Predictor Paper-2

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1. Read the passage given below:
(1) Vanilla is the second most expensive spice in the world, after saffron, a result of its
long and labour intensive cultivation. Parts of the orchid family, vanilla beans are
hand-pollinated on family farms. Each flower opens for only one part of a day during
the season, if it is not pollinated on that day, no pod is produced. Once picked, the
curing process, which involves drying the beans in the sun by day and allowing them to
sweat in a box at night, takes three to six months. The main producers of food grade
vanilla, known as black vanilla because of the colour of the dried pods, are
Madagascan, followed by Mexico and Tahiti. Vanilla from each country has its own
distinctive characteristics but it is Madagascan vanilla that produces the creamy, sweet
flavour beloved of Britons.
(2) One can get vanilla extract all over the world but Madagascan vanilla is
chosen because it has the greatest depth of flavour. There are three main
commercial preparations of whole beans, powder and extract. Extract, is
sold by the "fold"---- a unit that denotes the weight of vanilla beans per
gallon. Silver Spoon, which distributes the American Nielsen-Massey vanilla
brand in the U.K., said: “The market price of vanilla has risen over the past
12 months and sharply over the last 12 weeks. This has been driven largely by
a poor quality harvest in Madagascar. Soaring prices will hurt companies
that use the ingredient in everything from soft drinks to cakes and perfumes.
But the pain will be felt most acutely by ice-cream makers, as it is the most
expensive ingredient in the production process and some will be forced to
pass on the increased cost to consumers.
(3) When prices are high, market experts say, farmers are tempted to pick
beans early. That leads to a less intense flavour, compounding problems in
the market. The high-value crop is also a target for criminals. There are
reports that vanilla farmers in Madagascar harvested their 2015 crop
prematurely, in fear of losing their production to thieves. This, coupled with
inadequate drying in order to increase profits from their crop has led to lower
quality vanilla. The combination of high prices and poor quality means some
manufacturers are turning to synthetic alternatives. But many food brands
are not open to using artificial flavourings.
(4) Vanilla is every ice-cream company's biggest-selling product. You can
bring out a niche flavour but vanilla will still be on top. You've just got to take
the hit on it because customers would notice the difference.
Answer the following questions, based on the passage
(A) Based on the information in the passage, which
emotion best describes a customer's reaction upon trying
a product made with Madagascan vanilla?
(a) Pleasure
(b) Disappointment
(c) Indifference
(d) Confusion
(B) What is the significance of vanilla to
ice- cream companies, as mentioned in
the passage?
(a) It is their most expensive ingredient.
(b) It is used to create other flavors.
(c) It is a low-cost flavoring option.
(d) It is rarely used in ice cream
(C) Share evidence from the text, in about 40 words
to support the view that the writer's writing style is
(D) Complete the sentence appropriately with a
characteristic or its description. Based on the
information given in the excerpt, one can infer that
vanilla ____________
(E) Choose the two most expensive spices
in the world from the options given.
(a) vanilla
(b) saffron
(c) clove
(d) cinnamon
(e) cardamom
(F) Explain, in about 40 words, why the name "The
Significance and Market Dynamics of Vanilla Production"
would be considered appropriate?
(G) In the line, 'Vanilla is the second most expensive spice
in the world, after saffron, a result of its long and labour
intensive cultivation.', what does intensive refers to?
(H) How might consumers react to the rising prices of
vanilla, as mentioned in the passage? What impact could
this have on their choices?
(I) Read the five headlines (I)-(V), given below:
(a) Only (a)
(b) (b) (c) and (d)
(c) Only (e)
(d) (a) and (e)
2. Read the passage given below.
(1) At a time when younger people are privileging smartphones, television and video
games over other sources of entertainment, a nearly 55-year-old museum housing
thousands of dolls from across the globe is still maintaining its old world charm
and attracting not only children and teenagers, but also the visitors of all age
groups not surprising, as it actually transports you into a world where you can
forget the woes of the present.
(2) With over 7,500 dolls on display, Shankar's International Dolls Museum in the
capital not only entertains children but also teaches them about art, culture and
costumes of different cultures. The idea of dolls collection was born when eminent
political cartoonist and journalist K. Shankar Pillai, better known simply as
Shankar, received one as a gift from the Hungarian Ambassador in the early 1950s.
(3) "Shankar fell so much in love with the doll that he began to collect costume dolls whenever he
visited any country. Soon, he was able to collect a good number of dolls as his visits to foreign
nations were frequent. He began to exhibit the dolls across the country after he was able to collect
a good number, but the frequent packing and unpacking was damaging the dolls. Then the idea
emerged of a permanent space for the dolls and that is how the museum was set-up. The museum
is located in Nehru House on Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg in the building that houses the Children's
Book Trust, which was also set- up by Shankar. The museum began in 1965 with 1,000 dolls.
(4) Now there are more than 7,500 from over 85 countries. The museum has the largest number of
costume dolls in the world. Divided into two equal halves, one section of the museum is dedicated
to Western countries like the UK, the US, Australia and New Zealand, and also the
Commonwealth of Independent States and the other half to Asian, African and Middle-East
countries, and also India. Several countries gifted dolls to the museum to represent their country's
culture. Apart from those dolls received in exchange, there are a good number of dolls made at the
workshop attached to the museum, including authentic Indian dolls in traditional attire. The dolls
are sent as "return gifts" for the dolls gifted by various countries.
Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.
(A) Infer two possible ways that the information, mentioned in
paragraph (4) could be beneficial. Answer in about 40 words.
(B) Choose an option that states a reason behind other foreign
countries sending their traditional dolls as a 'gift' to the Shankar
(a) To have a great business with India
(b) To represent their tradition and culture
(c) To repay the help they receive from India
(d) To provide it to under-privileged children
(C) What does Shankar giving a 'return gift' to
the foreign countries suggest?
(D) What according to the passage was causing
the damage to dolls in the museum?
(a) Exhibitions across the country
(b) Frequent packing and unpacking
(c) Space scarcity
(d) Large volume of the dolls
(E) Which of the following is an example
of privilege, as mentioned in the passage?
(a) Access to educational resources
(b) Owning a smartphone, television, or
video game console
(c) Participation in cultural events
(d) Visiting museums frequently
(F) In which city is Shankar's international Dolls
Museum situated?
(G) Complete the sentence appropriately.
Authentic Indian dolls in traditional attire were
created, this may be due to ___________
(H) State TRUE or FALSE.
The title, "The Story of Shankar's International Dolls
Museum", is appropriate for this passage.
3. Attempt ANY ONE of two, in about 50 words. You
are Kavita Kumari, class monitor of XII, St. Hopkins
School. The class teacher has decided to take the
students on an excursion to the Rail museum in the
Delhi. Draft a notice in not more than 50 words,
asking the interested students to submit their names
and the fare for the same.
You are Ravish Nanda, the Secretary of Green
Park Apartments, Aligarh. You see that many
residents of the society are not wearing a mask.
They are socialising with their friends and
relatives. As a Secretary of the society, write a
notice in not more than 50 words to warn the
residents for the same.
4. On 30th December your school is going to
hold its annual sports day. You want Mrs.
Rajni Patni, a noted hockey player to give away
the prizes to the budding sports- persons of the
school. Write a formal invitation in about 50
words requesting her to grace the occasion.
You are Riya/Ramesh, Sports Secretary, Delhi
Public School, New Delhi.
You are Shlok Mehta, the captain of your
school basketball team in Raipur. You have
received an invitation from Holy Public
School, Thane, to play a friendly exhibition
match at their stadium. Write a formal reply
to it.
5. Attempt ANY ONE of two, in about 120-150 words.
You are Amit/Amita, head of Environment Club, Mary
High School, Mathura. You and your club visited
Ranthambore National Park, Rajasthan. You found how
the tourists abuse the available facilities and thus
endanger the environment. Write a letter in 120-150
words to the editor of a national daily highlighting the
situation. Suggest ways through which the environment
of the Park can be saved.
You are Raj/Rajni Shah, Amore International, Mohali
requires Accounts Officer
21/3, Guru Street, Mohali. Qualification: M. Com.
Experience: Minimum 5 years
You have read the Job requirement: Maintaining
books of ac- counts, preparation
advertisement given below. of Balance Sheet, etc. Salary: Best

Write an application in in the Industry

Apply to: HR Manager, Al 4/N,
120-150 words along with a New South Plaza, Mohali
Contact: 9214XXXXXXX
6. Attempt ANY ONE of two, in
about 120-150 words.
Cricket Champion
You are the Sports Captain of
Chief Guest March
Delhi Public School, Jhansi. The
Past by Houses
annual sports were con- ducted
Competitions for
last month in your school. Write
Juniors and seniors
a re- port in 120-150 words on
Winners awarded at
the conduct of the same. You
the end
are Nimesh/Nimita.
Use the given cues:
Travel serves as an invaluable source of education, enriching one's
understanding of the world in multifaceted ways. Beyond the
traditional classroom, it offers profound lessons in manners, customs,
languages, and history, ultimately broadening the horizons of one's
social and cultural awareness. Write an article on "Travel, an Important
Source of Education". Use the given cues along with your own ideas to
compose this article.

Importance of travelling + Benefits to the students

Practical based learning

7. Read the given extracts and answer the questions

for ANY ONE of the two given. 1x6-6
Aunt Jennifer's tigers prance across a screen, Bright
topaz denizens of a world of green. They do not fear
the men beneath the tree; They pace in sleek chivalric
(Aunt's Jennifer Tigers)
(A) Which of the following themes is best
represented in the given extract?
(a) Gender roles and oppression
(b) Freedom and independence
(c) The beauty of tigers
(d) The beauty of the forests
(B) State whether the given statement is
TRUE or FALSE, with reference to the
By using the phrase "world of green," the
poet emphasises the lush and vibrant
natural environment in which the tigers
(C) Complete the sentence appropriately.
The fearlessness of Aunt Jennifer's tigers is an apt
analogy for women independence because ______
(D) The use of the word 'chivalric' depict the
tigers as brave and ferocious creatures. This
creates a powerful image of_______
(E) Identify the rhyme scheme in the given
(F) Which of the following statements is NOT true about the
use of the punctuation (;) at the end of line 3 in the extract?
(a) The semicolon (;) separates two closely related
independent clauses. (b) The semicolon (;) is used to create a
pause and emphasise a contrast.
(c) The semicolon (;) indicates a stronger pause than a comma
but not as strong as a period.
(d) The semicolon (;) connects two un- related ideas within
the same sentence.
Those who prepare green wars,
wars with gas, wars with fire, victory with no survivors,
would put on clean clothes
and walk about with their
in the shade, doing nothing
(Keeping Quiet)
(A) The poet describes the desired emotional
state when people stop their activities for a
moment as:
(a) happiness
(b) anger
(c) appreciation
(d) introspection
(B) What does the use of the word 'green wars' suggest?
(C) Select the word that WILL NOT complete the
sentence appropriately.
The mention of different wars creates a vivid image of
(a) chaos
(b) destruction
(c) harmony
(d) mayhem
(D) State whether the given statement is TRUE or FALSE.
The poetic device used in 'clean clothes' is the same as the
one used in the line, 'wars with gas, wars with fire'.
(E) What message does the line "Victory with no
survivors" highlight in the context of devastation caused
by wars?
(F) Complete the sentence appropriately.
The line, 'and walk about with their brothers' suggests
8. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the
two given. 1x4=4
For a sun-worshipping South Indian like myself, two weeks in a place
where 90 per cent of the Earth's total ice volumes are stored is a chilling
prospect (not just for circulatory and metabolic functions, but also for
the imagination). It's like walking into a giant ping-pong ball devoid of
any human markers -----no trees, billboards, buildings. You lose all
earthly sense of perspective and time here. The visual scale ranges from
the microscopic to the mighty: midges and mites to blue whales and
icebergs as big as countries (the largest recorded was the size of Belgium.
(Journey to the End of the Earth)
(A) How does the author's use of the line "giant ping-pong
ball devoid of any human markers" convey the extreme
isolation of the continent?
(B) What can you infer about the author's emotions when
mentioning the size of icebergs? The author likely feels
(a) disinterested
(b) awestruck
(c) curious
(d) overwhelmed
(C) The analogy of time travel is an
appropriate analogy for describing
Tishani Doshi's purpose of visiting
Antarctica because_______
(D) Give one reason why the writing style
of the extract can be called descriptive.
The chief astrologer placed his finger on his nose in wonder. A baby
barely ten days old opens its lips in speech!
Not only that, it also raises intelligent questions! Incredible! Rather
like the bulletins issued by the war office, than facts. The chief
astrologer took his finger off his nose and fixed his eyes upon the
little prince.
"The prince was born in the hour of the Bull. The Bull and the Tiger
are enemies, therefore, death comes from the Tiger," he explained.
(The Tiger King)
(A) Complete the sentence appropriately.
The author's purpose in using exaggeration, is to _______
(B) In the given extract, what emotion was the chief
astrologer feeling when he says, 'Not only that, it also raises
intelligent questions! Incredible!' ?
(a) Grief
(b) Curiosity
(c) Excited
(d) Disbelief
(C) Which trait is the astrologer
lauding when he says, 'A baby barely
ten days old opens its lips in
(D) How is the given extract an
example of irony?
9. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of
the two given. 1x6=6
Months passed. Shukla was sitting on his haunches at the appointed
spot in Calcutta when Gandhi arrived; he waited till Gandhi was free.
Then the two of them boarded a train for the city of Patna in Bihar.
There Shukla led him to the house of a lawyer named Rajendra
Prasad who later became President of the Congress party and of
India. Rajendra Prasad was out of town, but the servants knew
Shukla as a poor yeoman who pestered their master to help the indigo
sharecroppers. So they let him stay on the grounds with his
companion, Gandhi, whom they took to be another peasant. (Indigo)
(A) List one sensory detail present in this extract.
(B) Why did the servants "let him stay on the
(a) As they were not allowed inside the house.
(b) As they were peasants.
(c) As they were untouchables.
(d) As they were arrogant.
(C) The line, 'he waited till Gandhi was free.'
suggests about Shukla's characteristic trait
(D) Pick evidence from the extract that helps one
infer that untouchability was practised in India.
(E) What does the term yeoman' in the extract
(F) Which of the following headlines best
suggests the central idea of the extract?
(a) The harsh reality of the poor ones
(b) The result of determination
(c) The anxiety of an oppressed
(d) The role of confidence
On Saturday they made their weekly pilgrimage to watch United.
Sophie and her father and little Derek went down near the goal -
Geoff, as always, went with his mates higher up. United won two-
nil and Casey drove in the second goal, a blend of innocence and
Irish genius, going round the two big defenders on the edge of
the penalty area, with her father screaming for him to pass, and
beating the hesitant goalkeeper from a dozen yards. Sophie
glowed with pride. Afterwards Geoff was ecstatic.
(Going Places)
(A) What effect does the writer's use of the phrase
"Irish genius" have on the reader's understanding of
Danny Casey's performance?
(B) The line, 'Geoff, as always, went with his mates
higher up." can be best classified as a/an:
(a) Assertion
(b) Denial
(c) Inference
(d) Theme
(C) Explain any one possible inference that
can be drawn from the line, '... they made
their weekly pilgrimage to watch United"
(D) Identify the line from the text that
bears evidence to the fact that Geoff was
not very close to his family and lived in his
own world.
(E) Based on the context provided in the extract, select the most likely
comment Sophie would have made if the team wouldn't have won the
(a) Wow! this calls for a celebration
(b) I'll not watch football ever again
(c) I can't believe they lost; it's so frustrating!
(d) I don't really care about the out- come, as long as they played their
(F) Complete the sentence with ONE word.
The phrase Sophie glowed with pride, suggests that her pride is the
result of her sense of_______with Danny.
10. Attempt ANY FIVE of the following six questions in about
40-50 words each. 5x2=10
(A) From the story, "The Lost Spring" what can you infer about
the relationship between the authorities and the bangle sellers?
(B) How does the writer in the story, "The Rattrap" use vivid
imagery to depict the peddler's situation when he gets lost in
the forest?
(C) In the story, "The Last Lesson", the village elders were
sitting in the classroom on the last day of the lesson. How does
this contribute to the overall tone and mood of the story?
(D) Aunt Jennifer didn't have the courage to walk out of her
oppressive marriage so she embroidered the tigers on a panel.
What message does the poet give to the women readers through
the depiction of tigers?
(E) When Umberto Eco says, "I work in empty spaces", what
could he have meant?
(F) Getting rid of fear is an extremely difficult task. Douglas,
despite the bad experience he had at the YMCA pool, remained
determined to overcome his fear of water. How does the story
"Deep Water" reveal the importance of focusing on one's goal?
11. Attempt ANY TWO of the following three questions in about 40-50 words
each. 2x2=4
(A) How can we say that the writer has effectively portrayed the severe prejudice
that prevailed towards Native American culture through the struggles faced by
(B) How does the story, "Journey to the End of the Earth" suggest about the
importance of controlling our negative actions before its too late?
(C) Answer the question in the context of the
following lines from "The Enemy".
"The kindest thing would be to put him back into the sea," Hana said. But
neither of them moved. They were staring with curious repulsion upon the inert
figure" Justify the Sadao and Hana cared about the soldier but were worried
about the consequences of being considerate.
12. Attempt ANY ONE of the following two questions in about 120-150 words. 1x5=5
The poem, "Aunt Jennifer Tigers" is a description of the life of a typical housewife. Imagine you are the
mother in the poem "My Mother at Sixty-six". What advice might you offer to Kamala Das in the context
of her conflicted emotions, as displayed in the given lines -
but all I said was, see you soon,
all I did was smile and smile and
Pen down your advice, in a letter to Kamala Das
You may begin this way:
Dear Kamala,
I recently read your poem and...
You may end this way:
I hope this advice is helpful to you. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to
support you.
Aunt Jennifer
In the story "Going Places", Sophie is portrayed as the one with an imaginative mind. On the
other hand, Jansie was realistic in nature. Despite knowing about Sophie's nature, she
accepted her as her best friend and, in many instances, tried to show her the harsh reality of
In the story "The Rattrap", Edla Willmanson, despite knowing the reality of the rattrap seller,
accepts him for who he is.
You have been asked to address your peers and share-the importance of accepting people for
who they are.
Compose this draft with reference to the prescribed texts listed above.
You may begin this way:
Good morning, everyone.
As I analysed the allotted texts...
You may end up this way.
To conclude, I'd like to say that...
13. Attempt ANY ONE of the following two
questions in about 120-150 words. 1x5=5
Imagine that you come across Louisa's
diary. What might you find in it about the
third level? Compose at least one diary entry
based on any of the events from the story,
"The Third Level".
You visited a wildlife sanctuary recently and
were appalled at the condition of the
sanctuary and the plight of the animals
there. Taking reference from the story, "The
Tiger King" create a diary entry, expressing
your thoughts and feelings.

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