Anido-Jasper-John-E. - Preserving Heritage - E4r

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Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna

College of Engineering, Architecture, and Aviation

Contact No. (632) 520-8290 local 3006/ (0091763) 92289


25 TO 30 YEARS

A Research Proposal

Under the Supervision of


In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Course



Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna

College of Engineering, Architecture, and Aviation

Contact No. (632) 520-8290 local 3006/ (0091763) 92289

Chapter I

The Problem and its Background


The Sentrong Pangkultura ng Biñan is located at the heart of the town plaza in
the City of Biñan, province of Laguna. It houses the Biñan City Museum, Biñan City
Studies Center, and the Biñan City Culture, History, Arts and Tourism Office. Prior to
being the City's Cultural Center, the structure became the Casa Hacienda of the Friars
during the Spanish regime, a school during the American times, and a municipal hall in
the 1940s until 2010 then became a tourism office as a center for appreciation and
promotion of culture, history and arts dedicated to all Biñanenses. At some point in the
future, historic structures often face the risk of neglect, degradation, or outright
demolition as urbanization changes an area. However, the changing urban environment
presents a chance to preserve and revitalize these architectural treasures. This
potential is best shown by the Sentrong Pangkultura ng Biñan, which proudly represents
the rich cultural legacy of the city. Its architectural significance blends with its role as a
steward of regional stories, acting as a center for artistic expression, social events, and
historical reflection. For the benefit and enrichment of future generations, it is therefore
crucial to guarantee the landmark's preservation and lasting legacy.

As regards to the challenges facing the Sentrong Pangkultura ng Biñan, the

research proposes a holistic retrofitting plan. The proposal aims to preserve the site's
cultural and historical significance while improving its structural integrity and
functionality. The research will emphasize a careful balance between conservation and
adaptation, recognizing the importance of safeguarding the building's heritage value
while meeting modern needs. The approach prioritizes a deep understanding of the
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna

College of Engineering, Architecture, and Aviation

Contact No. (632) 520-8290 local 3006/ (0091763) 92289

site's architectural heritage and historical

context through thorough archival research and
engagement with local stakeholders. By
integrating this knowledge into the retrofitting
strategy, it will ensure that the interventions are
courteous of the building's original design and
cultural significance, ultimately contributing to
its preservation for future generations.

Background of the Study

Built by Dominican friars, Casa Hacienda served as both a tax collector's silo and
a storage facility for their harvests. This two-story, perfectly symmetrical bahay na bato,
which dates back two centuries, has evolved into a multipurpose building that has
housed many institutions for various purposes over the years. The historic structure in
Biñan had major changes when it was initially used as a school under the American
occupation and then as the city's municipal hall. In 2010, after a new city hall was built
in Barangay Zapote, the old municipal building was restored and turned into a museum
and library. After a new municipal hall was completed in Barangay Santo Domingo, the
structure was repurposed, with a portico decorated with seashell motifs and inscribed
with the words "MUNICIPALITY OF BIÑAN." Further changes led to the establishment
of the Sentrong Pangkultura ng Biñan in 2016, which now contains the museum, library,
and Biñan City Culture, History, Arts, and Tourism Office. The center serves as a hub for
cultural events and features monuments honoring notable residents as well as symbolic
depictions of Biñan's past, such as a city map bearing the phrase "The City of Life,"
which is in line with the center's new logo.
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna

College of Engineering, Architecture, and Aviation

Contact No. (632) 520-8290 local 3006/ (0091763) 92289

The historical significance of the Sentrong Pangkultura ng Biñan cannot be

overstated. It stands as a testament to the rich cultural heritage of the city, serving as a
repository of collective memory and identity for its residents. Over the years, the center
has hosted numerous events, ranging from traditional festivals and performances to
community gatherings and educational programs, making it a cherished space for
generations of Biñanenses. However, maintaining the center's structural integrity and
ability to accommodate and satisfy the changing needs of its users has proven difficult
due to aged infrastructure and shifting urban dynamics. To maintain its relevance and
functionality in the present day, the Sentrong Pangkultura ng Biñan now has to be
rejuvenated and retrofitted.

Preserving heritage structures such as the Sentrong Pangkultura ng Biñan is

crucial for safeguarding the city's cultural legacy and driving tourism and economic
growth. As a key tourist attraction, the center showcases Biñan's unique heritage and
draws visitors from far and wide. As a significant tourist attraction, the center plays a
crucial role in showcasing Biñan's unique heritage and attracting visitors from across the
region and beyond. It aims to propose a comprehensive retrofitting plan for the
Sentrong Pangkultura ng Biñan, balancing historical preservation with sustainability and
relevance for future generations. Therefore, to improve the structure's usefulness and
appeal to modern audiences, any retrofitting efforts must carefully balance maintaining
the historical authenticity of the building with introducing current amenities and
technologies aligned with sustainable planning.
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna

College of Engineering, Architecture, and Aviation

Contact No. (632) 520-8290 local 3006/ (0091763) 92289

Theoretical Framework

The Sentrong Pangkultura ng Biñan, a reflection of Biñan’s rich cultural heritage,

is facing challenges that threaten its sustainability despite its importance. Structural
deterioration and inadequate facilities impede events hosting and the realization of the
center’s full potential as a cultural and educational facility. Retrofitting is recommended
to achieve three main objectives: promotion of structural soundness through advanced
materials, expansion coupled with preservation of historical identity, and priority to vital
services such as library and study center.

Importance of Cultural Heritage Preservation:

A cultural heritage site such as Sentrong Pangkultura ng Biñan serves as a storehouse

for the community’s identity, history, and values. It is vital to preserve them for the sake
of continuity and pride among future generations. Cultural heritage preservation
improves tourism, economic development, and social cohesion within communities.

Challenges Facing Cultural Heritage Sites:

Despite their importance, various threats face many cultural heritage sites causing loss
in their conservation over time. The deterioration of structures, which was also observed
in Sentrong Pangkultura ng Biñan is one major threat. In addition to this, lack of proper
facilities and amenities limits the possibilities of converting it into a cultural and
educational center thereby not allowing the needs of guests or even local inhabitants to
be met.

Retrofitting as a Preservation Strategy:

When it comes to addressing some issues surrounding Sentrong Pangkultura ng Biñan

and other similar cultural heritages retrofitting offers an all-rounded approach.
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna

College of Engineering, Architecture, and Aviation

Contact No. (632) 520-8290 local 3006/ (0091763) 92289

Retrofitting concentrates on achieving three main objectives; enhancing structural

stability, expanding accommodation space, and providing necessary amenities thus
making sure that while retaining its historic value it remains relevant and usable.

Utilization of Contemporary Materials and Techniques :

Retrofitting involves the use of modernized materials such as carbon fiber composites
and steel reinforcements to fortify old buildings. The process includes comprehensive
studies that pinpoint degradation areas, leading to effective retrofitting measures being
put in place.

Expansion and Adaptation:

Another aspect of retrofitting is creating space by expanding or adapting existing

structures while still maintaining their historical character. Modular expansions and
adaptive reuse of existing areas make it possible to accommodate modern needs
without eroding the sense of place.

Community Engagement and Feedback:

Local community interests are central to the retrofitting process; they include residents,
entrepreneurs, and cultural organizations among others. This feedback is what guides
on whether additional facilities like a study center or a library can be added to improve
education while at the same time promoting culture.
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna

College of Engineering, Architecture, and Aviation

Contact No. (632) 520-8290 local 3006/ (0091763) 92289

Conceptual Framework
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna

College of Engineering, Architecture, and Aviation

Contact No. (632) 520-8290 local 3006/ (0091763) 92289

Statement of the Problem

● How does retrofitting address the challenges facing Sentrong Pangkultura ng

Biñan, particularly in terms of promoting structural soundness, preserving
historical identity, and prioritizing vital services?
● Why is cultural heritage preservation crucial, and how does it contribute to
continuity, pride, tourism, economic development, and social cohesion within
● What are the major threats faced by cultural heritage sites like Sentrong
Pangkultura ng Biñan?
● How does retrofitting serve as a preservation strategy for cultural heritage sites,
focusing on enhancing structural stability, expanding accommodation space, and
providing necessary amenities?
● What role do contemporary materials and techniques play in retrofitting,
particularly in fortifying old buildings and conducting comprehensive studies to
pinpoint degradation areas?
● How can expansion and adaptation through retrofitting maintain the historical
character of cultural heritage sites while accommodating modern needs?
● What specific amenities are crucial for enhancing education and promoting
culture within cultural heritage sites like Sentrong Pangkultura ng Biñan?
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna

College of Engineering, Architecture, and Aviation

Contact No. (632) 520-8290 local 3006/ (0091763) 92289


H1 : Implementation of the retrofitting strategy at Sentrong Pangkultura ng Biñan,

integrating contemporary materials, sustainable design elements, and community
engagement, will lead to enhanced structural stability, expanded accommodation space,
and improved amenities. This will result in the preservation of the site's historical identity
while meeting modern needs, ultimately fostering increased community pride, cultural
awareness, and educational opportunities. Additionally, the incorporation of sustainable
practices will contribute to environmental conservation, further enhancing the site's
long-term sustainability.

H0 : Despite the efforts in retrofitting, there may be challenges and limitations

encountered. These could include unexpected structural complexities that impede the
effectiveness of retrofitting measures, budgetary constraints leading to compromises in
the quality of materials or amenities, and potential conflicts arising from differing
community interests and preferences. Additionally, while efforts are made to preserve
historical identity, there may be instances where the adaptation of the site compromises
its authenticity, leading to diminished cultural significance and community
dissatisfaction. Moreover, if sustainable design elements are not implemented
effectively, there may be minimal environmental benefits realized, undermining the
project's long-term sustainability goals.
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna

College of Engineering, Architecture, and Aviation

Contact No. (632) 520-8290 local 3006/ (0091763) 92289

Scope and Limitations

The scope of this retrofitting project for the Sentrong Pangkultura ng Biñan will
encompass strengthening the structure over a period of 25 to 30 years using durable
materials. This initiative aims to preserve and enhance the historical building's structural
integrity to ensure its longevity and usability for future generations. Priority will be given
to reinforcing the existing structure with modern materials such as carbon fiber
composites and steel reinforcements, guided by comprehensive structural assessments
to identify weak points and implement appropriate reinforcement measures.
Concurrently, efforts will be made to retain the building's historical identity, including its
bahay na bato design and unique architectural features like seashell motifs, preserving
its cultural significance.

Considering the population dynamics and scope of Biñan, particularly the needs of its
residents and visitors, the retrofitting project will cater to Sentrong Pangkultura ng Biñan
employees, local artists, and the broader community while ensuring the facility remains
accessible for cultural, educational, and tourism purposes. Geographically, the focus will
be on Biñan within Laguna province, acknowledging neighboring areas' potential
indirect benefits.

The project's time-bound approach will facilitate phased implementation, maintenance,

and periodic reassessments to adapt to evolving needs and advancements in structural
engineering and conservation practices, thus ensuring the long-term sustainability and
relevance of the Sentrong Pangkultura ng Biñan.
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna

College of Engineering, Architecture, and Aviation

Contact No. (632) 520-8290 local 3006/ (0091763) 92289

Significance of the Study

The study aims to achieve the strengthening of the Sentrong Pangkultura ng

Biñan through the essence of retrofitting and executing the approach and
conceptualized design. Through this, it will make an impactful significance to the guests
(Biñanenses), Biñanense Artists, Sentrong Pangkultura ng Biñan employees,
government officials of Biñan, and the future researchers. The significance of this study
lies in its multifaceted benefits to various stakeholders involved.

Firstly, for the guests, particularly the Biñanenses, the retrofitting project will
enhance their cultural experience by preserving and enhancing the historical identity of
the Sentrong Pangkultura ng Biñan. It will provide them with a revitalized space for
cultural activities, educational programs, and community gatherings, fostering a sense
of pride and connection to their heritage.

For Biñanense Artists, the retrofitting project offers opportunities for showcasing
their talents and contributing to the cultural vibrancy of the community. The revamped
Sentrong Pangkultura ng Biñan can serve as a platform for local artists to exhibit their
work, perform, and engage with the public, thereby enriching the cultural landscape of

Additionally, for Sentrong Pangkultura ng Biñan employees, the retrofitting project will
provide them with an improved working environment equipped with modern amenities
and facilities. This will enhance their efficiency and productivity, enabling them to better
serve the community and fulfill the center's mission of promoting culture, history, arts,
and tourism in Biñan.
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna

College of Engineering, Architecture, and Aviation

Contact No. (632) 520-8290 local 3006/ (0091763) 92289

Moreover, for government officials of Biñan, the retrofitting project represents a

commitment to preserving and promoting the city's cultural heritage. It demonstrates
proactive efforts to invest in the revitalization of historical sites, thereby attracting
tourists, stimulating economic growth, and enhancing the quality of life for residents.

Lastly, for future researchers, the retrofitting project serves as a valuable case
study in heritage preservation and sustainable development. It offers insights into the
challenges and opportunities associated with retrofitting historical buildings, as well as
the integration of sustainable design principles. The findings and lessons learned from
this study can inform future projects aimed at preserving and enhancing cultural
heritage sites in other communities.
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna

College of Engineering, Architecture, and Aviation

Contact No. (632) 520-8290 local 3006/ (0091763) 92289

Definition of Terms

Amenity. Used for things that make life more pleasant or comfortable.

Biñanense. Term for a citizen living in Biñan

Capiz shell (window). Capiz comes from the shell of the Placuna placenta mollusk,
which is native to the seas of Southeast Asia, specifically Indonesia and the Philippines.
The mollusks are edible, which means fisherman can harvest them for their meat and
reduce waste by reusing their shells for décor and handicrafts.

Carbon fiber. A material consisting of thin, strong crystalline filaments of carbon, used
as a strengthening material, especially in resins and ceramic

Contemporary. Means belonging to the same age, living or occurring at the same time,
or conforming to modern or current ideas.

Retrofitting. Refers to the process of upgrading or modifying existing structures,

systems, or equipment to improve their performance or make them more

Steel reinforcements. Bars or rebars are used to improve the tensile strength of the
concrete, since concrete is very weak in tension, but is strong in compression

Structural engineering. A specialty within the field of civil engineering — focuses on

the framework of structures, and on designing those structures to withstand the stresses
and pressures of their environment and remain safe, stable, and secure throughout their

Sustainability. The long-term viability of a community, society, or practice that does not
diminish the opportunities of future generations

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