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IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI-2017)

A Dark Web Story

In-Depth Research and Study Conducted on
the Dark Web based on Forensic Computing
and Security in Malaysia
Mohammed Farook Bin Rafiuddin1, Hamza Minhas2, Prethpal Singh Dhubb 3
Students, Bachelor of Forensics Computing & Security, Asia Pacific University, Malaysia


The following is a research conducted on the Dark
The dark web is a part of the World Wide Web that
Web to study and identify the ins and outs of the dark
needs special type of software to access and
web, what the dark web is all about, the various
specifically refers itself to a collection of websites that
methods available to access the dark web and many
exists on an encrypted network which is not possible
others. The researchers have also included the steps
to be accessed using traditional search engines or even
and precautions taken before the dark web was
visited by traditional web browsers [3]. Once you’re
opened. Apart from that, the findings and the website
inside the dark web, the websites and other services in
links / URL are also included along with a description
the dark web can be accessed through a browser in
of the sites. The primary usage of the dark web and
much the same way as a traditional web as shown in
some of the researcher’s experience has been further
“Fig. 1”. However, there are some sites in the dark web
documented in this research paper.
that are effectively hidden, meaning that they have not
Keywords: Dark Web, Cryptocurrency, skynet, been traditionally indexed by a search engine and
Malware therefore such sites can only be accessed if you
particularly know the address of the site [4].
The internet or also known as a “network of networks”
has allowed various computer networks around the
globe to interconnect essentially leading to having at
least half of the world having access to the internet by
2010[1]. While having the internet has connected the
entire world at your fingertips and has revolutionized
how operations take place throughout the world, some
may argue that the internet has brought more harm
than good. The Birminghammail reported that the Figure 1.0
many Brummies’ identity details are on sale on the Internet’s dark side
dark web with people selling email addresses, According to researchers, only 4% of the internet is
passwords and other social media information of visible to the general public and remaining 96% is
Birmingham citizen [2]. Apart from that, several other made up of “The deep web”. Dark web or dark net is
news relating to drugs abuse, Dark web global drug a subset of the deep web where there are sites that sell
markets, several human trafficking incidents that took or provide services like drugs, hacking software or
place with relations to the dark web, motivated the services, counterfeit money, firearms which is paid
researchers to begin investigating on the dark web and using an untraceable cryptocurrency called Bitcoin.
its dangers. With that said this research paper will There is also a funded “Assassination market” where
provide the reader with an outline as to just how dark people pay towards having someone assassinated. [4]
really is the dark web.

978-1-5386-0814-2/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

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IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI-2017)

It is because of the dark web’s total anonymity which According to Cryptorials, other free anonymous, peer-
has become and preferred place of choice for people to-peer networks with layered encryption include I2P
or groups wanting to stay hidden from government or (Invisible Internet Project), Freenet, GNUNet, FAI
local law enforcement agencies. On the other hand, (Free Anonymous Internet), and ZeroNet. The use of
there have been people who communicate with such networks to access the Internet created the “dark
journalists to provide confidential information web,” the portion of the web that is not indexed and
anonymously. whose content is protected by firewalls, hidden IP
addresses, and layers of encryption.
Depending on what each person intends to do on the
dark web, it is recommended that users should place
tape over their machine webcam to prevent some 5. PRECAUTIONS TAKEN BEFORE
people from the dark web capable of watching you. INVOLVED
British Prime Minister David Cameron had announced For the average Internet user, the dark web can be a
a new intelligence agency on December 10, 2014, to dangerous place. Browsing its hidden sites without
monitor the “Dark Web,” as reported by The precautions might be compared to trying to get safely
Independent. According to Cameron, “The dark net is through a village infected by Ebola. The power of
the next side of the problem, where pedophiles and anonymity frequently encourages illicit activities
including the sale of drugs, weapons, fake IDs and
perverts are sharing images, not using the normal parts passports, and stolen electronics. Websites on the dark
of the Internet we all use.” web advertise services of hackers, counterfeiters, and
hitmen [6]
Independent web consultant Mark Stockley concurs,
claiming in Naked Security that the dark web “attracts At the same time, many of the websites in the dark web
people who want to engage in things like robbery, sex are also fakes to attract vulnerable victims or are
trafficking, arms trafficking, terrorism and distributing established by law enforcement to identify and track
child pornography.” In the International Business actual and potential criminal activity. Since anonymity
Times, writers Charles Paladin and Jeff Stone claim exists on both sides, users can never be 100% sure of
electronic goods, contract killers, guns, passports, fake the intentions of those with whom they interact with in
IDs, and hackers for hire are readily available on the the dark web. As researchers, we made it a point to
dark web, in addition to illegal drugs and child completely remove the drivers for both microphone
pornography. and webcam from our laptops. The researchers made

it a point to tape the webcam covered in full black after

removing its drivers. Before accessing, despite Tor
There are several ways to access the dark web, one of browser having its own encryption and VPN in it, the
which includes the use of a Tor browser, Freenet and researchers made sure to use their own VPN when
I2P, among which the most popular method is by using browsing the dark web. Other forms of precautions
Tor. Tor was initially known as the onion router were taken as well whereby the laptop used to access
because of the dark websites having the dot onion the dark web was completely empty from any personal
domain. (. onion). details relating to the researchers.

The advantage of using Tor is that it provides a certain 5.1 Malware

amount of secrecy and anonymity by passing The possibility of users infecting their computers with
messages and requests through a network of connected malware (software that targets a computer with
Tor relays, which are specially configured computers. malicious intent) when visiting the dark web is high
As request hops from one node to another, it is unless precautions are taken. According to
encrypted in such a way that each relay only knows a Motherboard article, a casual visitor to a site on the
about the machine that sent the message and the dark web can unknowingly expose their computers to
machine it’s supposed to send to [5]. the following programs:

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IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI-2017)

x Vawtrack: Designed to gain access to victims’ 1. Exercise Common Sense. If something seems
financial accounts too good to be true, it probably is. If someone
x Skynet: Used to steal bitcoins or engage in is being unusually friendly, ask yourself
DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks on why. Be aware of the possible consequences of
other websites using the victim’s computer a web interaction and trust your instincts.
x Nionspy: Can capture keystrokes, steal
documents, and record audio and video using 2. Protect Your Identity. Create a throwaway
the infected computer email address. Don’t use a username you’ve
5.2 Government Surveillance used with any website before in your email
address. Never use your real name or provide
In addition to the dangers of malware, a dark web
personal data unless you are dealing with a
visitor to politically oriented sites should be concerned
trusted site that uses encryption. Do not use the
about attracting the attention of government
same password for every online account.
authorities and becoming the subject of unwanted
official surveillance[6]. In Rolling Stone, Jeremy
3. Avoid Use of Personal Credit Cards. Rather
Gillula, a staff technologist with the Electronic
than using a credit card that can be traced
Frontier Foundation (EFF), claims, “There are
directly to you and make your financial
countries where browsing a political website about
information visible, use prepaid, single use
democracy can get you thrown in jail. That’s the most
cards for Internet purchases. If a using a credit
life-and-death reason why Tor needs to exist.” Visitors
card is necessary, be sure the website is secure
to Tor websites dealing with illegal goods or
by checking the web address. The address
promoting dissident political views in the eyes of
should begin with “https://,” rather than
government should be aware that dark websites are
“http://.” The “s” on the former stands for
regularly penetrated and taken down by cyber-police
“secure socket layer,” and it means that sent
and their owners and visitors exposed, including at
and received data is encrypted.
least three versions of the most famously known site,
The Silk Road.
4. Do Not Download or Open Files Online,
Software tools to make the dark web more transparent
Especially from the Dark Net. If you must
are constantly evolving, as is the software criminals
download something, scan it with antivirus
use to hide their activity. Government agencies and
software (or at least a free service
law enforcement can now use Memex, a recently
like VirusTotal) before opening to detect
developed search engine that was developed by
viruses, worms, trojans, and other malware. Do
DARPA and designed specifically for the dark web, to
not click on suspicious links, especially
find sites and store data that can be analyzed later. Law
anything that advertises illegal activities.
enforcement credits the software for the exposure and
prosecution of human trafficking rings in the U.S. and
abroad, according to Scientific American.
5.3 Best Practises To Browse The Net While the dark web has many details around it. Based
on the research conducted, several findings can be
Many web professionals claim the surface net (that is
documented. The dark web has its own good and bad.
the portion of the Internet most users visit) is not
In terms of spreading awareness and the truth about
unlike the dark web, and contains many of the same
government atrocities or illegal findings about
dangers. There are thousands of sites devoted to
incidents or perhaps activities done under a legal name
violent and racist causes. Advertisers collect and sell
but an illegal act, the dark web provides whistle
personal data, as well as your growing history.
blowers with means to have their information securely
Malicious software is as likely to arise from a public
transferred to journalist who are on the dark web as
website as a website on the dark web, while
well. Apart from that, there are many excellent e-
governments around the world currently monitor
books available on the dark web especially for those
Internet traffic and messages. Therefore, as a
consequence, many Internet professionals recommend
that web visitors on all levels of the Internet implement
the following practices:

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IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI-2017)

who wish to learn for the sake of research and

education completely based upon academia. While The above “Fig.2” is a screenshot of a conversation
those may sound beautiful to some of us, the bitter that took place during the research with one of the
truth is so much harder to digest. The dark web acts as suppliers we got in touch with.
a hub for child pornography! It hosts tons of child
pornography on site and some charging a subscription
fee. Apart from that, pornography is just so
mainstream that the dark web even contains rape
videos of females of various age groups. According to
several reports, there are many legit rapes that were
recorded and later shared on the dark web on some of
the rape sites. With some not having their faces
censored and some does, police should track those
involved on a man hunt mission. Back in 2016, a
Melbourne man admitted having used the dark web to
advertise his child rape videos on top of that even to Figure 3.0 Silk Road Market
encourage and advice others to kidnap, rape, torture The above “Fig.3” is a screenshot of the Silk Road. A
and later murder five-year-old girls [7]. Apart from market found on the dark web to be selling drugs and
those, the dark web is famously used for drugs and various other category of products. On the left on the
narcotics businesses. There are many sites solely panel, product category can be seen.
dedicated on supplying drugs for addicts and as well
as to other suppliers throughout the globe. Drugs
aside, in the dark web, you may hire hackers to help
you hack what you target for as the price varies from
government based to non-government based
organizations. Apart from hackers getting a job on the
dark web through some rental means, people are free
to purchase stolen technological goods such as apple
products all the way to a shotgun or a hand grenade if
you so desire. If weapons are very much not your use, Figure 4.0 Armory Market
you may also hire others who use it to carry out the
task and finish the job for you. Hitman for hire is what The above “Fig.4” is an armory market which allows
they are called on the dark web. They provide a you to purchase weapons and ammunition without
premium pass for those who wish to witness live having to own a license. It ships internationally.
murder in which they call the red room in the dark
web. While dark web can be used for many different
purpose, it all comes down to individuals. Yes, the
dark web may have its own benefit, but status quo
shows otherwise. The negativity on the dark web very
much in many ways outweigh the positivity that there
is to it.

Figure 5.0 Hand Grenade Product

The above image “Fig.5” shows a hand grenade that

can be purchased according to case size which each
case having a different amount of grenade in it.

Figure 2.0 Conversation

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IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI-2017)


8.1 Market Place Financial Service Links Dark Web URLs

All URLs in the dark web are accessed using the TOR
Following are the Hidden Wiki Links

Includes lots and lots and lots of links to child
pornography and real rape.
Figure 6.0 Seller’s profile
Page for beginners in the dark web that provides an
The above "Fig.6” is a seller profile found on the Silk outline of dark web links to sites based on descriptions
Road. and its primary functions. Several categories to be
selected from e commerce market place, to dark web
library with many e books, child pornography and all
the way to guns for hire and other forms of illegal
activity as shown Table 1 and Table 2.

Dark Web URL Description

http://fogcore5n3ov3tui.onion/ Bit coin laundry a form of real life money
http://easycoinsayj7p5l.onion/ Bit coin wallet with a free bitcoin mixer

http://jzn5w5pac26sqef4.onion/ A place in the web for you to sell your


http://qc7ilonwpv77qibm.onion/ a western union exploits

http://qkj4drtgvpm7eecl.onion/ A site to counterfeit USD

http://nr6juudpp4as4gjg.onion/doublecoins.html Double your bitcoins illegally

Table 1 Financial Service Links

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IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI-2017)

8.2 Market Place For Commercial Purposes

Dark Web URL Description

http://lw4ipk5choakk5ze.onion/raw/evbLewgkDSVkifzv8z Hitman for hire service

Ao/ for both Government based individuals and Non-
Government based individuals

http://5mvm7cg6bgklfjtp.onion/ discounted “Stolen” Electronics goods for sale (Apple

Products and more)

http://tuu66yxvrnn3of7l.onion/ Guns and ammunitions

http://nr6juudpp4as4gjg.onion/torguns.htm Used guns and second-hand weapons

http://ybp4oezfhk24hxmb.onion/ The hitman for service NETWORK

http://lw4ipk5choakk5ze.onion/raw/4585/ Hitman Easy solutions

http://vlp4uw5ui22ljlg7.onion/ Arms deals for Europe

http://vfqnd6mieccqyiit.onion/ to make your very own UK Passport
http://en35tuzqmn4lofbk.onion/ US fake ID Store

http://xfnwyig7olypdq5r.onion/ Buy your own US Citizenship

http://newpdsuslmzqazvr.onion/ Drugs road

http://smoker32pk4qt3mx.onion/ Smokeables – Finest Organic Cannabis shipped from
the USA
http://fzqnrlcvhkgbdwx5.onion/ Wholesale weed supplier
http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/ Silk road – best drug market place from weed to cocaine
to anything drug you name it

http://rrcc5uuudhh4oz3c.onion/ the Intel Exchange Forum: Information and discussion

on various topics, ranging from Illegal Activities and

Alternative Energy, to Conspiracy Theories and

Hacking. Same people from SnapBBS on a fully secure,
moderated and categorized forum.

http://assmkedzgorodn7o.onion/ Crowdfunded Assassinations

http://2ogmrlfzdthnwkez.onion/ Rent a group of hackers to hack organizations and

Table 2 Commercial Link

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IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI-2017)

9. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION live streamed online forensics investigators, security

experts along with government agencies should team
While the dark web is an anonymous and is hidden and work together in order to bring this online world
from the common web, users that uses the dark web
of drug rings and every other illegal activity there
are far from being safe if they were to just access it
down. Under the United Nations, rather than just
blindly. Many precautions need to be taken before one
battling the physical issues in terrorism, every country
can even thinking of playing around on the dark web.
should join forces to battle these psychopaths and
Many security agencies such as the CIA & FBI [8] do
cyber criminals for the children of tomorrow.
surf the dark web to monitor the activity there but still
due to the fact that the dark web by nature is
anonymous, most attempts have failed. The security
policies and activities on the dark web should be The authors would like to share gratitude to Mr
strengthen and in best cases brought down. When a Umapathy Eaganathan, Lecturer in Computing, Asia
blind man can say that there is more harm than good Pacific University, Malaysia also Miss Angel
in the dark web, serious measures need to be taken. Rubavathy for her constant support and motivation
From child pornography to weapons smuggling and helped us to participate in this International
hitman for hire and the red room where live killing is Conference and also for journal publication.

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