities as well as Health information and education.

Article 12
The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for:
a. regulating, guiding, supervising, and improving quality and competence of Medical Workforce and
Healthcare Workers;
b. planning, procuring, and empowerment of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers in accordance with
the needs of the general public and their area based on provisions of laws and regulations;
c. welfare of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers; and
d. protection for Patients and Health Human Resources.

Article 13
Regional Governments shall be responsible for the planning, procuring, empowerment, and welfare of the health
support and help personnel in accordance with the needs of the general public and its area.

Article 14
The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for empowering and encouraging
public participation in the organization of Health Efforts.

Article 15
Regional Governments in implementing their responsibilities may establish regional policies and must refer to
the norms, standards, procedures and criteria for Health development stipulated by the Central Government.

Article 16
In order to support the implementation of guidance, supervision, and improvement of the quality and competence
of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as referred to in Article 12 letter a, the Central Government shall
be assisted by the Council and/or Collegium.

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Article 17
(1) The organization of Health shall consist of:
a. Health Efforts;
b. Health Resources; and
c. Health management.
(2) The Health Efforts as referred to in paragraph (1) letter a shall be aimed at realizing the highest degree of
Health for the general public in the form of individual Health Efforts and public Health Efforts.
(3) The Health Resources as referred to in paragraph (1) letter b shall be utilized to support the organization
of Health Efforts.
(4) The Health Management as referred to in paragraph (1) letter c shall be conducted on Health Efforts and
Health Resources.

Article 18
(1) The individual Health Efforts as referred to in Article 17 paragraph (2) are Health Efforts that are
promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and/or palliative in nature which have an impact only on an
(2) Public Health Efforts as referred to in Article 17 paragraph (2) are Health Efforts that are promotive,
preventive, curative, rehabilitative and/or palliative in nature that have an impact on the general public.

Article 19
(1) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for the organization of individual
Health Efforts and public Health Efforts.
(2) In organizing the responsibilities as referred to in paragraph (1), the Central Government shall conduct:
a. national strategic planning;
b. stipulation of national policy;
c. coordination of national program;
d. management of Healthcare Service referral system;
e. stipulation of Healthcare Service standards;
f. organization of registration and accreditation of Healthcare Service Facilities;
g. Health research and development;
h. management and distribution of Health Resources; and
i. issuance of business license for Healthcare Service Facilities in accordance with provisions of laws
and regulations.
(3) In organizing the responsibilities as referred to in paragraph (1), Regional Governments shall conduct:

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a. stipulation of regional policy based on the national policy;
b. planning, management, monitoring, supervision, and evaluation of programs;
c. management of regional level Healthcare Service referral system;
d. Health research and development;
e. management and distribution of Health Resources; and
f. issuance of business license for Healthcare Service Facilities in accordance with provisions of laws
and regulations.

Article 20
The Health Resources as referred to in Article 17 paragraph (3) shall include:
a. Healthcare Service Facilities;
b. Health Human Resources;
c. Health Supplies;
d. Health Information System;
e. Health Technology;
f. Health funding; and
g. other required resources.

Article 21
(1) The Health management as referred to in Article 17 paragraph (4) shall be organized by the Central
Government, Regional Governments and Village Governments in an integrated and mutually supportive
manner to ensure that the highest degree of Health is achieved.
(2) The Health Management as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be carried out in stages at the central and
regional levels within a national Health system.
(3) Further provisions on the Health management as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be regulated by a
Regulation of the President.


Division One

Article 22
(1) The organization of Health Efforts shall include:
a. Health of mothers, infants and children, adolescents, adults and the elderly;

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b. Health of persons with disabilities;
c. reproductive Health;
d. family planning;
e. nutrition;
f. dental and oral Health;
g. vision and hearing Health;
h. mental Health;
i. control of infectious diseases and non-infectious diseases;
j. family Health;
k. school Health;
l. occupational Health;
m. sports Health;
n. environmental Health;
o. migration and displacement Health in changing environment (kesehatan matra);
p. disaster Health;
q. blood services;
r. transplantation of organ and/or tissue, cell and/or stem cell-based therapy, as well as reconstructive
and aesthetic plastic surgery;
s. safety and utilization of Pharmaceutical Preparations, Medical Devices, and PKRT;
t. safety of foods and beverages;
u. safety of addictive substances;
v. medical services for legal purposes;
w. traditional Healthcare Services; and
x. Other Health Efforts.
(2) Other Health Efforts as referred to in paragraph (1) letter x shall be stipulated by the Minister in
accordance with the development and development needs of the Health sector.

Article 23
(1) The organization of Health Efforts shall be implemented in a responsible, safe, quality, equitable, non-
discriminatory and fair manner.
(2) The organization of Health Efforts must pay attention to social functions, socio-cultural values, morals, and

Article 24
(1) The organization of Health Efforts shall be implemented in accordance with Healthcare Service standards.
(2) Provisions on Healthcare Service standards as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be regulated by a

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Regulation of the Government.

Article 25
(1) The organization of Health Efforts in the form of Healthcare Services may utilize information and
communication technology.
(2) The utilization of information and communication technology as referred to in paragraph (1) may be
implemented through Telehealth and Telemedicine which are integrated with the National Health
Information System.
(3) Telehealth as referred to in paragraph (2) shall consist of providing clinical services and non-clinical
(4) The provision of clinical services as referred to in paragraph (3) shall be conducted through Telemedicine.
(5) Further provisions on the organization of Health Efforts that utilize information and communication
technology shall be regulated by a Regulation of the Government.

Article 26
Health Efforts in the form of services shall be organized through:
a. primary Healthcare Services; and
b. advanced Healthcare Services.

Article 27
Primary Healthcare Services and advanced Healthcare Services shall be organized based on policies stipulated
by the Central Government by taking into account input from Regional Governments and/or the general public.

Article 28
(1) The Central Government and Regional Governments must provide access to primary Healthcare Services
and advanced Healthcare Services throughout Indonesia.
(2) The obligation as referred to in paragraph (1) shall take precedence by optimizing the role of Regional
(3) The provision of access to primary Healthcare Services and advanced Healthcare Services as referred to
in paragraph (1) may involve the general public.
(4) The provision of access to primary Healthcare Services and advanced Healthcare Services as referred to
in paragraph (1) shall cover vulnerable communities and is inclusive, non-discriminatory in nature.
(5) The provision of access to primary Healthcare Services and advanced Healthcare Services as referred to
in paragraph (1) shall be conducted through:
a. construction of facilities and infrastructure for first level Healthcare Service Facilities and advanced
Healthcare Service Facilities;
b. fulfillment of the needs of human resources, Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Devices;
c. enhancement of service capabilities and coverage of Healthcare Service Facilities.

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Article 29
(1) The general public may participate in the construction of first level Healthcare Service Facilities and
advanced Healthcare Service Facilities.
(2) The development of first level Healthcare Service Facilities and advanced Healthcare Service Facilities as
referred to in paragraph (1) shall include the fulfillment of human resources, facilities, infrastructure, and
Medical Devices.
(3) The development of first level Healthcare Service Facilities and advanced Healthcare Service Facilities as
referred to in paragraph (1) must consider the needs of Healthcare Services in remote, border, and island
areas, including the needs of educational facilities.
(4) The Central Government and/or Regional Governments may assist in the fulfillment of human resources
for the development of first level Healthcare Service Facilities and advanced Healthcare Service Facilities
in areas as referred to in paragraph (3).

Division Two
Primary Healthcare Services

Article 30
The Central Government, Regional Governments and Village Governments shall be responsible for the
organization and development of primary Healthcare Services.

Article 31
(1) Primary Healthcare Services shall organize individual Health Efforts and public Health Efforts.
(2) Primary Healthcare Services as referred to in paragraph (1) are Healthcare Services that are closest to
the general public as the first contact for Healthcare Services.
(3) Primary Healthcare Services as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be organized in an integrated manner
with the aim of:
a. fulfillment of Health needs in every phase of life;
b. improvement of Health determinants or factors affecting Health, consisting of social, economic,
commercial and environmental determinants; and
c. strengthening individual, family and public Health.
(4) Integrated primary Healthcare Services as referred to in paragraph (3) shall include promotive, preventive,
curative, rehabilitative and/or palliative services for every phase of life.
(5) Preventive services as referred to in paragraph (4) shall be conducted for disease prevention including
screening and surveillance.
(6) Primary Healthcare Services as referred to in paragraph (3) shall strategically prioritize main/essential
Healthcare Services that are aimed at individual, family, and general public based on risk factors.
(7) The improvement of Health determinants or factors affecting Health as referred to in paragraph (3) letter b
shall involve related parties through the preparation of cross-sectoral policies and actions.
(8) The strengthening of individual, family, and general public Health as referred to in paragraph (3) letter c

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shall aim to optimize Health status and strengthen their role as Health development partners and care
provider for themselves and for others.
(9) The strengthening of individual, family and public Health as referred to in paragraph (8) shall provide
individual-centered, family-focused and public-oriented services that are in accordance with the socio-
cultural backgrounds.

Article 32
(1) Primary Healthcare Services shall be organized through a Healthcare Services network system that
coordinates and cooperates with each other.
(2) Puskesmas shall coordinate the primary Healthcare Service network system in its working area.
(3) The Healthcare Service network system as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be designed to reach the
entire general public through:
a. administrative area-based network structure;
b. education unit-based network structure;
c. workplace-based network structure;
d. referral system network structure; and
e. cross-sector network structure.
(4) The administrative area-based network structure as referred to in paragraph (3) letter a shall ensure the
availability of Healthcare Services for the entire general public by ensuring the availability of Healthcare
Services down to the village/urban village level which includes:
a. first level Healthcare Service Facilities and supporting Healthcare Service Facilities, both owned by
the Central Government, Regional Governments, and the general public;
b. Healthcare Services unit at the village/urban village level; and
c. public-based Health Efforts,
within the working area of Puskesmas.
(5) The Healthcare Services Unit at the village/urban village level as referred to in paragraph (4) letter b shall
coordinate Health affairs in the village/urban village, including the provision of Healthcare Services and
public participation.
(6) The Healthcare Service Unit at the village/urban village level as referred to in paragraph (5) shall at least
be implemented by Healthcare cadres assigned by the village/urban village and Healthcare Workers.
(7) The educational unit-based network structure as referred to in paragraph (3) letter b shall cover all
educational units within the working area of a Puskesmas.
(8) The workplace-based network structure as referred to in paragraph (3) letter c shall cover all workplaces
within the working area of a Puskesmas.
(9) The referral system network structure as referred to in paragraph (3) letter d shall be conducted through
vertical, horizontal and back-referral referrals.
(10) The cross-sector network structure as referred to in paragraph (3) letter e shall include government
networks at the sub-district, village/urban village, hamlet, neighborhood units (rukun warga), neighborhood
associations (rukun tetangga), and Health partner networks to address Health determinants.
(11) Primary Healthcare Services shall be supported by data connectivity in its network system which is

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integrated with the National Health Information System.

Article 33
(1) The organization of primary Healthcare Services shall be supported by a Health laboratory.
(2) The Health laboratory as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include medical laboratory, public Health
laboratory, and other laboratories stipulated by the Minister.
(3) The public Health laboratory as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be laid out in stages.
(4) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for providing and organizing
public Health laboratory.
(5) Further provisions on Health laboratory shall be regulated by a Regulation of the Government.

Article 34
(1) The Central Government, Regional Governments, and Village Governments shall be responsible for the
independence in Health Efforts.
(2) In the framework of independence as referred to in paragraph (1), the Central Government, Regional
Governments and Village Governments shall encourage the formation of public-based Health Efforts.

Article 35
(1) Public-based Health Efforts are a vehicle for public empowerment in the Health sector which is formed on
the basis of public needs, managed by, from, for and with the general public, and may be facilitated by the
Central Government, Regional Governments and/or Village Governments by involving other related
(2) Public-based Health Efforts may be in the form of an integrated service post.
(3) The integrated service post as referred to in paragraph (2) may provide basic social services, including in
the Health sector.
(4) The integrated service post as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be organized by cadres and/or the
general public.
(5) In the framework of basic social services in the Health sector at an integrated service post, technical
training and capacity building for cadres shall be conducted by the Health unit in village/urban village and
(6) In organizing basic social services in the Health sector at an integrated service post, the Central
Government, Regional Governments, or Village Governments shall provide incentives to cadres.
(7) The Central Government, Regional Governments and Village Governments shall be responsible for the
organization of integrated service post.

Article 36
Further provisions on primary Healthcare Services shall be regulated by a Regulation of the Government.

Division Three

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Advanced Healthcare Services

Article 37
(1) Advanced Healthcare Services are specialist and/or sub-specialist services that prioritize curative,
rehabilitative and palliative services without neglecting promotive and preventive.
(2) Advanced Healthcare Services as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be provided by Medical Workforce and
Healthcare Workers in accordance with the competence and authority at advanced Healthcare Service
(3) Advanced Healthcare Services as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be funded by the beneficiary of
Healthcare Services or through Health insurance in the national social security system and/or commercial

Article 38
(1) In developing advanced Healthcare Services, the Central Government, Regional Governments, and the
general public may develop a service center of national excellence with international standard.
(2) The development of a service center of national excellence as referred to in paragraph (1) shall aim to
meet the needs of Healthcare Services and face regional and global competition.

Article 39
(1) Primary Healthcare Services and advanced Healthcare Services as referred to in Article 26 shall be
organized continuously through a referral system for individual Healthcare Services.
(2) The individual Healthcare Service referral system as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted based
on medical needs of a Patient and the service capability at each Healthcare Service Facility.
(3) The individual Healthcare Service referral system shall include vertical, horizontal and back-referral
(4) The individual Healthcare Service referral system shall be supported by information and communication
technology that is integrated with the National Health Information System.
(5) The information and communication technology as referred to in paragraph (4) shall contain the current
data and information on the service capability of each Healthcare Service Facility incorporated in an
integrated referral system.
(6) In addition to containing current data and information on the service capability of each Healthcare Service
Facility as referred to in paragraph (5), the utilization of information and communication technology as
referred to in paragraph (4) shall be conducted in the process of transferring medical data and information
of a Patient required for the referral process.
(7) Further provisions on the individual Healthcare Service referral system shall be regulated by a Regulation
of the Minister.

Division Four
Maternal, Infant and Child, Adolescent, Adult, and Elderly Health

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Subdivision 1
Maternal Health

Article 40
(1) Maternal Health Efforts shall be aimed at giving birth to healthy, intelligent and quality children and
reducing maternal mortality.
(2) Maternal Health Efforts as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted during pre-pregnancy,
pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum.
(3) Every mother has the right to get access to Healthcare Service Facilities and Healthcare Services that are
in accordance with standards, safe, of good quality, and are affordable.
(4) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for providing maternal
Healthcare services that are in accordance with standards, safe, of good quality and affordable.
(5) Maternal Health Efforts are a shared responsibility and obligation for the family, general public, Regional
Governments and the Central Government.
(6) Further provisions on maternal Health Efforts shall be regulated by a Regulation of the Government.

Subdivision 2
Infant and Child Health

Article 41
(1) Infant and child Health Efforts shall be aimed at keeping infants and children grow and develop in a
healthy, intelligent and quality manner as well as reducing infant and child morbidity, mortality and
disability rate.
(2) Infant and child Health Efforts shall be conducted since in the womb, born, after birth, up to before 18
(eighteen) years old.
(3) Infant and child Health Efforts as referred to in paragraph (2) shall include newborn screening and other
health screenings.
(4) The Central Government, Regional Governments, family and the general public shall be responsible for
implementing infant and child Health Efforts that are in accordance with standards, safe, of good quality
and affordable.

Article 42
(1) Every baby has the right to receive exclusive breast milk from birth to the age of 6 (six) months, except for
medical indications.
(2) The breastfeeding shall be continued until the age of 2 (two) years accompanied by complementary food.
(3) During the breastfeeding, the family, the Central Government, Regional Governments, and the general
public must fully support the baby's mother by providing time and special facility.
(4) Provision of special facility as referred to in paragraph (3) shall be held in workplaces and public

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Article 43
(1) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for establishing policies and
conducting supervision in order to guarantee the right of babies to get exclusive breast milk.
(2) Further provisions on exclusive breast milk as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be regulated by a
Regulation of the Government.

Article 44
(1) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for providing complete
immunization to every infant and child.
(2) Every infant and child have the right to receive immunization to provide protection from diseases that may
be prevented by immunization.
(3) Family, the Central Government, Regional Governments and the general public must support
immunization of infants and children.
(4) Further provisions on the provision of immunization and types of immunization shall be regulated by a
Regulation of the Minister.

Article 45
The Central Government and Regional Governments must ensure that every child who is born obtains
Healthcare Services according to standards so that they can live, grow and develop optimally.

Article 46
(1) Every infant and child have the right to be protected and avoided from all forms of discrimination and acts
of violence that may interfere with infants and children Health.
(2) The Central Government and Regional Governments are obliged to ensure the organization of infant and
child protection as referred to in paragraph (1) and provide Healthcare Services according to needs.

Article 47
(1) The Central Government shall establish standards and/or criteria for infant and child Health.
(2) Standards and/or criteria as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be organized in accordance with moral
considerations, socio-cultural values, and shall be based on provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 48
(1) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for providing places and other
facilities needed for children to play that allow children to grow and develop optimally and be able to
socialize in a healthy manner.
(2) Playground and other necessary facilities as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be equipped with means of
protection against health risks so as not to endanger children Health.

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Article 49
Further provisions on Infant and Child Health Efforts shall be regulated by a Regulation of the Government.

Subdivision 3
Adolescent Health

Article 50
(1) Adolescent Health Efforts shall be aimed at preparing adolescents to become healthy, intelligent, and
productive adults.
(2) Adolescent Health Efforts shall be conducted at adolescence period.
(3) Every adolescent has the right to access Healthcare Service Facilities and Healthcare Services that are in
accordance with standards, safe, of good quality, and are affordable.
(4) Adolescent Health Efforts as referred to in paragraph (1), shall include Health screening, adolescent
reproductive Health, and adolescent mental Health.
(5) The Central Government, Regional Governments, family and the general public shall be responsible for
the organization of Adolescent Health Efforts that are in accordance with standards, safe, of good quality,
and affordable.
(6) Further provisions on Adolescent Health Efforts shall be regulated by a Regulation of the Government.

Subdivision 4
Adult Health

Article 51
(1) Adult Health Efforts shall be aimed at keeping a person healthy and productive.
(2) Every adult has the right to have access to Healthcare Service Facilities and Healthcare Services that are
in accordance with standards, safe, of good quality, and affordable.
(3) Healthcare Services as referred to in paragraph (2) shall include reproductive Healthcare Services and
periodic screenings for early detection of diseases.
(4) The Central Government, Regional Governments, family and the general public shall be responsible for
the organization of adult Health Efforts that are in accordance with standards, safe, of good quality and
(5) Further provisions on adult Health Efforts shall be regulated by a Regulation of the Government.

Subdivision 5
Elderly Health

Article 52

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(1) Elderly Health Efforts shall be aimed at maintaining a healthy, quality and productive life in accordance
with human dignity.
(2) Elderly Health Efforts shall be conducted since a person reaches the age of 60 (sixty) or another age
stipulated in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.
(3) Every elderly person has the right to have access to Healthcare Service Facilities and Healthcare Services
that are in accordance with standards, safe, of good quality, and affordable.
(4) The Central Government, Regional Governments, family and the general public shall be responsible for
the organization of elderly Health Efforts that are in accordance with standards, safe, of good quality, and
(5) Further provisions on elderly Health Efforts shall be regulated by a Regulation of the Government.

Division Five
Persons with Disabilities Health

Article 53
(1) Persons with disabilities Health Efforts shall be aimed at maintaining healthy, productive and dignified
(2) Persons with disabilities Health Efforts shall be conducted throughout the age of persons with disabilities
(3) Every person with disabilities has the right to have access to Healthcare Service Facilities and Healthcare
Services that are in accordance with standards, safe, of good quality, and affordable.
(4) The Central Government, Regional Governments, family and the general public shall be responsible for
ensuring that persons with disabilities have the same rights as citizens.
(5) Persons with disabilities Health Efforts as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted by the Central
Government, Regional Governments, and/or the general public.
(6) Further provisions on Persons with disabilities Health Efforts shall be regulated by a Regulation of the

Division Six
Reproductive Health

Article 54
(1) Reproductive Health Efforts shall be aimed at maintaining and improving reproductive system, functions
and process in men and women.
(2) Reproductive Health Efforts as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include:
a. pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period;
b. pregnancy management, contraception services, and sexual Health; and
c. reproductive system Health.

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Article 55
Every Person has the right to:
a. lead a reproductive and sexual life that is healthy, safe and free from discrimination, coercion and/or
violence by respecting noble values that do not demean human dignity according to religious norms;
b. obtain information, education, and counseling on reproductive Health that are correct and accountable;
c. receiving Health care and restoration as a result of sexual violence crimes.

Article 56
The Central Government, Regional Governments and the general public shall be responsible for the organization
of reproductive Health Efforts that are in accordance with standards, safe, of good quality, and affordable.

Article 57
(1) Every reproductive Healthcare Services, including assisted reproduction, shall be carried out in a safe and
quality manner by taking into account its unique aspects, especially women’s reproduction.
(2) The implementation of reproductive Healthcare Services as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be
conducted without conflicting with religious values and provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 58
Assisted reproduction may only be conducted by a legally married husband-wife with the following conditions:
a. sperm and ovum fertilization of the husband and wife concerned are implanted in the wife’s uterus where
the ovum originates;
b. conducted by Medical Workforce who have expertise and authority; and
c. conducted in certain Healthcare Service Facilities.

Article 59
Further provisions on reproductive Health Efforts as referred to in Article 54 to Article 58 shall be regulated in a
Regulation of the Government.

Article 60
(1) Every Person is prohibited from having an abortion, except with the criteria allowed in accordance with the
provisions under the criminal code.
(2) The implementation of an abortion with the permissible criteria as referred to in paragraph (1) may only be
a. by Medical Workforce and assisted by Healthcare Workers who have competence and authority;
b. at Healthcare Service Facilities that meet the requirements set by the Minister; and
c. with the consent of the pregnant woman concerned and with the consent of her husband, except for
victims of rape.

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Article 61
The Central Government, Regional Governments, and the general public shall be responsible for protecting and
preventing women from having an abortion that is unsafe and contrary to provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 62
Further provisions on abortion as referred to in Article 60 and Article 61 shall be regulated by a Regulation of the

Division Seven
Family Planning Health

Article 63
(1) Family planning Health Efforts shall be aimed at managing pregnancy, forming a healthy, intelligent and
quality generation, as well as reducing maternal and infant mortality rates.
(2) Family planning Health Efforts as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted during fertility.
(3) Every Person has the right to have access to family planning services.
(4) The Central Government, Regional Governments and the general public shall be responsible for
implementing family planning that is in accordance with standards, safe, of good quality, and affordable.
(5) Family planning services shall be implemented in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Division Eight

Article 64
(1) Efforts to fulfill nutrition shall be aimed at improving the nutritional quality of individuals and the general
(2) Improving the quality of nutrition as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted through:
a. improvement of diverse food consumption patterns, nutritionally balanced, and safe;
b. increasing access to and quality of nutrition services in accordance with the progress of science and
technology; and
c. improvement of alert and early warning system for food and nutrition insecurity.
(3) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for the availability of food
ingredients evenly and affordably in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.
(4) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for maintaining food ingredients
so that they meet nutritional quality standards in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.
(5) Provision of food ingredients that meet nutritional quality standards shall be conducted across sectors and

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between provinces, between regencies, or between cities.

Article 65
(1) Efforts to fulfill nutrition shall be conducted throughout the life cycle since in the womb to old age.
(2) Efforts to fulfill nutrition as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be carried out by paying special attention to:
a. pregnant and lactating women;
b. infants and toddlers; and
c. adolescent female.
(3) In the framework of Efforts to fulfill nutrition as referred to in paragraph (1), the Central Government shall
establish standards for nutritional adequacy and nutrition service standards.
(4) The Central Government, Regional Governments and the general public shall be responsible for fulfilling
the nutrition needs of poor families and in emergency situations in accordance with provisions of laws and
(5) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for proper education and
information about nutrition to the public.
(6) The Central Government, Regional Governments, family and the general public shall conduct joint Efforts
to achieve good nutritional status.

Article 66
(1) Efforts to improve nutrition shall be conducted through nutritional surveillance, nutrition education, nutrition
governance, and nutritional supplementation.
(2) The nutrition surveillance as referred to in paragraph (1) is a systematic and continuous analytical activity
on nutritional issues and indicators of nutritional development so that effective and efficient responses and
countermeasures may be conducted toward nutritional problems.
(3) The nutrition education as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted through communication,
information, and education in the framework of applying balanced nutritional behavior.
(4) The nutrition governance as referred to in paragraph (1) is a series of actions that are aimed at improving
or recovering from failure to thrive, underweight, undernourishment, malnutrition, stunting, excess
nutrition, and micronutrient deficiency as well as nutritional problems due to disease.
(5) The nutritional supplementation as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be aimed at fulfilling the nutritional
adequacy of the general public with priority for infants and toddlers, school-age children, female
adolescents, pregnant women, postpartum mothers, lactating mothers, and female workers.

Article 67
(1) In order to integrate and accelerate the fulfillment of nutrition, the Central Government and Regional
Governments shall be responsible for intervening in the context of fulfilling and improving nutrition.
(2) The intervention as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted through coordination, synergy and
synchronization between ministries/agencies, Regional Governments, Village Governments and

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Article 68
The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for increasing public knowledge and
awareness of the importance of nutrition and its effects on improving nutritional status.

Article 69
Further provisions on nutrition shall be regulated by a Regulation of the Government.

Subdivision Nine
Dental and Oral Health

Article 70
(1) Dental and oral Healthcare Services shall be conducted to maintain and improve the degree of public
(2) Dental and oral Healthcare Services as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted in the form of
improving dental Health, preventing dental disease, treating dental disease, and restoring dental Health.
(3) Dental and oral Healthcare Services as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be implemented by the Central
Government, Regional Governments, and/or the public.
(4) The dental and oral health services as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be implemented through a dental
Healthcare Service unit and/or school Health efforts.

Division Ten
Vision and Hearing Health

Article 71
(1) Vision and hearing Health Efforts shall be aimed at improving the visual and hearing health of the general
public as well as reducing the disability rate.
(2) The Central Government, Regional Governments, and the general public shall be responsible for the
organization of vision and hearing Health Efforts that are in accordance with standards, safe, of good
quality, and affordable.
(3) Vision and hearing Health Efforts as referred to in paragraph (1) may be conducted through public

Article 72
(1) Vision and hearing Health Efforts shall be organized in an integrated, comprehensive, effective, efficient
and sustainable manner.
(2) In the organization of the vision and hearing Health Efforts as referred to in paragraph (1), the Central
Government and Regional Governments may stipulate certain visual impairments and hearing
impairments as national or regional priority.

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Article 73
Further provisions on vision and hearing Health Efforts shall be regulated by a Regulation of the Government.

Division Eleven
Mental Health Efforts

Article 74
(1) Mental Health is a condition in which an individual can develop physically, mentally, spiritually and socially
so that the individual is aware of their own abilities, can handle pressure, can work productively and is
able to make a contribution to their community.
(2) Mental Health Efforts shall be organized in order to:
a. ensure that every person can achieve a good quality of life, enjoy a healthy mental life, free from
fear, pressure, and other disturbances that can interfere with mental Health; and
b. ensure that every person can develop various intelligence potentials and other psychological

Article 75
(1) Mental Health Efforts shall be provided in a proactive, integrated, comprehensive and sustainable manner
throughout the human life cycle for people at risk, people with mental illness, and the general public.
(2) Mental Health Efforts as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include Efforts to prevent suicide by preventing
suicide risk factors, preventing self-harm thoughts, and preventing suicide attempts.

Article 76
(1) Every Person has the right to get:
a. access to safe, quality and affordable mental Healthcare Services; and
b. information and education about mental Health.
(2) Every Person is prohibited from shackling, neglecting, committing violence, and/or ordering others to
shackle, neglect, and/or commit violence against a person who is at risk and a person with mental illness,
or other actions that violate human rights of a person who is at risk and a person with mental illness.
(3) Person at risk and person with mental illness have the same rights as citizens.

Article 77
(1) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for:
a. creating the highest mental Health conditions and ensuring the availability, accessibility, quality, and
equity of mental Health Efforts;
b. providing protection and ensuring mental Healthcare Services for a person at risk and a person with
mental illness based on human rights;
c. providing opportunities for people who are at risk and people with mental illness to be able to obtain

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their rights as Indonesian citizens;
d. treating people with mental illness who are neglected, homeless, and threaten the safety of
themselves and/or others;
e. providing Healthcare Services facilities with mental Healthcare Services, both at the primary and
advanced levels throughout Indonesia, including services for Patients with narcotics, psychotropic
and other addictive substances;
f. developing a public-based mental Health Efforts as part of the overall mental Health Efforts;
g. conducting supervision on service facilities outside the Health sector and public-based mental
Health Efforts; and
h. regulating and ensuring the availability of human resources in the mental Health sector for the even
distribution of the organization of mental Health Efforts.
(2) Mental Health Efforts shall be implemented by prioritizing the role of the family and public.
(3) Mental Health Efforts as referred to in paragraph (2) shall include rehabilitation Efforts towards a person
with mental illness.

Article 78
(1) Mental Health Efforts in the form of Healthcare Services shall be implemented by Medical Workforce and
Healthcare Workers who have competence and authority in the mental Health sector, other professionals
and other workers who are trained in the mental Health sector while respecting the Patient’s human rights.
(2) Mental Health Efforts shall be implemented in family, public, and service facilities in the mental Health

Article 79
(1) Service facilities in the field of mental Health shall include:
a. Healthcare Service Facilities; and
b. service facilities outside the Health sector and public-based service facilities.
(2) Service facilities in the mental Health sector as referred to in paragraph (1) must meet the standards in
accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 80
(1) The governance of a person with mental illness who is done in an inpatient setting must obtain a written
medical consent from the person with mental illness concerned.
(2) In the event that a person with mental illness who is considered incompetent in making a decision, the
medical consent may be given by:
a. husband or wife;
b. parent;
c. child or sibling who is at least 18 (eighteen) years old;
d. guardian or counselor (pengampu); or
e. the authorized official in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

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(3) In the event that a person with mental illness is deemed incompetent and there is no party who can give
approval of the medical consent as referred to in paragraph (2), medical treatment that is aimed at dealing
with an emergency condition may be given without approval.
(4) Determination of ability of a person with mental illness as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be conducted
by a psychiatrist or a doctor who provides medical services at that time.
(5) A person with mental illness who has been cured has the right to determine the medical measure they will

Article 81
(1) In the interest of law enforcement, a person who is suspected of having mental illness and has committed
a crime must receive a mental Health examination.
(2) The mental Health examination as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted to:
a. determine a person’s ability to be accountable for a crime that they have committed; and/or
b. determine the legal capacity of a person to undergo the judicial process.

Article 82
For civil purposes, a person who is suspected of having lost the ability to take legal actions must receive a
mental Health examination.

Article 83
The mental Health examination for legal purposes as referred to in Article 81 and Article 82 shall be conducted in
accordance with guidelines for a mental Health examination.

Article 84
In order to implement certain jobs or occupy certain positions, a mental Health examination is mandatory.

Article 85
Further provisions on mental Health Efforts shall be regulated by a Regulation of the Government.

Division Twelve
Countermeasures of Infectious Diseases and Countermeasures of Non-Infectious Diseases

Subdivision 1

Article 86
(1) The Central Government, Regional Governments, and the general public shall be responsible for

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countermeasures of infectious diseases and countermeasures of non-infectious diseases.
(2) Countermeasures of infectious diseases and countermeasures of non-infectious diseases as referred to in
paragraph (1) shall be carried out through individual Health Efforts and public Health Efforts that are
implemented in a coordinated, integrated and continuous manner.

Article 87
(1) In the event of an incidence of infectious diseases and certain non-infectious diseases becomes a public
Health problem, the Central Government and Regional Governments shall determine programs for the
prevention of infectious diseases and certain non-infectious diseases as national or regional priority.
(2) Regional Governments in establishing programs for the countermeasures of infectious diseases and
countermeasures of certain non-infectious diseases as regional priority as referred to in paragraph (1)
must be guided by the criteria stipulated by the Central Government.
(3) The program for countermeasures of infectious diseases and countermeasures of certain non-infectious
diseases as referred to in paragraph (1) must be supported by management which includes setting targets
and countermeasures strategies and provision the necessary resources.

Article 88
The Central Government and Regional Governments jointly with the public and related stakeholders shall be
responsible for communicating, providing information and educating the risk factors for infectious diseases and
non-infectious diseases to the public who are at risk.

Subdivision 2
Countermeasures of Infectious Diseases

Article 89
(1) The Central Government, Regional Governments and the general public shall be responsible for
countermeasures of infectious diseases through activities to prevent, control and eradicate infectious
diseases and are responsible for the consequences they cause.
(2) Countermeasures of infectious diseases as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted to protect the
general public from contracting diseases in order to reduce the morbidity, disability and/or mortality rate as
well as reduce the social and economic impact of infectious diseases.
(3) In implementing activities to prevent, control and eradicate infectious diseases as referred to in paragraph
(1), authorized Medical Workforce and/or Healthcare Workers may examine:
a. a person or a group of people suspected of being infected with a disease or having risk factors for
an infectious disease; and/or
b. a place suspected of developing vectors and sources of other diseases.
(4) In implementing activities to prevent, control and eradicate infectious diseases as referred to in paragraph
(1), the Central Government and Regional Governments may cooperate with other countries in
accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 90

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The general public, including people with infectious diseases, must prevent the spread of infectious diseases
through clean and healthy living habits, control of Health risk factors, and other prevention Efforts.

Article 91
Countermeasures of infectious diseases shall be implemented in a coordinated and integrated manner with the
animal health, agriculture, environment sectors and other sectors.

Article 92
Further provisions on the countermeasures of infectious diseases as referred to in Article 89 to Article 91 shall be
regulated by a Regulation of the Government.

Subdivision 3
Countermeasures of Non-Infectious Diseases

Article 93
(1) The Central Government, Regional Governments, and the general public shall conduct countermeasures
of non-infectious diseases through prevention, control and eradication of non-infectious diseases and their
(2) Countermeasures of non-infectious diseases as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted to
increase knowledge, awareness, willingness to behave in a healthy life, and prevent the occurrence of
non-infectious diseases and their consequences to reduce the morbidity, disability and mortality rate, as
well as to reduce social impact and economy due to non-infectious diseases.

Article 94
(1) Countermeasures of non-infectious diseases shall be supported by activities of risk factor surveillance,
disease registry and death surveillance.
(2) Activities as referred to in paragraph (1) shall aim to obtain essential information and can be used for
decision-making in efforts for countermeasures of non-infectious diseases.
(3) Activities as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted through cross-sector collaboration, relevant
stakeholders and the public, as well as by forming networks, both nationally and internationally.

Article 95
Further provisions on the countermeasures of non-infectious diseases as referred to in Article 93 and Article 94
shall be regulated in a Regulation of the Government.

Division Thirteen
Family Health

Article 96

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(1) Family Health Efforts shall be aimed at creating positive dynamic interactions between family members
that enable each family member to experience optimal physical, mental and social well-being.
(2) Family as referred to in paragraph (1) is the smallest unit in society which consists of:
a. husband and wife;
b. husband, wife and children;
c. father and children; or
d. mother and children.
(3) Family Health Efforts shall include aspects of:
a. social and emotional processes in the family;
b. healthy living habits in the family;
c. family resources for healthy living; and
d. external social support for healthy living.
(4) Family Health Efforts shall use a life cycle approach that is at least conducted through activities of:
a. positive parenting;
b. habituation of healthy living in the family including maintain the Health of the home environment;
c. provision of Healthcare Services and family medicine;
d. utilization of family-based Health data and information; and
e. family visit.
(5) The Central Government, Regional Governments, Village Governments, and the general public shall be
responsible for organizing family Health Efforts.
(6) Further provisions on family Health Efforts shall be regulated by a Regulation of the Government.

Division Fourteen
School Health

Article 97
(1) School Health shall be organized to improve the ability to live a healthy life for students, educators and
education staffs in the context of realizing quality human resources and creating a healthy school
(2) School Health as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be organized in formal and non-formal education units
in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.
(3) School Health shall be carried out through:
a. Health education;
b. Healthcare Services; and
c. development of a healthy school environment.
(4) In the context of implementing school Health as referred to in paragraph (3) it can be supported by school

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Health facilities and infrastructure.
(5) School Health as referred to in paragraph (3) shall be conducted by an educational unit in collaboration
with first level Healthcare Service Facilities.
(6) Further provisions on school Health as referred to in paragraph (1) to paragraph (5) shall be regulated in a
Regulation of the Government.

Division Fifteen
Occupational Health

Article 98
(1) The Central Government, Regional Governments, employers, and administrators or managers of a
workplace shall be responsible for implementing occupational Health Efforts that are integrated with the
occupational safety and Health system.
(2) Occupational Health Efforts as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted to increase knowledge,
awareness, and ability to live a healthy life and prevent work-related diseases and work accidents.

Article 99
(1) Occupational Health Efforts shall be aimed at protecting workers and other people in a workplace so that
they live healthy lives and are free from Health problems and bad influence caused by work.
(2) Occupational Health Efforts as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted in workplaces of formal and
informal sectors as well as in Healthcare Service Facilities.
(3) Occupational Health Efforts as referred to in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) shall also apply to work in
with changing environment (lingkungan matra).
(4) Occupational Health Efforts as referred to in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) shall be organized in
accordance with occupational Health standards.
(5) Employer and administrator or manager of a workplace must comply with occupational Health standards
as referred to in paragraph (4) and ensure a healthy work environment.
(6) Employer and administrator or manager of a workplace must be responsible for work accidents that occur
in the work environment and work-related illnesses in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 100
(1) Employers must ensure the Health of workers through promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and
palliative Efforts and must bear all costs for maintaining the Health of their workers.
(2) Workers and Every Person in the workplace environment must create and maintain a healthy workplace
environment and comply with occupational Health and safety regulations that apply in the workplace.
(3) Employers must bear costs for work-related illnesses, Health problems, and work-related injuries suffered
by workers in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.
(4) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall provide encouragement and assistance for
worker protection.

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Article 101
Further provisions on Occupational Health Efforts as referred to in Article 98 to Article 100 shall be regulated by
a Regulation of the Government.

Division Sixteen
Sports Health

Article 102
(1) Sports Health Efforts shall be aimed at increasing the degree of Health and physical fitness of the general
public through physical activity, physical exercise, and/or sports.
(2) Increasing the degree of Health and physical fitness of the general public as referred to in paragraph (1) is
a basic effort in increasing learning, work and sports achievements.

Article 103
The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for implementing Sports Health Efforts
which are supported by the provision of the required resources.

Division Seventeen
Environmental Health

Article 104
Environmental Health Efforts shall be aimed at realizing a physically, chemically, biologically, and socially healthy
environment that allows Every Person to achieve the highest degree of Health.

Article 105
(1) The Central Government, Regional Governments, and the general public shall guarantee the availability of
a healthy environment through the organization of environmental Health.
(2) The organization of environmental Health as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted through
health, safety, and control efforts.
(3) Health, security, and control efforts as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be implemented to meet
environmental Health quality standards and Health requirements for environmental media.
(4) Environmental Health as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be organized in residential areas, workplaces,
recreation areas, as well as public places and facilities.

Article 106
(1) In the context of implementing environmental Health, the process of managing medical waste originating
from Healthcare Service facilities must meet the technical requirements stipulated by the Minister.
(2) The process of managing medical waste originating from Healthcare Service Facilities as referred to in

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paragraph (1) may be conducted by Healthcare Service Facilities that meet the technical requirements or
in cooperation with other parties in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 107
Further provisions on environmental Health as referred to in Article 104 to Article 106 shall be regulated in a
Regulation of the Government.

Division Eighteen
Migration and Displacement Health in Changing Environment (Kesehatan Matra)

Article 108
(1) Migration and displacement health in changing environment as a special form of Health Efforts shall be
organized to realize the highest degree of Health in the ever-changing environment in the land, sea and
air environment.
(2) Migration and displacement health in changing environment as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include:
a. field Health;
b. marine Health; and
c. aviation Health.
(3) The organization of migration and displacement health in changing environment shall be implemented in
accordance with the standards and requirements.
(4) Further provisions on migration and displacement health in changing environment shall be regulated by a
Regulation of the Government.

Division Nineteen
Disaster Health

Article 109
(1) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for the availability of resources,
facilities, and implementation of Healthcare Services in a comprehensive and sustainable manner.
(2) Healthcare Services during a disaster as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include:
a. planning of pre-disaster Health;
b. Healthcare Services during a disaster; and
c. post-disaster Healthcare Services.
(3) Healthcare Services during a disaster as referred to in paragraph (2) letter b shall aim to save lives,
prevent disability, and ensure that essential Healthcare Services continue to run according to the minimum
service standards for Healthcare Services.
(4) Healthcare Services during a disaster as referred to in paragraph (2) shall involve all trained human
resources, both from the Central Government, Regional Governments, and the general public.

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Article 110
(1) In organizing Healthcare Services during a disaster emergency response, the Central Government and
Regional Governments may receive assistance from overseas Health Resources.
(2) Health Resource assistance as referred to in paragraph (1) may be in the form of Health funding, medical
Emergency Team, Medicine assistance, Medical Devices, and other Health Supplies.
(3) Receiving assistance as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted in a coordinated manner through
the Central Government.

Article 111
(1) In an emergency, every Health Service Facility, whether the Central Government, Regional Governments,
or the general public, must provide Healthcare Services in a disaster to save lives, prevent further
disability, and best interest for Patients.
(2) Healthcare Service Facilities in providing Healthcare Services during a disaster as referred to in paragraph
(1) shall be prohibited from rejecting Patients and/or asking for advance payment.

Article 112
The Central Government and Regional Governments shall ensure legal protection for Every Person and
Healthcare Service Facilities that provide Healthcare Services during a disaster.

Article 113
Further provisions on the organization of Healthcare Services during a disaster shall be regulated by a
Regulation of the Government.

Division Twenty
Blood Services

Article 114
(1) Blood services are Health Effort that utilizes human blood as a basic material with the aim of humanity,
curing disease and restoring Health, and not for commercial purposes.
(2) Blood as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be obtained from voluntary blood donors who are healthy, meet
the selection criteria as a donor, and with the donor’s approval.
(3) Blood obtained from blood donors as referred to in paragraph (1) must undergo laboratory tests to
maintain the quality and safety of blood.

Article 115
(1) Blood services as referred to in Article 114 paragraph (1) shall consist of blood management and blood
transfusion services.
(2) Blood management as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include:

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a. planning;
b. mobilization and preservation of blood donors;
c. selection of blood donors;
d. blood collection;
e. blood testing;
f. blood processing;
g. blood storage; and
h. blood distribution.
(3) The blood processing process as referred to in paragraph (2) letter f may be separated into blood cells
and plasma.
(4) Blood transfusion services as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include:
a. planning;
b. storage;
c. pre-transfusion testing;
d. blood distribution; and
e. medical treatment of giving blood to the Patient.
(5) Blood services as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be supported by policies and coordination
implemented by the Central Government to ensure the availability, safety and quality of blood.
(6) Blood services shall be conducted by maintaining the safety and Health of blood donors, blood recipients,
Medical Workforce, and Healthcare Workers which are implemented in accordance with blood service

Article 116
(1) The blood management as referred to in Article 115 paragraph (2) shall be conducted by a blood
management unit.
(2) The blood management unit as referred to in paragraph (1) may be organized by the Central Government,
Regional Governments, Healthcare Service Facilities, and/or humanitarian organizations whose main
tasks and functions are in the field of Indonesian red cross affairs in accordance with provisions of laws
and regulations.

Article 117
The Central Government shall determine the reimbursement cost of blood processing.

Article 118
(1) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall ensure the financing in the administration of
blood services.
(2) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for the organization of blood
services that are safe, easily accessible, and in accordance with the needs of the public.

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Article 119
Human blood is prohibited from being traded for any reason.

Article 120
(1) Plasma may be used for the purpose of curing disease and restoring Health through processing and
(2) Plasma as referred to in paragraph (1) may be collected from donors for the purpose of producing plasma-
derived Medicinal products.
(3) Donors as referred to in paragraph (2) may be given compensation.
(4) The plasma collection as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be based on the donor’s approval.
(5) Plasma obtained from donors as referred to in paragraph (2) prior to processing and production must
undergo laboratory examination to maintain quality and safety.
(6) The implementation of plasma collection as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be conducted by maintaining
the safety and Health of donors, Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers.
(7) The plasma collection as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be conducted by a plasma bank.
(8) The plasma bank as referred to in paragraph (7) shall be organized by the Central Government, Regional
Governments, Healthcare Service Facilities, research institutions and/or certain humanitarian
organizations that obtain permits from the Central Government or Regional Governments in accordance
with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 121
The Central Government shall control the cost of processing plasma and plasma-derived Medicinal products.

Article 122
Further provisions on blood services shall be regulated by a Regulation of the Government.

Division Twenty One

Transplantation of Organ and/or Tissue, Cell and/or Stem Cell-Based Therapy, and Reconstruction and
Aesthetics Plastic Surgery

Subdivision 1

Article 123
In the framework of healing disease and restoring Health, organ and/or tissue, cell and/or stem cell-based
therapy, and reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery may be performed.

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Subdivision 2
Transplantation of Organ and/or Tissue

Article 124
(1) Transplantation of organ and/or tissue shall be conducted for the purpose of curing disease and restoring
Health and only for humanitarian purposes.
(2) The transplantation of organ and/or body tissue as referred to in paragraph (1) is an act of transferring an
organ and/or body tissue from a donor to a recipient according to medical needs.
(3) Organ and/or body tissue as referred to in paragraph (1) are prohibited from being commercialized or
traded for any reason.

Article 125
(1) Donors in the transplantation of organ and/or tissue shall consist of:
a. living-donors; and
b. deceased-donors.
(2) Living-donors as referred to in paragraph (1) letter a are donors whose organs and/or tissues are removed
while the person concerned is still alive with the consent of the person concerned.
(3) Deceased-donors as referred to in paragraph (1) letter b are donors whose organs and/or tissues are
removed when the person concerned has been declared dead by Medical Workforce at a Health care
facility and must have written approval from their family.
(4) In the event that deceased-donors during their lifetime declared themselves willing as a donor, the
transplantation of organ and/or body tissue may be conducted when the person concerned died without
the consent of their family.

Article 126
(1) A person shall be declared dead as referred to in Article 125 paragraph (3) if they fulfill:
a. diagnostic criteria for clinical/conventional death or permanent cessation of cardiac circulatory
system function; or
b. diagnostic criteria for brain stem death/brain death.
(2) Further provisions on the criteria for death diagnosis shall be regulated by a Regulation of the

Article 127
(1) Transplantation of organs and/or body tissues may only be conducted at Healthcare Service Facilities by
Medical Workforce who have the expertise and authority.
(2) Healthcare Service Facilities as referred to in paragraph (1) must meet the requirements established by
the Minister.

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Article 128
The transplantation of organs and/or body tissues as referred to in Article 127 must pay attention to:
a. the principle of justice;
b. medical utility principle;
c. compatibility of the organ and/or body tissue with the recipient who is in need;
d. order of priority based on the medical needs of the recipient and/or family relationship;
e. timeliness of transplantation of organ and/or tissue;
f. characteristics of organs and/or body tissues; and
g. donor’s Health for living-donors.

Article 129
Transplantation of organs and/or body tissues shall be conducted through the following activities:
a. registration of potential donors and potential recipients;
b. examination of the eligibility of potential donors in terms of treatment, psychological, and socio-juridical;
c. examination of compatibility between the donor and the recipient of organs and/or body tissues; and/or
d. transplant surgery and postoperative management of organ and/or tissue transplantation.

Article 130
(1) Every Person has the right to be a transplant recipient of organs and/or body tissues.
(2) The recipient of organ and/or tissue transplantation as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted
based on medical emergency and/or survival.
(3) The determination of medical emergency and/or survival as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be
conducted in a fair, transparent and responsible manner.

Article 131
(1) The Minister has the authority to manage organ and/or tissue transplantation services.
(2) The management authority as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted through:
a. establishment of an information system for transplantation of organ and/or body tissue that is
integrated with the National Health Information System;
b. dissemination and increase of public participation as donors of organs and/or body tissues for the
benefit of humanity and Health recovery;
c. management of organ and/or body tissue donor and recipient data; and
d. education and research that supports organ and/or body tissue transplantation service activities.
(3) In implementing the management as referred to in paragraph (1), the Minister shall cooperate with the
relevant ministries/agencies and Regional Governments.

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Article 132
The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for implementing increased efforts for
transplantation of organ and/or tissue.

Article 133
(1) The Central Government, Regional Governments, and/or recipients may give awards to organ transplant
(2) Awards as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be given to donors and/or donor heirs.

Article 134
Further provisions on the organization of organ and/or tissue transplantation as referred to in Article 124 to
Article 133 shall be regulated in a Regulation of the Government.

Subdivision 3
Cell and/or Stem Cell-Based Therapy

Article 135
(1) Cell and/or stem cell-based therapy may be conducted if it is proven to be safe and useful.
(2) Cell and/or stem cell-based therapy as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted to cure disease and
Health restoration.
(3) Cell and/or stem cell-based therapy as referred to in paragraph (1) is prohibited for reproduction.
(4) Stem cells as referred to in paragraph (1) cannot originate from embryonic stem cells.

Article 136
Further provisions on cell and/or stem cell-based therapy as referred to in Article 135 shall be regulated in a
Regulation of the Government.

Subdivision 4
Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Article 137
(1) Reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery may only be conducted by Medical Workforce who have the
expertise and authority.
(2) Reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery must not contradict the prevailing norms in society and are
not intended to change identity.
(3) Provisions on the requirements and procedures for reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery as referred
to in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) shall be stipulated in a Regulation of the Government.

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Division Twenty Two
Security and Use of Pharmaceutical Preparations, Medical Devices, and Household Health Supplies

Article 138
(1) Pharmaceutical Preparations, Medical Devices, and PKRT must be safe, efficacious/beneficial, of good
quality, and affordable and comply with the provisions for halal product guarantee in accordance with
provisions of laws and regulations.
(2) Every Person is prohibited from procuring, producing, storing, promoting, and/or distributing
Pharmaceutical Preparations that do not meet safety, efficacy/benefit, and quality standards and/or
(3) Every Person is prohibited from producing, storing, promoting, circulating and/or distributing Medical
Devices that do not meet safety, efficacy/benefit, and quality standards and/or requirements.
(4) Procurement, production, storage, promotion, distribution and service of Pharmaceutical Preparations and
Medical Devices must meet the standards and requirements in accordance with provisions of laws and
(5) Production, promotion and distribution of PKRT must meet the standards and requirements in accordance
with provisions of laws and regulations.
(6) The Central Government and Regional Governments must guide, regulate, control, and supervise the
production, procurement, storage, promotion, and circulation of Pharmaceutical Preparations, Medical
Devices, and PKRT in accordance with their respective authorities.

Article 139
(1) Every Person who produces, procures, stores, circulates and uses drugs containing narcotics and
psychotropic must meet certain standards and/or requirements.
(2) The use of drugs containing narcotics and psychotropic may only be conducted based on a prescription of
Medical Workforce and is prohibited from being abused.
(3) Production, procurement, storage, circulation, and use of drugs containing narcotics and psychotropic as
referred to in paragraph (1) shall be implemented in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 140
Security for Pharmaceutical Preparations, Medical Devices, and PKRT is held to protect the public from harm
caused by the use of Pharmaceutical Preparations, Medical Devices, and PKRT that do not meet the
requirements for safety, efficacy/benefit, and quality.

Article 141
(1) The use of Medicines and Natural Medicines must be rationally done.
(2) The use of Medical Devices must be conducted in appropriate manner.
(3) The use of Medicines, Natural Medicines, and Medical Devices as referred to in paragraph (1) and
paragraph (2) must pay attention to the safety of Patients.

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Article 142
(1) Pharmaceutical Preparations in the form of Medicines and Medicinal Ingredients must meet the standards
and requirements of the Indonesian pharmacopoeia and/or other recognized standards.
(2) Pharmaceutical Preparations in the form of Natural Medicines must meet standards and/or requirements,
in the form of Indonesian herbal pharmacopoeia and/or other recognized standards.
(3) Pharmaceutical Preparations in the form of Health supplements and quasi-drugs must meet standards
and/or requirements, in the form of Indonesian pharmacopoeia, Indonesian herbal pharmacopeia, and/or
other recognized standards.
(4) Pharmaceutical Preparations in the form of cosmetics must meet standards and/or requirements, in the
form of Indonesian cosmetic codex and/or other recognized standards.
(5) Raw materials used in Pharmaceutical Preparations in the form of Natural Medicines, Health supplements,
quasi-drugs, and cosmetics for certain dosage based on a risk assessment must meet the standards
and/or quality requirements as pharmaceutical raw materials.
(6) Medical Devices and PKRT must meet the stipulated standards and/or requirements.
(7) Provisions on standards and/or requirements for Pharmaceutical preparations and Medical Devices shall
be stipulated by the Central Government.
(8) Standards and/or requirements for PKRT shall be implemented in accordance with provisions of laws and

Article 143
(1) Every Person who produces and/or distributes Pharmaceutical Preparations, Medical Devices and PKRT
must comply with business license from the Central Government or Regional Governments in accordance
with their authority based on norms, standards, procedures and criteria in accordance with provisions of
laws and regulations.
(2) Every Person who produces and/or circulates Pharmaceutical Preparations, Medical Devices, and PKRT
who has obtained a business license, that are proven not to meet the security requirements,
efficacy/benefits, and quality shall be subject to administrative sanctions in accordance with provisions of
laws and regulations in the business licensing sector.
(3) The business license as referred to in paragraph (1) does not apply to traditional herbal drink (jamu
gendong) businesses, traditional herbal concoction drink (jamu racikan) businesses, and production
facilities for special use Medicines.
(4) Business licensing related to Pharmaceutical Preparations, Medical Devices, and PKRT as referred to in
paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) shall be implemented in accordance with provisions of laws and

Article 144
Further provisions on the security of Pharmaceutical Preparations, Medical Devices and PKRT shall be
regulated by a Regulation of the Government.

Article 145

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(1) Pharmaceutical practice must be conducted by pharmacists in accordance with provisions of laws and
(2) Pharmaceutical practice as referred to in paragraph (1) shall consist of production, including quality
control, procurement, storage, distribution, research and development of Pharmaceutical Preparations, as
well as pharmaceutical management and services.
(3) Under certain conditions, pharmaceutical practice as referred to in paragraph (1) may be carried out by
other Healthcare Workers on a limited basis other than pharmaceutical staffs.
(4) Provisions on pharmaceutical practice as referred to in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) shall be regulated
by a Regulation of the Government.

Division Twenty Three

Safety of Food and Beverage

Article 146
(1) Every Person who produces, processes and distributes food and beverages must comply with standards
and/or requirements for safety, quality and nutrition in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.
(2) In addition to the obligation to meet the standards and/or requirements as referred to in paragraph (1),
foods and beverages that are produced, processed, distributed, and consumed must meet halal product
guarantee provisions in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 147
(1) Every Person who produces food and beverages is prohibited from providing information or statements
that are untrue and/or misleading in the product information.
(2) Every Person is prohibited from promoting food and beverage products that are not in accordance with the
product information.
(3) Every Person who violates the prohibition provisions as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be subject to
administrative and/or criminal sanctions in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 148
The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for regulating and supervising the
production, processing and distribution of food and beverages as referred to in Article 146 and Article 147.

Division Twenty Four

Safety of Addictive Substances

Article 149
(1) The production, circulation, and use of addictive substances shall be directed not to disturb and endanger
the Health of individuals, family, general public and the environment.
(2) Addictive substances as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include all tobacco products which its use can

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cause harm to themselves and/or the general public.
(3) Tobacco products as referred to in paragraph (2) shall include:
a. cigarettes;
b. cigars;
c. leaf cigarettes;
d. sliced tobacco;
e. solid and liquid tobacco; and
f. other tobacco processing products.
(4) The production, distribution and use of tobacco products as referred to in paragraph (3) must meet the
standards and/or requirements stipulated by taking into account the Health risk profile.

Article 150
(1) Every Person who produces, imports into the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia,
and/or circulates addictive substances, in the form of tobacco products and/or electronic cigarettes as
referred to in Article 149 paragraph (3) must include a Health warning.
(2) The Health warning as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be in the form of writing accompanied by a

Article 151
(1) No smoking area shall consist of:
a. Healthcare Service Facilities;
b. places for teaching and learning process;
c. places for children to play;
d. places for worship;
e. public transportation;
f. workplaces; and
g. public places and other determined places.
(2) Regional Governments must establish and implement no smoking area in its territory.
(3) Manager, organizer or person in charge of a workplace, public place and other designated places as
referred to in paragraph (1) letter f and letter g must provide a special place for smoking.

Article 152
(1) Further provisions on the safety of addictive substances, in the form of tobacco products, shall be
regulated by a Regulation of the Government.
(2) Further provisions on the safety of addictive substances, in the form of electronic cigarettes, shall be
regulated by a Regulation of the Government.

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Division Twenty-Five
Medical Services for Legal Purposes

Article 153
(1) The organization of medical service for legal purposes shall be aimed at obtaining facts and findings that
can be used as a basis for providing expert testimony.
(2) The organization of medical service for legal purposes as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted
at Healthcare Service Facilities that meet the requirements.
(3) Requests and procedures for providing medical services for legal purposes shall be implemented in
accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 154
Every Person has the right to obtain medical services for legal purposes.

Article 155
The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for the organization of medical
services for legal purposes.

Article 156
(1) Medical services for legal purposes shall consist of:
a. medical services for living person; and
b. medical services for deceased person.
(2) In order to perform medical services for legal purposes as referred to in paragraph (1) forensic autopsy
may be conducted in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations, laboratory examination, and/or
post-mortem virtual autopsy.
(3) Medical services for legal purposes as referred to in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) shall be conducted
by Medical Workforce in accordance with their expertise and authority.

Article 157
(1) In the interests of law enforcement and population administration, every person who dies must be
endeavored to find out the cause of death and their identity.
(2) In an effort to determine the cause of death of a person as referred to in paragraph (1), a death audit may
be conducted, including verbal autopsy, clinical autopsy, forensic autopsy, and/or laboratory examination
and post-mortem virtual autopsy.
(3) The implementation of clinical autopsy, forensic autopsy, and/or laboratory examination and post-mortem
virtual autopsy as referred to in paragraph (2) must be conducted with the consent of the family.
(4) In the effort to determine the identity as referred to in paragraph (1), efforts must be conducted to identify
the bodies according to the standards.
(5) The implementation of efforts to determine the cause of death as referred to in paragraph (1) may be

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combined with research, education and training, including anatomical autopsy and/or clinical autopsy.

Article 158
Autopsy procedures by Medical Workforce must be conducted in accordance with religious norms, socio-cultural
norms, moral norms, and professional ethics.

Article 159
Further provisions on medical services for legal purposes shall be regulated by a Regulation of the Government.

Division Twenty-Six
Traditional Healthcare Services

Article 160
(1) Traditional Healthcare Services based on the method of treatment shall consist of:
a. Traditional Healthcare Services that utilize skills; and/or
b. Traditional Healthcare Services that use herbs.
(2) Traditional Healthcare Services as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted based on knowledge,
expertise, and/or values originating from local wisdom.
(3) Traditional Healthcare Services as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be guided and supervised by the
Central Government and Regional Governments so that it can be held accountable for its benefits and
safety and does not conflict with socio-cultural norms.

Article 161
(1) Traditional Healthcare Services shall include promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and/or palliative
(2) Traditional Healthcare Services may be conducted in independent practice places, Puskesmas, traditional
Healthcare Service facilities, Hospitals and other Healthcare Service facilities.

Article 162
The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for the availability of traditional
Healthcare Services.

Article 163
(1) The general public shall be given the widest possible opportunity to develop, improve, and use traditional
Healthcare Services whose benefits and safety can be accounted for.
(2) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall regulate and supervise traditional Healthcare
Services as referred to in paragraph (1) based on security, benefits and public protection.

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Article 164
Further provisions on traditional Healthcare Services shall be regulated by a Regulation of the Government.


Division One

Article 165
(1) Healthcare Service Facilities shall provide Healthcare Services in the form of individual Healthcare
Services and/or public Healthcare Services.
(2) Healthcare Service Facilities shall include:
a. first level Healthcare Service Facility;
b. advanced Healthcare Service Facility; and
c. supporting Healthcare Service Facility.
(3) Healthcare Service Facilities as referred to in paragraph (1) must provide Healthcare Services to the
general public in accordance with Healthcare Service standards.
(4) Healthcare Service Facilities as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be implemented by the Central
Government, Regional Governments, and the public.
(5) Every Healthcare Service Facility must fulfill business licensing from the Central Government or Regional
Governments in accordance with their authority based on the norms, standards, procedures and criteria
stipulated by the Central Government.

Article 166
Healthcare Service Facilities based on their forms shall consist of:
a. static Healthcare Service Facilities; and
b. mobile Healthcare Service Facilities.

Article 167
(1) First level Healthcare Service Facilities shall organize primary Healthcare Services.
(2) First level Healthcare Service Facilities as referred to in paragraph (1) may be in the form of:
a. a Puskesmas;
b. a primary clinic; and
c. an independent practice of Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers.

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(3) In organizing Healthcare Services as referred to in paragraph (1), service integration may be conducted
between Healthcare Service Facilities.
(4) The integration of primary Healthcare Services shall be aimed at supporting the implementation of
government programs, especially Healthcare Services in promotive and preventive forms.

Article 168
(1) Advanced Healthcare Services facilities shall organize advanced Healthcare Services which include
specialist services and/or subspecialty services.
(2) Advanced Healthcare Service Facilities as referred to in paragraph (1) may be in the form of:
a. a Hospital;
b. a main clinic;
c. a Health center; and
d. an independent practice of Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers.

Article 169
First level Healthcare Service Facilities as referred to in Article 167 and advanced Healthcare Service Facilities
as referred to in Article 168 in implementing primary Healthcare Services and advanced Healthcare Services
shall be supported by supporting Healthcare Service Facilities.

Article 170
(1) Supporting Healthcare Service Facilities as referred to in Article 165 paragraph (2) letter c shall organize
Healthcare Services to support primary Healthcare Services and advanced Healthcare Services.
(2) Supporting Healthcare Service Facilities as referred to in paragraph (1) may stand alone or may join the
first level Healthcare Service Facilities and advanced Healthcare Service Facilities.

Article 171
Further provisions on the types and organization of Healthcare Service Facilities shall be regulated by a
Regulation of the Government.

Article 172
(1) Healthcare Service Facilities as referred to in Article 165 may provide Telehealth and Telemedicine
(2) Healthcare Service Facilities may independently organize Telemedicine services or cooperate with a
registered electronic system operator in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.
(3) Telemedicine services organized by Healthcare Service Facilities as referred to in paragraph (1) shall
include services for:
a. between Healthcare Service Facilities; and
b. between Healthcare Service Facilities and the general public.

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(4) Telemedicine services provided by Healthcare Service Facilities as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be
conducted by Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers who have a permit to practice.
(5) Further provisions on the organization of Telemedicine services shall be regulated by a Regulation of the

Article 173
(1) Healthcare Service Facilities must:
a. provide broad access for the needs in service, education, study, and development of services in the
Health sector;
b. organize quality Healthcare Services and prioritizing safety of Patients;
c. organize medical records;
d. submit reports on the results of services, education, research and development to the Central
Government with a copy to the Regional Government through the Health Information System;
e. make efforts to utilize the results of services, education, research, and development in the Health
f. integrate services, education, research, and development in a system as an effort to overcome
Health problems in a region; and
g. create standard operating procedures with reference to the Healthcare Service standards.
(2) In conditions of KLB or Outbreak, Healthcare Service Facilities must provide Healthcare Services as a
countermeasure effort in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.
(3) Healthcare Service Facility Operators are prohibited from employing Medical Workforce and Healthcare
Workers who do not have a permit to practice in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 174
(1) Healthcare Service Facilities that are owned by the Central Government, Regional Government, and/or
the general public must provide Healthcare Services for someone who is in an Emergency condition to
prioritize saving lives and preventing disability.
(2) In an Emergency condition as referred to in paragraph (1), Healthcare Service Facilities that are owned by
the Central Government, Regional Government, and/or the general public are prohibited from rejecting
Patients and/or asking for advance payments and are prohibited from prioritizing all administrative matters
causing delays in Healthcare Services.

Article 175
(1) Every head of a Healthcare Service Facility must secure the required Health management competence.
(2) Provisions on the required Health management competence as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be
regulated by a Regulation of the Government.

Article 176
(1) Healthcare Service Facilities must apply Patient safety standards.

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(2) Patient safety standards as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be implemented through risk identification
and management, analysis and reporting, as well as solving problems in preventing and dealing with
events that endanger the safety of Patients.
(3) Further provisions on Patient safety standards as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be regulated by a
Regulation of the Minister.

Article 177
(1) Each Healthcare Service Facility must keep the confidentiality of Patients’ personal Health.
(2) Healthcare Service Facilities may refuse to disclose all information to the public relating to Patients’
personal Health secrets, except under the provisions as referred to in Article 4 paragraph (4).
(3) Further provisions on the confidentiality of Patients’ personal Health shall be regulated by a Regulation of
the Government.

Article 178
(1) Each Healthcare Service Facility must improve the quality of Healthcare Services internally and externally
in a continuous and sustainable manner.
(2) Improving the quality of Healthcare Services internally as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted
a. measurement and reporting of quality indicators;
b. reporting of Patient safety incident; and
c. risk management.
(3) Improving the quality of Healthcare Services externally as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted
a. Registration;
b. license; and
c. accreditation.
(4) The implementation of Registration, license, and accreditation as referred to in paragraph (3) shall be
implemented with an orientation towards fulfilling quality standards, guiding and improving quality
services, as well as a fast, open and accountable process.
(5) The accreditation of Healthcare Service Facilities as referred to in paragraph (3) letter c shall be organized
by the Minister or the accreditation organizing institution stipulated by the Minister.
(6) Further provisions on improving the quality of Healthcare Services internally and externally as referred to
in paragraph (1) shall be stipulated by a Regulation of the Government.

Article 179
(1) In order to improve access and quality of Healthcare Services, Healthcare Service Facilities may develop:
a. Healthcare Services support network;
b. cooperation with 2 (two) or more Healthcare Service Facilities;
c. center of excellence; and

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d. integrated Healthcare Services.
(2) Further provisions on the development of Healthcare Services as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be
regulated by a Regulation of the Government.

Division Two

Article 180
(1) Puskesmas has the duty of organizing and coordinating promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative
and/or palliative Healthcare Services by prioritizing promotive and preventive Healthcare Services in its
working areas.
(2) In implementing the duties as referred to in paragraph (1), a Puskesmas has the function of providing
primary Healthcare Services in its working areas.
(3) In addition to organizing the functions as referred to in paragraph (2), a Puskesmas has a role in creating
a healthy work area with the general public who:
a. behave a healthy life;
b. have easy access to quality Healthcare Services;
c. live in a healthy environment; and
d. have the highest degree of Health, whether individuals, family, group, or the general public.

Article 181
(1) The organization of primary Healthcare Services by a Puskesmas shall be conducted through coordinating
Health Resources in the working area of a Puskesmas.
(2) Puskesmas shall provide guidance on the network of primary Healthcare Services in its working area.

Article 182
(1) The organization of a Puskesmas shall be supported by competent and professional human resources in
the form of Medical Workforce, Healthcare Workers, and Health support or help personnel.
(2) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include Medical
Workforce who have competence in the family medicine sector and Healthcare Workers who have
competence in the field of public Health sector.
(3) Head of a Puskesmas must have competence in coordinating Health Resources and primary Healthcare
Services networks in the working area of a Puskesmas.
(4) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall ensure the fulfillment of the number, type and
quality of human resources at a Puskesmas.

Article 183
Further provisions on the organization of a Puskesmas shall be regulated by a Regulation of the Government.

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Division Three

Article 184
(1) Hospital shall organize individual Healthcare Services function in the form of specialists and/or
(2) In addition to individual Healthcare Services in the form of specialists and/or subspecialties, a Hospital
may provide basic Healthcare Services.
(3) In addition to organizing individual Healthcare Services as referred to in paragraph (1), a Hospital may
organize educational and research functions in the Health sector.
(4) Every Hospital must organize good Hospital governance and clinical governance.

Article 185
(1) Hospital may be organized by the Central Government, Regional Governments, or the general public.
(2) Hospital that is organized by the Central Government or Regional Governments in providing Health
services may apply the pattern of financial management of a public service agency in accordance with the
provisions of laws and regulations.
(3) Hospital that is established by the general public must be in the form of a legal entity whose business
activity is only engaged in the Healthcare Services.
(4) Hospital as referred to in paragraph (3) is exempted for a Hospital that is organized by a non-profit legal

Article 186
(1) The organizational structure of a Hospital shall consists of at least leadership element, medical service
element, nursing element, medical and non-medical supporting element, administrative executive element,
and operational element.
(2) The leadership element of a Hospital as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be held by:
a. Medical Workforce;
b. Healthcare Workers; or
c. professional staffs,
who have Hospital management competence.

Article 187
(1) Hospital may be designated as a teaching Hospital.
(2) The teaching Hospital as referred to in paragraph (1) is a Hospital that has a function as a place of
education, research, and Healthcare Services in an integrated manner in the education for Medical
Workforce and Healthcare Workers sector as well as multi-professional continuing education.

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(3) The teaching Hospital as referred to in paragraph (1) shall cooperate with higher education institutions in
organizing an academic education program, a vocational program, and a professional program, including
a specialist/subspecialist program.
(4) Teaching Hospital may organize a specialist/sub-specialist program as the main education provider while
still working closely with higher education institutions.
(5) In organizing education as referred to in paragraph (3) and paragraph (4), a teaching Hospital must meet
the requirements, standards and accreditation in accordance with their role.
(6) The preparation of requirements and standards for a teaching Hospital as referred to in paragraph (5)
shall be conducted by the Minister and the minister who organizes government affairs in the education
sector by involving the Collegium.
(7) The stipulation of a teaching Hospital shall be conducted by the Minister after fulfilling the requirements.
(8) The organization of education by a teaching Hospital as referred on paragraph (4) shall be conducted
based on permission from the minister who organizes government affairs in the education sector after
fulfilling the requirements and standards of a teaching Hospital as referred to in paragraph (6).
(9) The organization of accreditation of a teaching Hospital shall be implemented by the Minister and the
minister who organizes government affairs in the education sector by involving the relevant accreditation
(10) In the organization of a teaching Hospital, a network of teaching Hospital may be formed.
(11) Further provisions on teaching Hospital shall be regulated by a Regulation of the Government.

Article 188
(1) Hospital in organizing research function may form a research center for the development of Healthcare
(2) The research center as referred to in paragraph (1) must organize a superior and translational research.
(3) In organizing a research as referred to in paragraph (2), a Hospital may implement research-based
(4) Hospital that implements research-based services as referred to in paragraph (3) through a research
innovation developed by Medical Workforce and/or Healthcare Workers must be given support and
freedom in a responsible manner.
(5) Hospital that implements research function may cooperate with other institutions or parties.

Article 189
(1) Every Hospital has the obligation to:
a. provide correct information about Hospital services to the general public;
b. provide safe, quality, anti-discriminatory and effective Healthcare Services by prioritizing the
interests of Patients in accordance with Hospital service standards;
c. provide Emergency service to Patients according to their service capabilities;
d. play an active role in providing Healthcare Services in a disaster according to the ability of their
e. provide facilities and services for underprivileged or poor people;

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f. carry out social functions, among others by providing service facilities for underprivileged or poor
Patients, emergency service without down payment, free ambulance, services for victims of a
disaster and outbreak, or social services for humanitarian missions;
g. create, implement, and maintain quality standards of Healthcare Services in Hospitals as a
reference in serving Patients;
h. organize medical records;
i. provide a proper public facilities and infrastructure, including places of worship, parking lots, waiting
room, facilities for persons with disabilities, breastfeeding women, children and the elderly;
j. implement a referral system;
k. reject Patients' wishes which are contrary to professional and ethical standards as well as
provisions of laws and regulations;
l. provide correct, clear and honest information on the rights and obligations of Patients;
m. respect and protect the rights of Patients;
n. implement Hospital ethics;
o. own disaster prevention and management system;
p. implement government programs in the Health sector, both regionally and nationally;
q. make a list of Medical Workforce who perform medical practice or dentistry and other Healthcare
r. draft and implement internal regulations for the Hospital;
s. protect and provide legal assistance to all Hospital staffs in carrying out their duties; and
t. enforce the entire Hospital environment as no smoking area.
(2) Violation of the obligations as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be subject to administrative sanctions in
accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 190
Hospital must implement a Hospital Health Information System that is integrated with the National Health
Information System.

Article 191
Hospital have the right to:
a. determine the number, type, and qualifications of human resources according to the Hospital
b. receive compensation for services and determine remuneration, incentives, and rewards in accordance
with provisions of laws and regulations;
c. conduct cooperation with other parties in developing services;
d. accept help from other parties in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations;
e. sue a party that cause loss;
f. obtain legal protection in implementing Healthcare Services; and

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g. promote Healthcare Services in the Hospital in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 192
(1) Hospital is not legally responsible if a Patient and/or their family refuse or stop treatment which may result
in the death of the Patient after a comprehensive medical explanation.
(2) Hospital cannot be prosecuted for implementing their duties in saving human lives.

Article 193
Hospital shall be legally responsible for all losses incurred due to negligence committed by Health Human
Resources of the Hospital.

Article 194
(1) Determination of Hospital tariffs must be based on the national tariff pattern and the maximum tariff ceiling.
(2) The Minister shall determine the national tariff pattern based on the unit cost component of financing by
taking into account regional conditions.
(3) Governors shall determine the maximum tariff ceiling based on the national tariff pattern as referred to in
paragraph (2) that applies to Hospitals in the province concerned.

Article 195
Revenues of a Hospital that is managed by the Central Government and Regional Governments shall be used
entirely directly for Hospital operational costs and cannot be used as state revenue or Regional Government

Article 196
Further provisions on the administration of a Hospital shall be regulated by a Regulation of the Government.


Division One
Grouping of Health Human Resources

Article 197
Health Human Resources shall consist of:
a. Medical Workforce;
b. Healthcare Workers; and

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c. Health support or help personnel.

Article 198
(1) Medical Workforce as referred to in Article 197 letter a shall be grouped into:
a. doctor; and
b. dentist
(2) Types of doctor Medical Workforce as referred to in paragraph (1) letter a shall consist of doctor, specialist
doctor, and sub-specialist doctor.
(3) Types of dentist Medical Workforce as referred to in paragraph (1) letter b shall consist of dentist,
specialist dentist, and sub-specialist dentist.

Article 199
(1) Healthcare Workers as referred to in Article 197 letter b shall be grouped into:
a. clinical psychologist;
b. nursing personnel;
c. midwifery personnel;
d. pharmaceutical personnel;
e. public health worker;
f. environmental health officer;
g. nutritionist;
h. physical therapist;
i. medical technician;
j. biomedical engineer;
k. traditional health worker; and
l. other Healthcare Workers as stipulated by the Minister.
(2) The type of Healthcare Worker who is included in the group of clinical psychologist as referred to in
paragraph (1) letter a is clinical psychologist.
(3) Types of Healthcare Workers who are included in the group of nursing personnel as referred to in
paragraph (1) letter b shall consist of vocational nurse, nurse, and clinical nurse specialist.
(4) Types of Healthcare Workers who are included in the group of midwifery personnel as referred to in
paragraph (1) letter c shall consist of midwife and professional midwife.
(5) Types of Healthcare Workers who are included in the group of pharmaceutical personnel as referred to in
paragraph (1) letter d shall consist of pharmacy technician, pharmacist and specialist pharmacist.
(6) Types of Healthcare Workers who are included in the group of public Healthcare Workers as referred to in
paragraph (1) letter e shall consist of public health worker, Health epidemiologist, health promotion and
behavioral science staff, occupational health advisor, as well as administrative and health policy staff.
(7) Types of Healthcare Workers who are included in the group of environmental health officer as referred to

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in paragraph (1) letter f shall consist of environmental sanitation worker and health entomologist.
(8) Types of Healthcare Workers who are included in the group of nutritionist as referred to in paragraph (1)
letter g shall consist of nutritionist and dietitian.
(9) Types of Healthcare Workers who are included in the group of physical therapist as referred to in
paragraph (1) letter h shall consist of physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, and
(10) Types of Healthcare Workers who are included in the group of medical technician as referred to in
paragraph (1) letter i shall consist of medical and health information recorder, cardiovascular technician,
blood service technician, optometrist, dental technician, anesthetist, dental and oral therapist, and
(11) Types of Healthcare Workers who are included in the group of biomedical engineer as referred to in
paragraph (1) letter j shall consist of radiographer, electromedical, medical laboratory technology
personnel, medical physicist, and prosthetic orthotic.
(12) Types of Healthcare Workers who are included in the group of traditional Healthcare Workers as referred
to in paragraph (1) letter k shall consist of traditional herbal concoction or drink (jamu) Healthcare
Workers, traditional health worker of traditional healer, and intercontinental traditional Healthcare Workers.

Article 200
(1) Health support or help personnel as referred to in Article 197 letter c shall work at Healthcare Service
Facilities or other institutions in the Health sector.
(2) Further provisions on Health support or help personnel as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be regulated
by a Regulation of the Government.

Article 201
(1) In meeting the development of science and technology in the Health sector and the need for Healthcare
Services, the Minister may stipulate:
a. a new type of Medical Workforce or type of Healthcare Worker in each group as referred to in Article
198 and Article 199; and
b. a new group of Medical Workforce or a group of Healthcare Worker.
(2) The stipulation as referred to in paragraph (1) must first be reviewed jointly with the Council and Collegium
by taking into account the need for Healthcare Services in the general public and the fulfillment of the
competence of Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers.

Division Two

Article 202
The Central Government and Regional Governments are obliged to meet the needs of Medical Workforce and
Healthcare Workers in terms of the number, type, competence and even distribution to ensure the continuity of
Health development.

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Article 203
(1) The Minister shall stipulate policies and plans for Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers in meeting
the national needs of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers.
(2) The Minister in preparing the planning for Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as referred to in
paragraph (1) shall involve Healthcare Service Facilities, regency/city Regional Governments, provincial
Regional Governments, and related parties based on the availability of Medical Workforce and Healthcare
Worker and the need for implementing development and Health Efforts.
(3) The planning for Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be
carried out for Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who carry out professional work in accordance
with their competence and authority who work at Healthcare Service Facilities or a work unit owned by the
Central Government, Regional Governments, or the general public.
(4) The planning for Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be
conducted by taking into account the cooperation and synergism between stakeholders by utilizing
information and communication technology that is integrated with the National Health Information System.

Article 204
The Central Government and Regional Governments in planning for Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers
must pay attention to:
a. type, qualification, number, procurement and distribution of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers;
b. organization of Health Efforts;
c. availability of Healthcare Service Facilities;
d. state or regional finances;
e. demographic, geographical, and socio-cultural conditions; and
f. typology/type of disease in the region or public needs.

Article 205
The planning policy for Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers stipulated by the Minister nationally as
referred to in Article 203 paragraph (1) shall serve as a guideline for every institution that employs Medical
Workforce and Healthcare Workers, both the Central Government, Regional Governments and the general
public in fulfilling and managing Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers.

Article 206
Further provisions on the planning of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers shall be regulated by a
Regulation of the Government.

Division Three
Procurement of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers

Article 207

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(1) Procurement of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers shall be implemented in accordance with the
planning and utilization of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers.
(2) Procurement of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers shall be conducted through higher education
by taking into account:
a. availability and distribution of educational institutions and/or study programs for Medical Workforce
and Healthcare Workers in each region;
b. a balance between the needs of implementing Health Efforts and/or the dynamics of employment
opportunities at home and abroad;
c. balance between the production capacity of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers and
available resources;
d. development of science and technology; and
e. development priority and Healthcare Services.
(3) Higher education as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be organized by the Central Government and/or the
general public in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 208
(1) The guidance of higher education in the procurement of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as
referred to in Article 207 paragraph (2) shall be conducted by the minister who organizes government
affairs in the education sector in coordination with the Minister.
(2) The coordination as referred to in paragraph (1) shall at least include:
a. preparation of national education standards related to Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers;
b. meeting the needs of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers; and
c. human resource educators for Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers.
(3) The preparation of national education standards as referred to in paragraph (2) letter a shall involve the
Collegium of each Health discipline.
(4) The national education standards as referred to in paragraph (3) shall be stipulated by the minister who
organizes government affairs in the education sector.

Article 209
(1) Professional education in the Health sector as part of higher education shall be organized by higher
education institutions and in collaboration with Healthcare Service Facilities, the ministry that organizes
government affairs in the education sector, and the ministry that organizes government affairs in the health
sector by involving the role of the Collegium in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.
(2) In addition to being organized by higher education institutions as referred to in paragraph (1), professional
education in the Health sector for specialist and sub-specialist programs may also be organized by a
teaching Hospital as the main organizer and work jointly with higher education institutions, the ministry
that organizes government affairs in the education sector, ministry that organizes government affairs in the
Health sector by involving the role of the Collegium.

Article 210

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(1) Medical Workforce must have educational qualifications of at least professional clinical training.
(2) Healthcare Workers shall have educational qualifications of at least associate degree.

Article 211
(1) Students who complete Medical Workforce education in bachelor’s degree programs shall receive a
diploma in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.
(2) Students who have completed education as referred to in paragraph (1) may only practice after
completing professional clinical training and are given a professional certificate.

Article 212
(1) Students who complete Healthcare Worker education in associate degree programs, bachelor’s degree
programs, and bachelor of applied science programs shall receive a diploma in accordance with
provisions of laws and regulations.
(2) Students who have completed the bachelor’s degree of Healthcare Worker education as referred to in
paragraph (1) may only carry out professional practice after completing professional clinical training and
are given a professional certificate.

Article 213
(1) In order to assess the achievement of competency standards for Medical Workforce or Healthcare
Workers, students in vocational programs and professional clinical training program, both Medical
Workforce and Healthcare Workers must take a national competency test.
(2) The competency test as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be organized by an education provider in
collaboration with the Collegium.
(3) Students who complete the vocational education program as referred to in paragraph (1) who pass the
competency test at the end of their education period shall receive a competency certificate.
(4) Students who complete the professional clinical program as referred to in paragraph (1) who pass the
competency test at the end of their education period shall receive a professional certificate and
competency certificate.

Article 214
Graduates of vocational or professional programs shall be given a degree by the higher education institution
after completing their education.

Article 215
Graduates of the competency test as referred to in Article 213 paragraph (3) and paragraph (4) must have their
professional oath taken by the education provider in accordance with professional ethics.

Article 216
(1) Medical Workforce who have taken the professional oath as referred to in Article 215 must take part in an
internship program which is a mandatory temporary placement at first level and advanced level Healthcare

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Service Facilities.
(2) The internship program as referred to in paragraph (1) shall aim to strengthen, improve, and become self-
(3) The internship program as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be implemented nationally by the Minister in
coordination with the minister who organizes government affairs in the education sector and related

Article 217
(1) Medical Workforce who have completed the internship program can continue their education to a
specialist program.
(2) Medical Workers who have completed the specialist program as referred to in paragraph (1) may continue
their education to a subspecialty program.
(3) Learners of specialist/subspecialist program as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be utilized by Healthcare
Service Facilities in providing Healthcare Services as part of the educational process.

Article 218
(1) Healthcare Workers may continue their education to a specialist program.
(2) Learners on a specialist program as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be utilized by Healthcare Service
Facilities in the provision of Healthcare Services as part of the educational process.

Article 219
(1) Learners who provide Healthcare Services as referred to in Article 217 paragraph (3) and Article 218
paragraph (2) are entitled to:
a. obtain legal assistance in the event of a medical dispute during the educational process;
b. obtain time off;
c. receive Health insurance in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations;
d. receive protection from physical, mental violence, and bullying; and
e. receive compensation for services from Healthcare Service Facilities in accordance with the
Healthcare Services performed.
(2) Learners who provide Healthcare Services as referred to in Article 217 paragraph (3) and Article 218
paragraph (2) must:
a. maintain safety of Patients;
b. respect, protect and fulfill rights of Patients;
c. maintain professional ethics and discipline in the practice of Medical Workforce and Healthcare
Workers; and
d. maintain the ethics of Healthcare Service Facilities and follow the rules that apply in the education
provider and Healthcare Service Facilities.

Article 220

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(1) In order to assess the achievement of competency standards for Medical Workforce or Specialist/Sub-
specialist Healthcare Workers, students in a specialist/sub-specialist program, both Medical Workforce
and Healthcare Workers, must take the national standardized competency test.
(2) Competency standards as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be prepared by the Collegium and stipulated
by the Minister.
(3) The competency test as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be carried out by an education provider in
collaboration with the Collegium.
(4) Learners who complete a specialist/subspecialist education program as referred to in paragraph (1) who
pass the competency test at the end of the education period shall receive a competency certificate and
professional certificate.
(5) The competency certificate as referred to in paragraph (4) shall be issued by the Collegium.
(6) The professional certificate as referred to in paragraph (4) shall be issued by the education provider.

Article 221
Graduates of specialist/subspecialist program shall be given the title of specialist/subspecialist by the education
provider after completing their education.

Article 222
(1) Human resources in the education of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers shall consist of:
a. educators and educational staffs who are not Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers;
b. Medical Workforce and Healthcare Worker;
c. researchers and/or engineers; and
d. other personnel as needed.
(2) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as referred to in paragraph (1) letter b are educators or non-
educators who can conduct education, research, public service, and/or Healthcare Services.
(3) Human resources as referred to in paragraph (1) shall obtain equality of recognition for their work in the
educational process of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers in their career development.
(4) Human resources as referred to in paragraph (1) may be assigned to implement their work flexibly
between the higher education provider and the Healthcare Service Facility.
(5) Human resources who receive the assignment as referred to in paragraph (4) shall receive recognition for
their work in developing their careers.

Article 223
(1) Higher education providers and Healthcare Services facilities that implement education for Medical
Workforce and Healthcare Workers shall provide facilities and infrastructure in accordance with national
education standards and Healthcare Services standards.
(2) Facilities and infrastructure as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be used jointly and/or alternately.

Article 224

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(1) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall provide support in the organization of
education for Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers which includes human resources, facilities and
infrastructure, educational funding assistance, research, and other support.
(2) The education funding assistance as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be provided in accordance with the
planning policy for Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as referred to in Article 205.
(3) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who receive educational funding assistance as referred to in
paragraph (1) must implement a service period at a designated Healthcare Service Facility after
completing education.
(4) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who receive educational funding assistance who fail to
implement the service period as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be subject to an administrative sanction
in the form of revocation of STR.

Article 225
Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers shall continuously improve their competence to develop their

Article 226
Further provisions on the procurement of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as referred to in Article
207 to Article 225 shall be regulated in a Regulation of the Government.

Division Four
Utilization of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers

Subdivision 1

Article 227
(1) Utilization of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers shall be implemented in accordance with the
plan in order to fulfill Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as referred to in Article 203.
(2) Utilization of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers shall be conducted by the Central Government,
Regional Governments, and/or the general public in accordance with their respective duties and functions
based on provisions of laws and regulations.
(3) The utilization of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be
conducted by taking into account the aspects of equality, utilization and/or development.

Article 228
(1) Regency/city Regional Governments must meet the needs of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers
for primary Healthcare Services at Puskesmas and other first level Healthcare Service Facilities belonging
to Regional Governments based on provisions of laws and regulations.
(2) The Central Government may provide incentives or disincentives to regency/city Regional Governments in

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fulfilling the needs of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as referred to in paragraph (1).

Article 229
(1) Regional Governments shall be responsible for fulfilling Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers for
advanced Healthcare Services at their Healthcare Service Facilities in accordance with provisions of laws
and regulations.
(2) The Central Government may provide incentives or disincentives to Regional Governments in meeting the
needs of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as referred to in paragraph (1).

Article 230
Further provisions on incentives or disincentives as referred to in Article 228 and Article 229 shall be regulated in
a Regulation of the Government.

Subdivision 2
Utilization of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers in the Country

Article 231
(1) For the purpose of even distribution of Healthcare Services and fulfillment Healthcare Services needs to
the general public, the Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for
conducting placement of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers after going through a selection
(2) The placement of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers by the Central Government or Regional
Governments as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted by the following manner:
a. an appointment as a state civil apparatus;
b. a special assignment; or
c. an appointment of employees in other appropriate ways in accordance with provisions of laws and
(3) In addition to the placement of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers in the manner as referred to in
paragraph (2), the Central Government may place Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers through an
appointment as a member of the Indonesian National Armed Forces or the Indonesian National Police.
(4) The appointment as a state civil apparatus as referred to in paragraph (2) letter a as well as placement
through an appointment as a member of the Indonesian National Armed Forces or the Indonesian National
Police as referred to in paragraph (3) shall be conducted in accordance with provisions of laws and
(5) The placement of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers through a special assignment as referred to
in paragraph (2) letter b shall be conducted in accordance with the national plan and conducted by the
Minister or governors/regents/mayors by taking into account the needs of Healthcare Services, the
availability of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers, as well as well as paying attention to
underdeveloped areas, borders and islands.
(6) Further provisions on the special assignment as referred to in paragraph (2) letter b shall be regulated
under a Regulation of the Government.

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Article 232
The placement as referred to in Article 231 shall be followed by efforts to retain Medical Workforce and
Healthcare Workers.

Article 233
(1) For the purpose of even distribution of specialist medical Services, the Central Government, teaching
hospitals, and education providers may utilize students of medical specialist/sub-specialist or
dentistry/sub-specialist education programs.
(2) Further provisions on the utilization of students of medical specialist/sub-specialist or dental specialist/sub-
specialist education programs as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be regulated under a Regulation of the

Article 234
(1) For the purpose of even distribution of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers in accordance with the
needs of Healthcare Services, the Central Government and/or Regional Governments may utilize Medical
Workforce and Healthcare Workers who are graduates from education providers that are organized by the
Central Government or the general public to participate in the placement selection.
(2) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who have passed the selection as referred to in paragraph (1)
shall be placed in a Healthcare Service Facility that is owned by the Central Government and/or Regional
Governments for a certain period of time.
(3) The head of the Healthcare Service Facility as referred to in paragraph (2) or the head of a region who is
in charge of the Healthcare Service Facility must pay attention the fulfillment of the needs of incentives,
security guarantee, and work safety for Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers in accordance with
provisions of laws and regulations.
(4) Further provisions on the placement of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as referred to in
paragraph (1) to paragraph (3) shall be regulated under a Regulation of the Government.

Article 235
(1) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who are appointed by the Central Government or Regional
Governments may be transferred interprovincial, inter-regency or inter-city due to reasons of the needs of
Healthcare Service Facilities and/or promotion in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.
(2) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who work in underdeveloped, border and islands areas as
well as areas with Health problems or areas that are not in demand shall receive special allowances or
incentives, security guarantee, support for infrastructure and medical devices, extraordinary promotions,
and protection in performing their duties in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.
(3) In the event of a vacancy for Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers, the Central Government or
Regional Governments must provide replacement of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers to
ensure the continuity of Healthcare Services at the Healthcare Service Facility concerned.
(4) Further provisions on the transfer of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as referred to in
paragraph (1) and Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who are assigned in underdeveloped,
border and islands areas as well as areas with Health problems as referred to in paragraph (2) and the
provision of replacement of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as referred to in paragraph (3)

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shall be regulated under a Regulation of the Government.

Article 236
(1) Under certain conditions, the Central Government has the authority to regulate the placement of Medical
Workforce and Healthcare Workers who are graduates from an education provider.
(2) Further provisions on arrangements for the placement of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as
referred to in paragraph (1) shall be regulated under a Regulation of the Government.

Article 237
(1) The Central Government and/or Regional Governments may determine the pattern of commitment to work
for the government (ikatan dinas) for prospective Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers to fulfill the
interests of Health development.
(2) In addition to the pattern of commitment to work for the government held by the Central Government
and/or Regional Governments as referred to in paragraph (1), business entities or the general public may
determine the pattern of commitment to work for the government in order to fulfill the interests of
Healthcare Services.
(3) The implementation of the pattern of commitment to work for the government by business entities or the
general public as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be followed by the placement of prospective Medical
Workforce and Healthcare Workers in remote, underdeveloped, border and islands areas as well as areas
with Health problems or areas that are not in demand in supporting the even distribution of Medical
Workforce and Healthcare Workers.
(4) Further provisions on the pattern of commitment to work for the government for prospective Medical
Workforce and Healthcare Workers as referred to in paragraph (1) to paragraph (3) shall be regulated
under a Regulation of the Government.

Subdivision 3
Utilization of Reserve Healthcare Workers for the Countermeasure of Extraordinary Events, Outbreaks,
and Disaster Emergency

Article 238
(1) The Central Government shall form reserve Healthcare Workers to increase the capacity of Health Human
Resources and support Health resilience.
(2) Reserve Healthcare Workers as referred to in paragraph (1) shall consist of Medical Workforce,
Healthcare Workers, and non-Healthcare Workers who are prepared to be mobilized in countermeasures
of extraordinary events, outbreaks, and a disaster emergency.
(3) Reserve Healthcare Workers in the form of non-Healthcare Workers as referred to in paragraph (2) shall
come from non-Healthcare Workers who have received training related to countermeasures of KLB,
Outbreak, and disaster emergency.
(4) Reserve Healthcare Workers as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be managed through:
a. registration and credentials by utilizing information technology that is integrated with the National
Health Information System;

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b. development and capacity building of Reserve Healthcare Workers; and
c. implementation of mobilization.

Article 239
Further provisions on the utilization of reserve Healthcare workers for the countermeasures of extraordinary
events, outbreaks and disaster emergency as referred to in Article 238 shall be regulated under a Regulation of
the Government.

Subdivision 4
Utilization of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who are Indonesian Citizens Abroad

Article 240
(1) Utilization of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who are Indonesian citizens abroad may be
conducted by considering the balance between the needs of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers
in Indonesia and job opportunities for Medical Workforce and Indonesian Healthcare Workers abroad.
(2) Further provisions on the Utilization of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who are Indonesian
citizens Abroad shall be regulated under a Regulation of the Government.

Subdivision 5
Utilization of Medical Workforce and Indonesian Healthcare Workers Who Graduated Abroad

Article 241
(1) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who are Indonesian citizens and are overseas graduates who
will practice in Indonesia must take part in a competency evaluation.
(2) The competency evaluation as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted by the Minister by involving
the minister who conduct government affairs in the field of education, the Council and the Collegium.
(3) The competency evaluation as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include:
a. assessment of administrative completeness; and
b. assessment of practical ability.
(4) The assessment of practical ability as referred to in paragraph (3) letter b shall be conducted after
assessing the administrative completeness as referred to in paragraph (3) letter a.
(5) In order to assess practical ability as referred to in paragraph (3) letter b, a competency test shall be
(6) The results of the competency test as referred to in paragraph (5) shall be in the form of:
a. competent; or
b. not yet competent.
(7) In the event that the result of the competency test is declared competent as referred to in paragraph (6)
letter a, Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who are Indonesian citizens and overseas graduates

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shall follow the adaptation to Healthcare Service Facilities.
(8) In the event that the result of the competency test is declared not yet competent as referred to in
paragraph (6) letter b, Medical Workforce, and Healthcare Workers who are Indonesian citizens and
overseas graduate must take part in additional competencies.

Article 242
Medical Workforce and Indonesian Healthcare Workers who are overseas graduates and will take part in
adaptation at Healthcare Service Facilities must have STR and SIP.

Article 243
The provisions as referred to in Article 241 shall be exempted for Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers
who are Indonesian citizens and overseas graduate who:
a. are graduates of a recognized education provider abroad and have practiced for at least 2 (two) years
abroad; or
b. are experts in a particular field of excellence in Healthcare Services as evidenced by competency

Article 244
Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who are Indonesian citizens and overseas graduate who have
completed a competency evaluation and will conduct practice in Indonesia must have STR and SIP in
accordance with the provisions as referred to in this Law.

Article 245
Further provisions on the utilization of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who are Indonesian citizens
and overseas graduates shall be regulated under a Regulation of the Government.

Subdivision 6
Utilization of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who are Foreign Citizen and Domestic

Article 246
(1) Medical Workforce and Foreign Healthcare Workers who are foreign citizen and domestic graduates who
practice in Indonesia must:
a. have STR; and
b. have SIP,
in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.
(2) Medical Workforce and Foreign Healthcare Workers who are foreign citizen and domestic graduates as
referred to in paragraph (1) may only practice at the request of the Healthcare Service Facility user with a
certain time limit.

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Article 247
Further provisions on the utilization of Medical Workforce and Foreign Healthcare Workers who are foreign
citizen and domestic graduates shall be regulated under a Regulation of the Government.

Subdivision 7
Utilization of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers Who are Foreign Citizens and Overseas

Article 248
(1) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who are Foreign Citizens and Overseas Graduates who are
able to practice in Indonesia shall only apply to specialist and sub-specialist Medical Workforce as well as
Healthcare Workers with a certain level of competence after participating in a competency evaluation.
(2) The competency evaluation as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted by the Minister by involving
the minister who conduct government affairs in the field of education, the Council and the Collegium.
(3) The competency evaluation as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include:
a. assessment of administrative completeness; and
b. assessment of practical ability.
(4) The assessment of practical ability as referred to in paragraph (3) letter b shall be conducted after
assessing the administrative completeness as referred to in paragraph (3) letter a.
(5) The assessment of practical ability as referred to in paragraph (3) letter b shall include competency
equalization and competency testing.
(6) The competency equalization as referred to in paragraph (5) shall be aimed to ensure compliance with the
competency standards of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers in Indonesia.
(7) The results of the competency test as referred to in paragraph (5) shall be in the form of:
a. competent; or
b. not yet competent.
(8) In the event that the result of the competency test is declared competent as referred to in paragraph (7)
letter a, medical specialists, and subspecialists as well as Healthcare Workers with a certain level of
competence who are foreign citizens and overseas graduates must take part in adaptation to Healthcare
Service Facilities.
(9) In the event that the result of the competency test is declared not yet competent as referred to in
paragraph (7) letter b, specialist and sub-specialist Medical Workforce as well as Healthcare Workers with
a certain level of competency who are foreign citizens and overseas graduates must return to their country
of origin in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 249
Specialists and subspecialists Medical Workforce as well as Healthcare Workers with a certain level of
competence, who are foreign citizens and overseas graduates who participate in adaptation at Healthcare
Service Facilities must have STR and SIP.

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Article 250
The provisions as referred to in Article 248 shall be exempted for specialists and subspecialists Medical
Workforce as well as Healthcare Workers with a certain level of competence who are foreign citizens who:
a. graduated from an education provider abroad that has been recognized and have practiced as a specialist
and sub-specialist Medical Workforce as well as Healthcare Workers at a certain competency level for at
least 5 (five) years abroad which must be proven by a certificate or other documents issued by an
authorized institution in the country concerned; or
b. are experts in a certain field of excellence in Healthcare Service which evidenced by competency
certification and have practiced for at least 5 (five) years abroad.

Article 251
(1) Specialists and subspecialists Medical Workforce as well as Healthcare Workers with a certain level of
competence who are foreign citizens and overseas graduates may practice at Healthcare Service
Facilities in Indonesia with the following provisions:
a. there is a request from a Healthcare Service Facility that uses specialists and subspecialists
Medical Workforce as well as Healthcare Workers at a certain level of competence who are foreign
citizens and overseas graduates in accordance with the needs;
b. for transfer of technology and knowledge; and
c. for a maximum period of 2 (two) years and may be extended 1 (one) time and only for the next 2
(two) years.
(2) Requests from a user Healthcare Service Facility as referred to in paragraph (1) letter a must prioritize the
use of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who are Indonesian citizens and meet the competency
(3) The provisions of the time period as referred to in paragraph (1) letter c shall be excluded for the utilization
of specialist and sub-specialist Medical Workforce as well as Healthcare Workers of a certain level of
competence who are foreign citizens in special economic zones.

Article 252
(1) Specialists and subspecialists Medical Workforce as well as Healthcare Workers with a certain level of
competence who are foreign citizens and have completed the competency evaluation process and will
practice in Indonesia must have an STR and SIP.
(2) STR and SIP for specialists and subspecialists Medical Workforce as well as Healthcare Workers with a
certain competency level who are foreign citizens and overseas graduates as referred to in paragraph (1)
shall be valid for a period of 2 (two) years and may be extended 1 (one) time and only for the next 2 (two)

Article 253
Healthcare Service Facilities that employ specialist and sub-specialist Medical Workforce as well as Healthcare
Workers with a certain competency level who are foreign citizens must facilitate education and training of
Indonesian language for Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who are foreign citizens and overseas

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Article 254
(1) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who are foreign citizens and overseas graduates and will
become participants in a specialist/sub-specialist education program in Indonesia must have an STR.
(2) STR as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be valid during the education period.

Article 255
(1) Specialist and sub-specialist Medical Workforce as well as Healthcare Workers with a certain level of
competence who are foreign citizens and overseas graduates who will provide education and training for
the purpose of transfer of knowledge and technology or other activities for a certain period of time do not
require an STR.
(2) Specialist and sub-specialist Medical Workforce as well as Healthcare Workers with a certain level of
competence who are foreign citizens and overseas graduates as referred to in paragraph (1) must obtain
approval from the Minister.
(3) Approval as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be granted for a certain time through a provider of education
and training or other activities.

Article 256
In addition to the provisions as referred to in Article 248 to Article 255, specialist and sub-specialist Medical
Workforce as well as Healthcare Workers with a certain level of competency who are foreign citizens must fulfill
other requirements in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 257
Further provisions on the utilization of specialist and sub-specialist Medical Workforce as well as Healthcare
Workers with a certain level of competence who are foreign citizens and overseas graduates as referred to in
Article 248 to Article 255 shall be regulated under a Regulation of the Government.

Division Five
Training for Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers for Maintenance and Improvement of Quality

Article 258
(1) In order to maintain and improve the quality of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers, training and/or
competency improvement activities shall be conducted that support continuity in performing practice.
(2) Training and/or competency improvement activities as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be organized by
the Central Government and/or training agency that is accredited by the Central Government.
(3) Maintenance and improvement of quality as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted in accordance
with professional standards, competency standards, service standards, as well as development in science
and technology.
(4) Training and/or competency improvement activities as referred to in paragraph (1) may be used for
certification process through conversion into professional credit unit.

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(5) Further provisions on the organization of training and/or competency improvement activities in order to
maintain and improve the quality of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as referred to in
paragraph (1) shall be regulated under a Regulation of the Government.

Article 259
In order to maintain and improve the quality of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as referred to in
Article 258, heads of regions and heads of Healthcare Service Facilities must provide equal opportunities to
Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers by considering an assessment of performance and behavior.

Division Six
Registration and Licensing

Subdivision 1

Article 260
(1) Every Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who will practice must have an STR.
(2) STR as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be issued by the Council on behalf of the Minister after fulfilling
the requirements.
(3) Requirements as referred to in paragraph (2) are at least:
a. has a diploma in the Health sector and/or professional certificate; and
b. have a competency certificate.
(4) STR as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be valid for life.

Article 261
STR as referred to in Article 260 is not valid if:
a. the person concerned passed away;
b. is suspended or revoked by the Council on behalf of the Minister; or
c. is revoked based on a court decision that has been legally binding.

Article 262
Further provisions on the Registration of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers shall be regulated under a
Regulation of the Government.

Subdivision 2

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Article 263
(1) Certain types of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers must have a license in performing their
professional practice.
(2) The license as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be granted in the form of a SIP.
(3) SIP as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be issued by Regional Governments at regency/city-level where
the Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers perform their practice.
(4) Under certain conditions, the Minister may issue SIP.
(5) In order to issue SIP as referred to in paragraph (3), the Central Government shall involve Regional
Governments at regency/city-level in determining quotas for each type of Medical Workforce and
Healthcare Workers by taking into account the following criteria:
a. availability and distribution of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers in the area;
b. ratio of population to active Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers that is determined by the
Minister; and
c. workload of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers.

Article 264
(1) To obtain SIP as referred to in Article 263 paragraph (2), certain Medical Workforce and Healthcare
Workers must have:
a. STR; and
b. a practice place.
(2) SIP shall remain valid as long as the place of practice remains in accordance with the one listed in the
(3) SIP as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be valid for 5 (five) years and may be extended as long as it
fulfills the requirements.
(4) Requirements for extension of SIP as referred to in paragraph (3) shall include:
a. STR;
b. a practice place; and
c. fulfillment of adequacy professional credit unit.
(5) The management of fulfilling the adequacy of professional credit units as referred to in paragraph (4) letter
c shall be conducted by the Minister.
(6) SIP as referred to in paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) shall not be valid if:
a. expired;
b. the person concerned passed away;
c. STR is revoked or suspended;
d. SIP is revoked; or
e. the place of practice has changed.

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Article 265
Under certain conditions, Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who provide Healthcare Services do not
require SIP in the place.

Article 266
Further provisions on licensing as referred to in Article 263 to Article 265 shall be regulated under a Regulation of
the Government.

Article 267
(1) In the interest of fulfilling the needs of medical services, the Minister may issue a letter of assignment to
certain specialist doctors or specialist dentists who already have SIP to work at certain Healthcare Service
Facilities without requiring SIP in the location.
(2) The issuance of an assignment letter as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted with the following
a. there is a request from a regency/city health office based on needs;
b. the absence of specialist doctors or specialist dentists with the same expertise and competence in
the regency/city; and
c. specialist doctors or specialist dentists who receive the assignment letter must have obtained SIP.
(3) In the event that during the validity period of the assignment letter there is other specialist doctors or
dentists with the same expertise and competence in the area, the assignment letter shall become invalid.
(4) Further provisions on the assignment letter shall be regulated under a Regulation of the Government.

Division Seven

Article 268
(1) In order to improve the quality and professional technical competence of Medical Workforce and
Healthcare Workers, as well as to provide legal protection and certainty to the general public, a Council
shall be established.
(2) The Council as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be under and responsible to the President through the
Minister and is independent in performing its role.

Article 269
Council has the following roles:
a. formulating internal policies and standardizing the implementation of duties of the Council;
b. conducting the Registration of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers; and
c. conducting professional technical development for Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers.

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Article 270
Membership of Council shall come from the following elements:
a. the Central Government;
b. the profession of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers;
c. Collegiums; and
d. general public.

Article 271
Further provisions on Council, including duties, functions and authorities shall be regulated under a Regulation of
the government.

Division Eight

Article 272
(1) In order to develop discipline branches and educational standards for Medical Workforce and Healthcare
Workers, each expert group for each Health discipline may establish a Collegium.
(2) The Collegium as referred to in paragraph (1) is a complementary apparatus to the Council and is
independent in performing its duties.
(3) Collegium has the following roles:
a. prepare competency standards for Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers; and
b. prepare a standard curriculum for the training of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers.
(4) Membership of a Collegium shall come from professors and experts in the field of Health sciences.
(5) Further provisions on Collegium, including duties, functions and authorities shall be regulated under a
Regulation of the Government.

Division Nine
Rights and obligations

Subdivision 1
Rights and Obligations of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers

Article 273
(1) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers in performing practice have the right to:
a. obtain legal protection as long as performing their duties in accordance with professional standards,

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professional service standards, standard operating procedure, and professional ethics, as well as
Health needs of Patients;
b. obtain complete and correct information from Patients or their family;
c. receive proper salary/wages, remuneration, and performance allowance in accordance with
provisions of laws and regulations;
d. obtain protection for safety, occupational Health, and security;
e. obtain Health insurance and employment insurance in accordance with provisions of laws and
f. obtain protection for treatment that is not in accordance with human dignity, morals, decency, and
socio-cultural values;
g. receive an award in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations;
h. obtain the opportunity to develop themselves through the development of competence, knowledge,
and career in their field of profession;
i. reject the wishes of Patients or other parties that conflict with professional standards, service
standards, standard operating procedures, code of ethics, or provisions of laws and regulations ;
j. obtain other rights in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.
(2) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers may stop Healthcare Services if they receive treatment that is
inconsistent with human dignity, morals, decency, and socio-cultural values as referred to in paragraph (1)
letter f, including acts of violence, harassment and bullying.

Article 274
Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers in performing practice must:
a. provide Healthcare Services in accordance with professional standards, professional service standards,
standard operating procedures, and professional ethics as well as Health needs of Patients;
b. obtain approval from Patients or their family for the treatment that will be given;
c. maintain the confidentiality of Patients' Health;
d. draw up and keep records and/or documents on examination, care, and treatment that are performed; and
e. refer Patients to Medical Workforce or other Healthcare Workers who have the appropriate competence
and authority.

Article 275
(1) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who practice at Healthcare Service Facilities must provide
first aid to Patients in emergency and/or in a disaster.
(2) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who provide Healthcare Services for in the context of
treatment to save lives or prevent someone's disability in an emergency and/or during a disaster shall be
exempted from claims for compensation.

Subdivision 2

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Rights and Obligations of Patients

Article 276
Patients have the right to:
a. obtain information regarding their Health;
b. obtain adequate explanation on Healthcare Services that are received;
c. obtain Healthcare Services in accordance with the medical needs, professional standards, and quality
d. reject or approve to a medical action, except for a medical action that is required in order to prevent
infectious diseases and countermeasures of KLB or Outbreak;
e. obtain access to the information contained in the medical record;
f. request the opinion of other Medical Workforce or other Healthcare Workers; and
g. obtain other rights in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 277
Patients have the following obligations:
a. provide complete and honest information regarding their Health problems;
b. comply with the advice and instructions of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers;
c. comply with the provisions that apply to Healthcare Service Facilities; and
d. provide compensation for Service received.

Article 278
Further provisions on the rights and obligations of Medical Workforce, Healthcare Workers and Patients shall be
regulated under a Regulation of the Government.

Division Ten
Organization of Practice

Subdivision 1

Article 279
Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers shall be morally responsible for:
a. devoting themselves in accordance with their scientific field;
b. acting and behaving in accordance with professional ethics;

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c. prioritizing the interests of Patients and general public above personal or group interests; and
d. enhancing knowledge and following the development of science and technology.

Article 280
(1) In performing practice, Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who provide Healthcare Services to
Patients must implement their best efforts.
(2) Best efforts as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted in accordance with the norms, service
standards and professional standards as well as Health needs of Patients.
(3) Best efforts as referred to in paragraph (1) do not guarantee the success of the provided Healthcare
(4) The practice of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers shall be conducted based on an agreement
between the Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers and Patients based on principles of equality and

Article 281
Under certain circumstances, the practice as referred to in Article 280 may utilize information and communication
technology that is integrated with the National Health Information System.

Article 282
(1) Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers who are unable to practice may be replaced by substitute
Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers.
(2) Substitute Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers as referred to in paragraph (1) are Medical
Workforce or Healthcare Workers who have SIP.
(3) Substitute Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers as referred to in paragraph (1) must inform the
Patient and/or their family.

Article 283
(1) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who organize individual practice must provide clear identity
including SIP and STR numbers at their individual practice location.
(2) In the event that Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers practice at a Healthcare Service Facility, the
Head of the Healthcare Service Facility must provide a list of names, SIP and STR numbers, as well as
the practice schedule of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers.
(3) Any Medical Workforce, Healthcare Workers, and heads of Healthcare Service Facilities who fail to
implement the provisions as referred to in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) shall be subject to
administrative sanctions.
(4) Administrative sanctions as referred to in paragraph (3) may be in the form of:
a. verbal reprimand;
b. written reprimand;
c. administrative fines; and/or

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d. revocation of license.
(5) Administrative sanctions as referred to in paragraph (4) shall be subject to the Central Government,
provincial Regional Governments, and Regional Governments at the regency/city-level in accordance with
their authority.
(6) Further provisions on procedures for the imposition of administrative sanctions shall be regulated under a
Regulation of the Government.

Article 284
Heads of Healthcare Service Facilities shall be prohibited from employing Medical Workforce or Healthcare
Workers who do not have a SIP to practice in Healthcare Service Facilities.

Subdivision 2

Article 285
(1) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers in must perform their practice in accordance with their
authority based on their competence.
(2) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who have more than one level of education shall have
authority in accordance with the scope and the highest level of competence and qualification.
(3) Further provisions on the authority as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be regulated under a Regulation of
the Government.

Article 286
(1) In certain circumstances, Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers may provide Services outside their
(2) Certain conditions as referred to in paragraph (1) shall at least include:
a. absence of Medical Workforce and/or Healthcare Workers in an area where Medical Workforce or
Healthcare Workers work;
b. needs of a government program;
c. countermeasures of medical emergency; and/or
d. KLB, outbreak, and/or disaster emergency.
(3) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include:
a. doctors/dentists who provide medical and/or pharmaceutical Services within certain limits;
b. nurses or midwives who provide medical and/or pharmaceutical Services within certain limits; or
c. pharmacy technicians who provide pharmaceutical Services which are within the authority of a
pharmacist within certain limits.

Article 287

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(1) The condition of the absence of Medical Workforce and/or Healthcare Workers as referred to in Article 286
paragraph (2) letter a shall be stipulated by the local Regional Government.
(2) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as referred to in Article 286 paragraph (3) must have attended
training by taking into account the competence of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers.
(3) The training as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be conducted by the Central Governments and/or
Regional Governments.
(4) In organizing the training as referred to in paragraph (3), the Central Government and/or Regional
Governments may involve related parties.

Article 288
(1) The implementation of Healthcare Services for the needs of a government program as referred to in Article
286 paragraph (2) letter b shall be conducted through an assignment of Medical Workforce and/or
Healthcare Workers by the Central Government or Regional Governments.
(2) The government program as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be implemented in accordance with
provisions of laws and regulations.
(3) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as referred to in paragraph (1) must have attended training by
taking into account the competence of Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers.
(4) The training as referred to in paragraph (3) shall be organized by the Central Government and/or Regional
(5) In organizing the training as referred to in paragraph (4), the Central Government and/or Regional
Governments may involve related parties.

Article 289
Further provisions on the provision of Services outside the authority shall be regulated under a Regulation of the

Subdivision 3
Delegation of Authority

Article 290
(1) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers may receive delegation of authority to perform Healthcare
(2) The delegation of authority as referred to in paragraph (1) shall consist of delegation through mandate and
delegation through delegative.
(3) The delegation of authority as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted from Medical Workforce to
Healthcare Workers, inter-Medical Workforce and inter-Healthcare Workers.
(4) Further provisions on the delegation of authority shall be regulated under a Regulation of the Government.

Subdivision 4

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Professional Standards, Service Standards, and Standard Operating Procedures

Article 291
(1) Every Medical Workforce and Healthcare Worker in providing Healthcare Services must comply with
professional standards, service standards, and standard operating procedures.
(2) Professional standards referred to in paragraph (1) for each type of Medical Workforce and Healthcare
Worker shall be prepared by the Council and Collegium and established by the Minister.
(3) Service standards as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be regulated under a Regulation of the Minister.
(4) Standard operating procedures referred to in paragraph (1) shall be determined by the head of a
Healthcare Service Facility.

Article 292
(1) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers in performing their practice may conduct research and
(2) Research and development as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be aimed to support Health development
in the fields of science, skills, policy and technology through Health Efforts and Health Resources.
(3) Research and development as referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be implemented in accordance
with provisions of laws and regulations.

Subdivision 5
Approval of Healthcare Service Treatment

Article 293
(1) Any treatment of individual Healthcare Service performed by Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers
must obtain approval.
(2) Approval as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be granted after the Patient has received an adequate
(3) The explanation as referred to in paragraph (2) shall at least include:
a. diagnosis;
b. indication;
c. Healthcare Service treatment that will be performed and their objective;
d. risks and complications that may occur;
e. alternative actions and risks;
f. risks if the treatment is not performed; and
g. prognosis after treatment.
(4) Approval as referred to in paragraph (1) may be given in writing or verbally.
(5) Written approval as referred to in paragraph (4) must be obtained prior to performing an invasive and/or

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high-risk procedure.
(6) Approval of treatment as referred to in paragraph (4) and paragraph (5) shall be granted by the relevant
(7) In the event that the relevant Patient as referred to in paragraph (6) is incapable of granting approval,
approval for a treatment may be granted by a representative.
(8) Written approval to perform a Healthcare Service treatment as referred to in paragraph (1) to paragraph
(7) shall be signed by the Patient or their representative and witnessed by one of the Medical Workforce or
Healthcare Workers.
(9) In the event that the Patient's condition as referred to in paragraph (6) is incapable and requires
emergency treatment, but no party may be asked for approval, approval for the treatment is not required.
(10) The treatment as referred to in paragraph (9) shall be conducted based on the best interests of the Patient
which are decided by Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers who provide Services to the Patient.
(11) The treatment as referred to in paragraph (10) shall be informed to the Patient after the Patient is capable
or their representative is present.
(12) Provisions on procedures for approval of treatment of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as
referred to in paragraph (1) to paragraph (11) shall be regulated under a Regulation of the Minister.

Article 294
(1) In addition to receiving the explanation as referred to in Article 293 paragraph (3), a Patient shall also
receive an explanation for the cost of Healthcare Services that they receive.
(2) Explanation of Healthcare Service costs as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be granted by the Healthcare
Service Facility.

Article 295
(1) Public Healthcare Services which constitute a government program does not require treatment approval.
(2) Healthcare Services as referred to in paragraph (1) must still be informed to the general public who
receive the Healthcare Services.

Subdivision 6
Medical Record

Article 296
(1) Every Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who provide individual Healthcare Services must make
a medical record.
(2) In the event that individual Healthcare Services as referred to in paragraph (1) are performed at a
Healthcare Service facility other than an independent practice place, the administration of medical record
is the responsibility of the Healthcare Service facility.
(3) Medical record as referred to in paragraph (1) must be completed immediately after Patients have finished
receiving Healthcare Services.
(4) Each medical record must be affixed with the name, time, and signature of the Medical Workforce or

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Healthcare Worker who provides the service or treatment.
(5) Medical record as referred to in paragraph (3) must be stored and kept confidential by Medical Workforce,
Healthcare Workers, and heads of Healthcare Service facilities.

Article 297
(1) Medical record documents as referred to in Article 296 are the property of Healthcare Service Facilities.
(2) Every Patient has the right to access the information contained in the medical record documents as
referred to in paragraph (1).
(3) Healthcare Service Facilities must maintain the security, integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data
contained in medical record documents as referred to in paragraph (1).

Article 298
(1) The Ministry which organizes government affairs in the Health sector shall be responsible for organizing
the management of medical record data in order to manage national Health data.
(2) The management of medical record data as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include formulation of policy,
collection, processing, storage, security, data transfer and supervision.

Article 299
Further provisions on medical record shall be regulated under a Regulation of the Government.

Article 300
(1) In conducting public Health Efforts, Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers must make Healthcare
Service record.
(2) Healthcare Service Record as referred to in paragraph (1) may be integrated into a Patient data system
that is integrated with the National Health Information System.

Subdivision 7
Confidentiality of Patient Health

Article 301
(1) Every Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers in performing Healthcare Services must keep the
confidentiality of Patients' personal Health.
(2) Disclosure of Patients' personal Health secrets as referred to in paragraph (1) may be conducted for
certain purposes as referred to in Article 4 paragraph (4).
(3) Further provisions on the confidentiality of Patients' personal Health shall be regulated under a Regulation
of the Government.

Article 302

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(1) In the event that Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers aware of or reasonably suspect that there is
a crime against a Patient who is provided with Healthcare Services, Medical Workforce and Healthcare
Workers have the right to report it to law enforcement officials.
(2) Provisions as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be excluded from Health confidentiality.
(3) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who report alleged crimes on a Patient who is provided with
Healthcare Services as referred to in paragraph (1) must obtain legal protection.

Subdivision 8
Quality Control and Cost Control

Article 303
(1) Every Medical Workforce and Healthcare Worker in implementing Healthcare Services must perform
quality control and cost control as well as pay attention to the safety of Patients.
(2) In order to perform the activities referred to in paragraph (1), a Healthcare Service audit may be
(3) Quality control and cost control in Healthcare Service Facilities shall become the responsibility of
Healthcare Service Facilities.
(4) Guidance and supervision of quality control and cost control as referred to in paragraph (1) to paragraph
(3) shall be conducted by the Central Government and Regional Governments.

Division Eleven
Enforcement of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers Discipline and Dispute Settlement

Subdivision 1
Enforcement of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers Discipline

Article 304
(1) In order to support the professionalism of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers, it has been
deemed necessary to enforce professional discipline.
(2) In order to enforce professional discipline as referred to in paragraph (1), the Minister shall establish a
council that conducts duties in the field of professional discipline.
(3) The council as referred to in paragraph (2) shall determine whether there is a violation of professional
discipline which is committed by Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers.
(4) The council as referred to in paragraph (2) may be permanent or ad hoc basis.
(5) Further provisions on duties and functions of the council as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be regulated
under a Regulation of the Government.

Article 305

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(1) Patients or their families whose interests are harmed by the treatment of Medical Workforce or Healthcare
Workers in providing Healthcare Services may complain to the council as referred to in Article 304.
(2) The complaint as referred to in paragraph (1) must contain at least:
a. identity of the complainant;
b. name and address where the Medical Workforce or Healthcare Worker practices and when the
treatment is performed; and
c. reasons for complaint.

Article 306
(1) Disciplinary violation of Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers as referred to in Article 304 paragraph
(3) shall be subject to disciplinary sanctions in the form of:
a. written reprimand;
b. obligation to attend education or training in an education provider in the Health sector or the nearest
teaching Hospital which has the competence to perform such training;
c. temporary suspension of STR; and/or
d. recommendation for the revocation of SIP .
(2) Results of the examination as referred to in paragraph (1) shall bind Medical Workforce and Healthcare
(3) Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers who have implemented the imposed disciplinary sanctions as
referred to in paragraph (1), and there is an allegation of crime , law enforcement officials shall prioritize
disputes settlement with a restorative justice mechanism in accordance with provisions of laws and

Article 307
The decision of the council as referred to in Article 304 may be submitted for review to the Minister in the event
a. new evidence found;
b. misapplication of disciplinary violation; or
c. there is an allegation of conflict of interest between the examiner and those who are being examined.

Article 308
(1) Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers who are suspected of committing an unlawful act in the
implementation of Health Services which may be subject to criminal sanctions shall first be requested for a
recommendation from the council as referred to in Article 304.
(2) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who are held accountable for actions/deeds relating to the
implementation of Health Services which are detrimental to a Patient in a civil manner, shall be requested
for a recommendation from the council as referred to in Article 304.
(3) Recommendation from the council as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be granted after a Civil Servant
Investigator or Indonesian National Police Investigator submits a written application.

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(4) Recommendation from the council as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be granted after the Medical
Workforce, Healthcare Worker, or person authorized by the Medical Workforce or Healthcare Worker
submits a written application for a lawsuit filed by a Patient, Patient's family, or the person authorized by
the Patient or Patient's family.
(5) Recommendation as referred to in paragraph (3) shall be in the form of recommendation whether or not
an investigation may be conducted due to the implementation of professional practice conducted by
Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers in accordance with or not in accordance with professional
standards, service standards, and standard operating procedures.
(6) Recommendation as referred to in paragraph (4) shall be in the form of recommendation on the
implementation of professional practice performed by Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers is in
accordance or not in accordance with professional standards, service standards, and standard operating
(7) Recommendation as referred to in paragraphs (5) and (6) shall be granted no later than 14 (fourteen)
business days after the application is received.
(8) In the event that the panel does not provide a recommendation within the period as referred to in
paragraph (7), the panel shall be considered to have provided a recommendation to conduct a criminal
(9) The provisions as referred to in paragraph (1), paragraph (3), paragraph (5), and paragraph (7) do not
apply to the examination of Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers who may be held accountable for
an alleged crime that is not related to the implementation of Healthcare Services.

Article 309
Further provisions on the enforcement of the professional discipline of Medical Workforce and Healthcare
Workers shall be regulated by a Regulation of the Government.

Subdivision 2
Dispute Settlement

Article 310
In the event that Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers are suspected of committing an error in performing
their professions which cause losses to Patients, dispute that arises out of said error shall first be settled through
out-of-court dispute settlement alternatives.

Division Twelve
Professional Organization

Article 311
(1) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers may establish a professional organization.
(2) The establishment of a professional organization as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted in
accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

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Division Thirteen

Article 312
Any person shall be prohibited:
a. without rights to use an identity in the form of a title or other forms that gives rise to the impression for the
general public that the person concerned is a Medical Workforce or Healthcare Worker who already has
STR and/or SIP;
b. to use tools, methods, or other means of providing Services to the general public that give rise to the
impression that the person concerned is a Medical Workforce or Healthcare Worker who already has an
STR and/or SIP; and
c. to practice as a Medical Workforce or Healthcare Worker without having STR and/or SIP.

Article 313
(1) Any Medical Workforce or Healthcare Worker who practices without having STR and/or SIP as referred to
in Article 312 letter c shall be subject to an administrative sanction in the form of administrative fines.
(2) Provisions on procedures for the imposition of the administrative sanction as referred to in paragraph (1)
shall be regulated under a Regulation of the Government.


Article 314
(1) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for the availability, equity and
affordability of Health Supplies required to perform Health Efforts.
(2) Responsibility for availability, equity and affordability as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted
through the management of Health Supplies.
(3) The management of Health Supplies as referred to in paragraph (2) shall include planning, provision, and
(4) The management of Health Supplies as referred to in paragraph (3) for Health Services shall be
implemented by taking into account the safety, expediency, quality, and price.
(5) In order to carry out the responsibilities as referred to in paragraph (2), the Central Government and
Regional Governments may establish pharmaceutical management facilities.
(6) In the event of an emergency, the Central Government and Regional Governments may establish and
implement special policy for the procurement and utilization of Pharmaceutical Preparations, Medical
Devices, and other Medical Supplies.
(7) Further provisions on the availability, equity, and affordability of Medical Supplies as referred to in
paragraph (1) shall be regulated by a Regulation of the Government.

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Article 315
(1) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall plan the needs of Health Supplies.
(2) Planning for the needs of Health Supplies by Regional Governments as referred to in paragraph (1) shall
refer to the norms, standards, procedures, and criteria stipulated by the Central Government.
(3) Planning for the needs of Health Supplies as referred to in paragraph (1) may use information technology
that is integrated with the National Health Information System.

Article 316
(1) Provision of Health Supplies shall be aimed to fulfill the needs of Healthcare Services.
(2) The provision of Health Supplies as referred to in paragraph (1) may be conducted through a
(3) The procurement of Health Supplies shall be conducted in accordance with provisions of laws and

Article 317
(1) The Central Government shall draw up a list and types of essential Medicines that must be available for
the benefit of the general public.
(2) The list and types of essential Medicines as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be reviewed and improved
every 2 (two) years at the latest in accordance with the development in needs and technology.
(3) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for ensuring the essential
Medicines as referred to in paragraph (1) are available and affordable to the general public.

Article 318
The Central Government has the authority to regulate and control the price of Health Supplies, especially
Medicines and Medical Devices.

Article 319
(1) The distribution of Health Supplies shall be conducted by pharmaceutical management facilities,
manufacturers, or distributors of Health Supplies in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.
(2) The distribution of Health Supplies must be conducted in accordance with proper distribution method.
(3) Pharmaceutical management facilities, manufacturers, or distributors of Health Supplies must submit a
report on distribution activities in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 320
(1) Medicines shall consist of:
a. prescription Medicines; and
b. Nonprescription Medicines.
(2) Prescription Medicine as referred to in paragraph (1) letter a shall be classified into:

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a. Potent Medicine;
b. narcotics; and
c. Psychotropic.
(3) Prescription Medicine shall be given by pharmacists at pharmaceutical service facilities in accordance with
provisions of laws and regulations.
(4) Nonprescription Medicines as referred to in paragraph (1) letter b shall be classified into:
a. over-the-counter Medicines; and
b. limited over-the-counter Medicines.
(5) Other than over-the-counter medicines and limited over-the-counter medicines, certain potent Medicines
may be handed over by pharmacists without a prescription in accordance with provisions of laws and
(6) Medicines without a prescription shall be obtained from pharmaceutical service facilities or other facilities
in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.
(7) In the event that there is a development of science and technology, the Central Government may
determine the classification of Medicines and/or amend the classification of Medicines other than the
classification referred to in paragraph (2) and paragraph (4).
(8) Further provisions on the classification of Medicines, Prescription Medicines, and Non-prescription
Medicines shall be regulated under a Regulation of the government.

Article 321
(1) Natural Medicines shall be classified into:
a. remedies;
b. standardized herbal medicine;
c. phytopharmaceuticals; and
d. other Natural Medicines.
(2) The Central Government may stipulate the classification of Natural Medicines other than the classification
as referred to in paragraph (1) and/or change the classification of Natural Medicines in the event that there
is a development in science and technology.
(3) Further provisions on the classification of Natural Medicines as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be
regulated under a Regulation of the government.


Article 322
(1) Sources of Pharmaceutical Preparations originating from the universe and have been proven efficacious,
comply with provisions of the guarantee of halal products in accordance with provisions of laws and
regulations, and are safe to use in prevention, treatment, and/or maintenance, as well as the maintenance
of Health shall be preserved.

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(2) The general public shall be given the widest opportunity to research, develop, produce, circulate, improve,
and use Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Devices which may be accounted for their benefits and
(3) Research, development, production, distribution, improvement, and use of Pharmaceutical Preparations
and Medical Devices as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be conducted in accordance with provisions of
laws and regulations.
(4) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall guarantee the implementation of research and
development of Pharmaceutical Preparations and raw materials for Medical Devices originating from
nature while maintaining their sustainability.

Article 323
(1) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall encourage and direct research and
development of Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Devices by utilizing the available national
(2) Research and development of Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Devices shall be conducted by
paying attention to and preserving the environment, natural resources, religious norms, and socio-culture.
(3) Research and development as referred to in paragraph (1) may be conducted by Pharmaceutical
Preparation industry, Medical Device industry, research institutions and educational institutions.

Article 324
(1) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for the implementation of
research, development, utilization, and maintenance of Natural Medicines.
(2) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall encourage the utilization of natural resources
for research and development of Natural Medicines while still paying attention to and preserving the
environment and socio-culture.
(3) The Central Government and Regional Governments in encouraging the utilization of natural resources for
research and development of Natural Medicines as referred to in paragraph (2) must create a Healthy
business climate for the general public and business actors.
(4) Further provisions on the implementation of research, development, utilization, and maintenance of
Natural Medicines shall be regulated under a Regulation of the Government.

Article 325
Research and development of Natural Medicines shall be aimed to:
a. realize the independence of the national pharmaceutical industry in order to support pharmaceutical
b. utilize natural resources and traditional ingredients in a sustainable manner in increasing knowledge and
administering Healthcare Services;
c. guarantee the management of natural potentials so that they have high competitiveness as a source of the
community's economy; and
d. provide Natural Medicines to maintain Health with guaranteed quality, efficacy, and its safety as well as
scientifically tested and widely utilized for the prevention, treatment, maintenance and/or maintenance of

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Article 326
(1) In order to realize the sustainability of Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Devices, The Central
Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for independence in the field of
Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Devices.
(2) The independence of Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Devices shall be conducted through the
development and strengthening of supply chain governance for Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical
Devices from upstream to downstream in an integrated manner by prioritizing the use and fulfillment of
domestically produced Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Devices for the sustainability and
advancement of national Health.
(3) The Fulfillment of the needs for the sustainability of Health security as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be
conducted in stages in accordance with national priority.
(4) The development and strengthening of supply chain governance for Pharmaceutical Preparations and
Medical Devices as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be conducted at least by:
a. issuing policy, including providing incentives to business actors who make efforts to realize the
sustainability of Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Devices;
b. increasing the competitiveness of Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Devices industry;
c. providing support for the mastery and utilization of technology and innovation as well as research
and development in the field of Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Devices, including
through foreign cooperation, conducted by the government and/or the general public multilaterally,
regionally, and bilaterally in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations;
d. producing Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Devices domestically to fulfill domestic and
export needs as well as increasing industrial activities/industrial capacity utilization;
e. ensuring the utilization of domestically produced Medicinal Ingredients and Medical Device raw
materials by domestic pharmaceutical and Medical Device industry;
f. optimizing the role of academics, business actors, the Central Government, Regional Governments,
and the general public; and
g. ensuring the sustainability of the supply chain through voluntary license, mandatory license, or the
implementation of patent by the government, especially in conditions of disasters, KLB, or
(5) In order to ensure national sustainability, generic Medicines of international non-proprietary name that are
marketed in Indonesia may only be made by the domestic pharmaceutical industry.

Article 327
(1) The Central Government, Regional Governments, the general public, and Healthcare Service Facilities
shall prioritize the use of domestic Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Devices while still paying
attention to grade, quality, safety, and expediency.
(2) Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Devices as referred to in paragraph (1) which are produced by
the Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Devices industry must prioritize the use of domestically
produced raw materials.

Article 328

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(1) In procuring Medicine and Medical Devices, the Central Government, Regional Governments and
Healthcare Service Facilities must prioritize Medicine and Medical Devices that use domestically produced
raw materials.
(2) Prioritizing the use of domestically produced raw materials as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be
conducted while still paying attention to grade, quality, safety, and expediency.

Article 329
(1) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall provide convenience in the organization of
downstream national research to increase the competitiveness of Pharmaceutical Preparations and
Medical Devices industry.
(2) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall develop a research ecosystem consisting of
research infrastructure, ease of research licensing and research support, as well as human resources.
(3) Research infrastructure as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be developed by the Central Government,
Regional Governments, and/or the general public.
(4) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall provide facilities for research licensing and
research support as referred to in paragraph (2) without reducing the protection of research value.
(5) The Central Government and Regional Governments may provide support for institutions and/or the
general public that invest in research on pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices.

Article 330
Provisions on accelerated development and sustainability of Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Devices
industry shall be regulated under a Regulation of the government.

Article 331
(1) In order to support the independence of Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Device industry, the
Central Government shall provide incentives for Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Devices
(2) Incentives as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be granted to every Pharmaceutical Preparation and
Medical Device industry which conduct research, development, and innovation activities domestically, as
well as those which conduct production using domestic raw materials.
(3) Incentives referred to in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) shall be in the form of fiscal and non-fiscal.
(4) The granting of incentives for Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Devices industry shall be
conducted in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 332
(1) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall conduct risk mitigation for Pharmaceutical
Preparations, Medical Devices, and other Health Supplies needed in emergency, disasters, KLB, or
(2) In order to mitigate the risk as referred to in paragraph (1), the Central Government and Regional
Governments shall establish policy, standards, system and management of Pharmaceutical Preparations,
Medical Devices, and other Health Supplies.

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Article 333
Further provisions on standards, system and management of Pharmaceutical Preparations, Medical Devices and
other Health Supplies in emergency, disasters, KLB, or Outbreaks shall be regulated under a Regulation of the


Article 334
(1) Health Technology shall be organized, produced, circulated, developed, and evaluated through research,
development, and assessment for the improvement of Health Resources and Health Efforts.
(2) Health Technology as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include hardware and software.
(3) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall encourage the utilization of domestic Health
Technology products.
(4) Health Technology as referred to in paragraph (1) must fulfill the standards in accordance with provisions
of laws and regulations.

Article 335
(1) In developing Health Technology as referred to in Article 334, a research may be conducted in a
laboratory, a research using experimental animals, plants, microorganisms and stored biological materials,
or research involving human as subject.
(2) The research as referred to in paragraph (1) must comply with ethical principles, scientific principles,
scientific methodology, and license from the authorized authority in accordance with provisions of laws
and regulations.
(3) The research as referred to in paragraph (1) must pay attention to the benefits, risks, human safety, and
environmental sustainability.
(4) Research involving humans as subject as referred to in paragraph (1) must obtain approval from those
who become the research subject.
(5) Research involving humans as research subject shall be conducted by respecting the rights of the
research subject, including guarantees not to harm humans who are used as the research subject.
(6) Research using experimental animals must pay attention to the welfare of those animals and prevent
indirect adverse effects on human Health.
(7) Research procedures as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be implemented in accordance with provisions
of laws and regulations.

Article 336
(1) Every research, development, assessment, and utilization of Health Technology must consider potential
risks and its benefits on public Health.
(2) Research, development, study, and utilization of Health Technology as referred to in paragraph (1) shall

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be conducted in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 337
(1) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for encouraging and facilitating
the continuity Health Technology innovation and ensuring the safety, benefits, efficacy, and quality of
Health Technology innovation products in order to protect the general public.
(2) In conducting the responsibilities as referred to in paragraph (1), the Central Government shall establish a
Health Technology innovation policy.
(3) Further provisions on the implementation of Health Technology innovation shall be regulated under a
Regulation of the Government.

Article 338
(1) In order to support Healthcare Services, the Central Government and Regional Governments shall
encourage the utilization of Health Technology, including biomedical technology.
(2) The utilization of biomedical technology as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include genomics,
transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics related to organisms, tissues, cells, biomolecules, and
other biomedical technologies.
(3) The utilization of biomedical technology as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be implemented starting from
the activities of collection, long-term storage, as well as management and utilization of materials in the
form of clinical specimens and biological materials, information content, and related data, which are
intended for the benefit of science and Health Technology and Health Services, including precision
medical services.
(4) The collection, long-term storage, as well as the management and utilization of materials in the form of
clinical specimens and biological materials, information content and related data in the context of the
utilization of biomedical technology must obtain approval from Patients and/or donors.
(5) The obligation to obtain approval from Patients and/or donors in the management and utilization of
materials in the form of clinical specimens and biological materials, information content, and related data
as referred to in paragraph (4) shall be exempted if:
a. material in the form of clinical specimens and biological materials, information content, and data
whose identity cannot be traced or in the form of aggregated data;
b. material in the form of clinical specimens and biological materials, information content, and data for
legal purposes; and/or
c. materials in the form of clinical specimens and biological materials, information content, and data for
public interest in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 339
(1) Storage and management of materials in the form of clinical specimens and biological materials,
information content, and data for the long term must be conducted by a biobank and/or biorepository.
(2) Biobank and/or biorepository as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be organized by Healthcare Service
Facilities, educational institutions, and/or Health research and development institutions, whether owned by
the Central Government, Regional Governments, or the private sector.
(3) The organizer of biobank and/or biorepository as referred to in paragraph (2) must obtain a stipulation

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from the Central Government.
(4) The organization of a biobank and/or biorepository must apply the following principles:
a. biosafety and biosecurity;
b. confidentiality or privacy;
c. accountability;
d. expediency;
e. public interest;
f. respect for human rights;
g. ethics, law, and medicolegal; and
h. socio-cultural.
(5) The organizer of biobank and/or biorepository must store specimens and data domestically.
(6) Data and information in the organization of biobank and/or biorepository must be integrated into the
National Health Information System.

Article 340
(1) The transfer and use of materials in the form of clinical specimens and biological materials, information
content, and/or data outside the territory of Indonesia shall be conducted with due observance of the
principle of preserving the wealth of Indonesia's biological and genetic resources.
(2) Transfer and use of materials in the form of clinical specimens and biological materials, information
content, and/or data outside the territory of Indonesia as referred to in paragraph (1) may only be
conducted if:
a. the method to achieve the purpose and objective of an examination cannot be conducted in
b. examination may be conducted in Indonesia but to achieve the main objective of the research, it
has been deemed necessary to conduct the examination outside the territory of Indonesia; and/or
c. for quality control purposes in order to update the accuracy of diagnostic and therapeutic standard
(3) The transfer and use of materials in the form of clinical specimens and biological materials, information
and/or data content out of the territory of Indonesia must be accompanied by a material transfer
agreement that is arranged based on the principle of benefit sharing that fulfills fairness, safety and
(4) The transfer and use of materials in the form of clinical specimens and biological materials, information
content, and/or data outside the territory of Indonesia as referred to in paragraph (1) may only be
conducted after obtaining approval from the Central Government.

Article 341
(1) Collection and delivery of materials in the form of clinical specimens and biological materials may only be
conducted by Medical Workforce, Healthcare Workers, Health support or help personnel who have
expertise and authority.
(2) Requirements and procedures for the collection and delivery of materials in the form of clinical specimens

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and biological materials as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be implemented in accordance with
provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 342
(1) Any Person shall be prohibited from doing discrimination against the results of a person's genetic
examination and analysis.
(2) Any Person who violates the provisions of the prohibition as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be subject to
administrative sanctions by the Central Government or Regional Governments in accordance with their
authority in the form of imposition of administrative fines up to revocation of license.
(3) Provisions on procedures for the imposition of administrative sanctions as referred to in paragraph (2)
shall be regulated under a Regulation of the Government.

Article 343
The use of materials in the form of clinical specimens and biological materials, information content, and/or
biomedical data by industry or for commercial purposes must obtain a license from the Central Government.

Article 344
Further provisions on Health Technology shall be regulated under a Regulation of the Government.


Division One

Article 345
(1) In order to conduct effective and efficient Health Efforts, a Health Information System shall be organized.
(2) The Health Information System as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be organized by:
a. the Central Government;
b. Regional Governments;
c. Healthcare Service Facilities; and
d. the general public, both individuals and groups.
(3) The Organizer as referred to in paragraph (2) must integrate the Health Information System with the
National Health Information System.
(4) The Ministry which organizes government affairs in the Health sector may provide support to the
organizers as referred to in paragraph (2) in managing the Health Information System.

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Division Two
Governance of the Health Information System

Article 346
(1) Health Information System Organizer shall conduct governance of the Health Information System that
supports Services in the Health sector.
(2) Governance of the Health Information System as referred to in paragraph (1) is a series of activities to
ensure the quality and reliability of the system.
(3) Governance of the Health Information System as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be conducted in
accordance with the architecture of the Health Information System.
(4) The architecture of the Health Information System s referred to in paragraph (3) shall be prepared in
accordance with the guidelines stipulated by the Minister.
(5) In addition to supporting Services in the Health sector as referred to in paragraph (1), the organization of
the Health Information System shall also be intended for the development of information system in the
Health biotechnology sector.
(6) Health Information System Organizers must process Health data and information in the territory of
(7) Health Information System Organizers may conduct processing of Health data and information outside the
territory of Indonesia, the implementation of which shall be in accordance with provisions of laws and

Article 347
(1) Health Information System Organizers must ensure the reliability of the Health Information System which
shall include:
a. availability;
b. security;
c. maintenance; and
d. integration.
(2) The reliability of the Health Information System as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted by:
a. testing the feasibility of the system;
b. maintaining the confidentiality of data;
c. stipulating the policy of data access rights;
d. owing system reliability certification; and
e. conducting periodic audit.

Article 348
(1) Health Information System Organizers must provide quality Health data and information.
(2) The general public may access data of a public nature and/or their Health data through a Health

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Information System Organizer which is integrated into the National Health Information System in
accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.
(3) The processing of Health data and information shall be conducted in accordance with provisions of laws
and regulations.

Article 349
(1) Health Information System Organizers must process Health data and information which include:
a. planning;
b. collection;
c. storage;
d. examination;
e. transfer;
f. utilization; and
g. extermination.
(2) The planning as referred to in paragraph (1) letter a shall be intended to determine the list of data and
information that will be collected.
(3) The collection as referred to in paragraph (1) letter b shall be conducted in accordance with the results of
data planning.
(4) The storage as referred to in paragraph (1) letter c shall be conducted in a database in a safe place and is
not damaged or easily lost using electronic and/or non-electronic storage media.
(5) The examination as referred to in paragraph (1) letter d shall be conducted in order to guarantee the
quality of data and information.
(6) The transfer as referred to in paragraph (1) letter e shall be conducted between Health Information
System organizers through the National Health Information System.
(7) Data and information managed by Health Information System Organizers may be transferred outside the
territory of Indonesia for specific and limited purposes with permission from the Central Government.
(8) The utilization as referred to in paragraph (1) letter f shall be conducted for:
a. personal Health;
b. Community Health;
c. Health development; and
d. policy making.
(9) The extermination as referred to in paragraph (1) letter g may be conducted by Health Information System
organizers after the expiration of the storage period in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.
(10) Health Information System Organizers may exterminate data and information after the expiration of the
storage period.
(11) Health Information System Organizers must record a history of data and information processing.
(12) Further provisions on the processing of Health data and information shall be regulated under a Regulation
of the Government.

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Article 350
(1) The Health Information System shall contain data and information sourced from:
a. Health Service Facilities;
b. agencies of the Central Government and Regional Governments;
c. agencies/institutions that organize national social security program;
d. other agencies/institutions that organize activities in the Health sector;
e. community activities other than Health Service Facilities;
f. individual self-reporting; and
g. other sources.
(2) Data and information as referred to in paragraph (1) shall consist of personal data and information as well
as data and public information.

Article 351
(1) Health Information System Organizers must guarantee the protection of each individual's Health data and
(2) The processing of Health data and information that uses individual Health data must obtain approval from
the data owner and/or comply with other provisions which form the basis for processing personal data in
accordance with provisions of laws and regulations in the field of personal data protection.
(3) Data owner as referred to in paragraph (2) has the right to:
a. obtain information on the purpose of the collection of individual Health data;
b. access and correct data and information through the Health Information System organizer;
c. request the organizer of the Health Information System to send their data to other Health
Information System organizers;
d. request that the Health Information System organizer delete any invalid data with the approval of
the data owner; and
e. obtain the rights of other personal data subjects in accordance with provisions of laws and
regulations in the field of personal data protection.
(4) The rights of the data owner as referred to in paragraph (3) shall be exempted for certain interests as
stipulated in laws and regulations in the field of personal data protection.
(5) Health Information System Organizers must inform the data owner if there is a failure in protecting
individual Health data and information in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations in the field of
personal data protection.
(6) The protection of Health data and information for each individual shall be conducted in accordance with
provisions of laws and regulations.


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Division One
Extraordinary Events

Article 352
(1) In order protect the community from KLB, Regional Governments and the Central Government shall be
responsible for implementing KLB precautions, KLB countermeasures, and post-KLB activities.
(2) KLB precautions, KLB countermeasures, and post-KLB activities as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be
conducted in a coordinated, comprehensive, and sustainable manner in areas, Entry Points and ports or
airports serving domestic traffic.
(3) In implementing KLB precautions, KLB countermeasures, and post-KLB activities as referred to in
paragraph (1) shall involve Medical Workforce, Healthcare Workers, academics or experts, the Indonesian
National Armed Forces, the Indonesian National Police, across sectors, and/or the general public/religious

Article 353
(1) Regents/mayors, governors or the Minister must determine a KLB if a certain area has a disease or a
Health problem that meets criteria of a KLB.
(2) Criteria of a KLB as referred to in paragraph (1) shall consist of:
a. the emergence of a disease or a Health Problem that was not there or unknown;
b. continuous increase in incidents for 3 (three) consecutive periods of hours, days, or weeks;
c. an increase in the incidence of illness 2 (two) times or more when compared to the previous period;
d. the average number of occurrences of illness per month for 1 (one) year shows an increase of 2
(two) times or more;
e. the mortality rate due to a disease or Health problem within 1 (one) certain period shows an
increase of 50% (fifty percent) or more;
f. the proportion of new sufferers in one period shows an increase of 2 (two) times or more compared
to the previous period within the same period; and/or
g. other criteria stipulated by the Minister.
(3) Regents/mayors, governors or the Minister must revoke the stipulation of a KLB if the area no longer
meets the criteria for a KLB.
(4) Further provisions on the criteria for a KLB, determination and revocation of a KLB shall be regulated
under a Regulation of the Government.

Article 354
(1) Regents/mayors, governors or the Minister who determines KLB must immediately conduct KLB
countermeasure activities.
(2) KLB countermeasure activities as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include:
a. epidemiological investigation;

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b. surveillance implementation;
c. risk factor control;
d. extermination of causes of KLB;
e. prevention and immunization;
f. Health promotion;
g. risk communication;
h. case management;
i. handling of corpses due to KLB; and
j. other necessary countermeasures in accordance with the cause of KLB.

Article 355
Further provisions on KLB precautions, KLB countermeasures, and post-KLB activities shall be regulated under
a Regulation of the Government.

Division Two

Subdivision 1

Article 356
In order to protect the general public from an Outbreak, the Central Government and Regional Governments
shall conduct Outbreak Precautions, Outbreak countermeasures, and post-outbreak activities.

Subdivision 2
Stipulation of Types of Diseases Which Have the Potential to Cause an Outbreak

Article 357
(1) In the framework of Outbreak Precautions, the types of diseases which have the potential to cause an
Outbreak shall be determined.
(2) Types of diseases which have the potential to cause an Outbreak as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be
categorized in:
a. certain endemic infectious diseases;
b. new infectious diseases; and/or
c. old infectious diseases that have reappeared.
(3) Types of diseases which have the potential to cause an Outbreak as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be

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determined based on the following criteria:
a. diseases caused by biological agents;
b. diseases that may be transmitted from human to human and/or from animals to human;
c. diseases which have the potential to cause severe illness, disability, and/or death; and
d. diseases which have the potential to increase and spread rapidly.
(4) The types of diseases which have the potential to cause an Outbreak as referred to in paragraph (1) shall
be determined by the Minister.
(5) The Minister may determine changes in the types of diseases which have the potential to cause an
Outbreak as referred to in paragraph (4) by taking into account the development of the disease
epidemiology, socio-culture, security, economy, as well as science and technology.

Subdivision 3
Regional Outbreak in Regions

Article 358
(1) In order to Outbreak Precautions in Regions, Regional Governments at the regency/city-level and
provincial Governments shall conduct activities of:
a. observing the occurrence of types of diseases that have the potential to cause an Outbreak and
mapping the risk factors for an Outbreak;
b. countermeasures of cases of diseases that have the potential to cause an Outbreak and their risk
c. stipulation of KLB Infected Areas and outbreak countermeasures; and
d. preparedness of resources in case of an Outbreak.
(2) The activities as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be implemented comprehensively and sustainably.

Subdivision 4
Outbreak Precautions at Entry Points

Article 359
For the purpose of Outbreak Precautions at Entry Points and inter-regional crossings, the Central Government
shall conduct activities to monitor diseases and/or risk factors of diseases that have the potential to cause an
Outbreak, both at Entry Points and ports or airports serving domestic traffic.

Article 360
(1) For the purpose of observing diseases and/or disease risk factors which have the potential to cause an
Outbreak, the supervision of transportation means, persons, goods and/or the environment shall be
(2) The supervision of transportation means as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted on ships,

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aircraft and land vehicles serving civil transportation, both upon arrival and departure.
(3) Other than ships, aircrafts and land vehicles serving civil transportation as referred to in paragraph (3) as
referred to in paragraph (2), supervision shall also conduct on ships, aircrafts, and non-civil land vehicles
for the needs of war transportation, state officials, and/or state guests whose implementation shall be
coordinated with the relevant ministries/agencies.
(4) In the event that diseases and/or risk factors of disease are discovered which have the potential to cause
an Outbreak at Entry Points or at ports and airports serving domestic traffic, immediate countermeasures
shall be undertaken.
(5) Countermeasures as referred to in paragraph (4) may be in the form of:
a. screening, referral, isolation or quarantine, immunization, prophylaxis, disinfection and/or
decontamination of persons in accordance with indications;
b. disinfection, decontamination, disinsection and/or deratization of transportation means and goods;
c. other countermeasures.
(6) Countermeasures as referred to in paragraph (5) shall be conducted in accordance with the type of
disease agent and its spreads.
(7) In the event that there are people who are not willing to take countermeasures as referred to in paragraph
(6), the ministry which organizes government affairs in the Health sector is authorized to recommend
airlines, shipping agents, or land vehicles to postpone departure or issue recommendation to immigration
officials for rejection.
(8) The Ministry which organizes government affairs in the Health sector in conducting countermeasure
activities as referred to in paragraph (5) may involve cross-sectoral and Regional Governments.
(9) Further provisions on countermeasures as referred to in paragraph (4) shall be regulated under a
Regulation of the government.

Article 361
(1) In the event that the ministry which organizes government affairs in the Health sector receives information
on the occurrence of increased transmission of diseases and/or risk factors of diseases that have the
potential to cause an Outbreak in other countries, the ministry which organizes government affairs in the
Health sector must increase precautions and take the necessary measures in order to prevent disease at
Entry Points.
(2) In the event that an Outbreak has spread across various countries, the Minister shall issue a regulation on
supervisory management and/or countermeasures against transportation means coming from or to foreign
countries in accordance with the characteristics of the cause/agent of the disease and the mode of
transmission, including the possibility of restriction of the mobility of people and goods at Entry Points.
(3) In order to prevent a disease at Entry Points as referred to in paragraph (1), the Minister may recommend
the closure of Entry Points to the President.

Article 362
Any ships, aircraft, and land vehicle which:
a. come from or leave for abroad; or
b. come from an Infected Area,

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shall be under the supervision of the ministry which organizes government affairs in the Health sector.

Article 363
(1) Any captain, pilot in command, or driver upon arrival or through cross-border posts must inform if there are
sick people and/or death which is strongly suspected as a result of a disease and/or risk factors of a
disease which have the potential to cause an Outbreak to the Health Quarantine Officer.
(2) Submission of information by captain, pilot in command or driver as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be
conducted by submitting Health declaration documents for ships, aircrafts, and land vehicles upon arrival
to the Health Quarantine Officer.
(3) Captain, pilot in command, or driver as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be prohibited to disembark or
embark people and/or goods before obtaining an approval letter from the ministry which organizes
government affairs in the Health sector.

Article 364
(1) Upon the transportation means which contain sick and/or deceased person which is suspected to be
caused by a disease and/or risk factors of a disease which have the potential to cause an Outbreak,
Health Quarantine Officials are authorized to conduct an examination and countermeasures as referred to
in Article 360 paragraph (5).
(2) Provisions on examination and countermeasures activities against land vehicles at cross-border posts
shall be regulated through an agreement between the two countries.

Article 365
Further provisions on the supervision of ships, aircraft and land vehicles shall be regulated under a Regulation of
the Government.

Article 366
(1) Any means of transportation, people, and/or goods which:
a. come from or leave for a foreign country; or
b. come from or leave for an endemic or infected area/country,
shall be equipped with Health Quarantine Documents.
(2) Health Quarantine Documents as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be intended as a means of supervision
and prevention the entry and/or release of a disease and/or risk factors of a disease that have the
potential to cause an Outbreak.

Article 367
Provisions on procedures for submission, issuance, and annulment of Health Quarantine Documents shall be
regulated under a Regulation of the Government.

Subdivision 5

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Outbreak Area

Article 368
(1) The Minister shall determine or revoke the stipulation of certain area as an Outbreak Infected Area.
(2) To establish certain area as an Outbreak Infected Area with an Outbreak as referred to in paragraph (1),
the Minister shall consider the following aspects:
a. disease etiology;
b. case and death situations;
c. Healthcare Services capacity; and/or
d. community conditions.
(3) Further provisions on the determination and revocation of the stipulation of an Outbreak Infected Area as
referred to in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) shall be regulated under a Regulation of the Government.

Article 369
In the event that an Outbreak has a threatening impact and has the potential to disrupt the lives and livelihoods
of the community that causes the number of victims, economic losses, coverage the area affected by the
Outbreak, the resulting socio-economic impact, and environmental damage, the Minister shall propose the
stipulation of the Outbreak as a non-natural national disaster to the President.

Article 370
In the event of an Outbreak situation as referred to in Article 369, the President shall stipulate an Outbreak as a
non-natural national disaster in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Subdivision 6
Outbreak Countermeasures

Article 371
Outbreak Countermeasures shall be conducted immediately after the stipulation of an Outbreak Infected Area by
taking into account the humanitarian, social, cultural, economic and environmental principles.

Article 372
Outbreak countermeasures shall be conducted through the following activities:
a. disease investigation;
b. strengthening of surveillance;
c. treatment of sufferers;
d. control of risk factor;
e. handling of at-risk populations;

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f. communication of risks; and/or
g. other countermeasures.

Article 373
(1) The disease investigation as referred to in Article 372 letter a shall be conducted to obtain information on
the etiology of the disease, the source of the disease, and the mode of transmission or spread of the
Outbreak disease.
(2) Information on the etiology of the disease, the source of the disease, and the mode of transmission or
spread of the Outbreak as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be used as a consideration in stipulating the

Article 374
(1) The strengthening of surveillance as referred to in Article 372 letter b shall be conducted for case finding
and in-depth identification of the characteristics of the etiology/disease agent and their risk factors based
on a laboratory and/or a scientific research.
(2) The surveillance as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted through systematic and continuous
observation of disease occurrences and conditions that influence the occurrence and spread of a disease
to obtain and provide information to direct disease prevention measures effectively and efficiently.

Article 375
(1) Handling of sufferers as referred to in Article 372 letter c shall be conducted by governance efforts of
sufferers in accordance with their medical needs.
(2) Handling of sufferers as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include:
a. isolation;
b. quarantine; and/or
c. treatment and care.
(3) Isolation as referred to in paragraph (2) letter a shall be conducted in Healthcare Service Facilities or other
places that allow sufferers to get access to Healthcare Services to maintain their lives.
(4) Quarantine as referred to in paragraph (2) letter b may be conducted at home, hospital, workplace, means
of transportation, hotel, guest house, dormitory, and other places or areas by taking into account
epidemiological aspects.
(5) Quarantine as referred to in paragraph (2) letter b may be applied to persons, goods and means of
(6) Treatment and care as referred to in paragraph (2) letter c shall be implemented in Healthcare Service
Facilities in accordance with the standard and laws and regulations.
(7) The Central Government and Regional Governments along with the community shall be responsible for
facilitating the implementation of isolation or quarantine.
(8) If sufferers as referred to in paragraph (2) fulfill the criteria for isolation or quarantine measures, isolation
or quarantine must be conducted to reduce the spread of an Outbreak.

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Article 376
(1) Control of risk factors as referred to in Article 372 letter d shall be conducted to break the chain of disease
transmission from risk factors which shall be conducted in accordance with provisions and technological
developments as well as the characteristics of said risk factors, including the possibility of eradicating the
said risk factors.
(2) Control of risk factors as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include:
a. Health, safety, and control aimed at improving environmental risk factors and/or destroying
biological agents that cause disease;
b. infection prevention and control; and/or
c. handling of corpses.

Article 377
(1) Handling of at-risk populations as referred to in Article 372 letter e shall be conducted to prevent and
reduce the risk of spreading disease.
(2) Handling of at-risk populations as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include:
a. giving immunity;
b. prophylaxis; and/or
c. restriction on social activities.
(3) The limitation of social activities as referred to in paragraph (2) letter c shall include:
a. days off of school and workplace;
b. restriction of religious activities;
c. restriction of activities in public spaces or facilities; and/or
d. other activity restrictions.

Article 378
(1) Communication of risks as referred to in Article 372 letter f shall be conducted to provide understanding to
the general public and increase the role of the general public in efforts for the purpose of Outbreak
(2) Communication of risks as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted through:
a. the provision of information and/or education to the general public; and/or
b. social mobilization.

Article 379
(1) Outbreak countermeasure activities shall be conducted in an integrated, comprehensive, and targeted
manner by involving relevant ministries/agencies and Regional Governments.
(2) In Outbreak countermeasures, the Central Government may cooperate with other countries or
international agencies.

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Article 380
Further provisions on the implementation of Outbreak countermeasure activities as referred to in Article 371 to
Article 379 shall be regulated under a Regulation of the Government.

Subdivision 7
Post-Outbreak Activities

Article 381
(1) For post-Outbreak recovery, normalization activities shall be conducted:
a. Healthcare Services; and
b. social, economic, and cultural life of the general public.
(2) In addition to the recovery as referred to in paragraph (1), efforts to prevent the recurrence of the
Outbreak must be conducted through the following activities:
a. strengthening of Health surveillance; and
b. control of risk factor.
(3) Activities as referred to in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) must be conducted by Regional Governments
at the regency/city level, provincial Governments, and the Central Government in an integrated,
comprehensive, right-on target, and sustainable manner in accordance with its authority.
(4) Further provisions on the implementation of post-Outbreak activities shall be regulated under a Regulation
of the Government.

Division Three

Article 382
(1) In the event that countermeasure of a KLB and outbreak requires samples and/or specimens for
laboratory confirmation, sampling and confirmation shall be conducted at the nearest laboratory at the
nearest capable laboratory.
(2) The implementation of the confirmation as referred to in paragraph (1) shall prioritize national sovereignty
and interests, utilization for the general public, and progress in science and technology.
(3) In the event that the laboratory confirmation as referred to in paragraph (1) needs to be conducted with
other countries, its implementation must be conducted in accordance with provisions of laws and
regulations on material transfer agreement.

Division Four
Management of Waste

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Article 383
(1) The Central Government, Regional Governments, and/or Healthcare Service Facilities shall be
responsible for the management of waste generated from KLB and Outbreaks countermeasure activities.
(2) The management of waste as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted in accordance with
provisions of laws and regulations.

Division Five

Article 384
(1) Regional Governments at the regency/city level and provincial Governments must submit reports on the
implementation of KLB and outbreak precautions, KLB and outbreak countermeasure activities and/or
post-KLB and post-Outbreak activities to the Minister periodically.
(2) The report as referred to in paragraph (1) shall at least contain the development of the KLB and Outbreak
situation as well as the countermeasure activities that are undertaken.

Article 385
(1) The Minister must report any development of KLB and Outbreak situations and countermeasures activities
of KLB and Outbreak to the President.
(2) Based on the report referred to in paragraph (1), the Minister shall announce the development of KLB and
Outbreak by taking into account the social, economic, cultural, political and security impacts that may

Division Six

Article 386
Resources for countermeasures of KLB and Outbreak shall include:
a. human resources;
b. technology;
c. facilities and infrastructure;
d. Health Supplies; and
e. funding.

Article 387
Human resources as referred to in Article 386 letter a are Medical Workforce, Healthcare Workers, and Health
supporting or help personnel in accordance with needs.

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Article 388
(1) Every Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers must participate in KLB and outbreak countermeasures
(2) In the event that there are insufficient Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers as referred to in
paragraph (1), the Central Government and Regional Governments may mobilize reserve Healthcare
workers as referred to in Article 238.
(3) Further provisions on the mobilization of reserve Healthcare workers as referred to in paragraph (2) shall
be regulated under a Regulation of the Government.

Article 389
(1) Technology as referred to in Article 386 letter b shall be in the form of application and development of:
a. appropriate technology;
b. laboratory test method;
c. treatment method;
d. information and communication management technology; and
e. research.
(2) Research as referred to in paragraph (1) letter e shall prioritize service-based research.

Article 390
Facilities and infrastructure as referred to in Article 386 letter c shall be in the form of all facilities needed to
support KLB and Outbreak precautions, KLB and outbreak countermeasures, and post-KLB and post-outbreak.

Article 391
Health Supplies as referred to in Article 386 letter d shall include Medical Devices, Medicines, vaccines,
consumable medical materials, and other supporting materials/equipment needed in conducting KLB and
Outbreak precautions activities, KLB and Outbreak countermeasures, as well as post-KLB and post-Outbreak.

Division Seven
Rights, Obligation, and Prohibitions

Subdivision 1

Article 392
Any person who is sick or is suspected to be sick due to a disease or a Health problem that causes KLB or as a
result of a disease that causes an Outbreak which has been stipulated as a KLB or an Outbreak status is entitled

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to obtain Health Services whose funding is sourced from the Central Government and/or Regional Governments.

Article 393
(1) Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who conduct countermeasure efforts of KLB and Outbreak
are entitled to legal protection and security as well as Health insurance in performing their duties.
(2) Legal protection and security as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include protection given to Medical
Workforce and Healthcare Workers in conducting investigation activity and entering areas or gaining
access to certain community that is suspected of being sick due to a disease or a Health problem that has
the potential to cause KLB, or due to a disease which has the potential to cause an Outbreak.
(3) Health insurance as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include obtaining self-protection from the risk of

Subdivision 2

Article 394
Any Person must comply with all KLB and Outbreak countermeasures activities implemented by the Central
Government and Regional Governments.

Article 395
(1) Any Person who is aware of any sick person or is suspected to be sick due to a disease or Health problem
which has the potential to cause KLB or due to any disease which has the potential to cause an Outbreak
shall immediately report to the nearest village/urban village government apparatus and/or Health Service
(2) Village/urban village government apparatus and/or Health Service Facilities that receive a report as
referred to in paragraph (1) or that are aware of people who are sick or are suspected of being sick due to
a disease or a Health problem that has the potential to cause KLB or due to a disease that has the
potential to cause an Outbreak must be reported to the regional apparatus that organizes government
affairs in the local Health sector.
(3) Village/urban village government officials and/or Healthcare Service Facilities which violate the provisions
as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be subject to administrative sanctions by the Regional Governments
or the Central Government in accordance with their authority in the form of:
a. verbal reprimand;
b. written reprimand; and/or
c. proposed for dismissal from their position.
(4) Further provisions on procedures for the imposition of administrative sanctions as referred to in paragraph
(3) shall be regulated under a Regulation of the Government.

Article 396
In the event of KLB and Outbreak, all Health Service Facilities, both owned by the Central Government and

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Regional Governments as well as the general public, must provide Health Services to people who are sick or are
suspected of being sick due to a disease or Health problem that has the potential to cause KLB or due to a
disease that has the potential to cause an Outbreak.

Article 397
(1) Any Person who manages materials that contain causative agents and/or biological agents that cause a
disease and Health problem that has the potential to cause KLB and Outbreak must fulfill management
(2) Provisions on the management standards for materials containing causative agents and/or biological
agents that cause a disease and Health problem that has the potential to cause KLB and Outbreak shall
be regulated under a Regulation of the Government.

Article 398
(1) Healthcare Service Facilities that do not provide Healthcare Services to people who are sick or are
suspected of being sick due to a disease or a Health problem that has the potential to cause KLB or due
to a disease that has the potential to cause an Outbreak as referred to in Article 396 and Any Person who
manages materials containing causative agents and/or biological agents that cause a disease and Health
problem that has the potential to cause KLB and Outbreak that fail to meet the management standards as
referred to in Article 397 shall be subject to administrative sanctions by the Central Government or
Regional Governments in accordance with the authority in the form of:
a. verbal reprimand;
b. written reprimand; and/or
c. administrative fines.
(2) Further provisions on procedures for the imposition of administrative sanctions as referred to in paragraph
(1) shall be regulated under a Regulation of the Government.

Subdivision 3

Article 399
Any Person is prohibited to:
a. conduct activities to disseminate materials that contain disease-causing and Health problems that have
the potential to cause KLB; and/or
b. conduct activities to disseminate biological agents that cause a disease that has the potential to cause
KLB and Outbreak.

Article 400
Any Person shall be prohibited from obstructing the implementation of KLB and Outbreak countermeasures

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Article 401
(1) Health Funding shall be aimed to fund Health development in a sustainable manner with sufficient
amounts, allocated equitably, and utilized in an effective and efficient manner to improve the degree of
public Health as high as possible.
(2) Health funding elements as referred to in paragraph (1) shall consist of funding sources, allocations, and
(3) Funding sources for Health shall come from the Central Government, Regional Governments, and other
legitimate sources in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 402
(1) The Central Government shall monitor the Health funding nationally and regionally to ensure the
achievement of Health funding objectives as referred to in Article 401 paragraph (1).
(2) In order to support the monitoring of Health funding as referred to in paragraph (1), the Central
Government shall develop a Health funding information system that is integrated with the National Health
Information System.
(3) The Health funding information system as referred to in paragraph (2) is an integrated set of structures
covering data, information, indicators, and performance achievements of Health funding which are
managed in an integrated manner to direct actions or decisions in the Health development.
(4) Every Healthcare Service Facility, agency of the Central Government and Regional Governments, which
organizes social security program in the Health sector, agency which organizes social security programs
in the employment sector, state-owned enterprises, regionally-owned enterprises, private institutions, and
development partners that implement the Health function shall report the realization of Health spending
and achievement results every year in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations through the
Health funding information system.
(5) Further provisions on the development and implementation of the Health funding information system shall
be regulated under a Regulation of the Government.

Article 403
(1) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for providing funds that are
utilized for the entire activities of:
a. Health Efforts;
b. countermeasures of disaster, KLB, and/or Outbreak;
c. strengthening of Health Resources and public empowerment;
d. strengthening of Health management;
e. research, development, and innovation in the Health sector; and
f. other strategic Health programs in accordance with national development priority in the Health

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(2) Funding for all activities referred to in paragraph (1) may come from other legal sources in accordance
with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 404
The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for the funding of an examination and
Healthcare Services for victims of crimes and/or an examination of corpses for legal purposes.

Article 405
(1) The Central Government, Regional Governments, and/or related private parties shall be responsible for
the funding that arises in the event of any follow-up event after the administration of mass prevention
Medicine and immunization in the prevention of a disease, including KLB and Outbreaks
(2) The funding as referred to in paragraph (1) shall at least be used for:
a. causality audit;
b. Healthcare Services, including medical rehabilitation; and
c. compensation for victims.

Article 406
Hospital funding may be sourced from Hospital budget, the Central Government budget, Regional Governments
budget, and/or other legal sources in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 407
(1) The Central Government, Regional Governments, and/or the general public may provide financial aid in
order to improve and provide Healthcare Services to the general public.
(2) Funding aid for the Central Government, Regional Governments, and/or the general public as referred to
in paragraph (1) shall be conducted in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 408
Further provisions on the utilization of Health funding shall be regulated under a Regulation of the Government.

Article 409
(1) The Central Government, provincial Governments, and Regional Governments at the regency/city-level
shall prioritize the Health budget for programs and activities in the preparation of the state revenue and
expenditure budget andregional revenue and expenditure budget.
(2) The Health Budget for programs and activities as referred to in paragraph (1) is a budget other than salary
within the scope of improving Healthcare Services for the general public while still paying attention to the
welfare of Health Human Resources.
(3) The Central Government shall allocate Health budget from the state revenue and expenditure budget in
accordance with the needs of the national program as outlined in the master plan for the Health sector by

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taking into account performance-based budgeting.
(4) Regional Governments shall allocate Health budget from regional revenue and expenditure budget in
accordance with regional Health needs which shall refer to the national Health program as outlined in the
master plan for the Health sector by taking into account performance-based budgeting.
(5) The allocation of the Health budget as referred to in paragraphs (3) and (4) shall include taking into
account the settlement of Health problems based on disease burden or epidemiology.
(6) In preparing the Regional Government Health budget, the Central Government has the authority to
synchronize the budget allocation needs for activities as referred to in Article 403.

Article 410
(1) For the purpose of improving the performance of Health funding, the Central Government may provide
incentives or disincentives to Regional Governments in accordance with the performance achievements of
programs and Healthcare Services stipulated by the Central Government.
(2) The provision of incentives or disincentives as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be implemented in
accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 411
(1) Funding of individual Health Efforts through the organization of health insurance program that is organized
by the agency which organizes social security program in the health sector.
(2) The Health insurance program as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be mandatory for the entire population.
(3) The Health insurance program as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be organized to ensure that the
general public obtains the benefits of Health maintenance and protection in order to fulfill the basic needs
of Health.
(4) Basic needs of Health as referred to in paragraph (3) are essential relating to individual Health Services,
whether promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative, or palliative in accordance with the life cycle and
epidemiology regardless of socio-economic status and cause of Health problems.
(5) Residents who wish to enjoy additional benefits may participate in additional Health insurance and/or pay
for them personally.
(6) Additional benefits through additional Health insurance as referred to in paragraph (5) may be paid by
employers and/or paid personally, which shall be conducted in coordination with other Health insurance

Article 412
The implementation of the Health insurance program shall be implemented in accordance with provisions of laws
and regulations.


Article 413

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(1) In order to develop Health, it has been deemed necessary to coordinate and synchronize policies in the
Health sector between ministries/agencies and related parties.
(2) Coordination and synchronization as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted in order to:
a. implement the prevention and handling of policy problems in the Health sector;
b. synergize and consolidate the implementation of policies in the Health sector between
ministries/agencies and related parties; and
c. accelerate the development and strengthen the Health system.

Article 414
Coordination and synchronization as referred to in Article 413 shall be conducted by taking into account
transparency, continuity, accountability, professionalism and integration of services as well as prioritizing the
interests of the general public.

Article 415
Coordination and synchronization as referred to in Article 413 shall be conducted at least through:
a. a review of various information and data that are relevant or affect the acceleration process of the Health
b. formulation of strategy for the achievement and priority of Health development programs and activities;
c. establishment of criteria and indicators for the assessment regarding the implementation of Health
development programs and activities;
d. assessment of the stability and resilience of the Health system;
e. establishment of coordination measures to prevent Health crises and strengthen the sustainability of
Health system; and
f. coordination for the improvement of public Health programs, especially those of promotive and preventive

Article 416
Further provisions on the coordination and synchronization of the strengthening of the Health system shall be
regulated under a Regulation of the President.


Article 417
(1) The general public shall participate, either individually or in an organized in all forms and stages of Health
development in order to help accelerate the achievement of the highest degree of public Health.
(2) The participation as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include active and creative participation.
(3) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall coordinate participation as referred to in

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paragraph (1).
(4) Further provisions on public participation shall be regulated under a Regulation of the Government.


Division One

Article 418
(1) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall provide development to the general public and
any organization of activities related to Health Resources and Health Efforts.
(2) Health Efforts as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include the KLB and Outbreak Precautions, KLB and
Outbreak countermeasures, as well as post-KLB and post-Outbreak activities in an integrated and
sustainable manner.

Article 419
(1) The development as referred to in Article 418 shall be directed to:
a. increase access to and fulfill the needs of Any Person needs to Health Resources and Health
b. mobilize and implement Health Efforts;
c. improve the quality of Healthcare Services as well as the ability of Medical Workforce and
Healthcare Workers; and
d. protect the general public against any possibility that may pose hazard to Health.
(2) The development as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted through:
a. communication, information, education, and community empowerment;
b. dissemination and advocacy;
c. capacity building and technical guidance;
d. consultation; and/or
e. education and training.

Article 420
(1) For the purpose of development, the Central Government and Regional Governments may grant awards
to persons or entities which have contributed to the realization of any Health development goals, including
KLB and Outbreak Precaution, KLB and Outbreak countermeasures, as well as post-KLB and post-
Outbreak activities.
(2) Further provisions on awards as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be implemented in accordance with

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provisions of laws and regulations.

Division Two

Article 421
(1) The Central Government and Regional Governments shall supervise each organization of Health.
(2) The scope of supervision as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include:
a. compliance with provisions of laws and regulations, including compliance with the implementation of
norms, standards, procedures, and criteria established by the Central Government;
b. compliance with the professional standards, service standards, standard operating procedures, as
well as professional ethics and discipline;
c. the impact of Healthcare Services by Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers
d. evaluation of public satisfaction assessment;
e. accountability and feasibility of the organization of Health Efforts and Health Resources; and
f. other supervision objects as needed.
(3) The supervision as referred to in paragraph (1) may involve the general public.

Article 422
For the purpose of the supervision as referred to in Article 421, the Central Government or Regional
Governments may be assisted by supervisory personnel and shall be implemented in accordance with
provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 423
Further provisions on the implementation of supervision shall be regulated under a Regulation of the


Article 424
(1) Investigating officials of the Indonesian National Police shall have the authority and responsibility to
investigate crimes in the Health sector based on the Criminal Procedural Law Code.
(2) In addition to investigators from the Indonesian National Police as referred to in paragraph (1), certain civil
servant officials within the government environment which organizes government affairs in the Health
sector shall also be granted special authority as an investigator as referred to in provisions of laws and
regulations on the Criminal Procedural Law Code to conduct an investigation of a crime in the Health

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(3) Civil Servant Investigators as referred to in paragraph (2) shall have the authority to:
a. receive reports and conduct an examination on the validity of reports as well as information on
crimes in the Health sector;
b. summon, examine,or conduct searches related to an allegation of crimes in the Health sector;
c. conduct the first act at the scene;
d. prohibit Any Person from leaving or entering the scene of a case for the purpose of an investigation;
e. order to stop a person who is suspected of committing crimes in the Health sector;
f. examine the identity of the person who is suspected of committing a crime in the Health sector;
g. seek and request information and evidence from individuals or legal entities in relation to crimes in
the Health sector;
h. detain, examine, and confiscate letters, documents, and/or other materials/evidence in the case of
crimes in the Health sector;
i. conduct examination in a certain place that is suspected of containing letters, documents, or other
objects related to crimes in the Health sector;
j. summon somebody to be examined and to hear their testimony as a suspect or witness;
k. request expert assistance in the implementation of the task of investigating crimes in the Health
l. discontinue an investigation if there is insufficient evidence to prove the existence of a crime in the
Health sector; and
m. take other measures after coordinating for the purpose of requesting assistance in an investigation
to the investigator from the Indonesian National Police.
(4) Civil Servant Investigators shall send notification on the commencement of an investigation and
submission of investigation results to the public prosecutor through investigators from the Indonesian
National Police.
(5) The authority as referred to in paragraph (3) shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of the
Criminal Procedural Law Code.
(6) In implementing the authority as referred to in paragraph (3), civil servant investigator officials are under
the coordination and supervision of the Indonesian National Police in accordance with provisions of laws
and regulations.

Article 425
In the event that alleged crimes in the Health sector is committed by members of the Indonesian National Armed
Forces or members of the Indonesian National Armed Forces along with civil society, the investigation shall be
conducted in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 426
Requirements, procedures for the appointment of civil servant investigators, and administration of investigations
shall be conducted in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.


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Article 427
Any woman who has an abortion that is not in accordance with the exempted criteria as referred to in Article 60
shall be subject to imprisonment for a maximum of 4 (four) years.

Article 428
(1) Any Person who has an abortion that is not in accordance with the provisions as referred to in Article 60
for a woman:
a. with the consent of the said woman shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a maximum of 5 (five)
years; or
b. without the consent of the said woman shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a maximum of 12
(twelve) years.
(2) If the act as referred to in paragraph (1) letter a results in the death of the woman, the penalty is
imprisonment for a maximum of 8 (eight) years.
(3) If the act as referred to in paragraph (1) letter b results in the death of the woman, the penalty is
imprisonment for a maximum of 15 (fifteen) years.

Article 429
(1) Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers who commit crimes the as referred to in Article 428 its penalty
may be increased 1/3 (one third).
(2) Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers who commit crimes as referred to in paragraph (1) may be
subject to additional criminal sanctions in the form of revocation of certain rights, namely:
a. the right to hold public office in general or certain positions; and/or
b. the right to practice certain professions.
(3) Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers who perform an abortion due to medical emergency indications
or against victims of rape or other crimes of sexual violence which cause pregnancy as referred to in
Article 60 shall not be convicted.

Article 430
Any Person who hinders the exclusive breastfeeding program as referred to in Article 42 shall be subject to
imprisonment for a maximum of 1 (one) year or a maximum fine of Rp50,000,000.00 (fifty million rupiahs).

Article 431
Any Person who trades human blood for any reason as referred to in Article 119 shall be subject to imprisonment
for a maximum of 3 (three) years or a maximum fine of Rp200,000,000.00 (two hundred million rupiahs).

Article 432
(1) Any Person who commercializes the implementation of organ or tissue transplantation as referred to in

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Article 124 paragraph (3) shall be subject to imprisonment for a maximum of 5 (five) years or a maximum
fine of Rp500,000,000.00 (five hundred million rupiahs).
(2) Any Person who trades organs or body tissues for any reason as referred to in Article 124 paragraph (3)
shall be subject to imprisonment for a maximum of 7 (seven) years a maximum fine of
Rp2,000,000,000.00 (two billion rupiahs).

Article 433
Any Person who performs reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery that is contrary to the norms prevailing in
the society and is intended to change the identity of a person as referred to in Article 137 paragraph (2) shall be
subject to imprisonment for a maximum of 10 (ten) years or a maximum fine of Rp2.000,000,000.00 (two billion

Article 434
Any Person who engages in deprivation, neglect, violence, and/or ordering other persons to carry out
deprivation, neglect and/or violence upon persons with mental illness or other acts which violate the human
rights of persons with mental illness, as referred to in Article 76 paragraph (2) shall be subject to imprisonment
for a maximum of 2 (two) years and 6 (six) months or a maximum fine of Rp10,000,000.00 (ten million rupiahs).

Article 435
Any Person who produces or circulates Pharmaceutical Preparations and/or Medical Devices that fail to meet
the standards and/or requirements for safety, efficacy/benefits, and quality as referred to in Article 138 paragraph
(2) and paragraph (3) shall be subject to imprisonment for a maximum of 12 (twelve) years or a maximum fine of
Rp5,000,000,000.00 (five billion rupiahs).

Article 436
(1) Any Person who does not have expertise and authority, but practices pharmacy as referred to in Article
145 paragraph (1) shall be subject to a maximum fine of Rp200,000,000.00 (two hundred million rupiahs).
(2) In the event that there are pharmaceutical practices as referred to in paragraph (1) related to
Pharmaceutical Preparations in the form of potent Medicines, they will be subject to imprisonment for a
maximum of 5 (five) years or a maximum fine of Rp500,000,000.00 (five hundred million rupiahs).

Article 437
(1) Any Person who produces, imports cigarettes into the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of
Indonesia, and/or distributes them without affixing the written Health warning accompanied by a picture as
referred to in Article 150 shall be subject to imprisonment for a maximum of 5 (five) years or a maximum
fine of Rp500,000,000.00 (five hundred million rupiahs).
(2) Any Person who violates the non-smoking area as referred to in Article 151 paragraph (1) shall be subject
to a maximum fine of Rp50,000,000.00 (fifty million rupiahs).

Article 438
(1) Heads of Healthcare Service Facilities, Medical Workforce, and/or Healthcare Workers who fail to provide

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first aid to Patients who are in an Emergency Condition at Healthcare Service Facilities as referred to in
Article 174 and Article 275 paragraph (1) shall be subject to imprisonment for a maximum of 2 (two) years
or a maximum fine of Rp200,000,000.00 (two hundred million rupiahs).
(2) In the event that the act as referred to in paragraph (1) results in disability or death, the head of the said
Healthcare Service Facility shall be subject to imprisonment for a maximum of 10 (ten) years or a
maximum fine of Rp2,000,000,000.00 (two billion rupiahs).

Article 439
Any Person who is not a Medical Workforce or Healthcare Worker who practices as a Medical Workforce or
Healthcare Worker who already has SIP shall be subject to imprisonment for a maximum of 5 (five) years or a
maximum fine of Rp500,000,000.00 (five hundred million rupiahs).

Article 440
(1) Any Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers who commits negligence resulting in serious injuries to
Patients shall be subject to imprisonment for a maximum of 3 (three) years or a maximum fine of
Rp250,000,000.00 (two hundred and fifty million rupiahs).
(2) If the negligence as referred to in paragraph (1) results in death, any Medical Workers or Healthcare
Workers shall be subject to imprisonment for a maximum of 5 (five) years or a maximum fine of
Rp500,000,000.00 (five hundred million rupiahs).

Article 441
(1) Any Person who uses an identity in the form of a title or other forms that create an impression for the
general public concerned is a Medical Workforce or Healthcare Worker who already has an STR and/or
SIP as referred to in Article 312 letter a shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a maximum of 5 (five)
years or a maximum of Rp500,000,000.00 (five hundred million rupiahs).
(2) Any Person who uses tools, methods or other methods in providing services to the general public which
gives rise to the impression as if the person concerned is a Medical Workforce or Healthcare Worker who
already has an STR and/or SIP as referred to in Article 312 letter b shall be subject to imprisonment for a
maximum of 5 (five) years or a maximum fine of Rp500,000,000.00 (five hundred million rupiahs).

Article 442
Any Person who employs Medical Workforce and/or Healthcare Workers who do not have SIP as referred to in
Article 312 letter c shall be subject to imprisonment for a maximum of 5 (five) years or a maximum fine of
Rp500,000,000.00 (five hundred million rupiahs).

Article 443
Ship captains, pilots, or drivers of land vehicles which disembark or embark persons and/or goods before
obtaining an approval letter from the ministry which organizes government affairs in the health sector as referred
to in Article 363 paragraph (3) with the intention of spreading diseases and/or risk factors of a disease which may
lead to an Outbreak shall be subject to imprisonment for a maximum of 10 (ten) years or a maximum fine of
Rp2,000,000,000.00 (two billion rupiahs).

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Article 444
Any Person who falsifies Health Quarantine Documents or uses Health Quarantine Documents as referred to in
Article 366 whose contents are incorrect or which are falsified shall be subject to imprisonment for a maximum of
5 (five) years or a maximum fine of Rp500,000,000.00 (five hundred million rupiahs).

Article 445
Any Person who conducts activities to disseminate materials containing disease-causing agents and/or
biological agents that cause a disease and health problem that has the potential to cause KLB and an Outbreak
as referred to in Article 399 shall be subject to imprisonment for a maximum of 12 (twelve) years or a maximum
fine of Rp5,000,000,000.00 (five billion rupiahs).

Article 446
Any Person who fails to comply with the implementation of KLB and Outbreaks countermeasure efforts and/or
intentionally hinders the implementation of KLB and outbreak countermeasure efforts as referred to in Article 400
shall be subject to a maximum fine of Rp500,000,000.00 (five hundred million rupiahs).

Article 447
(1) In the event that the crimes referred to in Article 428, Article 430 to Article 435, Article 437, Article 442,
Article 444, Article 445, and Article 446 are committed by a corporation, criminal liability shall be imposed
upon the corporation, managers who have a functional position, the giver of the orders, the controller,
and/or beneficial owner of the corporation.
(2) In addition to imprisonment and fines for managers who have functional positions, the giver of the order,
the controller, and/or the beneficial owner of the corporation, the penalty which may be imposed upon the
corporation in the form of a maximum fine is as follows:
a. Rp2,000,000,000.00 (two billion rupiahs) in the event that the crime committed is subject to
imprisonment for less than 7 (seven) years;
b. Rp5,000,000,000.00 (five billion rupiahs) in the event that the crime committed is subject to
imprisonment for a maximum of 7 (seven) years up to a maximum of 15 (fifteen) years; or
c. Rp50,000,000,000.00 (fifty billion rupiahs) in the event that the crime committed is subject to death
penalty, life imprisonment, or imprisonment for a maximum of 20 (twenty) years.
(3) Corporation shall be subject to criminal liability for any acts which are committed for and/or on behalf of
the corporations if said actions fall within the scope of their business as stipulated in the articles of
association or other provisions which apply to the corporations concerned.
(4) Penalty shall be imposed upon a corporation if a crime is:
a. conducted in order to fulfill the aims and objectives of the corporation;
b. is accepted as corporate policy; and/or
c. unlawfully used to benefit the corporation.

Article 448
In the event that the crimes as referred to in Article 428, Article 430 to Article 435, Article 437, Article 442, Article
444, Article 445, and Article 446 are committed by a corporation, in addition to being subject to fines, the

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corporation shall also be subject to additional crimes in the form of:
a. payment of compensation;
b. revocation of certain license; and/or
c. closure of the entire or part of the business premise and/or corporate activities.


Article 449
Upon the effective enforcement of this Law:
a. STR, Temporary STR, Conditional STR, and SIP that have been issued shall be declared to remain valid
until the expiry of the STR, Temporary STR, Conditional STR, and SIP;
b. issuance of STR, Temporary STR, Conditional STR, and SIP that have completed the verification process
and fulfilled the requirements shall be completed immediately and shall be declared valid until the expiry of
the STR, Temporary STR, Conditional STR, and SIP; and
c. issuance of STR, Temporary STR, Conditional STR, and SIP which are still in the initial process prior to
the verification process shall be adjusted to the provisions of this Law.

Article 450
Upon the effective enforcement of this Law, the Indonesian Medical Council, the Medical Council, the Dentistry
Council, the Indonesian Healthcare Workers Council, the respective Healthcare Workers Council, the secretariat
of the Indonesian Medical Council, the secretariat of the Indonesian Healthcare Workers Council and the
Indonesian Medical Disciplinary Honorary Council shall continue to implement their duties, functions and/or
authorities until the establishment of the Council as referred to in Article 268 and the council as referred to in
Article 304 which are established based on this Law.

Article 451
Upon the effective enforcement of this Law, Collegiums that are established by each professional organization
shall remain to be acknowledged until the stipulation of Collegiums as referred to in Article 272 established
based on this Law.

Article 452
Upon the effective enforcement of this Law, complaints of disciplinary violations against Medical Workforce or
Healthcare Workers who are still:
a. in the process at the Indonesian Medical Disciplinary Honorary Council or the council of each Healthcare
Workers and have completed the verification, clarification, and/or examination processes, shall be
completed based on the procedures that prevail before the promulgation of this Law; and
b. the initial process at the Indonesian Medical Disciplinary Honorary Council or the respective councils of
Healthcare Workers and the verification, clarification and/or examination processes have not yet been
undertaken, shall be settled based on the provisions of this Law.

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Article 453
Upon the effective enforcement of this Law, all laws and regulations which are implementing regulations of:
a. Law Number 4 of 1984 on Outbreaks of Infectious Diseases (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of
1984 Number 20, Supplement to State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3273);
b. Law Number 29 of 2004 on Medical Practice (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2004 Number
116, Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4431);
c. Law Number 36 of 2009 on Health (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2009 Number 144,
Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5063);
d. Law Number 44 of 2009 on Hospitals (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2009 Number 153,
Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5072);
e. Law Number 20 of 2013 on Medical Education (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2013
Number 132, Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5434);
f. Law Number 18 of 2014 on Mental Health (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2014 Number
185, Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5571);
g. Law Number 36 of 2014 on Healthcare Workers (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2014
Number 298, Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5607);
h. Law Number 38 of 2014 on Nursing (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2014 Number 307,
Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5612);
i. Law Number 6 of 2018 on Health Quarantine (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2018 Number
128, Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6236); and
j. Law Number 4 of 2019 on Midwifery (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2019 Number 56,
Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6325),
shall remain valid as long as it does not conflict with the provisions of this Law.

Article 454
Upon the effective enforcement of this Law:
a. Law Number 419 of 1949 on Ordinances for Medicine (Statsblad 1949 Number 419);
b. Law Number 4 of 1984 on Outbreaks of Infectious Diseases (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of
1984 Number 20, Supplement to State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3273);
c. Law Number 29 of 2004 on Medical Practice (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2004 Number
116, Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4431);
d. Law Number 36 of 2009 on Health (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2009 Number 144,
Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5063);
e. Law Number 44 of 2009 on Hospitals (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2009 Number 153,
Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5072);

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f. Law Number 20 of 2013 on Medical Education (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2013
Number 132, Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5434);
g. Law Number 18 of 2014 on Mental Health (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2014 Number
185, Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5571);
h. Law Number 36 of 2014 on Healthcare Workers (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2014
Number 298, Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5607);
i. Law Number 38 of 2014 on Nursing (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2014 Number 307,
Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5612);
j. Law Number 6 of 2018 on Health Quarantine (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2018 Number
128, Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6236); and
k. Law Number 4 of 2019 on Midwifery (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2019 Number 56,
Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6325),
shall be repealed and declared invalid.

Article 455
Provisions in Article 427, Article 428, Article 429, Article 431, and Article 432 shall apply until the enforcement of
Law Number 1 of 2023 on the Criminal Law Code (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2023 Number 1,
Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6842).

Article 456
Implementing regulations of this Law shall be established within 1 (one) year at the latest since this Law is

Article 457
The Central Government shall report the implementation of this Law to the House of Representatives through
the apparatus of the relevant council.

Article 458
This Law comes into force on the date of its promulgation.
For public cognizance, it is hereby ordered that this Law be promulgated in the State Gazette of the Republic of

Enacted in Jakarta
On 8 August 2023

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Promulgated in Jakarta,
On 8 August 2023


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NUMBER 17 OF 2023

Indonesia as a legal state based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia has
objectives of the state, which are to protect the entire Indonesian nation and all of Indonesia's bloodshed,
promote public welfare, educate the nation's life, and participate in implementing world order based on
freedom, eternal peace, and social justice. In order to achieve the objectives of the state, sustainable
development shall be organized which is a series of development that is comprehensive, directed and
integrated, including Health development.
Health is human rights and one of the elements of welfare that must be realized in accordance with the
objectives of the state as referred to in Pancasila and the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of the
Republic of Indonesia. Therefore, every activity and effort to improve the highest degree of public Health
shall be implemented based on the principles of welfare, equity, non-discrimination, participatory and
continuous, which are very important for the formation of Indonesia's human resources, increasing the
resilience and competitiveness of the nation, as well as national development.
Achievement of the National Health development experienced major disruptions with the start of the
Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in 2020 which occurred on a global scale. The COVID-
19 pandemic, which has had a broad impact on the entire society, has created an additional burden in
efforts to improve the quality of public Health, forcing the world, including Indonesia, to make adjustments
to these conditions.
The pandemic incident brought awareness to the importance of strengthening the national Health system
so that a comprehensive transformation was needed as an improvement effort aimed at increasing the
Health status of the Indonesian people and increasing the competitiveness of the Indonesian nation.
Based on the identification of various problems in the Health sector, such as Healthcare Services which
are still dominated by curative approaches, availability and distribution of Health Resources, readiness to
face Health crises, aspects of pharmaceutical and medical device independence, aspects of financing,
and utilization of Health technology, a transformation of the Health system shall be conducted.
The transformation of the Health system requires a strong and comprehensive regulatory basis to address
various Health problems. Regulatory reform in the Health sector is also needed to ensure that the
structure of Law in the Health sector does not overlap and does not conflict with each other.
Therefore, it is necessary to synchronize various Laws using the omnibus method.
This law contains substances that support the implementation of the Health system transformation, which
a. strengthening duties and responsibilities of the Central Government and Regional Governments in
implementing Health development;
b. synchronization of Health management organized by the Central Government, Regional
Governments, and/or the general public;
c. strengthening the organization of Health Efforts in promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative

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and/or palliative forms, by prioritizing public rights and government responsibilities;
d. strengthening primary Healthcare Services by prioritizing promotive and preventive approaches,
providing Patient-focused services based on the human life cycle, and improving services in
remote, underdeveloped, border and island areas as well as for vulnerable communities;
e. even distribution of Healthcare Service Facilities for easy access for the general public through the
development of first level Healthcare Service Facilities and advanced Healthcare Service Facilities
by the government or the general public;
f. provision of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers through increasing the organization of
specialist/subspecialist education, transparency in the Registration and licensing process, as well
as improving the mechanism for accepting Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who are
Indonesian Citizens and overseas graduates through a transparent competency test;
g. strengthening the role of the Central Government and Regional Governments to ensure the
availability, equity and affordability of Health Supplies;
h. strengthening the sustainability of pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices through implementing
supply chains from upstream to downstream;
i. utilization of Health Technology including biomedical technology for the benefit of science and
Health Technology and Healthcare Services towards precision medicine services;
j. strengthening the Health Information System including the government's authority to manage and
utilize Health data through the integration of various Health Information Systems into the National
Health Information System;
k. strengthening Health emergency through improving alert management, countermeasures, and post-
KLB and outbreaks, including the division of roles and coordination between stakeholders and
strengthening the anticipation of an emergency situation by carrying out registration, training and
mobilization of reserve Healthcare Workers;
l. strengthening Health funding, especially the use of funding sourced from the State Revenue and
Expenditure Budget and Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget through preparing budget
allocations based on performance-based budgeting principle, implementing Health funding
information system, and guaranteeing benefits in Health insurance program based on basic Health
needs; and
m. coordination and synchronization of policy in the Health sector between ministries/agencies and
related parties to strengthen the Health system.
In general, this Law contains the principle materials which are systematically arranged covering general
provisions, rights and obligations, responsibilities of the Central Government and Regional Governments,
organization of Health, Health Efforts, Healthcare Service Facilities, Health Human Resources, Health
Supplies, pharmaceutical sustainability and Medical Devices, Health Technology, Health Information
System, KLB and Outbreaks, Health funding, coordination and synchronization of the strengthening of
Health System, public participation, guidance and supervision, investigations, criminal provisions,
transitional provisions, and closing provisions.


Article 1

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Article 2
Letter a
“Principle of humanity” shall mean that Health development must be based on humanity based on Belief in
the One and Only God without discriminating between religious groups and nationalities.
Letter b
“Principle of balance” shall mean that Health development must be implemented in a balanced way
between the interests of the individual and the general public, between the physical and the mental, as
well as between the material and the spiritual.
Letter c
“Principle of benefit” shall mean that Health development must provide maximum benefits for humanity
and a healthy life for every citizen.
Letter d
“Principle of scientific” shall mean that the organization of Health Efforts shall be conducted based on
science and technology.
Letter e
“Principle of even distribution” shall mean that the regulation of Health Resources is intended to provide
Healthcare Services that can be reached by all levels of society in order to achieve the highest degree of
public Health.
Letter f
“Principle of ethics and professionalism” shall mean that the provision of Healthcare Services by Medical
Workforce and Healthcare Workers must be able to achieve and improve professionalism in carrying out
practice and have professional ethics and a professional attitude.
Letter g
“Principle of protection and safety” shall mean that the organization of Health Efforts must be able to
provide protection and safety to Healthcare Service providers and recipients of Healthcare Services by
prioritizing the safety of Patients, society and the environment.
Letter h
“Principle of respect for rights and obligations” shall mean that Health development must be conducted by
respecting the rights and obligations of the general public as a form of equal legal status.
Letter i
“Principle of justice” shall mean that the organization of Health Efforts must be able to provide fair and
equitable services to all levels of society with affordable financing.
Letter j
“Principle of non-discriminatory” shall mean that Health development does not discriminate against
treatment of religious groups, gender, race, ethnicity, tribe, skin color, physical condition, social status, and
between groups.
Letter k
“Principle of moral considerations and religious values” shall mean that the Health development policy in
accordance with the precepts of Belief in One God and humanity that is just and civilized as referred to in

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the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.
Letter l
“Principle of participation” shall mean that Health development shall involve the active participation of the
general public.
Letter m
“Principle of public interest” shall mean that the development of Health must give priority to the public
interest over the interests of certain individuals or groups.
Letter n
“Principle of cohesiveness” shall mean that Health development shall be conducted in an integrated
manner involving cross-sectors.
Letter o
“Principle of legal awareness” shall mean that Health development demands awareness and legal
compliance from the public.
Letter p
“Principle of state sovereignty” shall mean that Health development must prioritize national interests and
participate in increasing Health Efforts to build a Health resilience system.
Letter q
“Principle of environmental sustainability” shall mean that Health development must be able to ensure
efforts to preserve the quality of the environment for present and future generations for the benefit of the
nation and the state.
Letter r
“Principle of cultural wisdom” shall mean that Health development must pay attention to and respect the
socio-cultural values adopted by the general public.
Letter s
“Principle of legal order and certainty” shall mean that the organization of Health Efforts must be able to
create order and legal certainty in society in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 3

Article 4
Paragraph (1)
Letter a
“Physically healthy life” is the condition of the body without disease which is marked by the normal
functioning of the organs of the body, the body's ability to adjust the function of the organs within
physiological limits to environmental conditions, and the body can perform physical work without
excessive fatigue.
“Mentally healthy life” is a state of mental and spiritual well-being which enables a person to realize
one's own abilities, overcome life's pressures, be able to study and work well, and be able to

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provide contribution to the public.
“Socially healthy life” is the condition of a person who is able to establish healthy and beneficial
interpersonal relationships with other people.
Letter b
Letter c
Letter d
“Healthcare Service Standards” shall refer to guidelines for Medical Workforce and Healthcare
Workers in organizing Healthcare Services.
Letter e
Letter f
Letter g
Letter h
Letter i
Letter j
Letter k
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
Letter a
Letter b
Letter c
“Limited for educational purposes” shall refer to without disclosing the Patient's identity or data

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whose identity can be traced, except in the clinical management of Patients.
“Limited for research purposes” shall refer to without disclosing the Patient's identity or data whose
identity can be traced.
Letter d
Letter e
Letter f
Letter g
Letter h
Paragraph (5)

Article 5
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Letter a
Letter b
Letter c
“Health-oriented development” shall refer to development based on a healthy paradigm conducted
with a strategy of mainstreaming Health in development, strengthening Health Efforts that prioritize
promotive, preventive and public empowerment.
Paragraph (3)

Article 6
Paragraph (1)
In order for Health Efforts to be effective and efficient, the Central Government needs to plan, regulate,
organize, as well as guide and supervise the organization of Health Efforts or their resources in a
harmonious and balanced manner by involving the active participation of the general public.

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Paragraph (2)

Article 7

Article 8

Article 9

Article 10
Paragraph (1)
In order to implement Health Efforts that are evenly distributed to the public, it is necessary to have Health
Resources, among others, Medical Workforce, Healthcare Workers, Healthcare Service Facilities, Health
Supplies, Health Information System, and Health Technology that are evenly distributed throughout all
regions to remote areas so as to facilitate the general public in obtaining Healthcare Services.
Paragraph (2)
“Fiscal incentives”, among others, shall refer to the facility provided by the Central Government and/or
Regional Governments in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations in the taxation sector.
“Non-fiscal incentives”, among others, is the ease of obtaining business permit in accordance with
provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 11
Availability and access to Healthcare Service facilities as well as Health information and education, including for
the outermost, remote, and poorest communities.

Article 12

Article 13

Article 14

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Article 15

Article 16

Article 17
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
“The highest degree of Health” shall refer to Health condition that is better than before which can be
achieved according to the maximum ability of each person or public.
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)

Article 18
Paragraph (1)
“Promotive individual Health Efforts” shall refer to an activity and/or a series of activities to enable
individuals to control and improve their Health. Promotive individual Health efforts may be in the form of
providing explanations and/or education about healthy lifestyles, risk factors, and Health problems.
“Preventive individual Health Efforts” shall refer to an activity and/or a series of activities aimed at
preventing the occurrence of a disease or stopping a disease and preventing complications resulting from
the onset of a disease. Preventive individual Health efforts may be in the form of immunization, early
detection, and early intervention.
“Curative individual Health Efforts” shall refer to an activity and/or a series of medical activities aimed at
curing a disease and/or alleviating suffering due to a disease.
“Rehabilitative individual Health Efforts” shall refer to an activity and/or a series of activities aimed at
optimizing function and reducing disability in individuals with Health problems in their interaction with their
environment. Rehabilitative individual Health efforts may be in the form of speech therapy or
“Palliative individual Health Efforts” shall refer to Health efforts aimed at improving the quality of life of
Patients and their family who face problems related to life-threatening illnesses. Individual Health efforts
that are palliative in nature may be in the form of early identification, correct assessment, treatment of
pain, and handling of other problems, whether physical, psychosocial, or spiritual.
Paragraph (2)
“Promotive public Health Efforts” shall refer to an activity and/or a series of activities to enable the public

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to control and improve their Health. Promotive public Health efforts may take the form of effective
communication to educate the public about Health and its influencing factors and ways to improve Health
status, strengthen public movements, and formulate policies and regulations that support and protect
public Health.
“Preventive public Health efforts” are activities to prevent a Health problem/disease in order to avoid or
reduce risks, problems, and adverse effects due to disease. Preventive public Health efforts shall be
carried out through surveillance, monitoring public Health status and problems, as well as overcoming
problems found. Preventive public Health efforts may be in the form of limiting cigarette consumption, salt
consumption, consumption of food and drinks with excess sugar content, as well as in the form of mass
vaccination, disease screening and environmental Health control, including prevention of environmental
pollution and vector control.
“Curative public Health efforts” shall refer to an activity and/or a series of treatment activities aimed at
stopping or controlling the transmission and burden of disease in the general public. Curative public
Health efforts may be in the form of mass drug administration, presumptive drug administration, and
infectious disease drug administration as well as ensuring that there is an effective system for providing
equitable access to curative individual Health efforts.
“Rehabilitative public Health efforts” shall refer to an activity and/or a series of activities to help survivors
return to the society. Rehabilitative public Health efforts may be in the form of social training for people
with autism spectrum, intellectual disability, or schizophrenia.
“Palliative public Health Efforts” shall refer to an activity and/or a series of activities to enable the public or
community to provide support to improve the quality of life of Patients and their family who face problems
related to life-threatening illnesses. Public Health efforts that are palliative in nature may be in the form of
forming a mutually supportive public.

Article 19
Paragraph (1)
The Central Government and Regional Governments shall be responsible for the organization of individual
Health Efforts and public Health Efforts.
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)

Article 20
Letter a
Letter b
Letter c
Letter d

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Letter e
Letter f
Letter g
Other resources, among others, are the industry in the Health sector and educational institutions in the
Health sector.

Article 21

Article 22

Article 23

Article 24

Article 25
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
Forms of Healthcare Services through Telemedicine, among others, are in the form of medical/clinical care
and/or Health consultation services.
Paragraph (5)

Article 26

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Letter a
“Primary Healthcare Services” shall refer to Healthcare Services that are closest to the public as the first
contact (gate keeper) which are organized in an integrated manner to meet Health needs in every phase
of life aimed at individuals, family and community.
Letter b
“Advanced Healthcare Services” shall refer to individual Healthcare Services that are specialist and/or
sub-specialistic in nature which are organized in a comprehensive inter-multidisciplinary and professional
manner for each Patient's disease.

Article 27

Article 28
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
Vulnerable communities, among others, are:
a. individuals who do not have access to Healthcare Services and adequate health insurance;
b. individuals with low socioeconomic status;
c. people with comorbidities (chronic diseases);
d. women, including those who are pregnant and breastfeeding, infants, toddlers, adolescents and the
e. individuals with disabilities;
f. individuals with mental illness;
g. individuals who are socially excluded because of religion/belief, race or ethnicity, sexual orientation,
gender identity, illness, and citizenship status;
h. individuals who live in underdeveloped, remote, outermost and border areas, including indigenous
i. individuals living in households without access to adequate clean water and sanitation; or
j. individuals who live in cramped dwellings or social institutions with limited private space.
Paragraph (5)

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Article 29
Paragraph (1)
Participating communities shall include the private sector.
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)

Article 30

Article 31
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
“First contact” shall refer to the first Healthcare Services received by the general public to address basic
Health problems.
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
Paragraph (5)
Paragraph (6)
Paragraph (7)
Paragraph (8)
“Health status” shall refer to a description and/or measurement of individual or population Health at a
certain point in time against an identifiable standard, and is conducted with reference to Health indicators.
Paragraph (9)

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Article 32
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Letter a
Letter b
Education unit, among others, is in the form of early childhood education, schools/Islamic schools
(madrasah), Islamic boarding schools (pesantren), higher education institutions, or other names that
are similar to formal education.
Letter c
Letter d
Letter e
Paragraph (4)
Paragraph (5)
Paragraph (6)
Paragraph (7)
Paragraph (8)
Paragraph (9)
Paragraph (10)
Health Partners, among others, are non-governmental organizations, religious leaders, youth leaders,
women leaders, public leaders, Health care communities, and business entities.
Paragraph (11)

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Article 33
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
“Other laboratories” shall refer to Health laboratories adapted to the development of Health needs and
Health Technology.
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
Paragraph (5)

Article 34

Article 35
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
Paragraph (5)
“Basic social services in the Health sector” shall refer to services to meet the needs of individuals, groups
or communities to overcome problems or deficiencies in their health needs.
Paragraph (6)
Paragraph (7)

Article 36

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Article 37
Paragraph (1)
Advanced Healthcare Services shall include screening and early detection services, homecare,
telemedicine, mobile Healthcare Services, Healthcare Services at Health posts, Healthcare Services that
use the latest technology, and research-based services.
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)

Article 38
Paragraph (1)
“International standards” shall refer to the national superior service using a new method that is recognized
Paragraph (2)

Article 39
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
“Vertical referral” shall refer to a referral made from the referring Healthcare Service Facility to a
Healthcare Service Facility that receives the referral and has a higher level of service capability in
accordance with the Patient's medical needs.
“Horizontal referral” shall refer to a referral from the referring Healthcare Service Facility to a Healthcare
Service Facility that receives the referral of the same type of Healthcare Service Facility, but has a certain
type of competence that the referring Healthcare Service Facility does not have.
“Back-referral” shall refer to the implementation of referrals to Patients who have finished being treated at
the Healthcare Service Facility that receives the referral and still need further treatment at a Healthcare
Service Facility with lower competence.
Paragraph (4)
Paragraph (5)

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“Service capability” is competency based on the type of Healthcare Service, the type of Medical Workforce
and Healthcare Workers, facilities and infrastructure, Health equipment, Pharmaceutical Preparations and
Medical Devices, as well as the capacity of Healthcare Service Facilities.
Paragraph (6)
Paragraph (7)

Article 40

Article 41
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
“Other Health screenings” shall refer to Health screening that is conducted periodically according to
standards after the birth period. Other Health Screenings may be in the form of monitoring growth and
development, early detection of disabilities, and others.
Paragraph (4)
Responsibilities in the infant and child Health Efforts, among others, shall be in the form of providing
Healthcare Services in schools that accept children with disabilities, both in special schools and inclusive
schools so that it will not interfere with the Health of infants and children in attending education and there
will be no discrimination and acts of violence that could endanger the Health of infants and children.

Article 42
Paragraph (1)
“Medical indication” is a mother's Health condition which makes it impossible to give breast milk according
to what is determined by Medical Workforce.
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)

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Article 43
Paragraph (1)
Policy, among others, is in the form of making norms, standards, procedures and criteria.
Paragraph (2)

Article 44

Article 45

Article 46

Article 47

Article 48

Article 49

Article 50
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
“Adolescent age” is a group of 10 (ten) years old until before 18 (eighteen) year-old.
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
“Health screening” is any activity that is conducted to detect disease at an early stage so that intervention
may be conducted to cure or prevent the disease from continuing.
“Adolescent reproductive Health” shall refer to Health Efforts made to be free from various Health

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problems that may impede the ability to live a healthy reproductive life.
“Adolescent mental Health” shall refer to Health Efforts made to prepare the condition of adolescents so
that they can develop physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially so that the youth are aware of their own
abilities, can overcome pressure, and are able to contribute to society.
Paragraph (5)
Paragraph (6)

Article 51

Article 52

Article 53
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Health Efforts for persons with disabilities, shall include Health Efforts for women with disabilities as
prospective mothers and mothers, Health Efforts for children who are detected to be disabled or born as
persons with disabilities, as well as support for family that has members with disabilities.
Health efforts for children who are detected will experience disabilities or be born with disabilities,
including efforts for early detection and intervention of disabilities.
Health Efforts for persons with disabilities who are entering their productive age, shall include reproductive
Paragraph (3)
“Access” shall include the availability of Healthcare Services that may be used by persons with disabilities
independently without the help of other people and Healthcare Services that are provided proactively to
persons with disabilities.
Paragraph (4)
Paragraph (5)
Paragraph (6)

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Article 54

Article 55

Article 56

Article 57

Article 58

Article 60

Article 61

Article 62

Article 63
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Family planning services, among others, shall be in the form of consulting family planning services and
contraception services.
Paragraph (4)
Paragraph (5)

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Article 64
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Letter a
“Balanced nutrition” shall refer to nutritional intake in accordance with one's needs to prevent risks of excess
nutrition and undernutrition.
Letter b
Letter c
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
Paragraph (5)

Article 65

Article 66

Article 67
Paragraph (1)
“Intervention” shall refer to all activities that are implemented to address the direct or indirect causes of
various nutritional problems.
Paragraph (2)
Stakeholders, among others, shall refer to individuals, the general public, academics, the business world,
the mass media, civil society organizations, higher education institutions, public leaders, women's leaders,
youth leaders, religious leaders, and development partners.

Article 68

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Public knowledge and awareness of the importance of nutrition and its effect on improving nutritional status may
be obtained through TeleHealthcare Services.

Article 69

Article 70
Paragraph (1)
Dental and oral Healthcare Services shall cover the phases of the fetus, pregnant women, children,
adolescents, adults and the elderly.
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)

Article 71
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Public empowerment, among others, shall be in the form of activities for cornea donors and cataract

Article 72

Article 73

Article 74

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Article 75

Article 76
Paragraph (1)
Letter a
Letter b
Education and information about mental Health shall be aimed at preventing the risk of psychiatric
problems or mental illness and preventing violations of human rights for people at risk and people
with mental illness.
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)

Article 77

Article 78

Article 79

Article 80
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Medical measures shall be aimed at dealing with emergency conditions, among others, are conducted
against people with mental illness who show thoughts and/or behaviors that can endanger themselves,
other people, and/or their surroundings.
Paragraph (4)

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Paragraph (5)

Article 81

Article 82

Article 83

Article 84

Article 85

Article 86

Article 87
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
The criteria for determining certain infectious disease countermeasure program as national or regional
priority, among others, shall be in the form of:
a. local endemic disease;
b. potential infectious disease outbreak;
c. the resulting fatality is high/high mortality;
d. have broad social, economic, political and resilience impacts; and
e. subject to global reduction, elimination, and eradication.
The criteria for determining certain non-infectious disease control program as national or regional priority,
among others, shall be in the form of:
a. high mortality or disability rate;

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b. high morbidity or high burden of medical expenses; and
c. have modifiable risk factors.
Paragraph (3)

Article 88

Article 89
Paragraph (1)
Activities to prevent, control and eradicate infectious diseases shall be conducted, among others, through:
a. Health promotion;
b. Health surveillance;
c. risk factor control;
d. case finding;
e. case handling;
f. giving immunity (immunization); and
g. mass administration of preventive Medicine.
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)

Article 90
Clean and healthy living behavior for people with infectious disease, among others, is not taking actions that can
facilitate the transmission of disease to other people.
Other prevention efforts, among others, are immunization, quarantine, and isolation.

Article 91

Article 92

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Article 93
Paragraph (1)
Activities to prevent, control and handle non-infectious diseases shall be conducted, among others,
a. Health promotion;
b. early detection of risk factors;
c. control of risk factor;
d. special protection;
e. early detection of cases;
f. early management; and
g. case handling, in the form of curative, rehabilitative, and/or palliative Healthcare Services.
Paragraph (2)

Article 94
Paragraph (1)
Risk factors. among others, are obesity, excessive consumption of sugar, salt and fat, smoking,
consumption of alcoholic beverages and lack of physical activity.
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)

Article 95

Article 96

Article 97
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)

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Paragraph (3)
Letter a
Health Education shall include intracurricular, co-curricular and extracurricular education.
Letter b
Healthcare Services, among others, shall be in the form of immunization and Health screening.
Letter c
Paragraph (4)
Paragraph (5)
Paragraph (6)

Article 98

Article 99
Paragraph (1)
“Bad influence” is the impact that may be caused by processes, equipment, materials, or the work
environment that may result in incidents, near misses, accidents, or environmental pollution that affects
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
“Changing environment” shall refer to an environment whose all aspects is ever changing and influences
the survival and implementation of human activities that live in that environment.
Paragraph (4)
Paragraph (5)
Paragraph (6)

Article 100

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Article 101

Article 102

Article 103

Article 104

Article 105
Paragraph (1)
“A healthy environment” is an environment that does not have bad risks to Health including the
consequences of ever changing environmental conditions and the global threat of climate change.
An environment that does not have a bad risk to Health is an environment that is free from elements that
cause Health problems, among others, in the form of:
a. liquid waste, solid waste, gas waste that is not treated properly;
b. waste that is not processed in accordance with the requirements set by the Central Government
and Regional Governments;
c. vectors and disease-carrying animals;
d. hazardous chemical substances;
e. noise that exceeds the threshold;
f. ionizing and non-ionizing radiation;
g. polluted water;
h. polluted air; and
i. contaminated food.
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Environmental media, among others, shall be in the form of water, air, soil, food, facilities and buildings,
and vectors and disease-carrying animals.
Paragraph (4)

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Article 106

Article 107

Article 108
Paragraph (1)
“Migration and Displacement Health in Changing Environment” shall refer to Health Efforts in a special
form that is organized to improve physical and mental abilities in order to adapt to a meaningfully changing
environment, both in the land, sea and air environment.
Paragraph (2)
Letter a
“Field health” shall refer to Migration and Displacement Health in Changing Environment related to
work or activities on land that are temporary in a changing environment, such as transmigration,
Indonesian National Armed Forces soldiers, special assignments to members of the Indonesian
National Police.
Letter b
“Marine Health” shall refer to Migration and Displacement Health in Changing Environment related
to work or activities at sea and related to high pressure (hyperbaric) environmental conditions, such
as divers.
Letter c
“Aviation Health” shall refer to Migration and Displacement Health in Changing Environment related
to aviation and space Health with low pressure (hypobaric) environmental conditions, such as pilots
and soldiers of the Indonesian National Armed Forces.
Paragraph (3)
Article 125Self-explanatory.
Paragraph (4)

Article 109
Paragraph (1)
“Disaster” is an event or series of events that threatens and disrupts people's lives and livelihoods caused,
either by natural factors and/or non-natural factors as well as human factors resulting in human casualties,
environmental damage, loss of property, and psychological impacts.
Paragraph (2)

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Letter a
Pre-disaster Health Planning, among others, shall take the form of risk mitigation, preparation of
Health Resources, planning and coordination.
Letter b
Healthcare Services during a disaster, among others, shall refer to activities to respond to disaster
emergency response.
Letter c
Post-disaster Healthcare Services shall include physical and mental recovery.
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)

Article 110

Article 111

Article 112

Article 113

Article 114

Article 115

Article 116

Article 117

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Article 118

Article 119

Article 120
Paragraph (1)
“Production” is the sorting of plasma into individual protein fractions followed by a process of purification,
inactivation or elimination of infectious agents that are transmitted through blood, and packaging to
become plasma-derived drug products.
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Compensation, among others, shall be in the form of reimbursement for transportation costs and/or Health
care costs.
Paragraph (4)
Paragraph (5)
Paragraph (6)
Paragraph (7)
Paragraph (8)

Article 121

Article 122

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Article 123

Article 124
Paragraph (1)
“Transplantation” shall refer to the transfer of organs and/or body tissues from a donor to a recipient for
the purpose of curing a disease and restoring the recipient's Health.
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
“Commercialized” shall refer to the commercialization in the implementation of transplantation of human
organs or human body tissues, excluding the Healthcare Service process in organizing a transplant in
Healthcare Service Facilities.

Article 124

Article 126

Article 127

Article 128

Article 129

Article 130

Article 131

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Article 132

Article 133
Paragraph (1)
This reward shall be given because organ transplant donors cannot conduct activities or work optimally
during the transplant and Health recovery process.
Paragraph (2)

Article 134

Article 135
Paragraph (1)
“Stem cells” shall refer to cells in the human body with special abilities, namely being able to renew or
regenerate themselves and to differentiate into other specific cells.
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)

Article 136

Article 137
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Changing identity, among others, is changing face, gender, and/or fingerprints, resulting in a change of
identity and removing traces of identity, and is used to break the law or commit a crime.
Reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery is not aimed at changing gender but rather at adapting the
genitals to the actual sex. Change of sex may only be done by a court decision in accordance with
provisions of laws and regulations.

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Paragraph (3)

Article 138

Article 139

Article 140

Article 141

Article 142
Paragraph (1)
Other standards, among others, shall be in the form of other pharmacopeias that apply internationally or
methods of analysis/monographs stipulated by the Central Government in cases where they are not
included in the Indonesian pharmacopoeia.
Paragraph (2)
Other standards, among others, shall be in the form of analytical methods that are used in cases where
they have not been regulated in the Indonesian herbal pharmacopoeia.
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
Other standards, among others, shall be in the form of analytical methods that are used in cases that have
not been regulated in the Indonesian cosmetic codex.
Paragraph (5)
“Certain dosage based on a risk assessment” shall refer to preparations of Natural Medicines, Health
supplements, quasi-drugs, and cosmetics which, based on studies by the Central Government, have the
potential to give harmful effects to Health if they do not use pharmaceutical raw materials.
Paragraph (6)
Paragraph (7)

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Paragraph (8)

Article 143

Article 144

Article 145
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
“Certain conditions” shall refer to the absence of pharmacy staffs, the need for a government program,
and/or in conditions of KLB, Outbreak, and other disaster emergencies.
Other Healthcare workers, among others, are doctors and/or dentists, midwives and nurses.
Paragraph (4)

Article 146
Paragraph (1)
“Food and drink” shall refer to processed food in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.
Standards and/or requirements for safety, quality and nutrition including the delivery of information on
nutritional value, such as the content of sugar, salt and fat.
Paragraph (2)

Article 147
Paragraph (1)
“Information or statements that are untrue and/or misleading in product information” shall refer to
information or statements that are not in accordance with what is stated on the label or conveyed in the
product advertisement.
Paragraph (2)

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Paragraph (3)

Article 148

Article 149
Paragraph (1)
“Addictive substance” shall refer to a product that contains tobacco or does not contain tobacco, whether
in the form of a cigarette or other forms that are addictive in nature, the use of which may cause harm to
him/herself and/or the surrounding public and may be in the form of solid, liquid, and gas.
Other forms that are addictive, among others, shall be in the form of electronic cigarettes and candy
containing nicotine.
Paragraph (2)
“Tobacco product” shall refer to any product which is entirely or partially made from tobacco leaves as raw
material which is processed for use by burning, heating, steaming, smoking, inhaling, chewing, or by any
means of consumption.
Paragraph (3)
Letter a
Letter b
Letter c
Letter d
Letter e
Solid and liquid tobacco, among others, may be used for e-cigarettes and shisha.
“Electronic cigarettes” shall refer to tobacco products in the form of liquid, solid, or other forms
originating from the processing of tobacco leaves which are made by means of extraction or other
methods in accordance with technological developments and consumer tastes without regard to
substitutes or auxiliary materials in the production provided for final consumers in retail sales
package which are consumed by means of heating using an electronic heating device and then
Letter f
Paragraph (4)
Setting standards and/or requirements is intended to suppress and prevent the use of addictive

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substances that interfere with or harm Health.

Article 150

Article 151
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Regional Governments in determining and implementing nonsmoking areas must consider all aspects
Paragraph (3)

Article 152

Article 153

Article 154

Article 155

Article 156
Paragraph (1)
Letter a
Medical services for legal purposes for living person shall be intended to determine the
circumstances and nature of an injury, the cause of an injury, the existence of violence/sexual
relationship, the impact on the health of both physical and mental, legal skills of a person, and other
findings relating to crimes and their perpetrators.
Letter b
Medical services for legal purposes for deceased person shall refer to medical services performed
for corpses whose death is suspected to be the result of or related to a crime or other legal

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Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)

Article 157
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
“Death audit” shall refer to a series of activities to trace the cause of death and determine factors
contributing to a person's death.
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
Paragraph (5)

Article 158

Article 159

Article 160

Article 161

Article 162

Article 163

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Article 164

Article 165

Article 166

Article 167
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
Government programs, among others, shall be in the form of tuberculosis control, human
immunodeficiency virus / acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), and stunting.

Article 168

Article 169

Article 170
Paragraph (1)
Supporting Healthcare Service Facilities, among others, shall be in the form of Health laboratories,
pharmacies, cell processing laboratories, as well as cell banks and/or tissue banks.
Paragraph (2)

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Article 171

Article 172

Article 173
Paragraph (1)
Letter a
Letter b
Letter c
“Medical record” shall refer to a document that contains identity data of Patients, examinations,
treatment, actions, and other services that have been provided to Patients that are made using an
electronic system intended for the implementation of medical records. In the event that the
Healthcare Service Facility cannot organize medical records electronically due to technical
difficulties, non-electronic medical records may be used until the barriers are over, and medical
record data is re-entered into the electronic medical record system.
Letter d
Letter e
Letter f
Letter g
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)

Article 174

Article 175

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Article 176

Article 177
Paragraph (1)
“Patient’s confidential personal Health” shall refer to everything related to matters found by Medical
Workforce and Healthcare Workers in the context of treatment and recorded in the Patient's medical
record and is confidential.
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)

Article 178

Article 179
Paragraph (1)
Letter a
“Healthcare Services support network” shall refer to support carried out by Healthcare Service
Facilities with higher competence at Healthcare Service Facilities with lower competence which
aims to increase the competence of Healthcare Service Facilities and handle Health problems in the
Letter b
“Cooperation with 2 (two) or more Healthcare Service Facilities” shall refer to a cooperation
between 2 (two) Healthcare Service Facilities, both between Healthcare Service Facilities in
Indonesia and Healthcare Service Facilities abroad as well as between Healthcare Service Facilities
in Indonesia, among others, in the form of cooperation in the service and research sector.
Letter c
“Center of excellence” shall refer to Healthcare Services with main characteristics in Hospitals that
have international service standards, high technology, have superior human resource
competencies, and work together with educational institutions to enhance a culture of learning,
innovation, and development.
Letter d
“Integrated Healthcare Services” shall refer to integrated Healthcare Services organized at
Healthcare Facilities in an integrated, multidisciplinary and Patient centered care.
Paragraph (2)

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Article 180
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Letter a
“Behave a healthy life” shall refer to having awareness, will, and ability to live a healthy life.
Letter b
Letter c
Letter d

Article 181

Article 182

Article 183

Article 184
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)

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“Good Hospital governance” shall refer to the application of Hospital management functions based on the
principles of transparency, accountability, independence, responsibility, equality and fairness.
“Good clinical governance” shall refer to the application of clinical management functions which include
clinical leadership, clinical audit, clinical data, evidence-based clinical risk, performance improvement,
complaint management, service outcome monitoring mechanism, professional development, and Hospital

Article 185
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
“Healthcare Services sector” shall refer to a sector that provides Healthcare Services directly to the
general public, among others, in the form of clinics, pharmacies and laboratories.
Paragraph (4)

Article 186

Article 187
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
Teaching Hospital as the main provider is prioritized for government Hospitals.
Paragraph (5)
“Requirements, standards and accreditation in accordance with their role” shall refer to the requirements,
standards and accreditation that must be met by a teaching Hospital, both as a Hospital that cooperates
with a higher education institution in organizing higher education and as a Hospital that provides the
higher education by continuing to cooperate with higher education institutions.
Paragraph (6)

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Paragraph (7)
Paragraph (8)
Paragraph (9)
Paragraph (10)
Paragraph (11)

Article 188
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
“Research-based services” shall refer to services performed on Patients as a research subject, especially
in a translational research with the aim of proving effectiveness.
Paragraph (4)
“Responsible freedom” shall mean that research shall be conducted in accordance with scientific
principles based on ethics, moral values, religious norms, and laws and regulations.
Paragraph (5)
Other parties, among others, shall refer to institutions or individuals who have the duties and functions to
conduct a research or have the competence to conduct a research.

Article 189
Paragraph (1)
Letter a
Letter b
“Hospital service standards” shall refer to all service standards applicable in Hospitals, among
others, in the form of standard operating procedures, medical service standards, and nursing care
Letter c

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Letter d
Letter e
“Poor or underprivileged people” shall refer to Patients who meet the criteria of being
underprivileged or poor in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.
Letter f
Letter g
Letter h
“Organizing medical records” shall refer to the organization of medical records that are conducted in
accordance with standards which are gradually endeavored to reach international standards.
Letter i
Letter j
Letter k
Letter l
Letter m
Letter n
Letter o
Hospitals shall be built and equipped with facilities, infrastructure and equipment that may be
functioned and maintained in such a way as to obtain security, prevent fire or disaster by ensuring
security, safety and Health of Patients, officers, visitors and the Hospital environment.
Letter p
Letter q
Letter r
“Hospital internal regulations” shall refer to regulations drawn up internally for the Hospital in the
context of implementing good Hospital governance and good clinical governance.
Letter s

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Letter t
Paragraph (2)

Article 190

Article 191

Article 192

Article 193

Article 194

Article 195

Article 196

Article 197

Article 198

Article 199

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Article 200
Paragraph (1)
Health support or help personnel, among others, are in the form of biological personnel, administrative
staff, waiter, financial personnel, corpse handling officers, and ambulance officers.
Paragraph (2)

Article 201

Article 202

Article 203
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Related parties, among others, shall refer to associations of Healthcare Service Facilities and associations
of Health educational institutions as well as other parties as needed.
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)

Article 204

Article 205

Article 206

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Article 207

Article 208

Article 209

Article 210

Article 211

Article 212

Article 213
Paragraph (1)
“Competence test” is the measurement of knowledge, skills, and behavior of students to achieve
competency standards.
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)

Article 214

Article 215

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Article 216

Article 217

Article 218

Article 219
Paragraph (1)
Letter a
Letter b
The right to get enough rest time shall be obtained by students during the clinical education process
at Healthcare Service Facilities.
Letter c
Letter d
Letter e
Paragraph (2)
Letter a
“Patient safety” shall refer to a framework in the form of organized activities to build a consistent
and sustainable culture, process, procedure, behavior, technology and environment in Healthcare
Services that aims to reduce risks, reduce avoidable hazards, avoid possible errors, and reduce the
impact when an incident occurs on Patients.
Letter b
Letter c
Letter d

Article 220

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Paragraph (1)
“National standard competency test” shall refer to a measurement of the knowledge, skills, and behavior
of students in higher education providers in the Health sector that administer tests according to national
standards and apply nationally.
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
Paragraph (5)
Paragraph (6)

Article 221

Article 222
Paragraph 1
Letter a
“Educators who are not medical workforce and Healthcare workers” shall refer to lecturers,
instructors and facilitators who have educational backgrounds other than medical and Health whose
task is to transform, develop, and disseminate science, technology supporting medical science, and
“Educational personnel who are not medical workforce and Healthcare workers” shall refer to
members of the public who have an educational background other than medical and Health who are
dedicated and appointed to carry out the task of supporting the implementation of education.
Letter b
Letter c
Letter d
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)

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Paragraph (4)
Paragraph (5)

Article 223

Article 224

Article 225

Article 226

Article 227
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
“Equality aspect” shall refer to the distribution of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers according to
the needs through the process of recruitment, selection and placement.
“Utilization aspect” shall refer to the empowerment of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers in
accordance with their competence and authority.
“Development aspect” shall refer to the development of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers that
are multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral and cross-program to even out and improve the quality of Medical
Workforce and Healthcare Workers.

Article 228

Article 229

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Article 230

Article 231
Paragraph (1)
Placement of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers shall be intended to utilize Medical Workforce
and Healthcare Workers in areas which are needed, especially remote, underdeveloped, borders, and
islands areas, as well as areas with Health problems.
The selection shall be conducted by taking into account various factors so that Medical Workforce and
Healthcare Workers may provide benefits to the general public and may develop in accordance with
advances in science and technology.
Paragraph (2)
Letter a
Letter b
“Special assignment” shall refer to the special utilization of Medical Workforce and Healthcare
Workers within a certain period of time in order to improve access and quality of Healthcare Service
at Healthcare Service Facilities in underdeveloped, borders, islands areas, as well as areas with
Health problems and government Hospitals that require specialist medical Services, as well as fulfill
the needs of other Healthcare Services by Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers.
Letter c
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
Paragraph (5)
Paragraph (6)

Article 232
“Retention efforts” shall refer to efforts to retain Medical Workforce and/or Healthcare Workers in a place for a
certain period in order to maintain continuity of Healthcare Services. Retention efforts shall include extending
assignments, providing incentives, implementing career paths, and implementing a remuneration system.

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Article 233

Article 234

Article 235
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
“Areas that are not in demand” shall refer to areas that experience difficulties in the fulfillment of Medical
Workforce and Healthcare Workers within a certain period.
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)

Article 236

Article 237

Article 238
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Reserve Healthcare Workers shall be in the form of non-Healthcare Workers who have received training
related to countermeasures of KLB, Outbreak, and disaster emergency, among others, are students,
lecturers, and workers who are no longer practicing as Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers.
Paragraph (4)

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Article 239

Article 240

Article 241
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
Paragraph (5)
Paragraph (6)
Paragraph (7)
“Adaptation” shall refer to a series of activities to adjust the competencies and abilities of Medical
Workforce and Healthcare Workers who Indonesian citizens and overseas graduates which shall be
conducted in Healthcare Service Facilities.
Paragraph (8)

Article 242

Article 243

Article 244

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Article 245

Article 246

Article 247

Article 248

Article 249

Article 250
Letter a
Letter b
“Certain areas of excellence in Healthcare Services” shall refer to Healthcare Service sectors that are
prioritized or needed, however manpower is still limited and/or not yet available in Indonesia, for example
in robotic surgery sector.

Article 251

Article 252

Article 253
Indonesian language education and training for Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who are foreign
citizens shall be intended so that those concerned can communicate well with Patients.

Article 254

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Article 255
Paragraph (1)
Other activities, among others, in the form of joint exercises, social Service, international sports activities,
and disaster emergency response activities.
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
“Certain period” shall refer to a maximum of 3 (three) months and may be extended.

Article 256
Provisions of laws and regulations, among others, shall be in the form of provisions of laws and regulations in
the field of manpower and immigration.

Article 257

Article 258

Article 259

Article 260

Article 261

Article 262

Article 263
Paragraph (1)
“Certain Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers” shall refer to Medical Workforce and Healthcare

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Workers who provide Healthcare Services directly to Patients.
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
Certain conditions, among others, shall be in the form of conditions that require acceleration of the
fulfillment of Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers in Healthcare Services.
Paragraph (5)

Article 264

Article 265
Certain conditions, among others, shall be in the form of:
l. social/humanitarian services;
m. state duty;
n. countermeasures of KLB, Outbreak, or other disasters;
o. provision of other emergency aid; and/or
p. provision of other Healthcare Services which are incidental and temporary.

Article 266

Article 267

Article 268

Article 269

Article 270

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Article 271

Article 272

Article 273

Article 274

Article 275

Article 276
Letter a
Letter b
“Adequate” shall refer to the provision of complete information in a language that is easy to understand.
Letter c
Letter d
Letter e
Letter f
Letter g

Article 277

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Article 278

Article 279

Article 280

Article 281

Article 282

Article 283

Article 284

Article 285

Article 286

Article 287

Article 288

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Article 289

Article 290
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
“Delegation by mandate” shall refer to the delegation of authority from Medical Workforce to certain
Medical Workforce or Healthcare Workers or between certain Healthcare Workers with responsibility and
accountability remaining with the mandate giver.
“Delegative delegation” shall refer to the delegation of authority from Medical Workforce to certain Medical
Workforce or Healthcare Workers or between certain Healthcare Workers with responsibility and
accountability fully transferred to the recipient of the delegation.
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)

Article 291

Article 292

Article 293
Paragraph (1)
In principle, the relevant patient is entitled to give consent. If the Patient is incompetent or under curatele,
the approval or rejection of the Healthcare Service treatment shall be granted by the next of kin, among
others, by the husband/wife, biological father, biological child, or adult sibling. In the event of an
Emergency, in order to save the life of Patient, approval is not required.
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)

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Paragraph (5)
Paragraph (6)
Paragraph (7)
“Representatives”, among others, shall refer to husband/wife, capable biological children, biological
father/mother, or siblings.
Paragraph (8)
Paragraph (9)
Paragraph (10)
Paragraph (11)
Paragraph (12)

Article 294

Article 295

Article 296
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
Signature, among others, shall be in the form of manual signature, electronic signature, or other similar
forms in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.
Paragraph (5)

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Article 297
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Access to information on medical record documents, among others, shall be in the form of medical record
or verbal explanation from Medical Workforce and/or Healthcare Workers or Healthcare Service Facilities.
Paragraph (3)

Article 298

Article 299

Article 300

Article 301
Paragraph (1)
“Health confidentiality” shall refer to a person's history, condition and treatment, physical and
psychological Health treatment, including Patient's personal data.
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)

Article 302

Article 303
Paragraph (1)

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Paragraph (2)
“Audit of Healthcare Services” shall refer to process of systematic evaluation of the quality of Healthcare
Services to ensure that the Healthcare Services provided are in accordance with standards.
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)

Article 304

Article 305

Article 306

Article 307

Article 308

Article 309

Article 310

Article 311

Article 312

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Article 313

Article 314
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
Paragraph (5)
“Pharmaceutical management facilities” shall refer to facilities for managing Pharmaceutical Preparations
and Medical Devices owned by the Central Government, including the Indonesian National Armed Forces
and the Indonesian National Police, Regional Governments, State-Owned Enterprises and Regionally
Owned Enterprises, in the framework of availability, equity, as well as the affordability of Pharmaceutical
Preparations and Medical Devices.
Paragraph (6)
Specific policies, among others, shall refer to the application of a special access scheme and exemption to
patent provisions based on laws and regulations on patents.
Paragraph (7)

Article 315

Article 316

Article 317
Paragraph (1)
“Essential medicines” shall refer to medicines which are most needed in Healthcare Services, including
generic Medicines, branded generic Medicines, and originator Medicines.
Paragraph (2)

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Paragraph (3)

Article 318

Article 319
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Health Supplies that must be distributed in accordance with proper distribution methods, among others,
are Medicines, Medicinal Ingredients, and Medical Devices.
Paragraph (3)
Reports on distribution activities, among others, are reports on the availability, price and quantity of
distributed Health Supplies by using an information system that is integrated with the National Health
Information System.

Article 320
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
Paragraph (5)
“Certain potent Medicine” are types of potent Medicine that have limited indications and/or the amount that
may be handed over by a pharmacist without a prescription.
Paragraph (6)
“Other facilities” shall refer to facilities outside pharmaceutical service facilities, such as hypermarket,
supermarket, and minimarket.
Paragraph (7)
Paragraph (8)

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Article 321
Paragraph (1)
Letter a
“Remedies” shall refer to Natural Medicines in the form of materials or ingredients sourced from
traditional knowledge or Indonesian cultural heritage which are used for Health maintenance, Health
improvement, disease prevention, treatment and/or Health restoration.
Letter b
“Standardized herbal medicines” shall refer to Natural Medicines which have been used for
generations in Indonesia which are used for Health maintenance, Health improvement, disease
prevention, treatment, and/or Health restoration which are proven to be safe and scientific efficacy
with pre-clinical testing as well as raw materials that have been standardized.
Letter c
“Phytopharmaceuticals” shall refer to Natural Medicines used for Health maintenance, Health
improvement, disease prevention, treatment, and/or Health restoration that have been scientifically
proven to be safe and efficacious through preclinical and clinical testing, as well as raw materials
and finished products have been standardized.
Letter d
Other Natural Medicines, among others, shall be in the form of new innovative Natural Medicines,
imported Natural Medicines, and licensed Natural Medicines in accordance with the development in
science and technology.
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)

Article 322

Article 323

Article 324

Article 325

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Article 326
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
Letter a
“Incentives” shall refer to support or facilities from the Central Government and Regional
Governments given to business actors or activities in the form of fiscal and non-fiscal.
Fiscal incentives such as tax reduction and the elimination of import duty.
Non-fiscal incentives such as ease of business licensing, prioritizing the use of domestic products in
the procurement of government goods/Services, and ease of trade governance.
Letter b
Letter c
Letter d
Letter e
The domestic pharmaceutical and Medical Devices industry shall include the pharmaceutical and
Medical Devices industry with foreign investment that has domestic production facilities.
Paragraph (5)

Article 327

Article 328

Article 329
Paragraph (1)
“Downstream of National research” shall refer to an effort to increase the added value of research results
which are in line with the priority of national resilience from laboratory research scale to commercial scale

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so that it can be utilized by the general public.
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
Paragraph (5)
Forms of support, among others, are policy support to facilitate research on pharmaceuticals and Medical
Devices and the necessary financial support.

Article 330

Article 331

Article 332
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Establish policy, shall include for the procurement and utilization of Pharmaceutical Preparations, Medical
Devices, and other Health Supplies.

Article 333

Article 334
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Software shall be integrated with the National Health Information System.
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)

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Article 335
Paragraph (1)
“Research” is an activity that is conducted in accordance with scientific rules and methods in a systematic
way to obtain information, data, and information related to the understanding and verification of the truth or
untruth of an assumption and/or hypothesis in the field of science and technology and drawing scientific
conclusions for the advancement of science and technology.
Paragraph (2)
“Rules of ethics” shall refer to research requirements which regulates the behavior and actions of
researchers in conducting a research.
“Scientific principles” shall refer to research requirements which are analytical, rational, objective,
empirical, and produce the same results when conducted by other people in the same way.
“Scientific methodology” shall refer to a systematic method used to solve the problems encountered. This
method shall use systematic, orderly and controlled measures and shall be conducted in accordance with
analytical, logical, objective, conceptual and empirical scientific rules.
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
Research that involves humans must be conducted with due regard for the Health and safety of the
person concerned. Research and development that use humans as a subject must obtain informed
consent. Prior to requesting approval from the research subject, researchers must provide information on
the objectives of the Health research and development as well as the utilization of the results, guarantee
of confidentiality on identity and personal data, methods used, risks that may arise, and other matters that
need to be known by the concerned in the framework of Health research and development.
Paragraph (5)
All research that involve humans as a research subject must be based on 3 (three) general ethical
principles, namely respect for persons which aims to respect the autonomy and protect humans whose
autonomy is disturbed/less, beneficence and nonmaleficence, and justice.
Paragraph (6)
“Paying attention to animal welfare” shall refer to experimental animal research shall be conducted by
applying the 5 (five) principles of animal freedom in animal welfare, namely;
a. freedom from hunger and thirst;
b. free from pain, injury, and disease;
c. free from discomfort, abuse, and mistreatment;
d. freedom from fear and depression; and
e. free to express his natural behavior.
Experimental animals must be selected by prioritizing animals with the lowest nonsentient organism and
the lowest animals on the evolutionary scale. Reasonable caution should be applied to any research
which may affect the environment and the Health of the animal that is used in the research must be

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Paragraph (7)

Article 336

Article 337
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Determination of policy, among others, shall be in the form of registration, testing, and supervision.
Paragraph (3)

Article 338
Paragraph (1)
“Biomedical technology” shall refer to the application of science and engineering of biological system in
the framework of improving Healthcare Service.
Paragraph (2)
“Genomics” shall refer to an analysis related to DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).
“Transcriptomics” shall refer to an analysis related to RNA (ribonucleic acid).
“Proteomics” shall refer to an analysis related to protein.
“Metabolic” shall refer to an analysis related to a metabolite.
Paragraph (3)
“Related data” shall include primary, secondary, and tertiary analysis data in accordance with provisions of
laws and regulations in the field of research and development.
“Precision medical Services” shall refer to a new approach to the prevention and treatment of a disease by
taking into account genes of Patients, environment, and lifestyle.
Paragraph (4)
Paragraph (5)
Letter a
“Identity of which cannot be traced” shall refer to material in the form of clinical specimens and
biological materials, information content, and stored data which are not identified from the beginning
and are not deidentified stored material.
Letter b

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Letter c

Article 339
Paragraph (1)
“Biobank or biorepository” shall refer to a facility for collection, long-term storage, and management of
specimens originating from humans or specimens related to Health along with related data in a systematic
manner intended for research, development, and Healthcare Services.
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
Letter a
“Biological safety” shall refer to effort to maintain the safety of workers and users of laboratory
facilities and the environment from potentially dangerous biological agents.
Letter b
“Confidentiality or privacy” shall refer to the Organizer of the biobank and/or biorepository shall
guarantee the confidentiality of the identity of the individual where the specimens originate.
Letter c
“Accountability” shall refer to the Organizer of the biobank and/or biorepository shall be responsible
for the collection, long-term storage, and management of specimens and data.
Letter d
“Benefit” shall refer to specimens which are collected, stored, and managed may be utilized as
much as possible to improve the quality of Health.
Letter e
“Public interest” shall refer to the organization of biobank and/or biorepository for the public interest.
Letter f
“Respect for human rights” shall refer to the collection, long-term storage, and management of
specimens and data do not conflict with the organization of human rights.
Letter g
“Ethics, law and medicolegal” shall refer to the organization of biobank and/or biorepository shall be
conducted by taking into account the applicable ethics, law and medicolegal.
Letter h
“Social culture” shall refer to the organization of biobank and/or biorepository shall be conducted by
taking into account the empirical practices of other countries and by taking into account the socio-
cultural aspects of Indonesia.

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Paragraph (5)
Paragraph (6)

Article 340
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Letter a
Letter b
“Main research objective” shall refer to the main reason for conducting a research to answer the
main research questions either in the form of identifying and explaining a concept or predicting a
situation/solutions to certain problems.
Letter c
Paragraph (3)
“Material transfer agreement” shall refer to an agreement on the transfer of materials, information content,
and/or data between two organizers or agencies, with the first party as the sender, provider, carrier, or
country of origin and the second party as the recipient, user, processor, which constitutes an integral part
of the research cooperation agreement and/or other cooperation.
Paragraph (4)

Article 341
Paragraph (1)
“Health support and help personnel” shall refer to workers with a higher educational background in the
natural sciences such as biology.
Paragraph (2)

Article 342

Article 343

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Article 344

Article 345
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
“Support” shall refer to technical assistance provided to a Health Information System organizer, among
others, in the form of software training and facilitation.

Article 346
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
“Architecture” shall refer to a basic framework that describes, among others, integrated business process,
data and information, infrastructure, application, security, and Services implemented nationally.
Paragraph (4)
Paragraph (5)
Paragraph (6)
“Processing” shall refer to an activity that shall include:
a. acquisition and collection;
b. processing and analysis;
c. storage;
d. repair and update;
e. appearance, announcement, transfer, dissemination, or disclosure; and/or

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f. removal or destruction.
Paragraph (7)
Health data and information processing outside the territory of Indonesia, among others, shall be in the
form of transfer and storage.
Laws and regulations, among others, are laws and regulations which regulate information and electronic
transactions, organization of system and electronic transactions, and personal data protection.

Article 347

Article 348
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
“Provisions of laws and regulations” shall refer to laws and regulations which regulate data governance,
among others, regulations related to personal data protection, Health Information System, and Indonesian
single data.

Article 349
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
Paragraph (5)
Paragraph (6)
Transfer shall include appearance, announcement, dissemination, or disclosure.
Paragraph (7)
“Specific and limited” shall refer to the reasons for the transfer of Health data and information for certain
purposes, for example for the purpose of handling KLB, Outbreaks, Hajj pilgrimage, material transfer

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agreement, or international cooperation in the Health sector.
Paragraph (8)
Paragraph (9)
“Extermination” shall refer to an action to remove, eliminate, or destroy personal Health data and
information so that it can no longer be used to identify the subject of personal Health data and information.
Paragraph (10)
Paragraph (11)
Paragraph (12)

Article 350

Article 351

Article 352

Article 353

Article 354

Article 355

Article 356

Article 357

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Article 358

Article 359
“Risk factors for a disease which have the potential to cause an Outbreak” shall refer to matters, conditions,
and/or events that may affect the possibility of potential disease Outbreak.

Article 360
Paragraph (1)
“Means of transportation” shall refer to ships, aircrafts, and land vehicles that are used for traveling in
accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.
“Goods” shall refer to tangible products, animals, plants, and corpses or ashes carried and/or sent through
travel, including object/equipment used in means of transportation.
Paragraph (2)
“Ship” shall refer to a water vehicle of a certain shape and type driven by wind power, mechanical power,
other energy, towed or tugged including dynamically powered vehicles, underwater vehicles, as well as
floating devices and immovable floating buildings.
“Aircraft” shall refer to any machine or devices that is able to fly in the atmosphere due to the lifting force
from the reaction of the air, but not due to the reaction of the air on the earth's surface which is used for
“Land vehicle” shall refer to means of land transportation consisting of motorized vehicles, including
vehicles that run on rails and non-motorized vehicles.
“Civilian transportation” shall refer to a means of transportation that carries people and goods.
Paragraph (3)
“Relevant ministries/institutions” shall refer to ministries/institutions whose duties and responsibilities are
related to foreign affairs, defense, and security, as well as intelligence.
Paragraph (4)
Paragraph (5)
Letter a
“Isolation” shall refer to the separation between sick persons and healthy persons in order to
receive treatment and care.
“Quarantine” shall refer to the restriction of activities and/or separation of infected persons even
though they have not shown any symptoms or are in the incubation period and separation of
containers, means of transportation, or goods suspected of being contaminated from persons
and/or goods containing disease-causing or other contaminants in order to prevent the possibility of
spreading to surrounding persons and/or goods.

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Letter b
Letter c
Paragraph (6)
Paragraph (7)
“Rejection” shall refer to the excluding the relevant person as a passenger in the departed transportation
Paragraph (8)
Paragraph (9)

Article 361

Article 362

Article 363
Paragraph (1)
“Captain” shall refer to one of the crew members who becomes the highest leader on the ship and has
certain authorities and responsibilities in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations.
“Pilot in command” shall refer to a pilot assigned by a company or an aircraft owner to lead a flight and is
fully responsible for flight safety during the operation of the aircraft in accordance with provisions of laws
and regulations.
“Entry point” shall refer to the Entrance Point for people, goods, and means of transportation by land
across countries.
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)

Article 364

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Article 365

Article 366

Article 367

Article 368

Article 369

Article 370

Article 371

Article 372

Article 373

Article 374

Article 375

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Article 376

Article 377
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Letter a
Letter b
“Prophylaxis” shall refer to a medical measure for the administration of certain Medicines to provide
protection from certain infectious diseases within a certain period of time.
Letter c
“Restriction of social activities” shall refer to limit or strictly supervise any gathering of people
suspected of being the source of the spread of disease, such as religious activities, folk parties,
traditional ceremonies, and celebrations.
Paragraph (3)

Article 378

Article 379

Article 380

Article 381

Article 382

Article 383

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Paragraph (1)
Waste resulting from KLB and Outbreak countermeasure activities shall be in the form of medical waste
and non-medical waste.
Medical waste, such as blood, serum, used medicines packaging, used syringes, used vaccine bottles,
blood bags, used gauze, as well as masks used by Medical Workforce and Healthcare Workers who serve
Patients, or Patients’ masks.
Non-medical waste such as food leftovers from general visitors, masks which are used by Healthy people,
as well as used bottles and plastic from domestic activities.
Paragraph (2)

Article 384

Article 385

Article 386

Article 387

Article 388

Article 389

Article 390

Article 391

Article 392

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Article 393

Article 394

Article 395

Article 396

Article 397

Article 398

Article 399
Letter a
“Dissemination activities” shall refer to activities aimed at causing KLB and do not include dissemination
activities for the purpose of diagnosis or laboratory confirmation.
“Substances containing disease and Health problems which have the potential to cause KLB” shall refer to
chemical, physical, and radioactive elements or substances with levels above the reasonable limit or the
normal limit allowed so as to cause a disease and Health problems that have the potential to cause KLB.
Letter b
“Dissemination activities” shall refer to activities aimed at causing KLB and Outbreak and do not include
dissemination activities for the purpose of diagnosis or laboratory confirmation.
“Biological agents which cause a disease which has the potential to cause KLB and Outbreak” shall refer
to viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites, either live or dead, which may cause/transmit disease which
have the potential to cause KLB and Outbreak, for example, samples and/or specimens managed by
hospitals, laboratories and research institutions, and animals or meat containing disease-causing
biological agents.

Article 400

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Obstructing the implementation of KLB and Outbreak countermeasure efforts, among others, in the form of not
complying with the provisions stipulated in the framework of the implementation of KLB and Outbreak
countermeasure, such as not willing to undergo quarantine or isolation, or does not allow for countermeasure
and/or destruction of risk factors for exposed transportation means, goods, and the environment, including

Article 401

Article 402

Article 403

Article 404

Article 405
Paragraph (1)
Related private parties, among others, shall refer to the Pharmaceutical Preparation industry which
produces Pharmaceutical Preparations that are used in mass prevention and immunization activities.
Paragraph (2)
Letter a
“Causality audit” shall refer to a systematic review of cases of co-occurrence due to the provision of
mass treatment and immunization which are reported based on data and medical literature from
experts in their fields as well as which are conducted by an independent institution in order to
determine the possible linkage between the side effects and the given Medicines and/or vaccines.
Letter b
Healthcare Services, shall include medical rehabilitation, among others, in the form of treatment and
shall be conducted adverse events after mass treatment and immunization in accordance with
medical indications and treatment protocols.
Letter c
“Compensation to victims” shall refer to compensation in the form of disability compensation or
death compensation given to a person who adverse events after the administration of mass
prevention Medicines and immunization based on the results of a causality audit.

Article 406

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Article 407
Paragraph (1)
Funding aid, among others, shall be in the form of:
a. aid or compensation for communities affected by KLB or Outbreak management activities; and
b. aid for Hospital funding in accordance with the needs.
Paragraph (2)

Article 408

Article 409
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
The master plan for the Health sector shall be established by the Central Government, the preparation of
which shall be coordinated by the Minister after consultation with the apparatus of the House of
Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia that is in charge of health.
“Performance-based budgeting” shall refer to the principles and rules of budgeting in accordance with
provisions of laws and regulations in the field of state finance.
Paragraph (4)
The allocation of the Health budget sourced from the regional revenue and expenditure budget shall be
conducted in accordance with regional financial policy and the synchronization of financial relations
between the center and regions.
“Performance-based budgeting” shall refer to the principles and rules of budgeting in accordance with
provisions of laws and regulations, including in the area of central and regional financial balance.
Paragraph (5)
Paragraph (6)

Article 410

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Article 411

Article 412

Article 413

Article 414

Article 415

Article 416

Article 417
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Paragraph (4)
Public participation, including in the organization of Health Efforts to achieve the highest degree of Health,
among others, is:
a. participation in the organization of Health Efforts;
b. support for the provision of Health Resources;
c. research on Health Technology development;
d. planning and establishment of policy on national strategy for Health development;
e. development and supervision; and/or
f. other community participation.

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Article 418

Article 419

Article 420

Article 421

Article 422

Article 423

Article 424
Paragraph (1)
Paragraph (2)
Paragraph (3)
Letter a
Letter b
Letter c
Letter d
Letter e

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Letter f
Letter g
Letter h
Letter i
Letter j
Letter k
Letter l
Letter m
Undertaking other actions, among others, in the form of arrest, detention, and taking of photograph
and fingerprint.
Investigation assistance, among others, shall be in the form of technical assistance, tactical
assistance, and assistance with forced efforts.
Paragraph (4)
Paragraph (5)
Paragraph (6)

Article 425

Article 426

Article 427

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Article 428

Article 429

Article 430

Article 431

Article 432

Article 433

Article 434

Article 435

Article 436

Article 437

Article 438

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Article 439

Article 440
Paragraph (1)
Any negligence that results in serious injury shall include lifelong disability.
Paragraph (2)

Article 441

Article 442

Article 443

Article 444

Article 445

Article 446

Article 447

Article 448

Article 449

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