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Gender roles

School name: Elthorne Park High School

01 Outline and explain two ways in which changing gender roles within the family may have affected
children's experience of childhood.

[10 marks]

02 Outline and explain two ways in which women's involvement in paid work has affected family

[10 marks]

03 Outline and explain two ways in which changes to gender roles have affected diversity of family

[10 marks]

04 Read the text in the box below and answer the question that follows.

Despite many changes in society, some feminist sociologists argue that gender roles and
relationships within the family remain unequal. Women still take responsibility for housework
and childcare, and men still dominate in terms of power and financial control.

However, other sociologists argue that there is evidence that gender roles and relationships
are becoming more equal. For example, men now take on a more domestic role.

Applying material from the text above and your knowledge, evaluate the view that gender roles
and relationships within the family are still unequal in society today.

[20 marks]

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05 Read the text in the box below and answer the question that follows.

Some sociologists suggest that increased participation by women in the labour market and
changing attitudes to gender roles have led to more equality in modern family life. Couples
are free to choose roles and identities based on personal choice.

However, feminists argue that inequalities of power and control continue to exist, and oppose
the view that gender roles and relationships have become more equal in modern family life.

Applying material from the text above and your knowledge, evaluate the view that gender roles
and relationships have become more equal in modern family life.

[20 marks]

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06 Read the text in the box below and answer the question that follows.

Some sociologists argue that changes within the family and in wider society have led to more
equality in modern family life. The way in which domestic tasks are allocated is more equal
and both partners are likely to be in paid employment. This sharing of responsibilities has led
to more equal power relationships.

Applying material from the text above and your knowledge, evaluate the view that the division of
labour and power relationships in couples are equal in modern family life.

[20 marks]

07 Read the text in the box below and answer the question that follows.

Feminists take a critical view of the family. They argue that family life maintains and promotes
gender inequality. For example, this is reflected in the domestic division of labour. However,
some sociologists suggest that feminist theories ignore the extent of family diversity and the
variation in family roles and relationships.

Applying material from the text above and your knowledge, evaluate the contribution of feminist
views to an understanding of family roles and relationships.

[20 marks]

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Mark scheme 01

Marks Level descriptors

8−10 Answers in this band will show very good knowledge and
understanding of two ways in which changing gender roles within
the family may have affected children's experience of childhood.

There will be two applications of relevant material, eg more

children in childcare because of mothers working; increased
symmetry in parenting reducing canalisation of children into
traditional gender roles.

There will be appropriate analysis, eg of the extent to which

parenting has become symmetrical.

4−7 Answers in this band will show a reasonable to good knowledge

and understanding of one or two ways in which changing gender
roles within the family may have affected children's experience of

There will be one or two applications of relevant material, eg

changes in the ways children are socialised.

There will be some basic analysis.

1−3 Answers in this band will show limited knowledge and little or no
understanding of the question or the material.

There will be limited focus on the question, eg a drift into the

impact of changes in the family on women.

There will be little or no analysis.

0 No relevant points

Indicative content

Answers may include the following and/or other relevant points:

Parental role-models.
Impact of daycare.
Quality of relationships with parents.
Material conditions (eg of children in lone-parent families and dual-earner families).
Time pressures on parents.

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More children without siblings.
Patriarchy and age patriarchy.
Impact of feminism on socialisation.

Sources may include the following and/or other relevant ones: Bonke; Dunne; Evans and
Chandler; Gershuny; Hood-Williams; Kan; Nicholson; Oakley; Pleck; Pugh; Willmott and

[10 marks]

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Mark scheme 02

Marks Level descriptors

8−10 Answers in this band will show very good knowledge and
understanding of women's involvement in paid work and of family

There will be two applications of relevant material, eg how

women's involvement in paid work has led to smaller families; how
women's involvement in paid work has led to women delaying

There will be appropriate analysis, eg of the significance of the

dual burden in family relationships.

4−7 Answers in this band will show a reasonable to good knowledge

and understanding of women's involvement in paid work and/or
family structures.

There will be one or two applications of relevant material, eg how

women's greater involvement in paid work has led to more
childless couples.

There will be some basic analysis.

1−3 Answers in this band will show limited knowledge and

understanding of the question or the material.

There will be limited focus on the question, eg there may be some

drift into accounts of family diversity in general.

There will be limited or no analysis.

0 No relevant points

Indicative content

Answers may include the following and/or other relevant points:

Financial independence for women.

Impact of feminist ideas.
Glass ceiling preventing women accessing top positions.
The nature of women's paid work, eg types, pay, job security, part-/full-time.
Women giving birth later.

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The decline in average family size.
Rise in the average age of first marriage.
Joint conjugal roles/domestic division of labour/power and decision-making among couples.
[10 marks]

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Mark scheme 03

Marks Level descriptors

8−10 Answers in this band will show very good knowledge and
understanding of two ways in which changes to gender roles have
affected diversity of family structures.

There will be two applications of relevant material, eg how

changes to gender roles have led to women delaying marriage;
how women's financial independence has led to more lone parent

There will be appropriate analysis, eg of the significance of the

dual burden in contemporary families.

4−7 Answers in this band will show a reasonable to good knowledge

and understanding of one or two ways in which changes to gender
roles have affected diversity of family structures.

There will be one or two applications of relevant material, eg how

women's greater involvement in paid work has led to more
childless couples.

There will be some basic analysis.

1−3 Answers in this band will show limited knowledge and little or no
understanding of the question or the material.

There will be limited focus on the question, eg there may be some

drift into accounts of family diversity in general.

There will be little or no analysis.

0 No relevant points.

Indicative content

Answers may include the following and/or other relevant points:

Gender role models in family and/or in wider society.

Impact of feminism on attitudes and expectations.
Women's access to and experience of paid work.
Women's financial independence allowing more freedom of choice.
The increase in lone parent families.

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The development of joint conjugal roles.
The increase in single person households.
The increase in childless couples.

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[10 marks]

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Mark scheme 04

Marks Level descriptors

17−20 Answers in this band will show sound, conceptually detailed

knowledge of a range of relevant material on the view that gender
roles and relationships within the family are still unequal in society
today. Sophisticated understanding of the question and of the
presented material will be shown.

Appropriate material will be applied accurately and with sensitivity

to the issues raised by the question.

Analysis and evaluation will be explicit and relevant. Evaluation

may be developed, for example through a discussion of the level
of inequality that still persists, or by developing a theoretical
debate (e.g. feminisms, functionalism, Marxism, post-modernism).
Analysis will show clear explanation. Appropriate conclusions will
be drawn.

13−16 Answers in this band will show accurate, broad or deep but
incomplete knowledge. Understands a number of significant
aspects of the question; good understanding of the presented

Application of material is largely explicitly relevant to the question,

though some material may be inadequately focused.

Some limited explicit evaluation, e.g. criticisms of the view that

gender roles and relationships are still unequal and / or some
appropriate analysis, e.g. clear explanations of some of the
presented material.

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9−12 Answers in this band will show largely accurate knowledge but
limited range and depth, e.g. a broadly accurate, if basic, account
of some of the ways in which gender roles and relationships within
the family are still unequal in society today. Understands some
limited but significant aspects of the question; superficial
understanding of the presented material.

Applying listed material from the general topic area but with limited
regard for its relevance to the issues raised by the question, or
applying a narrow range of more relevant material.

Evaluation will take the form of juxtaposition of competing

positions or one or two isolated stated points. Analysis will be
limited, with answers tending towards the descriptive.

5−8 Answers in this band will show limited undeveloped knowledge,

e.g. two or three insubstantial points about some of the ways in
which gender roles and relationships within the family are still
unequal in society today. Understands only limited aspects of the
question; simplistic understanding of the presented material.

Limited application of suitable material, and / or material often at a

tangent to the demands of the question.

Very limited or no evaluation. Attempts at analysis, if any, are thin

and disjointed.

1−4 Answers in this band will show very limited knowledge, e.g. one or
two very insubstantial points about gender roles and relationships
in general. Very little / no understanding of the question and of the
presented material.

Significant errors and / or omissions in application of material.

No analysis or evaluation.

0 No relevant points.

Indicative content

Concepts and issues such as the following may appear: double burden; triple burden; domestic
violence; decision making; financial control; pooling; allowance system; nuclear family; traditional
gender roles; expressive role; instrumental role; symmetrical family; neo conventional family; the
impact of feminism; patriarchy; joint conjugal roles; segregated conjugal roles; single parent
families; same sex families; the new man.

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Sources may include the following and/or other relevant ones:

Allan; Arber and Ginn; Barrett and McIntosh; Bott; Boulton; Braun, Vincent and Ball; Crompton
and Lyonette; Dex and Ward; Dobash and Dobash; Dunne; Edgell; Elliott; Ferri and Smith;
Finch; Firestone; Gershuny; Hardill; Hochschild; Kan; Kempson; Millett; Oakley; Pahl and
Vogler; Ramos; Smart; Southerton; Sullivan; Warde and Hetherington; Weeks; Willmott and

[20 marks]

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Mark scheme 05

Marks Level descriptors

17−20 Answers in this band will show sound, conceptually detailed

knowledge of a range of relevant material on the view that gender
roles and relationships have become more equal in modern family
life. Good understanding of the question and of the presented
material will be shown.

Appropriate material will be applied accurately to the issues raised

by the question.

Analysis and evaluation will be explicit and relevant. Evaluation

may be developed for example through a debate between different
theoretical perspectives such as feminism and postmodernism or
between different feminist approaches. Analysis will show clear
explanation and may draw appropriate conclusions.

13−16 Answers in this band will show broad or deep, accurate but
incomplete knowledge. Understands a number of significant
aspects of the question; reasonable understanding of the
presented material.

Application of material is largely explicitly relevant to the question,

though some material may be inadequately focused.

Some limited explicit evaluation, e.g. by discussing the extent to

which gender roles and relationships have become more equal,
and/or some appropriate analysis, e.g. clear explanations of some
of the presented material.

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9−12 Answers in this band will show largely accurate knowledge but
limited range and depth, e.g. a broadly accurate, if basic, account
of sociological views on the view that gender roles and
relationships have become more equal in modern family life.
Understands some limited but significant aspects of the question;
superficial understanding of the presented material.

Applying material (possibly in a list-like fashion) from the general

topic area but with limited regard for its relevance to the issues
raised by the question, or applying a narrow range of more
relevant material.

Evaluation limited at most to juxtaposition of competing positions

or to one or two isolated stated points. Analysis will be limited, with
answers tending towards the descriptive.

5−8 Answers in this band will show limited undeveloped knowledge,

e.g. two or three insubstantial points covering some aspects of
conjugal roles. Understands only very limited aspects of the
question; simplistic understanding of the presented material.

Limited application of suitable material, and/or material often at a

tangent to the demands of the question.

Minimal or no evaluation. Attempts at analysis, if any, are thin and


1−4 Answers in this band will show very limited knowledge, e.g. one or
two very insubstantial points about family in general. Very little/no
understanding of the question and of the presented material.

Significant errors, omissions and/or incoherence in application of


No analysis or evaluation.

0 No relevant points.

Indicative content

Concepts and issues such as the following may appear: triple shift; dual burden; domestic
violence; gender role socialisation; individuation; the 'pure relationship'; decision making; women's
paid work outside the home; choice; connectedness thesis; conjugal roles; house husbands;
domestic division of labour; financial control; decision making; symmetrical family.

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Sources may include the following or other relevant ones: Beck and Beck-Gernsheim;
Chambers; Dobash and Dobash; Dunne; Dunscombe and Marsden; Edgell; Gershuny; Gatrell
et al; Giddens; Gray; Oakley; Pahl; Stacey; Smart.

[20 marks]

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Mark scheme 06

Marks Level descriptors

17−20 Answers in this band will show sound, conceptually detailed

knowledge of a range of relevant material on power relationships
and the division of labour among couples in modern family life.
Sophisticated understanding of the question and of the presented
material will be shown.

Appropriate material will be applied accurately and with sensitivity

to the issues raised by the question.

Analysis and evaluation will be explicit and relevant. Evaluation

may be developed, for instance through discussing the extent of
equality of, or by locating the debate between, different
perspectives (eg Marxist, functionalist, feminist, postmodernist
etc). Analysis will show clear explanation. Appropriate conclusions
will be drawn.

13−16 Answers in this band will show accurate, broader and/or deeper
but incomplete knowledge of both power relationships and the
division of labour. Understands a number of significant aspects of
the question; good understanding of the presented material.

Application of material is largely explicitly relevant to the question,

though some material may be inadequately focused.

Some limited explicit evaluation, eg the debate about the

symmetrical family, and/or some appropriate analysis, eg clear
explanations of some of the presented material.

9−12 Answers in this band will show largely accurate knowledge but
limited range and depth, eg a basic account of Young and
Willmott. Understands some limited but significant aspects of the
question; superficial understanding of the presented material.

Applying listed material from the general topic area but with limited
regard for its relevance to the issues raised by the question, or
applying a narrow range of more relevant material.

Evaluation will take the form of a juxtaposition of competing

positions or one to two isolated stated points. Analysis will be
limited, with answers tending towards the descriptive.

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5−8 Answers in this band will show limited undeveloped knowledge, eg
two to three insubstantial points about joint conjugal roles and/or
power relationships. Understands only limited aspects of the
question; simplistic understanding of the presented material.

Limited application of suitable material, and/or material often at a

tangent to the demands of the question.

Very limited or no evaluation. Attempts at analysis, if any, are thin

and disjointed.

1−4 Answers in this band will show very limited knowledge, eg one to
two very insubstantial points about housework. Very little/no
understanding of the question and of the presented material.

Significant errors and/or omissions in application of material.

There will be no analysis or evaluation.

0 No relevant points

Indicative content

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Concepts and issues such as the following may appear: domestic violence; decision-making;
control over finance; women's paid employment; the impact of feminism; legislation/policies
(divorce, education, childcare, discrimination, etc); childlessness; family size; class and ethnic
variations; same sex couples; conjugal roles; kinship relationships; confluent love.
[20 marks]

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Mark scheme 07

Marks Level descriptors

17−20 Answers in this band will show sound, conceptually detailed

knowledge of a range of relevant material on the contribution of
feminist views to our understanding of family roles and
relationships. Good understanding of the question and of the
presented material will be shown.

Appropriate material will be applied accurately to the issues raised

by the question.

Analysis and evaluation will be explicit and relevant. Evaluation

may be developed for example through a debate between different
perspectives, eg by raising issues about the extent to which
changes in the family have been exaggerated, or by contrasting
feminist approaches with Marxist and/or functionalist views.
Analysis will show clear explanation and may draw appropriate

13−16 Answers in this band will show broad or deep, accurate but
incomplete knowledge. Understands a number of significant
aspects of the question; reasonable understanding of the
presented material.

Application of material is largely explicitly relevant to the question,

though some material may be inadequately focused.

Some limited explicit evaluation eg of different feminist

perspectives on the family and/or some appropriate analysis, eg
clear explanations of some of the presented material.

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9−12 Answers in this band will show largely accurate knowledge but
limited range and depth, eg a broadly accurate, if basic, account of
some feminist accounts of family roles and relationships.
Understands some limited but significant aspects of the question;
superficial understanding of the presented material.

Applying material (possibly in a list-like fashion) from the general

topic area but with limited regard for its relevance to the issues
raised by the question, or applying a narrow range of more
relevant material.

Evaluation limited at most to juxtaposition of competing positions

or to one or two isolated stated points. Analysis will be limited, with
answers tending towards the descriptive.

5−8 Answers in this band will show limited undeveloped knowledge, eg

two or three insubstantial points about the domestic division of
labour. Understands only very limited aspects of the question;
simplistic understanding of the presented material.

Limited application of suitable material, and/or material often at a

tangent to the demands of the question.

Minimal or no evaluation. Attempts at analysis, if any, are thin and


1−4 Answers in this band will show very limited knowledge, eg one or
two very insubstantial points about the family in general. Very
little/no understanding of the question and of the presented

Significant errors, omissions, and/or incoherence in application of


No analysis or evaluation.

0 No relevant points.

Indicative content

Concepts and issues such as the following may appear: decision-making; domestic labour;
domestic violence; dual burden; emotion work; house husbands; joint and segregated conjugal
roles; symmetrical family; gay couples; finance; patriarchy; feminism; march of progress.

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Sources may include the following or other relevant ones: Barrett and McIntosh;
Duncombe and Marsden; Ferri and Smith; Gershuny; Hardill et al; Jansson; Man-Yee Kan;
Mirrlees-Black; Oakley; Pahl and Vogler; Somerville; Sullivan; Warde and Hetherington.

[20 marks]

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