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Major project report submitted in partial fulfillment for

the award of degree of
Bachelor of Technology

Electrical Engineering


G. Nishitha - R180920
D. Chaitanya sree - R180407
G. Likitha - R180714
G. Prashanthi - R171069
B. Mounika - R180144

Under the supervision of

Dr. G. Gurumurthy



I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation
for the support, guidance and contribution provided during the completion of the Design of
FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLES. My guide Dr. G. Gurumurthy for his valuable guidance
and encouragement. His helping attitude and suggestions have helped us in the successful
completion of the project.
I would like to express my gratefulness and sincere thanks to VV Anjali Prasanna
Head of the department of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, for her kind help and en-
couragement during the course of my study and in the successful completion of the project
work. I sincerely thanks to the Management for providing all necessary facilities during
the course of study.

G.Nishitha (R180920)
D.Chaitanya Sree (R180407)
G.Likitha (R180714)
G.Prashanthi (R171069)
B.Mounika (R180144)


In this project, development of a multifunctional power electronic converter (PEC)

utilizing dual power sources grid and solar photovoltaic (PV) for charging phenomenon of
plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). The developed configuration accomplished all modes of
vehicles charging, propulsion (PP) and regenerative braking (RB). In standstill condition
of vehicle, the battery is either charged by grid or simultaneously by both grid and solar
PV system. In running mode, the battery can also be charged through RB operation by
utilizing kinetic energy of vehicle wheels. The proposed converter operates as an isolated
SEPIC in plug-in charging (PIC) mode and as a non-isolated SEPIC in solar PV charging
mode. Further, in PP and RB modes, operation of the proposed PEC as a conventional
boost converter and conventional buck converter, respectively. The simulation for all
modes of the proposed converter has been presented.


Acknowlegement i

Abstract ii

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Proposed method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2 Operating modes of the converter 4

2.1 Grid mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2 Solar PV mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3 Solar PV and grid modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.4 Propulsion mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.5 Regenerative braking mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3 Methodology 8
3.1 Solar power generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2 Maximum power point tracker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4 Designing of circuit 13

5 Results 16

6 Future scope 19

7 Conclusion 21

Bibliography 24

List of Figures

1.1 Configuration of the proposed PEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.1 Proposed of the proposed PEC during PIC mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2.2 Operation of the proposed PEC during solar PV mode. . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3 Operation of the proposed PEC during PIC and solar PV mode. . . . . . . 6
2.4 Operation of the proposed PEC during PP mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.5 Operation of the proposed PEC during in RB mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3.1 Control strategy for PIC and solar PV modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3.2 Control strategy for PP and RB modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.3 Peocess of solar to electrical energy conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

4.1 Schematic diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

5.1 Simulink model of PIC grid mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

5.2 Simulation waveforms of PIC mode (alone) (a) grid voltage and grid cur-
rent, (b) voltage across capacitor Cs, (c) battery voltage, (d) battery current. 17
5.3 Simulink model of solar pv and grid modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.4 Simulation waveforms of PIC and solar PV modes (simultaneously) (a) grid
voltage and grid current (b) solar PV voltage, (c) solar PV current. . . . . 18
5.5 Simulink model of solar pv mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5.6 Simulated waveforms of PIC and solar PV modes (simultaneously), (a)
solar PV power, (b) battery voltage, (c) battery current. . . . . . . . . . . 18

Chapter 1


Generally, the electric vehicles (EVs) battery chargers are classified as off-board chargers
and on-board chargers. In off-board charging system, the charger is placed outside the
vehicle premises at a charging station and provides a dc output which is directly plugged
to the battery. This type of charger is not responsible for the vehicle weight; therefore,
weight of these chargers is very high. As a result, it can be rated for high power and
thus the EV battery can be charged within a few minutes. However, an impeding factor
for the development of these chargers is the cost. Therefore, number of these chargers is
limited and they are not ubiquitous. In on-board chargers, the battery can be directly
charged from ac mains, which are widely available everywhere. This kind of charger does
not require expensive infrastructure and vehicle can be charged anywhere, which is a clear
advantage. They are further classified as conductive charging or inductive charging. In
conductive charging system, the whole charging system is placed inside the vehicle. In
inductive charging system, a part of the charger is placed outside of the vehicle. The on-
board chargers have to be light weight and small in size so that they can easily fit inside
EVs. Further, the on-board chargers are more attractive for EVs because this types of
charger is always available with vehicles. The on-board chargers are further classified as
single stage charger and two-stage charger. Moreover, in two-stage charger, a number of
components are employed; therefore, two-stage charging solution is not much appealing
for on-board implementation of charging system. While a single stage charging system
employs fewer number of components than two-stage charging system; therefore, it is
more attractive for on-board application of EVs. In conventional single-stage charging
system, a bidirectional DC-DC converter is connected between DC-link of inverter and
battery for power flow during propulsion and regenerative breaking modes. To eliminate
this bidirectional DC-DC converter from single-stage charging system, power electronics
researchers have proposed integrated type of chargers. In the integrated charger, the
bidirectional DC-DC converter of conventional single-stage system connected between
battery and DC-link is integrated with front-end converter at the cost of some additional
switches. The overall integrated system has fewer number of total components compared
to single-stage charging system. In the available literature integrated charging system

utilizes non-isolated type of converters. Moreover, magnetic isolation is desirable for
vehicle application for safety of vehicle users as well as protection of charging circuit.
Further reported integrated chargers use grid as main source for battery charging and
alternatively battery is also charged with RB modes. The chargers utilize only solar
PV power source for battery charging and have the limitation of power indeterminacy;
therefore, reliability of charger is sacrificed. However, recently a solar PV and grid based
isolated charger has been proposed, which utilizes a large number of component as well
as it does not operate in propulsion and regenerative breaking modes. Based on the
above literature review, this paper proposes a new grid and solar PV based single-stage
integrated charging solution for on-board applications. The main features of the proposed
PEC are summarized as (a) dual sources for charging operation, which enhances reliability
of the charger, (b) galvanic isolation for better safety of vehicle users and charging circuit,
(c) cost of conventional fuel sources based electricity per charge reduces, (d) achieves all
modes of vehicle.

1.1 Proposed method

EV battery is act as energy storage for solar PV system and reduces the adverse im-
pact of large scale of solar PV power integration to the conventional grid system, (i) long
duration of parking at workplaces or at home results in low charging power requirement,
which enables implementation of vehicle to grid (V2G) operation (for V2G operation,
diode rectifier will be replaced by active rectifier), where EV act as controllable power
sources, (ii) power demands for battery charging from grid reduces as solar PV power is
generated locally. The proposed solution is developed from conventional isolated and non-
isolated SEPIC, which operates as an isolated SEPIC for plug-in charging (PIC) mode
and as non-isolated SEPIC during solar PV charging. Further, in PP and RB modes, the
proposed integrated converter operates as boost converter and buck converter, respec-

This project proposes a new grid and solar PV based single-stage integrated charg-
ing solution for on-board applications, as shown in Figure 1.1. The main features of the
proposed PEC are summarized as (a) dual sources for charging operation, which enhances
reliability of the charger, (b) galvanic isolation for better safety of vehicle users and charg-
ing circuit, (c) cost of conventional fuel sources based electricity per charge reduces, (d)
achieves all modes of vehicle. Apart from above advantages of solar PV and grid based
charging system, there are few additional advantages for baterry charging with solar PV
power. The comparison is carried with respect to galvanic isolation, availability of solar
PV charging, number passive components and semiconductor devices, and buck/boost ca-
pabilities.the existing integrated chargers do not have magnetic isolation between battery
and grid as well as solar PV charging capability. Moreover, integrated charger reported

Figure 1.1: Configuration of the proposed PEC

in has the capability of buck-boost operation in all modes but this charger has lower effi-
ciency in all modes because it utilizes a number of components in the current path. The
reported integrated chargers can not be effectively used for battery charging when peak
grid voltage is more than the battery voltage at low state of charge (SOC) because these
converters operate only in boost mode. However, integrated chargers have low compo-
nent counts and lower voltage and current stresses on switching devices. The charger has
very high efficiency in propulsion(pp) and regenerative breaking(RB) modes because in
these two modes the converter has low stresses on switching devices and fewer number of
devices encounters in the current path. The major limitation of integrated charger is the
presence of large number of components and does not operate in PP and RB modes.

Chapter 2

Operating modes of the converter

2.1 Grid mode

When solar power is not available, the battery is charged through grid power.
When switch Sa1 turns ON, the rectified grid voltage is applied to inductor L1 and current
through it builds up and L1 stores magnetic energy. The path of current through inductor
L1 is shown by solid lines in Figure 2.1 Moreover, the capacitor Cs transfers its stored
energy to magnetizing inductor Lm of high frequency transformer (HFT .In this duration
The battery is disconnected from the grid hence, capacitor Cb supplies power to the
battery. When Sa1 turns OFF stored energy of Lm is transfered to the battery through
diode D6 as shown by green dashed line and shown in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: Proposed of the proposed PEC during PIC mode

2.2 Solar PV mode
If grid power is not available, the battery is charged through only solar PVsystem and it
is connected to the battery through SEPIC converter. The perturbed and observed based
maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller is implemented through this SEPIC
converter to optimize the performance of PV array. The equivalent circuit representation
of this mode is shown in Figure 2.2. When switch Sa3 is turned-ON, current through
inductors L2 and L3 flow as path indicated by pink and blue solid lines. When Sa3 is
turned-OFF, inductor L3 imparts its stored energy to the battery through the diode D8 .
While inductor L3 charges the capacitor Cp .

Figure 2.2: Operation of the proposed PEC during solar PV mode.

2.3 Solar PV and grid modes

This mode occurs when solar PV system is not able to generate required power
(reference charging power) to charge the battery. In such condition, grid is supplying
remaining power (reference power solar PV power). The grid and solar PV system both
simultaneously charge the battery. If reference charging power is not met by solar PV
system the rest of the power is supplied by the grid. The switch Sa3 is operated through
PWM to achieve MPPT operation and supplying power to the battery. The switch Sa1
is operated for supplying power from grid to the battery. The equivalent circuit of this
mode is shown in Figure.2.3.

2.4 Propulsion mode

The proposed system in this mode is operated as a conventional boost converter.
The switch Sa2 is operated through PWM signal, and mechanical switches P2 andP3 ON
permanently ON. When Sa2 is turned-ON voltage Vb is applied to inductor L1 and it stores
magnetic energy and current flows through the path indicated by solid pink line. When

Figure 2.3: Operation of the proposed PEC during PIC and solar PV mode.

Sa2 is turned- OFF, inductor L1 is supplied its stored energy to the DC-link capacitor
Chv. The current path through various circuit elements has been shown with dotted lines.
The DC-link capacitor transfers its stored electrostatic energy to the load (motor drive
system though an inverter). The vehicle will be in running mode as along as the battery
is supplying energy to the DC-link capacitor.

Figure 2.4: Operation of the proposed PEC during PP mode.

2.5 Regenerative braking mode

The proposed system in this mode is operated as a conventional buck converter.
The switch Sa3 is operated through PWM signal, and mechanical switches P2 and P3 is
permanently ON similar to the PP mode. When switch Sa3 is turned ON inductor L1
stores energy through the path indicated by pink solid line . When Sa3 is turned OFF,
stored energy of L1 is supplied to the load through the path indicated by green dotted
lines, which is shown in Figure 2.5.

Figure 2.5: Operation of the proposed PEC during in RB mode

Chapter 3


In this section, control techniques for each mode of vehicle operation are discussed. A.
control technique for PIC and Solar PV modes in PIC mode (alone), the battery is charged
through the reference power Pref . It is a two loop control strategy, the outer propor-
tional integral (PI) regulator (or controller) Gib (z) is supplied by error signal between
set charging power and measured rectified grid side power. The outer PI regulator pro-
vides a reference DC signal, which is applied to the inner PI regulator GiL (z). The signal
generated from inner regulator is compared with high frequency saw tooth carrier signal
to produce pulse width modulation (PWM) pulses for switch S[ a1], as represented in
the Figure. The PV array provides variable power to the battery bank depending upon
availability of solar irradiance. A non-isolated SEPIC converter is used as a DC-DC in-
Control strategy for PP and RB Modes are given in the following figure below

Figure 3.1: Control strategy for PIC and solar PV modes

Figure 3.2: Control strategy for PP and RB modes

3.1 Solar power generation
When sunlight strikes on photovoltaic solar panels solar electricity is produced.
That is why this is also referred to as photovoltaic solar, or PV solar.

Figure 3.3: Peocess of solar to electrical energy conversion

• Principles of solar electricity

Generation of electricity by using solar energy depends upon the photovoltaic effect in
some specific materials. There are certain materials that produce electric current when
these are exposed to direct sun light. This effect is seen in combination of two thin layers
of semiconductor materials. One layer of this combination will have a depleted number of
electrons. When sunlight strikes on this layer it absorbs the photons of sunlight ray and
consequently the electrons are excited and jump to the other layer. This phenomenon
creates a charge difference between the layers and resulting to a tiny potential difference
between them. The unit of such combination of two layers of semiconductor materials for
producing electric potential difference in sunlight is called solar cell. Silicon is normally
used as the semiconductor material for producing such solar cell. For building cell silicon
material is cut into very thin wafers. Some of these wafers are doped with impurities.
Then the un-doped and doped wafers are then sandwiched together to build solar cell.
Metallic strip is then attached to two extreme layers to collect current. Conductive metal
strips attached to the cells take the electrical current. One solar cell or photovoltaic cell
is not capable of producing desired electricity instead it produces very tiny amount of
electricity hence for extracting desired level of electricity desired number of such cells
are connected together in both parallel and series to form a solar module or photovoltaic

• Application of solar electricity

Solar electric power generation system is useful for producing moderate amount of power.
The system works as long as there is a good intensity of natural sunlight. The place where
solar modules are installed should be free from obstacles such as trees and buildings other-
wise there will be shade on the solar panel which affects the performance of the system. It
is a general view that solar electricity is an impractical alternative of conventional source

of electricity and should be used when there is no traditional alternative of conventional
source of electricity available. But this is not the actual case. Often it is seem that
solar electricity is more money saving alternative than other traditional alternatives of
conventional electricity.
It is always economical to install a solar light or a solar power source where it is difficult
and costly to get point from local electric supply authority such as in remote garden,shed
or garage where standard electric supply point is not available. Solar electricity system
is more reliable and uninterrupted as it does not suffer from unwanted power cut from
electric supply company. For constructing a mobile electric power source,for moderate
power requirements solar module is good choice.It can be useful whilst camping,working
on outdoor sites. It is most effective means for creating green energy for our own purpose
and may be much larger than conventional one. Although for running few lights and low-
power electrical gadgets such as laptop computer, portable sized television, mini fridge etc
solar electricity system is quite suitable provided there is sufficient free space on ground
or on roof top for installing solar panels. But it is not at all economical to run high-
power consuming electric equipments like high speed fans, heaters, washing machines, air
conditioners and power tools with the help of solar electricity as the cost of production
such high energy is quite higher that it is expected. Moreover there may be lack of space
availability in your premises for installation of large solar panel. Ideal uses of low-cost
solar panels are charging batteries in caravans and recreational vehicles or on boats when
these are not in movement provided there should be tickle charging facility from dynamo
during movement of these vehicles.

• Construction of solar cell

The junction diode is made of SI OR GaAs. A thin layer of p-type is grown on the n-type
semiconductor. Top of the p-layer is provided with a few finer electrodes which leaves
open space for the light to reach the thin p-layer and it under lays p-n junction. Bottom
of the n-layer is provided with a current collecting electrode. A solar cell is basically
a junction diode, although its construction it is little bit different from conventional p-
n junction diodes. A very thin layer of p-type semiconductor is grown on a relatively
thicker n-type semiconductor. We then apply a few finer electrodes on the top of the
p-type semiconductor layer. These electrodes do not obstruct light to reach the thin p-
type layer. Just below the p-type layer there is a p-n junction. We also provide a current
collecting electrode at the bottom of the n-type layer. We encapsulate the entire assembly
by thin glass to protect the solar cell from any mechanical shock.

• Working principle of solar cell

When light reaches the p-n junction, electron is excited to the valance band under the
condition that light energy is higher than the band gap energy; it generates the electron
and holes which are equal in number in the valance and conduction band respectively.

These electron hole pairs move in opposite directions to the barrier field. Electrons move
towards the n-side and the hole is moved towards the p-side. Similarly, the holes in
the depletion can quickly come to the p-type side of the junction. Once, the newly
created free electrons come to the n-type side, cannot further cross the junction because
of barrier potential of the junction. The newly created holes once come to the p-type side
cannot further cross the junction became of same barrier potential of the junction. As the
concentration of electrons becomes higher in one side, i.e. n-type side of the junction and
concentration of holes becomes more in another side, i.e. the p-type side of the junction,
the p-n junction will behave like a small battery cell. A voltage is set up which is known
as photo voltage. If we connect a small load across the junction, there will be a tiny
current flowing through it.

• Uses of solar generation systems

1. It may be used to charge batteries.

2. Used in light meters.
3. It is used to power calculators and wrist watches.
4. It can be used in spacecraft to provide electrical energy.
Characteristics and parameters of a solar cell
Solar cell is the basic unit of solar energy generation system where electrical energy is
extracted directly from light energy without any intermediate process. The working of
a solar cell solely depends upon its photovoltaic effect hence a solar cell also known as
photovoltaic cell. A solar cell is basically a semiconductor device. The solar cell produce
electricity while light strikes on it and the voltage or potential difference established across
the terminals of the cell is fixed to 0.5 volt and it is nearly independent of intensity of
incident light whereas the current capacity of cell is nearly proportional to the intensity of
incident light as well as the area that exposed to the light. Each of the solar cells has one
positive and one negative terminal like all other type of battery cells. Typically a solar or
photovoltaic cell has negative front contact and positive back contact. A semiconductor
p-n junction is in the middle of these two contacts. While sunlight falling on the cell
the some photons of the light are absorbed by solar cell. Some of the absorbed photons
will have energy greater than the energy gap between valence band and conduction band
in the semiconductor crystal. Hence one valence electron gets energy from one photon
and becomes excited and jumps out from the bond and creates one electron hole pair.
These electrons and holes of e-h pairs are called light generated electrons and holes. The
light generated electrons near the p-n junction are migrated to n-type side of the junction
due to electrostatic force of the field across the junction. Similarly the light generated
holes created near the junction are migrated to p–type side of the junction due to same
electrostatic force. In this way a potential difference is established between two sides
of the cell and if these two sides are connected by an external circuit current will start
flowing from positive to negative terminal of the solar cell.

3.2 Maximum power point tracker
MPPT or Maximum Power Point Tracking is algorithm that included in charge controllers
used for extracting maximum available power from PV module under certain conditions.
The voltage at which PV module can produce maximum power is called ‘maximum power
point’ (or peak power voltage). Maximum power varies with solar radiation, ambient
temperature and solar cell temperature. Typical PV module produces power with maxi-
mum power voltage of around 17 V when measured at a cell temperature of 25°C, it can
drop to around 15 V on a very hot day and it can also rise to 18 V on a very cold day. A
MPPT is an electronic DC to DC converter that optimizes the match between the solar
array (PV panels), and the battery bank or utility grid. To put it simply, they convert a
higher voltage DC output from solar panels (and a few wind generators) down to the lower
voltage needed to charge batteries. (These are sometimes called ”power point trackers”
for short - not to be confused with PANEL trackers, which are a solar panel mount that
follows, or tracks, the sun).

• MPPT charge controller

A MPPT solar charge controller is the charge controller embedded with MPPT algorithm
to maximize the amount of current going into the battery from PV module. MPPT is
DC to DC converter which operates by taking DC input from PV module, changing it
to AC and converting it back to a different DC voltage and current to exactly match the
PV module to the battery.

• MPPT’s are most effective under these conditions

Winter, and/or cloudy or hazy days - when the extra power is needed the most. (1) Cold
weather - solar panels work better at cold temperatures, but without a MPPT you are
losing most of that. Cold weather is most likely in winter - the time when sun hours are
low and you need the power to recharge batteries the most. (2) Low battery charge -
the lower the state of charge in your battery, the more current a MPPT puts into them
- another time when the extra power is needed the most. You can have both of these
conditions at the same time. (3) Long wire runs - If you are charging a 12 volt battery,
and your panels are 100 feet away, the voltage drop and power loss can be considerable
unless you use very large wire. That can be very expensive. But if you have four 12 volt
panels wired in series for 48 volts, the power loss is much less, and the controller will
convert that high voltage to 12 volts at the battery.

Chapter 4

Designing of circuit

Figure 4.1: Schematic diagram

1. Introduction to multifunctional solar PV grid-based onboard converter

for EVs
Electric vehicles (EVs) represent a sustainable solution for transportation, and in-
tegrating solar photovoltaic (PV) systems into these vehicles can enhance their
environmental footprint and energy independence. A multifunctional onboard con-
verter enables the seamless integration of solar power generation with the vehicle’s
electrical system, allowing for grid-tied operation, battery charging, and onboard
power distribution.

2. System architecture overview

Solar PV Array: Converts sunlight into electricity.
Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT): Optimizes the power output from the
solar panels.
DC-DC Converter: Matches the voltage from the solar panels to that required by
the vehicle’s electrical system.
Battery Management System (BMS): Manages battery charging, discharging, and

Grid-Tied Inverter: Converts DC power to AC for grid-tied operation.
Control and Monitoring System: Manages system operation, monitoring, and com-
Safety Features: Ensures safe operation and compliance with standards.
Mechanical Integration: Integrates components into the vehicle’s structure.

3. Solar PV array
The solar PV array consists of photovoltaic panels that convert sunlight into electric-
ity. The selection of PV panels depends on factors such as efficiency, power output,
and available space on the vehicle. Monocrystalline or polycrystalline silicon panels
are commonly used due to their high efficiency and reliability.

4. Maximum power point tracking (MPPT)

An MPPT controller optimizes the power output from the solar panels by continu-
ously adjusting the operating point to the maximum power point of the PV array.
This ensures efficient power conversion, especially under varying solar conditions.
Perturb and observe (PO) and incremental conductance algorithms are commonly
employed for MPPT.

5. DC-DC converter
The DC-DC converter is a critical component that matches the voltage from the
solar panels to that required by the vehicle’s electrical system or battery. It should
be highly efficient and capable of handling the power levels involved. Buck-boost or
SEPIC converters are commonly used for this purpose.

6. Battery management system (BMS)

For systems with battery storage, a BMS is essential for managing battery charging,
discharging, and monitoring. It ensures the safe and efficient operation of the bat-
tery, extends its lifespan, and protects against overcharging, over-discharging, and

7. Grid-Tied inverter
The grid-tied inverter converts DC power from the solar panels or battery into
AC power for grid-tied operation or powering onboard appliances. It must meet
safety and grid-interconnection standards, including voltage and frequency regula-
tion, anti-islanding protection, and synchronization with the grid.

8. Control and Monitoring System

A control and monitoring system manages the operation of the various components,
including MPPT tracking, battery charging/discharging, grid connection, and sys-
tem protection. It may include microcontrollers, sensors, communication interfaces,
and software algorithms for data processing and control.

9. Mechanical integration
Mechanical integration involves the physical placement and mounting of components
within the vehicle’s structure. Factors such as size, weight, heat dissipation, vibra-
tion resistance, and accessibility for maintenance should be considered to ensure
seamless integration and optimal performance.

10. Compliance and standards

Adherence to safety and regulatory standards for automotive electrical systems and
grid-connected devices is imperative. Compliance ensures the system’s reliability
and legality.

11. Cooling and thermal management

Efficient cooling and thermal management strategies are necessary to dissipate heat
generated by components like inverters and converters. This ensures optimal per-
formance and reliability.

Chapter 5


The implementation of a multifunctional Solar PV and Grid-based onboard converter

for Electric Vehicles (EVs) represents a significant stride towards sustainable transporta-
tion and energy integration. By harnessing solar photovoltaic (PV) technology alongside
grid-based charging capabilities, this system offers a holistic approach to powering EVs,
reducing reliance on traditional fossil fuels, and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. At
its core, this innovative converter system enables EVs to tap into renewable energy sources,
such as solar PV, to charge their batteries, thereby extending their range and reducing
their carbon footprint.
One notable aspect of this solution is its potential to support bidirectional energy flow,
allowing EVs equipped with onboard converters to not only consume energy but also
feed surplus energy back into the grid. This capability, known as Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G)
integration, holds promise for grid stability and balancing, as well as offering revenue-
generating opportunities for EV owners through energy services.
Looking ahead, the future scope of this technology is vast. Continued research and devel-
opment efforts can focus on optimizing efficiency, enhancing battery management systems,
and advancing integration with smart grid technologies. Moreover, the potential synergy
with autonomous vehicle technology opens avenues for intelligent energy management
strategies, further optimizing energy usage and reducing operational costs.

Parameters Value
DC-link/Grid voltage Vhv /Vg 150/110 V
Line Frequency(fL ) 50Hz
Battery voltage(Vb ) 48V
Battery type Lead acid
Capacity 26Ah
L1 /Lm /L2 /L3 2 mH
Chv /C8 /Cb 330/1/1200 mF

Figure 5.1: Simulink model of PIC grid mode

Figure 5.2: Simulation waveforms of PIC mode (alone) (a) grid voltage and grid current,
(b) voltage across capacitor Cs, (c) battery voltage, (d) battery current.

Figure 5.3: Simulink model of solar pv and grid modes

Figure 5.4: Simulation waveforms of PIC and solar PV modes (simultaneously) (a) grid
voltage and grid current (b) solar PV voltage, (c) solar PV current.

Figure 5.5: Simulink model of solar pv mode

Figure 5.6: Simulated waveforms of PIC and solar PV modes (simultaneously), (a) solar
PV power, (b) battery voltage, (c) battery current.

Chapter 6

Future scope

The future scope of a multifunctional Solar PV and grid-based onboard converter for
electric vehicles (EVs) holds tremendous promise in shaping the landscape of sustainable
transportation and energy integration. As technology evolves and societal demand for
cleaner transportation solutions grows, several key areas emerge for further development
and exploration.
Firstly, advancements in energy conversion efficiency and system optimization stand as
paramount objectives. Continued research and development efforts can focus on refining
the onboard converter’s performance, maximizing energy extraction from solar PV arrays,
and improving the overall efficiency of energy conversion and utilization within EVs.
Enhanced efficiency not only extends the driving range of EVs but also enhances their
economic viability and environmental impact.
Secondly, the integration of intelligent energy management systems represents a crit-
ical avenue for future innovation. By leveraging artificial intelligence, machine learning
algorithms, and real-time data analytics, onboard converters can dynamically optimize
energy usage, taking into account factors such as driving patterns, weather conditions,
and grid availability. This intelligent energy management enables EVs to adapt seamlessly
to changing environments, ensuring optimal performance and resource utilization.
Furthermore, the concept of bidirectional energy flow, particularly in the context of
vehicle-to-grid (V2G) integration, holds immense potential for grid stability and energy
resilience. Future iterations of onboard converters may incorporate advanced V2G func-
tionalities, allowing EVs not only to draw energy from the grid but also to supply surplus
energy back to the grid during peak demand periods. This bidirectional interaction trans-
forms EVs into distributed energy resources, capable of supporting grid balancing, load
management, and renewable energy integration.
Additionally, the convergence of solar PV and energy storage technologies presents
opportunities for further innovation. Integration with advanced energy storage solutions,
such as next-generation batteries or innovative capacitor-based systems, can enhance the
energy autonomy and flexibility of EVs, enabling longer driving ranges and faster charging
times. Moreover, exploring novel materials and designs for solar panels can unlock higher

efficiencies and lower costs, driving widespread adoption of solar-powered EVs.
Finally, considerations for scalability, interoperability, and standardization remain cru-
cial for the widespread deployment and adoption of multifunctional onboard converters.
Establishing industry standards, protocols, and certification processes ensures compati-
bility and seamless integration across different EV models, charging infrastructures, and
grid systems. Moreover, collaborative efforts between stakeholders in the automotive, en-
ergy, and technology sectors can accelerate innovation and drive cost reductions, making
solar-powered EVs more accessible to a broader range of consumers.
In conclusion, the future scope of a multifunctional Solar PV and grid-based onboard
converter for electric vehicles encompasses a spectrum of technological advancements,
regulatory frameworks, and market dynamics. By addressing challenges and seizing op-
portunities in efficiency, intelligence, bidirectional energy flow, energy storage, and stan-
dardization, this transformative technology paves the way for a sustainable, electrified
transportation ecosystem that benefits both individuals and society as a whole.

Chapter 7


In this project, a new power electronic converter (PEC) has been developed for
plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) utilizing both grid and solar PV sources. The proposed
PEC has capability to operate for all modes of vehicles, i.e., charging, propulsion (PP)
and regenerative braking (RB). The charging is achieved through grid plug-in charging
(PIC) and solar PV system. The proposed PEC is operated as an isolated SEPIC during
charging from grid and as an non-isolated SEPIC during solar PV charging. While, in
PP and RB modes, it operates as a conventional boost and buck converters, respectively.
Conventional boost and buck operation of the converters provide low stresses on switching
devices than SEPIC operation of the converter. Therefore, stress on switching devices in
PP and RB modes are lower than PIC and solar PV modes, which is desirable for vehicle
application because usually PP and RB modes rated for high power than PIC and solar
PV modes. The modes of the proposed system have been validated through computer
simulation and prototype model for 800 W charging power and 48 V battery. The overall
system provides a reliable and efficient solution for electric vehicle battery charging system
and can be a promising solution for future electric vehicles.


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