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100 more encounters

1. While trekking through the wilderness the characters come upon a Mr. Handy wearing a
hunters cap and wielding a shotgun in his pincers. Upon noticing the characters, he shushes
them and tells them to be “Very, very quiet, I’m hunting Radrabbits.” Upon doing so a
Radrabbit jumps out of the grass startling the Mr. Handy who fires his shotgun wildly
possibly hitting the characters in the process.
2. Late at night the players see a couple of suspicious men sneak into a Brahmin enclosure
where they start to tip the brahmin over before running away laughing hysterically.
3. While walking through the wilderness a metal canister marked with Chinese letters falls
from the sky out of nowhere. If opened it contains a Chinese propaganda poster.
4. While walking through the wilderness the characters are startled when they suddenly hear a
loud radio broadcast being broadcasted throughout the area with no sources in sight.
5. While walking down a highway the characters see corpses littering the road an in the cars.
These are not corpses but feral ghouls and unless the characters are very careful they will
awaken and attack.
6. A Protectron wearing a Super-Duper mart logo and a Super-Duper Mart Cap walks over to
the players handing out coupons for the grand opening.
7. An old man runs over the path in front of the players with a shovel and a stick of lit
dynamite. He frantically digs a hole and drops the dynamite carelessly down into it nearly
catching the players in the blast. Before the players can ask what is going on a swarm of
mole rats comes out of the ground below the players feet.
8. A man tries to sell the players vegetables that glows green with radiation. Even touching the
stuff can cause radiation sickness but the man seems unaffected.
9. The players see a super mutant arm wrestling with an assaultron. They ignore the players as
they look intensely at each other.
10. Two eyebots painted in different colours flies overhead spurting different commercial
messages one for Nuka Cola the other for Vim. They bump into each other as if fighting for
11. A man comes riding on a colossal Radroach as big as a horse.
12. A Mr. Gutsy wakes the pc’s up from their sleep in their camp with a revelry demanding they
stand attention ready for inspection. If they do as he says he will put them through an entire
military exercise routine. If they don’t follow orders he will attack.
13. The pc’s come upon a beach where nude ghouls are bathing in the radioactive water and
enjoying the sun.
14. Two men are standing over a car, one has his head under the hood. They ask the players if
they have any spare parts. If the players give them a reasonable number of parts, they will
reward them with some food. The players can also try to help them fix the car in which case
they give them even more food and may give them a lift to the nearest town.
15. The characters move past a swimming pool. If they look into the water, they see dozens of
corpses chained to the bottom, then the corpses start to move, they are feral ghouls who
somehow still lives.
16. Out from the coast the players hear a sad lonely violin play and they see a man standing on a
sinking ship playing the violin as he gets sucked down into the water.
17. The players hear terrible screaming and crunching sounds. When they find the source of the
sound, they see a supermutant forcing a living human into a meatbag breaking all of his
bones while he’s still alive.
18. A man offers the players ten caps to listen to his story. He is a terrible and boring storyteller
painfully retelling every detail of his life. The man is a synth and don’t need to sleep and his
story goes on forever and he refuse to stop becoming violent if they players refuse to listen.
19. A man in a flamboyant outfit wielding a sword jumps out in front of the players and
challenges the player with the lowest luck to a duel to the death for no apparent reason.
20. As the pc’s are crossing a wetland, they start to hear a deafening buzzing as hundreds of
bloodbugs emerge from the surrounding area ready to mate. Most are busy following
natures call but a few have their eyes set on the players.
21. The pc’s here gunshots and screaming. They see a horde of feral ghouls clawing at the junk
walls of a small, barricaded outpost. A lone man manning the barricades with his pipe gun
and combat knife. Unless the pc’s intervenes, the man will have no chance of survival.
22. The pc’s see a huge Radscorpion laying unmoving on the ground. Upon further inspection it’s
just an empty husk, but freshly molted.
23. The pc’s spot a safe hanging precariously from a chain on a tree branch over a body of highly
irradiated deep water. Climbing out on the branch would be slippery and dangerous but the
safe could contain something valuable.
24. A group of well-armed super mutants say they will let the pc’s go in peace if they can beat
their leader in unarmed combat.
25. The community the pc’s are visiting are under the tyrannical rule of their robotic overlords
and are treated as slaves by the robots in town. The robots will try to force the pc’s to bow
to them and submit to the rule of the Robobrain running the town.
26. A farmer offers the pc’s some caps to help him milk his glowing brahmin. The brahmin
glowing one is highly radioactive and milking it will subject the pc’s to immense radiation. If
the pc’s ask why he needs the undrinkable fluorescent milk the farmer says he uses it to
create cheese that are popular amongst ghouls.
27. The pc’s hear a low hum and spot a vertibird parked nearby. The engines still running but no
one else in sight.
28. The pc’s find a set of alphabet blocks laid out in their path. The blocks spell out the pc’s
names and “I’m watching you”.
29. A group of raiders are having a barbecue roasting human body parts on their grills.
30. The pc’s find a roadsign with an arrow pointing the direction the pc’s are heading from
reading “the past” and an arrow pointing further up the road the pc’s are heading reading
“the future”.
31. A group of feral ghoul children are sitting fixated watching a tv showing old vault-tec
propaganda movies. They will only attack if disturbed or the tv is turned off.
32. The pc’s spot strange lights hovering the sky above them during night. Then everything urns
black. When they come to their senses the pc’s are in a completely different area and it’s
33. A man in full power armor stop the pc’s and demand they give up any advanced technology
they have proclaiming it is the property of the Brotherhood of steel.
34. As one of the pc’s are trying to bite down on his food an energy ray comes out of nowhere
disintegrating the food in their hand. No source for the attack can be found.
35. A fortune teller offers to read the pc’s their future by examining their brains. He literally
wants to cut open their scalps and prod at their brains.
36. A traveller has made a train of shopping carts drawn by a brahmin and are offering people a
ride on his “train” for a few caps.
37. A middle-aged fat man runs up to the pc’s all giddy and ask if they can sign their autographs
on his belly.
38. A super mutant behemoth dressed as a dinosaur suddenly comes rampaging through town
39. The pc’s find a community of ghouls where everyone is dressed identically, has the same
haircuts, and speaks in unison in the same monotone voice.
40. A man runs up to the pc’s screaming “Why are you following me!” before running off
41. A supermutant starts to throw burning radioactive barrels at the pc’s from an elevated
42. The pc’s find a missing persons poster with an eerie resemblance of someone they killed
43. One of the pc’s nearly trips on a half-buried skeleton. If examined they realise the skeleton is
wearing the exact same outfit as them.
44. A herd of rampaging brahmin stampedes through town chased by a deathclaw
45. The pc’s are offered a chance to see the amazing synthetic man for a few caps. If they pay,
they are led into a tent where a naked man inside a glass cage sits on a chair.
46. The pc’s see a Pulowski preservation shelter secured with a chain and padlock. They hear
shuffling and cries of help from inside.
47. A lone supermutant comes down the road dragging a huge bag of meat and corpses behind
48. The pc’s get their hands on a holotape. When played it contains 1 hour of constant human
49. A ghoul driving an old schoolbus pulled by four brahmin offer the pc’s a lift.
50. A small group of brotherhood of steel soldiers have set up a guardpost on the road and are
having target practice against feral ghouls roaming nearby. They invite the players to a
friendly shooting competition.
51. The pc’s find a mysterious canister marked with the West-Tek logo. It contains a mysterious
glowing green liquid that emits radiation.
52. A supermutant and his friends attack, the mutant uses an armed mininuke attached to a
long metal pole as a bludgeoning weapon.
53. The pc’s find a starving lone mutant hound in a cage. If freed and offered some food it
becomes friendly and starts following the pc’s around. Otherwise, it is to weak to put up
much of a fight.
54. The pc’s radio briefly tunes into an unknown radio station where the DJ dedicates the next
song to the pc’s by name.
55. A man in a suit carrying a briefcase comes over to the pc’s and hands them a piece of paper
and tells them they are being sued by someone they have wronged earlier (the family of
someone they have killed, someone they injured in a fight etc.).
56. A couple of ghouls, one carrying a camera, asks the pc’s if they can tag along and report their
57. A caravan with cages filled with feral ghouls cross paths with the pc’s. If asked about what
they are doing with the ghouls they remain tight lipped.
58. The pc’s meet a robot Nuka cola vending machine that offers Nuka cola in return for tokens.
59. The pc’s meet a trio consisting of a super mutant, a ghoul and a Mr. Handy calling
themselves Larry, Curly and Moe. The group are constantly bickering and hitting each other
in hilarious slapstick fashion but are not hostile.
60. A group of Children of Atom carrying barrels of radioactive waste will try to force the pc’s
into the barrels to “bless” them with the gifts of atom.
61. When traveling the pc’s are suddenly hit by raining bloody body parts and gore. If
investigated they find a bunch of nearby raiders having fun dismembering their victims and
shooting their body parts out of a junk jet.
62. More and more Mr. Handy’s approach the pc’s soon surrounding them. All they can say are
“good day sir!” and they start to get increasingly intrusive. They are impossible to
communicate with and attack at the slightest sign of provocation.
63. When crossing an overpass the ground suddenly starts to shift precariously as the entire
structure starts to collapse.
64. While walking down a highway filled with abandoned and broken-down cars, the pc’s
suddenly hear the roar of an engine behind them and are illuminated by a cars headlights.
65. The pc’s come upon a security door connected to a terminal that cannot be hacked. Instead,
they have to successfully answer the A.I controlling the terminal’s riddle. (visit for examples of riddles)
66. An eyebot starts following the pc’s recording and repeating everything they say.
67. A sentry bot is desperately trying to climb a set of stairs in a high rise building to get to the
raiders above.
68. A bloated dead brahmin suddenly bursts open as 1d6 bloatflies emerge from the carcass.
69. In the building the pc’s are exploring someone has rigged a pit trap with a hungry
radscorpion waiting at the bottom.
70. The player’s see a gang of raiders riding motorcycles, dragging chained prisoners behind
them leaving bloody stripes along the road while the prisoners scream in agony.
71. A gang of tech-savvy raiders are using eyebots rigged with explosives to waylay travellers.
72. The roof above the pc’s collapses as a sentry bot falls through almost crushing the pc’s. Then
the sentry bot attacks.
73. A group of supermutants have managed to commander a brotherhood of steel tank and will
attack anyone they see.
74. A vertibird flies over head with a banner reading “will you marry me” trailing behind it.
75. Someone is operating a crane with a gripclaw using it to throw cars randomly about. Some
of them are heading in the pc’s direction.
76. A raider gang has set up a network of sprinklers connected to a sensor. When the pc’s
trigger the sensors the sprinklers shower the pc’s in fuel and then the flamer trap goes off.
77. Hundreds of manikins are placed around town as if enacting normal everyday business. They
can easily be mistaken as living people at a distance, something the local raider gang use to
their advantage.
78. A perfectly preserved pie sits in the window of a totally ruined building.
79. Someone has drawn a pentagram using bodyparts and blood. It is surrounded by garden
80. A deathclaw and a Yao-guai is fighting and are to busy to notice the pc’s, maybe…..
81. The pc’s come upon a group of supermutants using grenades made from human skulls.
82. A doctor offers free healing using his new experimental drug
83. A blindman follows an eyebot on a leash using it to guide his way.
84. Several crosses are lined up along the side of the road. Each cross has a feral ghoul crucified
on it.
85. A Mr. Handy invites the pc’s for some barbecue. They see the robot is roasting a human alive
with its flamer and cutting of pieces of his flesh with his buzzsaw offering them to the pc’s.
86. A radroach is hissing at the pc’s. Before they can deal with it a man comes rushing out
screaming to them to not harm his baby. He lifts it up and comforts it like it was a baby.
87. The room the pc’s enter are filled with radroaches painted in colorful patterns.
88. The pc’s enters a shop that sells pickled human body parts in sealed jars.
89. The pc’s see a ghoul trying on different human faces while looking in a mirror. If approached
he will take a morbid fascination with the pc’s faces trying to touch them. If the ghouls camp
is investigated, they see several human corpses with their faces removed.
90. A supermutant challenges the pc’s to a drinking competition.
91. A Protectron sexbot offers the pc’s its services.
92. The pc’s come upon a burial ceremony held by robots of various kinds. A Mr. Handy wearing
a widow’s wail is crying while a Protectron painted as a priest holds a sermon. The broken
remains of a Mr. Handy is being lowered into the ground.
93. While exploring a building the pc’s come across a therapists office. Inside a Mr. Handy is
taking notes while psychoanalyzing a feral ghoul tied to a chair.
94. A Mr. Gutsy comes charging into one of the pc’s pushing him over screaming to the pc’s to
take cover while it is firing all its weapons wildly about. It rambles about the enemy
attacking from all sides and clearly has some sort of malfunction where it believes it is still in
the war.
95. A bunch of settlers have set up a huge cauldron filled with boiling water. They are lowering a
living mirelurk into it using a crane. They invite the pc’s to join them for dinner.
96. Out of nowhere a deathclaw comes charging at the pc’s only to be blown to pieces as a
vertibird comes to the pc’s rescue.
97. Out of nowhere a deathclaw comes charging at the pc’s. No one comes to their rescue.
98. A gang of raiders challenge the pc’s to a dance-off
99. The ground collapses under the pc’s feet as they are plunged into a mole rat den.
100. The robot circus is in town featuring Jingles the juggling sentry bot, winky and blinky
the amazing aerial acrobat eyebots, Rusty the assaultron clown and Mr. Zoo and his
Deathclaw Nibbles.

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