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This paper has two sections, Section A and Section B. Section A has one compulsory question carrying 25 marks.
Section B contains seven questions each carrying 25 marks from which candidates choose three questions.
Generally, candidates performed well in all areas examined.

This question was fairly done by the majority of candidates although some found part c of the question difficult.
However, candidates had misconceptions on nutritional concepts such as lactose and rennin including
hydrogenation, merit and demerit. . The majority of the candidates managed to articulate the functions of water
in the body. Majority of the candidates were able to state and justify correct trace elements such as cobalt, iron,
zinc etc.
The section consisted of 7 questions where the candidates were to choose 3 questions.
Some candidates failed to follow or adhere to the given instructions.

A very popular question attempted by all candidates.
However, it was fairly attempted.
2 (a). It was fairly attempted although some candidates concentrated more on nutritional needs.
Candidates should have included aspects such as socio economic factors eg for the elderly, who may have dental
problems for easy chewing.
(b) Was answered by most candidates and they scored highly.

(c) Question was well answered and candidates scored high marks. They were able to suggest the ways with
good reasons.

(d) Most candidates failed to illustrate the diagram which indicated that candidates lack knowledge of human
anatomy. Most candidates failed to interpret the Question, as they wrote brief notes instead of a well labelled
diagram. Use of pencil for diagrams tend to gain full credit.

A popular question attempted by most candidates.
(a)(i) Most candidates did not score highly as they tended to generalise the nutrients.
(ii) They were not specific e.g. fish contains protein instead qualifying HBV protein.

(iii) On fruit, candidate should have named the fruit and the specific nutrient, rather than saying fruits contain
3 (b) Generally the question was well answered by most candidates.
Candidates are encouraged to familiarise with cookery terms such as binding, coating and emulsifying.
A few candidates scored low marks by failing to give uses.
(c) It was fairly done. Most candidates did not understand the term pasteurisation.
Very unpopular with candidates. It got too difficult for the candidates. They mixed up facts on questions asked.
(a) Answers given were generalized and lacked important information on the meaning of the term RDAs.
Candidates should familiarize themselves with nutritional terms.
(b) Candidates did not perform well as they failed to interpret risk factors.
Most candidates came with effects or results instead of causes of CHD.
(c) Candidates had mixed up facts on styles of meal service, scoring low marks. It ended up a lengthy and
difficult question for the candidates.

(d) Many responses failed to describe ways of reducing package waste. They ended up giving ways of waste
disposal in general.


Very unpopular questions with candidates. No candidate attempted the two questions. Most parts of the
questions proved to be too difficult for the candidates.

Thorough syllabus coverage is encouraged in schools.

A very popular question which was well attempted by the majority of the candidates.
(a)(i) Most candidates were confusing advantages and disadvantages of TVP.

(ii) Candidates were encouraged to use Flow charts in order to score high marks, instead of paragraphs
and sentences.
Candidates scored low marks.
b.(i) Most responses were correct, hence scoring high marks.
(ii) Majority of the candidates scored highly as they understood the command term cholesterol.
(c) The responses to this part of the question were high standard.

Not a very popular question. However, the few candidates who attempted scored highly.
Candidates are encouraged to present their responses in a tabulated form.

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