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10 Reasons Why Islam is the True Religion

Posted on December 13, 2020by themuslimscomic

In the Name of Allah (the one and only true God) the Entirely Merciful the Especially

Many people follow religions around the world preaching the belief in a Creator of
everything. Considering there are contradictions between these religions they can’t all be
true. Some say there’s 1 God, others say there’s thousands, or even no God. Some say there’s
paradise and hell, while others say there isn’t. Some say there is reincarnation and no
resurrection and others say the opposite and so on. All religions cannot be true, which means
either they’re all wrong, or only 1 is right. Muslims argue that Islam is the only correct
religion. Allah (the one and only true God) says in the Quran:

‫ِإَّن الِّديَن ِع نَد الَّل ـِه اِإْل ْس اَل ُم‬

Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam.
Quran [3:19]

Many people around the world don’t believe in God because of the lack of evidence. Some,
when they are asked what kind of evidence would they like will say a miracle in front of their
face. Which is a subjective experience and would actually be the worst type of evidence as
everyone would have to have the same subjective experience as well. If only one person had a
miracle appear before them, then that miracle would be evidence only for that one person. For
everyone else the person was deluded, hallucinating, drunk and so on. It’s not proof. Also the
person could convince themselves that it was a dream or imagined, and when the miracle
never appears again they may soon forget it entirely.

‫َو َلْو َأ َّنَنا َنَّز ْل َنا ِإَلْيِهُم اْل َماَل ِئَك َة َو َك َّل َمُهُم اْل َمْو َتٰى َو َح َشْر َنا َع َلْيِهْم ُك َّل َش ْيٍء ُق ُباًل َّما َك اُنوا‬
‫ِلُيْؤ ِم ُنوا ِإاَّل َأ ن َيَش اَء الَّل ـُه َو َلٰـ ِكَّن َأ ْك َثَر ُهْم َيْج َهُل وَن‬
And even if We had sent down to them the angels [with the
message] and the dead spoke to them [of it] and We gathered
together every [created] thing in front of them, they would not
believe unless Allah should will. But most of them, [of that],
are ignorant.
Quran [6:111]

But if asked what sort of evidence a person would require to believe in evolution, dark matter,
or some other scientific belief, the answer wouldn’t be a miracle. The answer wouldn’t even
be to see the evidence with their own eyes. They are satisfied with being told that it’s true by
trusted people (scientists) and that’s enough for them. They trust the scientific process, and
they trust the peer reviewed journals and the conclusions of these men. Even while knowing
(or perhaps they don’t know) that science changes all the times and has had many paradigm
shifts in the past.

Here’s a good and entertaining video on the subject of the nature of science:

So to prove that veracity of Islam rather than showing people subjective miracles, instead I
am presenting 10 proofs/evidence found in Islam for why Islam is the true
religion. Meaning that there is one God who revealed his final message to the Prophet
Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him).

My evidence will be coming from the Quran (the holy scripture of the Muslims), and the
saheeh hadith (authentic actions and sayings of the Prophet PBUH). These proofs are to be
taken together, and not to be singled out. Meaning there may be some proofs that you feel
are weaker than others, but when considering all the proofs together it backs up my claim that
Islam is the true religion of God.

#1 The Quran Claims to be The Word of God

‫ِإَّنا َأ نَز ْل َناُه ُق ْر آًنا َع َر ِبًّيا َّل َعَّل ُك ْم َتْع ِقُل وَن‬
Indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’an that you
might understand.

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