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Software Requirements Specification for Online Vacancy System Page i

Software Requirements


Online Vacancy
Version 1.0
Prepared by
Suresh Kumar Sunuwar
Orchid International College
2023-03-21 to 2023-2

Software Requirements Specification for Online Vacancy System Page ii

Table of Contents

1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................1
1.1. Purpose.......................................................................................................................................1
1.2. Document Conventions..............................................................................................................1

1.3.................................................................................................................................................................. Scope 2
1.4............................................................................................. Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions 2
1.5......................................................................................................................................................... References 2

2. Overall Description...........................................................................................................3
2.1. Product Perspective.....................................................................................................................3
2.2. Product Functions.......................................................................................................................3
2.3. User Characteristics...................................................................................................................3
2.4. Operating Environment..............................................................................................................3
2.5. Design and Implementation Constraints.....................................................................................4
2.6. User Documentation...................................................................................................................4
2.7. Assumptions and Dependencies.................................................................................................5

3. External Interface Requirements......................................................................................6

3.1. User Interface.............................................................................................................................6
3.2. Hardware Interface.....................................................................................................................6
3.3. Software Interface.......................................................................................................................6
3.4. Communication Interface...........................................................................................................6

4. System Features...................................................................................................................7
4.1. For Admin....................................................................................................................................7
4.2. For Client......................................................................................................................................7

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements..................................................................................8

5.1. Performance Requirements...........................................................................................................8
5.2. Safety Requirements.....................................................................................................................8
5.3. Security Requirements..................................................................................................................8

6. Other Requirements............................................................................................................9
5.1. Licensing Requirements...............................................................................................................9
5.2. Legal Copyright and other Notices...............................................................................................9

Appendix A : Glossary..........................................................................................................10
Appendix B : Analysis Models..............................................................................................10
Appendix C : E-R Diagram...................................................................................................11
Software Requirements Specification for Online Vacancy System Page iii

Revision History

Name Date Reason For Changes Version

SRS 2023-03-24 Version 1.0

Software Requirements Specification for Online Vacancy System

1. Introduction
The online vacancy system is an online software that helps in posting the jobs as well as
onboarding of the applicant. The system will help to collect all required applicant data and make
it available for the companies to see as well as it will help applicant to see the institution details
and apply to them as per the criteria.
The Online Vacancy system is a web-based system for an Educational Institutions which will
provide a simple and easy user interface to operate, which can be managed by Admin without
having in-depth knowledge of the computer system.

The system will allow to post the Vacancy as well as receive the Applicant details after they submit
their detail which are fill up by them in the frontend of the website. This system also helps to
receive the feedbacks from the applicants as well as the response form the Admin user.

1.1. Purpose
It is becoming difficult for institutions to hire highly qualified staff to carry on the process of recruitment in
the most effective and competent way. Also, crucial timings to carry out strategic work in human resources
are wasted in searching resumes of potential employee for the company. Therefore, most institutions are
willing to pay for Online Vacancy System in order to get winning edge over the competitors. It helps to
quickly find the right employee for vacancy.
Some of the purpose of this system are:
 Helps in hiring better applicant pool
 Saves time and money
 It helps to communicate with a large number of applicants at one time
 Saves paper works and helps to store large amount of information

1.2. Document Conventions

Font Name: Times New Roman
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Topic: 18 ‘Bold’
Sub Topic: 14 ‘Bold’
Description: 12
Text Distribution: Justify

Software Requirements Specification for Online Vacancy System

1.3. Scope

The scope of this system is to:

1) Ensure a working web system for the School Vacancy System.
2) Collects the data of applicants and stores them.
3) Reduce workload on management
4) To be consistent with similar statement in higher level specifications if they exist.
5) Notifies the applicants (As they are accepted or not)
6) Provides the features of Job Description
7) Provides the features of Editable Tools (Update, Delete and Add).

1.4. Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

The document is organized into 5 parts:
1. Introduction
2. Overall Description
3. Other Requirements
4. System Features
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements
6. External interface Requirements
7. Design Constraints or the Limitation of the Environment
Describe the different types of reader that the document is intended for:
Audience such as:
 Project Manager
 Supervisor
 Users
 Testers
 Documentation Writer

1.5. References

Information regarding this project has been collected from the followings:

[1] Requirements are collected through the Headmaster of Shree Okhreni Secondary school.
[2] Templets: Website:-

Software Requirements Specification for Online Vacancy System

2. Overall Description

The Online Vacancy System is in general design to reduce the work load and to allow optimal
placement of the maximum possible staffs within school. This is an online application that
stores each staffs curriculum vitae, checks his/her criteria for the further selection. This system
is designed to lower the workload of the school as well as increase the pool of the applicants.

This system delegates applicant based on their criteria, eligibility and their status as well. Also,
keeps the details of the applicants and approve them who meet the criteria of the school.

2.1. Product Perspective

The Online Vacancy System is a package to be used by agencies to improve the efficiency
of business. The system provide jobs catalogue and information to applicant and helps them
to decide which jobs to apply. The Admin can keep the jobs catalogue updated so that the
applicants get the updated information in specific period of time
The main users are: Admin and Applicant.

2.2.Product Functions
The OVS provides online real time information about the available vacancy in the institutions
The Functions of the System include:
 The applicant is given provision to check his/her account information
 The applicant are notified from the admin if the criteria are met.
 Applicant have provisions to apply the job they want, if there is any vacancy.
2.3. User Characteristics
The users of this system are applicant who applies for the vacancy post and the admin who
maintain the system and response to the applicant if the requirements are matched. The applicant
are assumed to have basic knowledge of the computers and internet browsing as well as how to fill
up the form. The admin should know how to use the tools (update, delete, add, etc.) in back-end.

2.4. Operating Environment

The users can access from any computer that has Internet browsing capabilities and an Internet
Software Requirements Specification for Online Vacancy System

2.5. Design and Implementation Constraints

The project has the following possible constraints:

1) The java web server is regularly updated and the project tends to get outdated.
2) Security constraints include – loss of data, hacking, leak of private information etc.
3) Database management – Arrangement of data correctly and to manage the database space.
4) Protection of user records.
5) Verification of applicant details.
6) Since, this system uses the waterfall there is high amounts of risk and uncertainty

2.6. User Documentation


1 2 3 4
The purpose of the An overall description The functionality of System Features
system being of the system the system

5 6 7
Non-Functional External interfaces or Design constraints or
requirements how the system will the limitations of the
interact with hardware environment

Software Requirements Specification for Online Vacancy System

2.7. Assumptions and Dependencies

All the data shall be correct and up to date. The criteria set by companies must be standard
without discrepancies. This software package is developed using HTML, CSS and JavaScript as
the front end which is supported by PHP and MS SQL server at the back end, which is
supported by Microsoft word. Also the local network of the school is as used as means for
collecting and verifying data of the applicant.

Software Requirements Specification for Online Vacancy System

3. External Interface Requirements

3.1. User Interfaces

 Admin:

o Update Vacancy

o Delete Vacancy

o Add Vacancy

o View Applicant Details

 Applicant:

o Choose the available Vacancy

o Able to fill up the Form

o Able to see their Details

o Get the Response from the Admin

3.2. Hardware Interface

Minimum system requirements:

Hard Drive : 50 GB

CPU : Intel i3 Processor or Greater

Memory : 2 GB RAM or More
OS : Windows XP and above

3.3. Software Requirements

The Front-End and Back-End used to complete this system are:
 Front-End
o HTML, CSS and JavaScript
 Back-End
o PHP and My SQL Server
 For Connection:

Software Requirements Specification for Online Vacancy System

3.4. Communication Interfaces

 The Online Job Portal System will be connected to the World Wide Web.
 The HTTP protocol will be used to facilitate communication between the client and server.

4. System Features
4.1. For Admin:

 System login function, with password change functionality after login.

 Add new Vacancy and categories into the system list.
 Remove items and categories from Vacancy List.
 Receives the detail of the Applicants.
 Manage the Applicants form as per need.
 Response to the applicant through feedback.

4.2. For Client:

 System login function.

 View Applicants.
 Checks the Applicant Details.
 Response the Applicants.

Software Requirements Specification for Online Vacancy System

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

5.1. Performance Requirements

Server Side

The web application will be hosted on one of the windows server.

The ideal specifications for the server machines.

• Intel Core i7 – 2.5 GHz
• 8 GB of RAM
• Running Windows Server
• A commercial Web Application Server
• At least five 3rd party machines for clustering

The minimal specifications for the server machine.

• Intel Core i3 – 2 GHz
• 2GB of RAM
• Running Windows XP
• Apache Tomcat Server

Client Side

The system is a web based application clients are requiring using modern web
browser such as Mozilla Firefox 1.5, Chrome 67.0 and Enable cookies.

The ideal requirement for a client PC logging into the system.

• Intel Core i3 – 2.0 GHz or above

• 2 GB RAM
• Running Windows XP/Vista/Win10
• Mozilla Firefox or Chrome with JavaScript enabled

5.2. Safety Requirements

Highly recommend Kaspersky 2023 internet security to been Installed in users Pc to

prevent the harm that may occurs by Unwanted malicious software’s, phishing URLs and
all the types of Virus attacks during using this application..

5.3. Security Requirements

All users should be properly authenticated before allowed entry into the system
Software Requirements Specification for Online Vacancy System

Authentication will be based on an E-mail address or Username, and a password. All

activities on the system must be logged.

6. Other Requirements
The user must be agreed with all the term and conditions that have provided by the System
Administrator, local authority and Should Obey to the all International standards and Protocols.

6.1. Licensing Requirements

The usage is restricted to only Suresh Kumar Sunuwar who is developing the Online
Vacancy System and signs the maintenance contract.

6.2. Legal, Copyright, and Other Notices

Online Vacancy System (OVS©) is a trademark and cannot be used without consent.

Software Requirements Specification for Online Vacancy System

Appendix A: Glossary
OVS: Online Vacancy System
OVS©: System’s Trade Mark
Appendix B: Analysis Models
E-R Diagram:

Appendix C: Methodology
Waterfall Model: Spiral Diagram

Software Requirements Specification for Online Vacancy System


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