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You are asked to come up with a critically worded and layed out presentation on How

Hollywood and LA decide what’s cool for you (Critical of Hollywood’s influence on the world)
The presentation should provide a critical assessment of California and its impact and
influence on the world around it.
The presentation needs to go beyond California to address the items laid out trying to expand
the conversation to cultural critique, political analysis, media analysis, social criticism

Slide 1: Introduction ( soit sarah soit hablouj)

[Slide Title: Hollywood, LA, and the Global Pursuit of "Cool"]
Today, we embark on a journey to dissect the captivating allure and pervasive
influence of Hollywood and Los Angeles, two iconic entities that have intricately
woven themselves into the fabric of global culture. The spotlight will be on the
fascinating yet critical question: How do Hollywood and LA decide what's cool for

Slide 2: Hollywood's Global Dominance (MIMI)

[Slide Title: Hollywood's Rise and Global Impact]

Hollywood's historic rise in the 20th century established it as the epicenter of

American cinema, with the studio system and the Golden Age solidifying its
dominance. Its global reach is seen in the widespread appeal of Hollywood films,
contributing significantly to cultural globalization. The concept of cultural
imperialism arises as Hollywood exports American values globally, potentially
homogenizing diverse narratives. Economically, Hollywood is a powerhouse, shaping
global film markets and stimulating the American economy. However, concerns arise
regarding corporate control, as major studios influence creativity, diversity, and
representation, impacting global storytelling. Hollywood's influence on global
entertainment trends sets standards for cinematic storytelling worldwide.

Slide 3: Manufacturing Coolness (MIMI)

[Slide Title: Hollywood's Role in Shaping "Cool"]

Hollywood significantly shapes perceptions of coolness, influencing fashion trends

and lifestyle choices globally. The industry's portrayal of characters and celebrity
personas constructs aspirational images that impact societal ideas of what is
considered cool. However, this influence is not without challenges. Hollywood's role
in shaping beauty ideals contributes to unrealistic standards, and instances of
cultural appropriation further complicate its impact, reinforcing stereotypes and
eroding cultural integrity. In essence, Hollywood's influence plays a central role in
constructing societal norms related to coolness, beauty, and lifestyle.
Slide 4: The California Dream LINA Ouchi
[Slide Title: Illusion and Reality of the California Dream]

The California Dream embodies:

- success, wealth, and glamour associated with the Golden State
→ perpetuated by Hollywood's cinematic illusions
However, the lived reality for residents reveals:
- socio-economic challenges, housing disparities, and societal pressures.
Hollywood's portrayal influences migration, attracting individuals to the dream's
glamorous lifestyle.
This pursuit clashes with sustainability, perpetuates social inequality through affluent
portrayals, and poses challenges for diverse communities, including economic
disparities and gentrification.
The dissonance between the dream's illusion and the nuanced realities of California
is evident.

Slide 5: Cultural Critique

[Slide Title: Hollywood's Impact on Diversity and Representation]

Hollywood's representation of diversity deserves critique for perpetuating

stereotypes and typecasting, influencing self-perception and societal norms. While
positive representation initiatives have made strides, Hollywood's historical lack of
diversity necessitates industry responsibility to challenge norms and foster
inclusivity. The global impact of Hollywood's portrayals is substantial, making it
imperative to consider intersectionality in media for nuanced and authentic
representations. In essence, a critical examination underscores the need for positive
change, responsibility, and inclusive media representation.

Slide 6: Political Analysis

[Slide Title: Hollywood's Political Influence]

Hollywood gets involved in politics and supports certain ideas and people. It says
that this involvement is important because Hollywood has a lot of influence around
the world.

​ Politics and Endorsements: In the 2016 U.S. presidential election, many

Hollywood celebrities openly endorsed either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump,
using their platform to support their preferred candidate and political party.
​ Influence in the World: Films like "The Avengers" and "Jurassic World" are not
only popular in the United States but also in countries around the world. These
movies can shape people's opinions and perceptions of American culture and

​ Controversial Ideas and Censorship: The film "The Interview," which depicted
the fictional assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, sparked
international controversy and led to cyberattacks on Sony Pictures. Some
argued that the film should not have been made due to its potentially
inflammatory content.

​ Big Companies' Role: Disney, one of the largest media conglomerates, owns
Marvel Studios, Lucasfilm, and Pixar Animation Studios, among others. This
gives Disney significant influence over what movies get made and distributed,
potentially limiting the diversity of voices and perspectives in Hollywood.

​ Speaking Up for Issues: After the #MeToo movement gained momentum,
many Hollywood actors and actresses spoke out against sexual harassment
and abuse in the entertainment industry, leading to widespread discussions
and efforts to address these issues.

​ Global Perception: Hollywood movies often portray American values such as
freedom, individualism, and democracy. For example, films like "Captain
America: The First Avenger" and "Saving Private Ryan" showcase American
heroes and ideals, shaping how audiences around the world perceive the
United States and its role in global affairs.

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