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DISCLAIMER - Access to o colloborotive workploce
You will be providedwith occess to o col[oborotive workspoce (hereinofter referred to os the
"Workploce") open by the CMA CGM Group (hereinofter referred to os the ,,Compony,,). This occess
mokes you o "User". This workspoce is provided to Users for professionol purposes ond ollows them to
occess the compony's informotion system so thot they con work colloborotivety.

The documents, informotion, doto, messoges, imoges or other moteriol (coltectivety the,,Content,,)
ovoilqble to Users ore stored on the Workptoce ond provided to them by the Compony or by other Users.
This Content is sotely intended for Users ond consists of sensitive ond confidentio[ informotion.

The Compony sholl not be held tiobte for the use mode by Users of the occessible Content. Any
User who
uses the Content for non-professionol or non-Compony-reloted purposes sho[[ foce penolties
ond tegol
prosecution' Moreover, Users sholl not, omong other things, copy, reproduce, distribute,
disseminote or
disclose the Conteni to ony person who does not hove occess to Gotoxy unless otherwise expressty
outhorised by the Compony. Users shott strictty refrqin from modifying, disossembting or decompiting
port of the Conient. Users ore responsible for their occess to their Content ond shott ensure
thot they
do not lose or distribute their togin ond possword. Users shott not gront occess to their Content to
Users. They must moke o request to the Compony before doing so.

Given thot Users ore obte to odd Content to the Workploce their behoviour shott be within the
bounds of
propriety ond comply with the rutes of ethics ond proper conduct: in porticulor, Users sholt
not odd to the
Workploce ony Content thot is threotening, oggressive, obusive, itt-intentioned or defomotory which
woutd discredit the Compony or ony member of its Group, or ony moteriol contoining insults, personol
ottocks or which uses vulgor, obscene, coarse, offensive, obusive, hurtfut, insutting, rotist, sexist ond/or
homophobic longuoge or Content which infringes on intellectuot property rights, copyrights
or rights to
privocy or which constitutes propogondo or odvertising.

The User sholl be the sote outhor ond shqtt be responsible for his or her words ond
the Content odded
to the Workploce.

The Compony ond its sociol medio monqgers reserve of otl times the right to detete o User,s
Content or
prevent his or her occess to the Workptoce.

Users sholl in no woy become owners of the Content to which they hove occess
ond ore owore thot other
Users moy hove occess to the Content thot they themselves hove odded to the
The Compony ond its monogers sholl not be tiobte for the loss of professionol
or personol doto in the

As the noture of the lnternet does not moke it possibte to ensure the integrity of the
Content, the
Compony discloims ony liobility in relotion to the Content, insofor os soid Content wi[[ hove
been modified
or oltered.

This disctoimer sholl be governed by ond construed occording to French tow. Any dispute
between the Compony ond o User tinked to the existence, votidity, interpretotion, enforcement
terminotion of this disctoimer (or of ony of its clouses) which connot be omicobty settted shott
be brought
before the Court of Morseilles which shott hove sole jurisdiction, notwithsionding muttipte
defendonts or
worronty cloim.

surnome $.u..R.f"S-..H. ...... No,.n" ....-$.9-.K*6-K.A.... . ....... .. Dote ..1.f.. /...-E.1.... /......?*p->l

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