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The Eighths sister


1 Parcel happy and positive

2 Cheerful an object or collection of objects wrapped in paper, especially so that it

can be sent by post
3 To hesitate a regular arrangement of lines, shapes, colours, etc. for example as a
design on material, carpets, etc.
4 Gift to pause before you do or say something, often because you are
uncertain or nervous about it
5 To concentrate impossible or very difficult to believe or extremely good

6 To Exclaim a present or something that is given or a special ability to do


7 Necklace to show the image of somebody/something on the surface of

something such as a mirror, water or glass

8 To Gaze at having a lot of different parts and small details that fit together

9 Intricate to bend something, especially paper or cloth, so that one part lies
on top of another part

10 Pattern living, not dead

11 Incredible to look at something or someone for a long time, especially in

surprise or admiration, or because you are thinking about
something else
12 To reflect to direct your attention or your efforts towards a particular
activity, subject, or problem

13 Ruby to say or shout something suddenly because of surprise, fear,


14 To fold a piece of jewellery worn around the neck, such as a chain or a

string of decorative stones, beads, etc
15 Alive a transparent, dark red precious stone, often used in jewellery

16 Certainly to suddenly become unconscious for a short time, usually falling


17 To bet a general feeling caused by something that happens to you,

especially a feeling that you cannot describe exactly

18 Worth to change food in your stomach into substances that your body can

19 To rush you feel as if it is turning around and around, and you cannot

20 To gasp having a particular value, especially in money

21 Sensation said in answer to something that someone has said, meaning that
you are certain that they are wrong

22 When head/room used when agreeing or disagreeing strongly to a request


23 To faint to (cause to) go or do something very quickly

24 To digest to take a short, quick breath through the mouth, especially

because of surprise, pain, or shock:

Put the new vocabulary into spaces/

How can you expect to ___________________ your food properly when you eat your meals so fast?

He ______________ at the sight of blood.

The room started to ____________ and I felt faint.

I had a ________________(that) someone was following me.

When she saw the money hidden in the box she___________ ___n surprise.

I______________ __up the stairs/to the office/to find a phone.

He must be 90 if he's still __________________.

He______________ the map up and put it in his pocket.

Elton John wore this gold brooch with________________ and diamonds on his 1989 world tour.

She looked into the water and saw her face ______________________ there.

The hotel was _________________________.

The jumper has a geometric ____________________on it.

Annette _________________admiringly at Warren as he spoke.

A heavy gold ____________________ hung around her neck.

"You can't do that!" she suddenly_____________________.

I can't ______________________on my work with all that noise.

"Do you love me?" she asked. He_______________________ and then said, "I'm not sure."

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