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DISCLAIMER - Access to a collaborative workplace

You will be provided with access to a collaborative workspace (hereinafter referred to as the
“Workplace”) open by the CMA CGM Group (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”). This access
makes you a “User”. This workspace is provided to Users for professional purposes and allows them to
access the Company’s information system so that they can work collaboratively.

The documents, information, data, messages, images or other material (collectively the “Content”) made
available to Users are stored on the Workplace and provided to them by the Company or by other Users.
This Content is solely intended for Users and consists of sensitive and confidential information.

The Company shall not be held liable for the use made by Users of the accessible Content. Any User who
uses the Content for non-professional or non-Company-related purposes shall face penalties and legal
prosecution. Moreover, Users shall not, among other things, copy, reproduce, distribute, disseminate or
disclose the Content to any person who does not have access to Galaxy unless otherwise expressly
authorised by the Company. Users shall strictly refrain from modifying, disassembling or decompiling any
part of the Content. Users are responsible for their access to their Content and shall ensure that they
do not lose or distribute their login and password. Users shall not grant access to their Content to other
Users. They must make a request to the Company before doing so.

Given that Users are able to add Content to the Workplace their behaviour shall be within the bounds of
propriety and comply with the rules of ethics and proper conduct: in particular, Users shall not add to the
Workplace any Content that is threatening, aggressive, abusive, ill-intentioned or defamatory which
would discredit the Company or any member of its Group, or any material containing insults, personal
attacks or which uses vulgar, obscene, coarse, offensive, abusive, hurtful, insulting, racist, sexist and/or
homophobic language or Content which infringes on intellectual property rights, copyrights or rights to
privacy or which constitutes propaganda or advertising.

The User shall be the sole author and shall be responsible for his or her words and the Content added
to the Workplace.

The Company and its social media managers reserve at all times the right to delete a User’s Content or
prevent his or her access to the Workplace.

Users shall in no way become owners of the Content to which they have access and are aware that other
Users may have access to the Content that they themselves have added to the Workplace.

The Company and its managers shall not be liable for the loss of professional or personal data in the

As the nature of the Internet does not make it possible to ensure the integrity of the Content, the
Company disclaims any liability in relation to the Content, insofar as said Content will have been modified
or altered.

This disclaimer shall be governed by and construed according to French law. Any dispute arising
between the Company and a User linked to the existence, validity, interpretation, enforcement and
termination of this disclaimer (or of any of its clauses) which cannot be amicably settled shall be brought
before the Court of Marseilles which shall have sole jurisdiction, notwithstanding multiple defendants or
warranty claim.

Surname ................................................. Name ............................................................. Date ............. / .................. / ......................


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