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The Eighths sister


1 Counter a single small plant stem with leaves on it

2 Garland a number of things of the same type fastened together or in a close
3 Holly a light ringing sound
4 Twinkle a door, gate, etc. by which you can enter a building or place
5 Sprig morally bad, cruel, or very unpleasant
6 Bunch a woman who is believed to have magical powers and who uses
them to harm or help other people

7 To Tinkle a long, flat, narrow surface or table in a shop, bank, restaurant, etc.
at which people are served

8 To shiver (of light or a shiny surface) to shine repeatedly strongly then

weakly, as if flashing on and off very quickly:

9 Entrance a small evergreen tree (= one that never loses its leaves) with
shiny, sharp leaves and small, round, red fruit. It is often used as a
Christmas decoration in Europe and North America.
10 Evil a circle made of flowers and leaves worn around the neck or head
as a decoration

11 Witch (esp. of a person or animal) to shake slightly and quickly because of

feeling cold, ill, or frightened

12 Invitation to design and/or create something that has never been made

13 To disappoint to formally choose someone to do a special piece of work, or to

formally ask for a special piece of work from someone

14 To invent the act of inviting someone to go to an event

15 To commission to fail to satisfy someone or their hopes, wishes, etc., or to make

someone feel unhappy
16 Pearl to think carefully about something

17 To inspire marking something as clearly different from others

18 To consider relating to the mind, or involving the process of thinking

19 Distinctive the form of a dead person, similar to a ghost, or the feeling that a
dead person is present although you cannot see them

20 Dedicated a disease of the body or mind

21 Mental designed to be used for one particular purpose or believing that

something is very important and giving a lot of time and energy to
22 Illness a small, round object, usually white, that forms around a grain of
sand inside the shell of a sea creature, especially an oyster. Pearls
are valuable and are used to make jewellery
23 Spirit to make someone have a particular strong feeling or reaction

Put the new vocabulary into spaces/

He was an _______________ dictator who murdered his own people.

Some small old-fashioned shops still have a bell which ________________ when you push the door

The stars ________________ in the clear sky.

There was nobody behind the _________________ when I went into the bank, and I had to wait to be

They were dressed in white and wore ____________________ that seemed to shine.

Why do they sometimes put a _________________ of holly in father's bed?

I'd like some time to ______________________ before I make a decision.

This place is visited by the ________________________ of the dead.

We ate a whole _________________ of grapes.

She's got a very _________________________ voice.

He ______________________ with cold in his thin cotton shirt.

There are two ______________________ - one at the front and one around the back.

The _______________ put a magic spell on the prince and turned him into a frog.

The __________________was written in beautiful italic script.

I'm sorry to ______________________you, but I'm afraid I can't come after all.

The first safety razor was ___________________by company founder King C. Gillette in 1903.

They ________________________me to write a series of articles on language.

His confident leadership _________________________his followers.

She's completely _______________________ to her work.

A doctor was asked about the _________________________state of the prisoner.

He died at home after a long ________________________.

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