Igneous Rocks

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Igneous rocks jigsaw activity

1: Composition of Igneous Rocks

1. What are the different compositions of igneous rocks?
felsic, intermediate, mafic, and ultramafic.
2. How does the mineral composition of igneous rocks affect their overall properties?
They differ because of their composition. Felsic is light in colour but can vary greatly in texture.
Intermediate is grey or salt and pepper in colour. Mafic is rich in magnesium and iron. Ultramafic is
extremely low silica composition.

3. Provide examples of igneous rocks for each composition

Felsic: granite
Intermediate: basalt

Mafic: gabbro
Ultramafic: peridotite

2: Texture of Igneous Rocks

1. What are the various textures found in igneous rocks?

The 6 main types of textures are phaneritic, aphanitic, porphyritic, glassy, pyroclastic and
2. How do different cooling rates contribute to the formation of these textures?

If it cools slower it would form bigger crystals and become rougher and bumpier, but if they
formed quickly they would be smooth and less textured.

3. Can you give examples of igneous rocks that exhibit each texture?
Phaneritic – gabbro
Aphanitic – Basalt
Porphyritic – Rhyolite
Glassy – Obsidian
Pyroclastic – Scoria
Pegmatitic – Aquamarine

3: Formation Processes of Igneous Rocks

1. What are the different formation processes of igneous rocks?

The magma can cool slowly or quickly, making it intrusive or extrusive.
2. How does each process result in the formation of different types of igneous rocks?
Extrusive rocks cool quickly and result in little to no crystals, they also can have lots of
trapped gases making holes in the rock because they form on the outside of the volcano.

Intrusive rocks cool slowly and have larger crystals, they form underground inside the

3. Can you provide real-life examples or case studies to illustrate these formation processes?
Obsidian cools quickly so it’s very smooth and has small crystals making it intrusive.

Scoria cools slowly so it has bigger crystals with different colours making it extrusive.
4: Comparative Analysis of Igneous Rocks

1. What is the purpose of comparing and contrasting different types of igneous rocks?

2. Why is it important to identify and differentiate between these rocks in fields such as geology,
construction, and archaeology?

3. What were the key similarities and differences found when comparing the various igneous rocks?

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