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British Medical Bulletin, 2017, 123:159–173

doi: 10.1093/bmb/ldx022
Advance Access Publication Date: 7 July 2017

Invited Review

The contribution of genetics and environment

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to obesity
David Albuquerque†,‡,*, Clévio Nóbrega§,**,††, Licínio Manco†,‡‡,
and Cristina Padez†,‡‡

Research Center for Anthropology and Health (CIAS), Department of Life Sciences, University of
Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, ‡Fundación Investigación Hospital General Universitario de Valencia,
Genomics group, Valencia, Spain, §Department of Biomedical Sciences and Medicine (DCBM), University
of Algarve, Faro, Portugal, **Centre for Biomedical Research (CBMR), University of Algarve, Faro,
Portugal, ††Algarve Biomedical Center (ABC), University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal, and ‡‡Faculty of
Sciences and Technology, Department of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
*Correspondence address. Research Center for Anthropology and Health (CIAS), Department of Life Sciences,
University of Coimbra, Calçada Martim de Freitas (edifício de São Bento), 3000-456 Coimbra, Portugal.
Editorial Decision 21 June 2017; Accepted 23 June 2017

Background: Obesity is a global health problem mainly attributed to life-
style changes such as diet, low physical activity or socioeconomics factors.
However, several evidences consistently showed that genetics contributes
significantly to the weight-gain susceptibility.
Sources of data: A systematic literature search of most relevant original,
review and meta-analysis, restricted to English was conducted in PubMed,
Web of Science and Google scholar up to May 2017 concerning the contri-
bution of genetics and environmental factors to obesity.
Areas of agreement: Several evidences suggest that obesogenic environ-
ments contribute to the development of an obese phenotype. However, not
every individual from the same population, despite sharing the same obe-
sogenic environment, develop obesity.
Areas of controversy: After more than 10 years of investigation on the genet-
ics of obesity, the variants found associated with obesity represent only 3%
of the estimated BMI-heritability, which is around 47–80%. Moreover, genetic
factors per se were unable to explain the rapid spread of obesity prevalence.

© The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
160 D. Albuquerque et al., 2017, Vol. 123

Growing points: The integration of multi-omics data enables scientists having

a better picture and to elucidate unknown pathways contributing to obesity.
Areas timely for developing research: New studies based on case–control
or gene candidate approach will be important to identify new variants asso-
ciated with obesity susceptibility and consequently unveiling its genetic
architecture. This will lead to an improvement of our understanding about
underlying mechanisms involved in development and origin of the actual
obesity epidemic. The integration of several omics will also provide

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insights about the interplay between genes and environments contributing
to the obese phenotype.
Key words: obesity, genetics, gene–environment interactions, heritability, BMI, omics

Introduction than one hundred loci associated with the common

The prevalence of obesity and related co-morbidities (polygenic) form of obesity.3 However, while genetic
has reached in the last four decades epidemic propor- factors undoubtedly contribute to individual weight
tions in many populations, becoming one of the gain susceptibility, the obesity-associated single
major public health concerns throughout the world.1 nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that have been
This epidemic cannot be solely explained by sudden identified to date explain less than 3% of the inher-
changes in our genetic background, and has been ited susceptibility to develop an obese phenotype.
mainly attributed to lifestyle modifications. Some This result is very far from the heritability estimates
scientists consider it as the result of a ‘social global- of body mass index (BMI) rounding 47–80%.5 This
ization’.2 In fact, this recent trend toward increasing situation suggests that additional genetic loci (includ-
obesity prevalence has been mostly attributed to ing low/rare frequency alleles), or other genetic var-
over-nutrition and sedentary behaviours as product iants such as copy number variations (CNVs)
of the industrialization of societies. Other factors predisposing to weight gain remain to be discovered.
including societal, economics, cultural, etc., have also The interaction between gene–environment by epi-
been considered as significant contributions to the genetics mechanisms is another approach that needs
spread of obesity. Nevertheless, in populations shar- to be further investigated. Moreover, the integration
ing the same obesogenic environment, and despite of multi-omics analysis is now seeing as an important
different prevalence rates of obesity, there are both issues to unravel the obesity condition.
obese and normal weight individuals. This might sug- In this review, we aim to cover what is already
gest that some individuals are more susceptible to known about the influence of genetic factors in the
weigh gain than others, when exposed to the same susceptibility risk to develop an obese phenotype.
obesogenic environment. This difference could be the Regarding environmental factors, we focus our
result of the individual genetic profile. Over the last attention on how socioeconomic conditions might
two decades, and with the progress on molecular influence food choice in children. We will also briefly
technologies, several studies have been performed refer other factors influencing the susceptibility to
within families, twins and adopted children identify- weight gain, and the new promising approach based
ing several genes associated with obesity.3 In 1997, on multi-omics studies to unravel new mechanisms
Montague and colleagues4 identified the leptin (LEP) underpinning the development of obesity.
gene as the first gene associated with a Mendelian Literature selection was performed between
non-syndromic form of obesity. Since 2007, genome- December and May 2017, focusing on the most rele-
wide scans have been successful in identifying more vant articles published in English in peer-reviewed
Gene–environment interactions to obesity, 2017, Vol. 123 161

journals. For this purpose, a search of the literature pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) genes. Interestingly,
was conducted using the online databases PubMed, a recent study found a deletion in POMC gene with
Web of Science and Google scholar. Further relevant an allele frequency of 12% in Labrador retriever,
articles were hand-searched based on the references affecting their body weight and food motivation12
of the selected studies. showing the importance of the overall leptin/melano-
cortin pathway on the obese phenotype.
Polygenic obesity is the most common form of
Genetic influences on obesity obesity in modern societies where the environment
Within any given environment, there is a certain favours weight gain due to food abundance and lack

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variation regarding body size and shape among indi- of physical activity. With the advance of technology
viduals. Part of this variation result from genetic fac- and the completion of Human genome project our
tors. To think that obesity could have a genetic knowledge on the genetic basis of obesity increased
component is not surprising, given that is known for drastically in the last years. Several studies emerged
long that obesity often runs in families. Effectively, identifying more than 100 BMI-associated loci when
familial studies showed that BMI is highly correlated comparing a sample composed by normal weight
with parental obesity. Children whose both parents and obese individuals (Table 1).3 The first locus
are obese, have higher risk of being obese when com- undoubtedly associated with obesity using a
pared with children from non-obese parents.6 genome-wide association (GWA) approach, was the
Nonetheless, in familial studies is difficult to distinct fat-mass and obesity associated gene (FTO).13
if this correlation result from genetic or environmen- Subsequent GWA studies and meta-analysis identi-
tal factors. This question could be in part addressed fied numerous variants associated with common
by studying twin pairs or adopted children providing obesity.3 The most recent GWAS meta-analysis iden-
evidence about genetic influences on BMI. A meta- tified 97 BMI-associated loci (56 of which were
analysis of 31 twin studies showed that for adults, novel) in a study involving 339 224 European adults,
the BMI variation explained by genetic difference accounting to 2.7% of BMI variation (Table 1).14
ranged from 47% to 80%.7 More recently, a study It is still difficult to explain the rapid spread of
conducted by Silventoinen and colleagues,5 analysing obesity worldwide based only in our genetic back-
87 782 twin pairs from 45 cohorts also concludes ground. Understanding how genes influence mechan-
the important role of genetic factors in the variation isms of energy homoeostasis, causing variation on
of BMI. In line with this data, adoption studies body weight within any given environment is essen-
showed evidences of the contribution of genetics on tial. However, genes rarely have by itself the power
BMI.8 These studies demonstrated that the BMI of to determine an individual’s anatomy, physiology or
adopted children correlates strongly with biological behaviour. It is the interaction between genes and
parents, and less with adoptive parents.9,10 environment at all stages of the life cycle, which can
It is now perfectly established that genes contrib- influence and activate weight gain.
ute to differences in body weight within a given
population. Interestingly, some genes identified as
causing obesity in rodents models,11 have also been Environmental influences on obesity
identified as contributors to severe human obesity.3 Several authors suggest that the global rise of obesity
Non-syndromic monogenic forms of obesity result is being driven largely due to environmental factors
from mutations in a single gene and affect ~5% of such as high food consumption, high sweetened bev-
the population. These loss-of-function mutations are erages, less activity, television watching, etc. rather
rare and generally cause deficiencies in food intake, than biological ones. Nowadays, as a result of social
and energy homoeostasis. The major parts of these globalization, we are everyday exposed to images and
mutations have been identified in LEP, leptin recep- offers of high fat/caloric, palatable and inexpensive
tor (LEPR), melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R), and foods. Furthermore, our physical requirements have
162 D. Albuquerque et al., 2017, Vol. 123

Table 1 List of some genes and SNPs associated with body mass index (BMI) from genome-wide association
studies (GWAS) using European populations

Chr. Gene symbol SNPs Position Alleles EAF References

1 AGBL4 rs657452 49124175 A/G 0.39 Locke et al.14

1 ELAVL4 rs11583200 50094148 C/T 0.39 Locke et al.14
1 IArs2 rs1465816 220116461 T/C 0.28 Hägg et al.15
1 LRP1B rs1890652 31482730 C/T 0.18 Speliotes et al.16
1 NAV1 rs2820292 201815159 C/A 0.55 Locke et al.14

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1 NEGR1 rs2815752 72346757 A/G 0.62 Speliotes et al.16
1 rs2568958 72299433 Willer et al.17, Thorleifsson et al.18
1 PTBP2 rs1555543 96479241 C/A 0.59 Speliotes et al.16
1 SEC16B rs543874 177920345 G/A 0.19 Speliotes et al.16
rs10913469 177944384 Thorleifsson et al.18
1 TAL1 rs977747 47219005 T/G 0.40 Locke et al.14
1 TNNI3K rs1514175 74525960 A/G 0.43 Speliotes et al.16
1 TXNDC12 rs2809930 51981596 T/C 0.00 Hägg et al.15
2 ADAM23 rs13387838 206416723 A/G 0.04 Felix et al.19
2 CREB1, KLF7 rs17203016 207390794 G/A 0.20 Locke et al.14
2 EHBP1 rs11688816 62825913 G/A 0.52 Locke et al.14
2 ERBB4 rs7599312 212548507 G/A 0.72 Locke et al.14
2 FANCL rs887912 59075742 T/C 0.29 Speliotes et al.16
2 FIGN rs1460676 163711179 C/T 0.18 Locke et al.14
2 KCNK3 rs11126666 26705943 A/G 0.28 Locke et al.14
2 USP37 rs492400 218485029 C/T 0.42 Locke et al.14
2 ADCY3 rs713586 24935139 C/T 0.47 Speliotes et al.16
2 SSFA2 rs17456481 181934548 G/C 0.07 Hägg et al.15
2 TMEM18 rs2867125 622827 T/C 0.17 Speliotes et al.16
rs6548238 634905 C/T 0.84 Willer et al.17
rs7561317 644953 Thorleifsson et al.18
2 UBE2E3 rs1528435 180686235 T/C 0.63 Locke et al.14
3 CADM2 rs13078807 85835000 G/A 0.20 Speliotes et al.16
3 ETV5 rs7647305 186116501 Thorleifsson et al.18
rs9816226 186116710 T/A 0.82 Speliotes et al.16
3 FHIT rs2365389 61250788 C/T 0.58 Locke et al.14
3 GBE1 rs3849570 81742961 A/C 0.35 Locke et al.14
3 RARB rs6804842 25064946 G/A 0.57 Locke et al.14
3 RASA2 rs16851483 141556594 T/G 0.06 Locke et al.14
4 GNPDA2 rs10938397 45180510 G/A 0.43 Speliotes et al.16, Willer et al.17
4 HHIP rs11727676 144737912 T/C 0.91 Locke et al.14
4 SCARB2 rs17001654 76208415 G/C 0.15 Locke et al.14
4 SLC39A8 rs13107325 102267552 T/C 0.07 Speliotes et al.16
5 FLJ35779 rs2112347 75719417 T/G 0.63 Speliotes et al.16
5 ZNF608 rs4836133 124996410 A/C 0.48 Speliotes et al.16
6 C6orf106 rs205262 34595387 G/A 0.27 Ahmad et al.20
6 FOXO3 rs9400239 108656460 C/T 0.68 Locke et al.14
6 NUDT3 rs206936 34335092 G/A 0.21 Speliotes et al.16
6 IFNGR1 rs13201877 137354404 G/A 0.14 Locke et al.14
6 LOC285762 rs9374842 119864519 T/C 0.74 Locke et al.14
Gene–environment interactions to obesity, 2017, Vol. 123 163

Table 1 Continued

Chr. Gene symbol SNPs Position Alleles EAF References

6 MTFR2 rs9494464 136187778 C/T 0.01 Hägg et al.15

6 PARK2 rs13191362 162612318 A/G 0.87 Locke et al.14, Ahmad et al.20
6 TDRG1, LRFN2 rs2033529 40380914 G/A 0.29 Locke et al.14
6 TFAP2B rs987237 50835337 G/A 0.18 Speliotes et al.16
7 ASB4 rs6465468 95540202 T/G 0.31 Locke et al.14
7 CALCR rs9641123 93568420 C/G 0.43 Locke et al.14

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7 HIP1 rs1167827 75533848 G/A 0.55 Locke et al.14
7 PMS2L11 rs2245368 76978826 C/T 0.18 Locke et al.14
8 ELP3 rs13253111 28204457 A/G 0.57 Felix et al.19
8 PEX2 rs6981577 76961693 G/A 0.41 Hägg et al.15
8 RALYL rs2033732 84167474 C/T 0.75 Locke et al.14
8 ZBTB10 rs16907751 80463222 C/T 0.14 Locke et al.14
9 C9orf93 rs4740619 15634328 T/C 0.54 Locke et al.14, Ahmad et al.20
9 EPB41L4B, C9orf4 rs6477694 109170062 C/T 0.36 Locke et al.14
9 LMX1B rs10733682 126698635 A/G 0.47 Locke et al.14
9 LRRN6C rs10968576 28414341 G/A 0.31 Speliotes et al.16
9 NTRK2 rs1211166 84671077 G/A 0.18 Guo et al.21
9 TLR4 rs1928295 117616205 T/C 0.54 Locke et al.14
10 GRID1 rs7899106 85651147 G/A 0.05 Locke et al.14
10 HIF1AN rs17094222 100635683 C/T 0.21 Locke et al.14
10 NT5C2 rs11191560 103109281 C/T 0.08 Locke et al.14
10 TCF7L2 rs7903146 112998590 C/T 0.71 Locke et al.14
11 BDNF rs17309930 27726946 A/C 0.21 Locke et al.14
rs10767664 27704439 A/T 0.78 Speliotes et al.16
rs925946 27645655 Thorleifsson et al.18
11 CADM1 rs12286929 115151684 G/A 0.52 Locke et al.14
11 CEP295 rs12801458 93709816 T/A 0.07 Hägg et al.15
11 HSD17B12 rs2176598 43842728 T/C 0.25 Locke et al.14
11 MTCH2 rs10838738 47641497 G/A 0.34 Willer et al.17
11 rs3817334 47629441 T/C 0.41 Speliotes et al.16, Thorleifsson et al.18
11 RPL27A, TUB rs4929949 8583046 C/T 0.52 Speliotes et al.16
12 CLIP1 rs11057405 122297350 G/A 0.90 Locke et al.14
12 FAIM2 rs7138803 49853685 A/G 0.38 Speliotes et al.16
13 MIR548A2 rs1441264 79006784 A/G 0.61 Locke et al.14
13 MIR548X2, PCDH9 rs9540493 65631572 A/G 0.45 Locke et al.14
13 MTIF3 rs4771122 27446043 G/A 0.24 Speliotes et al.16
13 OLFM4 rs12429545 53528071 A/G 0.13 Locke et al.14
14 NRXN3 rs10150332 79470621 C/T 0.21 Speliotes et al.16
14 PRKD1 rs11847697 30045906 T/C 0.04 Speliotes et al.16
rs12885454 29267632 C/A 0.64 Locke et al.14
14 STXBP6 rs10132280 25458973 C/A 0.68 Locke et al.14
15 LOC100287559, BBS4 rs7164727 72801650 T/C 0.67 Locke et al.14
15 MAP2K5, LBXCOR1 rs2241423 67794500 G/A 0.78 Speliotes et al.16
15 DMXL2 rs3736485 51456413 A/G 0.45 Locke et al.14
16 CBLN1 rs2080454 49028679 C/A 0.41 Locke et al.14
16 FTO rs1558902 53769662 A/T 0.42 Speliotes et al.16, Willer et al.17
16 FTO rs9939609 53786615 A/T 0.41 Frayling et al.13, Scuteri et al.22
164 D. Albuquerque et al., 2017, Vol. 123

Table 1 Continued

Chr. Gene symbol SNPs Position Alleles EAF References

16 GPRC5B rs12444979 19922278 C/T 0.87 Speliotes et al.16

16 KAT8 rs9925964 31118574 A/G 0.62 Locke et al.14
16 INO80E rs4787491 30004016 G/A 0.51 Locke et al.14
16 NLRC3 rs758747 3577357 T/C 0.26 Locke et al.14
16 SBK1 rs2650492 28322090 A/G 0.30 Locke et al.14
16 SH2B1 rs7498665 28871920 G/A 0.41 Willer et al.17

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rs7359397 28874338 T/C 0.40 Speliotes et al.16, Thorleifsson et al.18
17 RABEP1 rs1000940 5379957 G/A 0.32 Locke et al.14
17 SMG6 rs9914578 2101842 G/C 0.23 Locke et al.14
18 GRP rs7243357 59216087 T/G 0.81 Locke et al.14
18 LOC284260, RIT2 rs7239883 42567706 G/A 0.39 Locke et al.14
18 MC4R rs571312 60172536 A/C 0.24 Speliotes et al.16
rs17782313 60183864 C/T 0.21 Willer et al.17, Loos et al.23
18 RAB27B rs8092503 54812256 G/A 0.27 Felix et al.19
19 PGPEP1 rs17724992 18344015 A/G 0.75 Locke et al.14
19 QPCTL rs2287019 45698914 C/T 0.80 Speliotes et al.16
19 KCTD15 rs11084753 33831232 G/A 0.67 Willer et al.17
rs29941 33818627 G/A 0.67 Speliotes et al.16, Thorleifsson et al.18
19 TOMM40 rs2075650 44892362 A/G 0.85 Guo et al.21
19 ZC3H4 rs3810291 47065746 A/G 0.67 Speliotes et al.16
21 ETS2 rs2836754 38919816 C/T 0.60 Locke et al.14

Chr., chromosome; SNPs, single nucleotide polymorphisms; EAF, effect allele frequency.
SNP positions are reported according to Build 38 (GRCh38.p10) and their alleles are coded based on the positive strand. Effect allele is based
on the meta-analysis of GWAS association data.

changed resulting in an imbalance in energy intake factors.26 The majority of the works rely on child
and expenditure. The modern lifestyle places indivi- and parent characteristics and has not considered
duals to live in an obesogenic environment, encour- family system or the multilevel context in which
aging us to eat more and exercise less. For example, child risk factors emerge.27 It is necessary to consider
several studies found association between obesity and both biological and social determinants of childhood
time spent watching television in both adults24 and obesity at three levels (individual, family and com-
children.25 From an evolutionary perspective, is munity) and across early childhood.26
totally the opposite to the time where humans were Among numerous factors that underlie child-
more actives and had limitations on food intake. hood obesity parental and family history of obesity
Several reviews on obesity point to the potential con- can have strong influences through genetic as well
tribution of environments factors that promote exces- as environmental factors. Family factors play a
sive food consumption and discourage physical huge role because family members are likely to have
activity. Recently, there has been a growing recogni- similar diets, screen time and physical activity beha-
tion of socioeconomic factors contributing to obesity. viours as well as a major influence by perceptions
Regarding, for example, children, several factors and attitudes concerning diet and activity that leads
have been considered to explain the current epidemic to obesity.28 Behind these factors and behaviours,
of childhood obesity. However, the pathways to the socioeconomic status (SES) of the family plays a
childhood obesity are very complex and still unclear. decisive role in the aetiology of childhood obesity.
Obesity reflects complex interactions among genetic, Studies have showed a socioeconomic gradient
metabolic, behavioural, cultural and environmental in childhood obesity.29,30 Parental education as an
Gene–environment interactions to obesity, 2017, Vol. 123 165

indicator of socioeconomic position (SEP) has the diets rich in low cost energy dense food,40,41 partici-
most consistent, inverse association with childhood pated less in physical activity sports,42 and have low-
obesity.30,31 Other SEP indicators such as parental er awareness of weight control.43 The environment
occupation and family income were more inconsist- where families live can also contribute to a less
ent. In a meta-analysis, Wu and colleagues32 found healthy eating diet. Children living in more deprived
that low SEP is associated with a 10% higher risk for places tend to eat less fruit and vegetables but more
overweight and 41% higher risk of obesity in chil- sugar and sweets, fats processed meats, salty snacks
dren aged 0–15 years in high-income countries more and soft drinks compared with those from higher
specifically in North America, Europe and Oceania. income households.44 Excessive food intake is a

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Earlier studies in this topic presented results that major contributor to obesity. Another large con-
showed that obesity is higher in people from a low tributor to obesity is the lack of physical activity45
socioeconomic status in developed countries rather and sedentary behaviour measured by screen time.25
than in developing economies.33 Socioeconomic fac- Sallis and colleagues46 found a social gradient in sed-
tors are likely to be associated with child adiposity entary, physical activity and access to physical activ-
through a number of pathways, including knowl- ity facilities in young people.
edge, attitudes, financial and other constraints on Families living in poverty have different prior-
nutrition and physical activity patterns. Higher risks ities than those with a stable SEP. Those facing pov-
of obesity in children with lower SEP in developed erty are more likely to unintended disinvestment in
countries may be related to less access to healthy health and healthy behaviours.47 The social gradi-
food and safe exercise, less interest in weight control, ent in childhood obesity in some populations may
cultural standards of physical effectiveness, and dis- partly be due to healthy eating and physical activity
crimination against socioeconomic advancement.34 being considered a low priority in deprived house-
However, a different picture can be found in devel- holds.36 This problem is still more complex when
oping countries and less economic developed areas, we take a contextual vision of our world. Modern
where malnutrition and opulence co-exist, food food environments are filled with nutrient-poor and
availability remains a daily challenge in populations energy-dense foods. These foods are highly palat-
with low SEP and obesity is subsequently perceived able and processed in ways that make it difficult for
as a sign of wealth.35 Parental educational level is the body to regulate intake and weight.48 This bio-
more consistently inversely associated with child- logical vulnerability to ultra-processed foods is
hood obesity than other indicators. As an important especially problematic for children because they
socioeconomic indicator, parental educational level have a stronger preference for sweet foods than
influences the family’s knowledge and beliefs, and adults.49,50 Childhood is a period of a person’s life
these are considered important for healthy lifestyles when industries work to develop brand loyalty.
and the development of obesity. Moreover, higher Marketing and early exposure at a young age to
educational achievement may facilitate better under- ultra-processed foods shape children’s taste expecta-
standing and utilization of available nutrition infor- tions and preferences for unhealthy products.49
mation that assists individuals’ decisions on dietary
practice and tend to follow recommendations for
health behaviours36 and respond more actively to Gene–lifestyle interactions in obesity
health-related media messages37 than lower socio- Gene–environmental (G × E) interactions do exist
economic groups. Children from more educated par- when the risk conveyed by a specific genotype
ents are more likely to eat breakfast and consume depends on one or more environmental exposure
fewer snacks, and they are less likely to eat foods levels.51 Although since 2007 many genetic var-
with high-energy content, such as sweetened bev- iants detected by GWAS have been associated with
erages38 and more fruit and vegetable intake39 con- obesity or obesity-related traits, those variants,
trary to children from low SES that tend to have individually or in combination by calculating a
166 D. Albuquerque et al., 2017, Vol. 123

genetic risk score (GRS), only explain small frac- physically active than in sedentary adults. Although
tions of phenotypic variations. the meta-analysis of Kilpeläinen and colleagues59
It is hypothesized that interaction effects between showed no interaction between FTO and physical
genes and environmental factors may account for activity in children and adolescents, some individual
some of this ‘missing heritability’ in obesity, with studies suggest that low physical activity seems to
multiple known obesity-predisposing gene variants accentuate the effect of FTO on risk of obesity also
interacting with lifestyle to modify the obesity risk. among this age group.58,60 Most recent additional
In the present review, we will focus our attention individual studies for the FTO rs9939609 variant
in two major factors contributing to body weight endorsed similar GxE observations for obesity indi-

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regulation, which are physical activity and diet, and ces in adults,61 young adults62 or adolescents.63
how they mediate the association between genetic Interaction effects between other obesity-related loci
variants and obesity.51 However, there are other and physical activity in relation to obesity-related traits
environmental factor exposures that can play a role were also documented. The same pattern suggesting
on obesity susceptibility interacting with genetic, epi- that higher physical activity may attenuate adverse
genetic or other molecular mechanisms. For example, effects of the obesity-related loci was shown for other
respiratory disorders (e.g. obstructive sleep apnoea) variants in different genes.63–65 Moreover, the meta-
or sleep disturbance (e.g. sleep duration, insomnia or analysis of 111 421 adults of European ancestry con-
excessive daytime sleepiness) have been identified ducted by Ahmad and colleagues65 showed a statistical
influencing obesity.52,53 These traits are heritable and significant GRS (calculated by summing the BMI-
there are some evidence of a genetic component associated alleles of each one of 12 genetic variants)
involved on sleep disturbances.52,53 Smoke has been and physical activity interaction effect in BMI (p inter-
also implicated as one of these potential contributors action = 0.015). Consistent with the observations in
to increase weight gain. For example, a recent meta- European populations, Zhu and colleagues66 found in
analysis involving 51 080 smokers (predominantly Chinese adults that the effect of a GRS based on 28
from European descent) identified 23 novel genetic single nucleotide polimorfisms on obesity susceptibility
loci, with nine of them showing a clear evidence of was more pronounced in individuals with low physical
gene–smoking interaction on obesity-related traits.54 activity than in those with high physical activity levels.
It was also documented that the genetic association Although the mechanisms behind the observa-
with BMI was strengthened with increased hours of tion that physical activity attenuate the influence of
TV watching55 or with educational level.56 obesity-loci in weight gain remain to be explained,
the fact that physical activity can lead to temporary
appetite suppression,67 suggests some biologically
Gene–physical activity interactions plausible support for the observed attenuation of
Modulation of FTO–obesity associations by self- obesity risk allele associations.63
reported physical activity is one of the most replicated
gene–environmental interactions in obesity. While evi-
dence work showed that the ‘at risk’ alleles of the FTO Gene–diet interactions
single nucleotide polimorfisms are not associated with The role for FTO risk alleles in the regulation of
altered resting energy expenditure or physical activity food intake was evidenced by several works support-
in humans, many individual observations in European ing for the association with increased appetite,
ancestry populations suggests that moderate to vigor- energy, dietary fat or protein intake and reduced sati-
ous physical activity attenuates the effect of FTO gen- ety.68 Additionally, evidences for a gene–diet inter-
etic susceptibility to obesity.57,58 A meta-analysis by action has also come from studies on the FTO locus
Kilpeläinen and colleagues59 showed that the effect of suggesting that dietary habits and energy intake
FTO rs9939609 on BMI, waist circumference, body might also attenuate the effects of FTO on obesity
fat percentage and obesity risk is ~30% lower in susceptibility (Table 2). Several studies observed for
Gene–environment interactions to obesity, 2017, Vol. 123
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Table 2 A summary of some significant studies on gene–diet interactions on BMI or obesity

Gene/SNP ID Study design Population ancestry Main findings References

FTO/rs9939609 Cross-sectional European (Swedish)

Significant interactions were observed between energy-adjusted fat Sonestedt et al.69
intake and FTO genotype and between carbohydrate intake and
FTO genotype on BMI.
FTO/rs9939609 Case–control European (Spanish) Influence of dietary fatty acid distribution on the effect of the Moleres et al.72
rs9939609 polymorphism of the FTO gene on children and
adolescents’ obesity risk.
FTO/rs9939609 Case–control European (French) High dietary saturated fat intake accentuates obesity risk associated Phillips et al.70
with the FTO gene.
FTO/rs1121980 Cross-sectional European (USA) High intake of saturated fatty acids strengthens the association Corella et al.73
rs9939609 Hispanics (USA) between the FTO and BMI.
FTO/rs8050136 Cross-sectional European (USA) Lifestyle factors modified the genetic risk of FTO on obesity Ahmad et al.74
phenotypes, particularly among women who were both inactive
and had high intake.
FTO/rs1558902 Two-years intervention Several Carriers of the risk allele had a greater reduction in weight, body Zhang et al.71
composition, and fat distribution in response to a high-protein
ADRB2/rs1042714 Case–control European (Spanish) High carbohydrate consumption increase risk of obesity among Martinez et al.75
(Gln27Glu) ADRB2 27Glu genotypes.
LIPC/rs1800588 Case-only European An interaction between fibre intake and LIPC gene, and dietary fat Santos et al.76
ADIPOQ/rs266729 (several countries) intake and ADIPOQ or PPARG3 genes, to modify the
PPARG3/rs10865710 association with obesity.
GRS Three-year follow-up European (Finnish) A diet low in fibre appeared to have a BMI-increasing effect in those Jääskeläinen et al.77
who carried large numbers of obesity-predisposing variants.
GRS Cohort (NHS, HPFS, WGHS) European (USA) Genetic association with adiposity was stronger among participants Qi et al.78
with higher intake of sugar-sweetened.
GRS Cohort (NHS, HPFS, WGHS) European (USA) Genetic association with adiposity was stronger among participants Qi et al.79
with higher consumption of fried food.

Abbreviations: SNP ID, single nucleotide polymorphism identification; GRS, genetic risk score.

168 D. Albuquerque et al., 2017, Vol. 123

risk allele carriers of FTO gene polymorphisms that studied to assess the epigenetic component in the
a high-fat diet further accentuated the obesity context of obesity is DNA methylation. Briefly, it
risk.59,69,70 Also, for the FTO rs1558902 poly- consists of the introduction of methyl groups at the
morphism, a high-protein diet was found to facilitate carbon-5 of cytosine, usually at the CpG dinucleo-
weight loss and improvement of body composition tides position. Through epigenome-wide studies
in individuals with the risk allele, whereas an oppos- (EWAS), which allow collection of information
ite genetic effect was observed on changes in fat dis- about DNA methylation variations throughout the
tribution in response to a low-protein diet.71 epigenome, was possible to identify methylation pro-
Other loci have also been implicated in gene–diet files in different genes associated with obesity.81

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interactions (Table 2). For example, a case–control Moreover, several studies also pointed to an interest-
study found that the high carbohydrate consumption ing observation linking alterations in methylation
increase risk of obesity among ADRB2 genotypes.75 marks of in utero environment with the development
A case-only study in adult obese women observed an of adult obesity.3 However, the knowledge of
interaction between fibre intake and LIPC gene, and mechanisms by which maternal nutritional environ-
dietary fat intake and ADIPOQ or PPARG3 genes, ment induces such changes remains largely
to modify the association with obesity.76 Also unknown.
Jääskeläinen and colleagues77 in a 3-year follow-up DNA is wrapped in proteins called histone, which
study observed that a diet low in fibre appeared to undergoes several types of modifications (e.g. acetyl-
have a BMI-increasing effect in those who carried ation, methylation, phosphorylation, among others).
large numbers of obesity-predisposing variants. These modifications were shown to be important in
Cohort studies calculating genetic risk scores have the regulation of gene expression. In the context of
demonstrated that the genetic association with adi- obesity they were linked to adipogenesis and thus
posity was stronger among participants with higher might play an important role in obesity onset and
intake of sugar-sweetened78 or higher consumption development.82
of fried food.79 Several intervention studies demon- MicroRNAs are endogenous short single-stranded
strated gene–diet interaction on obesity documented non-protein-coding RNAs with ~21–25 nucleotides
for variants in genes including IRS, TCF7L2, GIPR, in length, which are involved in post-transcriptional
PPM1K, ADIPOQ, FAAH, FTO or Visfatin (see regulation of gene expression. They have been impli-
review by Huang and Hu51). cated in obesity, namely by acting in different path-
Although these evidences that various nutrients ways of the metabolic function or in the adypocytes
modulate gene expression influencing the impact of differentiation.3,83 For example miR-21 is strongly
genetic variants on obesity, the mechanisms behind expressed in human adipose tissue and positively cor-
the present observation remain to be explained.77 related with BMI.84
For the FTO locus, that is associated with methyla- Another player that recently emerged accounting
tion capability,80 some investigators speculate that for obesity development is the gut microbiota,
the intron-1 obesity-associated region might be sen- which comprises a complex community of bacteria
sitive to epigenetic effects. living in the human gastrointestinal tract.85 Several
evidences suggest that diet alters gut microbiota,
and this is reflected by differences observed between
Other players contributing to obesity obese and lean individuals. Furthermore, other
susceptibility studies pointed to the importance of gut microbiota
Epigenetics refers to a set of mechanisms regulating in modulating the energy intake.
gene expression without alteration of the DNA The implication of epigenetic profiles and gut
sequence, and involves DNA methylation, histone microbiota in obesity is much more complex than
modifications and the microRNAs role in gene this brief description. Indeed, there are growing evi-
expression.3 From these mechanisms, the most dences from several studies and reviews that highlight
Gene–environment interactions to obesity, 2017, Vol. 123 169

the importance of these players in obesity. Neverthe- how to analyse all these information together.
less, more controlled and standardized studies are These new data mostly results from new scientific
needed to access the real impact of these players in fields designed by adding omics suffix (Fig. 1), such
the obesity. as genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, proteo-
mics and metabolomics. Integrative omics analyses
refer to the combination of at least two different
Integration of multi-omics data types of these omics, and appear essential to under-
on obesity stand the underlying mechanisms and to discover
The genomics era yielded several advances on the new pathways involved in obesity and other condi-

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understanding of the genetic susceptibility to obes- tions affecting human health. There are still few
ity. However, despite the huge advances on this studies based on this approach regarding the obes-
field there is still a missing gap between the previous ity condition. However, some studies could be
heritability studies (~47–80% of BMI) and BMI- found reporting the integration of two sets of omics
associated loci identified until now (<3% of BMI). data such as the expression of quantitative trait loci
Generally, these genomic studies are based on single (eQTL) or the methylation-QTL (meQTL). Using
genetic association and are not looking at the this approach, Smemo and colleagues86 found that
whole-exome/genome level. The recent advance on variants within introns of FTO gene are function-
technology resulted in a growing number of bio- ally connected with the homeobox 3 gene (IRX3)
logical data, and from now on the main issue is expression. In mouse, Irx3-deficiency reduce body

Fig. 1 Schematic representation of an integrated multi-omics approach, which combine genom-

ics (access to DNA sequence), epigenomics (access to DNA methylation, histone modifications
and microRNA), transcriptomics (access to mRNA sequence and level of expression), proteomics
(access to protein sequence), and metabolomics (access to metabolites). All the data need to be
analysed using a bioinformatics tools. Inter-individual variations along any of these omics levels
contribute to the wide range of phenotype variability observed in human subjects.
170 D. Albuquerque et al., 2017, Vol. 123

weight of 25–30%.86 Another study analysing 52 obesity by epigenetic mechanisms. Thus, the underlying
known obesity-associated polymorphisms, identi- causes for obesity are far more complex, involving
fied alleles at 28 of these polymorphisms associated social and cultural aspects, and at a more biological
with methylation levels at 107 proximal CpG sites context involving epigenetics mechanisms, regulation
regulation in peripheral blood.87 The interaction of food intake, and even the contribution of the gut
between polymorphisms and methylation mechan- microbiota.
isms is very important to understand the overall Future studies focusing on gene–lifestyle interac-
molecular basis associated with a trait. Individual’s tions, genetics or environment factors will defini-
carrying the TT genotype for the rs17782313 poly- tively help to understand the complex architecture

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morphism near MC4R gene has been identified as of obesity onset and development.
having promotor hypermethylation and decreased
expression of MC4R.88
Our diet compositions changed drastically from
the time humans were hunter-gatherers. The indus- This study was performed in part with the support of
trialized food brought new bioactive molecules of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) (UID/
determinant nutrients that may influences tran- ANT/00283/2013). David Albuquerque as a Post-
scripts, proteins or metabolites. Several obesity sus- Doc fellowship (SFRH/BPD/109043/2015) from
ceptibility genes were found to interact with dietary FCT. Clévio Nóbrega is funded by FCT, Portugal,
carbohydrates increasing BMI when one or more the French Muscular Dystrophy Association, France.
servings are consumed per day.78
The integration of several multi-omics datasets
Conflict of interest statement
might lead to the detection of new obesity-related
genes and the molecular pathways underlying this The authors have no potential conflicts of interest
condition. A recent study using a porcine model to declare.
identified several pathways and potential causal
genes for obesity integrating genomics and tran- References
scriptomics data.89 Further validation is needed,
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